echodork's conjurer handbook

Post on 27-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Echodork's Conjurer Handbook


    The Conjurers Handbook



    What is Conjuration?Specializing in ConjurationFeats

    SpellsPrestige Classes and Builds



    What is this Handbook?

    This is the Conjurers Handbook" a guide to the care and !eeding o! #our specialist

    Wizard$ This Handbook %ill discuss the di!!erent aspects o! building and pla#ing a

    Conjurer" including attributes" alternate class !eatures" !eats" &agic ite&s" and prestige

    classes$ Well also di'e into the spell list" highlighting i&portant or interesting

    Conjuration spells$

    What is this Handbook Not?

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    This is not a Wizard Handbook$ I assu&e that #ou are alread# !a&iliar %ith ho% a

    Wizard is pla#ed$ I in'ite #ou to read Dictum Mortuums Wizard Handbookand The

    Logic Ninjas Guide to Being Batmani! #ou ha'ent alread#$

    Pla#ing a Wizard" e'en a Focused Conjurer" is about &ore than si&pl# casting

    Conjuration spells$ Spells like contingency, greater invisibility, polymorph,

    shapechange, dominate person,and e'enfireballand magic missileha'e their place in a

    Wizards repertoire$ Its up to #ou to !igure out ho% to co&bine the in!or&ation !ound in

    this guide %ith the use!ul spells and strategies inherent in the other schools o! &agic$

    Thats %hat being a Wizard is all about(

    This Handbook is also not a guide to di'ine &agic$ For the sake o! o%n sanit#" I'eli&ited the crunch# bits in this Handbook to those a'ailable to Wizards and specialist

    Wizards$ Sorcerers %ill !ind lots o! use!ul in!or&ation here" and Clerics and )ruids &a#

    !ind use!ul tidbits %here their o%n spell lists con'erge %ith the Wizards$

    I %ill ad&it up !ront" kno%ledge o! the en'iron&ent books *Frostburn" Ship%rack"

    )ungeonscape" etc$+ is so&e%hat lacking$ I ha'e ne'er been in a pla# group that used

    these books$ Ill include %hat I kno%" and Ill do best to &aintain the guide %ith

    in!or&ation pro'ided b# other posters$

    What is Conjuration?

    Conjuration is a diverse school of magic that summons or conjures

    eects into existence or moves them from one place to another. You

    can conjure up walls, creatures, toxic fog, grand banquets, mundane

    items, even extra-dimensional mansions. Conjuration also deals with

    the elemental planes, conjuring pockets of elemental energ which

    can be used for various oensive eects. You can even useConjuration to move ourself, our allies, or our enemies from one

    place to another through teleportation magic.

    The Subschools

    Conjuration spells come in !ve basic "avors. #he are$

    Calling:Calling spells transport a creature to our side from anotherplane of existence, usuall to perform some service for ou. Calling

    spells summon real, discrete creatures who do not return to their

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    native plane if the die while in our service %if ou die in Canada, ou

    die for real&. Gateand Planar bindingare calling spells.

    Creation:Creation spells create objects or creatures from

    nothingness. 'ome creation spells, such as grease, have a duration,which means the item disappears when the spell ends. (ther creation

    spells, like wall of stone, are instantaneous. #hese spells conjure real

    items which last inde!nitel.

    Healing:)ealing spells restore life and cure ailments. *an of the

    iconic Cleric healing spells fall into the healing subschool, such

    as remove disease, restoration, and all of the curespells. + default,

    iards do not get access to Conjuration %)ealing& spells, thoughthere are several was to add them to our spell list.

    Summoning:ike calling spells, summoning spells will bring a

    creature or object to the place ou desire. /nlike calling spells, all

    summoning spells have a duration, and the creature or object

    summoned will return to its place of origin when the spell ends. 0f the

    creature dies or the object is destroed during the course of the spell,

    it will reform 12 hours later at the location it was summonedfrom. Summon monster I-IXand summon swarmare summoning


    Teleportation:#eleportation spells instantl transport creatures or

    objects from one place to another. *an teleportation spells, such

    as dimension door, simpl move ou around on the same plane. 'ome

    of the more powerful spells, likeplane shift, can move ou across

    planar boundaries. #eleportation eects are both instantaneous and

    permanent, meaning that ou are not held in our new location b

    magic, and the eect cannot be reversed or dispelled.

