easy vocabulary 11a in urdu

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    easy vocabulary 11a in urdu

    word meaning meaning urdu

    put away confine someone in prison background ethnicity womens liberation liberation of women intention plans dry out no moisture woeful afflicted chip little piece of something lifeblood vital part of something derive understand stir to move exploit misuse woe grief adult more than 18 stimulate cause human rights privileges cricket sport turn off switch off fawn a young deer stock material bounce come back bouquet flowers

    ustice equality favorite preferred stigma disgrace chimney to give away smoke rightful having a proper claim explicit clear turn up output,the production backing supporting rhyme connection put on to wear explanation informative riches wealth cast cause woodland jungle describe explain rigid strict nausea wanting to puke against opposite to tuxedo coat duck animal stir-crazy to make insane crew a company of sailors stiff-necked a proud person fealty loyalty

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    easy vocabulary 10b in urdu

    word meaning meaning urdu

    monitor analyze dump leaving unintentional not planned high tea buffet crimson a deep red color stoush argument expose make known string a cord cripple destroy monologue one person speaking gag to choke strip to deprive alarm warning stray to wander monkey business mischief acts deprive take away woolly of wool stoop to bend forward band score streamline modernize huff anger dumb foolish rock and roll music choice selection wording selection of words father dad strategy technique already at present store keep intercom phone deposit add up stomach belly stock exchange trading house bow out withdraw from an activity keyboard equipment twine to entwine explore try to find straggle move here and there hum sing in a low voice bandage cloth stove an appratrus to burn gas fault mistake roar make a loud sound chocolate food naught nothing

    easy vocabulary 10a in urdu

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    word meaning meaning urdu

    hilarious funny dummy not real ustify prove

    interface oining point choke something struck strike hit choose select stonewall mason construction fast-track quicker than normal rogue rascal anyone no specifications stress pressure exposure revelation strangle choke to death curriculum syllabus stoppage stop exponent one who explains stroke act of striking oscar award anything a thing of any sort lifeless without life hug cuddle criminal uvenile store place to sell duff pudding storm tempest belly flop an awkward dive straightforward direct fathom fathom strain a tension depression bad times pushy disagreeably aggressive fate destiny push off move a thing by force angry furious boundary limit explosive damaging streetwise having the shrewd


    curse nuisance curtain curtain twitter make sound push nag chlorine water purifier straighten make straight gif computer term easy vocabulary 9b in urdu

    word meaninghip-hop music

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    wordly about world according connection romantic love pulse heartbeat dependent reliance work off

    fast speedy abber chatter uvenile young

    box case work on develop internal inside critic finding mistake work over a task,undertaking fast food unk food stud cool person crocodile animal structure building otherwise consequence express to tell purify make clear kettle a type of pot underplay minimize absolute complete purport claim fat obese strong-minded adamant current existing work ethic right way of doing hubbub noise

    working class middle class absence not present puppet dummy expression look roll on moved on currency money workaholic person who works expulsion to dismiss understudy replacement cross annoyed structural of relating to a structure geometry math stroppy easily annoyed depreciate fall in value easy vocabulary 8b in urdu

    word meaning

    hit-and-run a traffic accident add-up put together wrap up conclude internee worker

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    extraordinary excellent moonlighting overtime brownie sweet dish tyranny oppression interpol police extra sufficient worship adoration fantasy dream wrath rage believe trust roomy spacious cake sweet dish succulent uicy hit-and-miss random sullen angry crowd people suite luxurious room extract take out subsidy financial support pull together administer bell a metallic hollow vessel substantial enough ottoman a turk deodorant perfume housing houses subtitle description belle tummy sudden death death that occurs


    histrionic dramatic natural history study of animals and plants curious inquisitive worn-out almost depleted generation gap difference in age sub judice relating to court appear visible sublime inspirational how what means federal national romantic love worthless no value apart separate easy vocabulary 8a in urdu

    word meaning urdu

    hit strike submarine warship duo two subordinate other option farewell bye subsidiary part

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    advanced upgraded wreckage dermis fantastic excellent typify characterize bucket pail ketchup tomato syrup ake fine

    external outer nasty crazy crow bird suburb outskirts faq frequently asked question success victory admire liking pull out supplement succession dynasty extension increase lift raise rookie recruit brand name paunch fat belly pull up lift exterior outside house of lords parliament typhoon storm belly stomach suggest advise hire-purchase leasing subgroup small group calcium an element monument tombstone suicidal very risky department group undemanding not greedy otherworldly unearthly crosstalk undesired voices in phone worrisome trouble however although farm ranch easy vocabulary 9a in urdu

    word meaning

    interfere impede himself do ones own work workshop training session banal ordinary tycoon successful person fatal deadly punctuate grammar banana republic state in a severe problem underfed giving little

