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Early behavioral intervention, brain plasticity,and the prevention of autism spectrum disorder



Advances in the fields of cognitive and affective developmental neuroscience, developmental psychopathology,neurobiology, genetics, and applied behavior analysis have contributed to a more optimistic outcome for individualswith autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These advances have led to new methods for early detection and moreeffective treatments. For the first time, prevention of ASD is plausible. Prevention will entail detecting infants at riskbefore the full syndrome is present and implementing treatments designed to alter the course of early behavioral and braindevelopment. This article describes a developmental model of risk, risk processes, symptom emergence, and adaptationin ASD that offers a framework for understanding early brain plasticity in ASD and its role in prevention of thedisorder.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a life-longdevelopmental disorder characterized by quali-tative impairments in social and communica-tion behavior and a restricted range of activitiesand interests. ASD is estimated to affect 1 in150 persons; thus, it is no longer considered arare disorder (Kuehn, 2007).

During the past three decades, conceptuali-zations of ASD have changed dramatically.Whereas autism previously was considered adisorder with an extremely poor prognosis withonly 50% of individuals developing spokenlanguage (see Dawson, 1989), it has now beendemonstrated that 75–95% of children whoreceive early intensive behavioral intervention

develop useful speech by age 5 (Lovaas, 1987;McGee, Morrier, & Daly, 1999; for a review,see Rogers, 1998). Three separate groups havenow reported that a significant proportion of chil-dren receiving intensive intervention early in lifemake outstanding progress, with autism symp-toms diminishing and developmental outcomesimproving such that these children no longerhave evidence of disability (Howard, Sparkman,Cohen, Green, & Stanislaw, 2005; McEachin,Smith, & Lovaas, 1993; Sallows & Graupner,2005).

Rapid advances in the fields of cognitive andaffective developmental neuroscience, develop-mental psychopathology, neurobiology, genetics,and applied behavior analysis have contributed toa more optimistic outcome for individuals withASD. These advances have led to new methodsfor early detection and more effective treatments.For the first time, prevention of ASD is plausible.Prevention will entail detecting infants at risk be-fore the full syndrome is present and implement-ing treatments designed to alter the course ofearly behavioral and brain development. To pro-vide a framework for understanding early brainplasticity in ASD and its role in prevention of

Address correspondence and reprint requests to: GeraldineDawson, Autism Speaks, 1311 Lawrence Drive, Hillsborough,NC 27278; E-mail: gdawson@autismspeaks.org.

This article is dedicated to Eric Schopler (1927–2006),mentor, advocate, and pioneer. This work was funded bygrants from the National Institute of Child Health and HumanDevelopment (U19HD34565, P50HD066782, and R01HD-55741) and the National Institute of Mental Health(U54MH066399). Grateful acknowledgment is given to TedBeauchaine, Joe Piven, and Lonnie Zwaigenbaum for theirfeedback on this paper.

Development and Psychopathology 20 (2008), 775–803Copyright # 2008 Cambridge University PressPrinted in the United States of Americadoi:10.1017/S0954579408000370


the disorder, Dawson (Dawson & Faja, in press;Dawson, Sterling, & Faja, in press) has proposeda developmental model of risk, risk processes,symptom emergence, and adaptation in ASD.This model posits that there are genetic, environ-mental, and phenotypic risk indices that ulti-mately will allow very early identification of in-fants who are vulnerable to developing ASD.Identification of such risk indices is a focus ofcurrent research in the field. Early genetic andenvironmental risk factors contribute to anatypical trajectory of brain and behavioral devel-opment that is manifest in altered patterns ofinteraction between the child and his/her environ-ment. An important aspect of this altered interac-tion is a failure on the part of the child to activelyengage in early social interaction. Such alteredinteractions, referred to as risk processes, are hy-pothesized to preclude normal social and prelin-guistic input that normally promotes the develop-ment of social and linguistic brain circuitryduring early sensitive periods, thus serving asmediators of the effects of early susceptibilitieson later outcome. Through this mediational pro-cess, early susceptibilities contribute to outcome,the full autism syndrome, as illustrated inFigure 1a. Risk processes thus amplify the effectsof early susceptibilities. Effective interventionstarget these risk processes.

Numerous authors (e.g., Dawson, Carver,et al., 2002; Dawson, Webb, Wijsman, et al.,2005; Grelotti, Gauthier, & Schultz, 2002; John-son et al., 2005; Kuhl, 2007; Kuhl et al., 2005;Mundy & Neal, 2001) have described how thedevelopment of social and language brain cir-cuitry, its acquisition, organization, and function,results from the interaction between the infant’sbrain and his or her social environment. Dawsondescribed a developmental model for the normalemergence of social brain circuitry during in-fancy, stressing the key role of early parent–childinteraction in the development of the social brain(Dawson, Webb, & McPartland, 2005; Dawson,Webb, Wijsman, et al., 2005; see Figure 2). In thecontext of reciprocal social interactions, engage-ment with a social partner facilitates cortical spe-cialization and perceptual and representationalsystems for social and linguistic information.Social engagement is required for the well-documented fine-tuning of perceptual systems(Kuhl, 2007). Brain regions specialized for the

perceptual processing of social stimuli, suchas the fusiform gyrus and superior temporal sul-cus, become integrated with regions involved inreward (e.g., amygdala, ventromedial prefrontalcortex), as well as regions involved in motor ac-tions and attention (cerebellum, prefrontal/cin-gulate cortex). Reward mechanisms mediatedby the amygdala serve to encode and consoli-date memories of social–emotional experiences(LaBar, 2007). Through this integrative pro-cess, an increasingly complex social brain cir-cuitry emerges. This supports more complexbehaviors, such as disengagement of attention,joint attention, intentional communication, andsocial imitation, behaviors that are typically im-paired in ASD.

Altered interactions between the infant andhis/her social environment resulting from ge-netic risk factors might further influence geneexpression. Such gene–environment interac-tions have been demonstrated in animal studies.For example, maternal nursing and groomingbehavior by rats early in development produceschanges in behavioral and hypothalamic–pitui-tary–adrenal stress responses that last into adult-hood (Caldji et al., 1998; Liu et al., 1997). Themechanism for this change is epigenetic, withmaternal behavior directly influencing DNAmethylation and chromatin structure (Weaveret al., 2004). Such gene–environment interac-tions may play a role in ASD as well. Whetherand how alterations in early parent–child interac-tion in ASD influence gene expression is un-known; it is plausible, however, that gene–envi-ronment interactions occurring during postnatallife amplify the effects of initial autism suscepti-bility genes (see Figure 1b).

The model of risk and prevention illustratedin Figure 1 further posits that early interventioncan alter the abnormal developmental trajectoryof young children with ASD and help guidebrain and behavioral development back towarda normal pathway; early intervention targetsrisk processes involving interaction betweenthe child and his/her social partner (Figure 1c).Brain-based outcome measures will allow us toassess whether such interventions actually resultin more normal patterns of brain function andorganization.

This article begins by describing the pro-gress that has been made in identifying risk

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indices for ASD. Studies aimed at discoveringgenetic and environmental risk factors will bedescribed first; a brief review of studies describ-ing the behavioral, neurophysiological, andother brain-based risk indices will follow. Therole of altered social interactions as a risk processaffecting the development of the social brainnext will be discussed. Next, infant–toddler in-terventions aimed at reducing and preventingASD symptoms will be described. Suggestionswill be offered for how brain-based measuresof outcome can be incorporated into interventionand prevention studies to allow assessment of the

impact of early intervention on brain functionand organization. Finally, factors hypothesizedto account for the tremendous variability in re-sponse to early intervention will be discussed.

Risk Indices in ASD

Genetic risk factors

One goal of genetic research is to identify in-fants at increased risk for ASD at birth so thatintervention can begin as soon as possible. Al-though progress in autism genetics is being

Figure 1. A developmental model of risk factors, risk processes, and outcome in autism.

