east cafra 4 i 104/ billionaires weight loss · weight loss revelations from science high protein...

Post on 21-Jul-2020






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Founder’s Message

Dear GNLD Family Members,

One of the things I love about this business is the fact that no matter where we started or where we currently are in our lives, it is never too late to go after our dreams and grow into the people we want to be - the people we were destined to become.

Who we are as individuals can basically be summed up into 3 main parts - mind, body, and spirit and these three areas can undergo major improvements when we are intentional about working on them.

I’m sure of this fact because I have experienced it in my own life and also because it is the way God designed us. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

God wants the best for us and plans the best for us, but there are also universal laws He created that hold us partly accountable for the outcome. Whether you believe in God or not, most people accept these laws as truth. They show up in the secular world all the time, for

example: the Golden Rule of ‘treat others as you want to be treated’. That is taken from the bible and so is ‘you reap what you sow’ often translated as ‘what you hand out comes back’.

When we live in a way that these universal laws benefit us then we are able to live up to our full potential and not only be blessed, but also be a blessing to others.

In order to get more we need to be worth more. And in this business, we are worth more when we love others and build relationships. And when we focus on having a healthy body, mind, and spirit we are able to do this to a greater extent.

People want to associate with people who are humble, loving, and caring. That goes both ways because they don’t want to be around someone who is arrogant, unloving, and unforgiving.

As I reflect over my life with GNLD and NeoLife, it is the people who have understood this concept that have had the biggest impact, touching more lives and living out the purpose God has for each and every one of us.

Often I see people have a very unequal focus on body, mind, and spirit, where one of the three is left out all together. That one is usually spirit. But having a balanced focus on all three areas is what I believe has allowed me to have the success I do. I know that on my own, without God’s help, I am not smart enough, or loving enough, or patient enough to have gotten to where I am. It is because of this that I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life helping others to have success that is even beyond their wildest dreams.

There is no greater success than knowing we have lived up to our full potential and touched as many lives as possible. Thank you for the impact you have had and for all the future ways you use this opportunity to be a blessing to others. I have never been more encouraged of just how huge our impact can be when we empower others to be their best.

God Bless, Jerry Brassfield


Features 04 - 2014


22 I Step-Ups Recognising achievements in July, August & September 2014


15 I NeoLifeTea Delicious and refreshing

20 I Get Smart About Your Goals Specific, Measurable, Actioned, Realistic, Timed

16 I What Billionaires Say About Direct Selling

Valuable advice from Donald Trump, Warren Buffet and John D. Rockefeller

24 I Using LinkedIn 3 ways to optimise

your business

4 I News You Can Use NeoLifeShake - Complete whole food nutrition

24 I Whole foods for Holistic protection


10 I Welcome to the President’s Team – Celebrating 4 Ruby Director step-ups in 2014



High Protein Diets for Weight Loss, Increased Satiety, and Healthy Metabolism

You’ve probably heard this before but to lose weight you need to create an “energy deficit” – consume less or burn more kilojoules than your body needs to maintain its current weight. However, in recent years scientists have become just as interested in what to eat as they are in how to eat to facilitate weight loss. In other words, the composition of your meals – the amount of protein, carbohydrate, and fat you take in is now considered to be just as important a factor.

Over the years a strong body of scientific evidence has found that higher protein diets are helpful for weight loss2. They help increase satiety to a greater extent than both carbohydrate and fat and promote positive changes in body composition (greater fat loss and retention of lean muscle mass) than traditional, standard protein diets3. And now there’s more good news! Higher protein diets may also prevent

the decrease in kilojoule burning potential (resting energy expenditure) that is typically seen after weight loss.

In a new meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers systematically evaluated 24 well-designed studies that compared a total of 520 and 543 individuals who consumed high protein and standard protein diets, respectively. They found that those consuming a high protein diet significantly reduced the associated decrease in resting energy expenditure (REE) typically seen with weight loss diets4. In fact, researchers found high protein diets helped prevent the reduction in REE by almost 2500 kilojoules! That in itself could make a big difference in your weight loss success.

