eeking moratorium on p. · 2012-01-05 · tenure...

Post on 24-May-2020






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kWdelbwith aU lypesofdnlpuaednolHTM!dicaUybreakinJinl0C.ICSOliesofledatives,

• lranquilhun haUucinoFns.•

-.itlflolaidlfldaliwsuenot.... onCUllplAUlIIthe brief

that !hey eocau- to be,",iI.ble OMy by medical

eeking moratorium on P. sIV ..ON CROCKER PlnCIIJ'11Ofl Ul" thai more ,nforlTAuon oukI bt ,eterK" 10 a duuc P.-ou.... IIlf~1OlI lbout 1M dlUgl short trrm

ltoflUm 011 lhe Ii"" ............. about 1m.. harmful effecls be provllkd arrated I -=004 IlIPll-if declared 10 be phyliofoP;al cffeeb, and the third .. lIutof ("annab,. (1TWlllWIa and possibly In the form of IlIfOlTnJ.tlOll IIlIrnlaUy and phY'lCally heaJlhy-41Ould there IS mll.lfflComl Information ,boul ,II

) will be re(:onunended to the lxod1u,r. lU be ,saIed with each bt' fined I malllll\Um of S200. lon.....nF .ffects.flWrnmenl wmmiS\ion studying I'I'e!l;nphOn , The brier I;lid Illal lhe oommiU« The moratorium. il Wl.>IIId

"IJ UK of drup tomorrow at local IIOlHl1NlCai use of stimulants. d«ided from III .Iudies thai Iller. are proVl~e the opportunity fm realislil: and!Ieal'ml In 1I0tei Newfoundbnd. hQWncr, "IS ubY,ouily ,becOmollg more (111)' three cliIcemible f:ll;11 about meamngful Iludy of posslble h.armfulmOlllorium is lhe map pronounced" and the bl' the Cannabis. The fUlt is thai it is fe.blt eITeetsofprolonFduleoflhed".,

tion In lhe drtailed brief 10 lnC'cax In pari to "Ihe lI~bililYof .nd life 10 lIudy ill effects on hlUTllllby the drllJ wmmittee of prefeneddruplUChumar,uana." . volwlleel11Who IIDOke it in .Iabofltory;

.(SU. PopubrkllOWled.,.bout stimulanu.1I the IleCOIId iI that lheft is ""ff>tienlc::oa.liUee. tel up Jast Oelober. "woefully inadeqUllle" and the brief

..... fll. 62..... doaImenl on lteO............. With broc:bura, tIwof .... eornmonlyutedfor P/\YUl:_be~uiredloeater""""

pIIlJIOlIe$. Mud> of thelia.. prn:f1phons Il'l' rqJII.Cf thai oouId beOJI • _Idled caJIIfI'ft ..rwy of IIIIJI'el:led by '~I..,:y.__ 2SI'IOIH,I!er1. It Ibo sugnu t.pte< .--1

1M ....ICXIlllll. other IDIjoI control Oft the 'IIInbullOl1 of thete 4rup_ II'll:Ib4e prewublM. "" ... compIIUC$. Moo by pcriodil:

......lrooedlllnlolralllln1 1IIIJI'el:~

•• IUIU ..... colics.a' 1lle~teesaya.lclidnotr...• ole •• e drUIJ hlhler MIIC1UIII_"oftnllqllilizenbutil

COIllrabOlllhed.nbutioll didrmd ldf~".lI)<*"tcoalparlalnd. nsoc..bOtl th t..Iuc~_


widef)o UIed fo...."" the Ide ofbaIl",.~.w Ill11lUbnu IMI produced~rncllOlL"

The b"d lftolllP)C1lOs continuedprucrlpl,,,n conlrol Ind WMlnuedrCl,orl".., of lhe dinical evidUlltion bymcd".l~,wnncl

The comnutlet: did nOl record. II...iocidcoceof IlI.rCtllt<:usc: on c.mpusbUIit commenls senc,aUy on nusc: ofn"oolicsaddicl,on.

'"The eonvnillee belie\le. it is lhe

::~::.rt~:'lOt:-::;:~:: ~~::;.:::'~~::~~;:::S~=:::.l.:-~":~:'~"~::J~=;'~uClpe." The blltf IILIlnbins WI ,,,,,.,,tlWU'tlJ'rrc,",,,'"rl.mlrn..-m"rtl"ftUM,/or.,,.,lit;...t·'fIotuwt.··PornarcoCics addicbOn .. mwe prevalml """'.lftftpttp1..... /"'.co"'''''''''OIfIl''' ../III'',[.J«PC''11~ In Jo-.-.:oIlOlllic

Illecotnl'llll'lMkwldllUCSbrsetuplohelp the plIl_ thrOUF .,...morphineUUUDrnIWllhdr... flOalllSllllna"COlK:S.

Thebriefe1~eoocemOW'l"the ......_Macc:anliqIoV~ ...O ......II, .....UuII. --'of'eanh of k.o..-led.,M aboul the ~ybClOaf"""lII"".ppo__ IIId",,""MR""'ncepllll""hIIuI:-.raa: *-Is MIidl. iI sqs. is <:II_ DidlU.IOHpIDYft.weor*nce4 try ""the many ...__ V.liI yar I""'" weft _lit I~ few_~ of &call)' ~ Ill--.J,.uri COIlI....t........ tQealisb IIIll AprlllM -..os of ....."..,... " ......._ IIIIlI C......-- for--.I~ E~_" of T--." IIPc.I tile tlou of die C__ of

"'efeelwltb,ildellrthlillbettedby F...,-5bffAIfaft..the -=iaI ... oflnl lltachal to A~lol"''''_'''Co-liliolll·.''tklftmatyf'OlPOlllllib:ilit}'f....

=~~.-ish 10 nplon lhe ==a::It·the~.-n~~~::O:~-.=t _t::~-=It ...."s lMI the proposal dnaa ..."y people. iadudi,. ......t IIII,IOnty of lbe prof-.. m.,ee nit I.

di.llcs br eqwpped 10 deal Utel'S of 1IIlO..1 of 'IIerellonll)" PO""" Ille depatttneni hed 1Iold. ney IIliU ll1e _,.SUbh.lluClnoae'" -'ll notet WI the IJllI of U1e depllt1mentl _uld h.we lire PJ". 10 6ecide -.:Ir _un atcommiltee 1l'U diwided on whether the appouol-'l.1Id I""...... TIrey 1110 co....... it wtlllil!JII. prof_ dellied lenureding IhouI4 cliIpenae ao-ament price mill! u.e Ille fiIIIl 10 .ppeallbe d«iNolIand quality-<OlllloUed IIalIucinopns « AI ..-at. Ihe .ecornme....lioM of d.,.rtmenl heM. fo, promotio... Indwhelher lhey should be ffttricled 10 ",IDIi,. of lenure Imaen\ wilhauPPJr1Ul1documenhlolhlld_nofIUtf.culty,

=in:;;I~=nl ..~ FI the drllJ ~:~~~~;~~=u:.~0::t:::::::::::,t.::7.::s:::Commillee membeu ..ho fdt bu the .....1 to Ieam from hU DePU1nMnt H-.i Of Dam wlrel'" or IlOl It. Iru

h.llucinolens 1houIdn'1 be leply beellrecommelldedforprolDOtion.aWylllCfta•• orlelUlft••lldiftbepromotion•avaiI.bIe from Ihe d.inies...,1Ied Wt _ry increa•. or lell..... is not"llIled. 1M reuon or nuo..••persons anested fcx Idlinl Of poansina 1ePln... 011 pep II Ih. __ • aerln of anida o. tbe q_ioD of tenUR. TOthe drup IhouW be exempl from __ V~e"l ".0, Morpn Ind Dr, RayfieMt. _Ito _lIy reaiped

punillunenl fOf the rna 01£_ and L'=~:..:....=.;:;.....=-::..::.,::-;:;·=.""::..::.=".:'...;:;..::-::.:.. ---'




.....,. tt ....-_ _----..............-,.. .....