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Figure 2. The emergence of social brain circuitry in the first years of life: role of social reward. From “Neurocognitive and elec-trophysiological evidence of altered face processing in parents of children with autism: Implications for a model of abnormaldevelopment of social brain circuitry in autism,” by G. Dawson S. J. Webb, E. Wijsman, G. Schellenberg, A. Estes, J. Munson,and S. Faja, 2005, Development and Psychopathology, 17, p. 691. Copyright 2005 Cambridge University Press.


made, the heterogeneity and complexity of theASD phenotype pose considerable challenges.There is strong evidence for the role of geneticsin autism. A substantial number of cases of au-tism have co-occurring medical conditions,some of which can be linked to identifiable ge-netic disorders, such as fragile X (Rutter, Bailey,Bolton, & LeCouteur, 1994). The remainingcases are considered idiopathic and likely in-volve multiple autism susceptibility genes. Amultifactor epistatic model with 2–10 contribut-ing loci (Pickles et al., 1995) has been proposed.Concordance rates for monozygotic (MZ) twinsare estimated to be 69–95% (Bailey et al., 1995;Folstein & Rutter, 1977a, 1977b; Ritvo et al.,1989; Ritvo, Freeman, Mason-Brothers, Mo, &Ritvo, 1985; Steffenburg et al., 1989), whereasconcordance rates for dizygotic (DZ) twins aremuch lower (approximately 3–8%). Genetic lia-bility extends to a lesser variant, referred to as the“broader autism phenotype.” When a broaderASD phenotype (e.g., language and/or socialimpairment) is considered, concordance ratesfor twins increase (88–91% for MZ, 9–30%for DZ; Bailey et al., 1995; Folstein & Rutter,1977b; Steffenburg et al., 1989). Initial esti-mates of sibling recurrence rates for ASDranged from 2.8 to 7.0%, significantly higherthan the general population (August, Stewart, &Tsai, 1981; Bailey, Phillips, & Rutter, 1996;Smalley, Asarnow, & Spence, 1988). More re-cent studies of infant siblings, however, havereported much higher recurrence rates (e.g.,Landa & Garrett-Mayer, 2006). Bolton et al.(1994) estimated that 12–20% of siblings exhi-bit a lesser variant of autism. This study wasbased on a family history method that likelywould yield lower rates than the true rate basedon direct assessment. Several studies have doc-umented elevated rates of autism related symp-toms in immediate family members (Baileyet al., 1995, 1996; Folstein & Rutter, 1977b;Landa, Folstein, & Isaacs, 1991; Landa et al.,1992; Narayan, Moyes, & Wolff, 1990; Toth,Dawson, Meltzoff, Greenson, & Fein, 2007;Wolff, Naravan, & Moyes, 1988). In a large sam-ple of parents of children with autism, Dawsonet al. (2005) reported that parents showed a de-crement in face recognition ability (performanceat an average level) relative to their verbal and vi-sual spatial skills (significantly higher than the

norm in both domains). Current autism geneticlinkage studies are using quantitative measuresof autistic traits (e.g., quantitative trait locus anal-yses) to better capture the variation in autismbroader phenotype (e.g., Sung et al., 2005).

Several genome-wide linkage studies of autismhave been conducted (Auranen et al., 2002; Bar-rett et al., 1999; Buxbaum et al., 2001; Cantoret al., 2005; International Molecular GeneticStudy of Autism Consortium [IMGSAC], 1998,2001a, 2001b; Lamb et al., 2005; Liu et al.,2001; McCauley et al., 2005; Philippe et al.,1999; Risch et al., 1999; Schellenberg et al.,2006; Shao et al., 2002; Stone et al., 2004; Yonanet al., 2003). Although replicability of signalsacross studies has generally been weak and prom-ising, if not entirely consistent, evidence of link-age has been found at some chromosome sites, in-cluding 1p (Auranen et al., 2002; Risch et al.,1999), 2q (Buxbaum, 2001; Lamb et al., 2005;Liu et al., 2001; Shao et al., 2002), 7q (Barrettet al., 1999; IMGSAC, 1998, 2001a, 2001b;Lamb et al., 2005; Schellenberg et al., 2006),17q (Cantor et al., 2005; Lamb et al., 2005; Liuet al., 2001; McCauley et al., 2005), and 19q (Phi-lippe et al., 1999; Shao et al., 2002), with the 2q,7q, and 17q regions giving the strongest signals.

Well over 100 candidate genes have beenstudied. One promising lead is Engrailed 2(En-2) located on chromosome 7. Animal stud-ies have shown that EN-2 is expressed in thecerebellum and plays a role in cerebellar devel-opment (Cheh et al., 2006; Millen, Wurst,Herrup, & Joyner, 1994). Abnormalities in ce-rebellar development have been consistentlydemonstrated in individuals with autism, in-cluding reduced Purkinje cells in the cerebellarcortex (Bailey et al., 1998; Courchesne, 1997;2004; Kemper & Bauman, 1998; Ritvo et al.,1986). En-2 knockout mice have a reductionin Purkinje cells and a decreased size of the ce-rebellar lobes (Kuemerle, Zanjani, Joyner, &Herrup, 1997; Millen et al., 1994) and displaya number of autistic-like behaviors includingreduced social play and increased repetitive be-havior (Cheh et al., 2006).

The serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4 alsolikely has a role in autism genetic susceptibility(reviewed in Devlin et al., 2005). Elevated levelsof platelet serotonin (5-HT) have been foundin individuals with autism (Rolf, Haarmann,

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Grotemeyer, & Kehrer, 1993). Pharmacologicaltreatment in ASD often involves selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors. 5-HT is involved inguiding neuronal development, modulating sen-sory input and arousal, sleep, mood, aggression,impulsivity, and affiliation (Lucki, 1998). 5-HTinnervates the limbic regions involved in socialand emotional behavior. Devlin et al. (2005) re-ported an excess transmission of the short alleleof 5HTTLPR in individuals with autism. Was-sink and colleagues (Wassink et al., 2007) exam-ined the relationship between variability in5HTTLPR and early abnormalities in braingrowth in autism. Autism has been associatedwith early enlargement of the brain. In a com-bined sample from University of Washingtonand University of North Carolina, Wassinket al. (2007) found that the short (S) allele wasstrongly associated with increased cerebral corti-cal gray matter. These findings are the first to es-tablish a direct association between a genetic var-iation and atypical brain development in autism.

Levitt and colleagues (Campbell et al., 2006)analyzed the gene encoding the MET receptortyrosine kinase and showed a genetic associationbetween the C allele in the promoter region of theMET gene. MET signaling is involved in neocor-tical and cerebellar development, immune func-tion, and gastrointestinal repair.

Several genetic disorders have been associ-ated with increased risk for ASD or expressionof an autistic-like phenotype. These include fra-gile X syndrome, Rett syndrome, Angelmansyndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and neurofibroma-tosis (see Veenstra-VanderWeele & Cook, 2004,for review). The 15q11–q13 region associatedwith Angelman syndrome codes for subunitsof the gamma-aminobutyric acid A (GABAA)receptor. GABAergic interneurons have a rolein establishing the architecture of cortical col-umns (DeFelipe, Hendry, Hashikawa, Molinari,& Jones, 1990; Peters & Sethares, 1997). The in-creased prevalence of epilepsy in individualswith autism and 15q11–q13 duplications is con-sistent with the involvement of GABA. Hippo-campal GABA receptor binding in autism is ab-normally low (Blatt et al., 2001) as are plateletGABA levels (Rolf et al., 1993).

A combined set of results suggests that autismis a disorder of the synapse (Garber, 2007;Zoghbi, 2003). Zoghbi proposed that autism

results from disruption of postnatal or experi-ence-dependent synaptic plasticity. Rare muta-tions in the neuroligin 3 and neuroligin 4 geneshave been found individuals with autism (Jamainet al., 2003). Neuroligins are proteins expressedon the surface of the postsynaptic neuron thatbind to proteins on the presynaptic neuron, neu-rexin, thus forming the synapse. SHANK3 is an-other protein that is involved in the neuroliginpathway; SHANK3 mutations have also beenfound in individuals with autism, accounting forabout 1% of cases (Durand et al., 2007). Moreevidence for involvement of this pathway comesfrom the findings of the Autism Genome Project(Szatmari et al., 2007) involving collaborationamong 50 institutions that pooled genetic datafrom 1,200 multiplex families. This group foundevidence that autism was associated with neu-rexin 1, which binds to neuroligin at the synapse,and is part of a family of genes that plays a rolein the neurotransmitter, glutamate. Glutamate isinvolved in both synaptogenesis and learning.

New evidence suggests that many individualswith autism have novel deletions and duplica-tions in their genome, most likely arising duringmeiosis. Sebat et al. (2007) use comparativegenomic hybridization on DNA collected fromindividuals with autism and a control sample,and found that autism was associated with denovo copy number variants (CNVs). CNVswere found in about 10% of the individualswith autism who were from families in whichonly one person had autism. Zhao and col-leagues (2007) have proposed a genetic modelof autism in which two genetic types exist: asmall minority of cases for whom the risk of au-tism in males is nearly 50%, and the larger major-ity of cases for whom male offspring have lowrisk. In the latter case, sporadic autism is possi-bly caused by a spontaneous mutation withhigh penetrance in males and poor penetrancein females. High-risk families, in contrast, arefrom those offspring (most typically female)who carry a mutation but are unaffected. Theyare hypothesized to transmit the mutation indominant fashion to their offspring.

Environmental risk factors

Although it is clear that genetic factors contrib-ute to risk for developing ASD, it is likely that

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such genetic factors interact with environ-mental factors to confer risk (Newschafferet al., 2007). Among the environmental factorsthat been proposed are toxins (e.g., environ-mental pollutants, pesticides, thimerosal in vac-cinations) and viruses (e.g., measles in themeasles, mumphs, rebulla vaccine, prenatal ex-posure to influenza infection, rubella, and cyto-megalovirus), among others (e.g., Miles & Ta-kahashi, 2007; Tsuchiya et al., 2007). As well,other factors related to the intrauterine environ-ment, including maternal hypothyroxinemia(Roman, in press), maternal influenza (Fatemiet al., 2002; Patterson, 2002; Smith, Garbett,Mirnics, & Patterson, 2007), and exposure toincreased levels of sex hormones related to in-fertility treatment (Croughan et al., 2006)have also been implicated. Investigators havealso reported a statistically significant link be-tween a positive family history for allergic/autoimmune disorders and clinical features ofASD, including regression and larger headsizes, as well as atypical prenatal maternal im-mune responses, suggesting significant geneticand perhaps prenatal contributions autism re-lated to immune function (Croen, Grether,Yoshido, Odouli, & van de Water, 2005; Mol-loy et al., 2006; Sacco et al., 2007; Zimmermanet al., 2007). Evidence of a worsening develop-mental trajectory, most dramatically seen incases of autistic regression (Dawson & Werner,2005; Dawson et al., 2007), also raises the pos-sibility that postnatal environmental exposuresmay be of etiologic significance in geneticallysusceptible children, implicating gene–envi-ronmental interactions.

