ed 122 management plan.docx

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  • 8/9/2019 ED 122 Management Plan.docx


    Beaty 1

    Part I: Classroom Organization

    A: Physical (Desk arrangements, learning centers, small groupwork area(s), computers, audio-visual or instructional equipment,

    and bulletin boards, etc.)

    *lassroom drawing is attac!ed on t!e last page

    "elcome to my t!ird grade classroom#

     $!e moment my students walk into my classroom t!ey will besurrounded by a %riendly and welcoming learning environment. $!e goal o%my classroom setup is %or my students to !ave t!e best opportunities tolearn as possible. &y classroom is organi'ed, w!ic! will give my studentsstability in t!eir daily classroom routines, procedures, and ultimately t!eirlearning.

    nce a student walks into my classroom door, t!ey will see t!e unitbulletin board. t!ink t!is is important to !ave rig!t w!en t!ey walk in sot!at every student knows w!at t!ey will be learning about, as well assparking interest %or t!e subect. also !ave bat!room passes rig!t by t!edoor so t!at students do not need to disturb instructional time w!en pickingup and dropping o+ t!eir passes. &y classroom !as a large w!iteboard in t!e%ront o% t!e classroom w!ere eac! student can see it. $!is is w!ere wouldteac! all o% my maor lessons. $!is is also w!ere t!e proector screen islocated so t!at w!en incorporate media into my lessons, it will be an easy

    transition. !ave a rolling cart wit! a proector and an & so t!at caneasily roll it to t!e %ront o% t!e proector screen %or multimedia presentations. $!ere is a large rug %or students rig!t in %ront o% t!e w!iteboard %or w!en !ave an especially interactive lesson w!ere student will come up to t!eboard o%ten. $!is will take less instructional time to !ave t!em seated closeto t!e board, instead o% !aving t!em walk all t!e way %rom t!eir desks towrite on t!e board. !ave t!e windows against one side wall, and not in t!e%ront o% t!e classroom so t!at students dont stare outside w!en t!ey s!ouldbe paying attention to a lesson.

    &y students desks are arranged in groups o% %our. ac! student !as aview o% t!e %ront t!e classroom, w!ere t!e maority o% t!e learning will take

    place, as well as t!e back o% t!e room, w!ere t!ere are maps and ot!er!elp%ul tools w!ic! will be used during lessons. !ave my students in smallgroups to make cooperative learning and group work easier. $!is is also agreat way %or students to get to know eac! ot!er and %orm a sense o%camaraderie. plan on putting a lot o% t!oug!t into w!ere seat studentsbased on !ow t!ey learn and will switc! t!em o%ten enoug! so t!at t!ey getto work wit! all o% t!eir classmates.


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     $!e teac!er desk is set in a back corner so t!at !ave my own space, but can also see eac! and

    every c!ild as t!ey sit in t!eir desks. will !ave aview o% t!e entire classroom and will be able to

    catc! any troublesome be!avior and keep students on task. &y desktop !as

    a computer %or my personal use, along wit! a bell to get students attentionand a turn-in basket %or any student assignments. also !ave a lot o% spacebe!ind my desk %or storage, as well as a 0ling cabinet so can keep track o%eac! students progress. !ave a 223 (grade2copy20le) organi'er so t!at can stay on top o% all important documents. 4e5t to my desk is a bulletinboard, w!ic! !as t!e lunc! count and t!e weekly ob listings on it. ac! dayw!en my students walk into my classroom be%ore t!e morning bell, t!ey will0nd t!eir name on t!e lunc! count board and pin it under w!ic! lunc! optiont!ey want %or t!at day (you can also do t!is wit! magnets) t!is is also a wayto do attendance wit!out wasting any class time. ac! week, students will!ave a classroom ob to do in order to teac! t!em responsibility. $!ese obs

    will be rotated eac! week and are posted on t!e bulletin board to combat%orget%ulness. 4e5t to t!is bulletin board !ave s!elving %or student supplyand cra%t2art supplies. $!is is w!ere students can 0nd any classroom itemssuc! as scissors, colored pencils, mini w!iteboards, and glue sticks.

     $!e reading center is surrounded by bookcases, w!ic! will !old a widevariety o% books to make sure t!at eac! students reading level isrepresented. 6eries o% books or books by t!e same aut!or will be in bins sot!at students can easily access t!em. $!is section o% t!e classroom is meantto be a reading sanctuary, and students will be e5pected to keep t!eir voicesto a w!isper in t!is section o% t!e classroom. $!ere are also a couple com%yc!airs in t!is area so t!at students can rela5 and read t!eir books during

    sustained silent reading time. 4e5t to t!is reading area, !ave t!e read aloudarea. $!is !as a rug %or students to sit on w!ile t!e teac!er can sit and readout loud. also !ave an easel in order to be able to write out words or domini lessons t!at may be necessary. 7bove t!is reading space, t!ere is abulletin board named, 8$!e 6tar o% t!e 6!ow.9 ac! week one student will be!ig!lig!ted and t!ey will get to bring in pictures, keepsakes, or ot!er imagesto decorate t!eir board %or t!eir week. 7t t!e end o% eac! week, t!e star o%

    t!e s!ow will give a brie% presentation o% t!e boardand t!eir classmates will be able to ask any questionst!ey !ave about t!is person. $!e teac!er will modelt!is process t!e 0rst week o% sc!ool.

    4e5t to t!is is t!e cooperative learning2 readingtable. $!is is w!ere small groups can work wit! t!eteac!er to work on areas t!at t!ey mig!t need specialattention on. t also works great %or t!e teac!er to

    di+erentiate instruction and work wit! groups w!o are at relatively t!e samelevel or !ave t!e same need. $!is gives students a c!ance to really get t!ate5tra attention t!at t!ey o%ten need %rom t!eir teac!er. 4e5t to t!is are somestudent activity and workstations. $!e 0rst is an animal and plant center.


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    Beaty :

    During di+erent units, plan on !aving students grow t!eir own plants, aswell as !aving small animals, 0s!, or even caterpillars turning into butter;iesin t!is space. 6tudents will learn about di+erent %orms o% li%e and !ow to care%or it. $!e ne5t station is a world center. $!is is w!ere t!ere will be a globe,along wit! maps o% t!e world, t!e 6 player so

    t!at can incorporate media %rom previous years t!at mig!t not be able to0nd on t!e nternet. $!is can be a great way %or students to learn. 4e5t,t!ere is a long counter wit! tissues, a pencil s!arpener, a sink, as well as adrinking %ountain %or student use.

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    Beaty @

    1. Record Keeping $ec!nology is becoming more widely used in sc!ools and classrooms.

    Because o% t!is trend, plan on recording all o% my students grades on acomputer system. 7ll grades will be recorded by subect, date, student, and

    speci0c assignment. By using t!is type o% system, can easily enter gradesas percentages, or as letter grades. 7t t!e end o% eac! week will print outeac! students grades %or t!at week and put t!em in t!eir individualport%olios so t!at can easily access t!em. Arinting t!em o+ at t!e end o% t!eweek will also serve as a sort o% back up system. >aving t!ese paper copieswill !elp me i% t!e computer system ever cras!es. >aving t!e studentsgrades available at all times in t!ese port%olios allows students to keep tracko% t!eir grades and take responsibility and owners!ip %or t!eir learning. $!ese port%olios will also be very use%ul during con%erence time. can easilypull out a students scores and grades to s!ow t!eir parents t!eir weeklyprogress. t will also be !elp%ul %or me, as t!e teac!er, to look at a students

    scores to determine w!at need to do in my instruction to cater to eac! o%my students needs.