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    punishment sentence dunk dip in liquid work up to develop fashion style romance love acne pimples lifestyle fashion studio accommodation expound explain stumble stagger monopoly one company ruling boxing sport stupor coma monsoon rainy days deplete to go down stroll amble monthly every month brain intelligence pupil student advantage benefits strong sturdy national hunt horse racing depress sad work load amount of work extend increase working party team crook criminal twofold two times dummy fake roll up increase in number interim in the time being crop a volunteered or cultivated


    subcontinent part of a continent fatality casualty pate top of head deposit to add up easy vocabulary in urdu 6a

    word meaning urdu

    pantograph mechanical device cruel brutal outgoing extrovert fake not real symptom sign introduction beginning before prior surely definitely intrude interfere dusty full of dust surge rush

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    outgrow too large befriend make friends public servant government employee eyelevel easily seen sustain endure almond food item outfitter one who makes clothes swallow to put dutch netherland wrong-foot wrong move publisher author bright glowing outage not working written documentation eyesight ability to see supremacy authority suppress decrease the intensity beg intense desire swipe move fanatic maniac aywalking walking recklessly

    symbol sign another one more suspect suspicious gargantuan immense sushi apanese food bring come along supersede to take place library place to keep books cunning intelligent suspend to discontinue fan club people who join a club suspendedsentence

    punishment bunch group easy vocabulary 6b in urdu

    word meaning urdu

    hobnob place to socialize twister tornado burden load morale confidence fall decline syndicate organization invade conquer alone independent surmise guess outlaw fugitive false not true

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    surpass to go forward breeze gentle wind surrender give up hostility bad behavior caesar salad healthy food surround encircle survey analysis eye-opener everything clear puff breath pudgy small and fat briefcase case sweat out work very hard keep up continue duty obligation sweepstake lottery fame popularity ub40 registration card apartment flat narrow not wide hot-headed angry wristwatch watch worn on hand den hole denote signify swindle cheat crude raw supper food rusty out of practice dusk twilight supervise administer garland city in texas suppose let approach to come forward swell bulge hot up intensify easy english vocabulary 7a in urdu

    word meaning urdu

    approve authorize uncritical not serious hoarse rough moral theme bump come across unconvincing not persuasive liberty freedom duplicate the same run off excess rout riot bejeweled decorated uncoil undo puke vomit

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    density depth twitch tremble rough out

    belie contradict write off cancel eyeful beautiful roundabout approximately write out transcribe belief conviction rueful regretful extravagant spending a lot moot doubtful anuary month

    agent manager interrupt disturb pull in draw cure remedy run in to meet unexpectedly famine lack of food sundry other budget finance superannuated retirement due to old


    airplane plane superficial insignificant generation x americans born in


    1960write off cancel crucial turning point rough not smooth lie not the truth dupe cheat wretched destroyed caffeine addictive substance easy vocabulary in urdu page 4a

    word meaning urdu

    hold-up obstacle holiday vacation waist size bye farewell napalm fire invisible not visible cry groan paean song move one place to another abroad foreign country iron curtain cold war mouth lips dynasty kingdom

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    race riot discrimination horse animal accident mishap pad place to put something invoice document crystal gem obituary death announcement fail unsuccessful van vehicle beep sound saloon inn nasty obscene culture customs level stage rabbit year chinese calendar cinnamon food item vampire fictional character accurate correct saint honest person exploit to misuse salad days young days cabin place to live tacit implied movement mobility dam place to store water hostage captive salary wage ballyhoo advertisement kayak boat gap year free year after school pair 2 things faint unconscious word meaning urdu

    public enemy enemy of the state crush destroy unconfirmed in jeopardy fairy fictional character unconditional without demands anybody everyone applicable syringe medical device hold stop syrup liquid brochure catalogue synthetic not real publication something in written dance movement wriggle move about mortal death worth value agreement accord