Muscle Up with a Combination of Soya and Milk Proteins

When it comes to weight management and athletic performance, protein consumption has been one of the most researched areas in the field of nutrition. Some athletes swear by whey protein for muscle building, while vegans rely on soya protein for a high quality, plant based protein source.


satiety // sa·ti·e·ty NounThe feeling or state ofbeing fully satisfied.

What are the secrets to successful weight loss? And, what is the secret to keeping the weight off once it’s gone? According to members of the National Weight Control Registry in the United States, a group of 10,000 people (mostly women) who lost at least 13 kgs and have kept the weight off for a year or more1, it’s no surprise - maintain a positive attitude; keep track of what you eat; weigh yourself once a week; and exercise regularly. These obvious lifestyle factors appear to be good predictors of success. But what else can you do to successfully lose the weight and keep it off? What are the latest scientific findings on this very important topic? In this particular issue of News You Can Use we’ve highlighted just that. We’ve got the latest scientific breakthroughs to share with you about how 7 simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can help you and those you care about achieve a new body and a better life!


Studies have also discovered that although soya and milk proteins are both considered to be high quality, complete sources of amino acids, they appear to have different rates of digestion5. This in turn affects how fast their respective amino acids appear in circulation and their ability to stimulate muscle protein building. Soya and dairy proteins also have different amounts of leucine, a branched chained amino acid that serves as a key signal in muscle tissue to stimulate protein synthesis. And studies also suggest that dairy proteins, like casein play an important role in preventing muscle protein breakdown. Findings like these have raised the question by researchers and athletes alike

“What is the best source of protein to maximise muscle building?”

Well, an ever-expanding area of research comparing the effects of different protein sources on performance is suggesting a combination of both soya and dairy proteins may in fact be best.

In a one-of-a-kind, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical study, researchers from the University of Texas provided 20 healthy young athletes with either a protein blend (a combination of soya, whey and

casein) or whey protein drink immediately after a one-hour bout of high intensity leg resistance exercise6. Muscle biopsies were taken at baseline and twice during the post exercise period. What researchers discovered was that muscle protein synthesis rates were stimulated by both protein treatments but to a greater extent by the protein blend. Researchers concluded that the protein blend

which provided both fast and slowly digested proteins may have prolonged the delivery of amino acids to muscle tissue thus extending the period of muscle protein synthesis.

PROPRIETARY FIBRE BLEND · 5g of fibre per serving · From whole food sources -

soya, oat and guar · Contributes to a satisfying

feeling of fullness

PROPRIETARY PROTEIN BLEND · 18g of high quality protein · Biologically complete with all 22 amino

acids · Food based sources of protein for superior

amino acid profile:

To maximise your muscle building potential consider consuming a protein shake made with both soya and dairy proteins.

LEUCINE // amino acidConsuming foods containing Leucine has been shown to help build and retain lean body mass by stimulating protein synthesis.

Creamy Vanilla#2912

Berries n’ Cream#2913

Rich Chocolate#2914

*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Appetite and Weight Control – The Role of Gut Hormones

Feelings of fullness after eating are believed to be regulated by a sensory system that sends messages from our gut to the appetite-regulating centres in our brain. In our brain, the hypothalamus responds to our nutrient and energy intake, while in the gut, specialised cells produce several different hormones that control our appetite.

An understanding about the role these hormones play in appetite control has increased exponentially over the last decade leading to a growing interest among scientists in finding ways to modify these hormones to prevent and treat obesity8. The hormones that have intrigued scientists the most have been leptin, ghrelin and cholecystokinin (CKK). However, new gut hormones have been recently identified such as GLP-1, PYY and OXM, all of which appear to play

a role in inhibiting food intake and are currently the subject of many research studies.

Australian researchers examined the effects of meal composition (varying amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrate) on gastrointestinal hormones, appetite and subsequent energy intakes in a group of lean and obese men9. When it came to hormone levels, CCK and ghrelin levels were sustained in response to the high protein and adequate protein meals, but not with the other test meals in both lean and obese men. Overall, this study confirms the satiety-enhancing effects of diets with higher protein content and suggests that gut hormone response may be partially responsible for these effects.

