eat yourself thin

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8/11/2019 Eat Yourself Thin 1/25

8/11/2019 Eat Yourself Thin 2/25

Eat Yourself Thin 

Metabolic Stimulation Secrets


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 pre!ent any disease* 


Eat Yourself Thin. ©2012

 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprodued in any form or by any eletroni or mehanialmeans inluding! but not limited to! information storage and retrieval systems "ithout permission in "ritingfrom the publisher! e#ept by a revie"er! "ho may $uote brief passages in a revie".

This boo%let $as desi#ned to #i!e correct and helpful information" but there may be typo#raphical errors andmista%es in content The information contained herein is up to date only to the date of publication Theauthor and publisher of this boo% shall not ha!e liability nor responsibility to any person or le#al entity inre#ard to any loss or dama#e caused or alle#ed to be caused either directly or indirectly by the informationcontained in this boo%let

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Table of Contents

1. %at &urning &asis

2. %at &urning %oods

'. (otent %oods

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%at &urning &asis

)f you*re over"eight! you are not a bad person. You*re simply over"eight. &ut it*s important

to lose the e#tra pounds so you*ll look good! feel healthier and develop a sense of pride

and self+esteem. ,ne you*ve lost the fat! you*ll need to maintain your "eight.

)n this booklet! you*ll disover ho" to lose 10 pounds a month - a nie! safe loss of about

t"o or t"o+and+a+half pounds a "eek - painlessly. You*ll feel satisfied and more energeti

than in the past "ithout feeling deprived.

ost Amerians pak on those e#tra pounds by eating the "rong things. /hanging these

poor eating habits is the key to long+term suess. no"ledge - along "ith the right food -

is the key.

hen humans lived in aves! they didn*t kno" anything about preserving and storing food.

They spent all their "aking time and energy hunting and gathering food. hen they had it!

they gobbled it do"n fast. )nstead of storing food in pantries or upboards! they stored

energy in their bodies in the form of fat to burn during periods "hen there "as little or

nothing to eat.

Eah year! it "as absolutely vital for them to put on a good layer of fat during the "arm

sprint and summer months. That "as the only "ay they ould guarantee their survival

during the lean and mean "inter months.

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protein! fat and arbohydrates your body needs to thrive.

E#tremely lo"+alorie diets may help you shed pounds $uikly! but they*ll lead to failure in

the long run.

That*s beause humans are genetially proteted against starvation. 3uring food

shortages! our bodies slo" do"n our metabolisms and burn less energy so "e an stay


 A part of our brain alled the hypothalamus keeps us on an even "eight keep by reating a

4set point.5 That*s the "eight "here "e feel omfortable. The hypothalamus determines

this point based on the level of onsumption it*s used to. )t seeks to keep our "eight

onstant! even if that point is over "hat it should be.

hen "e drastially ut bak our food intake! the brain thinks the body is starving! and in

an effort to preserve life! it slo"s the metabolism. 6oon the pounds stop oming off.

/onse$uently! "e gro" hungry and unomfortable and then eat more. And then the diet


o" an you ompensate for this metaboli slo"+do"n7 The ans"er is that you have to

hange the nutritional omposition of the foods you eat. You "ill have to ut do"n on total

alories - that*s absolutely basi to "eight loss. ore important! ho"ever! is reduing the

perentage of total alories you are getting from fat.

That*s ho" you*ll avoid starvation pani in your system. At the same time! you redue the

amount of fat in your food! replaing it "ith safe! lo" alorie! nutrient+rih plant foods. This

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"ill onvine your brain that your body is getting all the nutrition it needs.

)n fat! you*ll be able to eat more food and feel more satisfied "hile onsuming fe"er

alories and fats.

(lant foods break do"n slo"ly in your stomah! making you feel full longer! and they are

rih in vitamins! minerals! trae elements! arbohydrates and protein for energy and

musle+building. This allo"s your body to burn off its e#ess stored fat.

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Fat Burning Foods

Eah one of the follo"ing foods is linially proven to promote "eight loss. These foods go

a step beyond simply adding no fat to your system - they possess speial properties that

add 8ip to your system and help your body melt a"ay unhealthy pounds. These inredible

foods an suppress your appetite for 9unk food and keep your body running smoothly "ith

lean fuel and effiient energy.

