earth-717: hulk vol 2-11

Post on 15-Sep-2015






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An alternate time. An alternate world. Having lived for too long on the run, Bruce Banner finally found a place he could call home. However, his small hope for peace is soon shattered when a deadly alliance of foes reveal their master plan. Forced out of hiding and headlong into crisis, Banner must learn to do what he has always dreaded: not just control the Hulk, but embrace it.


Earth-717: Hulk Vol 2

Chapter 11: Atrocity

What's the matter, Bruce? Not happy to see your old man?

Bruce took multiple steps back, unable to process what was happening. Betty rushed forward and grabbed him, holding him still and preventing him from falling over. Everyone else in the room was completely transfixed by the sight of the mutated Brian before them, and the knowledge that Sterns had just revealed.

You . . . . y-you can't be him. Y-You're n-not my, my father. You can't be!

Don't make me angry, boy, said Brian. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Bruce's mind flashed back to when his father nearly killed him, his life only being saved by the interference of his mother. In that moment, he knew that the monster before him was indeed his father. Betty blinked and looked back at Brian.

W-What . . . . what happened to you? Bruce always said you'd died!

Brian licked the wall of the containment unit.

So, Brucey, you finally got a girlfriend? Heh, heh, heh. And she's a pretty one, too! Daddy approves.

Betty scowled at Brian, who growled back at her. Bruce tore himself free of Betty's grasp and pointed directly at Brian.

You leave her alone! She has nothing to do with you!

Brian hissed.

Grown a backbone, have you?! We'll just see about that, little boy.

How are you alive?

I never died. Just locked away. By Ross, that loathsome brute. So many years in a little box . . . . and then I finally started to change, cause of that experiment I did before you were born. But you knew that already, didn't you? I've heard all about you . . . . all about what you've become because of what I did.

Bruce looked down at this hands.

It's why they wanted you too. Only by combining our DNA, both father and son, could their . . . . cure . . . . be realized. While I turned into this . . . . Atrocity . . . . you became my true son. The Hulk. My boy. My creation. My legacy.

Bruce shook his head, holding his hands to his chest.

You're insane. You're . . . .


Brian slammed one of his clawed hands against the wall of the containment cube.



That's the bargain I struck with your father, Bruce, said Sterns, his voice once again filtering in through the loudspeaker. Once I have genetic data from both you, I will allow your father to absorb your essence, your life-force. Your biomass. One of his newfound talents, after his mutation. But don't worry . . . . I'll replicate the Hulk in other subjects, under my control. Your sacrifice will give life to a new breed of humanity.

Brian broke out into raucous laughter. Bruce took a step back in horror.

No . . . . no! NO!

There's nothing you can do to stop it, said Sterns. I know that Doctor Ross' antidote is in your bloodstream right now. It'll be hours before you can transform. It's over, Bruce.

Kate looked over at the oxygen tanks, seeing that Ann was hovering nearby the one on the left side of Brian's containment unit. Pulling out her pistol, she then took aim at the tank.


Kate fired three shots at the oxygen tank as she yelled. The tank burst open, spraying oxygen directly at Ann, who looked at the tank with fear. As the pressurized oxygen struck her hydrogen form at high velocity, she exploded into a stream of water with a scream, splashing onto the floor in a large puddle. Seeing this, Carla quickly pulled out her magnum.


Betty tackled Bruce to the floor as Carla and the Gamma Corps unloaded their weapons on the remaining villains. Chameleon fled for cover behind the containment unit, while Chen was blasted away by multiple pulse rifle blasts. Carla fired her magnum at Deathlok, who deflected the shot with his wrist shield.

Ryker's soldiers also joined the battle as Fitz, Simmons, Kate, ROB, Betty, Victoria and Bruce all fled the room. As they did, they came face to face with Ryker, who was aiming a magnum of his own at the group.

General? asked Simmons.

You don't go any further, said Ryker. I can't let you escape, knowing what I've done . . . . and while you were inside, the Leader promised to finish the cure . . . . if I help him.

