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pages 6-7 Reading spectacle //spektəkəl/ The street performance was a magnificent spectacle.

pages 6-7 Reading alternative /ɔɔlltttnətiv/ He wants to live an alternative lifestyle.

pages 6-7 Reading roll up //rəυl p/ Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the amazing bearded lady!

pages 6-7 Reading step right up //step rait p/ Step right up and see the greatest show on earth!

pages 6-7 Reading thrill /θril/ We were all thrilled by the world’s greatest magician.

pages 6-7 Reading hoofprint //huufprint/ After the race, hoofprints covered the field.

pages 6-7 Reading beast /biist/ There are many wild beasts in this forest.

pages 6-7 Reading pack /ppk/ We saw a pack of wolves as we were driving through the mountains.

pages 6-7 Reading awestruck //ɔɔstrrk/ She was awestruck by the magnificence of the jewels.

pages 6-7 Reading multiple //mmltipəl/ Jonathan was rushed to the hospital with multiple injuries after the accident.

pages 6-7 Reading trapeze /trəəpiiz/ The acrobat flew through the air on the trapeze without a safety net.

pages 6-7 Reading juggler //ddddlə/ We were impressed by the way the juggler managed to keep six balls in the air at the same time.

pages 6-7 Reading tamer //teimə/ The lion tamer managed to put his head inside the animal’s mouth.

pages 6-7 Reading wrestle //resəl/ The children were wrestling with each other in the playground.

pages 6-7 Reading gasp //ɑɑsp/ He gasped as the performer caught the flaming sword.

pages 6-7 Reading tightrope //tait-rəυp/ We watched in amazement as he walked across the tightrope, 50 feet up in the air.

pages 6-7 Reading stride /straid/ He strode confidently across the stage and began to sing.

pages 6-7 Reading haunting //hɔɔntiŋ/ They were moved by the haunting melody the orchestra played.

pages 6-7 Reading compelling /kəmmpeliŋ/ a compelling personality.

pages 6-7 Reading contortionist /kənntɔɔʃənist/ We couldn’t believe the number of positions the contortionist could get into.

pages 6-7 Reading penchant [French] //pɒnʃɒn, pentʃənt/ Mike has a penchant for strange and dangerous weapons.

pages 6-7 Reading twirl [sth around] /twwwl/ He twirled the stick around in his hand.

pages 6-7 Reading batch /bbtʃ/ She had a whole batch of costumes to make for the show.

pages 6-7 Reading hoop /huup/ The tigers had to leap through flaming hoops.

pages 6-7 Reading jaw-dropping //ddɔɔ drɒpiŋ/ They couldn't believe the jaw-dropping performance the acrobats gave.

Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

pages 6-7 Reading expertise //ekspppptiiz/ We have a number of trainee engineers with varying degrees of computer expertise.

pages 6-7 Reading aerialist //eəriəlist/ We watched the aerialist fly through the air like a bird.

pages 6-7 Reading cube /kjuub/ Cut the meat into small cubes.

pages 6-7 Reading midair //middeə/ The performers collided in midair.

pages 6-7 Reading whizzing //wiziŋ/ The whizzing fireworks shot through the night sky.

pages 6-7 Reading flip /flip/ She did three backward flips before landing on her feet.

pages 6-7 Reading at the heart of sth /ət рə hɑɑt əv ssmθiŋ/ At the heart of the issue is the question of whether genetic engineering will affect our natural evolution.

pages 6-7 Reading desire /diizaiə/ Andy has a great desire to see the world.

pages 6-7 Reading refined /riifaind/ We think the refined technique works much better than the old one.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading wailing //weiliŋ/ There was a high, wailing sound that sounded just like a woman crying.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading elaborate /iillbərət/ She wore an elaborate dress consisting of thousands of beads and buttons.

pages 6-7 Reading mesh /meʃ/ The traditional instruments of the country meshed with the modern influences of western rock.

pages 6-7 Reading spellbinding //spelbaindiŋ/ We listened without interrupting as the traveller told us his spellbinding tale.

pages 6-7 Reading charm /tʃɑɑm/ Peter still has a certain boyish charm.

pages 6-7 Reading troupe /truup/ the troupe of acrobats performed very well.

pages 6-7 Reading capture (sb’s imagination/attention) //kkptʃə/ His stories of travelling through the jungle captured my imagination.

pages 6-7 Reading pomp /pɒmp/ There was all the usual pomp that one would expect to find at a royal wedding.

pages 6-7 Reading lone /ləυn/ There was a lone figure standing outside the theatre.

pages 6-7 Reading swoop /swuup/ The eagle swooped and seized the unfortunate mouse.

pages 6-7 Reading facial //feiʃəl/ There was slight facial resemblance between the two men.

pages 6-7 Reading bead /biid/ Beads of sweat stood out on his brow as he tried to perform the difficult task.

pages 6-7 Reading tense up //tens p/ She told him to relax, and not to tense up so much.

pages 6-7 Reading intellect //intəlekt/ The proposal had intellect but it wasn’t very well presented.

pages 6-7 Reading choreography //kɒriiɒɒrəfi/ The choreography of the dances was spectacular!

pages 6-7 Reading founder //faυndə/ The founder of this school was a man who believed education should be available to everyone.

pages 6-7 Reading dropout / Nobody wanted to give him a job because he was a high-school dropout.

pages 6-7 Reading itinerant There are a lot of itinerant labourers looking for work at this time of year.

pages 6-7 Reading stilt /stilt/ A man dressed as a clown crossed the ring on stilts and stood

towering above us.

pages 6-7 Reading hone / He set about honing his skills as an athlete.

es 6-7 Reading congregate / Crowds of fans began to congregate to see the lead singer leave the building.

pages 6-7 Reading come up with / Nobody could come up with a better solution, so we continued with the plan.

pages 6-7 Reading procedure / What’s the procedure for getting a new passport?

pages 6-7 Reading tackle / It took twelve hours to tackle the problem and find a solution.

pages 6-7 Reading contradict / The witnesses’ statements contradicted each other so the police knew one of them was lying.

pages 6-7 Reading partially / He was only partially to blame for the fact that the company lost all its money.

pages 6-7 Reading irrelevant / What she said at the meeting was completely irrelevant to the real issue.

pages 6-7 Reading infer /innfff/ When he said that she should go on a diet, she inferred that he thought she was overweight.

pages 6-7 Reading humanely / Circus man agers have been asked to consider treating animals more humanely.

pages 6-7 Reading spin /spin/ The basketball player could spin the ball on one of his fingers.

pages 6-7 Reading blindfolded / The blindfolded prisoner was led out into the courtyard.

pages 6-7 Reading manipulate / She manipulated her body through the small space.

pages 6-7 Reading impact / Warnings about the dangers of taking drugs are not having enough impact on this age group.

pages 6-7 Reading proximity / The proximity to the school was a distinct advantage.

pages 6-7 Reading essence / He tried to capture the essence of the French Riviera in his new painting.

pages 6-7 Reading scope / Is there much scope for initiative in this line of work?

pages 6-7 Reading creativity / She made full use of her natural creativity to produce the play.

pages 6-7 Reading initially / Initially he thought it was a good idea, but later he changed his mind.

pages 6-7 Reading colony / She decided to run away and join a colony of ecologists.

pages 6-7 Reading unreservedly / The company apologised unreservedly for its mistake.

pages 6-7 Reading neutral / I always tried to remain neutral when they started arguing.

page 8 Vocabulary deduce / I deduced that she had been somewhere hot, because she had a dark tan.

page 8 Vocabulary justify / I tried to justify the reason for my lateness.

page 8 Vocabulary extract / I only read a short extract from the novel, but I thought it seemed very good.

pages 8-9 Grammar plus reverse / They reversed the order in which the characters appeared on stage, so the minor characters came on first.

pages 8-9 Grammar plus omit / Please don’t omit any of the details I gave you, even if you think they are not important.

pages 8-9 Grammar plus serviette / She wiped her mouth delicately on the serviette and then left the table.

Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

page 10 Vocabulary agility / She has the natural agility of a gazelle when she dances.

page 10 Vocabulary flexibility This type of wood is in great demand due to its unusual flexibility.

page 10 Vocabulary dexterity She embroidered the jacket with speed and dexterity.

page 10 Vocabulary donate / Last year he donated н500 to the Save the Children Fund.

page 10 Vocabulary landmine Princess Diana raised public awareness about the plight of landmine victims.

page 10 Vocabulary outrage The injustice of the situation filled him with a sense of outrage.

page 10 Vocabulary apparent / Her anxiety is becoming more and more apparent.

page 10 Vocabulary approach /əəprəυtʃ/ They have a different approach to the lessons.

pages 10-11 Exam focus line up //lain p/ Sally's lined up some excellent games for the party tonight.

pages 10-11 Exam focus startling //stɑɑtliŋ/ The film had a startling effect on the children.

pages 10-11 Exam focus region //riiddən/ This region is well-known for its wonderful apples.

pages 10-11 Exam focus linen //linən/ She wore a white linen jacket at the party.

pages 10-11 Exam focus cattle //kktl/ We saw many herds of cattle when we went to the country.

pages 10-11 Exam focus poultry / Many people protest about the conditions in large-scale poultry farms.

pages 10-11 Exam focus a sporting chance / Sam has a sporting chance of getting in the basketball team this year.

pages 10-11 Exam focus passionate / Michael is a passionate supporter of many animal rights groups.

pages 10-11 Exam focus shroud / There has been a lot of controversy about the shroud archaeologists have recently discovered.

page 12 Listening purge / They tried to purge this town of all the ethnic minorities during the war.

page 12 Listening pile /pail/ We put the magazines in piles on the floor.

page 12 Listening intrigued /inntriiid/ I was intrigued by his idea to write a spy novel.

page 12 Listening sceptical //skeptikəl/ Many people remain sceptical about the safety of nuclear power.

page 12 Listening vile /vail/ I can’t eat that; it tastes vile.

page 12 Listening notion //nəυʃən/ Some people have very misguided notions about the role of women in society.

pages 14-15 Writing compulsory /kəmmpplsəri/ In Britain, education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16.

pages 14-15 Writing extravaganza /ikkstrrvəəəənzə/ The festival was the most exciting extravaganza I have ever witnessed.

pages 14-15 Writing array /əərei/ The museum has a vast array of traditional costumes and head-dresses.

pages 14-15 Writing continent //kɒntənənt/ Have you ever visited the African continent?

pages 14-15 Writing pillar //pilə/ Huge pillars support the cathedral roof.

pages 14-15 Writing marquee /mɑɑɑkii/ The wedding reception is going to be held in a marquee in their garden.

pages 14-15 Writing interval //intəvəl/ We can get some drinks in the interval.

pages 14-15 Writing muddy //mmdi/ Take your boots off outside if they’re muddy.

pages 14-15 Writing appallingly /əəpɔɔliŋli/ I couldn’t believe how appallingly she sang.

pages 14-15 Writing refund //riiffnd/ I told them I wanted a refund of my travel costs.

page 16 Speaking fable //feibəl/ Most people are familiar with Aesop’s fables.

page 16 Speaking weaver //wivə/ This blanket was made by hand by a weaver in India.

page 16 Speaking loom /luum/ She let me have a go on her loom, but I found it very difficult to weave the threads.

page 16 Speaking procession We watched the funeral procession from the hill.

page 16 Speaking incorporate They’ve incorporated many new features into the design of the car.

page 17 Review draught Shut the window - there’s a draught in here!

page 17 Review overall My overall impression of his work is that he needs to make more of an effort.

page 17 Review alternate workers opted for job security over pay increases.

page 17 Review itch /itʃ/ I had an itch in the middle of my back where I couldn’t scratch it.

page 17 Review flea /flii/ I’ll have to spray my dog - I think he’s got fleas.

page 17 Review resuscitate /riisssiteit/ She tried to resuscitate him after they pulled him out of the water, but she couldn’t.

page 17 Review conceptual /kənnseptʃuəl/ the proposal was only conceptual but they were willing to consider it.

page 17 Review painstakingly //peinzzteikiŋli/ They painstakingly went through every single piece of paper in his office.

page 17 Review furry //fffri/ They had just bought some furry little kittens.

page 17 Review carbon dioxide //kɑɑbən daiiɒksaid/ The increased amounts of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere are leading to global warming.

page 17 Review emit /iimit/ The car exhaust emitted clouds of black smoke.

page 17 Review motivator //məυtiveitə/ She offered them chocolate as a motivator so they would help her clean the house.

page 17 Review manipulate /məənipjυleit/ I don’t like the way he is always trying to manipulate people to do what he wants.

page 17 Review ultrathin She threaded an ultrathin piece of string through the needle.

page 17 Review leash All dogs must be kept on a leash in this park.

page 17 Review loop / She looped the rope around the horse’s head and then led it into the field.

page 17 Review tug / He gave the rope a sharp tug and everyone fell over.

page 17 Review frustration / It was sheer frustration that made me cry because there was nothing I could do to help.

page 17 Review magnify / The photo shows a fly’s head, magnified 40 times. – Seite 6 von 65 –

page 17 Review goggles əlz/ They told him he would have to wear goggles if he wanted to try the machinery.

page 17 Review cape / Zorro always wore a black cape and a black hat.

page 17 Review brandish A man leapt out of the shadows brandishing a sharp knife.

page 17 Review whip /wip/ They used a whip to make the horse run faster.

page 17 Review conduct /kənnddkt/ The orchestra were conducted by John Williams.

page 17 Review locomotive //ləυkəəməυtiv/ We went to the History of Transport museum and saw the first ever steam locomotives.

page 17 Review harness //hɑɑnəs/ She put the harness and saddle carefully on the horse.

page 17 Review wobble //wɒbəl/ The pile of bricks wobbled and fell.

page 17 Review hind legs //haind leez/ They made the elephant stand up on its hind legs and everyone clapped.

page 17 Review gear up for ///iər p fə, fɔɔ/ She geared herself up for her entrance onto the stage.

page 17 Review highdive //haidaiv/ Everyone held their breaths while the acrobat prepared for his highdive from the top of the tent.

page 17 Review drumroll //drrmrəυl/ There was a drumroll and then the magician disappeared.

page 17 Review alas /əəlls/ There is, alas, no easy way to get what you want.

page 17 Review plunge /pllndd/ Susan felt refreshed after a quick plunge into the sea.

page 17 Review thimble //θimbəl/ She wasn’t wearing a thimble, so she pricked her finger.


Unit 2 page 18 Listening integrate //intiireit/ After emigrating to America, they tried to integrate into the new society.

Unit 2 page 18 Listening overcome //əυvəəkkm/ They overcame the enemy after a long and exhausting battle.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary grin //rin/ He felt so pleased with himself he couldn't stop grinning.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary wicked //wikid/ Joe had a wicked grin on his face as he put the spider in his sister's bed.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary intuitively /inntjuuətivli/ She seemed to know intuitively how I felt without my having to tell her.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary irresponsibly //irəəspɒnsəbli/ He behaved irresponsibly when he left the children on their own in the pool.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary attentively /əətentivli/ The professor was pleased her audience was listening so attentively to

her lecture.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary bitterly //bitəli/ The boys complained bitterly about all the work they had to do.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary imperceptibly //impəəseptəbli/ Her expression changed almost imperceptibly when I told her the news.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary abominably /əəbɒminəbli/ Cathy behaved abominably at her brother’s engagement party.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary intimately //intəmətli/ She knew all the facts of the case intimately.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary elegantly //eləəəntli/ Marguerite spoke very elegantly when I was introduced to her.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary illustrate //iləstreit/ He decided to tell a story to illustrate the point. – Seite 7 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary commuter /kəəmjuutə/ The underground was full of commuters going home for the weekend.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading sweep (one’s eye) /swiip/ Mike swept his eye across the ocean but couldn’t see any sign of land.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading flowing //fləυiŋ/ The girl had long flowing black hair.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading skip /skip/ I decided to skip the introduction and went straight to chapter one.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading eliminate /iiliməneit/ Police have eliminated three possible suspects in the case so far.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading disembodied //disəmmbɒdid/ They say the house is haunted by disembodied spirits.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading preceding /priisiidiŋ/ We managed to get more work done this week than in the whole of

the preceding month.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading extinguish /ikkstiŋŋwiʃ/ Please extinguish all cigarettes before you enter the room.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading undesirable ///ndiizaiərəbəl/ The incident could have undesirable consequences for the company if

the press find out about it.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading ghoulish ///uuliʃ/ What’s that strange ghoulish sound?

