edited assignment 3

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    Edited by Ciara Banks

    My Interviewee was LaCorey Cunningham a sophomore student that attends

    Chapel Hill University and is majoring in exercise science while participating in

    work study to help provide funds for school. LaCorey Cunningham grew up in a 3

    sibling and 2 parent household in which she experienced a lot and learned even

    more. LaCorey was the middle child and had an older sister and a younger brother.

    Her older sister Latonia was a great athlete competing in volleyball as well as

    basketball where she would go on to receiving a full scholarship to western

    Carolina to continue her volleyball career. LaTonia was mediocre when it came to

    school and making outstanding grades. With this being said Latonia never made

    below a c in school. LaCoreys little brother Greg was also an outstanding athlete

    in whom he competed in track as well as football. He would go on to receive a full

    football scholarship in football at UNCC. Gregory was also mediocre when it came

    to performing in the classroom. He was extremely lazy in school and only did

    enough to get by. LaCorey also played sports; she participated in track, volleyball,

    and basketball. LaCorey was good in sports but not as interested in it as her

    siblings and felt like she was always over looked in the household. LaCorey

    suffered from what she called middle child syndrome. LaCorey then began looking

    for ways to make her happy and her parents proud as her she felt her siblings did.

    LaCorey took a different approach and decided to take her school work as serious

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    as possible and competed in grades harder than any of her siblings had competed in

    sports. This was good and benefitted her because not only did it help her feel better

    about herself it was something she was really good at due to the fact that she was

    already far more intelligent than she even knew. It had gotten to the point where

    she never made a B in school. She received only one be her middle school career

    and 3 her high school career. The rest of her schooling consisted of As all the way

    across the board.

    LaCorey is someone I not only look up to but admire as a person. She takes

    school so serious and hasnt made below an A on the college level and she has

    never made below an A in English itself. For this type of history I feel as if she

    would be more than successful in todays educational system. I feel that she is just

    one of those people that just has a knack for learning and just get it, which is a very

    special characteristic to have. On assignment one my response was Is there really

    a prejudice when it comes to professors and there grading of a paper with variety

    and foreign dialect? Should a student be forced to speak and write in a certain

    dialect? Could a person with too much of a distinct dialect be graded harsher than

    one with a common dialect? My initial reaction to the piece was, "what in the

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    world am I reading?" As I continued to read and got to the third page, I was

    quickly drawn in by the topic. This is a vital concern because it's something that

    occurs everywhere. Everyone is unique in every way including their dialect so why

    should this be a personal flaw when it comes to constructing papers. According to

    what my response was it was evident that I felt that dialect diversity should be

    allowed but to a certain extent. Based of the interview questions in which I had

    LaCorey answer, 1 at what age did u learn to read and write? 2 How do you feel

    about reading? 3 Does this affect your way of writing 4 How many schools have

    you attended during your life 5 How did you get taught your reading and writing

    skills 6 How did school affect your way of writing 7 Has your reading or writing

    style changed overtime 8 Did any of your jobs require a lot of writing? 9 Did your

    school affect your speaking habits? 10 Did any of your past jobs require a certain

    writing technique 11 What are your strengths in reading and writing?12 how often

    does it require reading for your current job? 13 What are your weaknesses in

    reading and writing? 14 Is your writing and speaking dialect the same? 15 What is

    your favorite book? 16 Are you a student? 17 Should we be able to write in our

    own dialect? 18 What is your primary language? 19) What is your education

    background? 20) What is your name and where are you from? She felt the same

    way as long as it was interpretable and included grammar. For example a paper

    that followed all the guidelines of the rubric should be accepted and this is a prime

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    example Today is my first writing assignment in my freshman course English

    class. I am attending West Charlotte high school and my mother does not approve,

    but who cares? I surely dont! When making my decision as to what high school I

    should attend my AAU track coach who also coached at west charlotte persuaded

    me to attend his school. My home school had just been changed a year before due

    to the new school that was built, Mallard Creek high school. I didnt want to go to

    a new school because I didnt know how their athletic program would be. Also, all

    my friends were there and I knew I would get into a lot of trouble by goofing off

    on a regular basis. My friends and I stayed in trouble we were really immature. My

    father and I soon came to the conclusion that West Charlotte was the place for me.