    2. Attendance and Lnch Procedres&y attendance and lunc! procedures will be intertwined. will !ave a

    magnetic w!iteboard rig!t ne5t to my desk wit! magnets %or eac! student inmy class. ac! magnet will !ave a student name on it. n t!is w!iteboard will !ave t!e lunc! c!oices posted %or t!at day. $!ere will be t!e lunc!options t!at t!e sc!ool is o+ering, as well as a !ome lunc! option. ac!morning, my students will get into t!e routine o% coming up to t!is

    w!iteboard, 0nding t!eir name, and moving t!eir magnet under t!e lunc!option t!at t!ey would like %or t!at particular day. $!is will be a classroomprocedure t!at will be practiced. ac! c!ild will be e5pected to move t!eir

    magnet be%ore t!e morning bell rings and class starts. caneasily count up t!e number o% lunc!es under eac! option tosend down to t!e o?ce as t!e class starts t!eir morningroutine. $!is doubles as an attendance procedure because will easily be able to see w!o is not in my class, by lookingat w!o did not move t!eir magnet. % course, will doublec!eck to see i% t!e students are actually not in class or i%t!ey ust %orgot to move t!eir magnet, especially during t!e

    0rst %ew weeks o% sc!ool. $!is allows me to take lunc! countand attendance wit!out taking any class time away %rom my students, and itma5imi'es t!eir learning time.

    !. "e# $tdentsBeing a new student can be a very scary e5perience, and it is t!e ob

    o% t!e classroom teac!er to !elp make t!eir transition into a new classroomas easy and seamless as possible. n t!e beginning o% t!e sc!ool year, eac!


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    student in my classroom will be a new student to my class on t!e 0rst day. $oease t!eir transition into a new year and a new teac!er, will send a letter!ome to t!e parents as well as to t!e students be%ore t!e sc!ool year starts. $!is letter will contain in%ormation on !ow to be success%ul in my class, alongwit! contact in%ormation, a list o% needed sc!ool supplies, my classroom

    management plan, a list o% important dates to remember, and mostimportantly, my letter will say !ow e5cited am %or t!e new sc!ool year tobegin and to !ave eac! student in my class.

    n t!e 0rst day o% sc!ool, will stand by t!e door and introduce mysel%to eac! student w!o walks in wit! a smile. will !ave nametags on t!eirassigned desks so t!at eac! student knows w!ere to sit, and t!ere will be a%un assignment %or t!e students on t!eir desk %or t!em to complete. willmake sure t!at my classroom is a welcoming and sa%e environment so t!ateac! and every student %eels at ease on t!eir 0rst day in a new class.

    3or new students t!at enter my classroom t!roug!out t!e year, willbe sure to make t!is transition as easy as possible %or t!em. Be%ore t!ey

    arrive in my classroom, will prep my class %or !aving a new student. $!iswill be a great way to !ave a discussion about w!at it mig!t %eel like to be8t!e new kid9 or !ow t!ey could !elp t!is new student %eel at !ome in ourclassroom. n t!e day t!at t!e new student arrives, will already !ave adesk set up in my room %or t!em wit! a nametag on it. will give t!em a%older o% !andouts o% classroom rules and procedures t!at t!e rest o% t!eclass talked about in t!e 0rst weeks o% sc!ool. will be sure to go over t!eserules wit! t!e student and it mig!t even be !elp%ul to review t!is wit! t!ew!ole class i% some students need some reminders o% w!at is e5pected o%t!em. will be sure to make t!e new student %eel at !ome in my class bydoing activities t!at will let t!em be involved in t!e class and meet t!eir new

    classmates. will also make sure to remember t!at t!is is a new student, andt!at t!ey need time to acclimate to a new class. will continue to !elp t!emand to remind t!em o% t!e rules and procedures w!en necessary until t!ey!ave !ad enoug! time to get t!e !ang o% my classroom. will make eac!new student %eel special and sa%e in my classroom so t!at t!ey can learn andgrow to t!eir %ullest potential.

    87 place %or everyt!ing and everyt!ing inits place.9

    -5%ord Dictionary o% Aroverbs%. Classroom Order

     $!e best way to keep your classroom orderly is to make sure t!at t!ereis a place %or everyt!ing in your classroom and t!at eac! student knowsw!ere everyt!ing s!ould go. would do t!is by labeling. $!ere would belabels on drawers, bins, and storage containers t!at say e5actly w!at iscontained in t!em. $!is way students can 0nd w!at t!ey need, as well as

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    able to put everyt!ing back into t!e correct spot. $!ings t!at will be inlabeled containers can range %rom art supplies and game pieces, to booksand works!eets.

    will also be sure to give students enoug! time at t!e end o% activitiesor at t!e end o% t!e day to make sure t!ey put everyt!ing t!at t!ey used

    away. ac! student will be e5pected to keep track o% everyt!ing t!eyborrowed %rom a labeled bin, and to put eac! item back into t!e correct bin.7s t!e teac!er, will make sure t!at am very orderly and organi'ed in

    my classroom. will keep my records, lesson plans, and supplies w!ere canaccess t!em easily and w!ere t!ey will not be lost. will make sure t!at myclassroom is organi'ed. By displaying my e5pectations %or order andorgani'ation wit! my own actions, my students will see t!e modelede5pectations and %ollow my lead. % t!e teac!er is organi'ed, t!en t!eirstudents are more likely to be organi'ed as well.

    7not!er way to keep order in my classroom is to keep a daily sc!edulevisible to all students. >aving a daily routine is very important in an

    organi'ed classroom, but daily specials, suc! as gym class, or music2art,sc!edules are o%ten di+erent %rom day to day. $!is is w!y would !ave t!esc!edule %or t!e day posted so t!at eac! student knows w!at to e5pect %ort!e day and knows w!at t!ey s!ould be doing. $!is sc!edule will be in t!esame spot in t!e classroom everyday so t!e students know e5actly w!ere tolook. 7 spot on one o% t!e w!iteboards in my classroom will be reserved %ort!is sc!edule. $!is will minimi'e con%usion and !elp %acilitate easy andsmoot! transitions between subects and activities.

