edsa overview and vision

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Overview and Vision

Overview and VisionJohn Domingue & Elena Simperl


VisionBecome the #1 venue for professional training in data science in EuropeEstablish a sustainable European Data Science Institute

OverviewCurricula and coursewareModular, media-rich, available in several languagesCovering a mix of core, domain-specific, and technology-specific topicsInformed by demand analysis (surveys and data monitoring)TrainingWebinar series, video lectures, annual summer school, on demand professional trainingInformed by student feedback and learning analyticsCommunity engagementHighly visible eLearning channels: iTunes U, FutureLearn, videolectures.netCollaborate with relevant stakeholders to align programs, organize joint training, collect feedbackInformed by social media monitoring

Curricula and courseware

Initial Version of Module

Final Module: eBook & Course

Webinar Final Recording

Webinar First Recording

Collection ofModule Materials

Slides First Version

Slides Final Version

Stakeholder Communities

Industrial Advisory Board

Demand AnalysisReflection

Module DisseminationOnline & F2F

Learning Analytics


EDSA Analytics Dashboard

Reconfiguring & Repurposing


Learning DeliveryEnd to End approach


Initial EDSA Curriculum

Rich Interactive OERs




Broadcasting booth


Video lectures

OU iTunes U Stats

Open University on iTunes U was launched on 3rd June 2008Now 58 iTunes U Courses68,138,000 downloadsOver 9,015,700 visitors downloaded filesCurrently averaging 87,500 downloads a week449 collections containing 3,485 tracks (1,638 audio, 1,847 video) 423 OpenLearn study units as eBooks (ePub), representing over 5,000 hours of studyCurrently delivering an average of 0.3 TB of data a week

Community Engagement



ESWC Summer School

The data-driven project

EDSA DashboardsJobs and skillsInterviewsAdvisory boardLearning analyticsAvailable courses


Monitoring Engagement


Monitoring Engagement (2)


Module overviewPage shows an overall view of one presentation of an OU moduleTop chart shows average VLE activity in each week compared to VLE activity in the previous yearsThis chart also shows average score in each of the TMAs, again compared with the previous yearThe bar below the chart shows interesting summaries from the current module presentation with clearly visible trends (compared to the last year)The most important part of the module overview is the table with predictionsThe table shows predictions for the next TMA as well as for the whole moduleIt is possible sort the table by any of the columns, for example by next TMA predictionMoreover, the user can narrow the view by applying various filter settings, i.e. only students of region XY etc.- After selecting one student, the user is redirected to the student overview page...22

Student overviewSimilarly to the module overview page, the top chart shows students activity in the VLE together with her TMA performance compared the the average of the whole moduleTo understand, how the prediction models decisions were made, the target in the bottom left of the chart shows the most similar students to the currently selected student based on demographics and VLE activities It is possible to put different weights to either one of the parameters of the target (the VLE activities and the demographics)The table in the bottom right of the chart shows TMA submission predictions compared to real values and justifications of the predictions To improve the students performance based on his current activities, we provide personalized recommendations for each of the studentsThese recommendations consist of various activities which the student is missing and are important for successfully finishing the moduleThe recommendations contain links which point directly to the module website to the appropriate activities and resources23


CSA EuDEco (Modeling the European Data Economy

U-TAD Spain

IT as a Utility

Big Data Value cPPP

March 2015


1,000,000 FutureLearn sign-upsOver

2,200,000 course sign-ups


In just over a year, FutureLearn has built a large userbase


EXCITING PARTNERSHIP NETWORKWe are partnering with professional bodies to support recognition of courses


Co-Branding Courses on FutureLearn


WP2 Curricula and resource developmentWP3 Training delivery and learning analyticsWP4 Dissemination and community buildingWP1 Demand analysis and industry advisory boardWP5Exploitation Educational EcosystemLegacy

WP6 ManagementCoordination

Explain what WPs will do and main deliverables33

SummaryProject GoalsBecome the #1 venue for professional training in data science in EuropeEstablish a sustainable European Data Science InstituteComprehensive life-cycle with all activities founded on real data Rich interactive multimedia open educational resourcesTraining via webinar series, video lectures, annual summer school, on demand professional training Highly visible eLearning channels for community engagement iTunes U, FutureLearn, videolectures.netMany possibilities for fruitful collaboration

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