You an inlude these foods in any sensible "eight+loss plan. They give your body the

e#tra metaboli kik that it needs to shave off "eight $uikly.

 A sensible "eight loss plan alls for no fe"er that 1!200 alories per day. &ut 3r. /harles

lein reommends onsuming more that that! if you an believe it - 1!:00 to 1!;00 alories

per day. e says you "ill still lose "eight $uite effetively at that intake level "ithout

endangering your health.

unger is satisfied more ompletely by filling the stomah. ,une for oune! the foods

listed belo" aomplish that better than any others. At the same time! they*re rih in

nutrients and possess speial fat+melting talents.


These marvels of nature deserve their reputation for keeping the dotor a"ay "hen you

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eat one a day. And no"! it seems! they an help you melt the fat a"ay! too.

%irst of all! they elevate your blood gluose <sugar= levels in a safe! gentle manner and

keep them up longer than most foods. The pratial effet of this is to leave you feeling

satisfied longer! say researhers.

6eondly! they*re one of the rihest soures of soluble fiber in the supermarket. This type

of fiber prevents hunger pangs by guarding against dangerous s"ings or drops in your

blood sugar level! says 3r. >ames Anderson of the ?niversity of entuky*s 6hool of


 An average si8e apple provides only ;1 alories and has no sodium! saturated fat or

holesterol. You*ll also get the added health benefits of lo"ering the level of holesterol

already in your blood as "ell as lo"ering your blood pressure.

Whole Grain Bread

You needn*t dread bread. )t*s the butter! margarine or ream heese you put on it that*s

fattening! not the bread itself. e*ll say this as often as needed - fat is fattening. )f you

don*t believe that! ponder this - a gram of arbohydrate has four alories! a gram of

protein four! and a gram of fat nine. 6o "hih of these is really fattening7

&read! a natural soure of fiber and omple# arbohydrates! is okay for dieting. Nor"egian

sientist 3r. &9arne >aobsen found that people "ho eat less than t"o slies of bread daily

"eigh about 11 pounds more that those "ho eat a lot of bread.

6tudies at ihigan 6tate ?niversity sho" some breads atually redue the appetite.

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@esearhers ompared "hite bread to dark! high+fiber bread and found that students "ho

ate 12 slies a day of the dark! high+fiber bread felt less hunger on a daily basis and lost

five pounds in t"o months. ,thers "ho ate "hite bread "ere hungrier! ate more fattening

foods and lost no "eight during this time.

6o the key is eating dark! rih! high+fiber breads suh as pumpernikel! "hole "heat!

mi#ed grain! oatmeal and others. The average slie of "hole grain bread ontains only 0

to B0 alories! is rih in omple# arbohydrates - the best! steadiest fuel you an give your

body - and delivers surprising amount of protein.


Easy does it is the pass"ord here. e*ve all heard about potential dangers of affeine -

inluding an#iety and insomnia - so moderation is the key.

The affeine in offee an speed up the metabolism. )n nutritional irles! it*s kno"n as a

metaboli enhaner! aording to 3r. >udith 6tern of the ?niversity of /alifornia at 3avis.

This makes sense! sine affeine is a stimulant. 6tudies sho" it an help you burn more

alories than normal! perhaps up to 10 perent more. %or safety*s sake! it*s best to limit

your intake to a single up in the morning and one in the afternoon. Add only skim milk to

tit and try doing "ithout sugar - many people learn to love it that "ay.


There*s good reason for this traditional diet food to be a regular part of your diet. )t helps

dissolve fat and holesterol! aording to 3r. >ames /erd of the ?niversity of %lorida. An

average si8ed grapefruit has BC alories! delivers a "hopping 1: grams of petin <the

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speial fiber linked to lo"ering holesterol and fat=! is high in vitamin / and potassium and

is free of fat and sodium.

)t*s rih in natural galaturoni aid! "hih adds to its poteny as a fat and holesterol

fighter. The additional benefit here is assistane in the battle against atheroslerosis

<hardening of the arteries= and the development of heart disease. Try sprinkling it "ith

innamon rather than sugar to take a"ay some of the tart taste.