Several studies have revealed evidence ofabnormal immune function in autism. Indica-tors of chronic neuroinflammation have beenidentified in brains of individuals with autism(Vargas, Nascimbene, Krishman, Zimmer-man, & Pardo, 2005) and markers of inflamma-tion and oxidative stress have also been iden-tified in blood and urine of individuals withautism (e.g., Ashwood & Van de Water,2004; James et al., 2004). Thus, a potentiallyuseful direction in future candidate gene re-search is to examine genes related to environ-mental responsiveness, such as those relatedto cell cycle, DNA repair, and immune and in-flammatory response (Herbert et al., 2006).


In summary, although there is strong evidencefor genetic influences in autism, the role of sus-ceptibility genes in autism and the manner inwhich such genes interact with environmentalfactors remain an active area of investigation. Ithas been theorized that, in many instances ofASD, it is likely that multiple genes interactwith each other and environmental factors to in-crease susceptibility to ASD (although see Zhaoet al., 2007, for a different view). As Belmonteet al. (2004) point out, although the small effectof each gene by itself makes it difficult to iden-tify specific genes, “the advantage in terms oftreatment is that intervening to restore regulationto a single gene or to a small set of genes maydiminish the multiplicative effect enough toyield large preventative or therapeutic effects”(p. 650). Because the expression and effects ofmany genes are influenced by environmentalfactors, it is possible that early treatment can altergenetic expression, brain development, and be-havioral outcome in ASD, especially if interven-tion can begin early during the infant period be-fore the symptoms of autism are fully manifest.The identification of autism susceptibility genesand other biomarkers will allow detection of in-fants at increased risk for ASD at birth. It is likelythat early detection will eventually involve acombination of biomarkers and phenotypic riskindices. Fortunately, detection using early phe-notypic risk indices is rapidly improving aswill be discussed next.

Behavioral risk indices

The first studies describing how autismemergesduring infancywerebasedonhomevideo-tapes recorded before a diagnosis of autism wasmade (see Palomo, Belinchon, & Ozonoff,2006, for review). It was discovered that infantsat risk for autism show very few, if any, behav-ioral symptoms at 6 months; by 12 months, how-ever, core autism symptoms are apparent formany infants (Dawson, Osterling, Meltzoff, &Kuhl, 2000; Osterling & Dawson, 1994; Oster-ling, Dawson, & Munson, 2002). Failure to re-spond to name is evident by 8 to 10 months(Werner, Dawson, Osterling, & Dinno, 2000).By 12 months, infants later diagnosed with

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autism can be distinguished from typical infantsby a failure to respond to name (Baranek, 1999;Osterling & Dawson, 1994; Osterling et al.,2002), decreased looking at the faces of others(Osterling & Dawson, 1994), and low rates ofshowing things to others and pointing to requestand share interest (Adrien et al., 1993; Maestroet al., 2002; Osterling & Dawson, 1994; Oster-ling et al., 2002; Werner & Dawson, 2005).Poor eye contact and a failure to respond toname also best distinguishes them from infantswith developmental delay but without autism(Baranek, 1999; Osterling et al., 2002).

Prospective studies of infant siblings of chil-dren with autism have provided new insightsinto the early development of ASD (e.g., Zwai-genbaum et al., 2005). Estimates of risk ratesfor autism in siblings range from 3 to 7%; how-ever, the rates in most published studies of infantsiblings have been significantly higher (e.g.,Landa & Garrett-Mayer, 2006). Zwaigenbaumet al. (2005) have followed a sample of 150 in-fant siblings of children with autism and 75low-risk infants from the age of 6 months oryounger. Because children were enrolled priorto onset of symptoms, the sample was basedon risk for developing symptoms rather than pa-rental concern about symptoms. Zwaigenbaumet al. (2005) reported on a sample of 65 high-risk and 23 low-risk siblings that had been fol-lowed up to at least 24 months. Infants were as-sessed using the Autism Observation Scale forInfants (AOSI; Bryson, McDermott, Rombough,Brian, & Zwaigenbaum, 2007), which measuresvisual attention, response to name, response to abrief still face, anticipatory responses, imitation,social babbling, eye contact and social smiling,reactivity, affect, ease of transitioning, and atypi-cal motor and sensory behaviors. These markersdid not distinguish groups at 6 months of age onthe basis of their diagnostic classification at 24months; however, a subset of the children whowere later diagnosed exhibited impairments inresponding to name or unusual sensory behav-iors. By 12 months groups could be distin-guished on the basis of having at least sevenmarkers. Only 2 of 58 at risk siblings who didnot receive an ASD diagnosis and none of the 23controls exhibited seven or more markers. Pre-dictive 12-month markers from the AOSI in-cluded atypical eye contact, visual tracking,

disengaging visual attention, orienting to name,imitation, social smiling, reactivity, social inter-est, and sensory-oriented behaviors. Parents ofchildren who received an ASD diagnosis at 24months also reported poor gesture use and un-derstanding of words (Mitchell et al., 2006).

Two risk behaviors that were not as well doc-umented in retrospective home videotape studieswere identified in the prospective study by Zwai-genbaum et al. (2005). First, differences in visualattention that emerged between 6 and 12 monthswere observed in infants who later developedASD. Such infants showed a decline in their per-formance on a visual attention task that requiredthe infant to disengage his/her attention from apreviously salient stimulus; in contrast, none ofthe infants whose performance was similar orbetter at 12 months relative to their performanceat 6 months developed ASD. Second, infantswho later developed ASD exhibited differencesin temperament characterized by a lower activitylevel and more frequent and intense distress reac-tions. They also spent longer fixating on a singleobject and were less active in their spontaneousvisual exploration. Detailed study of the firstnine children who developed ASD (Bryson,Zwaigenbaum, et al., 2007) revealed two sub-groups based on the presence or absence of cog-nitive decline between 12 and 24 months. Inchildren with cognitive loss, symptoms emergedearlier or were more severe. Several investigatorshave now documented a pattern of cognitive andbehavioral decline in infants who develop ASD(reviewed in Dawson et al., 2006).

Landa and Garrett-Mayer (2006) reported aprospective, longitudinal study that describedthe cognitive development of high-risk infantsiblings who later developed ASD, in compar-ison to high-risk infant siblings who later devel-oped language delay without autism, and un-affected infants. Infants did not differ at 6months, but by 14 months, the children who de-veloped ASD differed from the unaffectedgroup in gross and fine motor, receptive and ex-pressive language, and overall intelligence onthe Mullen scales (Mullen, 1995). Landa, Hol-man, and Garrett-Mayer (2007) recently des-cribed patterns of development from 14 to 24months in children with early and later diagno-sis of ASD. They found that the early-diagnosisgroup differed from later diagnosis children,

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siblings with broader phenotype, and nonriskcontrol infants in their social, communication,and play behavior. For the early-diagnosisgroup, growth trajectories suggested that autismmay involve developmental arrest, slowing, oreven regression.

Retrospective and prospective behavioralstudies have led to the development of assess-ment measures of autism risk behaviors thatcan be administered to infants (Bryson, McDer-mott, et al., 2007). The Autism ObservationScale for Infants was developed by Zwaigen-baum and colleagues (2005). This scale involvesassessment of 18 risk markers for autism within abrief observational assessment. Infants are en-gaged in semistructured play and systematicpresses are designed to assess various targetbehaviors, including visual tracking, and atten-tional disengagement, coordination of eye gazeand action, imitation, affective responses, earlysocial–communicative behaviors, behavioral re-activity, and sensory–motor development. TheFirst Year Inventory (Watson et al., 2007) is aparent questionnaire designed to assess behav-ioral symptoms related to autism in 12-month-olds. Similar to the Modified-Checklist forAutism in Toddlers (Robins, Fein, Barton, &Greene, 2001), which was developed for chil-dren 18–24 months of age, the First Year Inven-tory is designed to be a screening instrument forautism that can eventually be readily used by pe-diatricians and other primary health care pro-viders. Validity, sensitivity, and specificity dataon these instruments are promising.