....~ c....lII ..--....Macy'sin Churchill Square


• c....- lings

• c:om.- lings (Gold)

109(, DISCOUNTTo -.... 5tucIentI

,.0. .. _

..... 2•••••••ii~~

JANUARY 30, 1970

lie laid Iblt lhe.,ftfnmenl II.-iii.., 10 IOCiIl preauru in I

commlUlity .1Id instead of'trym,IO wrileorr. "Denoon01" 1"0' U one mill Jl.lgated,the "'l'Cfnmenl was Il"YiJII 10PIOYiok.I}QSl .. fOOd·1OdalIiItLUioll fot the head of lhe~d .. behadtlijO)'edberorelbemo.."

S.meu .eferred to III

o1'Cr-popu.l.tion of UlIboRrllhernwn, Sbttn& lhal t ..lCe ..

-.oy rllhftmea. IS ~o yean •lUCQldlincltaJf .. _yliltllAd are _niJlllIl'«nF .....01 SSOt)per year.

-Fo. CftJ)' Sl s:peIIlOIlrca!tlemelll.tben:areSI6apeaton rede.e1opmenl:' be--

cO.lllllllln:y .lId Oilierm filII n It Ie. In

s....foundlaod ... '· He IaicI IlleForum Inlendl lofaa. on IIIaIt one or>IIrronnilll atbJCde"l1 .011111. Tile VoeMPfO&I1IIlI w1Il aspic,.., 11IlI,..,.,~.. ddail each 'I1't'ek, lhell lhe1Ub}OCl: will he lnI..wcd by ItlepouI>bc_..... lllorderloll...peo!*III.ICnenI.noppnrtullily10eaprcatllCll" ....... pllbllc

TbeForu.riI1lo1da.~b..__.... on liI(IfMl.oy

.....,ninl- Febf\IIJY 2, al .30pili. 'II Ibe Blue ROOIlI .. lhel'ho-. Studml Ctlltre, n._11q ..i1!be open to at.

erested qud.... r~codty.•nd_ben: of Ibe cOfIIDIIlIUIy.

.. hy he .s.-n'l leU Ill<oummull.Il1cI ..lueh ..ere Onthwdeatllbed"

llercferredlolbeFOfOlslllldfillllPfOlll".malneltlmpJ.eofade<:hninI comlllu"'ty in criIIIbU'1l1 10 ~e. cboOcccona:rniqillrlllIltt.Tbe6tm.,he .ald. pronded lhem witll •_Il'mf lma~ of l-...:tftllproduc"" ...11I.blept)'~eff«I,lIu_.

the dee_ 10 dndop bybuJIdUta~·IFOF""aadeheforelheC....

Sa_b ItC ~ -..i.n crilmarOl" ,,",,*lIlllededNonoflheJleOIIkollhe_IUJy,lIcII.. IIIot 10""'_1'1 ..JOf ....

:..:.~~. dc.dop • .....bk

M""n/Kn 01 riot' INpllul,.. eomfJIitlH 0{ tlte N.,."'/OIUfdJ""4 Fon".. /f,.Jiu fUN lor rM fin'public mUri", Mill Itdd by tit, powp Feb. jrlt ill tit. Liul. ntll"f:. l'olitiQl Scknu ",-ofCUO'77110_ Mo,.,., ("."<IilI6, ,.,J clt.kf lWJ.tIoUlt'T of rlt, F_fJl, O"fflUl IJr, ",..,,,..rwru.

the commllmty, Abo..t l\IDIO percelli or rbe people in "hllhew"",udy Iisled IMlllcrdlant alhe.nlOn they left, lie 1110....ntioned thai the merdlanlllIIIUaIly a!Io. _mba" It lbeSdIoollloardalldllle ..ondcrcdif IIi, co......:tiulll III Illedep.rtmelll of Educ.honinfhaeDeed Ille 'CIJI'I".teacher'cllo_,

TIle leacha" q.-.oa ,....lwoua!Ulip Ialerby ...o_..1lo ..oDdeRdllowlo,etI"""l~

1CIC!letlcropport...1leLAdlllittini Ihl 111.

,o.erlllllelli 1111 I ap«1aI"bolallOIl lilt'" of 'd)'Ull'DOlIIllIUailio:I.SaDCt.,. .... flOlld.... fllftha q-x-...ta a

First Forum meeting to discusspresent status of MUN

W'1loIll ,Memorial mill· C:OYU .dmnust... h COIII.MNewfoUDdllnd or Toronlu"lb' tile CfClllOn of • _l1li1""1• 1M lopao; ..lueh WJll be Co .... '"te 10 .t'cnut •dtscused by • pand of IIIIft UI per--r; rr.....m Ca.llIltlwIlle Lillie Tllulre 011 The I'qnm C...,mitte ...."'edlW:lda~ Febnlary 4. attbe:.-o runct-. f',..101I'T1I11IICfll1lpublil;~oftllotpu1lloc:__ wftl4i ..iIIhe ForunLDr TM. held al 0fiIl'. _tilMoapr, .-dale I"n>rellOl" 0' s-ac:I. 10 .".... Iopot:l ....Political Scil:nct' ..... le~ JW11C1~ntl r... lit 'dlatrma.noftlllC fDI'Um,wit1he IIl'....CIIII """y "edMMa)'ODe of 1M pandilU" ww. lhe CftIIrrIII n. VOCW.:>Iller I.a _mbtn Ill... ytllO Ac~ to Dr \1<>l1li".helJlDO\lnced.The--. .. '"tIIIIf'IUllOJeo/tbeFW1IrIIIlIoheOpeillolbepublle I ro... Ibe quallly of

OIllerdcdliollireacbedlltlM •• 0fWlallOn t!IM .- ,nloIDOn:tIl.Iy buIin_ -tal held Indirillual Iftd ~ d_lOlII011 Qmpga last TlICIlby e_.. by lnere_1II diaJncDI lwc....m...dude I. _nI lit • l'CO&* III I'IMfII, Indud'lII IbeS~.oo fH fot aembenlllp 10 .t'III ...... or the U~

comllllln'h .1 ~" ~. ftLird

~~o= quuooaed didn't

'-r1Ie pruMl'UJOllfOllD<mlll

"* 'coWdn', Ft • tQCbCf',HMluhe......d.