Try the hot! spiy kind you find in Asian import stores! speialty shops and e#oti

groeries. 3r. >aya enry of ,#ford (olytehni )nstitute in England! found that the amount

of hot mustard normally alled for in e#ian! )ndian and Asian reipes! about one

teaspoon! temporarily speeds up the metabolism! 9ust as affeine and the drug ephedrine


4&ut mustard is natural and totally safe!5 enry says. 4)t an be used every day! and it

really "orks. ) "as shoked to disover it an speed up the metabolism by as muh as 20

to 2: perent for several hours.5 This an result in the body burning an e#tra C: alories

for every B00 onsumed! 3r. enry says.


ot! spiy hili peppers fall into the same ategory as hot mustard! enry says. e studied

them under the same irumstanes as the mustard and they "orked 9ust as "ell. A mere

three grams of hili peppers "ere added to a meal onsisting of B total alories. The

peppers* metabolism+raising properties "orked like a harm! leading to "hat enry alls a

diet+indued thermi effet. )t doesn*t take muh to reate the effet. ost salsa reipes

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all for four to eight hilies - that*s not a lot.

(eppers are astonishingly rih in vitamins A and /! abundant in alium! phosphorus! iron

and magnesium! high in fiber! free of fat! lo" in sodium and have 9ust 2C alories per up.


e*ve got to be kidding! right7 rong. (otatoes have developed the same 4fattening5 rap

as bread! and it*s unfair. 3r. >ohn 3ougal! diretor of the nutritional mediine lini at 6t.

elena ospital in 3eer (ark! /alifornia! says! 4An e#ellent food "ith "hih to ahieve

rapid "eight loss is the potato! at 0. alories per gram or about ;: alories per potato.5 A

great soure of fiber and potassium! they lo"er holesterol and protet against strokes and

heart disease.

(reparation and toppings are ruial. 6teer lear of butter! milk and sour ream! or you*ll

blo" it. ,pt for yogurt instead.


 An entire "eight+loss plan! simple alled the @ie 3iet! "as developed by 3r. illiam

empner at 3uke ?niversity in 3urham! North /arolina. The diet! dating to the 1D'0*s!

makes rie the staple of your food intake. ater on! you gradually mi# in various fruits and


)t produes stunning "eight loss and medial results. The diet has been sho"n to reverse

and ure kidney ailments and high blood pressure.

 A up of ooked rie <1:0 grams= ontains about 1B; alories - appro#imately one+third

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basially tasteless! so any spie or flavoring you add blends "ith it niely. A 2H 5 s$uare

has ; alories and nine grams of protein. <E#perts suggest an intake of about C0 grams

per day.= Tofu ontains alium and iron! almost no sodium and not a bit of saturated fat. )t

makes your metabolism run on high and even lo"ers holesterol. ith different varieties

available! the firmer tofus are goof for stir+frying or adding to soups and saues "hile the

softer ones are good for mashing! hopping and adding to salads.

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to 1: perent and has po"erful anti+aner agents. )sraeli sientists say it ures

onstipation better than la#atives + and that an promote "eight loss! too.

?se it as a substitute for rie in salads! pilaf or stuffing! or add to soups and ste"s. You

an also mi# it "ith rie for an interesting te#ture. Iround into flour! it makes e#ellent

breads and muffins.


&eans are one of the best soures of plant protein. (eas! beans and hikpeas are

olletively kno"n as legumes. ost ommon beans have 21: alories per ooked up

<lima beans go up to 20=. They have the most protein "ith the least fat of any food! and

they*re high in potassium but lo" in sodium.

(lant protein is inomplete! "hih means that you need to add something to make it

omplete. /ombine beans "ith a "hole grain - rie! barley! "heat! orn - to provide the

amino aids neessary to form a omplete protein. Then you get the same top+$uality

protein as in meat "ith 9ust a fration of the fat.

6tudies at the ?niversity of entuky and in the Netherlands sho" that eating beans

regularly an lo"er holesterol levels.

