eat to lose weight session 4 sacred heart wellness series beth mckinney, msed, rd, ches

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Eat To Lose WeightSession 4

Sacred Heart Wellness SeriesBeth McKinney, MSEd, RD, CHES

Checking in: Monitoring

What are you noticing about your eating?


Why you eat Stomach hunger

you should eat when you are hungry skipping meals increases hunger too much hunger leads to overeating

Head hunger = the great unknown…or not...

Emotional Eating

What are the typical emotions that trigger eating for you?

This is serving a purpose (not hunger) The scenario:

you get emotional, then you eat

The In-Depth Scenario

The In-Depth Scenario

Something Happens You Think About It You Get Emotional You Respond (Eat)

Breaking The Chain Something Happens

Prevent it from happening

You Think About It Thought changing Positive self-talk

You Get Emotional Lessen the emotion

You Respond Plan Visibility, availability

Goal Setting

Long term more global think of this as a “result”

Short term more behavior oriented must be measurable to work

Goal Attributes

Positive Specific Under your control Achievable Important to YOU

Sample Goals

I will walk at least 10 minutes 3 times/week for 2 weeks

I will eat 1/2 cup ice cream at least 3 times/week for 2 weeks

When I get a craving at night and want to eat, I will wait 5 minutes before deciding what to eat - using the microwave timer to keep track

“Goal Ladder”

I will start water aerobics classes I will check out where water classes are held and the

prices by May 18 I will observe a class the following week I will purchase a swim suit that week I will start by taking classes at least once/week for 2

weeks by June 28


Basic vitamin/mineral information. Vitamins and energy. Do you need to take a vitamin pill? What about phytonutrients (plant


40+ vitamins and minerals are known.

New substances are being researched.







Metabolize your food.

Make energy

Use your brain.

Build muscle and bone.


Regulators: Partner with enzymes that make reactions happen in your body

Water Soluble:B complex and C are carried in blood stream, excreted in urineNeed to be regularly replenished through intake

Fat SolubleA, D, E, K dissolve in fat and the body stores them


Part of many cells like calcium in bones

Also a part of enzymes

RDA-DRI-AI-UL-DV-HUH? Dietary Reference Intake (DRI)

RDA or AI Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)

Scientifically confirmed recommendation Adequate Intakes (AIs)

No RDA – not enough scientific information Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

Maximum intake that likely won’t pose health risks Daily Values (DVs)

Based on old RDAs; used for food labeling

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

Promotes normal vision, night vision Promotes cell growth, important for

reproduction, embryo Works as antioxidant Deficiency: night blindness, dry scaly skin Too much: toxic in liver

What are Antioxidants?

Dietary substances including a handful of nutrients that slow or prevent the oxidative process

This prevents or repairs damage to your cells

May also improve immune function Include Beta Carotene, E, C, Selenium

Vitamin D

Vitamin D Under-represented in diet as you age Promotes absorption of calcium and phosphorus Helps deposit these minerals into bones/teeth,

making them stronger Plays a role in cancer prevention and other

diseases Deficiency: loss of bone mass Too much: toxic to kidney Where: sun, milk, cheese, eggs, salmon, fortified

breakfast cereals

Enriched vs. Fortified Enriched

Adding back nutrients that were lost in processing

B vitamins are added back to refined wheat products

Fortified Adding nutrients that weren’t present originally Enriched grain products are fortified with folate

Vitamin E

After age 40, your body produces more free radicals and fewer antioxidants

Vitamin E is the hardest antioxidant to get from diet alone

Antioxidant, LDL, Heart Disease, Stroke Deficiency: affects nervous system Too Much: increased risk of bleeding Where: vegetable oils, nuts, seeds

Vitamin K

Helps blood clot Makes proteins used by bones, blood,

kidneys Deficiency: blood doesn’t coagulate Too Much: blood clots faster Where: body produces it, green leafy, small

amounts in many, many foods

What are B-Complex Vitamins

A vitamin family with related roles in health

Thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin, Pyridoxine (B6), folate, Cobalmin (B12), biotin, and pantothenic acid

B vitamins help your body produce energy in your trillions of cells

What are B-Complex Vitamins

A vitamin family with related roles in health

Thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin, Pyridoxine (B6), folate, Cobalmin (B12), biotin, and pantothenic acid