He upl.atMd that froID. 1911to 1921 the po tion oechl>C_11lroutb.Io p~or


111 people -..w.. 10 "ftlJIdll"d "no ltacbn.~ 11I...n.lIldu..roIIoIllIIe_.dualladtnenoh. AlllIaqb. 100 pa cenlof 0. poopk 0_ 11M: II" or solIlu,.....ed III bill;IIrrml qudy_ ..."tedIOIlHl.elhecomp\e,.~p~of

IlWaboft:fac:;;onplayed.tq:,.rt"'dl~ ... filldallOeYidnlaof

for..,. be:I,.lIMd,11 leMtaoldInoctIy. Tile 'Nmor psycbo!acY'lllelbocl.&enplaula, ..oruby1.-o .. tlvecpeopOlIoIdiqJONoutUdo: lbe comm..ntty ......lO ..npenllU'lmtly. T1teyF'!infor.... tlOlI,,.,.. dOllIco_ • .,..-ament bDIdh 11IIe.. of the Cl'PPO"lI.Jltb<aopealOlbnlLT1tiIstart.lbe".-. If.. ta py .. lID moYel

r!rIC ha tllie b«I i:bance 01rIOlltin&.loband.IIuooae)lIldlpetmoo Ilcim1laled .., already Ilin JObs 1Ill;p,,&­( ..,yeo-~lbzshllk~,·bllt10lahhUlhc'rateps..


mow IIswl1ybybui!dinlb.and>MOfes III Ihe problblo "0'&'111"-ommll"'ty, M.tthews roundlhat the mc.dunt lISUI.IIy mo....bout 0' o. I..oyun before

IS It~l It • Ie..e, level than inotber ..... caltrnco..ntrlCl

Benson .~ued that it isequable for I/"Idllliel to belaud AU incomei. to betnedat lhellme ... tel,heRid,.ndifunemploymeni inlur.nce


Jamieson .dded IIIaI heIDMdllll. COlIIidtl'l rucarcbea~.llober th.Mba.. b....cb~ Hedtd not diloounl tile 'lllueol""'cll, bul lbo~t tileR is •lot of dllpltQl101l Dr dfoltbeeauM unrtenlhca' rQQrcbPfOIf'_ arc u'KxHmbllllted AIIlIelllOment.lleSlld.MmlOr'iaIII c:ondudlllllitilt reMardl 01d,.eCI .el •••• ce 10Ncwfo ..ndbM'. probk-. ytl •101 oldfort. 1lti.....ed indllpbe:atlOll.

B_II ruo-_nded IIIItlKp:aduaIEl ....t.C_I<tlIeFelkrllcoaatllee ..llKtou::otIIideri.nI: t be ....1Ul:ehperontnrefona.lkw.. toIdllteCSUilaIllfqdy r"G1lI&eIt er auaat tIuI before 1""'1ltIe Papa *-1a"lbe In

,"dlllles'._lbouldbt....0tKr topot:l .--.. d....I. 1tomHo.. _'re~t. M.eilnoltIM"·U1el'aper

aadpsobk_Rdlu,nflallona.d ""Ional 4japal'it... 'II_lIlICdllftllo~(For.__ntar)' DII 1l1li ae-- In


Foderal Finance MlluslerI4pIBCflllOn"'I•• Mond.y ror hitpropoal to I.~ I/"Ints to.....c.bfludenls

1011 Smytb, prea.ident or theGrldute Students Ulllon,III"'d thai ... fallllll'*"'d technolo&icaJly heguse01 il1ldeq.1t ruurebapt1ld.Jt1ll'C,,,"pendlJ per CelU of ha" G...:.

IlIIinuI P'roduet On rctearcb_pualwilIl2.J Pet"celltin.....ndl,.perCClllinllle

""He federallOYeI'lIlIIelll~lOlowerllle.mollnl

.... ...., by 11.""" "~ChIlIEi

.... a/rQdyqmlelll...nIMy

... com.... llolinindllllr}'s.ytll"'lpahII&dllrt"l.


Datre.••• ",_nn"ere...... 10 rn qllElho••1

~lt=nT"'1UpOft0IIlt1 pHlIIIIEI pr>lIIled 0111

lW'OewfouMl.llllddelpen.lely... economiC ckYdoplDtm


_!MItcrmtaarellOlbeirll,nllepWltllllllll •..,.

"-_ennl tb, ,1II111es.claimed IlIIcthefedtnl

bud~ ha IbftDby JJ pereeDI per

Dee the Ubenli lool963 H" 1111


C~~trafizot;on discussed

Seminar reveals doomed settlementsIY DENYS MULROONEY


St.foundland (nol 10 be--.. ...tll.bladdilU


.~o I ,uwer been toScwf<:Jalldbnd

Aad ya. then', ..... 10 be........ 111 fa«.•"JoaIy 12 per=n oompkted ,ltd

_ .. ~ r..... Ne.l:lWld­IINmwilllK-.t.

l"-fadSandolllnasp«tlt1~~~ntprtltJ".m­__ lIl'_lOCODdollbt'

a,t_~1I:e ...._cd-.s 'COtIfbd and Cn*; III* ,wf"",IIIIluldColDlIIWlIty'

E W"Reuttlceul'" It~.lifttyl~...._WIIbtbetwo_ceI"'OpkZ_W.S~u.. ....y

..... of ~part""l of••"Illy .Id SOflal

De.. lop••I' Ind D.R01 \IUS', 5oAokIo'

... .uIi.......,O'plrt_'-""d)< oppoule pole&.Sa-etz staled t. olrorial.1 .... elf'bined Many