    I didnt know anyone, I would have a fresh start, and I would have to mature rather

    quickly seeing that the school wasnt on the best side of town. My dad called it

    growing up and becoming a man. Back to my writing assignment! The assignment

    was to express yourself through a well-put together paper. I had fun with the

    assignment and put everything down that mattered. I worked as diligently as

    possible and got a fair grade on the assignment. Thats where the problem

    occurred; my paper in which I worked so hard on the first day of class was just

    fair. I had really worked hard and couldnt figure out why she took certain points

    off for my style and the way I worded things.

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    Today my teacher gave the whole class a systematic way of writing in

    which we had to follow each and every day. The system was rather straight

    forward and to the point and told you exactly how she had expected to see your

    paper. On these cut out consisted: how many paragraphs were expected, what each

    paragraph consisted of, (intro, 3 ideas, then conclusion.), the transition words you

    should use in each paragraph and each paragraph varied, and what point you were

    looking to make in each sentence of each paragraph. This made writing soooo

    much easier for me. Not only did it make writing easier and straighter forward, but

    also it made it mundane and difficult to be whom you were through your paper. So

    when we are asked to do papers about our self, they all ended up being somewhat

    the same due to the key transition words everyone had to use in each certain

    sentence in each different paragraph. I really appreciated the concept but, I wanted

    my papers to be way different from anyone else in the class so my teacher

    wouldnt get bored grading my paper and grade it more harshly.

    Today in my English II class (10th grade English) my teacher made us write

    a journal for our warm up. In this class we were forced to write a journal for a

    warm up each and every day. For our journal we would have to write a page front

    and back and under the time limit in which the teacher provided for us. Depending

    on how long the topic was our teacher would give us 5- 10 minutes. Her aim was

    to get us to get started on our papers faster and not waste too much time thinking.

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    After the completing of our warm ups, our teacher would then make us share to

    show the different backgrounds. This would show everyones different dialect and

    way of writing.

    Today class our English teacher made us read different articles. These

    articles talked about the different ways you can express yourself. It had different

    adjectives and even ideas when it came to formatting papers. It told us what types

    of papers we could write as well as when it was appropriate to write these different

    papers. This was the day that my teacher expressed to us that we must develop our

    own writers style. Not only that but we must get comfortable with writing and

    make it become our second nature. She explained to us that writing wouldnt go

    away and if we didnt began to like it now that it would kick us in the butt as we

    advanced in grade level as well as age.

    Today my teachers made us come into class pick up a slip of paper off her

    desk and prepare a formal essay. This was no ordinary essay; this essay was in

    essay form but was done verbally. We were giving 5 min to write what every we

    wanted but this wasnt enough time to write what she was asking for exactly. We

    then went on to find out that what she wanted from us to be creative but also write

    a main topic for each paragraph along with two main points to go along with each.

    While doing this, it gave people the opportunity to express who they were as

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    people and get their point across without being systematic. Although there were

    still guidelines, you had to talk formally (no slang) and, utilize the use of word


    Today my English teacher went over the different ways she expects to

    receive a paper. She asked us if our previous teacher had taught us to

    systematically write our papers a certain way. Of course everyone in the class told

    her yes. This is when she suggested that we should develop our own identity when

    it came to writing. She said when reading our papers she should be able to tell it

    was Gregorys work. By this she meant we need our own style or charisma. She

    said that when you develop such panache it makes it easier to tell you havent

    plagiarized when doing a big assignment such as a research paper. I get my first

    assignment in college and its based on writers dialect. We were told to read an

    article and basically give our insight on the article and how we feel about it. Seeing

    that in the past Ive had different types of teachers and they had different view on

    this topic. Me personally I think that everyone should be different when it comes to

    writers dialect, let your dialect shine through your paper! Dont write

    systematically let your individuality take


  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    This assignment was rather fun and I wish all writing assignments took this

    fashion. It was pretty much free of a certain way of writing and this was something