Victoria, who was on the far right of the group, took a step forward, holding out her hands.

General, you've gone . . . .

Ryker turned and aimed the magnum at her, his hands shaking and his palms sweating.

Don't you see?! This is Lucy's only chance! Her only . . . .

A gunshot was heard as Ryker reached for his chest. Looking down, he saw that the fabric on his jacket that was over his heart started to become soaked with blood. Grabbing at it with his hand, he then took a moment before he slumped down to the floor. Kate, who was holding her pistol with both hands, let out a deep breath as she lowered her weapon.

Victoria nodded at her.

Alright. Let's move!

* * * *

Sterns grasped at his elongated forehead with both hands as his jaw dropped upon seeing the chaos that was happening on the monitors.

No, no, no! No! No, this can't be happening!

He then frantically started typing on the main computer console. After a few seconds, a female, computerized voice was heard over the loudspeaker.

Emergency security lockdown engaged.

* * * *

The voice was heard throughout the whole complex as an alarm started to sound.

Emergency security lockdown engaged.

Chen used a focused radiation blast to melt one of the attacking soldiers. As the battle continued to rage around him, Brian roared and slashed at his confinement, despite knowing that it was designed specifically to keep him inside. Fury fired a couple pistol shots at Chameleon, who took cover behind a corner of the containment cube.

He then saw that Deathlok was readying a wrist rocket, which he fired at one of the Gamma Corps commandos.


Fury leaped towards the door to the room as the rocket struck the commando, blowing her to smithereens. As this happened, the explosion also reached the oxygen tank, causing a chain reaction that tore apart the containment cube and inadvertently also destroyed Deathlok. Fury got back up and sprinted out of the room as Brian broke free of his cage, howling into the air.

Carla gasped as she looked up at the ferocious monster.

Shoot him!

The Gamma Corps commandos fired their electric lashes at Brian, but the electricity seemed to barely faze him. Using his tentacles, he swiped at the three commandos, impaling each of them with a separate tentacle. His fourth tried to stab Carla, but she barrel rolled out of the way, before being smacked in the face by it.

Carla crashed against the wall and fell to the ground as Brian drained the life-force from the three commandos, who all slumped over once he pulled his tentacles free of them. Snatching up one of the commando's bodies, he held her to his mouth before tearing through her flesh with his teeth. Gobbling her down, he then licked his bloodied teeth as he charged towards the open door. Cleaving the last surviving soldier in half with a swing of his left claw, he then smashed his way through the bricks, carving open a hole large enough for him to fit through.

Carla looked around the room as she wiped off the blood from her mouth. Seeing that Chen was unconscious on the floor and Chameleon was nowhere to be found, she got back up while seizing her side. Clenching her teeth and hunching over in pain, she then picked up her magnum off the floor and ran out of the room. As she did, she saw the body of Ryker on the ground outside the door.

His head was completely crushed, reduced to a puddle of bloody mush by being trampled under one of Brian's feet.

* * * *


Keep moving!

Bruce, Betty, Victoria, Kate, Fitz, Simmons and ROB were all sprinting as fast as they could down one of the hallways as they heard the sound of Brian bursting his way through the complex after them. As they turned a corner, they watched in dismay as a metal shutter closed down in front of them. Betty fruitlessly slammed both of her palms against the shutter.


Kate looked behind them, seeing a labelled map on the wall that showed all of the rooms and hallways of the complex. As she was quickly running her finger along it, more shutters started to close in other hallways. The group then heard the sound of Brian smashing his way through a metal shutter as his voice got closer.


As the group realized that they were trapped, ROB flew over to the security panel next to the shutter door. Charging up his laser, he fired it directly at the panel, destroying it completely. A dinging noise was heard as the metal shutter retracted into the ceiling.

The way is clear!

Betty exhaled.

Nice one, ROB!

As the group rushed through the open doorway, Brian turned the corner into the hall. Seeing that the group was getting away from him, he doubled his pace, using his elbows to smash through the bricks on the walls. Bruce looked over his shoulder in terror, and Brian grinned at him.