oIIM"r...m.~1y.....1OftlI ,,. IO""IIIe8l

.Ilk ',hUIH:",. d,..l.lllUIylDlIOlosKaI.,;p«tI

, P''If1I .. IIIriIkf for I'IMapll_

e rfull!l:Tntnl J'f0lll"11II.Ihl~ told ,ho JO odd

~~~::~I;;;..~I:;S:;.:.I' In.olycd~ 110,", mlny

wanl to move'" lie npl.ainedlUI rr~1D w.. dati ()<l 18

Grad students attackfederal bursary tax

Students don't care about CSl!Ibn mo. paulItakut& mnillocb thn pall few Yeln and if yOll(ldtom) IIIv.. bull lIIed to think .bout il for sf.... rninut..Inform ward lIIembon 01 1'Ill~youwmrecopiultrOl'mneun.. lbo __ thatll"

If III tb.iJ -... ~--'I

orfor no ••Pf)OIopa.....y otWm. .ft", IbrM yun st ~,Imn would be d.....olll.... tollylb.. nryleut.


ThililnollollythlttbrCouacillbould nol II.r.mllWelI1d1di1cu111ionllldckbllle.lItI• kadinu.-ruuOI"II1lclIid..,uprliotnndediD...,.:i&ar.-nI dtantDL ID fld I tlaIt;tIMCOUIlCi_._fthIabk pouJI'C*lIld it Us ....\ldaIts_ltndyl1ltlll'.' Ill1OMd.kt*qun. d.U_ fro. roc-.taaboL


Iluarrel'lflthy editor:il.l. Youpicturo ..lJN u.toa.IlIuL cODeer d. Yitlll,.lntu_ndbodillll~tI)'

tb.....edbytbe".......... OIl:h CSU (I.... "ow' ta­.IldalU ....... todnct.l_thiny .. fony idiou iJl u..lloiTenlly 10 replOllmllbnm iIIlMJrpWnl:d). N...w, edit... Ih..e beard thiI stooy RPOIledlyin your ndilorill column 0.......

I'm not IllU wUt tIwI.,..omIbou&d bn ~pl.Ioedby.Portr.I .. no fact ill that ftf)' fno:1M: f..-.~ ~ Itud....b are __ "WiDsOllle loIy cu.n. IJI)'1llinctlwllftlO.llClllld<.>._prd"or_ iI f......... (ay ~1.tioM on..UIkat oW.__mhor) COUIlCi elected Rllutiotl 01 d.... J'IIlrICC.­

II I.... It would "" ••lIIIItbelike..To ..te.lII",rep_tali.........y diel, dull "the .uOtatI t_ur.d dJlIO_t, ylljda • pro.bIy q:ry"Wdl wlUlt lbey W11IlIR

.. ~I DlIUcrs(IOkM!&UtIM liIIy.ucqJt"Wi1hil11lbeCOllftlllllCOUIloCU ..... DOl porpotnle paralDOten jlllll ..catioraed.OIIOlIM compldn OUlnp • thoo Olbn- ........ 1I1d1 • bflMcIItrtbey ~'" bo bo<>tnd out). The socio-ceonormc IUId po!illlCalcomposilion ...(tho ~SU II. qunsti<.>..., thoR II ~t:ttIilI!yl"

mlnorlaue.sdistnctlonfrom ..llnd,indoedp~rnal problems. I think Itulknb littlnconsidcl'lItion'lIll.would pRf 10 da:t I CouncilItIdtlr..... ro I.boulhandlotIt lIandk the tod.ium ofbud&etcomllllilena without bolhorulalhem..."atil1it·ll1mIItodect •~.~

8uttu.tIliqlfint100000... I_tho~tor

of the PftIIIlI want l)'llea ofCSU RPf'l*!:Dta~ TIle ..wasbonliJl ......... I968.aruIsold 10 tllle conshtutaeO. mitt.... ud Ib.n CSUu ..eUlift '" JIIIUII)'. ThIllCouncil called • rdcrcrldum 10.dc>pt tbn syJlem (uter fo....YoIOI Ind much proceduralwTlnlhnl)by.minut.. m";ority.The reft.endum ..... carried bythe """undin. m~orilY of II¥OIOI (629-618. if I fOCI1Icorroctly) and nIJ4Ilod .rler:aaothorwl1lll&leOftrlllkpbty.ndft1icluy. Afler.oll Ihlt I 1m11m yOG will sppr-ocilU myIF"WDe diIIppoUllrDml tlUll thiIC1[pcr1aloNtlwnot~

ThiJiltllll ODDdUlirlll dull I tooblftdn-_Itt..;bI'Ii1I&"'o.syste_ 'D oper.lio •.Nnwt...... I ... ~yoorrilqJoethMlt_ ....... _ful.upauooal. H,,_ 0. ti.ebllCOrDOlonadll.So_pooplewoWdblft"' ........ thatit"'Iboul.dMlJi'te1ltuDO"l... wort .IhoariIYdillpoewilb.thiI·thcr.. iI to by-da:tionturnoutlof I.S per ~ent wben

"'"',.Your edltonll of two " __I

.... 00 tbn CSU. Ille WII c..... t.Itimub.tinI·llld.boul.millionraila out of tolldawtthrahty.



politics: a lament

SIC is slackThren ..eekl inlo 'nrm and th.. DOw Siudent lalormltion

Ctntre IhU b.u aD iDf..mltioa· .. It lUll nonn oncampUine"lI. TI!oIIlhin&troUblel ..lI:rnto bn npoctod,but Ibnp......tullUloon .... lltYondlhil.

ThIll pDUll • thai _U U1I oq:aniud II ""ort IlOtice and,beI:Io..... no ubit of doia& 10 _ beal aftlod. orpmzen do no!botIlcr 10 let tbr! W~~caamknow. AftciollIcirde.CftlIted;bocaIoIno.C_m_no< _1t.1Ild~ __ il.~_it_.""'"

..... 01 publicity.or ooune .t iI wllOtllnl 1M Iaf.....~ C_m

c:aa""'.pllIIlWII_adeqltltdy_.m:.dybypoatlllllD1..... 1Ild Iobbics-al iMeed ",our<nJ1ll ~DlIdiM.- Yotswdy• c:a1Jli poUll ybnn tIMIoA ......tClluaqllinl ..... 1Ildwll£R II tIIo aullDOlotUl&oftllio Good Old Gar lte_1IlbnDccSocioty!~ or MWhlt ...- "UNIl.cbo dc>1" woWd br! of ftIDO.. AIIaa.IIleCaatro·l ....naunUlirlll:IO.

Cl!atpluod iDforlllltK. on camp.. nall1 ill only s finl .cp.At 11M IDODIIUII 0ft1I11 an .lNunll)' IIJlOOo()rduutnd. OnWnd~y or IaII week Ih_ "Wen iIIIf I do~" or moRIipr..tfllC.llteY..nma• .uo..niud-byrocpanlnlfOU.. •nd ...of oorWdnabk inlcrcll. Yet m.ny rm:trlnJI do not contlin neIipr..tfllC.nlmcntin&-