    I had everlasting ideas doing. I had so many ideas I lost my train of thought

    multiple times and was too unsure of what I needed to have in my paper. Once I

    was ready to wrap up my paper I was also unsure on how I would do so. It was my

    first time doing journal entries instead of an actual paper so it was pretty much trial

    and error. In doing this paper I realized that Id rather people who writes something

    to have their own identity. By thus I feel that writers dialect is necessary and

    should be allowed in writing everywhere. After assignment one we proceeded into

    assignment two in which we were to interview someone and transcribe into a

    fashion I had never worked with or completed before. Within this assignment two,

    we had to have multiple guideline to follow which was outlined on our rubric. One

    of those outlines was our reflection. My reflection two was as follows,

    Assignment two I found extremely difficult do to the fact that we had to

    inreview someone we felt worthy for the assignment and transcribe it word for

    word. This meant that we had to wright every single thing down that we recored

    and put it into our paper. After that we had to complete the assignment rough draft

    and all. This was something I wasnt exactly use nor was I exposed to it. I was

    thinking to myself how would I be able to actively ask questions listen record and

    do all of the things requested knowing I would have to go in later in transcribe

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    everything I heard. Although I felt this was a difficult task I eventually got it done.

    For assignment three we were told to write a 2,000 word paper in which I felt

    would be too difficult. In the end it wasnt that bad after all.

    Edited by Kariym Gent

    My Interviewee was LaCorey Cunningham a sophomore student that attends

    Chapel Hill University and is majoring in exercise science while participating in

    work study to help provide funds for school. LaCorey Cunningham grew up in a 3

    sibling and 2 parent household in which she experienced a lot and learned even

    more. LaCorey was the middle child and had an older sister and a younger brother.

    Her older sister Latonia was a great athlete competing in volleyball as well as

    basketball where she would go on to receiving a full scholarship to western

    Carolina to continue her volleyball career. LaTonia was mediocre when it came to

    school and making outstanding grades. With this being said Latonia never made

    below a c in school. LaCoreys little brother Greg was also an outstanding athlete

    in whom he competed in track as well as football. He would go on to receive a full

    football scholarship in football at UNCC. Gregory was also mediocre when it came

    to performing in the classroom. He was extremely lazy in school and only did

    enough to get by. LaCorey also played sports; she participated in track, volleyball,

    and basketball. LaCorey was good in sports but not as interested in it as her

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    siblings and felt like she was always over looked in the household. LaCorey

    suffered from what she called middle child syndrome. LaCorey then began looking

    for ways to make her happy and her parents proud as her she felt her siblings did.

    LaCorey took a different approach and decided to take her school work as serious

    as possible and competed in grades harder than any of her siblings had competed in

    sports. This was good and benefitted her because not only did it help her feel better

    about herself it was something she was really good at due to the fact that she was

    already far more intelligent than she even knew. It had gotten to the point where

    she never made a B in school. She received only one be her middle school career

    and 3 her high school career. The rest of her schooling consisted of As all the way

    across the board.

    LaCorey is someone I not only look up to but admire as a person. She takes

    school so serious and hasnt made below an A on the college level and she has

    never made below an A in English itself. For this type of history I feel as if she

    would be more than successful in todays educational system. I feel that she is just

    one of those people that just has a knack for learning and just get it, which is a very

    special characteristic to have. On assignment one my response was Is there really

    a prejudice when it comes to professors and there grading of a paper with variety

    and foreign dialect? Should a student be forced to speak and write in a certain

    dialect? Could a person with too much of a distinct dialect be graded harsher than

