eco village culture to and industrial economy city culture r1

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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We compare village life as we envisage it in a sustainable world to life in the Industrial Capitalist City


Eco-village culture

& industrial economy city culture

… a comparison

In the industrial economy city people live in buildings built from materials

from afar by faceless workers

In the eco village, people live in buildings built

from local material by themselves

together with local experts

Industrial economy city food

is pre-prepared and packaged with a wide

amount of choice year round.

In the eco-village, much

food in produced locally, used fresh and is


In the industrial economy things come from afar along lengthy supply chains,

fossil and mineral fueled

In the eco-village, local

people provide goods and services by

refining local materials

In the industrial economy city you interact seldom with people who live near you

In the eco-village everyone talks to everyone

In the industrial economy city

people buy what they need from people they do

not know in shops owned by people

far away

In the eco-village people buy what they

need from locals they

know in shops locally owned

In the industrial economy city high activity levels go

on day and night

In the eco-village, life follows the rhythms of nature

In the industrial economy city families gather to be entertained and informed by the mass media

In the eco-village people make their

own entertainment

In the industrial economy city you get a pleasure kick from surrounding yourself

with luxury goods

In the eco-village you get life’s simple pleasures

In the industrial economy city you have

a detached relationship to your

urine and faeces

In the eco-village you know your urine and faeces are used as

fertilser and that they are part of a natural


The industrial economy city gathers a minority elite to make decisions about your life

In the eco-village, major decisions are made together, sitting in a circle, with everybody’s opinion heard.

Work in the industrial economy city requires you use your free time to keep fit

In the eco-village, there is a lot of low-impact physical work that people do together, keeping them in trim.

People in the industrial economy city measure their wealth by how much money their assets are worth

In the eco-village, wealth is measured as the capability of the village’s assets to provide life’s neccesities, including social


This is work in the industrial economy city

In the eco-village, people work to live, not

live to work

In the industrial economy city, being environmental means being ”less bad”

In the eco-village you focus on having nature

do as much work as possible

In the industrial economy city, gathering and recycling materials takes a lot of energy and work

In the eco-village, materials are used and recycled constantly as

waste from one process is direct input to another

You leave the industrial economy city to get away for a vacation, often from an airport.

In the eco-village can can have a great

hoiday without going anywhere

The industrial economy city surrounds you with advertising messages

The eco-village surrounds you in natural beauty

The industrial economy city has food grown on large, fossil-fueled farms, often using poorly-paid labour

The eco-village pays farmers a good wage and everyone is involved in chemical-free food production

Whichever you choose,Get involved to make it work foryou and coming generations

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