    &. $tdent 'es(s&y students will be e5pected to keep t!eir desks clean and organi'ed.

    will teac! t!em strategies on !ow to keep t!eir desks as organi'ed aspossible, suc! as !aving notebook and %olders on one side, and books on t!eot!er. will also require eac! student to !ave a pencil case inside t!eir deskto keep all o% t!eir pencils and ot!er loose items. $!is keeps t!e amount o%lost items at a minimum as well as makes it easier to keep t!eir desks clean.

    ac! day my students will be e5pected to keep t!eir desks clean. $!eyall !ave 8take !ome cubbies9, so everyt!ing in t!eir desks s!ould be w!atstays at sc!ool. veryday, be%ore lunc! and recess, my students will need toclean t!eir desktops. veryt!ing t!at t!ey mig!t !ave used in t!e beginningo% t!e day must be put away in its correct place. $!e only t!ing t!at s!ouldbe on t!e top o% t!eir desks will be t!eir planners. "!en t!ey are at recess,

    can c!eck to see i% t!eir parents signed t!eir planners. $!is is ust one wayt!at will use to communicate wit! parents. 6tudents will also be required toclean t!eir desktops at t!e end o% eac! day be%ore t!ey are able to leave myclassroom. e5pect eac! student to be able to take care o% !is or !er ownspace. will also set aside a %ew minutes o% class time once a mont! (orevery time t!e students move seats) to do a big clean out o% desks. $!is isw!ere students can go t!roug! everyt!ing and t!row away stray papers orscraps. $!is cleaning process s!ould not take long because my students are


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    e5pected to !ave t!eir desks clean and organi'ed everyday.Being organi'ed is very important and it will teac! my studentsto take care o% t!eir own belongings and be responsible %or t!eirown space.

    ). 'isplaying $tdent *or( Displaying t!e work o% your students is a very importantaspect o% a welcoming and supportive classroom community.very classroom s!ould be a re;ection o% t!e students w!o learn in it, andt!is can be done by displaying students work bot! inside t!e classroom,eit!er on bulletin boards or !anging %rom t!e ceiling, as well as out in t!e!allway. >aving t!eir work put up %or everyone to see allows students to!ave pride in t!eir e+ort. 6eeing t!eir work gives t!em a sense o%accomplis!ment and is a great motivation tec!nique to use in t!e classroom.7lt!oug! believe putting up students work is important, t!e decision willultimately be le%t up to my students. will be sure to tell my students a!ead

    o% time i% plan on displaying t!eir work, and i% a student does not want t!eirwork displayed %or some reason, t!en t!ey can simply draw a small E byt!eir name. Displaying student work not only gives t!e classroom a sense o%community, but it also increases student ent!usiasm and gives t!emsatis%action in t!eir work.

    Part II: 'isciplinary Policies and Pro+essional,thics

    A: 'isciplinary Policies

    1. ,sta-lishing Rles and ,pectationslassroom rules and e5pectations s!ould be e5plained on t!e 0rst day

    o% sc!ool. will sit my students down and !ave a conversation wit! t!emabout w!at kind o% be!avior e5pect out o% my students and w!y t!ese areso important. t!ink t!at !aving t!em discuss t!e reasons be!ind my ruleswill !elp t!em see w!y t!ey are relevant. n my classroom will !ave my ownset o% rules and e5pectations t!at will e5pect eac! o% my students to %ollow. will keep t!is list s!ort, and positive. n my classroom, will call my rules,8e5pectations9 because t!ese are t!ings t!at e5pect eac! student to do. &y

    classroom e5pectations are as %ollowsF1. Gaise your !and w!en you want to speak/. isten to your teac!er and to your classmates:. Be respect%ul@. 6tay on task. $ry your best

    ac! o% t!ese e5pectations are important, and will go over eac! one wit!t!e students so t!at t!ey understand w!at eac! e5pectation entails. &any

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    students mig!t not understand w!at 8be respect%ul9 would mean, ande5plaining t!is and !aving discussions wit! my students is very important %ort!em to be able to take responsibility %or t!ese e5pectations.

    will also !ave my students create t!eir own class e5pectations. willguide t!eir discussion and !elp t!em blend t!eir answers, but want my

    students to be t!e t!inkers and decide w!at t!eir own e5pectations %ort!emselves and t!eir classmates will be. $!is allows students to takepersonal responsibility %or t!eir actions, and gives t!em a sense o% powerover t!eir classroom e5perience. $!ese student e5pectations, as well as myteac!er e5pectations will be posted on my classroom wall, as a constantreminder o% w!at be!avior s!ould be like in my classroom.

    will also !ave t!e sc!ool rules posted in my room. t!ink t!at t!is is important because a sc!ool is acommunity, and it is important to obey t!e rules o% t!esc!ool in addition to t!e rules o% your individualclassroom. $!ese sc!ool rules set t!e e5pectations %or

    every c!ild no matter w!ere t!ey are in t!e sc!ool. $!eserules are t!e same in t!e classroom, on t!e playground,and in t!e lunc!room, and every sta+ member s!ouldknow t!ese rules so t!at t!ey are able to en%orce t!em. $!is will give t!e students a sense o% consistency, and

    t!ey will always know w!at is e5pected o% t!eir be!avior w!ile t!ey are insc!ool.

    2. Conse/ences"it! every rule or e5pectation, t!ere are consequences. n my

    classroom t!ere will be positive and negative consequences. 4egative

    consequences will be dispersed because o% classroom or sc!ool rulein%ractions or misbe!avior, and positive consequences or rewards will begiven out %or %ollowing bot! classroom and sc!ool rules.

    &y classroom be!avior will be monitored by a clip system. ac!students name will be on a clot!espin and eac! c!ilds clip will start on t!egreen section o% t!e clipboard eac! day. $!e clipboard !as a green section, ayellow section, an orange section, and a red section. $!e students will needto move t!eir clip i% t!ey misbe!ave or break t!e rules o% my classroom. $!eyellow section is a warning. % t!e student moves t!eir clip to yellow, t!eyknow t!ey !ave broken a rule and !ave gotten a warning to c!ange t!eirbe!avior. $!e orange section means t!at t!e student will need to 0ll out a

    8t!ink s!eet.9 6tudent will !ave to sit at t!e back table until t!ey !ave0nis!ed 0lling out t!is s!eet. 7 t!ink s!eet !as t!ree questions on it t!at%orce t!e student to t!ink about t!eir be!avior and !ow t!ey could 05 it. $!e0rst question asks t!em w!at t!eir be!avior was. $!e second asks t!em toe5plain w!y t!is be!avior is not acceptable in t!e classroom. $!e t!irdquestion asks t!e c!ild to describe w!at t!ey can do ne5t time. n t!issection t!ey can describe !ow t!ey can c!ange t!eir be!avior or !ow t!eycan !andle a certain situation better ne5t time. $!e red section o% t!e


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    clipboard, or 8red 'one9 is reserved %or more serious in%ractions. % a student!as to move t!eir clip to t!is section, t!en t!ey loose t!eir recess time. $!isis always based on severity o% t!e misbe!avior. % t!e student needs a break%rom t!e classroom to cool down, t!en can send t!em into a partnerteac!ers classroom %or a %ew minutes until t!ey are ready to reoin my class.

    &ultiple 8red 'ones9 in a day result in contacting t!e parents. will onlyinvolve t!e o?ce as a last resort. believe it is t!e classroom teac!ers ob to!andle !is or !er class and t!e principal and o?ce sta+ are a last resort %orbe!avior issues, and s!ould be reserved %or crisis o% e5treme be!aviors.

    6c!ools o%ten !ave set consequences %or t!eir rules, and will abide byt!ose in my classroom. % it is a sc!ool rule t!at a student gets a detention ora demerit i% t!ey are caug!t te5ting in class, t!en it is my obligation to %ollowt!roug! on t!e determined consequences. &y classroom will also worktoget!er to earn 8class points.9 $!is creates a sense o% community anduni0es t!e class towards a common goal. nce t!e class !as reac!ed 1JJclass points, t!en t!ey will earn a reward o% t!eir c!oosing.