Neurophysiological risk indices

New approaches to early detection of infants atrisk for ASD are focusing on neurophysiologicalrisk indices (endophenotypes) with the hope thatsuch measures will improve our ability to iden-tify infants who will develop ASD. The identifi-cation of endophenotypes, intermediate, quanti-fiable traits that predict an individual’s risk ofhaving a disorder, which can be linked to under-lying cause (Castellanos & Tannock, 2002), willaccelerate progress in both clinical and basic re-search. Endophenotypes based on neurobiologi-cal markers (Dawson, Webb, et al., 2002; Skuse,2000) are likely to be especially useful. In otherinfant risk populations, neurophysiological

measures are more sensitive than behavioralmeasures at detecting infants who developed la-ter developmental problems (e.g., Black, deReg-nier, Long, Georgieff, & Nelson, 2004; Hood &Atkinson, 1990). In a 6-year longitudinal studyof maternal depression involving 160 mother–infant pairs, Dawson et al. (Dawson et al.,1999; Dawson, Frey, Panagiotides, Osterling,& Hessl, 1997) found that infants of depressedmothers showed atypical EEG responses in so-cial situations (e.g., playing with mother or anexperimenter); these EEG patterns predictedlater presence of behavioral and emotionalproblems.

Event-related potentials (ERPs) to faces. Giventhe core impairment in social relatedness foundin ASD, neurophysiological measures that assessearly social brain circuitry might be sensitive in-dices of risk for ASD. Dawson and Webb havebeen interested in face processing ability as a po-tential neural trait marker for susceptibility toASD. An innate potential for cortical specializa-tion for faces has been proposed, with experiencewith faces being necessary and driving such spe-cialization (Johnson, 2005; Nelson, 2001). Ex-perience with faces in the first year of life can in-fluence the development of face perceptionabilities (e.g., Le Grand, Mondloch, Maurer, &Brent, 2001; Pascalis et al., 2005). Typical 6-to 7-month-old infants reliably exhibit differentERPs to familiar versus unfamiliar faces and todifferent emotional expressions (de Haan & Nel-son, 1997; Nelson & De Haan, 1996).

Behavioral and neuroimaging studies havefound consistent evidence for face processingimpairmentsinindividualswithASD(Boucher&Lewis, 1992; Boucher, Lewis, & Collis, 1998;Gepner, de Gelder, & de Schonen, 1996; Klinet al., 1999). Functional magnetic resonanceimaging (fMRI) studies conducted with typicalindividuals indicate that the right fusiform gyrusis more activated during perception of faces thannonface stimuli (e.g., Haxby et al., 1994, 1999;Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997). Indi-viduals with ASD exhibit irregular and inconsis-tent patterns of fusiform gyrus activation; somestudies have found that areas involved in objectprocessing are activated instead (Pierce, Muller,Ambrose, Allen, & Courchesne, 2001; Schultzet al., 2000).

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Preschool-aged children with ASD fail to showdifferent ERPs to familiar versus unfamiliar faces(Dawson, Carver, et al., 2002), faces versus ob-jects (Webb, Dawson, Bernier, & Panagiotides,2006), and fearful versus neutral faces (Dawson,Webb, Carver, Panagiotides, & McPartland,2004), whereas mental age-matched children withidiopathic developmental delay and typical devel-opment (Dawson, Carver, et al., 2002) do showsuch differences. Adolescents and adults withASD (McPartland, Dawson, Webb, & Panagio-tides, 2004) as well as parents of children withASD also show a similar atypical ERP to faces(Dawson et al., 2005) and facial expressions(Dawson, Webb, Estes, Munson, & Faja, 2008),suggesting that this electrophysiological endophe-notype might be a neural trait marker for autismgenetic susceptibility. Given that typically devel-oping infants as young as 6 months of age showdifferent ERPs to familiar versus unfamiliar faces(De Haan & Nelson, 1997; Webb, Long, & Nel-son, 2005), and to facial expression of emotion(Nelson & De Haan, 1996), ERP measures arecurrently being investigated as an early index ofrisk for ASD in infants. Promising evidence forthis approach comes from a recent study of infantsiblings by Carver et al. (McCleery, Burner, Dob-kins, & Carver, 2006). They found that, in contrastto nonrisk infants, infant siblings failed to showdifferent ERP responses to faces versus objects.

Based on the idea that face-processing im-pairments in individuals with ASD may arisefrom abnormal development of a subcortical sys-tem involved in face processing that originates inthe magnocellular pathway of the visual system,McCleery, Allman, Carver, and Dobkins (2007)measured the sensitivity of the magnocellularpathway in infant siblings of children with au-tism and low-risk control infants. They used a vi-sual stimulus designed to selectively stimulatethe magnocellular pathway (sensitivity to lumi-nance) and found that high-risk infants exhibitedsensitivities nearly twofold greater than those ofcontrol infants. Although this study showed en-hanced (rather than reduced) luminance sensitiv-ity in high-risk infants, the authors argue that thisstill should be considered to reflect an abnormal-ity of the magnocellular pathway. They furtherargue that such an abnormality might contributeto the face-processing impairments found in au-tism. They note that the magnocellular pathway,

via the superior colliculus, provides it to theamygdala, which in turn, is involved in rapidsubcortical processing of faces. This methodol-ogy may eventually be useful in assessing veryyoung infants at risk for ASD.

ERPs to speech sounds. Another promising neu-rophysiological index of risk for ASD is ERPs tospeech sounds. Research suggests that youngchildren with ASD have atypical ERPs to speech,which is correlated with their preference for lis-tening to speech sounds. In a sample of 3- to4-year-old children with ASD, Kuhl, Coffey-Cor-ina, Padden, and Dawson (2004) found that lis-tening preferences in children with ASD differeddramatically from those of typically developingchildren. Children with ASD preferred listeningto mechanical-sounding auditory signals (signalsacoustically matched to speech and referred toas “sine-wave analogs”) rather than speech (mo-therese). The preference for the mechanical-sounding auditory signal was significantly corre-lated with lower language ability, more severeautism symptoms, and abnormal ERPs to speechsounds. Children with ASD who preferred mo-therese were more likely to show differentERPs (mismatch negativity) to different pho-nemes, whereas those who preferred the mechan-ical-sounding auditory signal showed no differ-ences between ERP waveforms in response to twodifferent syllables. Such ERP measures are cur-rently being studied in infants at risk for ASD todetermine whether they are predictive of laterASD and/or language impairment.

In addition to early indices of brain function,structural and chemical brain imaging measuresoffer another way of assessing risk for ASD. Inthe next section, studies using such measures dur-ing the infant–preschool period are described.

Atypical brain growth

An atypical trajectory of head growth in the first2 years of life appears to be a phenotypic riskindex in ASD (Courchesne & Pierce, 2005;Redcay & Courchesne, 2005). The pattern ofgrowth in head circumference (HC) in ASD ischaracterized by normal head size at birth fol-lowed by an accelerated pattern of growth inHC that appears to begin at about 4 months ofage (Dawson et al., 2007; Gillberg & de Souza,

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2002; Hazlett et al., 2005; Webb et al., in press).Courchesne and colleagues (Courchesne, Car-per, & Akshoomoff, 2003) reported an increasein HC of 1.67 SD between birth and 6–14months. In a meta-analysis using HC (con-verted to brain volume), brain volume measuredfrom MRI, and brain weight from autopsy stud-ies, Redcay and Courchesne (2005) found thatbrain size changes from 13% smaller than con-trols at birth to 10% greater than controls at1 year, and only 2% greater by adolescence.

Dawson et al. (2007) examined HC growthlongitudinally in 28 children with ASD spec-trum disorder from birth through 36 monthsof age, replicating earlier findings of acceler-ated head growth. Pattern of head growth wasnot found to vary as a function of subtype ofASD (autism vs. pervasive development disor-der, not otherwise specified) or history of autis-tic regression (Webb, Munson, Brock, Abbott,& Dawson, in press). Children with ASD, onaverage, did not have significantly larger HCat birth; however, by 1 year of age, HC wasnearly 1 standard deviation larger than the na-tional CDC norms. This unusual and rapid in-crease in head growth from birth to 12 monthswas reflected in a significant difference in slopein HC Z scores during this period. Of interest,although children’s HC was larger than normalby 12 months of age, the rate of growth in HCafter 12 months was not significantly differentthan the normative sample. Thus, the rate ofHC growth appears to decelerate in infantswith ASD after 12 months of age relative tothe rate from birth to 12 months of age, suggest-ing that the early period of exceptionally rapidhead growth is restricted to the first year of life.

The period of accelerated head growthslightly precedes and then overlaps with the on-set of noticeable behavioral risk indices. Nota-bly, the period after 12 months of age, duringwhich deceleration of rate of head growth wasdetected, is associated with a slowing in acquisi-tion or actual loss in skills in infants who developASD (Dawson et al., 2007). In sample of infantsiblings of children with ASD, the pattern of ra-pid growth from birth to 12 months followed bydeceleration after 12 months was found to be arisk marker for developing autism symptomsby 24 months of age (Elder, Dawson, Toth,Munson, & Fernandez-Teruel, 2008).