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading originate /əəriddəneit/ This custom originated in China in the 4th century BC.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading currant //kkrənt/ My mum makes delicious currant buns.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading on behalf of /ɒn biihɑɑf əv, ɒv/ On behalf of everyone here, may I wish you a very happy retirement.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading donor //dəυnə/ Funding for the hospital has come mostly from private donors.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading commemorate /kəəmeməreit/ There is going to be a big parade to commemorate the town’s bicentenary.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading declaration //dekləəreiʃən/ There has been a declaration of war against the hostile government.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading unrest //nnrest/ The country was in a state of unrest and riots were taking place in

many towns and cities.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading consequently //kɒnsikwəntli/ He talked until the early hours, and consequently he overslept.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading troops /truups/ Armed troops were sent in to stop the riots.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading rebellion /riibeljən/ There was an armed rebellion against the military regime.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading advance /əddvɑɑns/ Troops advanced on the rebel stronghold.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading committee /kəəmiti/ He’s on the advertising committee for the company’s new product range.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading ban /bbn/ Smoking is banned in the office.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading righteousness //raitʃəsnəs/ She believes in justice and righteousness for all beings on the planet.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading row /rəυ/ The children were asked to stand in a row.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading fortnight //fɔɔtnait/ I’m going to France for a fortnight in April.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading exile //eksail, eezail/ He was forced to live in exile for fifteen years after the revolution.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading twinkling //twiŋkliŋ/ We could see millions of twinkling stars from the top of the mountain.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading numerous //njuumərəs/ Numerous attempts have been made to steal the painting. – Seite 8 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading auspiciousness /ɔɔɔspiʃəsnəs/ Everyone felt the auspiciousness of the moment, when the new King

was crowned.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading prosperity /prɒɒsperəti/ We lived in a time where there was continual peace and prosperity

for everyone.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading white-washing //waittwɒʃiŋ/ The white-washing of houses in an annual event in these islands.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading peak /piik/ Most athletes have reached their peak by the time they’re 20.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading protest /prəətest/ They were protesting about the conditions of the prisoners.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading corrupt /kəərrpt/ Corrupt politicians have been misusing their influence in the government.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading poverty //pɒvəti/ Thousands of children live in absolute poverty.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading vary //veəri/ This dress varies from that one because it has no straps.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading conspirator /kənnspirətə/ The conspirators planned to overthrow the government.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading plotter //plɒtə/ The plotters met in secret in an abandoned warehouse.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading torture //tɔɔtʃə/ Political opponents of the regime were tortured by their captors.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading execute //eksikjuut/ He was executed for treason during the war.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading gunpowder ////nnpaυdə/ Police found barrels of gunpowder on the ship.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading bonfire //bɒnfaiə/ We lit a huge bonfire at the back of the garden.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading effigy //efəddi/ They carried a straw effigy of the president through the streets during

the protest march.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading contend /kənntend/ Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than

previously believed.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading outlaw //aυtlɔɔ/ The sale of alcohol has been completely outlawed in some countries.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading oppose /əəpəυz/ The organisation oppose the use of animals in the research.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading decree /diikrii/ The king issued a decree that all political prisoners were to be released.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading confinement /kənnfainmənt/ They were held in confinement for three weeks by guerrilla forces.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading allege /əəledd/ It was alleged that the policemen had accepted bribes.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading murky //mmmki/ He plunged into the murky waters of the river.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading appeal /əəpiil/ Michelle’s appeal is that she is generous and friendly to everyone.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading skim /skim/ She skimmed the sports page to find out who had won the tennis final.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading authority /ɔɔɔθɒrəti/ I would like to speak with whomever is in authority please.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading military //milətəri/ They objected to the use of military power in controlling the protest.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading intercept //intəəsept/ They were able to intercept the smugglers as they landed on the coast.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary custom //kkstəm/ They have many unusual customs in this country.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary commiserate /kəəmizəreit/ Michael commiserated with me when I failed my entrance exams. – Seite 9 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary honour //ɒnə/ They honoured us by throwing flowers all over us when we arrived

on their island.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary premonition //preməəniʃən/ Paul had a strange premonition that Mary was going to have an accident.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary inflame /innfleim/ Seeing the ruins of the town inflamed all his old anger.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary douse /daυs/ They doused the fire very thoroughly before packing away their

camping equipment.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary smother //smmрə/ We didn’t have any water, so we smothered the fire with mud and earth.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary terminate //tttmineit/ They terminated his contract as soon as they found out who he really was.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary initiate /iiniʃieit/ The Johnsons initiated court proceedings to recover their debts.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary conceive /kənnsiiv/ The scientist first conceived the idea years before they actually developed it.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary soothe /suuр/ She usually manages to soothe the baby by carrying him around on her


Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary startle //stɑɑtl/ You startled me by walking in like that. Why didn’t you knock first?

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary alarm /əəlɑɑm/ Her high temperature alarmed the doctors so they acted immediately.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary insurrection //insəərekʃən/ There was an armed insurrection against the party in power.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary mutiny //mjuutəni/ The captain accused the crew of mutiny when they said they wanted to

head back for land.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary assembly /əəsembli/ The new assembly voted to keep all the present employees of the city council.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary sanction //ssŋkʃən/ The church refused to sanction the king’s request for a divorce, so he

made his own laws.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary prohibit /prəəhibit/ Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary pass down //pɑɑs daυn/ Their knowledge is passed down from one generation to the next in

stories and rhymes.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary ration //rrʃən/ We had small rations of sugar and eggs during the war that had to feed

a family for weeks.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary dove /ddv/ They have a white dove as their emblem.

Unit 2 page 22 Speaking react /riiikt/ How did Mary react when you told her you were thinking of moving

to the USA?

Unit 2 page 22 Speaking contribution //kɒntriibjuuʃən/ She made no contribution whatsoever in the preparations for the party.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus container /kənnteinə/ Ice cream comes in plastic containers.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus inanimate /innnnəmət/ A rock is an inanimate object.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus mineral //minərəl/ This area is rich in important minerals.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus minor //mainə/ He's going to have a minor operation on his leg.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus charity //tʃʃrəti/ All the money raised by the concert will go to charity.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus mayor /meə/ This year the new sports stadium will be opened by the mayor.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use almond //ɑɑmənd/ This area is famous for its almonds, which they use in many local dishes. – Seite 10 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use fertility /fffftiləti/ The decrease in birth rates is connected to lower fertility in many

western couples.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use grain //rein/ They made me a drink made of their harvested grain.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use substitute //ssbstitjuut/ They didn't have any sugar so they used an artificial substitute.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use scattering //skktəriŋ/ There was a scattering of snow over the fields when I went out this morning.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use fruitful //fruutfəl/ My business was very fruitful and soon I was able to open another shop.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use raisin //reizən/ She told me she didn't like raisins, so I didn't put any in the cake.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use fig /fii/ There are many fig trees in Greece, and their fruit is delicious.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use date /deit/ It's traditional to eat dates at Christmas time.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use talisman //ttlismən/ She gave me a strange stone pendant, which she told me was a talisman to

ward off evil spirits.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use veil /veil/ They are not supposed to remove the veil and only their husbands are

allowed to see their faces.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use wary //weəri/ He was told to be wary of anyone he didn't know.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use in limbo /in limbəυ/ I'm in limbo now until I know whether I've got the job.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use sedan chair /siiddn tʃeə/ The King was carried into the town on a sedan chair, surrounded

by his cavalry.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use seal /siil/ The windows in that old house have been sealed for years.

Unit 2 pages 24-25 Listening insecure //insiikjυə/ When I first went to university I felt very shy and insecure, but I made friends

very quickly.

Unit 2 pages 24-25 Listening decent //diisənt/ Haven’t you even got a decent pair of trousers to wear to the party?

Unit 2 pages 24-25 Listening overwhelming //əυvəəwelmiŋ/ The sheer size of the university campus will seem overwhelming and

confusing at first.

Unit 2 pages 24-25 Listening misinterpret //misinntttprət/ She misinterpreted my offer of help and told me not to interfere.

Unit 2 page 26 Grammar check election /iilekʃən/ Who do you think is going to win this year’s general election?

Unit 2 page 26 Grammar check flatmate //flltmeit/ Margaret is looking for a new flatmate if you need somewhere to live.