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    one with a common dialect? My initial reaction to the piece was, "what in the

    world am I reading?" As I continued to read and got to the third page, I was

    quickly drawn in by the topic. This is a vital concern because it's something that

    occurs everywhere. Everyone is unique in every way including their dialect so why

    should this be a personal flaw when it comes to constructing papers. According to

    what my response was it was evident that I felt that dialect diversity should be

    allowed but to a certain extent. Based of the interview questions in which I had

    LaCorey answer, 1 at what age did u learn to read and write? 2 How do you feel

    about reading? 3 Does this affect your way of writing 4 How many schools have

    you attended during your life 5 How did you get taught your reading and writing

    skills 6 How did school affect your way of writing 7 Has your reading or writing

    style changed overtime 8 Did any of your jobs require a lot of writing? 9 Did your

    school affect your speaking habits? 10 Did any of your past jobs require a certain

    writing technique 11 What are your strengths in reading and writing?12 how often

    does it require reading for your current job? 13 What are your weaknesses in

    reading and writing? 14 Is your writing and speaking dialect the same? 15 What is

    your favorite book? 16 Are you a student? 17 Should we be able to write in our

    own dialect? 18 What is your primary language? 19) What is your education

    background? 20) What is your name and where are you from? She felt the same

    way as long as it was interpretable and included grammar. For example a paper

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    that followed all the guidelines of the rubric should be accepted and this is a prime

    example Today is my first writing assignment in my freshman course English

    class. I am attending West Charlotte high school and my mother does not approve,

    but who cares? I surely dont! When making my decision as to what high school I

    should attend my AAU track coach who also coached at west charlotte persuaded

    me to attend his school. My home school had just been changed a year before due

    to the new school that was built, Mallard Creek high school. I didnt want to go to

    a new school because I didnt know how their athletic program would be. Also, all

    my friends were there and I knew I would get into a lot of trouble by goofing off

    on a regular basis. My friends and I stayed in trouble we were really immature. My

    father and I soon came to the conclusion that West Charlotte was the place for me.

    I didnt know anyone, I would have a fresh start, and I would have to mature rather

    quickly seeing that the school wasnt on the best side of town. My dad called it

    growing up and becoming a man. Back to my writing assignment! The assignment

    was to express yourself through a well-put together paper. I had fun with the

    assignment and put everything down that mattered. I worked as diligently as

    possible and got a fair grade on the assignment. Thats where the problem

    occurred; my paper in which I worked so hard on the first day of class was just

    fair. I had really worked hard and couldnt figure out why she took certain points

    off for my style and the way I worded things.

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    Today my teacher gave the whole class a systematic way of writing in which

    we had to follow each and every day. The system was rather straight forward and

    to the point and told you exactly how she had expected to see your paper. On these

    cut out consisted: how many paragraphs were expected, what each paragraph

    consisted of, (intro, 3 ideas, then conclusion.), the transition words you should use

    in each paragraph and each paragraph varied, and what point you were looking to

    make in each sentence of each paragraph. This made writing soooo much easier for

    me. Not only did it make writing easier and straighter forward, but also it made it

    mundane and difficult to be whom you were through your paper. So when we are

    asked to do papers about our self, they all ended up being somewhat the same due

    to the key transition words everyone had to use in each certain sentence in each

    different paragraph. I really appreciated the concept but, I wanted my papers to be

    way different from anyone else in the class so my teacher wouldnt get bored

    grading my paper and grade it more harshly.

    Today in my English II class (10th grade English) my teacher made us write

    a journal for our warm up. In this class we were forced to write a journal for a

    warm up each and every day. For our journal we would have to write a page front

    and back and under the time limit in which the teacher provided for us. Depending

    on how long the topic was our teacher would give us 5- 10 minutes. Her aim was

    to get us to get started on our papers faster and not waste too much time thinking.

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    After the completing of our warm ups, our teacher would then make us share to

    show the different backgrounds. This would show everyones different dialect and

    way of writing.

    Today class our English teacher made us read different articles. These

    articles talked about the different ways you can express yourself. It had different

    adjectives and even ideas when it came to formatting papers. It told us what types

    of papers we could write as well as when it was appropriate to write these different

    papers. This was the day that my teacher expressed to us that we must develop our

    own writers style. Not only that but we must get comfortable with writing and

    make it become our second nature. She explained to us that writing wouldnt go

    away and if we didnt began to like it now that it would kick us in the butt as we

    advanced in grade level as well as age.