The most ommon omplaint about beans is that they ause gas. ere*s ho" to ontain

that problem! aording to the ?.6. 3epartment of Agriulture <?63A=G &efore ooking!

rinse the beans and remove foreign partiles! put in a kettle and over "ith boiling "ater!

soak for four hours or longer! remove any beans that float to the top! then ook the beans

in fresh "ater.

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This is the perfet "eight+loss food. &erries have natural frutose sugar that satisfies your

longing for s"eets and enough fiber so you absorb fe"er alories that you eat. &ritish

researhers found that the high ontent of insoluble fiber in fruits! vegetables and "hole

grains redues the absorption of alories from foods enough to promote "idth loss "ithout

hampering nutrition.

&erries are a great soure of potassium that an assist you in blood pressure ontrol.

&lakberries have BC alories per up! blueberries ;1! raspberries 0 and stra"berries C:.

6o use your imagination and en9oy the berry of your hoie.


&rooli is Ameria*s favorite vegetable! aording to a reent poll. No "onder. A up of

ooked brooli has a mere CC alories. )t delivers a staggering nutritional payload and is

onsidered the number one aner+fighting vegetable. )t has no fat! loads of fiber! aner

fighting hemials alled indoles! arotene! 21 times the @3A of vitamin / and alium.

hen you*re buying brooli! pay attention to the olor. The tiny florets should be rih

green and free of yello"ing. 6tems should be firm.


)t*s great for panakes! breads! ereal! soups or alone as a grain dish ommonly alled

kasha. )t has 1:: alories per ooked up. @esearh at the All )ndia )nstitute of edial

6ienes sho"s diets inluding buk"heat lead to e#ellent blood sugar regulation!

resistane to diabetes and lo"ered holesterol levels. You ook buk"heat the same "ay

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you "ould rie or barley. &ring t"o to three ups of "ater to a boil! add the grain! over the

pan! turn do"n the heat and simmer for 20 minutes or until the "ater is absorbed.


This Eastern Europe staple is a true "onder food. There are only '' alories in a up of

ooked shredded abbage! and it retains all its nutritional goodness no matter ho" long

you ook it. Eating abbage ra" <1; alories per shredded up=! ooked! as sauerkraut <2B

alories per drained up= or olesla" <alories depend on dressing= only one a "eek is

enough to protet against olon aner. And it may be a longevity+enhaning food.

6urveys in the ?nited 6tates! Ireee and >apan sho" that people "ho eat a lot of it have

the least olon aner and the lo"est death rates overall.


hat list of health+promoting! fat+fighting foods "ould be omplete "ithout &ugs &unny*s

favorite7 A medium+si8ed arrot arries about :: alories and is a nutritional po"erhouse.

The orange olor omes from beta arotene! a po"erful aner+preventing nutrient

<provitamin A=.

/hop and toss them "ith pasta! grate them into rie or add them to a stir+fry. /ombine

them "ith parsnips! oranges! raisins! lemon 9uie! hiken! potatoes! brooli or lamb to

reate flavorful dishes. 6pie them "ith tarragon! dill! innamon or nutmeg. Add finely

hopped arrots to soups and spaghetti saue - they impart a natural s"eetness "ithout

adding sugar.


hite meat ontains 2C: alories per four oune serving and dark meat! 2;:. )t*s an

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e#ellent soure of protein! iron! niain and 8in. 6kinned hiken is healthiest! but most

e#perts reommend "aiting until after ooking to remove it beause the skin keeps the

meat moist during ooking.


)t*s really a grain - not a vegetable - and is another food that*s gotten a bum rap. (eople

think it has little to offer nutritionally and that 9ust isn*t so. There are 1B; alories in a up of

ooked kernels. )t ontains good amounts of iron! 8in and potassium! and ?niversity of

Nebraska researhers say it delivers a high+$uality of protein! too.

The Tarahumara )ndians of e#io eat orn! beans and hardly anything else. Jirgil &ro"n!

.3.! of ount 6inai 6hool of ediine in Ne" York! points out that high blood

holesterol and ardiovasular heart disease are almost none#istent among them.

Cottage Cheese

 As long as "e*re talking about losing "eight and fat+fighting foods! "e had to mention

ottage heese.

o"+fat <2K= ottage heese has 20: alories per up and is admirably lo" in fat! "hile

providing respetable amounts of alium and the & vitamin riboflavin. 6eason "ith spies

suh a dill! or garden fresh vegetable suh a sallions and hives for e#tra 8ip.

