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Vol. 1, No. B.

unt- of i the mosti Heatthfut. Copif<'rtabie

•n4 Accessible InlandSummer. Resorts in ftheCountry.

—A mu>ic«le win be girei. by tl* Hyi«t*Club next Movlay eveningat the residence

' <* Mr. L w M

V. Woodruff,




*choo( will tx» ta«tdat t»me o'clock in tbe chspeL All

friend* of tin Ktaaol ara luTitod to attmc

* * m \>U* t«>l playeri i h i b h i


—A pfcola wiH be sl»"en by the member*of Sfc Juwplf* parMi *t North PlainfleU

i»g of July *ta, at Wooden1* Grow, Sawar-

- W b « yon dedre to know bow hot Jou»re i W the Uwrroometer word od m r l u ipage, oonectad daily to tte boor nt (Oiuc tn

SBERWS s S—The little diversion o( furnishing a

paper to Plainfieli) has been ttarttd again.A s*atle*iao I n n Newark. Mr. T. \V. Mor-

ta the fun on Monday by issmingKKWS.—Cental Times. I

Shoe Sllre,OQ Woof

Reform Clmh. A number of .paakent willtake part, and tbe iftoecbee will be limited

i X.Special attention is (palled to

our Ladies Ci>m—-Shoe at $2.56.warranted.


LM. F R E N C H ,Carriage M a n |



Fine tSummer? . >

Carriages.jfZ.il STYLES.



' AT sribHT NfclTIC .:

• m d . Tba mi

H M to BM law Ib

H.S.BARNES,17QTI/1 A A 17 170 AWT Q +

i iu i tu iv i jaFuUHi oil


of an kioU will bewill be twewty-fl»»

a 190 yvan «U.

UM Bronire XKWA,by Mr. Tin* W.

W. We b a n baan-acquai .toJ with the publisher lor a onmbM-0<7NMu«kMW that k t k t i t b abUHy

» accorded him. The peper will be fad*.

pmdent poUUntlly.-aouMrvfnB XaaKoger.

taeeUt«ot8t*pbe.i Brown or Bound

, wen iaooad, and bavins • "WruiaiM aaytbins in that part ul the

State. The work U about iutohw). Th*

One of the inoet tuifqua sitterCalDDWMa ol( Uw muy a-iiqm O-»H wiU, whieh Plain-! '**lba»o* late been favored Wok place y w L\ ' *"' h •! "•rd»y ervntec la tbe Cautpel oC the Pa** J .; [sPECIAt TO jfHE M*VB.J

S r S ^ r S ^ I 5 ^ f Republican Conveition.l>ie'» i m M n oE'tba church. Thi. aa»- 'cietjpo Uaa 00 loany o:tier OOMSJOUI A o ntUeowgy.iidM.tert>™*, awl u known a*

<tf tba too* aeUra of. Uae uuciaUoiu In

The chapel »u tt» pewnt WWHHI WHd it J



"Zephyr Corset,"!LiSbCcool I X E»sj,

Price Two Cents.


aaJ I«. «In p

o f

boww, of coon., hat* forth wiprmw.osh tb«got «p WH anrthius but TMireltnal. The fimnut i«ort' waa c o f w l en-

tirely witti

y V ppart ab«t It was that

' uot W H T abo, butthe good gwuibM article I D fambfaed, and

l i

it taUee and bootbe appealed ianU aprxxa, (.per f r i i to tbaktwe are IK* awe hot that aj

r d m * . A« they flitUd aboot

« hriKt <rbkh b u bttu haard at a

t W n f W n J i r i w n M ' U a K L It w u forDfat-d b/ Prrf. fWht t Ebso, of K«w Tork,*hotaa»mnieartdb*rebetJre.nil*lw»yi *o

by tbe t%wtsr nauiner ta wtoteb tbay Mp-pednJw*

WenndertfUdtbBtUM ld>a ot UM awekvol w « a> eotirei, origtiwl one, w l beb%

n f c d . gwtarediBow *h* ' mMIT (• to regretted that tbe feeUvai ooUdnot bav. been contiuoed KwMher »

<rf tbe Plartftefcl Turn Verjtn WM Iterdaj eAerWKM and erenln« at 1t)rOT«.5arUPWi IaWd,*t-

Tae Ebabeth ToHMn, whotba depotln tbeatterHOoo by ttoPlalnfleklTumar*, were «nc«ted to tbe eroTe, Mdopwad ibe (a^trnUe. by C *t- ot'the boria«Ul bar, •aliwmaJ bj t* b u d M by Plrot iBMbe,

Tb»f' "

tha Ant .ballot w*. m. follow*:

Only 07 cts.j r i u

SPECIAL. !• " " &kWe wiU offer on SATURDAY,

A New Lot of JER-

"71"*Chicago S




iU«t t o « 4 | w n <» * Ju KM loet.a MM***, to eaB tbe n i l «o la . qj

f , ,

SOKIHATEIX Illifor him. Ht raoein* 4

The ctty of Rahwar, waicb, like Elteabeth,ma bad a aura ckaa wHti a Wx 4«Vt of a>r-ral lalMhia- H aaa' bwu alia to a d * •onproiatae wHh bar endrton. 1FUhway i«NMd «3,600.IKM of boodi to )

• toad, for *w*al milna out inW the o

Tbe city baa•ot «nlymaM« to red-«. the principal, U t

• ' bam

CM^darablotaMwatwaa mauWerted In »baudecnue larg^ Hat bekmcii« to the B W * " * • * l l d

b M . l m n . t o . b M . < t k » i l M n | M M t n l A ^ ^ U -

Ou tbe top U « BwtOtt Hmith or Newark, Oraod P*triartkuitifulurn of tbe be*t Quinby gr«uit». It i of la«8t»te; GnMd RepraMnuUn Crana,