Brian roared at the top of his lungs, his mouth stretching so wide that his glowing uvula was visibly shaking in the back of his throat.

* * * *

Sterns continued to type on the main computer console. As he furiously typed in string after string of commands, he was suddenly startled by the door to the control room being kicked in.

Wha . . . .

Fury stepped inside, aiming his pistol directly at Sterns. Sterns tried to move for a pistol of his own, but Fury fired a shot into the villain's right kneecap.


Keeling over in agony, Sterns was then knocked out by Fury kicking him in the face. Fury then looked over at the computer, seeing all of the video and audio data that had been recorded throughout the complex. Turning his eye, he then saw a USB port with a thumb drive plugged into it.

* * * *

The main group burst into the concrete lobby, all of them nearly out of breath. Seeing that the main door was still closed, Victoria pointed towards the security checkpoint.

Science Team! Get in there, see if you can override the lockdown!

Fitz nodded.

On it!

Fitz ran over to the security room as Simmons followed after him. He started frantically typing on the main console as he heard another roar coming from down the hall. Breathing quickly, he continued to work as Simmons placed her hand on his chest.

Breathe, Fitz. Just breathe. You can do this.

Jemma, I . . . .

Simmons steeled herself as she interrupted Fitz.

You can do this! You have to!

I . . . . I can't override the . . . . ah, dammit . . . .


Brian crashed into the lobby, leaving a pile of cracked bricks strewn about the floor. Kate turned and looked up at him in horror. Betty held out her hand.


Kate tried to run away, but Brian was too fast, smacking her with the back of his hand. She was sent flying into an adjacent hallway and out of sight.


Brian chuckled as he pounded both of his fists against the ground.

No escape this time!

He then lashed out with one of his tentacles, slamming it against the glass windows surrounding the security checkpoint. The force of the attack caused Fitz to shout in pain as he was knocked to the floor, unconscious. Simmons screamed as she rushed down next to him.


Brian turned back to the main door, seeing that Bruce, Betty, Victoria and ROB were all backed up against it. He slowly stalked forward as he allowed the gravity of their situation to sink in, licking his teeth again with his filthy tongue.

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Thought you could get away, eh, Brucey?

Betty held onto Bruce's hand as she looked over at him with resignation. Victoria gulped, knowing that there was nothing more she could do. Even ROB was scared, trembling as he floated next to Betty's head.

Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Tell me, boy . . . .

Brian let his tongue sway from side to side, slurping as he did so.

How does your girlfriend taste? She looks delicious, heh, heh, heh. I think I'll gobble her up first. Tasty little appetizer . . . . AND YOU'RE THE MAIN COURSE!

Staring down his father, Bruce then stepped away from Betty, who tried to pull him back. Ripping himself free from her grip, Bruce took several steps forward as he slowly clenched his fists. Brian gleefully smiled as Bruce closed his eyes, focusing all of his mental energy. He knew that the antidote was still in his system, but he didn't care.

He focused everything he was feeling in that moment. All of the fear that was instilled in him of his father, to the point of repressing his memories. All of the anxiety that he had when he was a fugitive, of hurting himself or the people he cared about. All of the rage that had built up over the years because of never having the life he wanted.

All of his emotions surged to the top of his psyche, bubbling into a toxic brew that burned the rest of Betty's antidote from his system. His cells flared up with the radiation-induced defect that had been passed down to him by his father's barbaric experiments. Everything that had ever happened to Bruce reached a singular climax.

The moment in which, for the first time ever, he chose to become the Hulk.

His eyes opened, glowing with the bright green of his monstrous alter ego. Then, more gracefully than ever before, his body changed. His skin tone transitioned to a vibrant green as his muscles grew, drunk on the radiation that was always brimming in his veins. He tore through his shirt and shoes, before slamming his fists together.


Brian chortled as he looked at Bruce.

You're even more glorious than I imagined. The fruits of my labour, heh, heh. Don't you see? This is the real you. My true son.

