east durham children’s initiative

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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East Durham Children’s Initiative. Born in Harlem, Made for Durham. North Carolina Education Summit 2012. EDCI Zone. 120 block, 1.2 sq. mile area east of downtown Durham YE Smith school attendance zone 9,614 residents (3.5% population Durham County). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



East Durham Children’s Initiative

Born in Harlem, Made for Durham

North Carolina Education Summit 2012


120 block, 1.2 sq. mile area east of downtown Durham

YE Smith school attendance zone

9,614 residents (3.5% population Durham County)

2, 984 children 0-17 and 1,450 young adults 18-31

Source: American Community Survey, 2006-2010

East Durham Children’s Initiative

Target Area: Modeled after HCZ, EDCI targets children & families living in a distressed, 120-block area of East Durham.

Target Schools: EDCI targets three of the historically lowest performing DPS schools: Y.E. Smith, Neal, and Southern.

Continuum of Services: EDCI provides a continuum of services for children extending from cradle to college or career. Services are coordinated, comprehensive, and high quality.

Community Partnerships: EDCI partners with the community members and 20+ local organizations to provide its services.

Evaluation: EDCI is committed to evaluation and results.

Distinctive Features of EDCI

Unlike HCZ, which owns its programs, EDCI partners with local organizations to provide most of its services. This allows for a more feasible and replicable model focused on kids attending public schools.

EDCI creates a system that engages many stakeholders in collective responsibility towards a shared goal college/career ready kids.

EDCI identifies, coordinates, and leverage resources in a way that is strategic, efficient, and demonstrates results over time. If no one facilitated this process, it is unlikely this continuum of resources would come together for some of the most needy kids in Durham.

EDCI provides a system of accountability that ensures quality programming and results.

What are some of the barriers that you

experienced in your journey to college or career?

Now meet Cynthia…

Cynthia is a 3rd grader. She is an overweight child, possibly suffering from asthma. She enjoys school and wants to go to college. (Cynthia would be the first person in her family to graduated from HS).

She often comes to school unclean and “out of uniform”. She lives with her mother who is an attentive parent, but has an alcohol problem. The family resides in substandard housing that does not have water and electricity; and have recently been informed that they are being evicted. For various reasons, the mother does not work and the family does NOT receive any government assistance.

Now, meet Juan… Juan is in 4th grade. Juan experienced a traumatic entry

into the United States and is struggling in multiple academic areas. His parents have no legal documentation and speak little English. He has two other siblings. One sibling is in first grade and the other is two years old. His dad works sporadically and his mom stays at home. Their family income is about $14,000 per year.

What are some of the barriers that Cynthia and Juan may experience in their journeys to college or career?

EDCI Continuum of ServicesEarly

ChildhoodYE Smith Elementary

SchoolNeal Middle

School Southern High


Home-Based Early Childhood ServicesChildcare Access and Development

Kindergarten Readiness Out-of-School Learning (Extended Day & Summer Programs)

Literacy InitiativesParent Engagement Health and Nutrition

Arts and CultureCollege and Career Preparation

Family, Social Services, HealthNeighborhood and Community Development




+EDCI Program Highlights

Early Childhood* Durham Connects Healthy Families Durham Stepping Stones Hill Early Literacy Program

Elementary School* HillRAP tutoring EDCI Parent Advocates EDCI Summer Camp Back Pack Buddies Achieving Health for a Lifetime KidZNotes

Middle/High School Citizen Schools Student U Teach for America CIS Graduation Coaches

Family, Health & Social Services Community & School Health Clinics Benefits Bank

Community KaBOOM! Playground Project RED/Habitat for Humanity Community Advisory Board

EDCI’s continuum includes 40 services provided by partners & EDCI:

* EDCI strategically focused on developing its early childhood and elementary school programs in its first year of implementation (2011-2012).