Unit 2 page 26 Grammar check take part (in) /teik pɑɑt/ She was invited to take part in a TV debate.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing sensitive //sensətiv/ Sorry I didn’t realise it was such a sensitive subject.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing issue //iʃuu, isjuu/ Don’t mention his nose as it’s rather a sensitive issue with him.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing offend /əəfend/ Richard was deeply offended that people thought he’d made up the story.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing gesture //ddestʃə/ He made a strange gesture with his hand which I think meant ‘come with me’.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing inclusion /innkluuuən/ His inclusion on the committee has caused a lot of controversy.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing put (sb) off //pυt ɒf/ The job sounded interesting but the idea of moving house again put me off.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing illogical /iilɒddikəl/ Going out in this weather without an umbrella was a completely illogical

thing to do. – Seite 11 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus punctuation //ppŋktʃuueiʃən/ My teacher told me I had too many mistakes in my punctuation.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus ceremonial //serəəməυniəl/ The Mayor’s ceremonial duties include raising the national flag.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus regard /riiiɑɑd/ She was regarded as an eccentric by most of the townsfolk.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus warrior //wɒriə/ They say he was a noble warrior who died for his king and country.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus misfortune /missfɔɔtʃən/ I had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus apply /əəplai/ The box says apply the cream evenly all over the skin.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus mourn /mɔɔn/ She still mourns her son's death.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus industry //indəstri/ Italy has a thriving tourist industry.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus vast /vɑɑst/ Vast areas of rainforest are being felled every year to make way for cattle


Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus campaign /kkmpein/ The campaign for equal rights has had a totally unexpected response from

the management.

Unit 2 page 29 Review tune /tjuun/ The radio was tuned to a classical station.

Unit 2 page 29 Review antiquated ///ntikweitid/ They still have very antiquated laws in that country.

Unit 2 page 29 Review obsequious /əbbsiikwiəs/ The salesman’s obsequious manner was beginning to irritate me.

Unit 2 page 29 Review conductor /kənnddktə/ The conductor checked my ticket and then told me I was on the wrong bus.

Unit 2 page 29 Review attendant /əətendənt/ The car-park attendant offered to park my car for me.

Unit 2 page 29 Review steward //stjuuəd/ The steward asked me if I would like some more wine with my food.

Unit 2 page 29 Review inflexible /innfleksəbəl/ He is an arrogant man with an inflexible will.

Unit 2 page 29 Review quarrel //kwɒrəl/ They had a silly quarrel about who should drive the car.

Unit 2 page 29 Review modestly //mɒdəstli/ He spoke very modestly about his role in the Everest expedition.

Unit 2 page 29 Review purchaser //ppptʃəsə/ The company agrees to supply the purchaser with a receipt upon payment.

Unit 2 page 29 Review mature /məətʃυə/ She’s very mature for her age.

Unit 2 page 29 Review elderly //eldəli/ She was an elderly lady with white hair the last time I remember seeing her.

Unit 2 page 29 Review outdated //aυttdeitid/ Their teaching methods are incredibly outdated in that school.

Unit 2 page 29 Review vintage //vintidd/ They have got some vintage cars in that museum.

Unit 2 page 29 Review inquire /innkwaiə/ I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in The Times.

Unit 2 page 29 Review query //kwiəri/ If I were you I’d query whether these figures are reliable.

Unit 2 page 29 Review probe /prəυb/ I don’t like the way they are probing into my personal affairs.

Unit 2 page 29 Review motion //məυʃən/ The police officer motioned for me to pull over at the side of the road.

Unit 2 page 29 Review shift /ʃift/ She shifted her gaze from me to Bobby with a look of suspicion. – Seite 12 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 2 page 29 Review offensive /əəfensiv/ I found her remarks deeply offensive.

Unit 2 page 29 Review harrowing //hhrəυiŋ/ He had such harrowing experiences during the war, that he had nightmares

for years.

Unit 2 page 29 Review descend /diisend/ The plane started to descend and we knew we would soon be going to land.

Unit 2 page 29 Review bluntly //bllntli/ ‘You’ve drunk too much,’ she said bluntly.

Unit 2 page 29 Review frankly //frrŋkli/ I don’t think they expected me to state my views so frankly.

Unit 2 page 29 Review fulfilled /fυllfild/ I'm sure I'd feel more fulfilled if I had a job that involved working

caring for people.

Unit 2 page 29 Review nest /nest/ The birds have built their nest outside our bedroom window.

Unit 2 page 29 Review hedge /hedd/ The farmhouse is just across that field on the other side of the hedge.


Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening root /ruut/ Some people believe that money is the root of all evil.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening approximately /əəprɒksəmətli/ I had approximately twenty minutes to get to the airport.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening specific /spəəsifik/ Do you have a specific colour in mind?

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening gist /ddist/ The gist of his letter was that he had met someone else.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening attitude ///titjuud/ Pete's attitude towards women really scares me.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening graveyard ///reivjɑɑd/ There is always a great sense of peace in a graveyard.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening reveal /riiviil/ The murderer finally revealed where he had hidden the body.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening obsess /əbbses/ You've always been obsessed with making money.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening owl /aυl/ I saw an owl that had just caught a mouse last night.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary get carried away //et kkrid əəwei/ Sorry I shouted - I get a little carried away at times!

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry weight //kkri weit/ Her views carry a lot of weight with the committee.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary venture //ventʃə/ It was quite a risky venture but we decided to go for it.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry sth off //kkri ssmθiŋ ɒf/ It's a demanding task, but I'm sure she'll be able to carry it off.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry sb through //kkri ssmbədi θruu/ Her confidence carried her through while she negotiated the deal on

her own.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry //kkri/ The motion to ban the sale of guns was carried by 76 votes.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary motion //məυʃən/ I'd like to propose a motion to move the weekly meetings to Thursdays.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry (sth) too far //kkri tuu fɑɑ/ Don't you think you're carrying the joke a bit too far? It's not funny any more.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry //kkri/ The sounds of laughter carried as far as the lake.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry out //kkri aυt/ We carried out her instructions to the letter.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary put into practice //pυt intə prrktis/ James was keen to put some of the things he had learned into practice. – Seite 13 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary bill /bil/ The government has said it will introduce a new bill to ban fox-hunting.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary opposition //ɒpəəziʃən/ There was a great deal of opposition to the new law.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading come into /kkm intə, intυ/ When his father died he came into a fortune.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading tremendously /trəəmendəsli/ There was a tremendously loud noise when the car exploded.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading fraught /frɔɔt/ After he was made redundant, their relationship was fraught with difficulties.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading contemporary /kənntempərəri, -pəri/ Reynolds was much admired by his contemporaries at the Royal Academy.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading strike a deal //straik ə diil/ We struck a deal and agreed not to reveal where we had got our

information from.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading mobile //məυbail/ This television is mobile, so you can take it with you.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading clinch a deal //klintʃ ə diil/ He will make a lot of money if he finally manages to clinch that deal.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading tutor //tjuutə/ My tutor is going to review my essay with me.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading apprenticeship /əəprentisʃip/ He's serving an apprenticeship as a printer.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading conventional /kənnvenʃənəl/ They had a very conventional upbringing in a small Welsh village.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading give sb the edge ///iv ssmbədi рi edd/ Going to an English school has given John the edge over the other students.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading level-headed //levəl hedid/ Simon is a very level-headed young boy, so I don't worry about him at all.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading keep (one's) cool //kiip wwnz kuul/ When that dog started growling at him, he just kept his cool and

walked away.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading estate /iisteit/ She's just inherited a large estate in Yorkshire.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading manor (house) //mmnə (haυs)/ The manor house has recently been opened to the public.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading priceless //praisləs/ She showed me a priceless diamond necklace that her grand mother had

given her.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading inherit /innherit/ She inherited the house and the business when her father died.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading bachelor //bbtʃələ/ They are thinking of having a bachelor party on the night before his wedding.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading survey /səəvei/ He leaned back in his chair and surveyed his work critically for a moment.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading domain /dəəmein/ He walked proudly around his new domain.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading rave /reiv/ She went to another rave last night and didn't come back until dawn.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading out of the question //aυt əv рə kwestʃən/ You can't go to the wedding in that old shirt - it's quite out of the question.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading oak-panelled //əυk ppnəld/ The study has beautiful oak-panelled walls.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading bronze /brɒnz/ Derek wanted to buy that bronze for his collection.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading current //kkrənt/ She has been seeing her current boyfriend for two weeks now.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading hefty //hefti/ Julia is going to get a hefty fine if they catch her drinking and driving again.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading long-term //lɒŋ tttm/ Her long-term ambition is to become an astronaut. – Seite 14 von 65 –