Fill up on Fibre to Prevent Weight Gain

According to studies, the average American adult gains 0.5-1 kg per year. That might not seem like much but, from year to year it could add up. Before you know it you’ve gained 6 to 9 kgs and are showing signs of weight related diseases like Type 2 Diabetes. The good news is there are ways to prevent this weight gain or even encourage weight loss. The secret? Eating more fibre. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers at Brigham Young University in Utah followed the eating habits of 252 middle-aged women

Pancreas ..................I NSUL IN

Fat Cells ...................LEPT IN

Intestines ..................CCK, PYY, GLP-1, OXM

Stomach ..................G HREL IN




S E C R E T O RLooking for ways to boost your fibre intake? Eat more berries, beans and whole grains and consider adding a NeoLifeShake to your day. You’ll get 5 grams of fibre per serving from whole food sources like soya, oat and guar!

Soyabeans are an excellent source of fibre.

for nearly two years and found that those who increased their fibre intake lost weight while those who decreased their fibre intake gained weight7. The scientists found that for every 8 grams of fibre per 4,200 kilojoules consumed, women lost 2 kgs over the course of the study. This held true regardless of how much fibre the women ate prior to the start of the study, which ranged from 3 to 25 grams a day.




How canyou keep

muscle massas you age?

sarcopenia // sar·co·pe·ni·a NounAge-related loss of muscle mass and strength.

· Clinically proven benefits · All eight omega-3

fatty acids including EPA, DHA, and more · Ultrapure, high

potency fish oil


if you are active, research suggest you too will experience some muscle loss. Loss of muscle can also make it more difficult to lose weight because when you lose muscle mass, you also slow down your metabolism. So why do we lose muscle as we age? Well, a major cause of age-related muscle loss is thought to be due to the inability of our aging muscle to adequately boost the rate of muscle building in response to a diet rich in protein and amino acids. New research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil may help.

In this study, healthy older adults were randomly assigned to receive either a dose of fish oil containing 1.9 g of EPA and 1.5 g of DHA or an equal amount of corn oil daily for eight weeks10. Key measures of muscle protein synthesis were evaluated before and after

Consider Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil to Help Retain Muscle

Who would have thought that omega-3 fatty acids, well known for their cardiovascular, brain health and anti-inflammatory benefits could also help us retain muscle mass thereby enabling weight management?

Around the age of 30, you begin to lose muscle mass and function, a condition known as age-related sarcopenia. In fact, people who are physically inactive can lose as much as 3% to 5% of their muscle mass per decade after age 30 and even


supplementation and with and without an infusion of amino acids. What researchers found was that corn oil had no effect on muscle protein synthesis rates but that fish oil supplementation did with an infusion of amino acids. In fact, it more than doubled the response, suggesting a stimulatory effect on muscle tissue building. Although the exact mechanisms are unclear, this study provides some compelling evidence that omega-3 fatty acids play a role in muscle metabolism and that supplementation may not only help combat the loss of muscle mass that occurs as we age, but may help with weight loss by preserving your lean muscle mass. Stay tuned for more research!








“Researchers found that late-eaters lost significantly less weight and had a slower rate of weight loss than the early-eaters.”



Timing of Meals May Be Important for Controlling Weight

New research suggests that in addition to balancing kilojoule intake with kilojoules burned to maintain a healthy weight, the timing of your meals may matter. In a large-scale

prospective study conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in collaboration with the University of Murcia and Tufts University, 420 overweight study participants who followed a 20-week weight loss programme were divided into two groups based on the timing of their main meal of the day (lunch in this particular population)11. Early-eaters were defined as those who ate lunch anytime before 3pm and late-eat-

ers were defined as those who ate lunch after 3 pm. Researchers found that late-eaters lost significantly less weight and had a slower rate of weight loss than the early-eaters. Late-eaters were also found to have a lower level of insulin sensitivity, a risk factor for diabetes. Although the timing of their other meals did not seem to play a significant role, late-eaters also consumed fewer kilojoules during breakfast or were more likely to skip breakfast altogeth-er, which may have influenced their

weight loss results. It’s important to note that the researchers also looked at other factors that play a role in weight loss such as total kilojoule intake and expenditure, appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin, and hours of sleep in study subjects. Researchers found no significant differences among these factors, suggesting that the time at which a meal was consumed was an independent factor for successful weight loss.