Structural brain imaging

Results from structural MRI studies are consis-tent with the results of HC studies. Sparks et al.(2002) found that 3- to 4-year-olds with ASDhave significantly larger total cerebral volumecompared with age-matched typically develop-ing children and age- and IQ-matched develop-mentally delayed children. In another study of2- to 4-year-olds with ASD, 90% of childrenwith ASD were found to have MRI-based brainvolumes larger than normal (Courchesne et al.,2001). This abnormal brain growth appears tobe due primarily to excessive enlargement ce-rebral white matter and cerebral grey matter.Courchesne et al. (2001) suggested that, earlyon, children with ASD show an anterior–poste-rior gradient of overgrowth, with the frontal lobebeing the largest, although this needs furtherconfirmation.

Sparks et al. reported that the amygdala wasproportionally enlarged relative to total cerebralvolume, especially in children with more severesymptoms. Enlarged amygdala at age 3 years(but not total cerebral volume) predicted amore severe course from 3 to 6 years of age(Munson et al., 2006). Autopsy studies ofASD (Pickett & London, 2005) have docu-mented cellular abnormalities of the amygdalaincluding reduced numbers of neurons (Schu-mann & Amaral, 2006), or reduced cell sizeand increased neuronal cell packing density(Bauman & Kemper, 1985, 2005). Schumannand Amaral (2006) have identified the lateralnucleus as having accentuated pathologicalfeatures.

Chemical brain imaging

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (1H-MRSI) provides a noninvasive method for char-acterizing tissue-based chemistry and cellularfeatures in vivo. Although MRI is sensitive tochanges in tissue water characteristics and de-fining structure at a macroscopic level, it is in-sensitive to much of cellular level organization.In this regard,1H-MRS has been used to detectabnormalities in brain regions that appear nor-mal in MRI, as well as shed light on pathologyunderlying MRI-visible abnormalities. Severalchemicals can be measured as spectral peaks,

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including N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), creatine,choline, and myoinositol. Glutamate and gluta-mine are typically reported as combined peaks.NAA appears to be a sensitive marker for neu-ronal integrity or neuronal-glial homeostasis.

An MRSI study of 3- to 4-year-old childrenwith ASD conducted by Friedman et al. (2003)revealed regional and global decreases in NAAas well as lower levels of other chemicals andprolonged chemical T2 relaxation times. Anal-yses further demonstrated a predominately graymatter tissue distribution of these chemical ab-normalities (Friedman et al., 2006). These find-ings have implications for understanding themechanism for abnormal brain growth inASD. One hypothesis is that enlarged brain vol-ume in ASD is related to a failure of apoptosisor synaptic pruning. This hypothesis wouldpredict increased NAA concentrations, reflect-ing increased or more densely packed neuronsor increased synaptic connections. Findingswere, however, decreased NAA concentrationsand prolonged chemical and water T2 in the 3-to 4-year-old ASD group (Friedman et al.,2003). These MSRI findings suggest a patternof cellular alterations, predominantly affectinggray matter at an early age, that may reflect re-duced synapse density perhaps secondary tomigratory/apoptotic abnormalities (Fatemi &Halt, 2001), column density/packing abnormal-ities (Casanova, 2004) and/or active processessuch as reactive gliosis and edema (Vargaset al., 2005).

To assess whether measures of structural andchemical brain development can serve as riskindices for ASD, a large collaborative infantsibling brain imaging project involving Univer-sity of Alberta, University of North Carolina,McGill University, University of Washington,Washington University at St. Louis, and YaleUniversity was recently funded as part of theNational Institutes of Health Autism Centersof Excellence Program.


Progress is being made in identifying geneticand environmental factors that contribute tosusceptibility for ASD. Phenotypic risk indicesfor ASD that can be measured in the first year oflife include several behavioral risk indices, with

the earliest symptoms being failure to respondto name, abnormal visual attention, and tem-peramental difficulties. Future studies of earlybrain development, as measured by neurophys-iological responses, such as ERPs to facesand speech sounds, HC trajectory, and struc-tural and chemical brain imaging techniques,will evaluate the usefulness of these measuresfor early detection of risk for ASD. Collabora-tive studies that follow large samples of infantsiblings of children with autism to documentthe relation between the emergence of symp-toms and early functional, structural, and chem-ical alterations in brain development offerpromise of identifying neural mechanisms thataccount for ASD, as well as brain-basedmethods for detection of infants at high riskfor developing ASD before the full blown syn-drome is manifest.

ASD clearly is not a static brain disorder butrather is characterized by dynamic postnatalchanges in the brain and behavior. Accordingto a cumulative risk model, an accumulationof early risk factors lowers the threshold of vul-nerability of suboptimal neuronal processes inASD. It is likely that brain–environment inter-actions are additional risk processes that con-tribute to the eventual development of ASD.Environmental contributions to risk processescan include both biological (e.g., inflammation)and experiential factors (altered patterns of so-cial interaction). The next section provides adiscussion of how early experiential factors,namely, altered patterns of interaction betweenthe child and his or her social environment,represents one type of risk process associatedwith the development of ASD.

Early Experience as a Risk Processin the Development of ASD

The social motivation hypothesis

Impairments in social orienting, joint attention,responses to emotions, imitation, and face pro-cessing are evident by toddlerhood or preschoolage in ASD. To help understand this wide range ofimpairments, all of which involve reduced en-gagement with the social world, Dawson andothers have proposed the social motivationhypothesis (see Figure 2). This hypothesis posits

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that some of the social impairments evident inASD, such as the well-documented impairmentsin face processing, are not fundamental, but ratherare secondary to a primary impairment in socialmotivation, which results in failure to attend toand affective tag socially relevant stimuli (Daw-son, Webb, Wijsma, et al., 2005; Dawson, Car-ver, et al., 2002; Grelotti, Gauthier, & Schultz,2002; Waterhouse, Fein, & Modahl, 1996).

Evidence supporting a core impairment in so-cial motivation comes from both clinical and ob-servational studies. One of the earliest indicatorsof reduced social motivation is a lack of “socialorienting” (Dawson et al., 2004; Dawson, Meltz-off, Osterling, Rinaldi, & Brown, 1998). Diag-nostic criteria describe “a lack of spontaneousseeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achieve-ments with other people” and “lack of social oremotional reciprocity.” Preschool age childrenwith ASD are less likely to smile when lookingat their mothers during social interaction (Daw-son, Hill, Galpert, Spencer, & Watson, 1990), es-pecially during joint attention episodes (Kasari,Sigman, Mundy, & Yirmiya, 1990). Young chil-dren with ASD fail to show normal preferencesfor speech sounds (Klin, 1991, 1992; Kuhlet al., 2004). Sung et al. (2005) found evidencethat a social motivation trait (e.g., seeking socialactivities and friendships) was heritable in multi-plex autism families.

According to the social motivation hypoth-esis, because of reduced social motivation, theinfant at risk for ASD spends less time spent pay-ing attention to and socially engaged with people.The infant at risk for ASD, instead, has a strongerfocus on objects (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005).Reduced engagement with the social world con-tributes to a failure to develop expertise in face,language, and other aspects of processing ofsocial information (Dawson, Webb, & McPartland,2005; Dawson, Webb, Wijsman, et al., 2005;Grelotti et al., 2002). Because experience drivescortical specialization (Nelson, 2001), reducedattention to people, including their faces, ges-tures, and speech, also results in a failure ofspecialization and less efficient function of brainregions that mediate social cognition (e.g., pro-longed latency in electrical brain responses toface stimuli; McPartland et al., 2004). In anERP study of preschool aged children withASD, Webb et al. (2006) found that ERPs to

faces were not only slower, but also more dif-fusely distributed across the scalp, whereastypical children showed a well-localized righttemporal ERP (N170) to faces.

The abnormal trajectory for brain develop-ment in ASD cannot be explained by a lack ofexposure to people. Parents of infants withASD, like those of typically developing infants,hold, talk to, and interact with their infant. Ifsuch interactions are not inherently interestingor rewarding for the infant, however, s/he mightnot be actively attending to the face and voice,tagging such information as emotionally rele-vant, or perceiving the social information withina larger social/affective context. Recent re-search by Kuhl and colleagues (Kuhl, 2007;Kuhl, Tsao, & Liu, 2003) suggests that simpleexposure to language does not necessarily facil-itate the development of brain circuitry spe-cialized for speech perception. Instead, speechneeds to be experienced by the infant within asocial interactive context for speech perceptionto develop normally.

Social motivation impairments in autismmight be related to a difficulty in forming andgeneralizing representations of the reward valueof social stimuli (Dawson, Carver, et al., 2002).One of the primary neural systems involved inprocessing reward information is the dopaminesystem (Schultz, 1998). Dopaminergic projec-tions to the striatum and frontal cortex, particu-larly the orbitofrontal cortex, mediate the effectsof reward on approach behavior. Formation ofrepresentations of reward value in the orbitofron-tal cortex relies on input from basolateral amyg-dala (Schoenbaum, Setlow, Saddoris, & Galla-gher, 2003). The amygdala is implicated inboth the focusing of attention of emotionally rel-evant stimuli and the learning and consolidationof emotional memories (LaBar, 2007). Thisdopamine reward system activates in response tosocial engagement, for example, when makingeye contact (Kampe, Frith, Dolan, & Frith,2001). Dopamine D2 receptors in the nucleus ac-cumbens have been shown to be involved in so-cial attachment (Gingrich, Liu, Cascio, Wang,& Insel, 2000). In young children with ASD,the severity of joint attention impairments isstrongly correlated with performance on taskstapping the medial temporal lobe–orbitofrontalcircuit (e.g., delayed nonmatching to sample,

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object discrimination reversal; Dawson, Munson,et al., 2002).