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Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading acre //eikə/ They own 200 acres of farmland.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading keep an eye out for sth //kiip ən ai aυt fə ssmθiŋ/ Could you keep an eye out for my red pen? I seem to have mislaid it.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading gold digger ///əυld diiə/ Many people thought she was only a gold digger who would never have

married him if it hadn't been for his money.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading overawe //əυvərrɔɔ/ The little girl felt completely overawed by the great man's booming voice.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading tease /tiiz/ Don't get upset, I was only teasing.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading mere /miə/ She lost the election by a mere 20 votes.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading windfall //windfɔɔl/ The last lottery winner had a windfall of н2 million.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading draw /drɔɔ/ Bill picked the winning number on the first draw.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading take sth in one's stride //teik ssmθiŋ in wwnz straid/ She seems to be taking the divorce in her stride and getting on with her

everyday jobs.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading ecstatic /ikkstttik/ The pop star received an ecstatic welcome from the thousands who lined the


Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading sink in //siŋk in/ The horrible feeling of loss began to sink in a few hours after the fire.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading (not) go amiss ///əυ əəmis/ A cup of tea wouldn't go amiss.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading scoop /skuup/ He's just scooped Ј1 million in the National Lottery!

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading jet-set //ddet set/ When she gets her money she says she's going to go jet-setting all

over the world.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading to one's heart's content /tυ wwnz hɑɑts kənntent/ After I leave, Jack can sing in the shower to his heart's content.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading dreary //driəri/ It was just another dreary day at the office.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading avarice ///vəris/ According to some, avarice is the worst of all sins.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading repetitive /riipetətiv/ She hated the tedious, repetitive household tasks.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading not have a clue //nɒt hhv ə kluu/ We haven't got a clue where they could have disappeared to.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading at some stage /ət ssm steidd/ He says he will get married at some stage but he doesn't know when.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading adjust /əədddst/ Adjusting to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading negotiate /niiiəυʃieit/ The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.

Unit 3 pages 34-35 Grammar plus ongoing //ɒnnnəυiŋ/ There has been an ongoing investigation into the general increase

in crime rates.

Unit 3 pages 34-35 Grammar plus split up //split p/ Steve's parents split up when he was four.

Unit 3 pages 34-35 Grammar plus fund /ffnd/ I'm trying to save funds to go on a round the world tour next year.

Unit 3 pages 34-35 Grammar plus itinerary /aiitinərəri/ His itinerary would take him from Paris to Berlin.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary compound //kɒmpaυnd/ salt pot, tennis shoes, etc.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary collocate //kɒləkeit/ Bitter' collocates with 'regret'. – Seite 15 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary tycoon /taiikuun/ Bill Gates is now the multi-millionaire tycoon of the computer world.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary bullet-proof //bυlət pruuf/ Policemen always wear bullet-proof vests when they go into control riots.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary absent-minded ///bsənt maindid/ Since she got pregnant, she's been very absent-minded.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary gathering ////рəriŋ/ There was a select gathering of 20 or 30 people to discuss the new proposals.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary conference //kɒnfərəns/ Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International

Peace Conference in Geneva.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary connoisseur //kɒnəəsss/ Ask Susanna which wine to buy because she is a wine connoisseur.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary mass-produced //mms prəədjuust/ They bought mass-produced furniture for the new hotel.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary long-standing //lɒŋ sttndiŋ/ We have a long-standing arrangement of house-swapping every summer

for two weeks.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary impulsively /immpplsivli/ Arthur acted impulsively and bought the shirt before making sure it fitted


Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary built-up //bilt p/ You are not supposed to drive so fast through built-up areas.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary hard up //hɑɑd p/ We were too hard up to afford new clothes.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary run-down //rrn daυn/ You look a bit run-down; maybe you need a rest.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary promote /prəəməυt/ Helen was promoted to senior manager.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary well-off //wel ɒf/ Julia is quite well-off so why don't you let her buy you a new dress?

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary one-off //wwn ɒf/ I made a one-off payment on the car.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary burnt out //bbbnt aυt/ I need a holiday after all that work; I feel really burnt out.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary worn out //wɔɔn aυt/ I'm worn out after all that shopping!

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary ruined //ruuind/ The rain ruined our holiday.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus blundering //bllndəriŋ/ You blundering idiot! What did you do that for?

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus make ends meet //meik endz miit/ Ever since Rupert lost his job, we've found it difficult to make ends meet.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus bank balance //bbŋk bləns/ I checked my bank balance and couldn't believe that I had spent so much


Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus transaction /trrnnzzkʃən/ The bank charges a fixed rate for each transaction.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus to the tune of /tə рə tjuun əv, ɒv/ We're already in debt to the tune of Ј5000.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus mischievous //mistʃəvəs/ Joe looked at her with a mischievous grin on his face which proved he'd

been doingsomething naughty.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus restoration //restəəreiʃən/ She is a member of a fund for the restoration of historic buildings.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus conservation //kɒnsəəveiʃən/ I'm a great believer in wildlife conservation.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus go to great lengths //əυ tə reit leŋθs/ George is prepared to go to great lengths to get his daughter back.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus headquarters //heddkwɔɔtəz, heddkwɔɔtəz/ Our headquarters are in Liverpool. – Seite 16 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus tangle //ttŋŋəl/ My emotions were in a complete tangle during the divorce.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus sort sth out //sɔɔt ssmθiŋ aυt/ There's been a mistake. I'll try to sort things out and call you back.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus take off //teik ɒf/ Clare just took off and left for Spain without saying goodbye.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus recognition //rekəəəniʃən/ Despite a life devoted to helping the poor, she never won any recognition

before her death.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus verbally //vvvbəli/ They informed me verbally that I had won the competition.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus inconvenience //inkənnviiniəns/ We hope the delay has not caused any inconvenience to our customers.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus tempt /tempt/ I'm tempted to buy that dress even though it's expensive.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus ensure /innʃυə/ All the necessary steps had been taken to ensure their safety.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus reward /riiwɔɔd/ She received an expensive watch as a reward for her services.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus loan /ləυn/ We took out a loan to pay off the car.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus tuition fee /tjuuiʃən fii/ All tuition fees are due by the end of the month please.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus cross one's mind //krɒs wwnz maind/ It never crossed my mind to check whether the diamonds were real.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus staggered //sttəd/ We were staggered to find that we were not entitled to any money.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus in credit /in kredit/ There are no bank charges if you stay in credit.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check assembly /əəsembli/ The New York State Assembly met for the first time today after their

summer break.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check solemnly //sɒləmli/ She wore a very solemn expression when I told her my news.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check declare /diikleə/ The use of certain chemicals has now been declared illegal.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check valid //vvlid/ Do you have a valid passport?

