eclipse- edward's pov

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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edwards pov of eclipse


Eclipse in Edward’s POV (please comment and tell me how I can make the story better)

Please remember that I don’t have any rights to twilight.


Its like time is passing so slowly just to make me go mad. It feels like I haven’t seen bella in days, and only a couple of hours have passed since school today. Not that much has changed since me and my family came back to forks. Me and bella still sat with all her friends ,only some of them really weren’t her true friends but I realy didn’t have the heart to tell her that her only real friends were Angela and Ben and of course Alice.

I thought I had stayed away from bella long enough for one day so I started running toward her house. When I came around the corner I started hearing Charlie’s thoughts . I wonder where Edward’s going to college . Oh no!! he better not be planning on going with my daughter

across the world to live with her. I will not allow it , she’s still just a baby!!!

I chuckled and decided to wait and hear what he was going to say. I didn’t want interrupt on something important.

“so……,”Charlie said sounding embarrassed“so what?” bella asked “nothing…. I was just, just wondering what Edward’s……. plans are for next year?”“oh” she said“well?” I decided it was time to save bella. So I walked up the steps and knocked on the door three times.I heard bella sigh with relief and run to the door.

“coming!” she yelledDoes he really have to come here every night I mean come on! Cant he just go ride into a tree somewhere or something. Charlie thought.I don’t blame Charlie for hating me so much . I mean I put his daughter through so much pain. It was right for him to not want her to ever go through that again, but I’d be dammed if I was ever going leave her again. So I was just going to have to prove to him that id never hurt her again.

“go away” Charlie said just as bella opened the door.She wrenched the door out of her way- ridiculously eager- and there she was…. my own personal miracle.Time had not made me immune to the perfection of bella’s features and I was sure I would never take my dear bella for granted. She looked at me with the most loving look on her face. I was sure that I did not deserve this beautiful creature.She looked into my eyes as I looked into hers. I was completely lost in her eyes. If I wasn’t a vampire I would’ve been light headed and it seemed bella was having the same trouble as me but the only difference was that she couldn’t tell that I was absolutely dazzled by her. I saw her searching for her my hand and I obliged.“hey” she said smiling a little.I reached up to her cheek and brushed the back of my hand over it.“how was your afternoon?” I asked “slow”“for me, as well.”Bella had no idea what slow meant. Her human senses couldn’t handle how slow time without her was. If she were ever to die I wouldn’t think twice about killing myself, but of course before I did anything I would make sure that she was actually dead. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.I pulled my wrist up to bella’s face. I knew she was

worrying about the pain it was putting me trough but honestly it wasn’t that bad anymore. The pain of the thought that bella had died didn’t even compare to the pain of my thirst.

Then I began to hear Charlie coming around the corner.Why does he stair at her like that like, like he owns her. bella should get another boyfriend like... like Jacob he’d be much better for her. Not like bella would ever leave Edward. I guess I’ll just make bella hang out with Jacob more.“good evening, Charlie” I said very politely, but it took quite some effort. Bella would not go anywhere near those dogs. They are way to dangerous and unstable. They could snap at anytime and hurt her badly. I simply just wouldn’t stand for it .

Charlie grunted at me with his arms crossed over his chest. He was watching us like a hawk, never taking his eyes off of us.“I brought another set of applications” I told her holding up a stuffed manila envelope. I was wearing thick roll of stamps like ring around my little finger.

I knew what she was thinking, how did I find all those loop holes. It was really late in the year, and when I left bella ,she didn’t think to apply to a college. So I thought its my responsibility to get her in somewhere.

“there are still a few open deadlines. And a few places willing to make exceptions” I said exitedColleges were really easy to bribe. They would do anything to help them with finances. I smiled seeing the expression on her face.

“shall we” I asked towing her to the kitchen with Charlie following behind us. Although he could not complain about our activity’s tonight.I don’t have a clue why she only listens to him. She doesn’t even want talk about college with me. I guess he’s doing me a favour .He’s probably applying to the exact places as she is. he thought.

He was right I was applying to the same places. How could I ever leave bella behind. I wouldn’t ever survive it. Just the thought of it made me feel sick.He is her father though, so I can not blame him for not wanting her and I to live together. She is still just a baby to him.

I saw bella moving Wuthering Heights her book she had read about a hundred times to the counter. I was about to ask her about it, but Charlie interrupted before I said anything.“ speaking of college applications , Edward” Charlie said, he tried not to speak to me directly, and we he had to it made him angry.

