
Post on 17-Jan-2015






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EASTERAnna Alegre

Lluïsa Estorach

Maria Montesó

Júlia Mateos

3rd A

What is Easter? Easter is celebrated on a Sunday between 22nd of March and 25th of April.

Easter is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death.

The actual conditions to determine the date for Easter are:

• Easter must be on a Sunday.

• This Sunday must follow the 14th day of the paschal moon.

• The paschal moon is that of which the 14th day (full moon) falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox.

• The equinox is fixed in the calendar as 21st of March.

Thursday of Easter

Before 1689 in England the king or queen washed the feet of the poor in Westminster Abbey every Maundy Thursday. They also gave them gifts of food and clothes. In Queen Victoria's time, the men received clothes and shoes and the women received 35 shillings.

Today rather than wash feet or give clothing, our Queen gives out specially made Maundy money in white and red leather purses. The white purse contains silver Maundy coins matching the Queen's age in pence, 88p, while the red purse contains ordinary money. In 2014 this is given to 88 male and 88 female pensioners, because she's 88 years old this year.

Good Friday of EasterOn Good Friday Christians remember the day that Jesus was killed on the cross. He was nailed to a wooden cross by Roman soldiers. This is the reason why the cross is an important sign for Christians today. Good Friday is a sad day and churches never have flowers or decorations on this day. The church is left dark and there is just a simple cross on the altar. It is known as Good Friday because Christians believe that Jesus gave up his life for the good of everyone.

Easter in SpainThursday in Spain:

Maundy Thursday is a Christian holiday that is celebrated on the Thursday before Sunday of Resurrection, and that opens the Triduum. On this day the Catholic Church celebrates the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper and the washing of the feet performed by Jesus.

Friday in Spain: Friday in the Easter is called Christianity. This day the death of Jesus of Nazareth is remembered. On this day, the Catholic Church instructs the faithful to fast and abstain from meat as penance.

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