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check currency //kkrənsi/ The local currency is francs.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check aberration ///bəəreiʃən/ Allowing the refugees to enter the country was a temporary aberration in

their government's foreign policy.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check virtually //vvvtʃuəli/ Virtually all the children come to school by bus.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check scarce /skeəs/ Fruit was always scarce in winter, and cost a lot.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check durable //djυərəbəl/ Plastic window frames are more durable than wood.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check claw /klɔɔ/ The cat dug his claws into my leg.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check replica //replikə/ The model was an exact replica of the Parthenon.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check succumb /səəkkm/ Gina finally succumbed to temptation and had some ice cream.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check relentless /riilentləs/ He never gave up his relentless struggle for power.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing lay out //lei aυt/ The garden is laid out in a formal pattern.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing drop sb a line //drɒp ssmbədi ə lain/ Will you drop me a line when you get to Brazil? – Seite 17 von 65 –

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Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing over the moon //əυvə рə muun/ Sarah was over the moon when she learned she had got the job.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing get on one's nerves ///et ɒn wwnz nvz/ I wish he would stop playing that song - it's really beginning to get

on my nerves.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing resolve /riizɒlv/ We managed to resolve the problem by letting them both choose a video to


Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing up in the air ///p in рi eə/ I don't know who will get the promotion - it's all up in the air at the moment.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing get one's act together ///et wwnz kt təəəeрə/ She could be an excellent photographer, if only she got her act together

a bit more.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing hectic //hektik/ I've had a pretty hectic day at the office.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing assume /əəsjuum/ I didn't see your car, so I assumed you'd gone out.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing cover one's expenses //kkvə wwnz ikkspensiz/ They said they would cover my expenses if I went to Jamaica to

write the report.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check inflation /innfleiʃən/ Inflation is now running at over 16%.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check vanish //vvniʃ/ When I turned round again, the boy had vanished.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check collapse /kəəllps/ The collapse of the stock market in 1987 was a complete shock

to many people.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check at the height of sth /ət рə hait əv ssmθiŋ/ At the height of the tourist season shops stay open all day.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check literally //litərəli/ Inspire' literally meant 'to breathe into'.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check circulation //ssskjəəleiʃən/ There were several thousand of the fake notes in circulation.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check hoard /hɔɔd/ She hoarded all her money and jewels in a box under her bed.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check face value //feis vvljuu/ The coin had a very small face value, but in reality it was worth much

more than that.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check bundle //bbndl/

There was a bundle of clothes in the corner of the room.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check worthless //wwwθləs/ That was a completely worthless exercise.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check heap /hiip/ There were heaps of dead leaves lying in the street after the storm.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check wheelbarrow //willbbrəυ/ We took all the leaves up to the end of the garden in the wheelbarrow.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check denomination /diinɒməəneiʃən/ It had the highest denomination I had ever seen on a coin.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check solicitor /səəlisitə/ She decided to let her solicitor deal with the contract.

Unit 3 page 41 Review discipline //disəplin/ Some teachers unfortunately can't keep discipline in the classroom and the

children misbehave.

Unit 3 page 41 Review demanding /diimɑɑndiŋ/ Looking after small children is one of the most demanding jobs

anyone could have.

Unit 3 page 41 Review depressed /diiprest/ She felt lonely and depressed about the situation.

Unit 3 page 41 Review get on with sb //et ɒn wiр ssmbədi/ How does Julian get on with Robert at school?

Unit 3 page 41 Review assemble /əəsembəl/ Can you help me assemble this new wardrobe?

Unit 3 page 41 Review in the red /in рə red/ These car payments are going to put me into the red again. – Seite 18 von 65 –

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Unit 3 page 41 Review pamphlet //ppmflət/ Did you see that pamphlet they produced on dealing with drug-abuse?

Unit 3 page 41 Review fix up //fiks p/ You can fix up a time to see Mike tomorrow if you like.

Unit 3 page 41 Review overdraft //əυvədrɑɑft/ I have to find the money to pay off this overdraft.

Unit 3 page 41 Review prior //praiə/ I won't be at the meeting as I have a prior engagement.

Unit 3 page 41 Review adequately ///dikwətli/ Without the proper resources the department cannot do the job adequately.

Unit 3 page 41 Review take sth into account //teik ssmθiŋ intυ əəkaυnt/ These figures do not take changes in the rate of inflation into account.


Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking migraine //miiirein, mai-/ You know you really should see a doctor about those constant migraines.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking quote /kwəυt/ To be or not to be,' is a quote from Hamlet.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking stain /stein/ How do you get wine stains out of a tablecloth?

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking blot out //blɒt aυt/ She had blotted out all her memories of the accident.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking clutch /klltʃ/ Tom fell to the ground clutching his stomach.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking dart /dɑɑt/ Sally darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking abject ///bddekt/ They lived in abject poverty for many years.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking intercourse //intəkɔɔs/ What I miss most is a good conversational intercourse with my friends.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check tend /tend/ We watched a shepherd tending his goats on the hillside.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check patch /pptʃ/ A strawberry patch.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check crucial //kruuʃəl/ Whether to move abroad or not was a crucial decision in our lives.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check courtship //kɔɔt-ʃip/ My great grandparents had a two-year courtship before they could

get married.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check marvellously //mɑɑvələsli/ Going for a picnic sounds like a marvellously good idea.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check accompany /əəkkmpəni/ She sang the solo, accompanied by John Williams on the piano.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check union //juunjən/ Their union lasted for over fifty years.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check compatible /kəmmpptəbəl/ The project is not compatible with the company's long-term aims.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check stir /sttt/ The news stirred memories of their own per secution.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check proverb //prɒvvvb/ Too many cooks spoil the broth,' is a well-known proverb in my country.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check mutual //mjuutʃuəl/ Mutual respect is necessary for the partnership to work.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check consent /kənnsent/ He gave his consent for his daughter to marry.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check abide by /əəbaid bai/ I'm sorry but you have to abide by the referee's decision.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check conflict //kɒnflikt/ There was serious political conflict between the two parties. – Seite 19 von 65 –

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Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check divorce /diivɔɔs/ Their marriage unfortunately ended in divorce.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check liaison /liieizən/ She was warned that if her liaison did not end immediately he would

divorce her.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check dowry //daυəri/ Did you know that in England the giving of dowries is illegal?

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check nicotine patch //nikətiin pptʃ/ She decided to try a nicotine patch when nothing else would work.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check be accustomed to /bi əəkkstəmd tə, tυ/ I'm not accustomed to getting up so early.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary simile //siməli/ As white as snow' is a simile.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary like a red rag to a bull /laik ə red r tυ ə bυl/ Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary like a bear with a sore head /laik ə beə wiр ə sɔɔ hed/ If he doesn't have a cup of coffee as soon as he wakes up, he is like a bear

with a sore head.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary sleep like a log //slip laik ə lɒɒ/ I was so tired last night that I slept like a log.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary like a fish out of water /laik ə fiʃ aυt əv wɔɔtə/ I felt like a fish out of water in my new school.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary like a bull in a china shop /laik ə bυl in ə tʃainə ʃɒp/ He's broken three plates already today. He's like a bull in a china shop.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as strong as an ox /əz strɒŋ əz ən ɒks/ He was as strong as an ox and managed to carry both of them up the


Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as light as a feather /əz lait əz ə feрə/ How much do you weigh? You're as light as a feather!

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as quick as a flash /əz kwik əz ə fllʃ/ As quick as a flash he darted across the field and disappeared into the trees.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as white as a sheet /əz wait əz ə ʃiit/ Have you just seen a ghost or something? You look as white as a sheet.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as cool as a cucumber /əz kuul əz ə kjukkmbə/ He walked on the stage, as cool as a cucumber, and told them the concert

had been cancelled.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary fit in //fit in/ Larry doesn't seem to fit in with the other children.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary soundly //saυndli/ The baby slept soundly all night.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary lyrics //liriks/ Jenny wrote the music but I wrote the lyrics.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading clichй //kliiʃei/ Remember that old clichй, that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link?

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading whisper sweet nothings //wispə swiit nnθiŋz/ Look at that couple whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading time and time again //taim ən taim əəəen, əəəein/ I've told her time and time again not to bring that dog in here.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading along the lines of /əəlɒŋ рə lainz əv/ We'll probably end up doing something along the lines of what

you're suggesting.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading applicable /əəplikəbəl/ Few of these laws are applicable to UK citizens while they are abroad.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading pull out //pυl aυt/ He pulled out a photograph of his wife that I had never seen before.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading succinct /səkksiŋkt/ He gave me a very succinct explanation of what he had been doing.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading conspiracy /kənnspirəsi/ They were involved in a conspiracy against the government.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading a grain of truth /ə rein əv truuθ/ There isn’t a grain of truth in her accusations. – Seite 20 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading reinforce //riiinnfɔɔs/ Conclusions from the report have been reinforced by more recent studies.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading draw on //drɔɔ ɒn/ It was a challenge but luckily we had the expertise to draw on.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading negate /niiieit/ The evidence was used to negate the accusation.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading fall back on sth //fɔɔl bbk ɒn smθiŋ/ They tend to fall back on the same tired old arguments.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading short-cut //ʃɔɔt kkt/ There aren't really any short-cuts to learning a foreign language.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading pearls of wisdom //ppplz əv wizdəm/ Have you any more pearls of wisdom you’d like to share with us?