Y.E. Smith School Profile

Population (49% Black; 46% Hispanic; 5% Other)

Free & Reduced Lunch (Approx 90%)

Uniform Policy

Museum Theme School (Collaborative Partnerships)

Extended Day (One-Hour Daily)

Friday Clubs

Race to the Top School

Three-Year School Improvement Grant (SIG)

Six-Year Singapore Math Grant (Burroughs Wellcome & SAS Institute)

Focus on Improvement

Culture of High Expectations (Practices, Policies, Procedures)

PLC Framework Implementation Instructional Planning Instructional Presentation Common Assessments Data Analysis Intervention**


Professional Development

EDCI Partnership with DPS

DPS’ Board Vice-Chair is one of EDCI’s founding members. Since then, DPS is EDCI’s largest partner, sharing a strong commitment to closing the achievement gap.

EDCI supplements DPS efforts by providing wrap around support (e.g., early childhood services, summer programs, Parent Advocates) to students attending EDCI target schools.

EDCI seeks to works collaboratively with DPS staff including regular mtgs. with the Superintendent, principals, & teachers.

DPS contracts with EDCI to allow Parent Advocates to work as DPS employees with access to student data. EDCI’s evaluators are also able to assess EDCI programs and access data.

EDCI Value Add to DPS

EDCI highlights DPS partnership with a community-based initiative modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone.

EDCI enhances DPS relationship with East Durham community residents and leaders.

EDCI increases Durham community’s participation at EDCI target schools (e.g., Durham Rotary & Police Reads volunteers)

EDCI garners support from more than 35 for-profit and non-profit organizations contributing in-kind and financial resources to support programs at EDCI target schools.

EDCI efforts align with DPS Strategic Plan

EDCI and DPS Strategic Plan

Academic Acceleration

Goal I.2 Achievement Gap: EDCI works with and/or funds key partners to provide high-quality extended day & summer programs at YE Smith & Neal.

Goal I.4 Literacy: EDCI supplements literacy instruction by providing and evaluating HillRAP tutoring to lowest performing students at Y.E. Smith. EDCI also brings in resources to expand school and home libraries with new books.

Goal I.5 Kindergarten Readiness: EDCI partners with DPfC and providers to offer Stepping Stones, IY, and other programs that promote K readiness.

Goal I.7 STEAM: EDCI targets STEAM schools and partners with programs that enhance STEAM curriculum (e.g., Shodor, Citizen Schools, KidZNotes).

EDCI and DPS Strategic Plan

Communications & Partnerships

Goal II.1 Communication: EDCI regularly communicates strong partnership with DPS in the community and has appeared on Channel 4.

Goal II.3 Partnerships: EDCI supports and facilitates DPS relationship with several strategic community partners including local businesses, volunteers, Duke’s Center for Child and Family Policy, CIS of Durham, Chamber of Commerce, and faith-based organizations.

Goal II.4 Family & Community Connections: EDCI engaged over 120 families at Y.E. Smith in the new Parent Advocate Program including home visits, parent workshops, and help accessing community resources. EDCI also reaches families via early childhood programs and other community outreach efforts. Special effort is made to reach Spanish-Speaking families.

EDCI and DPS Strategic Plan

Effective Operations

Goal IV.4 Nutrition Programs: EDCI fund Back Packs for food insecure students and set-up a Cooking Matters class at an afterschool program.

Wellness & Safety

Goal V1.3 & V1.4 Supportive Environments & Access to Services: EDCI Parent Advocates work with school staff to develop positive home-school connections and a parent-friendly environment. Advocates also actively refer K-2 families at Y.E. Smith to various community resources.

Goal V1.4 Student Attendance and Graduation Rates: EDCI Parent Advocates support families at Truancy Court and educate parents about the importance of attendance and school attendance policies.

Established 40+ program and community partnerships with various stakeholders committed to kids in East Durham.

Worked with partners to offer 40 programs as a part of EDCI’s continuum of services. EDCI focused on early childhood and elementary school programs this year.

Developed national partnership with America’s Promise Alliance as GradNation community.

Moved office to East Durham.

EDCI Impact 2011-2012

Picture: Durham’s Partnership for Children, Durham Public Library, Healthy Families Durham and EDCI partnered to provide two Story Time Events for Spanish-Speaking families in the EDCI Zone.

Early Childhood: 44 EDCI families with kids ages 0-3 engaged in home-based

parent support programs using Parents as Teachers curriculum. Provided literacy training for 1 childcare center in EDCI Zone. Held Transition to K event with

DPfC at Y.E. Smith (26 attending). 62 rising K students attended

Stepping Stones (29 in FY11 and 33 in FY12). Evaluation results for FY12 camp expected in the fall.

