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Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy

San FranciscoOctober 18, 19 and 20


5th scientific wholisticAROMATHERAPYCONFERENCE


October 18, 19 & 20, 2002

San Francisco

Scientific Program

Plenary Lectures

Western science and medicine have lost their compass. Re-search for life-style drugs and genetically modified foods is not motivated by a search for healing or sustainable agricul-ture, but by profits to be made from intellectual property rights. The explosion of civilization diseases like breast or prostate cancer demonstrates that the monocultures of the mind cre-ate fertile ground for epidemics just like the monocultures of intensified farming do.

Aromatherapy arises from the desire for natural alterna-tives. This conference seeks to explore how the philosophy based concepts of the East com-pliment scientific progress of the West.

Rudolf Bauer

A Scientific Rationale for the Effectiveness of Chinese Medicinal Herbs Bill Lambrecht

Dinner at the New Gene Cafe

John Lee

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Breast Cancer & How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life

Carlton Schreiner

Essential Oils for Intestinal Dysbiosis and Polysystemic Candidiasis

Jeffrey C. Yuen

Essential Oils in the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Jeffrey C. Yuen

Protecting the Essence: Jing Related Conditions Responding to TCM Essential Oil Treatments

and anti-asthmatic constituents in Chinese herbs. Prof. Bauer's research shows that the properties of Chinese herbs are discernible by western scientific means. The interesting aspect for this conference is that both Western empirical and philosophical processes of TCM lead to results, which can be appreciated from either view point.

John R. LeeBreast Cancer Prevention

Dr. Lee graduated from Harvard and the University of Minnesota Medical School and has recently retired from a 30-year family practice in Northern California. Dr. Lee is the author of academic treatises on hormone balance and the popular What Your Doc tor May No t Te l l You About Menopause, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause and, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer. Dr. Lee's work has been instrumental in greatly improving the understanding of the risks of lopsided hormone replacement and the tantamount importance of maintaining a proper hormone balance.

Bill LambrechtGenetically Modified Organisms

Bill Lambrecht is author of Dinner at the New Gene Cafe and has been a Washington correspondent for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch since 1984, now covering environment and resource issues. His work on

the consequences of the genetic engineering of food crops not only led the rest of the world media, but also gave government leaders in many countries their first clue of what was happening within their borders.

Rudolf BauerScience Recognizes

Chinese Herbs

Rudolf Bauer, Ph.D. is Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology at the University of Graz. His research priorities are natural substances with inhibitory activity on cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase and especially anti-inflammatory

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614 Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614 Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0119

Essential Oils for Intestinal Dysbiosis and Polysystemic Candidiasis

Carlton Schreiner is a certified nutritionist, who has broadened the reach of his field by integrating wholistic approaches. From a basis of Ayurvedic thought he integrates phytotherapy, e n v i r o nmen t a l med i c i n e and aromatherapy. Intestinal overgrowth of yeast, fungi and bacteria and their translocation to mucous membranes and the skin exacerbate many health conditions. Mr. Schreiner will present an innovative combination of nutritional therapy with oral and cutaneous application of essential oils to restore optimum health.

Jeffrey C. Yuen Carlton Schreiner

NOW Medicine: Integrating Natural, Oriental and Western Disciplines

Dr. Elson Haas is the author of seven books including Staying Healthy with the Seasons and Staying healthy with Nutrition. His impressive body of work combines openness to Eastern and natural approaches with Western modalities. Based on his many years of experience and his classical medical background Dr. Haas' presentation will focus on philosophical and practical aspects of detoxification and seasonal health.

Essential Oils within a Chinese Medical Perspective

Jeffrey C. Yuen is the 88th Gen-eration Taoist Master of Yu Ching Huang Lao Pai, Yellow Emperor/Lao Tsu Sect, ordained by 87th Generation Taoist Master Yu Wen. Immersed in the study of Tao-ism and Chinese Medicine since early childhood, Mr. Yuen offers unparalleled knowledge of the traditions of Chinese medicine. Mr. Yuen will give two lectures, the first outlining the energetic (yin/yang) and elemental (wood/fire/earth/metal/water) qualities of essential oils and the second proposing TCM strategies for the use of specific essential oils, which address the layers of sur-vival, interaction and differentia-

Elson Haas

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614 Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614 Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0119

2002Rudolf BauerNancy Brandt

Suzanne DarleyElson Haas

Prashanti de JagerLarry Jones

Heather KehrBill Lambrecht

Felicity LawrenceJohn Lee

Barbara LucksTom LucksStacy Lutz

Kent McKayGabriel Mojay

Jeanne RoseMichael Scholes

Carlton SchreinerAnne Vermilye

Cassandra WangJeffrey C. Yuen

Barbara Lucks Gabriel Mojay

Vitex Update

Two years ago Ms. Lucks presented the results of a ground-breaking investigation of the hormone balancing effects of the essential oil of Vitex agnus castus. The surprising effectiveness of this essential oil to counteract PMS and menopausal complaints is reflected by the rapidly rising demand. Ms. Lucks has fine tuned the understanding of the effects of the oil and will present a summary of the initial results as well as results of a continued study.