D tbe Bound Brook eoottfrrf, on aha of Newark; District D«poty, WHUaaa| J « H M « ( Platatteldi Scribe, Jobo Bodine at

u dtoktad In tltbe uortlf OriTe

-Toe. Buildup C^wnittoe, of tbe Btill-nwaV HenwrW Haatc H*ll have ted

;httotbelruoUe«aiiewiny!e of pft*e-tor tbe paaaagewar to tbe or*™ booa»

and aiw to bave taaiplM la a few d*y«. It

I Mora* aieo of Piainfield, aU of vltrn Mad*l



I Furniture PolishAnd, in short; everyAmg U his

"Be, at New Yo^k pr(C«sand also gives a rebate-

wf5 per cent (ut -•. cash. •

CALL AXD. SEE IftM. fc^ii.^t.,

where lliey IIBVB Li<wa tried for niMiy ye«r«.TUaea differ frara tbe pavtstuwt blooks, tbelattar being uiofe onianwuUJ.

im known M Iron tt a pafiufc block, of tl»»d

The jeriaiiction of th ir dd Bl

at* par i»nt for the nrat two yaftrm, % peroeot. (or tbe third year an A lour pur coot, af-tbftttim*. AUmt«55B,«»oftbeaM boadtware excaancwt on UM IbMl*. It the ot


Di*b M patent, amazed to preee n%beeutifui appaapmoa. aud, bnimc 1cfpallyrflron *b& U of *bj-t ™- , , -eetot >ab.tum. II miiiilwi iifflr I'tain—i \emur-

which .the brttWbood have an ao-

On Uu« onukm the fettlvitiei laeMd uutilabcot 18:30 o'clock In tba room, and refraah-

Tbe Udiw of tbe Flower Kiattoii whl«b•ireowitly beau .taruiiluUito city w l * it Mr* A. Boyd, wil* «* ta» adhor o« the

htated that tbe fliwer* conMbubed to tbe K«w BruiMwwk Homt NBW*, WM iu townmiMkm wUlbe wot titba bi«pltaJ mnJ ta ; yartardaj s i t i n g frwoj*tbebDOMaoftbesickpJor. tt U toeir wiaU I l£nv E. A- Vaado-bMa * * . one 0* tbeOut a larga quantity of flower* be contribute ^ m k w at the Teni(wr»i>" Te. —ad fn drder that the werk >uay In w « » vendon at MbUletown yartarday.folly iKgao. Friends wiH pleawgan. F i e p

; at the rooms ot tbe Young Ken'sCbriKMn As«MwatioB en Fark and SorUaTdiiuo* oa Monday momiug bafore nine

' d k taid vt ten, a* barelofare «t»tad,U H d i t t d

aivtrlbatioi) »Uuri« the Ha

formariy of thk cityMr R D. Bo«w% ybut now of lUytoaa, Florida, fc

C tta

atraet, br payiiw- mO ot wbb-b au, bean rated, and

_ tbe dnad made wit w He RafonnOob. Till* will prjbfcUj t» done «ome timetonUy. In additioD to th* porefaatM moneyabout fl,lX» bM baau r»to«J toward furauh-

« abra 4eoided to h»ve * gratxl ax-to Ocean Orora 00 br about Jone 27.

ippoinleil to t*kt chaTE*iiTIU mattar, and tbe wmptete amuBS-

for tbe exeuntoo wiH be nawte knownSW1. fo


balf Mt ko>>t ,«na>Ujr to tba

». It U litaMNMt teo ofMkdadtolcU tMar orarV d a r VMctUKte itaabfa.,

*tOT»»lato!«anafIalttaafci for tbe<,tk> Ubt W>tak* flecbakind the

We will sell for the next 30 tlays .lothing1 at 15 to 35 per cent rcdu

of Sun I'mbrdias

HuntUmielyBr'a.^i. A New LotJerseys at • 3 ^ 5 . Extra fine,

Plain. We have Cheaper GradesJ1W>. A New Lot of Satin. Coach-ing Parasols fajOHty usual prices" 'S°» i n ''tack ami colors. A Mew {Clothing at > 5 n> 25 per •

P o p u l a r jtion of former prices. See our $•>{ hidtgn Dye Blue Suss; oar $3.50i Children's Suits; and our $1.50 SailorSuits, all worth double' tbe price;French Batbrigan Under Shirts at50' cts to $i.oo; unUundried rein-forced Shirts at 48 cts; and our Mer-chant Taioring. Deput is full of Im-ported and Domestic <KXKIS. whi^kwe make to order for $16 and up-20 West Front Street,


EDSALL'Svis the popular house to buy

Fancy Goods, Notion*, DryGoods, Hotuery,

I-tc«B, etc.


Edsall'sYou can buy anything in his line

the^p as in New York, andihus save time, tro

ble and expense.

'EDSALLIs making an extra effort to bold

home trade and solicits an ex-amination of his goods and

prices. He guarantees to- tbe extent- of the goods heWeeps, he will not be beaten

I n p r i c e BY ANY HOUSE.

EDSALLIs offering special inducements in Silk

Taffata. all Silk Clovesand jersey Mitts.

EDSALLShows a nice line of seasonable\ DRESS GOODS and the .

prices are correct

; EdsalFs,Look at our WHITEI If you, warn to purchase a

White l>ress you caifbesuited here.


Our Stock is New!Onr Styles EiclusivelOur Prices Very Low!




In all Desirable ShadesFROM • .