    Conjuration Spell Types

    hat can ou do as a Conjurer3 #he trite, clich4 answer is 5anthing

    ou want,6 but that is also the most complete and most truthful

    answer. Conjuration is a ver broad and versatile school of magic, and

    it enables a wide variet of combat strategies and tactics. 7ote also

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    that this is b no means an exhaustive list of our combat options, this

    list simpl enumerates the strengths of the Conjuration school.

    8epending on our chosen prohibited schools %if ou choose to

    specialie&, there are man other roles ou could ful!ll in addition to

    the ones listed here. 9 Conjurer who retains use of his :vocationschool can 'hotgun *age with the best of them;

    0 do want to be clear about the purpose of this section. #his section of

    the )andbook is not a list of character archetpes. 0

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    spells. 'ee the section on @restige Classes for more information.

    !isables:8isabling spells %also known as 5debus6& hamper our


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    them, so 0 humbl oer ou the 'ummoning )andbook, which expertl

    details this area of Conjuration better than 0 could possibl hope to.

    #here are a number of feats, alternate class features, and prestige

    classes dedicated to summoning. 'o man, in fact, that it

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    return to town. Conjuration oers unparalleled mobilit, allowing ou

    to move freel through the dungeon, the world, and the multiverse.

    + and large, teleportation spells are usuall bene!cial spells ou

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    Specializing in Conjuration

    Specialization: Shooting &eter to pay &aul

    7ow, before we start talking about specialiation, it should be said

    that ou can pla a perfectl respectable Conjurer as a generalist

    iard. You can take 'pell =ocus$ Conjuration and pla

    ControllerK8isabler with walls and clouds, or ou can take 9ugment

    'ummoning and command a legion of =iendish 8ire +adgers.

    )owever, specialiing opens up a lot of doors. You get access to

    *aster 'pecialist for one, which is an excellent prestige class with lots

    of useful, unique bene!ts. You also gain access to the /nearthed9rcana Conjurer variants, all of which are extremel useful. =or the

    sake of this handbook, let

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    metagaming for ou$ there are fewer :nchantment spells in the 'pell

    Compendium than an other school %and there are no Ith or Jth level

    spells&. ith that in mind, :nchantment seems like an excellent

    candidate to forbid.

    )$ocation::vocation has long been the favorite !rst choice of

    schools to dump b iards everwhere. :vocation is our blast

    school, full of spells that let ou roll lots of dJs. 8on

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    and both schools are easil replaced b spells from other schools.

    7ever forbid #ransmutation.

    (lternate Class 'eatures

    !ude, Where-s .y 'amiliar?

    9s a level F Conjurer, ou have some choices. #here are lots of

    fantastic options available to ou as alternate class features.

    )nhanced Summoning%(::nhanced 'ummoning gives ou variant

    abilities at level F, I, and FD. 0f ou opt to accept this variant, oumust accept all three abilities, ou can

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    spell. 9 level F =ocused Conjurer would have F spell per da of his

    choice, plus G bonus Conjuration spells. #his gives ou more total

    spells per da, but makes ou hper-focused on the Conjuration spell

    school. uck for us, Conjuration is an excellent all-around school, and

    is one of the best %if not #): best& school for =ocused 'pecialiing.

    =ocused 'pecialist will give ou a simpl ridiculous number of spells

    per da. 0f ou choose to become a =ocused Conjurer, ou

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    can avoid suering a full attack if ou can escape its threat range with

    9brupt Naunt. #hat

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    Conjurer 'eats

    #hroughout the splatbooks, there are a number of feats which appl

    speci!call to Conjurers or Conjuration spells. #his is not an exhaustive

    list of feats that are good for iards, these are just the feats that

    showcase Conjuration spells or abilities.