So..... C(K)rdinatin,.,ency _mltobtnoed..d••tlnutrortft.. tI ..IlichU1ljudJlldlobeof~orintenst.TbilJobmithtbtI 1.11 OIttnlion of Ihe SIC's praent ICIhitierl· la\lmina th_eet llqrond tho pwdy IbeoRliCli .. - .. could fil ...berelAto Ibn l1Imi.fllCll1Ofl of Ibe Stude:nu' Union bw'uUCTK)'.1l0_CODll1tuted,itOOOlldlU-f'dydono .......

(>. the muse......... "' ..e..e-u-cr "- _~ll""_'lyotNeoo -~I')4

~ c........ H.......E lOII •. . .. __ E_lIkCwdJ

,........... .. · r J ..F~..toII.. ...E_CIpooio"-ino 10 doc m.r. Oawid WcClrllllr. 0.... lIM••• C...... J_

......... Lanr OToak.~ O' AIoc H..... Da-.MtGnm.....lJoJ" J.... _ J<tt. J••r m..o.,..M"'-f."."ops""OIOlIO_ti<.>llllle;nck.."II GorfIeW.

T... pro...n.... H_of ..._ oly_WlIl1o:rl..a70 ..-,.a-t1I.... Wftl< • .ttb~ -'Ynnryortll.u...--a ••. ntfor NnrfollDdland

Tbc .....o (tM H_ proroptallillt sprUr.$ and IIIU11 h ...officil1ly Mi}01lB.lld "",pen for. _ .nr.n,lwlll be.oonllllllatll>n ,n tiDd of'" ",.."lruund

1010", Ie1liIll of ow IUIIUftlre.>wcellofast-lIlk'lll mlin1Indopportul11ll1 can be npecled.

1010", Feat new industnel (like Come by C1l.n<e wlud. ;1 10Illll<.y • PrQspect th.. (..d..ral aovernm.."t .dusu to COme .cro.witil$12 mmion for. whu() could belnnounoed

w.. m.y e~en ad .nother (ROO pho'l'horul pl.nt 10 rut.nothcrCOl"o.... ofth~prunnu

Ther~lI be mor~ SmaII..ood double If,1Ir (Mit II not UI tb..Pl'b~c intcrelt II tbiJ tilDe to dMdo. deem"). ("111..,will b& of _il.1I imporl.llld 10 NnrfOWl~'s fUluro") dOlipodto ..... tllotbilyearth••..slDlsof ..mKIfiIIlnd.&ood_.,.otIln"New1"ol;lDdlaDckonlladbopedf.. bon....

"OR piliflll tb.u noll" .. b& 1_ yar'llitt'" a-_ IIlii)'I:U tile • ..s..1I of ....-.I •.t .,.:ad ..., otta....Nnrfollllll1allcknbd~f .. better

l'My'd !lOped for • UlUIed oppostio. fro. - TorieI,Indopelldelt Libenll,dila6c:1lt LibcnII.l.Ibnd.. lndepelldeall_lldtedUatooDO.d~illlutifiaalputyboeltor"'lfo••com_.IDI.ediat~""'.lbc~ncloftb.. Srolllwood..,.

11UIarI they "'" 1110 only lwo "",ble ann-...t ........1...1I,,:.!tman.nd JobnCfOIble.&fOP...iml.,.ry.bout.lqllllbbb,.",,"wbolbouldbelbcb..-of • ...,uId«ooahtll>o

They leO tbe locll Prosr_Ye COnte tlOU. I motley CRW Itbeft.diVldedin.suicidllludonlupll &le.ndlbey.lIOaeelheirony oflll..m.U. fred 8il'llilllaoftboNDPsppeann,ontlleluheto up,,", bil doubtl Ihll .ny N D..moCI'lIII could fmd It Inthelr burll t... coo. p.rty tineaund lnycircumltlllCea.nd.1Ihollmntim.. inl'ilillClhndliellchlnlndfrum .... putialojolntbeNDP

And iJllII. cua lhey _11le bdlnmlcreltlofNnrfollDdllDCIlA tllo r.- post<:oofod lion tAdition. Jdepted to • c:bi1IypoIlPo.sub liuteIO lndputyint.......S

((cod;; 01 SmaIIwood'l OppollhOa"o OM.nd th_ toi&bt_bn£'l'l.llCal_-.l*'ctioo

l.AIllk-.pnxead._tMOr..-atadf-ntb_arropllCle...:l~"..-..cloatyiJl...mrcS-lwood ...... And tlle_y to 11M PlllbII ..tio.. f« orfllleIKtiaIlwb:ll, dlaIII"oo_nriftl)' .,.bydefa..

A~ _e.-oUn-.Lea !all·latila_of .....lIIoClUwl&_thaa'PdJUMlW

God a-d thco Nnrfouad... 'Id

AI lhll p",l I yanked oul 1110' p[", from lhe "IllAfler .ll. even. depr."ed tdemorialot ... denl can onlyotandsomuch

J'rnIieJ". be irllendl 10 e....1t OIl .....ey of_1ty«CLJCX"'l')

·1'Iuo1 .... ~.Joey.lcouIdll'tktyoald'nI0'1l-.z..-nIWllblJu,IIlIlJYenllyhippie

..Bul' ....nledlotalltloltim,lfllep...... 1utdI...., I'd)ult Jt,.,1 polUilll""" OIIIti.litao. 11MO·tH ....nlH ","'ehmCll ~~lopelHlae-.o.lleQa'1rait1Rallery""

~1UIIlI)lare. Joe. l'boIIy FonlIIII_OOIill.tooflfortoo_",r-af"UIliIIo. (CLICK)",,-y Foru.'

"IUIly•. ROIl."~V.byeil'I_.R




"110'10' HeAo9 (CLa) ,. V -..1...-lI.taa:lo per_ .."D.I'. _ r. IH bIIIIl: UllIN: pro.,_."'"Olt.daI.j_ .,1 I Melb. V• ..,. 1•• ...,._

...... d1de.a.eyeu-aeo.belWtl"...eWltb.yoootfuibloo•• _ face .... I .....u...a. _ fOC 101••111.,.. lid' de "iian r- know...."

"(CLlCK)PbonyForum9"~ l.o"II dilt.noe lI'lI!wWlolI c...... w. you ''"PI'

collect call from ...... Spiro Apew9"·'Sutemedcar. V. r_. Newfi""'''er ewerywhere

HeDoSpuT)I'r?r"'Sir, ~ wahlllal 10 tel III toudl .lIb the cenl'"

wormaliollileacy,. Newfo....nand. lad abpyoulid the pboMaee_to be fadUII ..Il"eyoulbere'r~YES BYE I'M HERE!""I 1l1li ....Ied 10 DY."T1IANK VOU' SPIROPHILE.

WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!""lIeno9 Hello? (CLICK) Pbownnn FOf\1mmmm'!!!!""EIIo Mister Pompa."~lIellomcdear."

"1•• 113-yea.--okIlacly from Bil Eyelan.•ncl l ...allloreed....mpinovc.lbeecr.··

"Fine.Goaheadmeluvhc"-I .role hil for Our Preemye•. 11,11 caUed J<ley'l

"m~1I"ur Jocy. wilch ,rt in Newfnlan. 'al!<>w<'d be dye