$15 to $18See Them,

They WiU FitAND

irg Em-broidery you can find them

• hcreand we will guarun -tee the prices to be /

aslbW as the 'lowest.

EDSALL'S.Remember ,we keep a complete, assuTtment of Black Goods' Suitable for mourning or

general wear.

EDSALL'S.^ e sure you give us u call bc-

foire you gu to New York.I It^riH pay you to en-!j courage Home





Merchant TailorGENT'S i

M0. 7

E. Front StreetOPPOSITE

Park Avenue

JUNE,©. 1884.


nnciAL to m irYwri Republican Convention.

Healthful, Comfort* bm «ml Accessible Inland Summer Resorts in the Country. . will olfer on SATURDAY, e 7tfc, A Sew Lot of JF.R-1

at tlAj. Extra Fine and omelyfiSided. A New Lot I

«ey« at |}J<V Extra fine, We have Cheaper Grades A New Lot of Satin Catch, ■rands ftAM, visual prices *, in hta.-fc and colors A New Sun Umbrellas at Popular

£ V. Woodruff, proprietor.

20 lest Front Street, Plainfield, N.J. 5

Our Stock is New! .

Onr Styles Exclusive!

Oar Prices Yerj Low!

EDSALL’S Ii the popular home to buy


Special attention i* jailed Co our Ladies Commoq Sense Shoe at $2.50. Evwy pair warranted. p EDSALL. CORKSCREW

SUITS not he beaten ANY HOUSE. (11 Desirable Shades

No. 18 Somerse PUWnCLD, H.


Fine .j

Summer >

Carriages. ALL STYLES.


EDSALL fchows a nice line of seasonable : DRESS GOODS and the prices are correct.

nor white Goods. want to purchase a e Dresa you canbe suited here. j AND REPAIRING tv ALL ITS BRANCHKS



17(11(119 E. FRONT St. PLAI.VFIEU), N. J„



ARTIST MATERIALS, i !, Furniture Polish :

And, in short, errn-fbiag Ilf hix 1


MO. 7

E. Front Street

AH the Candidates Nomi<

riated Amid the Great-

est Enthusiasm.

i every .affair o f l ik there Is more or leuot wtvii theythey appear.

1 1 M norcst cold is naiti^ll* concealed be-•cath (how, and brass b . tiniiv made to ap-f H r pure gold. Er*n dngiiagt. Talirrend

•MM. w » used to conceal 'thought, and ltar-a«m. says people like t^brilumtHigKed. Not-

•withstandm-; all th»' I m n honest,, -and boMaJsatwral tendencies

in check, when its pce-~ : "live, - The good

• grows stronger* as the bad in the.-other grow* bolder, the one coumerbalanc-. i s * th« other, and the "odd grows

These reflections arc anWested by a per.' w l of the eoiag* thus far** the Republican

T h e effort to pahn off Claiton on the.-Mtdkr element of the county as • piece of-demagogue work, has pram] a failure and

,*een effccfvely rebuked, f ' ,It ™ ih hunting raUbits.not r«Geb. that

Fawetl Clayton, of Arkaaaas, lost his ami.Vet in defending the Blaine plunder of put-

.. -ttag forward tM* unsavory ptnon as Tempo-f -raj- Chairman of the Chjpage Convention

-Gen. Ben M. IVentis*. of Sllraouri. and Geh.~Oark E. Can-, of Illinois, roared and ranted

•**d pawed the air and bellowed and p ™ redin the (ace in threatening theronvemiun withthe wrath of.tbc *eJdier» if ijiry dared to dosetheir ears to the eloquent **|>peal of "that

. -empty sleeve." We fancy that the brave and1 Bandsome L'nion soldiers are •getting tired of

hearing Ibeir name and tW&aWtria inwfc*!.by rfcoopmontade rearm in afcj ftf disreputable

hack politicians. , ,-Even if ibe substi luuon of Lynch was a

•trick to catch the colored vote, it Is mote per--dooabte than the attempted trick on Unjfon

• For lbs fir* time d»

Mr. Frederick Dwgbw.. s a p that the llac-tioti of the Convention proved its greatness

.and-did away with a prejudice pi ages." Mr.Lynch may have been choseji foe Chairmanby the 4ji far the purpose of ••doing awayVith a prejudice of ages" agamat his color, or*o prevent a. lot of colored.delegates fromSooth*™ Stwt* fata beiag Wight up for

• -Clayton. If it wa»jarW an*, i. « « a rc-*«** for the demagogue; if the other, it was

ire with [ire to prevent harm.

•twatht. fig foowl > rlniM-thra* mile,long, six ischtH dsep, and thrae feet wid.,«nd on tbs banka ha fonod m Mdit tU

- n h

-tknow it, and I've been iraitlug," Wthe l*piy. : IT

"I dooH M what bnpm«mc«t a neededa m b* made." - ';'

"Reckon not, being aa you airs a atrwgbat that '•re caab was appropriated- < b n that 'en batik «o that a y otct trade^OoM att down to water »iH(oot breaklnjc

<n*fcfarul back'. Tfco iaBpranmstttif OOOH crfcfc w*a Badaat • co»t of 13, aad the ec(ine«t «iil Bilker

. WVe to torn the current op atreain or aandthe rest of the appropriation back to the**m>Ty.. ••<


of whMt and tassels of nan,bearing MM Inscription, l u u will g i n

nominee, hat T5,WC

d the patriotic air with i

nuaatiou Ofprivilege, moved that SCO tickets of arfnus-•ion t o M o u soldiers and • ! « bedtctttbutrf to V l t tAfii ht

of the nationalntfttee be called. The resolutionwith the following result.