     $!e class will be able to vote on t!e class reward t!at t!eywould like out o% t!e options t!at give t!em. 6ome optionswill be a class party, paama day, or e5tra %ree learning time.% t!e class as a w!ole is misbe!aving or breaking classroomor sc!ool rules, t!en t!ey will loose some o% t!eir classpoints. $!is also works %or positive consequences andrein%orcement. $!e entire class can earn points %or goodbe!avior and %ollowing classroom or sc!ool rules. $!is way t!ey arerein%orced %or t!eir good be!avior and get rewarded wit! somet!ing t!att!ey want.

    7not!er way t!at will give positive consequences to my students %or

    %ollowing my classroom e5pectations as well as t!e sc!ool rules is to give out8be!avior bucks.9 will give out t!ese bills w!en see a c!ild %ollowing t!erules and e5!ibiting positive be!avior. $!is will rein%orce t!e be!avior t!at want to see in all o% my students. "!en a student gets a be!avior bill, t!eywill write t!eir name on it and t!en put it in t!e 8be!avior bank.9 7t t!e endo% eac! mont!, will draw t!ree names %rom t!e be!avior bank and t!ewinners receive pri'es. $!is will motivate t!e students to %ollow e5pectations,as well as gives eac! student somet!ing to strive %or individually. $!is systemis a great way to rein%orce positive be!aviors and reward students %or beingstart students.

    !. $tdent 'isrespectDisrespect will not be tolerated in my classroom. ac! student will

    know t!is starting %rom t!e 0rst day o% sc!ool. ne o% my classroom rules is8be respect%ul9 and we will !ave a discussion about w!at e5actly beingrespect%ul entails. &y students will know w!at is e5pected o% t!em and t!atdisrespect%ul be!avior will not be allowed in my class. 6tudent disrespect toot!er students, ot!er teac!ers, or to mysel% will be !andled swi%tly and %airly. will start out by saying, 8t!at was very disrespect%ul, and it is 4$ ok.9 will


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    t!en !ave t!e student 0ll out a t!ink s!eet, describing t!eir disrespect%ulactions or comments, w!y t!is be!avior is unacceptable, and t!en !ow t!eycould !ave !andled t!ings di+erently or !ow t!ey will c!ange t!eir actions%or ne5t time. $!is allows t!e student to re;ect on t!eir be!avior, and reali'et!at disrespect is not tolerated in my classroom. 7%ter t!e student !as 0lled

    out t!e t!ink s!eet, t!ey will be e5pected to verbally apologi'e to w!omevert!ey were disrespect%ul to. $!is could include ot!er students (even t!e entireclass in certain instances), ot!er teac!ers, or to mysel%. $!ey will bee5pected to make an apology %or t!eir actions and t!en say w!y t!ey werewrong. $!is strategy o% !andling disrespect will allow my students to reali'equickly t!at my classroom does not tolerate disrespect%ul be!avior, and it willdecrease t!e amount o% t!is disrespect in my classroom very quickly.

    %. $tdent Con0ict on the Playgrond6c!ool rules and policies are very important %or playground con;ict.

    ac! c!ild must be treated %airly regardless o% w!at classroom or grade t!ey

    are in. 6c!ools s!ould !ave policies in place %or w!at to do in t!e instance o%a playground con;ict. % a 0g!t breaks out on t!e playground, t!e 0rst step is

    to remove all o% t!e ot!er students %rom t!e scene. %tent!ere will be students w!o are watc!ing t!e 0g!t, andremoving t!em %rom t!is danger 'one is important. >aveone o% t!e students run and get t!e aut!ori'ed personnelw!o are designated to !andle crisis and p!ysical be!avior.4e5t try to calm t!e students down. Do not try to solvet!e problem until bot! parties !ave !ad enoug! time to

    cool o+. nly a%ter t!e students !ave calmed down can you try to problemsolve any %urt!er. % t!ere is a con;ict on t!e playground t!at does not

    involve p!ysical aggression, separate t!e students and give t!em time tocool o+, and t!en problem solve wit! t!em a%ter t!ey !ave !ad time to settledown. Keeping eac! student sa%e on t!e playground needs to be a priority %orall teac!ers and sta+. 6tudents s!ould know t!e playground rules t!at areput in place to keep t!em sa%e. $!ere s!ould also be a sc!ool wideconsequences %or rule breaking on t!e playground so t!at eac! teac!er orsta+ member can be %air to eac! student.

    &. otiationood motivation tec!niques in t!e classroom can !elp students reac!

    t!eir %ull potential and learn to t!e best o% t!eir abilities. &otivation !elps to

    combat instances o% students not getting t!eir work done, or not trying toget t!eir work done. t also !elps to combat students inattentiveness.&otivation can success%ully keep students on task t!roug!out t!e sc!ool day.ne way t!at will keep students motivated is by using a lot o% verbalinspiration. will do t!is by using my words to encourage students and maket!em %eel good about t!eir work. Kind words can do a lot to boost a studentssel% esteem. will be sure to verbally tell a student i% like w!at see. % t!eyare working really !ard and staying on task, will tell t!em t!at am


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    impressed. % see t!em doing somet!ing positive in t!e classroom, willverbally tell t!em t!at like t!eir be!avior. $!is will not only continue toencourage t!e students w!o are doing well, but it will also promote positivebe!avior in ot!er students because t!ey want t!e verbal recognition %romt!eir teac!er.

    7not!er motivation tec!nique t!at will use in my classroom is puttingstickers on students nametags. very student will !ave a nametag on t!eirdesk, and every time t!at see t!is student %ollowing directions really well, orbeing a great !elper, or i% t!ey get a 1JJL on a test, t!ey will get a sticker.nce t!e student surrounds t!eir entire nametag wit! stickers, t!ey get toc!oose a pri'e. Ari'es can be t!ings like %un erasers, pencils, or notebooks. $!is will increase t!e c!ilds motivation to be on t!eir best be!avior, to %ollowt!e classroom e5pectations, and to do t!eir best academically.

    will require my students to get t!eir planner signed by t!eir parentsevery nig!t. do t!is as a great way to get parents involved, and also tomake sure t!at eac! o% my students takes out t!eir planner eac! nig!t to

    make sure t!at t!ey 0nis!ed all o% t!eir !omework. very day, be%ore mystudents !ead out to lunc!, t!ey will leave t!eir planners on t!eir desks opento t!e previous day. will give eac! student a sticker i% t!ey !ave t!eir parentor guardians signature in t!eir planner. % a c!ild gets a sticker %or every dayo% t!e week, t!en t!ey will get to c!oose a small pri'e, like a pencil or %uneraser. 6tudents will also !ave t!e option o% putting o+ t!eir rewards %orlarger pri'es. 3or e5ample, saving up / stickers would reward t!e c!ild wit!a one-on-one lunc! wit! t!eir teac!er. $!is will really motivate kids, and!elps to bridge t!e communication gap between teac!ers and parents.