    General 'eats

    Core 'eats

    (ugment Summoning:9 no-brainer feat for 'ummoners, 9ugment

    'ummoning bus all of our summoned creatures at no cost. You canget 9ugment 'ummoning for free with the :nhanced 'ummoning

    alternate class feature, and it comes free with #haumaturgist 1.

    *mpro$ed *nitiati$e:)onestl, not terrible. 9s 0

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    (rcane !iscipleC!:Choose the 'ummoning domain, and this feat

    adds lesser planar all#to our spell list and allows ou to qualif for

    #haumaturgist. Choosing the )ealing domain will open up #ouch of

    )ealing. 7ote that ou need is FDOspell level to memorie or cast

    these domain spells, which ma be prohibitive.

    (rcane Thesis&HB/:0 love me some 9rcane #hesis, but it

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    =or cloudkilland other clouds that move, ou

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    'iery BurstC.:#he other good damage reserve feat. =ier +urst is

    nice because it aects a FDxFDE area, although it allows a ?e"ex

    save. %rb of $reis the best fourth level (rb spell for ou to memorie,

    which sncs up nicel with this feat during the mid levels.

    Summon )lementalC.:'ummons a small elemental for a couple

    rounds and gives ou OF C on summoning spells. #he short duration

    and small sie limit the elemental

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    Core 'eats

    )nlarge Spell:hat3 ho takes :nlarge3 ell, ou

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    Sculpt SpellC(rc:@robabl the +:'# metamagic feat for Conjurers,

    because of the control it aords ou over our area spells. You can

    sculpt our incendiar# cloudinto FD< cubes to avoid our allies, or ou

    can !ll a long, narrow hallwa with F1D< worth of acid fog. #here arelots of amaing things ou can do with 'culpt 'pell, because so man

    of our spells are bursts and spreads.

    Sudden 7C(rc:(nceKda is kind of lame, but here

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    0n cases where the @)+ and '?8 dier in regards to a spell

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    8esser 9rb o5 Whate$erSC:0t does damage, it doesn

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    Bale5ul TranspositionSC:9s benign transposition!but the targets

    need not be willing. 'wap our big dumb =ighter with the other team

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    caster level. #he steed can get ou places in a hurr, long before ou

    can teleport. 9t C F2, the steed can ", which is essentiall the same

    as overland *ight.

    Sepia Snake Sigil:@rovides a permanent-duration trap for would-be

    spellbook thieves.Stinking Cloud:=unctionall identical to cloud of bewilderment,

    except a larger radius and a longer range. #ake it in core, use the

    lower level spell in non-core.


    (cid BreathSC

    :=ireball, kinda. 0 mention it because sometimes oujust need to spit acid.

    Corpse CandleSC:?eveals invisible and hidden creatures and objects.

    @resumabl, that means the candle !nds valuables hidden in a room,

    reveals treasure on or inside creatures, and reveals secret doors. 0t

    moves ID< a round, which is a lot of territor to cover. =inall, revealed

    creatures don

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    level spell. 9nother O1 9C isn

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    fogblocks line of sight, provides concealment, and slows all

    movement to I< a turn. 7o '?, no save. #his spell lets ou put a group

    of monsters completel out of our mind for several rounds, as the

    struggle to penetrate the perimeter of the fog. You can

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    direct ou to the @lanar 9llK+inding threadstarted b tiluviasRR. #he

    normal and greater versions of this spell are much more useful.

    Secret Chest:0f ou need to hide something but good, this is our

    spell. #hrow some horribl important plot item ou were tasked to

    protect into the chest, and if unless our enemies mount a full-scale:thereal investigation, it 5there

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    !imension Shu=e&HB/:#he crown of the 5rearrange the battle!eld6

    line of spells, this lets ou move friends and foes alike. 7o two targets

    can be more than GD< apart, but ou can completel reorganie a tight

    battle however ou see !t. 7o somatic.

