educational web site jean-marie blondeau (teacher-researcher) bernard bonnel (teacher-researcher)...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Educational Web SiteJean-Marie Blondeau (teacher-researcher)

Bernard Bonnel (teacher-researcher)

Bernard Mikolajczyk (project coordinator, editor, director)

Gérard Destrun (technician)


Educational and Multimedia Service(SEMM)

Lille1 University

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

This resource was created to whet the curiosity of young people about science and to increase the attractivity for the university scientific studies.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

It includes 200 commented and validated scientific experiments designed to enjoy science and teach otherwise.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

It is a comprehensive site linking:•200 video clips from one to two minutes each (a total of 5 hours of viewing) (for some improved by a synchronized quiz)•200 sheets associated text, written in the editorial chain Scenari

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

Each clip presents an “hands on experiment" which is a short, easy to perform, experiment requiring only, for most of the objects and materials used in the experiment, those which can be found everywhere or readily available.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

Each entry includes:•a list of keywords;•the objectives of the experiment;•an illustration to understand immediately the subject involved;•the list of devices and equipment required or recommended to perform the experiment;

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

• the description of the installation and performance of the experiment;

• the explaination of the physical concepts involved in the experiment;

• some remarks: teaching tips and methods, historical remarks and / or additional information;

• references (webography, bibliography)

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

This collection of “Hands on experiments" has its natural place in addition to lectures to reintroduce an experimental aspect of science education and increase its attractiveness.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

The site is aimed for students of university (L1 and L2) and school-university transition to complement conventional experimental physics courses.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

The site can also be a tool for remediation to the disaffection of young people for science: younger students can observe and find fun and attractive these experiments even if there understanding with theoretical elements are still missing.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

The site "" covers the following areas of general physics:

• Acoustic• Heat• Electricity• Magnetism• Gaz mecanics• Liquid mecanics• Solid mecanics• Optics• Various

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

Practice “Hands on experiments" are multiple since the interpretation of clips can be adapted by each teacher to the viewing public.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

A few usage examples:•Tutored exercices based on the clips for the students in the university•Illustration courses by teachers of the university, and terminal CPGEs high school classes wishing to increase the attractiveness of their education.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

In self reading:•by students in college and high school students in school-university transition curious to repeat the experiment in addition to their academic courses•by any user who wishes to understand some phenomena they encounter in everyday life

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

It is also a valuable tool for the South countries including universities starved of experimental material and so they can discover complex physical phenomena with material found daily.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

• The site (Wordpress) also aims to create a community of users who may suggest to the authors of the site to carry out experiments to complement the existing bank clips.

• They can also leave comments and open discussion forums around the manipulation and how they are interpreted.

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

La quille inébranlable *

Faire flotter des bulles de savon *

Les verres qui chantent *

Réaliser un ludion *

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013

Le plus simple des moteurs électriques *

Faire un potentiomètre avec une mine de crayon

Actionner un moulin grâce à de la chaleur

Faire osciller le filament d’une lampe

Un détecteur de champ magnétique

Media & Learning Conference 2013 Brussels 12 and 13 December 2013


(12000 visitors since August 2013 it’s online)

The video clips are also visible on Unisciel Youtube channel

(already 4 million visitors since the end of 2011 it’s online)

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