Canforala ooV. Colorado paam; Florid*paaaea; Georgia; r*. P. Putney; Louixiana, T.U Morej; New Haiuivhire out; Tpnneaeeout; District of Columbia out; New Mexico


_. _ . CANDIDATES,and Gen. Brandege*. of Connecticut, re-sponded. Be said that If tbe Bepublicanabecame bewildered in tbeir choice, the Dem-ocrata, who had already capturo! tbe cHii-toL would aub capture the White House,and the country would be thrown back for•Wwrotioas. With the record,and tbe pruqiects of the " *

Gilhooly bad another aapTaawot littleofaat with bin landlady, the wktnw Flapjic t,waoas coffee ia taint™ tor being al most a*

- waak u>state administration. .Ha stirred-apna* coffee, tasted it, and aajifcd aardon.

•Perhaps. I dida't pat fat any' sugar, Mr

"Cl, yes, th. sarar - alt right.-"I sx-ect I dfctnt pot m anoogt. milk.*9o, tbe milk ia all right." ,"Well, what ia lacking, Mr. Oftbooly t-OoaW. - • *It was »ary wrong: Jn ODbooly .to I

' Ibal •!! Mint ISHIIII Hs certainly ea

• S S S S f f S f ' " ^ s "• ' j T o * Vaw Vines . _

• ; CWall Street News.] :'T*fcBiLP.aiM.aWfaerynrm, woo are ahip-lg trees and vine* to Nebraska, received a

Tbeftrmwrotain annrar;wm be plenty."

In three or four der* there i

. 'A* wen again lookinc torsafety to th- & publican party, and the peo-pfe were l«oktiiK to the partf to nominaW forpreriilent a man who ctnild carry thaiu tovictory. He was requested tv^resmttswlt acandidate, and one who fillnd all umw con-dition*, who fu an thintspmtntadthe ntoeosad availability of a caoalilafc, ]

«)••. JO«™ B. a* wiesiof Connecticut. [Qreat appkiuM), ->lf j o auare a better cmndi>iAt«," amid the Kpemkar,"we will grire him onrsapport, and be shallhats that MppMt with ftU our loyalty, witha t a^r bearta."

The *peaker went on to gi re a pen picturaof Uawley from the time be came to Conaee-acet from North Carolina, a pnnifc-., bare-

! fooUd boy, and paid an eioqneut tribute to< ths courage, •Betjyand statiiwanahlp whichhd eahM hfe I «rt hb « » fW

"Ara you aa happy now a* yt« werej o o aaSniedP asked Mia. Tarn* <*! * « . Crimeoobaak. -Ysa, axfead," rttetodj-j -awlaiTeai d a s j . h a i "a. u r o n U " auggaated ttaT^

ife. "Kw « l "


, ^wl£wea.H*nblk™ito


mortality of practlceTpoiftlr*. ' He was a re-former, but be does art believe in the reformby which healers, striken aad bummers eon--«ltbanUlteka.nrs-te

if ft waa said thai Cvnnectlcat was to__naD to furnish a president, ft might be re-plied that state, were masaurMl not by acne,but by men, and never since tbe party wannorm had a candidate Oaa.slvamtoUs.aMt,while the men of that section for a genera-tion had cheerfully wpporled the candidatesolB-Bpublican choice, Hawfay wasa«dt-cal cocsen ative and a ronservative radical.If be was Dominated, if ba rfwuld be nomi-nated tonight, tbe campaign would eora-

• day. The nomination would' healM in Ksw York, bias* through Ohio

and carry state, m tbe Kwth, which badwver glvan then- aueglaate to tb* BepabU-ean party. Be waa a Uwyer. editor, atatea-

• aaldiar, and he - "from Bartholdi'.

broke mto giaat cheerm* Baator &. SL Cultoin mooted the platform aitheapplew: Was renewed, lie said tbtwenty-four years ago tbe RepnhUea* par• o M » « * c i t y ^nominated the flraVBpnUkan eVor elected )Tlnrnln Tki moat i

foartsaa minutes. .—„ noweTiir, soon lost ttft daty.

- a"1» i sympathies of a huge portion of Us htarere, JntUj, „of tigfaUiMg.it award a. tbooadi every par- ! £ the teaor of hh. rahawec to Mean* ; vjataT<rfth7eoniatbecoaventk»w«onTi« feet. a. if SonMkw a ^ Platt, and.at on. tin- tbt present tariff.

aadtt aaeansan Inoaaaa of j T ^ , p ^ , o g ^ ^ .ddttioanl rakuar.

• * *** Will lT-1 * J r' - \ to make the order rf

chief waving, every hat in the air. for *vamtnatM tfaia scene oantmnetL There was ahul for a moment, aad t o n tbe enthuaiaambroke out with Im masiiit fury. Chain wereraised In the air, tbe lad*, la tbe gallerieatore On bunting araas nse wals* nad wavedtt aloft, and the baikUng shook to tte center.The band struck on, but the tune waadrowned. It waa preeJaety eight and a halfminutes before order was restored, ami: apswagK n y to tbs platform could hardly tatmade for Judge West,

•'TB« SURD ORATOM or (an ,*who waa U. nominate the man from Maine.A heart? greeting waa accorded Urn, when

•.tothefrout. Heaald:

d-legaftt in the convsaMon of 180D, theproudest service ot my life was performed

ng tor tbe nsanbiathm of that to-ut of the Uuited

ut the graaaest lueaory in the"

banes and yalta lasted for IwuThe foilowioK ia tbe speech of Martin 1 '

TownaMd,ol Sew Turk,nominatiag Cbeato*

tbe Re[mUk«ii party in tbir future, awl t,) ] _ . .•ay to you, gnUetnen of ilbe i-oavanUoii, , nare.