“bella and I were just talking about next year. Have you decided where you’re going to school” I looked up at him and smiled. I made my voice friendly.“Not yet. I’ve received a few acceptance letters, but I’m still weighing my options”“where have you been accepted?” Charlie pressed.“Syracuse…Harvard…Dartmouth… and I just got accepted to the university of Alaska today”I turned my head slightly to wink at her. Knowing she got her acceptance today to.She giggled to low for Charlie hear.“Harvard? Dartmouth?” Charlie unable to conceal his awe. “well that’s pretty…that’s something. Yeah , but the university of Alaska ….you wouldn’t really consider that when you could go to Ivy League. I mean, your father would want you to……”“Carlisle’s always fine with whatever I choose to do,” I told him serenely .“hmph”“guess what, Edward?” bella said in a bright voice, playing along.“what, bella?” I asked making my voice sound curios.She pointed to the thick envelope on the counter. “I just got my acceptance to the university of Alaska!!” she said jumping up and down.“Congratulations!” I grinned “what a coinsidence .”Charlie’s eyes narrowed and he glared back and forth

between the two of us “fine,” he muttered after a minute.“I’m going to watch the game, bella. Nine thirty” that was the usual time that I had to go home now, since bella’s been grounded. Not that it stopped me from staying later, its just that is better not having to hide all of the time.” Er, dad? Remember the very recent discussion about my freedom….?” she asked.Well that took me by surprise and that rarely happens.Charlie sighed “ right. Okay, ten thirty. You still have a curfew on school nights.” he said.“ bella’s no longer grounded?” I askedBella looked confused by the fact that I hadn’t known. She probably thought I had come earlier.“conditionally” he corrected through his teeth. “ what’s it to you?” I just ungrounded her and he already want’s to take her away from me. She mustn’t think that she’s going out with him tonight. he thoughtBella frowned at her dad but he didn’t see her . He was to busy glaring at me.“it’s just good to know,” I said politely. “ Alice has been itching for a shopping partner, and I’m sure bella would love to see some city lights.” I smiled at bella.“ no!!!” Charlie’s face turned purple.“dad!, what’s the problem?” she asked worried that we’d upset him. In truth we really did.No, no, no, no! DOES HE WANT TO GET HER KILLED!! Cant they just do something else. I’m sure

Alice wouldn’t mind.And then I understood ,when he went through the newspaper in his head again.“ I don’t want you going to Seattle right now”“huh” she asked confused.“ I told you about that story in the paper- there’s some kind of gang killing spree in Seattle. So steer clear, okay?”Bella rolled her eyes. “dad there’s a better chance that I’ll get struck by lightning than that the one day that I go to Seattle-” I cut her off before she could upset Charlie anymore“ no that’s fine, Charlie, I didn’t mean Seattle. I was thinking Portland, actually. I wouldn’t have bella in Seattle either , of course not.”I would never take bella to Seattle, not now. Not while there was some or other crazy, uncontrolled newborn there. Especially with bella’s blood that smelt so much better than any other human around here. The humans instantly made up an excuse for unexplained murders , like gang killings or serial killers. Me and my family have been watching the story for quite some time now. All the signs were there. The murders were always after dark, the bodies poorly disposed of and the lack of evidence. Those were all signs of a newborn on the loose . A newborn crazy with thirst.I picked up the newspaper reading the latest on the story.

“ fine” Charlie said, and walked to the living roomCharlie had already put on the tv when bella started to ask me something.“what-”“hold on” I was almost done reading the articleCharlie was still listening so I pushed the first college application toward bella.“ I think you can recycle your essays for this one, same questions.” she sighed and started filling I the questions . I was finished with the article but bella hadn’t noticed. So I decided it was a good opportunity to think about Seattle.The murders were getting worse. It was hard to imagine only one newborn doing this.

Bella snorted, I was now curios so I turned my toward hers.“ bella?” I asked “ be serious, Edward . Dartmouth?” I gently lifted the application and set in front of her again.What possibly could be wrong with Dartmouth? I thought it was rather nice there.

I hated that bella thought she wasn’t good enough for those schools. In truth she was really smart. And if I needed to tutor her at school next year I would do it every night. Anything to make my bella happy.