8am 10 12 2 4 6 8pmControlled glycemic responseHigh-glycemic meal


glycaemic responseglycaemic meal


1. Kraschnewski JL, Boan J, Esposito J, et al. Long-term weight loss maintenance in the United States. Int J Obes (Lond) 2010;34(11):1644-1654.

2. Paddon-Jones D, Westman E, Mattes RD, et al. Protein, weight management and satiety. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87(suppl):1558S-61S.

3. Krieger JW, Sitren HS, Daniels MJ, Langkamp-Henken B. Effects of variations in protein and carbohydrate intake on body mass and composition during energy restriction: a meta-regression. Am J Clin Nutr 2006;83:260-74.

4. Wycherley TP, Moran LJ, Clifton PM, et al. Effects of energy-restricted high-protein, low fat compared with standard protein, low-fat diets: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr 2012:96-1281-98.

5. Tang JE, Moore DR, Kujbida GW et al. Ingestion of whey hydrolysate, casein or soy protein isolate: effects on mixed muscle protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in young men. J Appl Physiol 2009;107:987-992.

6. Reidy P, Walker DK, Dickinson JM et al. Effect of protein blend vs whey protein ingestion on muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise. The FASEB Journal. 2012;26:1013.9.

7. Tucker LA, Thomas KS. Increasing total fiber intake reduces risk of weight and fat gains in women. Journal of Nutrition 2009:139:1-6.

8. Perry B, Wang Y. Appetite regulation and weight control: the role of gut hormones. Nutrition and Diabetes (2012)2, published online 16 January 2012.

9. Brennan IM, Luscombe-March ND, Seimon RV et al. Effects of fat, protein and carbohydrate and protein load on appetite, plasma cholecystokinin, peptide YY and ghrelin and energy intake in lean and obese men. Am J Physiol Gastointest Liver Physiol (May 3, 2012). Doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00478.2011.

10. Smith GI, Atherton P, Reeds DN et al. Dietary omega 3 fatty acid supplementation increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis in older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93:402-12.

11. Garaulet M, Gómez-Abellán, Alburquerque-Béjar JJ et.al. Timing of food intake predicts weight loss effectiveness. International Journal of Obesity 2013;29.

12. Ebbeling CB, Swain JF, Feldman HA, et al. Effects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance. JAMA 2012;307(24):2627-2634.


Resting energy expenditure (REE), the amount of energy expended by a person at rest and total energy expenditure (TEE), the amount of energy a person burns during daily activities, were measured before and after consuming the test diets. What researchers found was that the decrease in REE was greatest for the low fat diet, followed by the low glycaemic diet and then followed by the very low carbohydrate diet. Although the very low carbohydrate diet appeared to produce the best results in terms of its effects on

metabolic rate, it was not without some important caveats. The very low carbohydrate diet was also found to raise cortisol levels, a stress hormone associated with insulin resistance and increased C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the body. Although more studies are needed to confirm effects on REE, a low glycaemic response diet appears to have metabolic advantages over other diets when it comes to keeping the weight off long-term.

Keeping the Weight Off – A Low Glycaemic Response Diet May Help

When it comes to achieving a healthy weight, losing the weight is just half the battle. The other half is learning how to keep the weight off for years to come. New research suggests adopting a diet composed of high fibre, low glycaemic response carbohydrates may help keep those kilograms off.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School found diets that reduce the surge in blood sugar after a meal – either a low glycaemic diet or very lowcarbohydrate diet, may be preferable over a low fat diet when trying to achieve lasting weight loss. This four year study evaluated the effects of three different diets: a low glycaemic diet; a very low carbohydrate diet; and a low fat diet on energy expenditure in 21 overweight and obese adults who previously lost weight and were placed on a 6 month maintenance plan12.


GNLD is proud to recognise the following Distributors for their hard work and dedication. Your success is our reward. Your reward is the improvements you have made to your own life and the lives of others in your community. Well done and welcome to GNLD’s esteemed President’s Team.