pre stat•. Dy refine..... oome,dy w~l be done ,n ToJ)' SinJawn. II lis ;n Dildo. Give til dis m... nl ou· m... ntlywelfar. cbeclr:.lnferlivelllnurlu,n.llwefetJi¥edine. An lead us nol inlO bank.... pcy. but dhvcr l1IfromCroshie. Fe. diM i. de prov,nce de pOwer .nd de •• detpicabk "'-.10.... tIM JOiMIIIYI •......t for Ihll ..eftHlI ;o1llQl. the Daily ...~ wllhepartir:lplnl.ieROIll'o.pollI·.-""opn-be .... PIlony Forua. Nd III.~ ael'ltal.,ofeiPt

HorrifottdlhatIIutCOllldkaolalh.lllandlu...,.ofdenDce .ad ~len.-t. I dec:ided 10 fgreao ..,"'lr.p liII _. 10 I... UI.I aDe or. __ble....",.~ ..-n.,.

A cnctk ot It.lIe:..... caa>" ...'1'ItaIy FonIm..wtlll lOll ro-~, lItUD _ kmitieI,lI-.lIRo.Po.PMl11Ie_ ....... ~o.VOCIlIu. VOC'ltl: VaJley. W. law • I" .11111 • today.... onIia.yl_, .. fad. I ".,-,padIII.-. A"_ ...... geIY......,.,geIY-nle,.. ".J<a1*I SatII__"IGooo1-.... Joello..",.'"

I •• 'Ief)' pMa.a.geIY.idillltld. ..."pattfJlfdI....""Olthilpktllal.fen>le.ftfl1aJIIllilloutllere.

lbftrYknclJ,geIY ....,....oe-r. ~. _JIIII ••lRuoarydl".ItIl.ftf)llpeaald.y.lI ... palclaylorMNlou.tdlaad. for I hrteJIIII relutMd fro- NO'. Von..*rd..... fromlllefloodtJu,*y,preawedloaet "".IrIed1undlalld Go_I~...EUo: .. llmem Aprel_"'part. Icdd...... PeleTu:rdeau ..ouIdAy. Billtile Ien did IlOl conte, 10 I had dUl.'''',lh'Ile 111 IaIllCe1'(!f Newlowullancl.Jobas,len.. Aflerwards we wml 10" H.. loptbe,

-nw.t "ou. Joey. Now II you liItellerl ••nl to ~.,1111 0111 f'remoer. Ihe DUIIIM, 10 call ......~Jlloofifortoo. gr .mIOOlldlrlllltle. (CLICK)"",-"FOIlIm."

'Ron, Ron"IZZAT VOU.IoIIST£R IIUlllrrV',?R'They caI1I me e_)'th",... me Iovdll:a.~Owuy. dil mgrn,n'"·Lite de Oo ...ncler. tMdut,nede llol1DOoet ''llllea Ron, I lott_dOl••a I wantl II b.clc -'DeIcribe'I.rroedear.whaldoltlookltk''''''Well Ron ,\". pyoor .. itO' b~•• pyoor ...!te. An 11011,1

an I d...nno w.1 II do. Cnyl 11IIMii fmc.. Ron'"'~;oleor felllale~"

Dl1ll1>Cl Ron. but Iwoni M und ...v de 'ld or:IlIyli,.if,ld<lntc...mblclc,lstm,ulflvc.d.p ppin.

'['m lure ~o\J'llelll b.d< lveryone 0111 Ihere keepon ,ye 0 ...1 for I p\Jre wh'le b'l- I m.,.n-(CLICKCUO() Phon..,c Forum!'

'Thil is Randy Joyce, .nd I w.nled to 101< Ille

_..- A;,:ft.:..:.h~c~o::;:lu~m=n~-_• byRIlllIy_

...,.,f.rewn_. WJ,.YDAGO,JOt!!·"mlM~,M"I.. J"'lowfy."'Hi ...rot" RcaDy I dd;t.lcd IliI 10 ..


'''-w, B c:hro ....1Ib.. (CLlC") PhoBy Forum""Ron, by, Ia.wn*a'1IIIi.n dow.. 011 de docb

Aa I r••l • de Seco. Wurl Wu_ A. )'011 tnow R..._ ... 1 lUlU we MOIld all., up to d. " ,.)'.l<lIOwROCI'"

'y.u., III 1.1I........ anPlaad 10-.""v. by. Now _atonr- bma Joey_n.blll eeomy

dod·... tiIII-..··clal •• tokl:lk~."ut-.Ily_ Da' 1qld_~.<>.tt.loo..fOfdcn:~."

..~ Ill', r..- wit yo•••• INuert per call,""Now' .._-y_'"" .._'-It.....~ ....~...... .,~ •• IJI"Ilk._"••___ • bit. _ Iud. no -o_~ dey bllt PI f..:.... Ow lo""ll"d den' elden. Wluity-. link Roil'"

-nat', • pat Ill. by. WMt I • .11 saym aD ..,.,.Tt::I<Mlll_hiJl&."

..Dt:IlI_doillid.ayl!l!,""AD .....' aU,.,1I bstnen out tileft'. lbe p1a0l' 10

_mbk .. by tK CourtlM;>.-. 10000 loday. We'D wlloptbo:daYbcbbolib u.e ....IIb. n...nt yoaJir.II)'.IIO....

"GaW'*-Y1 Roa'"(CLlC") "Now lben:'. I ft:J)' IIerioOf mallen

IOIIIftlody bro.' to my _lImho.. iJl 'letter. Thit ladyWIOte me • I.ller aDel dM: _)"I the filtby lolc:monllaudmll.lDllucCOlllUollltat,hror_thrib.hafttolleD to inJIl'«lI" KETOIUP ialo Ibeir "'- Now I"'011'1 me-ntloa tbe aood lIdy" ...rroe. but IIllII tunoiqlbeletlero_lolheCID.I'msuretbey'1llate~of

1Il,(CUCK)PboayForum9"~Roa.l'm I UlllvelSlly Itudellt. I let Itrlli&ht A'IUI

eftl'}'tlwlllndl'dlikeloleUyoullutthilb\lli_ofItetdlup iI complelely fa!le. I doa'i do It, Nobody Ikno... dosil."

"Voudon't'"'No We all ~rank Worceatenhire lIuce. III hi

(SLAt.l) (CLlCKl'lIelr th.1 e¥eryone. F'lthy. Remember no....

Courthouae.lllO<>n .•n ...ell.nIOUplolheuai."..ily.rn lead Ihe Illlckm_lf. All yo ... 1OQdto",,,,pOlOpiel...rn ... pwilhyerpilchforkslndllenadQ.Seeyou- "

A"ention Graduates

Gr.:! phototrlPht for the c.p and Gown 1970 will be Uk~wetY Mondly and Wed~. from 9 ••m. to 12 noon• .00hom 2 p.m. untit 6 p.m. commencing ne.t week (Jenuery26tttJ.

attention allsocieties


Surnena initialC.D.E.F.G.H,I,JK.l,MN.O,P.Q.RS.T.CJ.V.W,X.Y;Z.


Jen. 26 end 28~.2.M"~.9end11


Feb. 23 end 2S.....2 end".

Cameramun StudiosRoom 204.T'homson Centr•.




(s. tltil continuint .. Mdt ... in the MUSE end posten


JANUARV 30, 1970 ",..

It Sat Y