• our evaning interview may

. yon tbe part of his

nMaj aiawfl aaamand naatBssgrapfaMr. Bbuna spent abnost tha entkn

1 1 P* 1 ^ i £**rrbody in town,igee m t t a poblinuai aUke, are on tba qui viva for tbe

In Kran, , when the J ^ t « - » . The bulletin b£rd mt th. post(rom TWO to IBM) were ; csnee haa been faced by-a crowd all ' —acrauua from tbe sur- : nna>r tbe Inn "

w n . of recorded time have di^in^n-oid i UotTwrbnv, got7 to a U ^ om- -ctithe aaceftaancy oftbe Republican party. Ba- : that ft shall commend iteeK to tbe

, to the ,drncj, notaatala on fts fol'ta, nor a cloud I wbo attend tbe churches, all that fear Hodonita glary. WbHtfcer it *h«ll maititaln that , aad kwe tbe BepaUlc Thef bare cot to at-graud aiKMMlanuy depends «> tbe mMoa of , tend to this elm-ti.ju; and pum in judipueutthis great founciL . Wit* bated breath, a upon what we hav» door. Bow shall mi

h te f t l

iu the ' north. ' To

nit are tiied ti»ui«i < apeak torou of carrtfng (

stretched inmost Ukely togaiatoefiforth nuptorinx bands of lu.uuD.OWi political I of the eomtVy. _ _bunuHajUi of tba south, while above, from : vidual. I speak of _

SjoUng f>wn tba ; (great appease). He pe-ed the typwa] life' jertcau-borta man, wlthoat money.

;bepartcrne of


light, is IbokinK down it the martyr, who Ant b

biddiog aa Ctunes, in at

triumphed; that ayniaolof onion,of freedom, of humanity and of progreas. let

— ; the WcLUngtoan^bfdeWny.ta;can array—Ul}-sa>aa the Or

takmsot* about great (Jar-

Ing of thai chief (a voice:

year, agb he waa taken,skwmbly and nominatedNT of tba United Statoa

H elK^ed upon tbe same ticket with tbaa man t

in van.that. I luved. I k

when a LWUllant

old alaaaachusetta,; where mv earlyboyhfca»l days were pakead. In tbenational congress, for fonr ^«ars, I eat by

_ . hw side aad 1 fett that when a nationalcoa-and great name will lift tbe hearts of our Tension bad nominated Oeqfield they hadyouag awn, stir the blood of our manhood, done tbe couirtxy tbe greatest favor that waaand re-kiuuie the fervor of the retemns; and • possible In that day. In the providence of

•ver U, be tot*c<ten>ovidence, Mr.waa removed from the field of honor

' "mr was called j npon to act aaunion, and from that day MaifutWal.Haswervtogandcon.

the close of the seventh campaign will as. i Ued, athat holy ensign spannlns *L

bOWL 0c pi cmiee. . put ^u. <»» ^Tba m a t isawaaava ceM»d tba ir con ton- ! chief of UM

rssulttagthere- i workha.be™e great &aut» bar* covnl

-ghe eaboniin-te iames r

i a w i o f tbspast. The oddsof theaolid

be expected from that sectisa. If theaicom-, tbenorth, the Republican >taSes


teanddemaad yoor ear shall be givenm -whan onr people win follow, not ad-ing tiv funml mattWfaToaAam da>

iIttn-^^l^Uu-a5£^Dfiteer. as tbsy pnaaouward and onward

__ H-tam vtMoryf Cttlaiaa, I a a a n t k wto take one M from thepabUca. X Edmmids, of Jmaph H- _ _

of tb . grand oM

whom I have named bare borne, elite, faeti-

Ucrtty of him far whoseomceaKond ia <"


eaatra. and tba martyred Oarnakl M*ba Hanabooaa. boata. Otanrnd afaSaWL)It waa food U, UtaaitalMhara. There

voted for aMntaryof state of tbs UnitedStataa, aad *ho sbaU b . onr canriidate.tCbears and calls for M a t e and Artnar.)aandarepreaaatattve of a partteeaar mter-eat, of a partfeatar dam to the coant*y_tbeuoctors' candidate, tbe lawyars1 renrtklato •and tbe iu«ht of the resurreotion would not

as well as the haaptrationnpnairtai t i ioC thatlle. . .

racy; tba lUawb•adstatadaatba,

Within a year efai thi. ouiofl has

hk. duUa. wiuSut aWithin a year every ~

CbaSrupon therfcr the

hearty approval of every (itiaen. Genttemaaa, whasvonhav*aa>d onthbonaaton wiUgo down ta tbe aVnid* of every wmatManrtof thb ••u.ia.al.lhra as^mUy, u d they

- " U t b t l h v e e a i d . We haveI have- not said

n ago a large portionf«4 that Uv i a i e f

inoiipL Home ten y a n agof om-dUaeaa uamo to f«4fUatribatinc Inferior^ aadfUatribatinc Ithroagboat the

b U w h t toruBBtrr wascalled tbe a

(Th d i r d

clerical officesiajorioea to the

U f i lr o g r j t

pnbUc—what to called tbe agitaUon for civilservice reffrnn. (Tha disorder at tbi* pointwaa so gnat that aeveral amteacaa ware kat.)Hscontlnued: It a> nut that 1 aay so, but^euMllTjcan aw for it-elf, aa.1 tbodvil

tbatCbMtar A. Artlaarhievary ( i i | ift |ha»carried out the law aad aiuad tbean to ,lben a w t of hat power. It may be said that 1hold an onVe for which I come here. Slochbaa baaaaald about B«<r York politic.: mochhas ben aaid aaoat the New York machine,with Coaklincand T. C. Flatt taming th.crank of tbe macUne, (Prolonged bkaaL]B W M Coaklfag has girt* hia mnaaaca