The GNLD Opportunity has transformed our lives and we are overjoyed that we’ve stepped up and joined the President’s Team. Our family is far more prosperous and happier than ever. The generous bonuses that we have earned through GNLD have allowed us to acquire many possessions including a Volkswagen Polo and several properties. We have been able to use our increased income to make many positive changes in our family’s lives.



We attribute our recent success to increasing the number of meetings we hold, focusing on sponsoring and always attending company events and training. Our team’s unity and spirit play a large role in the success we enjoy today.



“Keep believing in this business. Always persevere. Look what we have achieved in a short space of time. We were able to buy a new Nissan Murano 4X4, buy land and build our own house. Those were all major goals in our life.

Lead by example. The more you get people to understand this business and believe that this is an opportunity for all, the better

your business will do. I know by the end of next year I will be a 5 Ruby Director, and in five years time I want to be 5 Diamond Director.

We want to spread the good news of this business and its amazing products to all the French speaking people in Africa. All things are achievable with GNLD as your partner.”


“Our lives have improved tremendously; this status has changed our view about GNLD. Our success in turn has been a source of motivation to our team members. Our success made our team believe that they can do better.

We attribute our success to our personal drive and purposeful leadership and also believing in the Opportunity. We see ourselves as Diamond Directors by next year. In 5 years time we hope to have a lot of our team

members becoming Diamond Directors and achieving success and leadership. Our advice is for others to focus, believe in their leaders and in the Opportunity. Always remember the reason you started in the business, so no matter what you face you will be motivated in pursuing your goals and dreams.

Our long term goal is to become 5 Diamond Directors and we also look forward to celebrating decades of successful business with GNLD.”

Next year we would like help others in our team share the same success by developing at least 100 new Directors, 30 World Team Members and at least two President’s Team Members. In 5 years time we would like to be 5 Diamond Directors, with a dozen or more President’s Team Members within our organisation. We know that we can achieve it – in GNLD anything is possible with persistence and courage.

Our advice to others who want to succeed and step up like we have is to first learn the basics. After that you need to go out and seriously implement what you have learnt, especially about recruitment. Focus on growing other people in your organisation and develop them to be leaders.

Our ultimate longterm goal in GNLD is to develop many more Diamond Directors. We also dream of one day owning our own helicopter so that we reach people who stay in inaccessible areas. The GNLD Opportunity is God-sent. Thank you GNLD.





AUSON AUDAX, Sapphire Director, Tanzania

“I found the event exciting and refreshing. Events like this help us see the bigger picture of GNLD. They motivate us to work harder. A highlight for me was Founder, Jerry Brassfield’s message about residual income - it was highly inspiring.”

GRACE NGATIA, Sapphire Director, Kenya

“For me this is the best part of the GNLD business - travelling and seeing the world. Hong Kong is such an exotic destination and we got the royal treatment from the company. It was simply awesome!

A key part of the event was the valuable and insightful training sessions. The event gave me a new outlook of building strong relationships and the importance this has on building a strong network. I came back with renewed energy & vigor for life, fresh ideas for my business! I am so excited about my future in GNLD.”

GATTI MATHEW, Sapphire Director, Tanzania

“My husband and I are very grateful to have attended this event in Hong Kong. We explored this amazing city for the first time in our lives and were astounded by the different cultures and the amazing malls. Besides the sightseeing we enjoyed the session relating to “Consistency and Persistence”. The reward of attending this event shows that if you do those two things you’re destined for success.”

JOHN & JENES KARANI, 3 Ruby Director, Kenya

“World Team Conference Hong Kong was awesome and exciting. Being recognised among my peers gave me a great sense of pride. I encourage every Distributor to keep on keeping on and never to give up, even when things are tough. To attend an event like this makes it all worthwhile! GNLD is the best!”

PRUDENCE NDUHURA, 1 Ruby Director, Uganda

“The event was wow! Everything was so well organised and the programme was so relevant to our business. One of the things that motivated me the most was the way the structures of different teams were clearly presented to us as at the conference. This made me realise the possibility to build a team beyond the borders of my country. The chance to visit an advanced place like Hong Kong was beyond my wildest dreams. I got a chance to enjoy true lifestyle in Hong Kong – thanks GNLD!”

Find out what attendees have to say about the most recent business and lifestyle event that was held in exotic Hong Kong last September.