MOVIESR"'>en "':bSl".lok~"".n.IIM>"""y"a1

A..IoIlWoI. fllal,.,

l1U:hlellllOllScn->ceFi.lmUIUI ........ e..rlllll f........ 'twfOlllldlaDd It I lOp",.•WedMlday llId Fnday. ;11 Ille film 1IDl[ Arb.--

Tbf; urtbly .... lIOt)'Uable "r",,*~ ,. 1I1l1'"poI1ef5.ppeanlobe._

Apoateradftfllll.... frurod:CC)tIUrt.lldll....op ••b··rlld: ..... I~lettas.ppean:d... tbeSludenl Celltr~ k>bby Iut Fncby .nd ."•npped do by TSC An ThomIlDIO" .btI"IIJ II·IlIIaood Utt~

Tbf; potter pol up by hm(Bluel Brot~RI!d:edaw,.... lbe..-on! uKd .. lJIeye--caldle, II1II..."rted p..tty ..eU whi!c 'I l...ted"

Tornhn-:>nSlid hedOeatt·'I!IulI;.lh.... illu"'""ullllOn IIp,nlt tOdI posters bOI ,,', I malt., I,,~

'Thc: ..on!, ... c....ldb..eb"..nbelle,.·

0" February 2 pwIIst Anion Kunu pUYI.1 I....Am.Dd Cultu"' cenlre. T...LtU.,., S, 12.S0. n fromd~Cenlr~

O"Ftbrv.uy31.... 0don1SIn... QlIIl1etplay&ll30p.m. III [b~ '-'[lIt Tbeaue ~ lInk T1Ital~·,

hll."bume concer1 aI 1 p'n lod.y feal"",1 C.[""'"C:"'.Ie! 1>Ol'G-""lud,.tr ... M'r-Cp.....)

NRBQRICk !'\;eIIoD From enryOne 10 e..eryone Ihank. for ....kllll LutJlyAT1IeAmtrlCl1II frid.y !ti&h1'1 Flft Coneen 10 aood TlIut ahoald heJa~UonS more in thefollire. Mea,..hLIe.lf.nyo..., fed.llhdollllCoff·Llllb the Slme thr.....M-tber m"OIo;al.dr.m.lleOI.hlleftr


G •JoeSoo1IlT_Jo".,.Shodull BloeWarkllftdaayWLm1IyHeaclTbeKaacaIISlyATlIeflllll1yStoH


TW T.1eI N<tT_

i :~~~~"Y5'oa<I VetI..., ~-6 5upentar7 Hold 0119 1'lII.III<yo",Eoa-ybody

"I dar

10 SbeCI_,nlhroll&b[104!


g ~~I~k~~~~oR":n14 IWan[ V.... B.a,15 "'henIIlIKC_A«md

R"",dr,," 1 ( u ,,><1 en., "'~.. ,'WI "'<':' ",h ,. lhe ,n. 10'" )r ; )1l~1 [",~onc, brok.... lh~U' rea

II ~_ 1.000 wr- or The Mu. weft IllUUl;etI byIIIe D.lIy toe,"" d~lI••ry Inld cln"ft110 too: l.h~ Com..-.C<>n<.plloa ....y .• "'" publiolled II lhe DallyN....~ plInl 011 O·l~..ry A~n.... on 51. lO"""'nd weftprompUy wlu.hd off ""Ollnd 1M t>-y'

Ho _. 1.......- CfUIM' •• _ IIncoft'fed ...daII d1 by Ille .flftTlOOlI. N••en~ lOme 2,000M.mona! lIudrnu ",110 pdod liP COPlC" or IIo4! paper1ut.ed:d><1-..I"""'.fa... l .... ofr..... ilIId ••llmbcroflhlllco",plaultdlollwIllUSEofr_rlulllo4!paptor"'.. aoo,lWllII'dalLllo:' rwaln..or.IU'II'1

Pollution strikes in

Conception Bay

,,--------music-------....._:---:-:--""""\IMUNRADIO IMPACf HITS.......... ..... .... O_''',''n Jim Bro~~.n.hire

Jon H.mlllOlId _eo I <>tI ruonI oaID llId.ccolllplDllOd ·,......pliflllll.d«-t""

H~·....... p<>werful""to:IIllId" ".. do. lot of bulp.. ,Ib III BlllCl .. ,lb I foebolt lie 40ti n ........-..dropllndofC:OOTXlllIl1f BIIIiEI.lllblfedJlC,-lIedoa... ll...-iQ drops.nd of <GUll lO,tar W......lute:::=:..':f tbe Ro", StoMll llId tkllll. !)ulko

He ued tbe buer Ihree before Oyllll. waybc Dylalldia<:o~ I..... m h,bo are no. of lhe band)tluoucll HI_lid. P!a~ lompl II __•, ...... LII. Ih~ Ibnd) 11lroo&b llanllnolld I'laylftlto.1 II PIIIt .....D 011 bna loci Charles Ot.. OD drulQl.TO&etberlh~ bydowD ",:~e.~ry IOOdblllea


no. R...I. 00_ T"IIlIll' "-n .. for lit.." VOlol,. ......looki", for • Ifol __ VOIoI ot'lll..... ""","Ie

o..-..ty "'c._ ...,"'.detree 11'1 W1I, 11:_,"''''''-''''pkli "II ..... ,tary ",",n.. R-.It: you ~1e.1~Ie...... : -"oat........... QItt.c.·.cnmm....... inlh.Canedian........ f _

Noow _,... lIndeflrlllluatelllllflfll'y,lfllMc1edyoo... .--"'.bedtprt1O ot __toonpius

r.....aur-t far ......hOft. 1tuCl 1 ,_, and book ...~youllrfolal.-.dy paoocI for 11"1 V-

f ... _.lIlf_tooncoroleet V_ .... ,Qry ....1.......CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE


PH. 726-5851



Make friendswith it!

Memorial's Winter Carnival '7000 pm ()II 11l~ Stll of february. Bmlda .. tbc4I1ulllllal! "".,.lIlbor~roYldlNl~yl'eleTlAw prop' nlOO... poIIill.. Udmlllyld'nllw ........,ofIII )'nl'" Snow Q.._n, will li&ht the C.""." u>4 I...........1' ...... the hard-tO'SC!lId:dl for this ~I lhi YOlir bullon .11 elll 50 ""alS olf Ihe $150

• fmlll of tht An. build,,,, 10 offlClIl)' open 10 on _Ie at "l"'t;idy .~ed 111I"" and on lhe riTll ~m'UIOn pme fo. 'M ..... ho,," lbe S1.00 pnor forI CIfIllYl' '70. The Snow Queen ...ill Ihen Iud aU 00... rnl .....ed b.... If yOIl end"l' 15101 In hne fn. roUe.....Iml; and Ihe $1 00 pnee ror the horl'01' IKoIIR