You're no father of mine, said Bruce.

Awh, little baby Hulk is upset, heh, heh. You gonna cry? Remembering all the times Daddy beat you? I did it for your own good! You were worthless back then! A mediocre little whelp! You needed someone to teach you how to be a MAN!

Bruce growled as he clenched his teeth and held his fists back. Brian chortled again.

You wanna hit me? Get some payback, huh?! TAKE YOUR SHOT!!!!

Bruce let out a war cry as he charged towards his monstrous father. The two irradiated titans clashed, the force of colliding against each other causing a shockwave that sounded like a sonic boom. Bruce unleashed a flurry of furious punches on Brian's flesh, who retaliated with a powered slash from his right claw.


Bruce looked down in surprise to see that Brian's claws could actually wound him; he had four gashes in his chest that started to bleed. Given a moment of opportunity, Brian grabbed Bruce by the head before heaving him to the side, slamming his son's head against the concrete wall. Bruce tried to use his strength to push himself away from the wall, but Brian held him still.


Bruce looked at Betty and ROB with concern. Betty was watching the battle with tears in her eyes, knowing that she had no way of helping the man she loved. ROB was bouncing side to side with anxiety.

Stay back! shouted Bruce.



Bruce elbowed Brian in the gut, causing him to loosen his grip on Bruce's head. Bruce then used his feet to shove himself off the wall, staggering Brian as he was knocked back. Bruce tried to land a solid punch to Brian's jaw, but his father caught his fist. Using his other hand, Brian landed a powerful hook on Bruce's face.

Squeezing on Bruce's fist as hard as he could, Brian laughed as he used his tentacles to stab his son repeatedly in the chest. Roaring with fury, Bruce reached out and seized Brian by the throat, nearly crushing his father's windpipe. Lunging forward, Bruce managed to perform a choke-slam on Brian.


Bruce held his father down with one hand as he started wildly wailing on him with his other. After a dozen or so punches to Brian's face, Bruce was suddenly stunned by the sound of a gunshot, followed by a piercing pain in his back.

Turning around, Bruce saw Carla running into the room, firing her magnum and readying her energy blade with her other hand. Bruce was so surprised by Carla's attack that Brian got the chance to swipe at his son's ankles, tripping him over. As Brian got back to his feet, Carla turned her magnum on him.

HE'S MINE! she yelled.

Firing the last shot in her gun, Carla hit Brian square in his left eye. His cornea was shattered by the bullet's impact, with yellow blood spurting from the hole as Brian squealed in pain. As Brian stumbled backwards, Carla took the chance to charge at Bruce, who was still on his back. Tossing her magnum aside, she held her energy blade high as she leaped towards his downed body, aiming her downward blade directly for his heart.

Her momentum was then stopped by one of Brian's tentacles impaling her from behind. Coughing blood onto Bruce's chest, she then grabbed at the tentacle that was emerging from just under her breasts. She looked at it with shock and confusion as Brian then turned her body so that he could look directly into her eyes.

Brian grinned at her as his left eye continued to bleed.

Naughty little girl.

Bellowing with rage, Brian used his tentacle to slam Carla against the ground. He then swiped her body side to side, smashing her repeatedly against both walls, with her screaming the entire time. After a dozen or so of these strikes, he brought her up and plowed her into the ceiling before finally slamming her against the wall one last time. Her body finally tore in half as Brian retracted his tentacle, her blood and entrails smeared all over the room.

Brandishing his claws, Brian turned back to his son.

Now that that's settled . . . .

Bruce burst to his feet, kicking out at Brian's stomach. Landing a powerful hit to his father's side, Bruce stunned Brian long enough to tackle him to the floor. Brian lashed out with his tentacles, wrapping them around Bruce's body and continuing to stab him in the back, drawing more blood. Brian gnawed on the flesh of his son's shoulder before Bruce then reached into Brian's open mouth, yanking on and ripping out his tongue.