Oxytocin and vasopressin promote a widerange of social behaviors, including social affilia-tion (Witt, Winslow, & Insel, 1992), maternal be-havior (Pedersen, Caldwell, Walker, Ayers, &Mason, 1994), and social attachment (Insel &Hulihan, 1995; Winslow, Hasting, Carter, Har-baugh, & Insel, 1993). These peptides operateon social behavior through their influence onthe mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuit. A cir-cuit linking the anterior hypothalamus to the ven-tral tegmental area and the nucleus accumbensmay mediate reward sensitivity in the contextof social interaction (Insel & Fernald; 2004).Modahl et al. (1998) reported that plasma con-centration of oxytocin is reduced in childrenwith autism. Kim et al. (2002) found nominallysignificant transmission disequilibrium betweenan arginine vasopressin receptor 1A (AVPR1A)microsatellite and autism. AVPR1A is a V1a re-ceptor in the brain that has been shown to mediateaction of vasopressin. Studies have also found anassociation of the oxytocin receptor gene and au-tism (Jacob et al., 2007; Wu et al., 2005). Recentpsychopharmacological studies have demon-strated that intravenous oxytocin administrationreduces repetitive behavior (Hollander et al.,2003) and increases comprehension of affectivemeaning (Hollander et al., 2007) in individualswith ASD.

Given that altered early experience may actas risk processes in the development of ASD,the goal of intervention is to target these riskprocesses to provide a more enriched environ-ment for the at-risk child. Animal studies havedemonstrated that early enrichment can miti-gate the effects of genetic and environmentalrisk factors. These studies will be reviewednext.

Animal Studies Demonstratingthe Effects of Early Enrichment

A large body of research has demonstrated theeffects of environmental enrichment on brainand behavioral development in animals. As earlyas 1947, Hebb demonstrated improved memoryof rats that were allowed to freely explore hishouse compared with caged rats. Environmentalenrichment has been shown to direct affect brain

development and neural plasticity in animals, asmeasured by the weight and thickness of the cor-tex, the density or affinity of neurotransmitter re-ceptors, and increased numbers of synapses anddensity of dendritic branching (Bredy, Humpart-zoomian, Cain, & Meaney, 2003; Diamond,Rosenzweig, Bennett, Linder, & Lyon, 1972).Changes at the synapse as well as increases inthe number of neurons in regions such as the hip-pocampus have been induced in adult animals(Greenough, Volkmar, & Juraska, 1973; Kem-permann, Kuhn, & Gage, 1997). Enrichmentalso results in molecular changes, includingmodulation of the genetic expression of neuro-transmitter pathways, differential transcriptionof neurotransmitter-related target genes, and in-creased neurotrophic factors (Pham, Winblad,Granholm, & Mohammed, 2002; Rampon et al.,2000). Long-term potentiation of synapses, be-lieved to be a cellular representation of memory,via increased excitatory responses results fromenrichment (e.g., Foster, Gagne, & Massicotte,1996). In adult primates, increased density ofdendritic spines in the hippocampus and prefron-tal cortex were found following 1 month of en-richment (Kozorovitskiy et al., 2005). Environ-mental enrichment results in improved learningand memory, increased exploration, more rapidhabituation, and decreased fearful respondingto novelty (e.g., Benaroya-Milshtein et al., 2004;Duffy, Craddock, Abel, & Nguyen, 2001; Es-corihuela, Tobena, & Fernandez-Teruel, 1995;Schrijver, Bahr, Weiss, & Wurbel, 2002; Wong& Jamieson, 1968). In contrast, environmentaldeprivation in primates results in cognitive im-pairments and differences in brain structure(e.g., Floeter & Greenough, 1979; Sackett, 1972).

Animal models of developmental and degen-erative disorders have demonstrated the role ofearly enrichment in mitigating the effects of ge-netic risk and injury. Such animal studies havevaried living conditions, environmental com-plexity or novelty, and level of sensory, cog-nitive, motor, or social stimulation to demon-strate how experience can influence braindevelopment and diminish the effects of geneticrisk and/or injury (for reviews, see Lewis, 2004;Nithianantharajah & Hannan, 2006). Enrich-ment offsets the effects of earlier environmentalstressors such as reduction of exaggerated stressresponses in prematurely weaned pups (Bredy

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et al., 2003; Francis, Diorio, Plotsky, & Meany,2002). Enrichment following frontal lobe lesionsresults in behavioral and anatomical improve-ments (Hamm, Temple, O’Dell, Pike, & Lyeth,1996; Kolb & Gibb, 1991). Enrichment in theform of social and physical stimulation influ-ences recovery following infarct and protectagainst drug-induced seizures (Faverjon et al.,2002; Johansson & Ohlsson, 1996; Young,Lawlor, Leone, Dragunow, & During, 1999).

Animal models of genetic diseases havedemonstrated that enrichment can reduce or de-lay the onset of the motor impairments associ-ated with both cerebellar degeneration (thelurcher mutation) and Huntington disease (anautosomal dominant disorder; Caston et al.,1999; Glass, van Dellen, Blakemore, Hannan, &Faull, 2004). Fmr1-KO mice are commonlyused to model fragile X. These mice exhibitcognitive and brain anomalies associated withfragile X; enrichment, however, influences ex-ploratory behavior, dendritic branching, thenumber of dendritic spines, and expression ofglutamate signaling, but does not appear to di-rectly impact the protein implicated in the ge-netic mutation (Restivo et al., 2005).

As a result of standard housing conditions,deer mice develop restricted, repetitive motorbehaviors, similar to those seen in individualswith ASD. Mice exposed to enriched ratherthan standard environments early in their devel-opment do not develop motor stereotypies,whereas mice exposed later in development do(e.g., Powell, Newman, McDonald, Bugenha-gen, & Lewis, 2000; Turner, Lewis, & King,2003; Turner, Yang, & Lewis, 2002). Thus,there appears to be a critical period duringwhich environmental enrichment precludesthe development of these behaviors in mice.Furthermore, mice that did not exhibit stereo-typed behavior showed several brain changes,including increased oxidative energy metabo-lism in the motor cortex, basal ganglia, hippo-campus, and amygdala, increased dendriticspine density in the motor cortex and basal gan-glia, and more brain derived neurotrophic factorexpression. Finally, a rat model of autism hasbeen created via exposure to valproic acid ongestation day 12.5 (Rodier, Ingram, Tisdale, &Croog, 1997). Enrichment reversed most be-haviors associated with exposure to valproic acid,

including the frequency of social behavior andlatency to social exploration, sensitivity to sen-sory input, and anxious behavior during learn-ing tasks (Schneider, Turczak, & Przewlocki,2006).

Taken together, this body of work demon-strates enrichment can mitigate the effects ofgenetic and environmental risk factors on brainand behavioral development. This raises thepossibility that early interventions aimed atstimulating young infants and toddlers at risk forASD can substantially change the course ofboth behavioral and brain development. Pre-sumably, according to the social motivationmodel, this would occur by enhancing socialmotivation by either stimulating nascent neuralcircuitry involved in social reward, or by co-opting neural reward systems that target nonso-cial stimuli through classical conditioning (non-social reward, such as a toy, being pairedconsistently with a social stimulus, such as aperson, in the context of treatment; Dawson &Zanolli, 2003). Next, a brief review of ap-proaches to early interventions for infants atrisk for ASD will be provided.

Infant–Toddler Interventions Designedto Prevent or Reduce Autism Symptoms

Early intensive behavioral interventionin young children with ASD

Studies of early intensive behavioral interven-tion demonstrate that early intensive behavioralintervention initiated at preschool age and sus-tained for 2–3 years results in substantial im-provements for a large subset of children withASD. Gains are found in IQ, language, andeducational placement (Birnbrauer & Leach,1993;Cohen,Amerine-Dickens,&Smith,2006;Dawson & Osterling, 1997; Fenske, Zalenski,Krantz, & McClannahan, 1985; Harris, Han-dleman, Gordon, Kristoff, & Fuentes, 1991;Howard et al., 2005; Lovaas, 1987; McEachinet al., 1993; Rogers, 1998; Sallows & Graup-ner, 2005; Sheinkopf & Siegel, 1998; Smith,Groen, & Wynn, 2000). Common features ofsuccessful early intensive behavioral interven-tion are (a) a comprehensive curriculum focus-ing on imitation, language, toy play, social in-teraction, motor, and adaptive behavior; (b)