To make it s"eeter! add raisins or one of the fruit spreads "ith no sugar added. You an

also use ottage heese in ooking! baking! fillings and dips "here you "ould other"ise

use sour ream or ream heese.

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%iber+rih figs are lo" in alories at 'B per medium <2.2:5 diameter= ra" fig and C; per

dried fig. A reent study by the ?63A demonstrated that they ontribute to a feeling of

fullness and prevent overeating. 6ub9ets atually omplained of being asked to eat too

muh food "hen fed a diet ontaining more figs than a similar diet "ith an idential number

of alories.

6erve them "ith other fruits and heeses. ,r poah them in fruit 9uie and serve them

"arm or old. You an stuff them "ith mild "hite heese or puree them to use as a filling

for ookies and lo"+alorie pastries.


The health benefits of fish are greater than e#perts imagined - and they*ve al"ays

onsidered it a health food.

The alorie ount in the average four+oune serving of a deep+sea fish runs from a lo" of

D0 alories in abalone to a high of 2' in herring. ater+paked tuna! for e#ample! has

1:C alories. )t*s hard to gain "eight eating seafood.

 As far bak as 1D;:! artiles in the Ne" England >ournal of ediine sho"ed a lear link

bet"een eating fish regularly and lo"er rates of heart disease. The reason is that oils in

fish thin the blood! redue blood pressure and lo"er holesterol.

3r. >oel remer! at Albany edial /ollege in Ne" York! disovered that daily supplements

of fish oil brought dramati relief to the inflammation and stiff 9oints of rheumatoid arthritis.

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e*re talking ollard! hiory! beet! kale! mustard! 6"iss hard and turnip greens. They all

belong to the same family as spinah! and that*s one of the super+stars. No matter ho"

hard you try! you an*t load a up of plain ooked greens "ith any more than :0 alories.

They*re full of fiber! loaded "ith vitamins A and /! and free of fat. You an use them in

salads! soups! asseroles or any dish "here you "ould normally use spinah.


This Ne" Lealand native is a s"eet treat at only C alories per fruit. /hinese publi health

offiials praise the tasty fruit for its high vitamin / ontent and potassium. )t stores easily in

the refrigerator for up to a month. ost people like it peeled! but the fu88y skin is also



These members of the onion family look like giant sallions! and are every bit as healthful

and flavorful as their better+kno"n ousins. They ome as lose to alorie+free as it gets at

a mere '2 alories per ooked up.

You an poah or broil halved leeks and then marinate them in vinaigrette or season "ith

@omano heese! fine mustard or herbs. They also make a good soup.


(eople think lettue is nutritionally "orthless! but nothing ould be farther from the truth.

You an*t leave it out of your "eight+loss plans! not at 10 alories per up of ra" romaine.

)t provides a lot of filling bulk for so fe" alories. And it*s full of vitamin /! too. Io beyond

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ieberg lettue "ith &oston! bibb and os varieties or try "aterress! arugula! radihio!

dandelion greens! purslane and even parsley to liven up your salads.


No"! here*s great taste and great nutrition in a lo"+alorie pakageF ,ne up of

antaloupe balls has 2 alories! on up of asaba balls has CC alories! one up of

honeyde" balls has 2 alories and one up of "atermelon balls has CD alories. They

have some of the highest fiber ontent of any food and are deliious. Thro" in handsome

$uantities of vitamins A and / plus a "hopping :CB mgs of potassium in that up of

antaloupe! and you have a fat+burning health food beyond ompare.


 A up of oatmeal or oat bran has only 110 alories. And oats help you lose "eight.

6ub9ets in 3r. >ames Anderson*s landmark 12+year study at the ?niversity of entuky

lost three pounds in t"o months simply by adding 100 grams <'.: ounes= of oat bran to

their daily food intake and nothing else. >ust don*t e#pet oats alone to perform mirales -

you have to eat a balaned diet for total health.


%lavorful! aromati! ine#pensive and lo" in alories! onions deserve a regular plae in your

diet. ,ne up of hopped ra" onions has only 0 alories! and one ra" medium onion

<2.1:5 diameter= has 9ust C2.