The World Team Conference will be a vacation you won’t forget, as we celebrate success at the African paradise known as Sun City.

WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT TO EXPERIENCE:Success training by sales leaders and executives. Powerful product sessions from qualified professionals.

Inspirational product and business stories from World Team and President’s Team Members.

FUN! FUN! FUN! As we explore and experience all Sun City has to offer, while building lasting relationships with like-minded people.

COMING SOON! Cash for travel & accommodation.

The 2015 World Team Conference Incentive will show you how to qualify and save. Look out for the flyer.

SUN CITY 2015You won’t want to miss out on one of the most anticipated events of 2015!








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The Direct Selling business model has been around for over 150 years and has long since proven its effectiveness and sustainability. Often dubbed as the fastest growing industry in the world today, Direct Selling has caught the attention of Billionaires and Business Leaders from around the world. Find out for yourself and check out these quotes on the industry also known as Network Marketing.

Jim CramerHost of CNBC’s Mad Money

“These kinds of companies frankly have never gotten their due from Wall Street. It’s time we recognise that the direct sales model works and works well.”

“I am confident we can make a huge difference toward the goal of empowering women (people) and helping them achieve their financial hopes and dreams.”

Suzy OrmanInternationally Acclaimed Personal Finance Expert

“Of all the entrepreneurial opportunities available today, one of the most important is direct selling, also called network marketing.”

“In today’s world, working for yourself is actually the safer route, and working for a corporation has become the riskier propositions.”

Paul Zane Pilzer Famous Economist & Best-Selling Author






“The future of employment is self-employment. Direct Selling is one of the few business opportunities that offer average people with above average ambition a way to achieve an above average lifestyle, peace of mind and financial security."

Darren HardyPublisher of Success Magazine




GNLD's Family of Brands taps into 3 product groups that account for 65% of the overall market share:

Home Care, Wellness, and Personal Care

Estimated U.S. Direct Sellers

Direct Selling in Africa

The number of people involved in the direct selling industry has increased by over 3 times

between 1991 and 2012.

Revenue By Product Group

“You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Zig Ziglar Author & Motivational Speaker

Warren Buffett Investor & Among Top 5 Richest Men in the World

“The best investment I ever made”

Donald TrumpAmerican Business Magnate

“If I lost everything and had to start again, I would find myself a great network marketing company and get to work.”

“I am often asked if Network Marketing is a Pyramid Scheme. My reply is that corporations really are pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below.”

John D. RockefellerAmerican Tycoon, Businessman, & Philanthropist

“I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts.”

“Network marketing is the big wave of the future. It’s taking the place of franchising, which now requires too much capital for the average person.”

Jim RohnAmerica’s Business Philosopher

“Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth.”

“If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a network marketing business.”

Robert Kiyosaki Investor, Entrepreneur & Best-Selling Author

In Africa there are over a million people actively involved in the direct selling industry. In the period 2010 to 2013 there has been a 30% growth in the




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GET SMART ABOUT YOUR GOALS!The New Year is upon us and we all make resolutions that never stick. But what if there were a way to set your goals so that you almost can’t help but achieve them?

There is! For years, businesses in project management, personal trainers, and personal development experts alike have followed this simple mnemonic for setting and reaching goals. They are called SMART goals.

SPECIFIC – Clearly defined, what you would like to accomplish. MEASUREABLE – Have an indicator of progress. Eg. weight, endurance, body fat, etc.ACTIONABLE – Clearly lay out how you will achieve goals. REALISTIC – Practical and achievable given your time, ability, and current situation. TIMED – Specify by when you will achieve your goals. Monthly is recommended.

We often set goals that are so unrealistic that we are setting ourselves up for failure. This simple method gives you a layout for effective goal setting that will help you be successful, and even if you aren’t you will be able to remember why, since there are progress indicators and short term time frames. So for 2015, make sure that your resolutions are SMART!




RESOLUTION: Lose WeightSPECIFIC – Lose 5 kg by watching what I eat and exercising.MEASURABLE – Weight in kilograms.ACTIONABLE – Replace 2 meals a day with NeoLifeShake and exercise at least 3 times a week.REALISTIC – I can do this because I want to be healthy and look good. Replacing 2 meals a day is doable and convenient. I can exercise before or after work for at least an hour. TIMED – Weight loss of 1 kg a week, with a goal of 5 or more kilograms lost in 5 weeks.