    Today my teachers made us come into class pick up a slip of paper off her

    desk and prepare a formal essay. This was no ordinary essay; this essay was in

    essay form but was done verbally. We were giving 5 min to write what every we

    wanted but this wasnt enough time to write what she was asking for exactly. We

    then went on to find out that what she wanted from us to be creative but also write

    a main topic for each paragraph along with two main points to go along with each.

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    While doing this, it gave people the opportunity to express who they were as

    people and get their point across without being systematic. Although there were

    still guidelines, you had to talk formally (no slang) and, utilize the use of word


    Today my English teacher went over the different ways she expects to

    receive a paper. She asked us if our previous teacher had taught us to

    systematically write our papers a certain way. Of course everyone in the class told

    her yes. This is when she suggested that we should develop our own identity when

    it came to writing. She said when reading our papers she should be able to tell it

    was Gregorys work. By this she meant we need our own style or charisma. She

    said that when you develop such panache it makes it easier to tell you havent

    plagiarized when doing a big assignment such as a research paper. I get my first

    assignment in college and its based on writers dialect. We were told to read an

    article and basically give our insight on the article and how we feel about it. Seeing

    that in the past Ive had different types of teachers and they had different view on

    this topic. Me personally I think that everyone should be different when it comes to

    writers dialect, let your dialect shine through your paper! Dont write

    systematically let your individuality take


  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    This assignment was rather fun and I wish all writing assignments took this

    fashion. It was pretty much free of a certain way of writing and this was something

    I had everlasting ideas doing. I had so many ideas I lost my train of thought

    multiple times and was too unsure of what I needed to have in my paper. Once I

    was ready to wrap up my paper I was also unsure on how I would do so. It was my

    first time doing journal entries instead of an actual paper so it was pretty much trial

    and error. In doing this paper I realized that Id rather people who writes something

    to have their own identity. By thus I feel that writers dialect is necessary and

    should be allowed in writing everywhere. After assignment one we proceeded into

    assignment two in which we were to interview someone and transcribe into a

    fashion I had never worked with or completed before. Within this assignment two,

    we had to have multiple guideline to follow which was outlined on our rubric. One

    of those outlines was our reflection. My reflection two was as follows,

    Assignment two I found extremely difficult do to the fact that we had to

    inreview someone we felt worthy for the assignment and transcribe it word for

    word. This meant that we had to wright every single thing down that we recored

    and put it into our paper. After that we had to complete the assignment rough draft

    and all. This was something I wasnt exactly use nor was I exposed to it. I was

    thinking to myself how would I be able to actively ask questions listen record and

    do all of the things requested knowing I would have to go in later in transcribe

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    everything I heard. Although I felt this was a difficult task I eventually got it done.

    For assignment three we were told to write a 2,000 word paper in which I felt

    would be too difficult. In the end it wasnt that bad after all.

    Edited by Timothy Smith

    My Interviewee was LaCorey Cunningham a sophomore student that attends

    Chapel Hill University and is majoring in exercise science while participating in

    work study to help provide funds for school. LaCorey Cunningham grew up in a 3

    sibling and 2 parent household in which she experienced a lot and learned even

    more. LaCorey was the middle child and had an older sister and a younger brother.

    Her older sister Latonia was a great athlete competing in volleyball as well as

    basketball where she would go on to receiving a full scholarship to western

    Carolina to continue her volleyball career. LaTonia was mediocre when it came to

    school and making outstanding grades. With this being said Latonia never made

    below a c in school. LaCoreys little brother Greg was also an outstanding athlete

    in whom he competed in track as well as football. He would go on to receive a full

    football scholarship in football at UNCC. Gregory was also mediocre when it came

    Organize information and put it in

    order so it flows and makes sense

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    to performing in the classroom. He was extremely lazy in school and only did

    enough to get by. LaCorey also played sports; she participated in track, volleyball,

    and basketball. LaCorey was good in sports but not as interested in it as her

    siblings and felt like she was always over looked in the household. LaCorey

    suffered from what she called middle child syndrome. LaCorey then began looking

    for ways to make her happy and her parents proud as her she felt her siblings did.