Mr.Arthnr. (Uproar.) Iamone

r, to reviewi career, and ended with aOr Ua cbjet Mr. Ljnch, the

mittee is aa foUowa:

p e n aVaUbacagaM

is sot eligible ea a ntHnbarof tb« dtctm

Mr. rarks, ot California, then madtai*.portaatothe aapointmant of ddtsatatbtatore oonTmtiona. It directs thai titatte shall be entitled to foor dlarge, with two delegates f h

r t (if } t

foor delrgaKaavr each memtwet

Col irnib ia shall be to n tkadelegstca, and that each ivugnawoiyt shall be entitled to two delegatta.Bfamop, of MataachusettH. (abmittet

:ty report which elicited to maein that he withdrew it, and tbe mv

Mr. Mt-Kinley, ot Ohio, from the ean-mittee on reaohition*, then presented tha i»port and the platform which was adopted.

The platform is as follows:—r -, —.—_—— ., — V ~ V ^ . j^ppMantiintfnBf'_?*i**i** by the jmud>-Qt toDaniel J. I -yton; niinoat, David C Littler,-: offlces hi th* territorfc* >Jwuld Uemadetraa*—*"——. John C. Hew; Iowa, J. B. Clarkma; ' toe boa* one citixna and rasiaenta of ux

Moor*; Maine, J. Mancbpster Uaynea; Mas- ; It is the duty of c W n w to enact suet«achuwUa, K. W. Crapo; Michigan. John O. ; u m as shall promptly and eaeituaUy mpSanbom; Mmneaoto, ; Mt-rtauppi, „«— the myMein of iwJv.-iuuy withia earJohn IL Lynch; Missouri, KoUrt ¥. Tan 'Horn; Nebraska, Church Hoere; Nevada,Thomas Wren; Kew Hampshire, :New Jersey, H. A. Hobart; Sew York, O.D. Lawson; North Caroiina, 1 . W. ~D : Una, I* W. Humphrey; Ohio*-*. L. Conger; Oregon, J. T.Apperson; Faunsylvania, B. IF. Jones; BhoaaS. A. Jenks; South Carolina, J. V. John-son; TeunessBe, ; Texas, C. C. Ptua>ney, Vermont, J. W. Hooker; Virginia, F. aBlair; Wast Virgima, J. W. Maaou; Wbvconaiii, E. D. Sanderson: Arianoa, a

Coffin; Montana, J. H. MilU; Kew Mexico,

H*w VOBJt, June 5.-Geo. Roger A. Pryorhaa written to John W. Bbaw, chairman ofthe colored Democratic committee, wbich in-vited hiui to address a meeting oC coloredDemocrats' hi tfaat city, aa follows:

My Dear » r - I f I be not hindered by

"Per a (Mat portion of it . history tbeDem^c^v^h-.a^d-^yd-L^d


poUuii'^a^m^^i^E. "aTiaqnai and worthy member of the party.

-Vary raapactfally. ate,"Boons A. PBTOK.

«b .gea~a l .«a»~ ha.against John C. Eao for

' C-Tbs jraad jury ofhasfoundanrndictmeat

> for fargsry m tbe aeroui"*"1rJ'l1anai1 Ii11i| 11

. 4/ the book* of the•econd NaUoaal bank and aeveral of the

• who bsTi appeared before the graudl tt Alien re-

al bank andi appeared bt Dtatrlct Att

w r i M H a K a Traa-e4r.ajja*»Crrr, Mo., Jane «.—Thaseana>

Dkg party baadsKovered ths remains of JohnAnnerano, tba aixtt victim of the Flaasouton,

akaft'on the afJasoori aide of" the state Haa.4ndaratai had bean shot in the hand, and tbaebdy thrown Into a pii- IxrUas ar. aoonr-aagtbaoouMry in aasrchol Wamptor, theafsneaad mardarer, and hia captore ia prob-

— oountj bac oBarad aaoo tm hfc

atfeal power o( the su-caUed Murandtbstthelaw m, emu-Uid *hoold" enforcvd by the civil nulhotitkk

_ t, and by tlie pulitary if nee.1 be.people of the L'aitirl Stata, iu than' ' * parity, coqstittte a nation and

confederacy of states. Tbe naamment is supreme within th

ot its notional duty, but Ibe (teWA rights which shookl be faith

atymemnmed; each Bfaould be guardedttb Jealous ears, so that the Winonv *«r eyatem of govarmscnt may be prewrv•d the Union be kept jnvWiA-. I V per-anitv of onr fnaiitntions nsta upon th>

• of a tree balk*, ai. i

«•'* tka li

an effort be made tation* hi tba establ

l l d h h

TUiaed world, and wei an ili to unite ail com-I eatabUskmant of a»

nternatJonal lUmlard which shall Ei for til-ths relative value of gokl and surer coinage.

Tkeragnlatlonof noeuneros with f«««oanthm. aad between tbe states i. out ot ihimoat important prerogative* of tbe grn-ra)govaraanent, aod tbe Bapahltcan party <tt>tnattr asuMMancea Ma pnrpoae to support sf-*lagjahltaOM aa will Duly am) eflin.-iiti> enart the conatttBttonal power o4 congresi enmMT tate oHumero*. The principle vt tbapublic ragulatku of railway corpuraaoui»

-**-) and salutary one for the prutection ofma* of t*. people, and we favor tag*that shell prevent na jurt diM.-rim.tio

* charges for trunnion* tion.»ad_nre to tha people and to tti

raibraj a alike tbe fair and equal proteoti.of the taw*.