Here are some common New Year’s resolutions already made SMART for your convenience!

RESOLUTION: Get FitSPECIFIC – Increase my level of fitness by going to the gym regularly.MEASURABLE – I will know my level of fitness is increasing using body fat as a measure of success.ACTIONABLE – I will go to the gym at least 3 days a week, either before or after work. I will do cardio for at least 30 minutes followed by weight training.REALISTIC – I can do this because I can wake up an hour earlier or watch less TV and use that time to work out. I can also use NeoLife nutrition to help me reach this goal.TIMED – 1% decrease in body fat every month until desired level is reached.







Congratulations to these Directors who are reaching for the top by moving up one or more levels.






- Kenya



- Nigeria








- Kenya











“Carrots are good for your eyes,” she said, “Drink milk so you can have strong bones,” and “Eat fruits and vegetables so you don’t get sick.”

These are the words of my Mom ringing in my ear to this day. Thanks to her gentle reminding since my early childhood, as a now wise adult I eat healthily and have a tendency to choose fruit over cake—at least most of the time! She worked full time yet made it a point to make family meals herself (then delegated some duties to me when I was old enough), always had fruits and healthy food on hand for snacking, and taught me how much better it was to eat whole foods instead of processed foods. I shopped with my Mom at the local natural food store and was probably one of the few kids in my class who knew you could buy nuts and oatmeal by the pound instead of by the can—and better yet, buy them unsalted and unsugared!

I didn’t know it then, and perhaps she didn’t either, but because she taught me from a young age about the importance of choosing healthy foods to stay healthy, I now have these incredibly priceless tools to be able to teach my own children. And, I am so fortunate to work for GNLD, a company that truly understands how nutrients

in food help us holistically—from supporting our immune system, protecting us from certain types of cancer, to helping us maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and more—and has shared that knowledge for over 50 years through a global network of distributors.


30’s #256490’s #2565

#2857Chewable All C #2512Vitamin C (SR) #2551





Creamy Vanilla #2912Berries n’ Cream #2913Rich Chocolate #2914


Whole FoodsHolistic ProtectionFOR

Whole Foods that Support: Nutrient /Type of Food NeoLife Nutritionals

A Healthy Immune System* Berries Flavonoid Complex, Carotenoid Complex & PhytoDefence

Carrots & Tomatoes Carotenoid Complex & PhytoDefence

Garlic Garlic Allium Complex

Flavonoid Complex & PhytoDefence Green Tea

Overall Protection Broccoli & Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous Plus & PhytoDefence

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Cruciferous Plus, Flavonoid Complex & PhytoDefence

Green Tea Flavonoid Complex & PhytoDefence

Cardiovascular Health* Fibre Multi-Fibre Blend, Fibre Tablets & NeoLifeShake

Soya Protein NeoLifeShake & Nutrishake

Vitamin C Chewable All C & Vitamin C (SR)

Garlic Garlic Allium Complex

* These medicines have not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. These medicines are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Feelings of contentment, enjoyment, confidence and fulfillment are all part of wellbeing, as are good relationships. In life, most people face challenges that can affect their wellbeing and feeling of happiness. It could be monotony, boredom, worries about work, economy, or relationships and family.

Even though there is no quick fix to happiness, there are ways to increase wellbeing and to cope better during tough times. Use our 5 tips to help you be better prepared for the ups and downs of everyday life!

EXERCISE Any kind of physical activity

that suits your level of fitness will lift your mood and do you good.Choose an exercise that you enjoy. If it helps, add some music or do it with a friend. And remember – the best exercise is the one that actually takes place!

CONNECTIt is important to communicate

and share feelings and thoughts with others. It allows you to release tension rather than keeping it inside. True friends really are worth their weight in gold. Every time you connect with those close to you, you further strengthen those bonds and give yourself a little boost of happiness at the same time.