    7not!er motivation tec!nique t!at will use in my classroom is awards. !ave already touc!ed on 8be!avior bucks9 and t!ese rewards can be very

    motivating to students. 7warding class points is also a great motivationtec!nique %or t!e entire class. $!is !elps t!e w!ole class work toget!er as acommunity and work towards a common goal. $!is motivates students to%ollow class e5pectations, be on t!eir best be!avior, and do t!eir bestacademically.

    ). Classroom 'isrptionslassroom disruptions will be !andled quickly and %airly. earning time

    is e5tremely valuable and disruptions take away %rom t!e rest o% t!e classlearning opportunities. ac! minute is a precious opportunity to learn. % astudent is being disruptive in my class, will deal wit! t!e problem as quickly

    as possible so as not to take away learning time %rom t!e rest o% mystudents. % a student is being disruptive, will calmly give t!em limitedc!oices. ne c!oice will be to stop t!e disruptive be!avior and oin t!e resto% t!e class, and t!e ot!er c!oice will be t!e consequence c!oice. $!e usualconsequence will be to sit %or 0ve minutes at t!e back table w!ere t!eywont disrupt t!e rest o% t!e class. will be sure to %ollow t!roug! on t!econsequence c!oice i% t!at is w!at t!e student c!ooses. % a student !as acertain be!avior t!at is constantly disrupting t!e class, like blurting out


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    answers instead o% raising t!eir !and, will require t!e student to come in %ora recess academy. $!is is simply a :- minute session w!ere will !ave t!estudent come in during t!e beginning o% t!eir recess time to practice t!e skillt!at is disrupting t!e class. $!is will be a quick lesson and it will include a loto% positive encouragement. $!is is meant to be a learning e5perience %or t!e

    c!ild and to 05 t!e disruptive be!avior wit!out using valuable class time.

    3. 4ardiness $ardiness in my classroom will result in a tardy slip,

    and students will be e5pected to make up any work t!att!ey may !ave missed i% t!ey do not !ave a valid e5cuse%or being tardy. 7 parent note or a note %rom t!e o?ce is avalid e5cuse, but t!ey will still need to make up t!e workt!at t!ey missed. lass time is very valuable, and i% astudent misses due to tardiness, t!en t!ey will bee5pected to come in and make it up eit!er during t!eir

    %ree time, recess, or even a%ter sc!ool. understand t!at t!ings come up, andtardiness !appens, and am willing to work wit! students wit! w!at t!ey!ave missed. % t!e student does not !ave an e5cuse %or tardiness t!reetimes in one week, t!en a call !ome will be necessary. Aarents s!ould know i% t!eir c!ild is not getting into t!e classroom on time and missing preciousclass time. can also talk to t!e parents about !ow to 05 t!e situation.&aybe leaving earlier %or sc!ool is necessary, or !aving rewards at !ome %ortardy %ree weeks. &aking it to sc!ool on time is o% t!e utmost importanceand will be sure to !elp my students in any way t!at can. &y class willstart wit! t!e bell and any missed work will need to be made up.

    5. Cheating!eating will not be tolerated in my classroom. n t!e beginning o% t!e

    year, eac! o% my students will sign a no c!eating agreement. $!is agreementwill be e5plained and discussed in detail so t!at eac! student knows w!att!e consequences %or c!eating are and w!y c!eating is wrong. % see a c!ildc!eating will give t!em a 'ero on t!e assignment or test. 7%ter t!e initialc!eating instance, will call !ome to t!e parents to e5plain t!e situation ande5plain w!y t!eir c!ild received a 'ero. $!e c!ild will also !ave to write anapology letter e5plaining w!y c!eating is wrong, and w!at t!ey can do betterin t!e %uture. 3or t!e 0rst c!eating o+ence, will give t!e c!ild t!e

    opportunity to retake t!e test or t!e assignment %or !al% credit.

    &y students are still young and make mistakes. $!is will be alearning e5perience %or t!em, and dont want one 'ero toweig!t down t!eir entire grade. $!is is w!y t!e 0rst o+ence !ast!e option to retake %or !al% credit. % t!ey are ever caug!tc!eating again, t!en t!ere will be no option to retake to test,qui', or assignment, and t!ey will !ave to call t!eir parents

    t!emselves to e5plain w!at t!ey did. $!ey will also !ave to write an apologyletter to t!e principal, e5plaining w!at t!ey did and w!y it was wrong.


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    6. Parent78ardian or Principal Inolement believe t!at parent or guardian involvement is very important w!en

    dealing wit! student misbe!avior. $!ey mig!t !ave insig!t into w!y t!eirc!ild is acting out t!at never would !ave known ot!erwise. also t!ink t!at

    it is important %or t!e classroom teac!er to work toget!er wit! t!e parents orguardians to work towards a common goal %or t!e student. Aarents will benoti0ed i% t!eir c!ild c!eats, and also i% t!ey !ave multiple tardy slips in oneweek. t!er types o% be!avior problems t!at are persistent will also result ina parent noti0cation. "!en parent2teac!er con%erences roll around, t!eparents s!ould never be surprised by anyt!ing t!e teac!er says, especiallywit! be!avior issues. $!e teac!er s!ould always be in contact wit! t!eparents or guardians and t!ey s!ould work toget!er to !elp t!e c!ild in anyway possible.

    Arincipal involvement in student discipline issues s!ould be reserved%or e5treme circumstances. t is t!e classroom teac!ers ob to control

    be!avioral issues in !is or !er own class, and principals s!ould only be called%or maor issues. Arincipals !ave a lot to worry about, and t!ey s!ould not becalled into every classroom every time t!ere is a be!avior problem. wouldinvolve my principal i% t!ere was ever a crisis in my classroom w!ere mystudents are in danger. would also involve my principal i% a particularstudent !as !ad repeated problems t!at are detrimental to ot!er studentslearning, but would only involve t!e principal a%ter !ad tried manyinterventions mysel%. $eac!er s!ould be in c!arge o% t!eir class. 6tudentsrespect t!eir teac!ers muc! more w!en t!ey see t!em !andling classroomproblems on t!eir own instead o% constantly relying on t!eir principal.

    B: Pro+essional ,thics

    1. Pro+essional Behaior will always maintain a pro%essional be!avior w!ile am in sc!ool.

     $eac!ers are !eld to very !ig! standards, and will always up!old myresponsibilities as a role model, a caretaker, and a teac!er. Aarents need totrust t!at t!eir c!ildren are in good !ands during t!e sc!ool day, and will

    always be pro%essional and respect%ul to s!ow t!em t!at ama very trustwort!y teac!er. will always dress appropriately,and everyt!ing t!at say will be pro%essional and suitable %ort!e situation. 6c!ool is a place %or learning, and t!at will be

    my ultimate priority as a teac!er. veryt!ing say or dos!ould be to improve my students learning and time insc!ool. will attend all pro%essional meetings, and willalways strive to do my best. believe t!at teac!ers are li%elong learners, and will continue to learn as muc! as can

    t!roug!out my career.

    2. Longe 8ossip


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    will not participate in any lounge gossip, w!et!er it is about ot!erteac!ers or students. ossip is not pro%essional be!avior and will notparticipate in degrading or talking about ot!ers. t!ink t!at t!e only instancew!ere it is alrig!t to talk about an individual student is i% you need !elp orideas on !ow to make t!eir learning e5perience more productive or

    success%ul. $eac!ers !ave great ideas and it is wonder%ul to s!are t!eseplans wit! ot!ers. $alk among teac!ers s!ould always be pro%essional, and will personally not participate in any gossip i% it occurs.