“ I think you’d like New Hampshire,” I said “ there’s a full complement of night courses for me, and the forests are very nicely located for the avid hiker, Plentiful wildlife.” I smiled the smile that I knew bella couldn’t resist.She sighed and pulled her face.“ I’ll let you pay me back if that makes you happy” I promised “ if you want, I can charge you interest?”“like I could get in without some enormous bribe. Or was part of the loan? The new Cullen wing of the library? Ugh! Why are we having this discussion again?” I didn’t care how much money I used because of her. When was she finally going to figure that out. I loved her and that was all that mattered. Not the amount money I spent on my bella.“ will you just fill out the application ,please, bella? It wont hurt you to apply.”Her jaw flexed “ you know what? I don’t think I will.”I quickly took all the papers and put them in my pocket, before bella could throw them away.She reached out trying to grab the papers, but there was nothing there. She stared at the table for a couple of seconds.“ what are you doing?” she demanded.“ I sign your name better than you do yourself. You’ve already written the essays.” she wouldn’t get away

from going to college that easily. I will make sure she has the best future possible.“ you’re going way overboard with this you know.” she whispered.“ I really don’t need to apply anywhere else. I’ve been accepted into the university of Alaska . I can almost afford the first semester’s tuition. Its as good an alibi as any. There’s no need to throw a bunch of money away no matter who’s it is.”

of course she was only thinking of her alibi. She wasn’t even considering going to college. I wasn’t going to stand for it. She will have options.“ bella…”“ don’t start. I agree that I need to go through the motions for Charlie’s sake, but we both know I wont be in any condition to go to school next fall. To be anywhere near people.”

Bella had no idea what she was getting herself into. She didn’t know what she wanted was to be a monster. She thought we were something from a fairytale, but we were the exact opposite, and that was what she giving everything up for.“ I thought the timing was still undecided” I reminded her softly. “ you might enjoy a semester or two of college. There are still a lot of human experiences you’ve never had”

“ I’ll get to those afterward”“ there is no afterward bella, you only get one chance at humanity.”She sighed “ you’ve got to be reasonable about the timing Edward , its just to dangerous to mess around with.” she argued

She still didn’t understand what this meant. After she becomes a vampire she wont be able to do anything normal for a while.“there’s no danger yet” I insisted.Bella didn’t say anything. She looked panicked, and I knew what she was thinking. She was most likely thinking about Victoria stalking her looking for revenge, the Volturi insisting she be turned into a vampire, and if not she would be killed, and last but not least she was probably thinking about Jacob. Jacob who knew what was going to happen. If we changed bella a war would begin with the werewolves.

I decided it was to ask her what was wrong“ bella” I said “ there’s no hurry. I wont let anyone hurt you. You can take all the time you need.”“ I want to hurry” she said trying to put a smile on her face “ I want to be a monster too” she said trying to make a joke

Was she crazy why would she want to be monster like

me, and then make a joke of it to. She obviously didn’t know what vampires did to people, people who had families, friends, lives. People like her.“ you have no idea what your saying” I said harshly , and flung the newspaper to her and pointed to the headline.“ what does that have anything to do with this?”“monsters are not a joke, bella!”“a…a vampire is doing this?” she asked with a shocked expression I smiled without humor. My voice was low and cold

“ you’d be surprised, bella, at how often my kind are the source behind the horrors in your human news. Its easy to recognize, when you know what to look for. The information here indicates a newborn vampire is loose in Seattle. Bloodthirsty, wild, out of control. The way we all were.”Her gaze dropped down to the paper avoiding my eyes.“we’ve been monitoring the situation for weeks now. All the signs are there-the unlikely disappearances, always at night, the poorly disposed-of corpses, the lack of other evidence…… yes someone brand-new. And no one seems to be taking responsibility for the neophyte…..” I took a deep breath“well, its not our problem. We wouldn’t even pay attention if it wasn’t going on close to home. Like I said, this happens all the time. The existence of

monsters result in monstrous consequences.” I told her She looked like she was avoiding something on the page. Maybe just maybe she realized what she wants to become is not all that glamorous. I don’t want her to throw her life away because of me. That would be selfish. So I would everything I could to change her mind even if its something I don’t want to happen . I didn’t ever want her to stay human, but Id be dammed if I was going to turn her into a monster for myself.

“ it wont be like that for me” she whispered “you wont let me be like that. We’ll live in Antarctica “I was tired of fighting so I just gave in“penguins. Lovely” Bella laughed a shaky laugh and hit the paper of the table

This is to where im going to write because I don’t want to carry on with the story if people don’t like it…..

Please comment if you think I should go on or not

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