LIVE HEALTHYEat a nutritious and balanced

diet. Make healthy food choices! A good diet allows your body to work efficiently, helping you to feel better. Aim to have a balanced everyday diet that includes fruit and vegetables, whole grain, fish and protein. Get enough sleep. About seven to eight hours is the average amount of sleep an adult needs for the body and mind to rest fully and

to give you enough energy to tackle everyday life. Limit your alcohol intake. Avoid drinking more than the recommended amount.

LEARNDiscover a passion! You could

start something new, restart a hobby or improve your existing skills. Take up reading, cooking, knitting, photography or history! The number of hobbies is endless – just enjoy!

GIVEDo something for someone

else. Helping, sharing and generally just being nice to others promotes a sense of self-worth. Do voluntary work or join a community project – it is a great source of happiness and wellbeing and also gives you a feeling of belonging.

to Increase Wellbeing!

And, finally, remember to laugh! Sometimes, we take life too seriously. Try to see the funny side of situations. Jokes have a way of making worries seem less important. By smiling, you can ‘fool’ your brain into thinking that you are happier than you are. And it works! You will feel happier!








THE NEOLIFEFAMILY FOUNDATIONWe are committed to making a positive difference throughout the world. GNLD has a rich history of involvement with organisations that help those less fortunate. From local programmes to international commitments, the NeoLife Family Foundation takes pride in selecting charitable organisations and causes that truly make a difference. These organisations don’t find us, we find them.

We are believers in giving back where your heart is, and ours is in giving to children. We carefully select charities aimed at helping the poorest of the poor children. The NeoLife Family Foundation is committed to finding organisations that meet our rigorous standards, where over 90% of every dollar donated goes directly to the children.

Among the various organisations we support are:

• A not-for-profit school lunch programme that provides daily hot meals to 15,000 children in Tanzania. In their school lunch, they receive our flagship product, Formula IV with Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates. The programme has been able to triple its size with our backing.

• A Christian organisation based in San Jose, California, that offers food, shelter, and guidance to children who are in desperate need of help.

• An orphanage in Lima, Peru, that provides food, medical services, and refuge for children who don’t have the resources to help themselves.

• An organisation in Las Vegas, Nevada that helps poor children in difficult life situations, such as abusive homes, go to a Christian summer camp.

The largest wildlife rescue operation in history relied on LDC to clean 25,000 oil-soaked penguins in Cape Town, South Africa.

We have donated products to a wildlife preserve in Africa, protecting baby elephants and black rhinos with our Aloe Vera Gel, sun block, and calcium.



NATURAL DISASTERSIn the wake of earthquakes and tsunamis thousands lose their homes and livelihood. GNLD has stepped in on multiple occasions to take care of our own, providing financial and moral support for those affected by the destruction of natural disasters. We have donated both money and product to people in Japan and Indonesia. 



These days when you want to know more about someone you meet, you head straight to the Internet. When a potential recruit searches you, your LinkedIn account will be one of the first things that comes up. LinkedIn allows you to exhibit your experience, talents and the opinions of others about how you are as a leader.


Add your areas of expertise for your network connections to endorse. This gives potential recruits more insight to your skills. Seeing that you are endorsed as a leader can help them make the decision to join your team.


Join direct marketing groups to see what other professionals in the industry are doing to build their business. By showcasing your knowledge and skills, you will establish yourself as an expert among other professionals.

Social Media is exploding around the world! In a recent report, Business Insider calculated that social media is the top Internet activity. People spend more time on social media sites than their actual email!

LinkedIn is a growing social media tool that can help you build your business. Simply put, LinkedIn serves as an in-depth business card! With over 300 million members worldwide (businessinsider.com), you are able to connect with numerous professionals. Join LinkedIn to optimise tools to help you be your best!





JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA FAMILY! Linkedin can be downloaded onto any mobile device.

WELLNESS MADE EASYIn today’s hectic world it’s great to know that there’s a one-sachet-daily NeoLife supplement which allows you to bridge the dietary gap, simply.

Each pocket-sized sachet contains the:

Complete whole food nutrition – on the go!

• Whole grain energy of Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates

• Balance and benefits of Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus

• Powerful fruit and vegetable protection of Carotenoid Complex

• Nourishment of Essential Mineral & Vitamin Complex

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