They ontrol holesterol! thin the blood! protet against holesterol and may have some

value in ounterating allergi reations. ost of all! onions taste good and they*re good

for you.

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(artially boil! peel and bake! basting "ith olive oil and lemon 9uie. ,r sautM them in "hite

"ine and basil! then spread over pi88a. ,r roast them in sherry and serve over paste.


The )talians had it right all along. A up of ooked paste <"ithout a heavy saue= has only

1:: alories and fits the desription of a perfet starh+entered staple. Analysis at the

 Amerian )nstitute of &aking sho"s pasta is rih in si# minerals! inluding manganese!

iron! phosphorus! opper! magnesium and 8in. Also be sure to onsider "hole "heat

pastas! "hih are even healthier.

S#eet Potatoes

You an make a meal out of them and not "orry about gaining a pound - and you sure

"on*t "alk a"ay from the table feeling hungry. Eah s"eet potato has about 10' alories.

Their reamy orange flesh is one of the best soures of vitamin A you an onsume.

You an bake! steam or miro"ave them. ,r add them to asseroles! soups and many

other dishes. %lavor "ith lemon 9uie or vegetable broth instead of butter.


 A medium tomato <2.:5 diameter= has only about 2: alories. These garden delights are

lo" in fat and sodium! high in potassium and rih in fiber.

 A survey at arvard edial 6hool found that the hanes of dying of aner are lo"est

among people "ho eat tomatoes <or stra"berries= every "eek.

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 And don*t overlook anned rushed! peeled! "hole or ste"ed tomatoes. They make

saues! asseroles and soups taste great "hile retaining their nutritional goodness and

lo"+alorie status. Even plain old spaghetti saue is a fat+burning bargain "hen served

over pasta! so think about introduing tomatoes into your diet


Iive thanks to those pilgrims for starting the "onderful tradition of Thanksgiving turkey. )t

 9ust so happens that this health food disguised as meat is good year+round for "eight


 A four+oune serving of roasted "hite meat turkey has 1BB alories and dark meat has


6adly! many folks are still una"are of the versatility and flavor of ground turkey. Anything

hamburger an do! ground turkey an do at least as "ell! from onventional burgers to

spaghetti saue to meat loaf.

6ome ground turkey ontains skin "hih slightly inreases the fat ontent. )f you "ant to

keep it really lean! opt for ground breast meat. &ut sine this has no added fat! you*ll need

to add filler to make burgers or meat loaf hold together.

%our ounes of ground turkey has appro#imately 1B0 alories and nine grams of fat -

about "hat you*d find in 2.: teaspoons of butter or margarine. )nredibly! the same amount

of regular ground beef <21K fat= has 2D; alories and 2' grams of fat.

&uying turkey has beome easy. )t*s no longer neessary to buy a "hole bird unless you

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"ant to. Iround turkey is available fresh or fro8en! as are individual parts of the bird!

inluding drumstiks! thighs! breasts and utlets.


The non+fat variety of plain yogurt has 120 alories per up and lo"+fat! 1CC. )t delivers a

lot of protein and ! like any dairy food! is rih in alium and ontains 8in and riboflavin.

Yogurt is handy as a breakfast food - ut a banana into it and add the ereal of your


You an find "ays to use it in other types of ooking! to - saues! soups! dips! toppings!

stuffings and spreads. any kithen gadget departments even sell a simple funnel for

making yogurt heese.

Yogurt an replae heavy reams and "hole milk in a "ide range of dishes! saving sads

of fat and alories.

You an substitute half or all of the higher fat ingredients. &e reative. %or e#ample!

ombine yogurt! garli po"der! lemon 9uie! a dash of pepper and orestershire saue

and use it to top a baked potato instead of piling on fat+laden sour ream.

6upermarkets and health food stores sell a variety of yogurts! many "ith added fruit and

sugar. To ontrol alories and fat ontent! buy plain non+fat yogurt and add fruit yourself.

 Apple butter or fruit spreads "ith little or no added sugar are an e#ellent "ay to turn plain

yogurt into a deletable s"eet treat.

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