EDCI Impact 2011-2012

Picture: Stepping Stones Graduation at Y.E. Smith, 2012.

EDCI Impact 2011-2012Elementary School:

EDCI & partners offered several wrap around programs at Y.E. Smith to supplement DPS transformation school intervention.

Preliminary 2011-12 Y.E. Smith data shows a composite proficiency score of 61.8%, compared to 2010-11 composite score of 48%.

20 low-performing students received HillRAP tutoring during the extended day period. Evaluation results expected this fall.

150 students attended summer programs at Y.E. Smith (FY12) Evaluation results for EDCI Summer Camp 2012 expected this fall.

42 food insecure students received EDCI-funded Back Packs. 80 EDCI kids involved in KidZNotes music program.

Parent Advocate Program: 76% (123) of K-2 families at Y.E. Smith actively involved with an

EDCI Parent Advocate (including 178 kids). 24% (39) of K-2 families declined(4) or were unable to be reached. 73% of families received at least one home visit. 45% of families referred to at least one community resource. Two Advocate-led parent workshops

(30 and 35 parents attending) Advocates held well-attended,

Parent Appreciation Ceremony. .

EDCI Impact 2011-2012

Picture: Family picture taken at Parent Appreciation Ceremony and Reception, Holton Center, May 2012.

EDCI Impact 2011-2012

Middle/High School: Several EDCI partners engaged in work at Neal. Composite

scores show 55% proficiency, which met Expected Growth. Met with principals to discuss Y.E. Smith student transition to

Neal. Helped facilitate Y.E. Smith student tour at Neal. Community

Participated in several East Durham community events and groups. Developed relationships with local residents, kids and families, churches, businesses, and non-profits.

Helped facilitate resident-led, community potlucks.

Success at YE Smith Elementary

89 % of School Growth Met

88.5% Durham Public Schools Scorecard Goals Met

100% of State Assessment Goals Met

100% of Teacher Data Goals Met

95.1% Attendance Rate for 2011-2012 School Year

2011-2012 Scorecard GoalsSchool Growth


Results2012 Goals

2012 Actual

Y or N growth in 4th grade math


Y or N growth in 4th grade reading


Y or N growth in 5th grade math


Y or N growth in 5th grade reading


Y or N if school made growth for AIG students


Y or N if school made growth for LEP students


Y or N if school made growth for SWD students


Y or N school made expected growth


Y or N school made high growth


2011-2012 Scorecard GoalsState Assessments


Results2012 Goals 2012 Actual

% of LEP students proficient on math

72.9 75.6 78.0

% of LEP students proficient on reading

39.6 45.6 46.3

% proficient in 3rd grade math 61.9 65.7 67.3% proficient in 3rd grade reading 28.6 35.7 40.4% proficient in 4th grade math 61.0 64.9 71.0% proficient in 4th grade reading 23.7 31.4 45.2% proficient in 5th grade math 68.3 71.4 80.0% proficient in 5th grade reading 38.1 44.3 52.7% proficient in 5th grade science 54.0 58.6 76.4Overall % of AIG students proficient

76.3 78.6 93.9

Overall % of LEP students proficient

43.9 49.6 67.3

Overall % of SWD students proficient

35.9 42.3 48.2

performance composite score 48.0 53.2 61.8

2011-2012 EOG ScoresReading Math Science

Level 4’s 8 (up from 4) 20 (from 14) 15

Level 3’s 70 (up from 51) 98 (from 99) 25

Level 2’s 60 (from 44) 39 (from 40) 10

Level 1’s 28 (from 75) 8 (from 21) 3

Proposed Three Year Strategy

Increase EDCI focus on programs at Neal MS and Southern HS.

Develop strategy to address changing needs of the community (e.g., increase in Spanish speaking families, large transient population).

Continue EDCI community engagement efforts. Seek feedback from residents and families to guide EDCI development.

Ongoing needs assessment and identification of gap in services.

Continue development and implementation of EDCI evaluation process. Use positive outcomes to garner additional funding.

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