We favor the

can birth rakx-a adoptiou.aBd we fa tor tbe astU^u»-inetfcntal diftereuces by internatiouaJ ari>

TbH K-pabtkaa party baring tta birtkhatred or stare labor and a detiremalalls v l Buy be free and, equal, ia IIIMJJIWIMT

wtth any form of asrvue labor,at bums or abroad; In this*"11

of contract 1.!££:


Afl the Candidates Nooii-



grgzE:| P. M. Demarest,

siChoice-GroceriesPM SJU£ JT 1 NIfiAII.



Hillside Ait «ear Breadijj,

RepwUbB* p Tthall topa frtmnitaflRltog alli

with foreign jMtbm. u d which «teU n «the right to «prrt that forriga nrtftse £>D

erstioa. They ai* n m r i t t M f W Tkaa ft* ball flgbt^ dof n«Ma anl Md.

M > a « h U . . M n u « M J l y t a ^ aMB aid-tune atreBftfc u d •flMmey,oa al( . w . account, H-d-w.

•iir»nli«frW» tor tMr aaj« to aitaoat un-known. Th.jar« ao *aia, and • o l . ^ t a . to l .^ta. t

I*) I kananjr a, paraal of aay

M. They do aarra MOleriu i» the city Mora; bM they an t i n . .apoJuffint* -r-n far (Ma, aad Naftatbwr frwoda «f th. rmd old day* wban

the burde-» afcder «Hrii Anwrim

COMPTONS34 West Front Street.

Ice Cream Garden,UraWakKdowa with rtwdi-llUrr-y BUdat DMiud a. taataar lyiw

« . tb. tuw. U. J.L-ua fur a - k i -wWhar oript tt traald baam WiMtntloa of•uU-isty to rtmo« it. BJKI, rwnamhertnc (t*t

2b West front Street. E.C.MULPORD,•uU-isty to rtmo« it. BJKI, rwnamhertncha had oft*, aeon hia. wila pfck faa

A Estate Brokerand

Fire insurance.

BLfY C&MPTON'S!cmipat aAw kaVIB* Juuoad Ebe

nwkliMt U» bad, b. amaa, took op

. w s g t i r the import*,*, of » b ^ ku»ry in the United tftatea, the wriow de-

ich it to DO" exiadthrea**lac'it. fatureref.ire m p M the d n

Office 35 u d 37, Opp. B. B. Station,

Plainfield, H. J.; (or *nut , in order that en*

_ and adequate protection.WaSR&MtfaeCrMidaDd T U » C prac-ticed by ttw Democracy In •ovtaKcn ctato. b.vwhich tfce-wW or to* Tatar la defeated «

oat to, tka - « l . roatUcnjxllaa; the •mo»onw«l

ocratie party aa beinj the (nitty rertfrient oftb» Iroltt of aock fraud and violence. Wt

" In 11m fi pill Hi • • ' f 111 n eoath, r»• of their loriaor party "Wfctlona.

_ ..rdi»l »ympatby, and ptedge to them.dor utrooat eanieat effort* to promote tbt

of what*™-iwYnU and 0 L _ _and cirtvtoe of ail civil and political riajrta.



mi Mr. (i. W. "Brnjamiti, dated Antor,Fk , JUM 4, giving pkrUcnlnnof the n-i-daut which reaulGed to Uketlniwniiig of QonO. B. Babobek, Mr?terl f. Ltickai *wl

?SL_"**fci2_ t fc5Lrr iJ wi™*' ^ J 1 ^ • " ^ ^ *" d 1 * " U K * e i "^•v D * * * »

Is Noted for I Being Krpsri. and

the Largest Variety in

the city.


6 Fine Chocolatesoat ber biubaod, or thu akaeao >

Ttalorti inertia Its-run Co. of P»JIt,Ptaili b a n m Ct., of IMIH.

aTY MILLS,:Somei.<et Street.

Near Front, Plainfield, X.J.


Merchant Millersj'WM~lrudl<ruilD_lfflfaCHOICE

New Process1'astry and


Flour and Indian Meal,Honliny, Oat-meal,

Wheat and Rye Bran.All kinds of Feed for Horses,

Cattle and Poultry.

BALED HAY A XI) STRAW.Q>TB, Oats, Wheat, Buckwh eat, Bar-

" ley, Wheat and Rye Bran. CornMeal, Screenings, Cracked

Cora, Bone Meal, OilCake Mea!, Ground

Oyster Shells,Cracked


Joseph A. Patterson,FTMHI7 $TK££T. PLUHFICLO. ». J.

The Largoi mad BeM Sdccud Stock it


Totem, Pipes ui swkws' ArtteMsIN THE STATE.

TtoTnbSwIM it tkUwest Bites.

Sole Agent (pr the Cjelebrated i

"BLACK PRIJWJ5,"Plum and Watt India Segars.


Garden iod Depot,

35 Front StreetNt*»«rk, N. J. Depot «*,

675 Broad StR£StO£HCE. MO. 69 EAST FITTMS

Office Hours, ; a. m.

ha* not been out ot \ -Dun* you know that the waaUay people 1togota , - - -


M l .«tbotr owtara ar» me* 700%

] doting eM IWUM, who are raajly mU*

day*) Hrr ma»Ja a n aatit to bar. To *M of allhunt up in a wttk.

1 ^-ktoithetr owner, are nice

*«• till ihej ban virtually ' tba tnUipatloa of the weslor t a w each other wiih- I admit Ufatr VeryweJl I

of third partiea, H1I they are B U » O « <™«p»»y. I f t


Fl*.. tocanao the reuiain* of lien. Baanx*

rain or *biD*, <• wcially rain, dreodiad to th.

be will nauTj -ii#r and lock bar up,

BJTMO«. of Kent countyBaltimore city, u d John

Lee Carrolli of HowarJ coontj.