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sensitivity to developmental sequence; (c) sup-portive, empirically validated teaching strate-gies (applied behavior analysis); (d) behavioralstrategies for reducing interfering behaviors; (e)involvement of parents; (f) gradual transitionto more naturalistic environments; (g) highlytrained staff; (h) supervisory and review mecha-nisms; (i) intensive delivery of treatment (25hr/week for at least 2 years); and ( j) initiationby 2–4 years (Dawson and Osterling, 1997;Green,Brennan,&Fein,2002;NationalResearchCouncil, 2001; Rogers, 1998). When these fea-tures are present, results are remarkable for upto 50% of children. Three randomized controlledtrials have assessed the efficacy of comprehen-sive interventions delivered for 20 or more hoursper week. Jocelyn, Casiro, Beattie, Bow, andKneisz (1998) randomized 35 preschool agedchildren to an experimental group versus a con-trol group. The experimental group received de-velopmentally based intervention focused on so-cial and communication skills and appliedbehavior analysis for behavior problems deliveredby specially trained day care workers and parents.After 3 months, the experimental group demon-strated significantly increased language perfor-mance, but no difference in autism severity, com-pared with controls. Smith et al. (2000)randomized 28 children with ASD to an experi-mental group versus a parent training group. Theexperimental group received extensive parenttraining and Lovaas’ (1987) comprehensive in-tervention approach for an average of 25 hr perweek, delivered in their homes by trained andsupervised therapy assistants. The comparisongroup received parent training, several hours ofin home therapy per week for the first few monthsof the study, and community services. Resultsafter 2 years revealed significant differences inIQ (gain of 15 points in the experimental groupvs. loss of 1 point in the control group). Sallowsand Graupner (2005) randomized 24 childrenwith autism to a “clinic-directed” group that repli-cated the intervention provided in Lovaas’ origi-nal study versus a “parent-directed group” thatreceived intensive hours of treatment but less su-pervision. After 4 years of treatment, both groupsshow similar gains in cognitive, language, social,and academic skills. In each group, 48% of chil-dren showed rapid learning, achieved IQs and lan-guage abilities in the average range, and were

placed successfully in a regular education class-room by age 7.

Interventions for infants and toddlerswith ASD

With the goal of intervening at the point whensymptoms are first detected, intervention ap-proaches for infants and toddlers with ASDare being developed (Chandler, Christie, New-son, & Prevezer, 2002; Drew et al., 2002; Greenet al., 2002; Mahoney & Perales, 2003; McGeeet al., 1999). No published randomized studiesof infant–toddler interventions have been pub-lished yet. Dawson and Rogers have been de-veloping the Early Start Denver Model, whichis based on the Denver Model. The DenverModel is a comprehensive intensive early be-havioral intervention for preschool-age childrenwith ASD originally developed and evaluatedby Rogers and colleagues (Rogers, Hall, Osaki,Reaven, & Herbison, 2000; Rogers, Herbison,Lewis, Pantone, & Reis, 1986; Rogers & Lewis,1989). The Early Start Denver Model (Smith,Rogers, & Dawson, 2008) is designed to ad-dress the unique needs of infant and toddlerswith ASD as young as 12 months. Early Start in-corporates applied behavior analysis techniquesthat have received empirical support for improv-ing skill acquisition in very young children withASD (e.g., Green et al., 2002; McGee et al.,1999), but is delivered in a naturalistic, sociallyand affectively based relationship context. Theintervention is provided in a toddler’s naturalenvironment, typically the home, within the con-text of family and therapist–child interactions.As children reach preschool age, play dates thatfacilitate child–child interaction and collabora-tion with preschools are incorporated. In 2003,Dawson, in collaboration with Rogers, initiateda National Institute of Mental Health-funded ran-domized controlled trial of the Early Start Den-ver Model with toddlers with ASD at 7the Uni-versity of Washington. Building on the work ofRogers, the University of Washington project in-volved developing, refining, and testing both thetherapist-training procedures and the toddler in-tervention model, including a treatment manual,curriculum, and fidelity measures.

Forty-eight toddlers with ASD were ran-domized to one of two groups: one receives

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25–30 hr weekly of the Early Start DenverModel intervention for 2 years; the other, acommunity comparison group, receives stan-dard community-based interventions providedin the greater Seattle region. The effects of theearly intervention are predicted to be partiallymediated by the quality of parent–child interac-tion. Parent–child interaction is viewed as a fi-nal common pathway that is influenced bothby improvements in parental sensitivity and im-provements in child behavior.

Integrating biological measures into thedesign of an early intervention study for ASD

A goal for the future is to demonstrate that earlyintervention can have an impact on brain func-tion and organization. Thus, it will be importantto incorporate brain-based measures of out-come into intervention and prevention studies.In the current randomized early interventiontrial for toddlers with ASD, we hope to demon-strate that very early intervention results notonly in significant improvements in behavior,including reduced autism symptoms and in-creased cognitive, language, and social abil-ities, but also significant changes in brain func-tion, as reflected in neural responses to socialand linguistic stimuli. Both before and aftertreatment, ERPs to faces and speech stimuliare being collected to assess whether the inter-vention influences the children’s ERP re-sponses to faces versus objects and to speechsounds. Influences on cortical organizationand specialization will be assessed by examin-ing the scalp distribution of the ERP.

Outcome measures also include EEG coher-ence. Functional connectivity in brain networkscan be measured by EEG coherence, which as-sesses the statistical relationships among sepa-rate neurophysiological signals measured fromthe scalp. High coherence between two EEGsignals reflects synchronized neuronal oscilla-tions suggesting functional integration betweenneural populations, whereas low coherence sug-gests independently active populations. EEGcoherence is believed to reflect functional corti-cal connectivity either directly via corticocorti-cal fiber systems or indirectly through networksthat include subcortical structures. In humans,the development of EEG coherence from birth

into adulthood has been extensively docu-mented by Thatcher and colleagues (Thatcher,1994; Thatcher, Krause, & Hrybyk, 1986;Thatcher, Walker, & Guidice, 1987).

EEG coherence is of theoretical relevanceto ASD because, as described above (see Fig-ure 2), ASD is associated with abnormalities inconnections among distributed neural systems.Impairments in complex behaviors that emergebetween 6 and 12 months in ASD, such as jointattention and imitation, are hypothesized to re-flect a failure of integration of cortical–corticaland subcortical–cortical systems. Empirical sup-port for reduced connectivity in ASD comesfrom findings of increased cell dispersion and re-duced sizes of cortical minicolumns in brains ofindividuals with autism (Casanova, Buxhoeve-den, Switala, & Roy, 2002) and fMRI studiesshowing reduced functional connectivity duringcomplex tasks (Just, Cherkassky, Keller, & Min-shew, 2004). Based on his neuropathology stud-ies, Casonova et al. (2002) has argued that autismis associated with disruptions among local andglobal cortical circuits (also see Belmonte et al.,2004; Courchesne & Pierce, 2005; Rippon,Brock, Brown, & Boucher, in press). Muriaset al. conducted a study showing reduced EEGcoherence in adults with ASD (Murias, Webb,Greenson, & Dawson, 2008). They examined co-herent oscillatory activity between all pairs ofelectrodes in a high-density electrode array inthe spontaneous EEG of 18 adults with ASDand 18 control adults at quiet rest. They found ro-bust contrasting patterns of over- and undercon-nectivity at distinct spatial and temporal scales.In the delta and theta (2–6 Hz) frequency range,individuals with ASD showed locally elevatedcoherence, especially within left hemispheretemporal and frontal regions. In the lower alpharange (8–10 Hz), the ASD group showed glob-ally reduced EEG coherence within frontal re-gions, and between frontal and all other scalp re-gions. The frontal lobe was poorly connectedwith the rest of the cortex in this frequency range.This is consistent with metabolic studies showingreduced correlated blood flow between frontaland other regions individuals with autism (Horo-witz, Rumsey, Grady, & Rappoport, 1988). Mea-sures of EEG coherence will provide insight intothe effects of early intervention on functionalconnectivity in the brain in ASD.

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Prevention studies in ASD

To date, no prevention studies have been con-ducted with infants at risk for ASD. Both theNational Institutes of Health, as part of thenewly launched National Institutes of HealthAutism Centers of Excellence program, andAutism Speaks, in their recent initiative tofund treatment studies targeting infants and tod-dlers at risk for ASD, have invested consider-able funds in new studies aim at treating andpreventing ASD. Many of these studies are ex-ploring intervention methods that enhance so-cial motivation and promote early social en-gagement and reciprocity. Some investigatorsare incorporating neurophysiological measuresin the design of these intervention studies toassess whether interventions initiated beforethe full syndrome of autism is present can pre-vent autism and result in normal patterns ofbrain function and organization.

The role of early parent–child interactions inprevention studies. Many of the interventionsthat are currently being tested with infants atrisk for ASD focus on enhancing parent–infant interactions. The important role of par-ents as collaborators in and mediators of inter-vention was first introduced by Eric Schoplerin the 1960s. Schopler’s visionary notion thatparents’ ability to participate in interventionby adapting their styles of interaction to pro-mote social interaction and communicationcontinues to influence the field today. It hasbeen demonstrated that parents who displayhigher levels of synchronization and contin-gent responses during interaction have chil-dren with ASD who develop superior communi-cation skills over periods of 1, 10, and 16 years(Siller & Sigman, 2002). Early nonverbal com-munication, especially joint attention, is stronglyrelated to language outcome for children withASD and typical development (Brooks & Meltz-off, 2005; Dawson et al., 2004; Sigman &Ruskin, 1999; Toth, Munson, Meltzoff, & Daw-son, 2006). In normal development, as well, lan-guage acquisition has been found to depend onsocial interactions in which the adults’ commu-nicative behavior is salient, well timed, and con-tingent (Bruner, 1983). In a study of 72 youngchildren with ASD, it found that early social

attention was related to language ability, andthe relation between social attention and child’slanguage ability was fully mediated by thechild’s ability to share attention with others(Toth et al., 2006).