    LaCorey took a different approach and decided to take her school work as serious

    as possible and competed in grades harder than any of her siblings had competed in

    sports. This was good and benefitted her because not only did it help her feel better

    about herself it was something she was really good at due to the fact that she was

    already far more intelligent than she even knew. It had gotten to the point where

    she never made a B in school. She received only one be her middle school career

    and 3 her high school career. The rest of her schooling consisted of As all the way

    across the board.

    LaCorey is someone I not only look up to but admire as a person. She takes

    school so serious and hasnt made below an A on the college level and she has

    never made below an A in English itself. For this type of history I feel as if she

    would be more than successful in todays educational system. I feel that she is just

    one of those people that just has a knack for learning and just get it, which is a very

    special characteristic to have. On assignment one my response was Is there really

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    a prejudice when it comes to professors and there grading of a paper with variety

    and foreign dialect? Should a student be forced to speak and write in a certain

    dialect? Could a person with too much of a distinct dialect be graded harsher than

    one with a common dialect? My initial reaction to the piece was, "what in the

    world am I reading?" As I continued to read and got to the third page, I was

    quickly drawn in by the topic. This is a vital concern because it's something that

    occurs everywhere. Everyone is unique in every way including their dialect so why

    should this be a personal flaw when it comes to constructing papers. According to

    what my response was it was evident that I felt that dialect diversity should be

    allowed but to a certain extent. Based of the interview questions in which I had

    LaCorey answer, 1 at what age did u learn to read and write? 2 How do you feel

    about reading? 3 Does this affect your way of writing 4 How many schools have

    you attended during your life 5 How did you get taught your reading and writing

    skills 6 How did school affect your way of writing 7 Has your reading or writing

    style changed overtime 8 Did any of your jobs require a lot of writing? 9 Did your

    school affect your speaking habits? 10 Did any of your past jobs require a certain

    writing technique 11 What are your strengths in reading and writing?12 how often

    does it require reading for your current job? 13 What are your weaknesses in

    reading and writing? 14 Is your writing and speaking dialect the same? 15 What is

    your favorite book? 16 Are you a student? 17 Should we be able to write in our

  • 7/30/2019 Edited Assignment 3


    own dialect? 18 What is your primary language? 19) What is your education

    background? 20) What is your name and where are you from? She felt the same

    way as long as it was interpretable and included grammar. For example a paper

    that followed all the guidelines of the rubric should be accepted and this is a prime

    example Today is my first writing assignment in my freshman course English

    class. I am attending West Charlotte high school and my mother does not approve,

    but who cares? I surely dont! When making my decision as to what high school I

    should attend my AAU track coach who also coached at west charlotte persuaded

    me to attend his school. My home school had just been changed a year before due

    to the new school that was built, Mallard Creek high school. I didnt want to go to

    a new school because I didnt know how their athletic program would be. Also, all

    my friends were there and I knew I would get into a lot of trouble by goofing off

    on a regular basis. My friends and I stayed in trouble we were really immature. My

    father and I soon came to the conclusion that West Charlotte was the place for me.

    I didnt know anyone, I would have a fresh start, and I would have to mature rather

    quickly seeing that the school wasnt on the best side of town. My dad called it

    growing up and becoming a man. Back to my writing assignment! The assignment

    was to express yourself through a well-put together paper. I had fun with the

    assignment and put everything down that mattered. I worked as diligently as

    possible and got a fair grade on the assignment. Thats where the problem

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    occurred; my paper in which I worked so hard on the first day of class was just

    fair. I had really worked hard and couldnt figure out why she took certain points

    off for my style and the way I worded things.

    Today my teacher gave the whole class a systematic way of writing in which

    we had to follow each and every day. The system was rather straight forward and

    to the point and told you exactly how she had expected to see your paper. On these

    cut out consisted: how many paragraphs were expected, what each paragraph

    consisted of, (intro, 3 ideas, then conclusion.), the transition words you should use

    in each paragraph and each paragraph varied, and what point you were looking to

    make in each sentence of each paragraph. This made writing soooo much easier for

    me. Not only did it make writing easier and straighter forward, but also it made it

    mundane and difficult to be whom you were through your paper. So when we are

    asked to do papers about our self, they all ended up being somewhat the same due

    to the key transition words everyone had to use in each certain sentence in each

    different paragraph. I really appreciated the concept but, I wanted my papers to be

    way different from anyone else in the class so my teacher wouldnt get bored

    grading my paper and grade it more harshly.