    !. Colleage 'isagreements $!ere will always be disagreements and di+erences in opinions in t!e

    workplace. understand t!is and will always remain pro%essional even i% donot see eye to eye wit! a coworker. ompromise and understanding aregreat strategies to satis%ying disagreements, and will always remember torespect my colleagues even i% we !ave di+erences o% opinion. ven i% mig!tdisagree wit! a coworker, will only bring it to t!e attention o% t!e principal i% 

    truly believe t!at my coworker is being detrimental to a students learningand t!e situation is very serious. very teac!er !as di+erent ideas anddi+erent pre%erences o% teac!ing, and some met!ods may di+er %rom mine,but will still respect my colleagues and will never stop searc!ing %or newand interesting tec!niques and strategies t!at will bene0t my students.

    %. Principal 'isagreements understand t!at may not agree wit! everyt!ing t!at my principal

    says or believes, but will always stand by !im or !er on t!eir decisions. willsupport my principal in any way possible, and do w!atever can to !elp. % adisagreement occurs, will voice my opinion, w!en %eel it is necessary, in a

    very pro%essional and non-con%rontational manner. will always respect andad!ere to t!e 0nal decisions made by my principal and will always valuet!eir opinions and knowledge.

    Part III: Classroom Rotines and Procedres

    1. $tdent $haring9 'iscssions and Presentations7ppropriate be!avior during student s!aring time will be discussed at

    lengt! in t!e beginning o% t!e sc!ool year. $!is %alls under t!e classroome5pectation o% being respect%ul so eac! student will know w!at be!aviors areacceptable, and w!at is not allowed in my classroom. 6tudents s!aring canbe in%ormal, like during classroom discussion, or %ormal, like during studentpresentations. 7ll students will be e5pected to listen to eac! o% t!eirclassmates opinions or presentations, and be respect%ul and kind towardst!eir classmates. nappropriate or disruptive be!avior will not be tolerated.ac! o% my students will know w!at t!eir be!avior s!ould be during students!aring %rom day one, and will e5pect t!em to %ollow t!is classroome5pectation. t is very important to me t!at my students %eel like t!eir


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    classroom is a sa%e place w!ere t!ey can s!are t!eir t!oug!ts and ideas, andin order %or my class to %eel sa%e, my students will !ave to %ollow mye5pectations %or respect. $!is way eac! o% my students can %eel com%ortablein my classroom, and everyone will be more willing to s!are t!eir ideas.

    2. Classroom o-s>aving t!e responsibility o% a classroom ob will !elp teac! my studentsaccountability. !ave many obs t!at will !elp teac! my studentsresponsibility, as well as allow t!em to contribute to our classroomcommunity. will !ave all o% my obs listed on a ob c!art. ac! studentsname will be on a clot!espin. ac! week, will move eac!clot!espin over one space to t!e rig!t. $!is way, t!ere is nocon%usion on w!o !as w!at ob, or w!ose turn it is to do acertain ob. t is a simple system t!at will be easy %or me andmy students to use. Be%ore sc!ool begins at t!e beginning o% t!e week, will c!ange everyones name on t!e ob c!art. ac!

    students name gets moved one place to t!e rig!t. $!ese obassignments will be t!e same t!roug!out t!e entire week. ac! student will!ave a ob every ot!er week. &y student obs t!at will !ave in myclassroom areF

    •  unc! managerF $!is student is responsible %or putting up t!e lunc!

    menu options %or t!e ne5t day. $!is ob is done at t!e end o% t!e day,and t!e student is also responsible %or putting all o% t!e studentmagnets back in place.

    •  ine leaderF $!is student will be responsible %or leading t!e classroom

    line to all specials, lunc!, and recess. $!is student will be e5pected to

    demonstrate correct !allway be!avior.•  unc! carrierF $!is student is responsible %or carrying t!e bin o% 8cold

    lunc!es9 or lunc!es broug!t %rom !ome, down to t!e lunc! room eac!day.

    •  Date managerF $!is student is responsible %or putting up t!e correct

    day, mont! and year on t!e board at t!e end o% eac! day. $!is way,w!en students come in t!e ne5t morning t!e date will already becorrect. $!is !elps students because t!ey will always know w!ere tolook to 0nd t!e correct date, w!ic! eliminates t!e need %or t!em toask. $!is !elps save valuable learning time.

      Board eraserF $!is student is responsible %or erasing all marks %rom t!ew!iteboards at t!e end o% eac! day.

    •  Aencil managerF $!is student is responsible %or s!arpening all

    classroom pencils at t!e end o% eac! day.

    •  Aoint recorderF $!is student is responsible %or recording all class pointst!at are earned and writing t!em on t!e board. $!is also !elps wit!t!is students mat! skills.


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    •  arbage collectorF $!is student is responsible %or picking up any visibletras! t!at is on t!e ground at t!e end o% t!e day and disposing o% it int!e tras! can.

    •  Gecycle inspectorF $!is student is responsible %or making sure t!at

    t!ere are no recyclable items in t!e tras!, and no tras! items in t!e

    recycling bin.•  ig!t managerF $!is student is responsible %or turning o+ t!e lig!t

    every time t!e class leaves t!e classroom %or lunc!, recess, specials,and at t!e end o% t!e day.

    •  MookeeperF $!is student is responsible %or %eeding any animals t!at we

    may !ave in t!e classroom and making sure t!at t!e animals !avewater t!roug!out t!e day. $!is ob will also include watering plants t!atwe !ave in t!e classroom during any plant unit.

    •  &essengerF $!is student is responsible %or running messages to t!eo?ce, nurse, or ot!er teac!ers.

    •  ibrarianF $!is student is responsible %or making sure t!at t!e books in

    t!e library area o% t!e classroom are neat and on t!e s!el%.This is a representation of what my classroom job chart will look like andhow the jobs will be rotated. (Based on a 25 student classroom, but caneasily change to accommodate more or fewer students).


    + ineeader

    + unc!arrier

    + Date&anager


    + Aencil&anager

    + AointGecorder

    + arbageollector



    + ig!t&anage


    + MooKeeper

    + &essenger

    !. ;ree 4ime



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    n my classroom, %ree time is a reward %or staying on task and 0nis!ingyour work. very student will !ave opportunities %or %ree time t!roug!out t!esc!ool day, but only i% t!ey 0nis! all t!at needs to be done. $!is is a greatway o% motivating students and keeping t!em on task. will always !ave t!etasks t!at my students are e5pected to accomplis! written on t!e

    w!iteboard. nce t!ey !ave 0nis!ed every task t!at is written on t!e board,t!en t!ey can !ave some %ree time. use %ree time as a %un way to continuet!e learning e5perience %or my students. 6tudents will !ave many options toc!oose %rom during %ree time, but t!ey will all be educational options t!at areused to support t!eir learning. 3ree time options will include independentreading, word sorts, literacy centers, mat! centers and games, sciencecenters, social studies centers, and educational games t!at are speci0c to acertain learning area. 7ll o% t!ese activities will be %un %or my students sot!at %ree time will be an e5citing reward, but at t!e same time t!eir purposeis %or my students to continue learning. 6ometimes will control %ree time abit by limiting t!e subect t!at my students can work on. 3or instance, i% we

    are in our mat! portion o% t!e sc!ool day and some o% my students !ave0nis!ed t!eir mat! works!eet or !omework, %or t!eir %ree time mig!trequire t!em to play a mat! game or go to t!e mat! center because t!at ist!e subect t!at we are working on in class. % my students !ave %ree range o% w!at subect t!ey want to use t!eir %ree time %or, mig!t tell certain studentsto work in a speci0c subect area depending on w!at t!ey need work on. $ypically, my students will get to decide w!at subect area t!ey would like tospend t!eir %ree time doing. t is important to remember t!at eac! %ree timeactivity is educational and will !elp my students to continue to develop t!eirlearning.