H o n n B u n . v t . . iu» f t -The

*»J company on whi^i no qnoraai rot«i ce

ujriO. Ko flDorum rXot;, • call of tbawas oiderod. On tha roD ceil 310

•ru takaa fofr fete tfeizd time on the bill.

Mr. Lawk, <* PaaaarlTania, oiled op tbaUUtorep-al MNMOB » of tka *M of8. I'm, u>

P. M. Demarest, Somerset Street.

Near Front, Plainfield. XJ. FRENCH BROS. !

Merchant Millers; Choice*

Groceries m sue it i men. | A LARGE TWO *ST()RY


HiUsMe Ant kit Broidnj,


Flour and Indian Meal, Hominy. Oat-ineal.

Wheat and Rve Bran. All kinds erf Feed for Horses. Cattle and Poultry. BALED HAT AND STRAW. Corn, om, Wheat, Buckwheat, Bar- ley. Wheat and Rye Bran. Cora Meal, Screenings, Cracked Cora, Kune Meal, Oil Cake MeaU', round Oyster Shells,

u yavoalTA



COMPTON'S Ice Cream Garden,

16 West Front Street. E. C. MULFORD, Real Estate Broker

and Fire Insurance.

“.T'fet vi ■ Office 36 and 37, Opp. B. B. Station,


HOME-MADE BREAD, Plainfield, N. J


raj Psrara. BUt OOMPTO.\'B\

,zxtFine Chocolates ' 1 L. COMPTON.

rmrm Mdcufc*r. The «jBTflnUoa took » ww mntU 7 o'clock


*-REAL ESTATE,*Fir!**ft I*


N.J.h M » frow M r Mtfrandl

U . i K U » in *Md>lIr dMlHl

Mfcariw of d«l»rt. and to «wx*d by 11» bnath



her,! an. Ua ™t kattOMd Imgalarly. Thenucr- m u erpnwu of tnemil uxl btttar r» PARK HOUSE.

Park A?e. dor. of 8th St.,

(In ey» of » waiHuHD. The idesand '


that you may from the

start have supplied to

Wbom did yoo m«*. BiHyr « k « l oo« 01

(.• ' >l ToM ' • I'd nerar i 1 J ''. '< > ••

m joa'dtmmX* jtmr homo. I H1/ lhariMUka it, l«*t «1» «•**

Uxil fur t u M i * C k « T.IIIIIIJ., Thu»d*y>

•n1 tad iwo > ttaras

M r , -ho brf fallal-Oh, j - . claui A tavorite Summer Resort

* n OIL Eoock you cold. W* 'ad lot,MW «« 'Ml • '•! te»Bdj KB' Mxl* witk

-Afr tltu." bt. awrttowd,i daw o( ta* boa «k'd •« 1 w*'d By a drinkWd EoMd t. a i l Halftill, wUAaaU*.


Price Two Cents:To Regular Subscribers,

"Te.pw-p.w-w.il, w« sot on. Thenwa took tw, buMta Hex** ate H U H emailboMla * l l f f l l «.' mixed 'sea with CARNEY -BROS.,!

t No. 11 Somerart StreetPLAIN* IHD.ANI] PHII .MIK; PHI

I Jl, Mlf, H » a. in.

Timets, Plnmbenanii Gas Fittershrt«S(«T«s,D»»iStOTes,llMl«B.

General News !And all the Latest

Telegraphic News

Sanitary* Plumbing.


Fruits and'Yegetab/es in Season:


Builder,FLA13FIELD, X. J.,

MlM«cc-7t Put In. P. a Mi IN.

. A. B. WARNER. , . ,i-s VEST FRONT BT.. puuOTnaj). UK W6ESTIM

Fancy Good* Hosiery, etc. IEUEIESIE1DMHE

JOE HOFF'S MALT EXTRACTittfBitb, HCuts Bid. ° ~ " * " " " ""*" " * * " "


N U Y J . . Ofltce,.No. 45 West front Street

rtf 1 will alw lake Fun»i!ure iq cidiank-r for

ra Clinton St., NewiSULJ-

I « d raW^v <™ i i>. - . . w 8 B. - . ; Mo-dav'.1 ijnMJaBa aoa Sainfoin, fmm j a- m. ,09p . iLSwat*, ifar w m n o l n i n i i ( n y > . B..K> u •>.

| _ I.ADIKV p*VS; T»«*j™, WtdMi*taT». «nJo Omu;

*JtBAL ESTATE,- S. Ftr S* ar

T* Lit pumnaD,

*. j. >

»►• »i l> -'••• ' MixiATi'xr AuiOrAe »„« roj>»r.


PARK HOUSE name address

may from ihe •e supplied to Park AYe. Cof. ofSth St.,

Plainfield, N. J.

A Favorite Summer Resort.



rt-Aiio i iu) jIKD mn.ADEi.r4iJ

./rrHstS n&v'r-' AU the Lota! News /

A u llu Central News Aud all the Latest Telegraph it News

Sanitary Plumbing.

1. S. MELBOURNE. Mason and Builder

JWS. A. B. WARNER. i-» Vnrr frost bt.. plainfikld. Pane; Goods, Hosiery, etc.

Eogene A. Lalue, |HE HAIR CUTTER,' K<t front Street, Plainfioid.

JOB. HOFF’S MALT EXTRACT Cm, to. k, tmUm, w «* */»<—

r£tm, SHAW,

top related