Brian choked on some of his own yellow blood as he backhanded Bruce across the face, knocking him against the wall. Aiming all of his tentacles at Bruce, Brian was then shocked by being blasted in the side by a red laser beam.

I will aid you, Doctor Banner! said ROB. I cannot stand aside any longer!


ROB fired another laser at Brian, whose flesh was seared by the sustained blast. Bruce jumped forward and punched his father's chest, but Brian slashed downward with his tentacles, knocking Bruce to the ground. With his son momentarily incapacitated, Brian reached out and snatched up ROB with his left claw, snarling at him while holding him up to his face.

You are a most unpleasant person!

ROB fired another laser blast, striking Brian in the face. Brian screamed as he was temporarily blinded by the attack. ROB tried to wiggle free of his grasp, but Brian then blinked before squeezing inward, crushing ROB's frame and cracking the domed glass section. A loud buzzing noise was heard, and both Bruce and Betty held out their hands.


Brian growled as he tossed ROB aside, who then crashed onto the ground. The cracked glass on ROB's frontal section started flickering on and off. Brian then lifted his claw as if to strike at his son, but an enraged Bruce jumped up and roared as he swung with a haymaker, socking Brian right across the jaw.

Stumbling backwards, Brian crashed into the security checkpoint office, and Simmons screamed as she used her body to shield Fitz from falling ceiling panels. Brian tried to push himself up, but Bruce grabbed him by his tentacles before swinging him around and slamming his body against the nearby wall.

As Bruce went in for another attack, Brian slashed out with his tentacles, driving his son back. Bruce tried to fight them off, but Brian savagely cut Bruce half a dozen times with slicing attacks. Wrapping two tentacles around Bruce's throat, Brian then started swiping at him with his hand claws. Betty fell to her knees as she watched the brutal display.

Then, she heard a voice she thought she never would again.


Betty turned to the left and looked up to see an exhausted and bloodied Kate standing on a balcony overlooking the lobby.



With both hands, Kate heaved an object over the railing. Betty's eyes widened upon seeing that it was a rocket launcher. Picking up the weapon once it fell on the floor, Betty then sneered as she got on one knee and took aim at Brian, who had just knocked Bruce away from him.

Hey, you!

Brian quickly looked over his shoulder, blinking upon seeing what Betty was aiming at him. Betty scoffed.

You lose, big guy.

Betty fired the rocket, and Brian gasped. He had no time to move before it struck him in the chest, causing a massive explosion that splattered blood, pieces of bone and chunks of flesh all around the room. Most of Brian's stomach was destroyed, leaving a gaping hole that contained all of his organs reduced to jelly and several fragments of his ribcage.

Brian's devastated carcass slumped over and fell to the ground as a puddle of yellow blood started to form around him, pouring out of his main wound, his destroyed eye and his mouth. He coughed one last breath before dying.

Betty took in several deep breaths as she tossed the rocket launcher aside. Victoria slid down the back wall to the ground, completely floored by the spectacle she had just witnessed. Simmons, covered in dust and dirt, trudged out of the security checkpoint, holding hands with a disoriented Fitz. Bruce, still in his Hulk form, took in several deep breaths of his own as he smiled at Betty, who returned the gesture.

Bruce then started to shrink, returning to his human form. Once the transformation was complete, he blinked, immediately having control of his faculties. He then rushed over to ROB, beckoning Betty over.

The two scientists knelt down next to ROB, whose light was still flickering.

D-D-Doc . . . . Doc-tor . . . . B-Ban . . . . Banner! D-Doctor . . . . Rrrrrrrross! Did . . . . did . . . . w-we w-wi . . . . win?

Both Bruce and Betty started to cry as they looked down at their fallen friend.

Yeah, ROB, said Bruce, wiping his cheeks with his hands. We won.

Good . . . . good . . . .

Why, ROB? asked Betty. Why did you do that? Why?

As . . . . as I, I, I s-said . . . . a-always . . . . h-hap . . . . happy to, to h-help . . . .

ROB's light finally shut off, and this time it did not turn on again.

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