    %. ;ield 4rips believe t!at 0eld trips are wonder%ul learning opportunities %or my

    students and !ope to be able to take t!em on as many as possible. $!eyallow students to learn in %un and new ways and to connect w!at t!ey knowto real li%e e5amples. &y students will always know t!e rules on 0eld trips. $!e day be%ore we go on a 0eld trip, t!e class and will !ave a discussionabout appropriate 0eld trip be!avior. &y students will know t!at all sc!ool,and classroom rules will still apply on t!e 0eld trip. &y students will berepresenting t!e sc!ool on t!ese trips and t!ey need to act, dress, and speakappropriately. $!is will be discussed wit! my students prior to t!e trip so t!ateac! student knows w!at is e5pected o% t!em.

    3ield trips also involve a lot o% parent communication. ne mont!be%ore t!e planned 0eld trip, will send !ome a letter to t!e parentse5plaining t!e logistics o% t!e planned trip. $!is letter will e5plain w!ere wewill be going, w!at we will be doing t!ere, and w!y it is be bene0cial to t!eirstudents learning. will also ask %or parent volunteers at t!is time. % aparent !as a problem or questions about t!e 0eld trip, t!ey will !ave ampletime to talk to me about t!em. $!ree weeks be%ore t!e sc!eduled 0eld trip, will send !ome t!e permission slip t!at needs to be singed by t!e parent or


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    guardian. $!is slip needs to be returned to me at least t!ree days be%ore t!etrip so t!at can accurately plan %or t!e trip and also 0nd a place %orstudents to go i% t!ey will not be coming on t!e 0eld trip. $!ese students will

    most likely be oining anot!er classroom %or t!e period o% t!eday t!at t!e rest o% t!e class will be gone. % t!e 0eld trip

    requires money %rom eac! student %or bus %ares or %oradmission %ees, e5pect t!is money to be returned wit! t!esigned permission slip on a minimum o% t!ree days be%ore t!esc!eduled event. % a %amily is unable to pay %or t!e tript!emselves, t!ey only need to let me know and will 0gure outa plan wit! my principal. believe t!at every student s!ould!ave t!e same opportunities regardless o% monetary


    &. omework is an important e5tension o% classroom learning and is

    practice %or my students to work on t!eir skills. 3or my t!ird grade classroom,students will !ave appro5imately /J to :J minutes o% !omework a nig!t. $!iswill teac! t!em responsibility and also will get t!em ready %or t!e rigorous!omework in !ig!er grades. &y students will be required to spend /Jminutes independently reading a book o% t!eir c!oice a nig!t. $!is will notonly !elp wit! t!eir ;uency and compre!ension abilities, but reading %or /Jminutes will also !elp t!eir stamina as well. Geading is an important%oundation and s!ould be practiced on a daily basis. 6tudents will also !avespelling words to work on to make sure t!at t!ey are ready %or our 3ridayspelling tests. t!er !omework will consist o% w!at t!e student did not 0nis!in class. % students stay on task and 0nis! t!eir work during t!e time t!at

    give t!em, t!en t!ey will not !ave additional !omework on t!ose days.ccasionally, will give students works!eets or ot!er !omework i% observet!at t!ey need more practice wit! speci0c materials. >omework is anopportunity %or students to practice w!at t!ey !ave learned in class. t alsoteac!es t!em responsibility and builds t!eir work et!ic.

    >omework %rom t!e previous nig!t will be due w!en t!e morning bellrings. will !ave a turn in basket on my desk and every c!ild is e5pected toput any works!eets or ot!er assigned !omework in t!is basket. $!is is a

    great way %or me to stay organi'ed, and also !elps givemy students a reminder to turn t!eir work in. >omeworkis e5pected to be turned in on time %or %ull credit, unless

    t!ere is a valid reason w!y it is not completed. ac! dayt!at an assignment is late will result in one point docked%rom t!eir assignments grade. only take o+ one pointbecause my students are still young and are learning !owto !andle t!e responsibility o% !omework. want to teac!

    t!em t!e importance o% turning in t!eir !omework on time and keeping tracko% t!eir own work.


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    simple sign t!at all students can memori'e easily. Noumake a 0st wit! your !and, and t!en put your t!umb inbetween your middle and pointer 0nger. $!en you rotateyour 0rst %rom le%t to rig!t. % see a student signaling t!issign to me will know t!at t!ey are asking my permission

    to use t!e bat!room. $!is way t!ey do not disrupt t!eclass or my teac!ing. % it is a good time %or t!e c!ild touse t!e restroom, t!en will give a silent nod towardst!at student. % it is not a good time to use t!e bat!room, instead o% a nod, will respond by !olding up my 0ngers to signi%y !ow many minutes to wait. % am e5plaining an assignment, mig!t want t!e students to wait to use t!ebat!room until a%ter !ave 0nis!ed e5plaining. n t!is instance would !oldup two 0ngers towards t!e student to signi%y t!at would like t!em to waittwo minutes. 7%ter t!e two minutes and give t!e student a nod, t!en t!eycan go get t!e bat!room pass and use t!e restroom.

    5. 8etting a 'rin( 6tudents s!ould !ave plenty o% breaks during t!e sc!ool day to get a

    drink so t!ey s!ould not need to quenc! t!eir t!irst during class time. $!istakes away %rom t!eir learning. will let my students know %rom t!e 0rst dayo% sc!ool t!at getting a drink s!ould be done be%ore sc!ool starts, duringlunc!, or at recess. will allow my students to bring water bottles into sc!oolbut t!ese must be kept in t!eir take !ome cubbies. 6tudents can go and geta drink %rom t!eir water bottles during any %ree time or independent worktime t!roug!out t!e day. understand t!at t!ere may be emergencies w!erea c!ild needs to go and use t!e drinking %ountain, like i% t!ey are de!ydratedor i% t!ey are !aving coug!ing trouble. n t!ese types o% instances, getting a

    s!ort drink %rom t!e water %ountain would be alrig!t. ust dont want mystudents to use getting a drink as an e5cuse to get out o% t!e classroom orget out o% doing an activity. $!is is w!y will pre%er my students to get drinksat designated times during t!e day.


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    need to come in %or a s!ort recess academy to review t!e proper be!avior. can also award stickers to certain students nametags i% see e5ceptional!allway be!avior.