    !ragon (lly, 8esserSC:Bet a Velekhut instead, he

  • 7/25/2019 Echodork's Conjurer Handbook




    'reezing 'ogSC:0t

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    'eventh level is a little thin, but there are still some powerful abilities.

    #he olarut is a terri!c creature to call, and his presence can turn

    diAcult battles into free loot. You also get several important travel

    options, and stun ra#is as an excellent save-or-lose that isn

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    more of these.

    )ighth 8e$el Spells

    )azeis our ultimate isolation spell. Greater planar bindingis an

    excellent spell at the ver least, and it has the potential to wreck

    entire campaigns without too much trouble.


    *ncendiary Cloud:Your most damaging cloud, but lacks the

    movement-stopping properties ofsolid fogand similar spells. Boodspell to use if ou

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    'ierce &ride o5 the BeastlandsSC:#he good news is, ou get a pack

    of celestial lions and dire lions. :ven better, the sta with ou a good

    long time. #he bad news is, prett much nobod ou !ght at level FI

    is going to care much about our pack of I )8 kittens. 'till, 0

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    (byssal (rmySC:'ee $erce pride of the beastlands. You get a bunch

    of cuddl little critters for FD minutesKlevel. #he neat part

    about ab#ssal arm#is that ou can command our demon buddies to

    summon more demon buddies. 0t

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    take half damage and get bull rushed. You can use the bull rush eect

    to push creatures back into one of our existing cloud spells, or ou

    can simpl bur them in snow and blast them when the emerge.

    Breat for hugging a room full of goblins. 9nd when 0 sa hugging, 0

    mean killing. 9nd when 0 sa goblins, 0 mean giants.Sphere o5 %ltimate !estructionSC:0t

  • 7/25/2019 Echodork's Conjurer Handbook


    templates ou alread have access to. #he class features are

    mediocre, ou get two bonus feats %which base iards would get

    anwa& in exchange for permanentl crippling our abilit to interact

    with people and nonpseudonatural creatures. You can do better than


    (rchmage:7ot all of the 9rchmage abilities are useful to ou, but

    some are. 9rcane ?each is tpicall considered the best abilit, but

    Conjuration doesn

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    monsterspells, which reall narrows our focus as an arcane caster.

    You get a couple minor bonuses that appl toplanar bindingspells as

    well, butplanar bindingis plent broken without prestiging into

    *alconvokerX these abilities aren

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    monsterspells&, and ou get 9ugment 'ummoning for free. #he abilit

    to cast contingent summon spells is not all that useful, as the spell

    level of the contingent spell is ver low %FKG our caster level&.

    )owever, the planar cohort is absolutel fantastic> at level FS, ou

    can hire a @lanetar who casts spells as a FHth level Cleric. 0f our 8*disallows cohorts, then #haumaturgist is a ver bland prestige class.

    %ltimate .agusC.:7ot an eective choice for a Conjurer. You lose

    caster levels %1 if ou use the @racticed 'pellcaster trick, 2 if not&,

    which precludes ou from being an eective 'ummoner. #he /ltimate


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    ?ecaster, but ou gain 'udden Puicken and the caster level boosts

    from *aster 'pecialist, and ou retain full 1DK1D spell progression with

    better racial bonuses. #his is the route m own Conjurer plans to take.

    #o get into #haumaturgist, ou need to take 9rcane 8isciple before

    level FD.

    Summoned .onster Specialist

    Conjurer G *aster 'pecialist 1 *alconvoker I *aster 'pecialist

    G-H #haumaturgist I

    =orbidden 'chools$ :nchantment, :vocation

    9lternate Class =eatures$ :nhanced 'ummoning, ?apid 'ummoning

    #his is m choice of builds for a Conjurer who wishes to focus on

    casting summon monsterandplanar bindingspells. 0f ou use summon

    monsterto summon an evil-aligned creature, ou summon two

    creatures instead of one, and the creatures get O1 damage per attack,

    O2 'trKCon, O1 ill save, and bonus hit points equal to our caster

    level O1 hit points per )8 of the creature. #he spell

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