easter in our countries summary

Post on 18-May-2015






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A summary of our Easter activity created by students from class 5th and 6th


The summary of Easter collaboration activity

Students from Spain and from Poland celebrate Easter, but students from Turkey don’t.However, not everyone in Poland celebrates Easter. At Polish school there are some students who are Jehova’s Witnesses. They don’t celebrate Easter.Celebrating or not celebrating Easter is connected with faith and personal beliefs.

In Spain, people start celebration on Palm Sunday. Students have 10 holiday days.In Poland, people celebrate Palm Sunday but then they have to wait five more days to start the actual celebration. During the Holy Week people go to work as usual, but students go to school until Maundy Thursday and they have only 6 holiday days.

In Poland, people often decorate their houses with bunnies, chicks and dyed eggs.In Spain, people don’t decorate their houses for Easter.

In Poland: bunnies, chicks, lambs or sheep, eggs, daffodils, baskets with food and special cakes: „mazurek” or „babka” or „keks”.In Spain: cake called „la mona”, chicks, chocolate eggs, palms and processions.Both Poland and Spain celebrate Easter in church (it’s a religious holiday) and with families.In Poland some people believe that the Easter bunny brings sweets to good children. In Spain people don’t believe in Easter bunny.

In Spain it’s a cake called „la mona” and chocolate eggs.In Poland there are many traditional Easter dishes, but the favourite ones are eggs with mayo, a soup called „żurek”, white sausage and cakes: „mazurek”, „keks”, „babka”.Students from both Spain and Poland eat chocolate during Easter.

In Spain it’s singing „caramelles” (special Easter songs) and dancing with sticks – it’s called „el ball de bastons”.In Poland it’s colouring eggs, taking food to church on Holy Saturday to have it blessed, egg cracking (hitting one egg with another one) and Wet Monday (pouring water on other people on Easter Monday).

Either students from Spain or students from Poland answered they like or even love Easter.Only one student answered „no”.Some pupils claimed Easter is their favourite holiday.

Thank you for reading the summary!

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