    1=. 'ismissals

    Dismissals !appen several times eac! day %or lunc!, recess, specials,and at t!e end o% t!e day. t is very important to !ave procedures put inplace so t!at t!ese dismissals and transitions run smoot!ly. 3or eac!dismissal %or specials, will !ave students get everyt!ing t!at t!ey need (i.e.sneakers %or A.. etc.) and stand at t!eir desks quietly. nce eac! student isready and standing at t!eir desk, will !ave students start lining up at t!edoor by tables. $!e table w!o is entirely quiet 0rst, gets to line up 0rst so t!isis an incentive to get ready and quiet as quickly as possible. nce mystudents are ready and e5!ibiting appropriate !allway be!avior, t!en willwalk t!em to t!eir specials. 3or recess and lunc!, students will need to makesure t!ey !ave everyt!ing t!at t!ey need, suc! as lunc!es, coats, !ats,

    gloves, boots, etc, and t!eir desktops need to be clean. $!is is a great way tokeep my classroom clean and %or students to keep track o% t!eir belongings.Be%ore t!ey leave %or lunc! and recess, t!ey will put t!eir planners on top o%t!eir desks so t!at can c!eck t!em %or parent signatures. $!en t!ey will lineup by t!e door by tables, ust like !ow t!ey are dismissed %or specials. ncemy students are s!owing t!e correct !allway be!aviors, will bring t!em tolunc! and recess. Dismissal at t!e end o% t!e day is very similar to lunc! andrecess dismissal. 6tudents will get t!eir books and !omework t!at needs togo !ome, and everyt!ing out o% t!eir take !ome cubbies. $!ey will need toclean t!eir desktop, and make sure t!at t!eir classroom ob is done. ncet!ey are completely ready to leave, t!ey will stand at t!eir desks and wait to

    be dismissed by tables. $!e table t!at is quiet and ready 0rst will be released0rst. $!ese students will t!en line up by t!e door, !and me t!eir e5it slips,and go to t!eir lockers to pack up. will dismiss tables until everyone !asturned in t!eir e5it slips and are out at t!eir lockers. Dismissals andtransitions are crucial pieces o% classroom management, and it !elpsstudents to stay in a mindset o% learning and respect.

    'i>erentiation Policy

    Di+erentiation is a very important aspect to any success%ul classroom.Di+erentiated instruction means t!at t!e teac!er provides students wit!multiple ways to receive in%ormation, or content, as well as di+erent ways toprocess t!at in%ormation, as well as !ow t!ey s!ow t!at t!ey understand t!ein%ormation, or product. ac! c!ild is di+erent and will need di+erent ways o% learning so t!at t!ey can per%orm to t!e best o% t!eir abilities. Di+erentiationis so important because every c!ild !as di+erent interests and backgroundst!at a+ect t!eir learning. t is t!e teac!ers ob to give eac! student a way tolearn t!at will !elp t!em to succeed. 7dvanced learners may become bored


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    wit!out di+erentiation. $!ey need to be c!allenged and given support toraise t!eir sel%-e?cacy. 6truggling learners mig!t need e5tra !elp oraccommodation. $!e mig!t need di+erent ways to process t!e in%ormation. $eac!ers need to provide students wit! varied opportunities in content,process, and product. $!e teac!er also need to plan, organi'e, %acilitate, and

    manage di+erentiated instruction. $eac!ers need to provide t!e sca+oldingt!at eac! c!ild will need to be success%ul.

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    stocked wit! di+erentiated materials %or my students to work on in order tocontinue growing in t!eir learning.


    Aarent communication and involvement will be a very important aspectin my classroom. always want my students parents to know w!at is goingon in my classroom and !ow t!eir c!ild is doing. believe t!at it is veryimportant to keep up t!is constant communication wit! parents so t!at mystudents can grow and learn in t!e best way possible. Aarents can alwayscontact me, and will do my very best to answer any questions t!at t!eymay !ave. will be a very accessible teac!er and am willing to work wit!parents in order to give t!eir c!ildren t!e best learning opportunitiespossible.

    1. Commnicationommunication wit! parents is a key aspect o% any success%ul

    classroom. Aarents need to know w!at t!eir c!ild is doing during t!e sc!oolday. will always be willing to communicate over t!e p!one, t!roug! email,or in person. understand t!at many parents are very busy, so will makesure t!at respond promptly to any questions or concerns t!ey may !averegarding t!eir c!ilds sc!ooling. will start o+ communication wit! parentsbe%ore t!e sc!ool year starts. will send !ome an introductory lettere5plaining a bit about mysel%, and !ow run my classroom. will also givet!em my contact in%ormation so t!at t!ey will know t!at am always willingto correspond wit! t!em. During t!e 0rst week o% sc!ool, will call eac!!ouse!old o% my students to talk wit! eac! parent brie;y about one great

    t!ing t!at t!eir c!ild !ad done t!at week. pening wit! apositive p!one call will s!ow t!e parents t!at you are alwayswilling to communicate, and it starts o+ t!e year on goodterms. will also be able to communicate wit! parents viamy blog. will set up a blog to e5plain to parents w!at wewill be studying in class t!at week and w!at t!e planned!omework is. will also update t!is site wit! importantin%ormation t!at parents need to know suc! as 0led trip

    in%ormation or permission slips. >aving t!is blog, and updating it o%ten,allows parents to get a glimpse into w!at t!eir c!ild s!ould be learning insc!ool, and it s!ould !elp keep all parents in%ormed about sc!ool wide newsas well.

    2. Con+erences will prepare %or parent con%erences t!roug!out t!e year as part o% my

    daily routine. will record student grade on my online system and print t!emo+ at t!e end o% eac! week to put in eac! students %older. $!ese %olders willbe used during parent2teac!er con%erences. n addition to t!ese %olders, will


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    keep a record o% student proects and participation to s!ow parents. willmake sure to keep track o% t!e benc!marks and standards t!at eac! student!as met and eac! t!at t!ey need work on to s!ow parents t!e progress t!att!eir c!ildren are making. Aarents will also be able to see w!at assignmentst!eir c!ildren did not complete or did not turn in.

    will always start o+ parent con%erences on a positive note. will tellt!em somet!ing good about t!eir c!ild and w!at am proud o% t!em %or.ac! c!ild is special, and t!eir parents s!ould know t!at. will t!en go overtest scores, and grades wit! t!e parents and s!are wit! t!em notes t!at !ave taken on t!eir students progress and abilities in eac! subect area. % astudent is struggling in a certain area, will s!are wit! parents w!at solutionswe !ave tried and w!at !as worked and w!at !as not. will t!en tell t!emmy plans %or t!eir c!ild and w!at met!ods will try to improve t!eirunderstanding. 7%ter e5plaining grades and standards, will talk to parentsabout t!ings to work on. very c!ild !as somet!ing to improve on, and t!is isw!en will discuss t!is wit! t!e parents. $!is could be somet!ing very small,

    or it could be a problem t!at !as been occurring in t!e classroom. will 0nis!eac! con%erence by asking t!e parents i% t!ey !ave any questions %or me and will answer t!em to t!e best o% my ability. will t!ank t!e parents %orcoming and remind t!em t!at i% t!ey !ave any questions o% concerns t!eycan always contact me. on%erences are an important aspect o% being ateac!er and t!ey s!ould be taken seriously, and prepared %or well.

    8$eac!ers w!o love teac!ing, teac!

    c!ildren to love learning.9

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