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu



    vocabulary in

    urdu page 3a

    wrested obtain mortgage loan demise termination turntable phonograph mortify insult circus enjoyable event wormhole physics term garden city eco cities publicity advertising bamboo wood withering sarcastic hockey sports activity cruise ship witness to see moron stupid person civil national publish circulate garb dress pudding sweet dish always indefinitely puck rubber disc exude display mothers day honor mothers womanhood woman caesar roman dictator wolf whistle false alarm invent develop burn to be on fire

    word meaning urdu

    hollow empty urist expert in law

    acquire obtain zigzag irregular shape moreover and demand want namby-pamby gentle button key murmur talk in low voice vain unsuccessful cube shape valid possible hope expect barrier constraint racket noise acket coat

    exhaust very tired valeta dancing art christmas religious ceremony nail down settle multiple more than 1 one ballroom dancing room wage salary ibe taunt

    chub fish racism discrimination

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    easy vocabulary in urdu page 3b

    word meaning urdu

    music sound dad father nave unaware person buy obtain salient prominent expat out of country iceberg mountain of ice observe find out assassin killer nacho mexican food kangaroo animal cub young lion ob centre place to get job

    facility fringe benefit radar device beau boyfriend narrow not wide cabbage vegetable vague not clear horoscope study of stars objection protest busy engaged in work

    multiply increase alive energetic salt away save faction group yank pull crystal ball fortune telling device yacht boat demean insult ugly not beautiful painful agony beef up strengthen nap sleep for limited time move on proceed gaga confused

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    pack up end the work exert exercise paint activity issue point argument contention tackle solve faade front elevation lethal deadly tacky vulgar church place for worship invoke cite letter writing cigarette thing for smoking tactic technique asset possession nadir lowest point fact truth dairy milk products national native gallop running of horses tag attach cinderella cartoon character mundane everyday activity word meaning

    hold on wait name-dropping showing off bally bloody yard measure faculty teacher easy vocabulary in urdu page 2b

    word meaning urdu

    capability competence bogus not real wafer biscuit nasa space organization campaign movement deceive cheat waffle breakfast food freak out panic yap to bark sharply udo karate

    cuisine kitchen pain agony narrow-minded conservative gad surprised safari park animal park damage harm zebra animal excavate dig obey abide by

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    mustache facial hair pace run anger rage samurai apanese warrior fabric cloth mute silence salubrious healthy dean principal radio electronic device hook attached hooligan robber defeat claim victory kaleidoscope series of event fabulous excellent saddo sad person packing preparation agenda point homeboy friend holocaust massive killing un united nations bliss pleasure salutary helpful gadget equipment sad gloomy apparent obvious pacific peaceful easy vocabulary in urdu page 2a

    word meaning urdu

    mystery unanswered story home office visa issuing office myth fictitious story catalogue brochure wrestle fight irregular wrong shape develop evolve national country wide administer manage native relating to country sadism sad condition dynasty succession pail bucket ice age cold era clarify to explain tag on attached oasis relief in suffering example clarification tail body organ beyond more than the reach nag irritate island place without borders

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu



    vocabulary 1b

    in urdu

    word meaning urdu

    clumsy strange integral important hidden obscure lane narrow street neutral not taking sides afford able to pay shameful disgraceful variety more than one real estate land casualty death panic in trouble want desire economic money related liberal not traditional bless confer mood temperament photo picture intense extreme dare courage gain get something somehow anyway caution danger feedback response incredibly intensely obey act upon pass to move picnic leisure activity

    tailor outfitter culinary related to kitchen saliva spit honor tribute salute respect abnormal not ordinary let allow sack dismiss evolve develop obsession strong association chop take off vaccine medicine inward inside sacrifice surrender chubby slightly fat pacemaker device for heart patients

    inx problem brave courageous unanswered not solved irk irritate face value not real value vacancy free space irrigate farming

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    desperate strong desire respect honor government official scary frightening tangible touchable awkward strange toxic poisonous figure out solve red carpet honor handshake greeting insult rebuke necessity very important barbecue steamed food per cent out of 100 self-made without help underground beneath the ground fragrance smell emperor ruler easy vocabulary list 1a in urdu

    word meaning urdu

    ability skill elegant beautiful machinery equipment demolish destroy quit give up random without selection heartless cruel shy lacking confidence maintain keep up blunder big mistake

    oke funny fact silent no noise elect choose nazi german party taco mexican food carnival festival maniac mad person yen apanese currency dawn morning anthem song of praise versatile different kindness good attitude glorious magnificent indulge involve object purpose popular celebrated screw up destroy depart leave overthrow to remove remedy cure

  • 8/13/2019 Easy Vocabulary 11A in Urdu


    fiscal money pay give shiver tremble baseless shaky perfect faultless tireless energetic difficult arduous reason cause sequel second part gender sex zero number unavailable busy august great hacker it thief satisfy convince

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