B vitamins help your body produce energy in your trillions of cells

Thiamin B1

Helps produce energy from carbohydrates in all body’s cells

Deficiency: fatigue, weak muscles, nerve damage

Too much: body excretes Where: whole grains, enriched grains, pork,

liver, organ meats

Riboflavin B2

Helps produce energy in all cells Helps change tryptophan into niacin Deficiency: eye disorders, dry skin Too much: excreted Where: milk, dairy, liver, enriched

products, eggs, meat, green leafy, nuts

Niacin Helps body use sugars and fatty acids Helps enzymes function normally Helps produce energy Deficiency: Pellagra – diarrhea,

disorientation, skin problems Too much: flushed skin, rashes, liver

damage Where: high protein foods – poultry, fish,

beef, peanut butter, enriched grains

Pyridoxine B6

Helps body make amino acids Helps turn tryptophan into niacin and seritonin Helps produce insulin, hemoglobin, other

antibodies Deficiency: convulsions, depression, nausea Too much: nerve damage Where: chicken, fish, pork , liver, whole grains,

nuts, legumes


B12 absorption decreases with age Helps with red blood cell production Deficiency: macrocytic anemia Found in beef, chicken, fish and other

animal products

Folate Helps make new cells Helps make hemoglobin May protect against heart disease Deficiency: neural tube defects, abnormal cell

division, abnormal red blood cells Too much: masks B12 deficiency, affects certain

meds Where: OJ, beans, spinach, broccoli, peanuts,


Vitamin C

Helps produce collagen, a connective tissue that holds muscles and bones together

Protects you from bruising, heals cuts Helps absorb iron and folate Deficiency: Scurvy – loose teeth, bleeding

gums Too much: excreted Where: citrus, fruits, vegetables

Calcium Under-represented in older population Builds, maintains bones Helps muscles contract and heart beat Plays role in normal nerve function Deficiency: poor bones, affects height Too much: kidney stones, poor absorption of other

minerals Where: dairy, dark green leafy, fish with bones,

fortified foods


Involved with energy metabolism Major component of bones and teeth Deficiency: bone loss, weak, pain Too much: may lower the blood calcium

level Where: almost all foods. Protein rich foods

contain the most. Cola, too


Important component of over 300 enzymes Part of bones – helps with bone strength Deficiency: irregular heart beat, nausea,

weakness, mental disorders Too much: excreted by kidneys Where: legumes, nuts, whole grains


Helps regulate fluids and mineral balance, blood pressure

Deficiency: muscle cramps, weakness, appetite loss, nausea, fatigue

Too much: excreted Where: fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats


Helps regulate fluids in and out of cells, blood pressure

Helps muscles (including heart) relax Deficiency: nausea, dizziness, cramps Too much: fluid retention, swelling, HTN Where: Processed foods account for 80% of

sodium in diet


Works with insulin to help body use glucose

Deficiency: mimics diabetes Too much: not likely Where: meat, eggs, whole grain, cheese


Usually reduced in vitamins for older adults Essential part of hemoglobin Helps in brain development Supports a healthy immune system Deficiency: anemia, fatigue, infections Too much: hemachromatosis – enlarged liver,

pancreatitis, diabetes Where: meats/animal products, grains


Promotes cell reproduction, tissue growth, and repair

Helps body use carbohydrates, protein, fat Deficiency: appetite loss, sense of taste,

skin changes Too much: impaired copper absorption Where: meat, seafood, liver, eggs, milk,

whole grains

Phytonutrients Flavinoids

Anthocyanins – antioxidant, cancer Catechins – antioxidant, cancer

Carotenoids Beta carotene - antioxodant Lutein - vision, cataracts, macular degeneration Lycopene - prostate cancer, heart disease

Allyl Sulfides Cholesterol, immune system, HTN, cancer Onion, garlic, leek, olives, scallions

Isoflavones Menopause, breast ca, bones Soy products

Resveratrol Antioxidant, heart disease Red grapes, red grape juice, red wine, peanuts

More Phytonutrients

Vitamin/Mineral Pill

One-a-day with 100% of RDA “Silver” version

More B6, B12, Ca, Chromium, E, K, Phosphorus No iron

For Men Lycopene, B12

For Women More calcium

Be a Smart Shopper

Check the label Avoid megadoses

If taking a larger dose, follow instructions Look for USP on Label Look for expiration dates Beware of gimmicks Store safely Check with your doctor – especially if

taking other medications


American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide, 2002

What If

There is no room for improvement in your diet or activity?

You have genetics, metabolism, or medication going against you?

There is room for improvement, but you don’t want to change?

This is the “you” you will be?

Attitude Check

Positive “Exercise is good for my health.” “I feel good, have more energy, and I’m having


Negative “I would rather die young and happy than go to a

fitness center.” “I hate this.”

Parting Thoughts

Knowing what is under your control

How you determine success

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