    Today in my English II class (10th grade English) my teacher made us write

    a journal for our warm up. In this class we were forced to write a journal for a

    warm up each and every day. For our journal we would have to write a page front

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    and back and under the time limit in which the teacher provided for us. Depending

    on how long the topic was our teacher would give us 5- 10 minutes. Her aim was

    to get us to get started on our papers faster and not waste too much time thinking.

    After the completing of our warm ups, our teacher would then make us share to

    show the different backgrounds. This would show everyones different dialect and

    way of writing.

    Today class our English teacher made us read different articles. These

    articles talked about the different ways you can express yourself. It had different

    adjectives and even ideas when it came to formatting papers. It told us what types

    of papers we could write as well as when it was appropriate to write these different

    papers. This was the day that my teacher expressed to us that we must develop our

    own writers style. Not only that but we must get comfortable with writing and

    make it become our second nature. She explained to us that writing wouldnt go

    away and if we didnt began to like it now that it would kick us in the butt as we

    advanced in grade level as well as age.

    Today my teachers made us come into class pick up a slip of paper off her

    desk and prepare a formal essay. This was no ordinary essay; this essay was in

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    essay form but was done verbally. We were giving 5 min to write what every we

    wanted but this wasnt enough time to write what she was asking for exactly. We

    then went on to find out that what she wanted from us to be creative but also write

    a main topic for each paragraph along with two main points to go along with each.

    While doing this, it gave people the opportunity to express who they were as

    people and get their point across without being systematic. Although there were

    still guidelines, you had to talk formally (no slang) and, utilize the use of word


    Today my English teacher went over the different ways she expects to

    receive a paper. She asked us if our previous teacher had taught us to

    systematically write our papers a certain way. Of course everyone in the class told

    her yes. This is when she suggested that we should develop our own identity when

    it came to writing. She said when reading our papers she should be able to tell it

    was Gregorys work. By this she meant we need our own style or charisma. She

    said that when you develop such panache it makes it easier to tell you havent

    plagiarized when doing a big assignment such as a research paper. I get my first

    assignment in college and its based on writers dialect. We were told to read an

    article and basically give our insight on the article and how we feel about it. Seeing

    that in the past Ive had different types of teachers and they had different view on

    this topic. Me personally I think that everyone should be different when it comes to

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    writers dialect, let your dialect shine through your paper! Dont write

    systematically let your individuality take over.

    This assignment was rather fun and I wish all writing assignments took this

    fashion. It was pretty much free of a certain way of writing and this was something

    I had everlasting ideas doing. I had so many ideas I lost my train of thought

    multiple times and was too unsure of what I needed to have in my paper. Once I

    was ready to wrap up my paper I was also unsure on how I would do so. It was my

    first time doing journal entries instead of an actual paper so it was pretty much trial

    and error. In doing this paper I realized that Id rather people who writes something

    to have their own identity. By thus I feel that writers dialect is necessary and

    should be allowed in writing everywhere. After assignment one we proceeded into

    assignment two in which we were to interview someone and transcribe into a

    fashion I had never worked with or completed before. Within this assignment two,

    we had to have multiple guideline to follow which was outlined on our rubric. One

    of those outlines was our reflection. My reflection two was as follows,

    Assignment two I found extremely difficult do to the fact that we had to inreview

    someone we felt worthy for the assignment and transcribe it word for word. This

    meant that we had to wright every single thing down that we recored and put it into

    our paper. After that we had to complete the assignment rough draft and all. This

    was something I wasnt exactly use nor was I exposed to it. I was thinking to

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    myself how would I be able to actively ask questions listen record and do all of the

    things requested knowing I would have to go in later in transcribe everything I

    heard. Although I felt this was a difficult task I eventually got it done. For

    assignment three we were told to write a 2,000 word paper in which I felt would be

    too difficult. In the end it wasnt that bad afterall.

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