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading trot out //trɒt aυt/ Steve trotted out the same old excuses.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading out of sight, out of mind /aυt əv sait aυt əv maind/ Let's hide his broken toy so he doesn't get upset – out of sight, out of mind.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading come down on /kkm daυn ɒn/ My parents really came down on me for being out so late.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading squarely //skweəli/ He turned and faced her squarely.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading familiarity breeds contempt /fəmiliiirəti briidz kənntempt/ They say that familiarity breeds contempt, but the more I work with him,

the more I respect him.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading back (sb/sth) up //bbk p/ The videotape evidence backed up the manager's story.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading interpretation /inntttprəəteiʃən/ One possible interpretation is that they want you to resign.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading fare well //feə wel/ Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment

remains a problem.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading break up //breik p/

Samantha and Peter cannot sort things out so they are thinking of

breaking up.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading itch /itʃ/ Jim's got a real itch for adventure.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading go for sb ///əυ fə ssmbədi/ Annie tends to go for older men.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading opposites attract //ɒpəzits əətrrkt/ You like cats and I like dogs, but they do say that opposites attract.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading complementary //kɒmpləəmentəri/ They have complementary abilities: one can dance and the other can sing.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading vital //vaitl/ Choosing the right equipment is vital for the expedition.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading contrary //kɒntrəri/ Contrary to popular belief the desert can be a beautiful place.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading run a mile //rrn ə mail/ She's so shy that if a man ever spoke to her I think she'd run a mile!

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading unobtainable ///nəbbteinəbəl/ Fresh fruit was unobtainable in the winter.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading play hard to get /plei hɑɑd tə et/ When I first met him I played hard to get, which made him want me

even more.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading hit and miss //hit ən mis/ This expedition is so hit and miss that I think it's going to be a complete


Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading backfire //bbkkfaiə/ Unfortunately my plan backfired because someone told Bruce about the

surprise party.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading witty //witi/ Oscar Wilde will always be remembered for his witty plays.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading ego //iiiəυ/ That promotion was a real boost for her ego. – Seite 21 von 65 –

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Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading operative word //ɒpərətiv wwwd/ They are supposed to be doing their homework. 'Supposed', unfortunately,

is the operative word.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading consensus /kənnsensəs/ The Council failed to reach a consensus on the pace of

inner-city development.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading stereotype //steriətaip/ The idea that the English are cold is just a racial stereotype.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading play a part in //plei ə pɑɑt in/ My grandfather played an important part in our education.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading shape /ʃeip/ People's political beliefs are often shaped by what they read in the


Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading stand out //sttnd aυt/ Among mystery writers, P D James stands out as a superior storyteller.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading reassurance //riiəʃυərəns/ The patient needed repeated reassurances that she was going to be all right.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading beauty is only skin deep //bjuuti iz əυnli skin diip/ I know that she's gorgeous, but have you spoken to her? Remember

that beauty is only skin deep.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading pedestal //pedəstəl/ On top of a very tall pedestal, was an ancient Grecian bust.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading put sb on a pedestal //pυt ssmbədi ɒn ə pedəstəl/ You shouldn't put him on a pedestal – he doesn't deserve it.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking speculation //spekjəəleiʃən/ There is some speculation that the president was aware of the situation.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking acquaintance /əəkweintəns/ Mr Brown is an acquaintance of mine who works for the telephone company.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking sibling //sibliŋ/ She had a very good relationship with her seven other siblings.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking up and down ///p ən daυn/ Things are quite up and down at the moment, but I'm sure they'll

settle down soon.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking on second thoughts /ɒn sekənd θɔɔts/ On second thoughts, I will have a cup of tea after all.

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus broadcast //brɔɔdkɑɑst/ Did you hear that radio broadcast this morning about the escaped prisoner?

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus encourage /innkkridd/ Patricia encouraged me to apply for the job.

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus significant /siiinifikənt/ His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the

death penalty.

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus bring (sth) to life //briŋ tə laif/ The music really brought the play to life.

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus off stage //ɒf steidd/ There was a loud crash off stage and the audience wondered what

was going on.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus deduction /diiddkʃən/ Sherlock Holmes had amazing powers of deduction.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus register //reddistə/ How many students have registered for English classes?

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus inadvisable //inəddvaizəbəl/ It is inadvisable to climb in these mountains on your own.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus manually //mmnjυəli/ It would take too long to search all the data manually.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus process //prəυses/ Teaching him to read was a slow process.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus hold (sb/sth) up //həυld p/ The building work has been held up by bad weather.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use bliss /blis/ I didn't have to get up till 11 – it was sheer bliss.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use publicity stunt /pppblisəti sttnt/ Inviting two thousand people to her home was just a publicity stunt. – Seite 22 von 65 –

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Unit 4 page 50 English in Use launch /lɔɔntʃ/ The ship was launched in front of three thousand spectators.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use be besieged /bi biisiiddd/ After the concert, we were besieged by letters from fans asking us to

show it again on Television.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use eager //iiiə/ Clara was eager to tell her side of the story.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use head (towards/for/across etc.) /hed/ The ship was heading for Cuba.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use tarmac //tɑɑmmk/ A bus took us across tarmac to our aeroplane.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use enterprise //entəpraiz/ The project was a joint scientific enterprise between the two research teams.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use shrine /ʃrain/ Most houses in India have a little shrine dedicated to Buddha.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use erect /iirekt/ This imposing town hall was erected in 1892.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use ritual //ritʃuəl/ The theatre was priest performed the ritual on the young boy.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use bless /bles/ May God bless you and keep you safe from harm.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use newlyweds //njuuliwedz/ We all cheered as the newlyweds got into their car and drove away.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use bog /bɒɒ/ Be careful when you walk across the fields, or you might fall into a bog.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary slip of the tongue //slip əv рə ttŋ/ Did I say I was going to pay for the meal? It must have been a slip

of the tongue.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary heart of gold //hɑɑt əv əυld/ You will really like my brother, osh – he has a heart of gold.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary lapse of concentration //llps əv kɒnsəntreiʃən/ During a brief lapse of concentration, I forgot what I had been saying.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary term of endearment //tttm əv inndiəmənt/ Sugar plum' is a term of endearment I use for my daughter.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary the price of failure /рə prais əv feiljə/ The price of failure is not being able to enter the International competition.

Unit 4 page 52 Writing asap //ei es ei pii/ Can I have your reply asap?

Unit 4 page 52 Writing i.e. //ai ii/ The film is only open to adults, i.e. people over 18.

Unit 4 page 52 Writing concise /kənnsais/ He wrote a concise introduction to his thesis.

Unit 4 page 53 Review marital vows //mmritl vaυz/ She intended to honour her marital vows and love him forever.

Unit 4 page 53 Review peak-time //piik taim/ One million people watch the show at peak-times.

Unit 4 page 53 Review come in for /kkm in fə, fɔ/ The police came in for a lot of criticism about the way they had

handled the riots.

Unit 4 page 53 Review widespread //waidspred/ The widespread use of chemicals in agriculture is a matter of serious

international concern.

Unit 4 page 53 Review ratings //reitiŋz/ The new comedy series shot up to the top of the ratings in the first week.

Unit 4 page 53 Review panel //ppnl/ The panel has voted on Miss Sweden as the overall winner.

Unit 4 page 53 Review counsellor //kaυnsələ/ Have you thought of seeing a counsellor?

Unit 4 page 53 Review dismiss /dissmis/ He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.

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Unit 4 page 53 Review commit /kəəmit/ I am committed to making this company a success.

Unit 4 page 53 Review defy /diifai/ He defied his father's wishes and married Agnes.

Unit 4 page 53 Review contemplate //kɒntəmpleit/

The thought of the letter never having reached him was too terrible

to contemplate.


Unit 5 page 54 Listening storage //stɔɔridd/ I've put all my furniture in storage until I move into my new house.

Unit 5 pages 54-55 Speaking crack /krrk/ His skill at cracking codes proved invaluable during the war.

Unit 5 pages 54-55 Speaking strand /strrnd/ I found a strand of hair in my soup.

Unit 5 pages 54-55 Speaking nominate //nɒməneit/ She was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing to what extent /tuu wɒt ikkstent/ One wonders to what extent we can blame the government for unemployment.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing perspective /pəəspektiv/ The novel is written from the perspective of a child.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing suspense /səəspens/ The children waited in suspense to hear the end of the story.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing android ///ndrɔid/ Did you see that film about the android who wanted to become a human?