Very early interventions that target parent–infant interaction are based on the assumptionthat relationships are transactional; the infant ex-erts an effect on the parent and influences thesensitivity and quality of the parent response.Parents find it more difficult to respond sensi-tively to infants who have regulatory difficultiesand who have less reciprocal interaction styles(Kelly, Day, & Streissguth, 2000; O’Connor,Sigman, & Brill, 1987; Tronick & Field, 1986;Yehuda et al., 2005). Yirmiya et al. (2006) foundthat infant siblings are less synchronous withtheir mothers during interactions and displaymore neutral affect. By 12 months of age, infantslater diagnosed with ASD are less likely to smile,fail to orient to name, have difficulty establishingeye contact, lack communicative vocalizations,are difficult to cuddle, are exceptionally fussyor passive, exhibit sleeping and feeding prob-lems, and are sensitive to noise/touch (Zwaigen-baum et al., 2005). Interventions need to takeinto account the individual characteristics ofboth members of the dyad, and be sensitive tothe “dance” that the dyad performs together(Poehlmann & Fiese, 2003). In studies of otherat-risk infant populations, brief, behaviorally fo-cused interventions have been found to be effec-tive when the target of intervention is parentalsensitivity and infant contingent responding. Ba-kermans-Kranenburg, Van Ijzendoorn, and Juffer(2003) conducted a meta-analysis of 81 studiesof at-risk infants that promoted mother–in-fant interaction and found that interventions fo-cusing on promoting maternal sensitivity weremore effective than the combination of all othertypes of interventions. The most effective inter-ventions for enhancing maternal sensitivityinvolved fewer than 16 sessions, used videofeedback, and were utilized with populationsin which child characteristics, rather than parentcharacteristics, were risk factors. Such ap-proaches might also be effective in infants atrisk for ASD. By facilitating early socialengagement and reciprocity between the at-risk infant and his/her social partners, it maybe possible to prevent ASD in some cases.

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Understanding the Variability in Outcomein ASD

Models of prevention and outcome in ASDmust explain the substantial variability in re-sponse to early intervention that exists. Despitereceiving early, high-quality, intensive inter-vention, some children with ASD neverthelessmake very slow progress. A sizable minorityof children fails to develop speech and showssignificant, enduring cognitive and social im-pairments. It is likely that prevention studies fo-cused on intervention with infants at risk forASD also will reveal substantial variability inresponse to treatment. The tremendous etiologi-cal and phenotypic heterogeneity in ASD indi-cates that ASD is comprised of many subtypescharacterized by different genetic etiologies,brain bases, and treatment responses. It is hy-pothesized that individual differences in outcomecan be accounted for by several factors: (a) thenature and severity of the effects of genetic andenvironmental risk factors on early biological1

development, which define the range of neuralplasticity that is possible; (b) the degree towhich such influences negatively alters earlyinteractions between and child and his/her envi-ronment, which defines the nature and degree ofearly stimulation the child will receive; (c) thedegree to which early intervention allows thesocial partner to effectively adapt to the at-risk child’s altered manner of interacting withthe world in such a way to facilitate normal so-cial and linguistic input to the developing brain;and (d) the timing and intensity of such early in-tervention. Thus, there is not a one–one corre-spondence between genetic or environmentalfactors and the occurrence of ASD. Rather,there are individual differences in the develop-mental pathway that a given child will followthat can be explained in terms of the interactionbetween early risk factors and the context inwhich the child develops. Although change in

the developmental pathway is always possible,canalization also constrains the magnitude andquality of change. Therefore, “the longer an in-dividual continues along a maladaptive ontoge-netic pathway, the more difficult it is to reclaima normal developmental trajectory” (Cicchetti &Cohen, 1995, p. 7). Thus, it is hypothesized thatthe earlier risk for ASD is detected and inter-vention can begin, the greater the chance thatintervention will alter the abnormal develop-mental trajectory of individuals with ASD andhelp guide brain and behavioral developmentback toward a normal pathway and in somecases, prevent the full syndrome of ASD. Harrisand Handleman (2000) found that children whobegan treatment before age 4 had much betteroutcomes, and that the younger and older treat-ment groups were virtually nonoverlapping intheir placements in a regular versus special edu-cation classroom in elementary school.

Some child variables have been found topredict response to early intervention. Predic-tive pretreatment child characteristics includefrequency of social initiations, level of socialavoidance, imitation ability, severity of coreautism symptoms, imitation, presence of dys-morphic physical features, pretreatment IQ,level of toy play, and use of language (Ingersoll,Schreibman, & Stahmer, 2001; Rogers, 1998;Sallows & Graupner, 2005; Sherer & Schreib-man, 2005). These behaviors can be broadlyclassified into three categories: (a) level of socialengagement indexed by infrequent social initia-tions, social avoidance, poor imitation ability,and social and communicative symptoms; (b)level of intellectual ability indexed by low IQ,delayed toy play, and presence of dysmorphol-ogy; and (c) level of prelinguistic/linguistic abil-ity. This author speculates that these three typesof behaviors reflect the presence and severity ofthree overlapping disorders (a) core autism, (b)comorbid mental retardation, and (c) comorbidlanguage impairment, respectively (see Fig-ure 3). A child who has severe ASD, mineralo-corticoid receptor (MR), and language disabilityis likely to be highly aloof and avoid social inter-actions, show little exploration of even the non-social environment, nonfunctional use of toys,and exhibit little or no vocalizations or sounds.This child is likely to make slow progress despitethe best intervention. This is not meant to

1. It is increasingly recognized that autism affects not onlybrain development but also other systems, such as gas-trointestinal and immune systems (see Herbert et al.,2006). These can be considered another type of risk pro-cess that influences the manner in which the child inter-acts with his or her environment. Addressing these riskprocesses via medical treatment is also important for op-timal outcome.

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minimize the importance of this progress forquality of life and functional skills for such indi-viduals, however. For the severely affected child,intervention can promote functional communi-cation and adaptive behaviors, reduce maladap-tive behaviors, and lead to a more fulfilling,less restrictive life.

In contrast, a child with mild ASD, mild or noMR, and mild or no language disability initiallymight not exhibit joint attention, engage in re-ciprocal play, or have an interest in others, andlikely will engages in repetitive, unimaginativetoy play. This child, however, is likely to showor quickly develop an interest in predictable so-cial routines, enjoy rough and tumble play, re-spond well to at least some social reinforcers, ex-plore at least a limited number of toys, experimentwith cause and effect, and exhibit self-directedvocalizations or speech. This child, whose diffi-

culties are mild and primarily manifest in the so-cial–communicative domain, has a much higherlikelihood of responding very well to early inter-vention. Specific assessment for comorbid mentalretardation and language impairment (which canbe manifest in a number of ways, including devel-opmental receptive aphasia, oral dyspraxia, andso on) may allow improved prediction of responseto early intervention and led to more individuallytailored treatment approaches.

In addition to behavioral predictors of re-sponse to treatment, a goal is to identify geneticand other biological predictors. In the randomizedtrial of early intensive intervention for toddlers atthe University of Washington, all children un-dergo brain imaging studies before entering intotreatment. Both structural and chemical brainmeasures are being investigated as potential mod-erators of response to early intervention. Variation

Figure 3. The response to intervention in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the predicted severity of ASDand presence/absence of two highly comorbid disorders: mental retardation and developmental language im-pairment. [A color version of this figure can be viewed online at journals.cambridge.org/dpp]

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in response to intervention may be a useful way toexamine genetic heterogeneity in ASD. A betterunderstanding of the variability in response totreatment in ASD can provide insight into medi-cal treatments that may help children who aremaking slower progress in response to behavioralinterventions.


This article concentrated on early intensive be-havioral interventions as a means of preventingand treating autism. An equally important goalis to prevent and treat core ASD symptoms byeliminating or mitigating the detrimental effectsof genetic and environmental risk factors on bi-ological and behavioral development in autism.This goal is particularly important for the largenumber of individuals who experience severe

behavioral and cognitive challenges despitehaving access to high-quality early intensivebehavioral intervention. By integrating biologi-cal processes into the design and evaluations ofinterventions for children with ASD, a morecomprehensive understanding of the mecha-nisms responsible for effective interventionwill be possible (Cicchetti & Curtis, 2006). Be-cause ASD represents an extremely heteroge-neous group of disorders that differ in cause,course, response to treatment, and outcome, abetter understanding of biological processesthat operate in the context of treatment andprevention studies will lead to more targeted in-tervention approaches that are designed for spe-cific subtypes of ASD. By tailoring the inter-ventions in this way, it is hoped that the livesof more individuals with ASD and their fami-lies will be substantially improved.


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