Healing the Jade Pool

Gabriel Mojay is coauthor of Shiatsu-the complete guide and author of Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit. Recognizing the energetic functions governing the female reproductive system, he will discuss the integrated treatment of PMS, dysmenorrhea, stress related amenorrhea and menopausal complaints. The presentation will highlight the properties of Clary Sage and Rose, relevant psychological issues from the perspective of Oriental medicine and the spiritual significance of the Jade Pool.

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614 Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614 Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614

Therapeutic Applicationsof Essential

Oils Essential Oils for Animals Using a TCM ModelNancy Brandt

Tailoring essential oils to an in-dividual pet based on TCM Eight Principal Diagnoses, for wound care, Zang Fu (internal medicine) and behavior modification.

Aromatherapy and AyurvedaPrashanti de Jager

The language of Ayurveda pro-vides many new insights into aromatherapy. An introduction to the Ayurvedic view of clas-sic Indian oils like Sandalwood, Vetiver and Tulsi.

Reality CheckLarry Jones

GC/MS analysis of twelve popular essential oils, which are commonly adulterated, will be presented in a comprehensible visual way, demonstrating what to look for to determine purity and value.

Aromatic Indian Head MassageFelicity Lawrence

Head massage has been practiced in India for over a thousand years. The treatment is based on the premise that regular scalp massage with oils is the secret to lustrous hair. Green HousekeepingTom Lucks

Green housekeeping employs essential oils to inhibit molds, control odors in public restrooms, neutralize house odors, inhibit environmental pathogens and repel mice and insects.

Five Elements and AromatherapyStacy Lutz

Exploring the common ground of acupuncture and aromatherapy. Finding Five Element theory as well as essential oils firmly rooted in the cycles of nature.

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614 Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614 Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 ***tel (415) 479 9121 fax (415) 479 0614

A New Essential Oil: Owyhee - Artemisia ludovicianaJeanne Rose

A new essential oil from the American West. Exquisitely fragrant and abundant with esters, it is highly useful in its own right, yet also an economical substitute for imported Roman Chamomile.

TCM, Oriental Astrology, Hippocratic Temperaments and Essential OilsMichael Scholes

Choosing essential oil synergies to reestablish equilibrium accord-ing to one's temperament and predominant element.

Releasing Blockages from Emotional TraumaAnne Vermilye

Latent emotional trauma can lead to serious physical consequences.

Essential oils can be used to intervene even with dramatic imbalances.

How to introduce Essential Oils in the HospitalCassandra Wang

The process of introducing essential oils into a multi sensory therapy room of a San Diego children's hospital is presented as a blueprint for helpful strategies to convince the responsible parties to integrate aromatherapy

M e e t t h e DistillersThis year's distiller panel features producers of a large variety of important essential oils, ranging from moderate climate cultivars such as Basil, Tarragon and Greenland Moss to tropical crops like Black Pepper, Ginger and

5th scientific wholistic

aromather-apy conference

Date: Oct. 18-20, 2002

Location:Holiday Inn Fisher-man's WharfSan Francisco

Registration and more information:Pacific Institute of Aromatherapyfax: +1 415 479 0614tel: +1 415 479 9121

PO Box 6723San Rafael, CA 94903

Conference Registration FormThe 5th wholistic scientific aromatherapy conference will be held at the Holiday Inn at Fisherman's Wharf, with many San Francisco attractions such as North Beach, Chinatown, Downtown/Financial district, Ghiradelli Square in walking distance.

The conference will begin in the early afternoon on Friday Oct. 18th. The final schedule of speak-ers and accompanying events will be available at the registration desk.

Registration Cost # of Attendees Total Before June 30th $345.00

After June 30th $395.00

Please register me for the 5th scientific wholistic aromatherapy conference in San Francisco on Octo-ber 18, 19 and 20, 2002.

Name: ...........................................................Company: .............................PIA account #: ........

Address: ..........................................................................................................................................

City, State, Zip: .............................................................................................................................

Phone: ...........................................................Fax: ...........................................................................

I enclose my check/Credit Card MC: ........VISA: ............in the amount of: $ ...........................

Please charge my Credit Card:

Card Number: .............................................................................................Exp: ...........................

Signature: ........................................................................................................................................

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Conference registration fee is refundable (less $50 handling charge) until June 30th. For cancellations after June 30th, but before September 18th, 50% of the registration fee is refundable. After September 18th all sales are final and no refunds can be made for cancellations. For admission, payment must be received 14 days prior to the conference. Conference program and speaker participation are subject to change.

Please send to Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, PO Box 6723 San Rafael, CA 94903 FAX: (415) 479 0614 - PHONE: (415) 479 9121

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