Unit 5 page 56 Writing dogeared //dɒɒiəd/ This old book is so dogeared because I've read it hundreds of times.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing bounty hunter //baυnti hhntə/ He retired from the police force and became a bounty hunter instead.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing mesmerising //mezməraiziŋ/ He found her charm and beauty mesmerising.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing peek /piik/ I saw Diana take a quick peek through her neighbour's window.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing teem with //tiim wiр, wiθ/ Trafalgar Square was teeming with tourists.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing street urchin //striit tʃin/ Charles Dickens wrote several novels about the life of street urchins.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing pioneer //paiəəniə/

This machine was pioneered in the early 18th century.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing rebel /riibel/ It is the story of a teenager who rebels against his father.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing lifespan //laifsppn/ Men have a shorter lifespan than women.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing flee /flii/ When they saw the police car, his attackers turned and fled.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing immortality //imɔɔɔttləti/ His ambition was to find the secret of eternal life and achieve immortality.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing dim /dim/ Her beauty had not dimmed over the years.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing dilute /daiiluut/ They diluted his courage by telling him all about the risks.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing pose /pəυz/ The first chapter poses the question: What constitutes a democracy?

Unit 5 page 56 Writing foundation /faυnndeiʃən/ He hoped that this job would serve as a firm foundation or his chosen career.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing stunning //sttniŋ/ The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely stunning.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing profoundly /prəəfaυndli/ The mother's behaviour was profoundly affecting the developing child. – Seite 24 von 65 –

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Unit 5 page 56 Writing excruciatingly /ikkskruuʃieitiŋli/ Listening to Helena describe the events of the night before was

excruciatingly dull.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing tedious //tiidiəs/ It was such a tedious lecture that I almost fell asleep.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening let sb loose (on) //let ssmbədi luus/ Whatever you do, don't let my mother loose in my room! She'll

change everything.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening the dead of night /рə ded əv nait/ Their meetings were held in secret in the dead of night.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening break new ground //breik njuu raυnd/ Researchers claim they are breaking new ground and are getting closer

to discovering the causes of the disease.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening guinea pig ///ini pii/ Millions of guinea pigs are used in cosmetic experiments every year.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening set one's sights on sth //set wwnz saits ɒn ssmθiŋ/ By the time I was fourteen I had set my sights on an acting career.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening underdog ///ndədɒɒ/ They were determined to fight for their independence, as they had been

the underdogs for much too long.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening ultimate ///ltimət/ Complete disarmament was the ultimate goal of the conference.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening imbalance /immbbləns/ She's taking the medication because she has a hormonal imbalance.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening fumble //ffmbəl/ When I accused him of eating my chocolates, he fumbled for an excuse.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening narrator /nəəreitə/ The narrator told of how the world began.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening side effect //said iifekt/ The doctor gave me a natural remedy which she said had no harmful side


Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary clone /kləυn/ Scientists have claimed that it is now possible to clone one human being

from another.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary cell /sel/ You can see these plant cells if you look through a microscope.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary organ //ɔɔɔən/ The hospital is appealing for organ donors.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary tissue //tiʃuu/ The surgeon examined the lung tissue for any signs of damage.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary genetic engineering /ddəənetik endəəniəriŋ/ Genetic engineering is one of the fastest growing scientific developments

of our time.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary fertilisation //ffftəlaiizeiʃən/ After fertilisation the embryo develops into a new individual.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary physicist //fizəsist/ The physicist sat in his laboratory and stared at the results of the experiment.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary ethics //eθiks/ The ethics of his actions were suspect, but they were not against the law.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary lung /llŋ/ Smoking can cause lung cancer.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary principles //prinsəpəlz/ He has no principles; he'll do anything, as long as it's profitable.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary artificially //ɑɑtəəfiʃəli/ She has had her hair artificially lengthened.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading prone to //prəυn tə, tυ/ Some plants are prone to a particular disease.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading mousy //maυsi/ She was so mousy that it was hard to believe she was a murderess.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading cerebral //serəbrəl/ If I'd wanted something cerebral, I'd have gone to the lecture on Dostoyevsky!

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading exposure /ikkspəυυə/ The failure of their marriage has received a lot of exposure in the

press recently. – Seite 25 von 65 –

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Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading utter ///tə/ He uttered a few words of apology and then left.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading far-fetched //fɑɑ fetʃt/ His explanation sounds pretty far-fetched to me.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading didactic /daiiddktik/ I found his didactic attitude extremely annoying.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading a household name /ə haυshəυld neim/ Coca Cola is a household name around the world.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading potentially /pəətenʃəli/ The benefits of online shopping are potentially very great.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading split /split/ He split the log in two with an axe.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading identical /aiidentikəl/ I can't tell the difference between those two pictures – they look identical.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading legislation //leddəəsleiʃən/ The government is introducing an important piece of human rights


Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading condemnation //kɒndəmmneiʃən/ Condemnation of the latest violence came from all political parties.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading fertile //ffftail/ Most men remain fertile into old age.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading outright /aυttrait/ The town was destroyed outright.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading throw the baby out with the bath


/θrəυ рə beibi aυt wiр рə bɑɑθ wɔɔtə/ I don't think you should dismiss all your security staff – you'll be throwing

the baby out with the bath water.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading hasty //heisti/ He soon regretted his hasty decision.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading restrict /riistrikt/ The new law restricts the sale of hand guns.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading diminish /diiminiʃ/ Don't let him diminish your achievements.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading predisposition //priidispəəziʃən/ He has a predisposition towards seasickness.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading inclination //iŋkləəneiʃən/ You always follow your own inclinations instead of considering other

people's feelings.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading kidney //kidni/ He had to go to the doctor because he had a kidney infection.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading absorb /əbbsɔɔb/ I haven't had time to absorb everything he said.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading offspring //ɒffspriŋ/ Rabbits produce offspring several times a year.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading superior /suuupiəriə/ The new computer is superior to its rivals.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading allocate ///ləkeit/ You need to decide how much time to allocate to each exam question.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading boom /buum/ Come here, boy,' boomed the head-teacher.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading loom /luum/ A tall figure loomed up out of the mist ahead of us.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading distracting /diistrrktiŋ/ Meg found the noise outside was distracting and she couldn't concentrate.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading airily //eərəli/ I don't really care,' he replied airily.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading implication //implikeiʃən/ This could have serious implications for the company's future.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading trait /trei, treit/ Anne's generosity is one of her most pleasing traits.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading foetal //fiitl/ The examination revealed that there were some foetal abnormalities. Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading insight //insait/ The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the disaster.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary drum /drrm/ Rain drummed on the windows.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary shrug /ʃrrr/ He shrugged and said he didn't care where we went for dinner.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary wrinkle one's nose //riŋkəl wwnz nəυz/ He wrinkled his nose when I asked him if he liked my new perfume.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary knuckle //nnkəl/ He had a tattoo across the knuckles of his right hand that said 'Love'.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary purse one's lips //ppps wwnz lips/ When I told my mother that I was going abroad to study, she pursed her

lips and stared at me.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary clench one's fist //klentʃ wwnz fist/ He clenched his fist and waved it defiantly at the speaker.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary twist one's ankle //twist wwnz ŋkəl/ He couldn't play in the basketball match because he had twisted his ankle

the day before.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary awkwardly //ɔɔkwədli/ He looked at me awkwardly when I told him I thought he was nice.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus paralysed //pprəlaizd/ The accident left him permanently paralysed.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus implant //implɑɑnt/ He has had silicon implants to make his muscles look bigger.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus fuse /fjuuz/ At the moment of conception, the egg and sperm fuse together as one cell.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus cursor //kkksə/ Place the cursor over the icon and click the mouse once.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus limb /lim/ Some victims lost their limbs in the explosion.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus spine /spain/ I know some good exercises that will help to straighten your spine.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus hollow //hɒləυ/ The children hid in the hollow tree.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus cone /kəυn/ He made a cone out of some paper and put it on his head for a witch's hat.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus electrode /iilektrəυd/ They attached electrodes to his head so that they could monitor his

dreams while he slept.

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