pillared ,n lhe \.-.llll<'n,1 loro;llhah' parlde lhe 150 Ilddl tll_·••l.... )'I. !iO<:·hop ,n Ihe TS( Wllh YOII' blillon Jt11 yOIl In free 10 ill lhe IpOrh ewenllthe elmpus, and lhe r"IlY'hn will hIVe bqlln the Neon RQIC which normaU)' 0011 H cenll, 10 pu.t. OM III' loday. and00 lhe ...... ni&hl, ,wo hardo/tilhna IN.1IIIb wiU S,"l1ilY ahemoon will "" 'Peed lnols IpOlI5Ored by ad' I'roarllll so )'011 Cln foUo. and aUmd 'lie _",,'IIlIe mllSK for AnurqJ Nllht In Ihe lbo...on Jo.:UNAC.1Id Ihe two olh" clly .ulo <h'M, and Sund.y ewnl.

Gy", Ihe N..... Rose • Ii_....n beloW)' rod niIJIt me.... Snow B"nl "70, "',nler (ami....'. ann.... TI". year, IMR1l be pre.(".ml.a1.ann...p(let. hopeIIacd In TOIOnlo, and l'*".. Bof,I one 01 lhe nrltty oIlow ne "':Ill.' entert..nrnenl .iIl ind..<k d', colo:l flIO..h lo ••mnl ne) Tonicbt and lomorro.popular local .ro"p" .iII be compelllll with Ille &11 ......nd dane.. and 1M .lDJlas of ,..eo;.... .t.ilI I« speaal nfllil Ffiday beinI' <XIncm II

lho! CentR to pi ftf)'O"" III the C........ car.,n! IlOpt _ .. iD ... uaoun cd .ft" the 111I Am .noi c.lU «alre by John Hammonoi an.-I,._L Part two 01 Snow Bunt '70 •• be"'r eIIa~ Anoenaa bl.... and. IP"raI~_n

III !>Ih l"chlll , .....yofC.rnnl70will .. f. conrcrt by Peler law ud 1M SOund of tb Tid... are"'" SI..sO nn".s. llrdaylll*," JaIllW)'

1ft .. eta-. an: A-.c:ded fQl' lbe dulllll.. of hl;di 'h.u •• off to be4 101" reYdirn.. e'"PI 31. there1l he • pn<.nuw. III till TS(' .1111,and '.ra... II KCmtMlo Folow.. .- I~ of co_ .110 Ille _I ward!. of I""" lKle)' 'Ioat fty MIll 1"1 •• p

nalr_1IIl of •>olllhd pille ... blood lor tIleR .11 be • _"'eM•• of ~ )'Car', C........ p.l1'O.' I'nmr llitliatn PIerwItleFaaahJF.... aadIIleC_.... AJl.sran __ ra- t .............. 11to_ EIlillllTruclqu.noiN, JoIutR ODn ....lbeforeyou

riI be I'OIIer *d-.:. tile no- ee*" lIle C...,. ' "I'ft..nre BIIriII" lfQlanJII your pWte.". tile Iipstjd. ud spIdt youndf _II No Swi! k Jour"","" button plus. _R SO frieIld -.s ViIHlnt I'ricel. "Co-.._ Wonn- .... we'd lib 10 po.. _ tIuolllie rn- N__ .II

(uot'" d-c_ dalkl aad NDie. tto.ter. Dic'- (. _ be abk ",_to Ne__ dMlOodIeT..,onut..... '_ ..1Idt Ilou. _It" 1:00 __ 0I1'0111.-..e••• tllfwl C1D••I_b ("'e *Ii F_"l O'Dal".....y.IIleUtt... 'DIaII'I,I..uIlll&IIIeAqelttia Oa~"'T.....,,""IOJO....... S ottlle--.oI IlI ·~

.... l1t.co_.u .......... by ... DF.CooIl. .... dllil'l" lIIt..-u _Il '" 1_",'" Newfou llpnoide .. _oIll1e.. ..ue dlpart_lII. nell II 2 JO 111I s-w Ed_~ __rill'. blat In. ........, canrtt.. ,.., .

11411I, .illt ~1YI11'. from bed....... to ..n.UI.., ba*et IfOII)IW .11 tlc*.le 1&1_ Cimini "70'1 Snow QIHen, BRad. Crowla)', II •10 1Io."lIl1.ffllll. A P -p)1'II toumanlenl from UNt. UPEI .1IlI SI FnllCll XI.... 0. T~y IIOOJId yrar lIono"lI hycholop' studenl. SIle Jdl on

.. lIeld III tbe l'M_ <:eat at 4.JO Frid.y aft_a, you cu drift of' Into Ibe IlIIIMI (1'1I)''''' T"ead.y, Jan",ry 271h lo ...~nl ..elllOrill.llh....a ... Ib Ille final milch Idtldllkcl for40'cIo<:k ."'110 m ...,_ "UNAC .11 beholdi•• car rally C.Mch.1I Unm:rstly hpalll, bcirIIAdd part.fternooa opm 10 II stwknb of Ihe WlIllr. C.nunl ,,,,YII._ .1 Ille Un_1)' 01

Iler _-bop .iII be ..... Ille plaIte. of pull Abo.,. Noaday aed Tunta) lIudenl,.i11 pi • ",.Iedoo, Onlanoaof IlwTS(' Friday IlIIIu • 11M: Neoll R_ ~1o_GkPY.rbrou&ItIII~ .1830..... n. YUl'IIttro_~"1llaar.eR thecla:yl.' .DIt!beLaw'" Ille Sou.. ot t:1le PacifIC 'JI'Oup III IIlI P'lt.yIiQI E4ucat.". build... IJ. l.noIllr1' I)'lIIbol 01 C....n! '701I ••11Y okI_ bia

IIIpptythe-C....n&be.. --a-= -.taporc-) FoIow.. tlw ..... (wllidt r......IC'ftr)'O.llItlMoId'"l:_.~ollt·....-....twiJlpTHEnatlletipadflXltoe ........ 10 be wdI WOII.lIltle ....... tIleR •• toe And 11_. rullllUllOllI lor _tkbootl.lI_

..., II I'" Roc:blllllln • Iell III rue (') 1'01II parf_1IDr lIiaIt.1II tlleSly."Corai Roo_ot ~~aOllou b.bkc:tdo\lllllAlcd1O_.IIo~keepllilroc:kiliJ-duir'"ItlekllV"CooontrJClub Oabotbotirlild,l'eterLlw ~"belloal.. bet_ ..,. So,,"pt, u",..y • tile n.o-. COl... AU ucl 11M So.IIlI PacifIC •• "'y llie Coral Roolll. 11I11Ie 0-1 Mill __ ... e:IIOY llie f. oIW..,. C '10

... are eqoedC'd 10 ba", cnaced 11IdrSlJ'Roa.. t..le)' ........ *' .... Il0n0nMonda)'T1leRat'e1oh0ltllillplor~todo IcI.0IpIKft by Saturday Ifl_a. ltoe SlIow "'lucl.-NewAIIlIeIIalIon.llpwo1'ilktbr-.-: ...... b__ IoMea,oyed So ..

•• kJudpd at tIIat 1_ IorT.....y..:pr:"1IdI ,....c:lllpo tbadr..ltIleliu... OW .,.y .ltJriaIp Ill., sao. QaMrn 8aI 10 bot 1leld DoIIl foqe1 10 pid. up you. c:antIYII butlon .1Id "no. realy _R rile cla:y.,"

JANUAflY 30. 1970 '....the patrons,

1_Jr..,._loor>ome4lObc_ th_"'-Ni....... lnKIirII.C""'.troIIoflhol970"' CorIu>al

Tb.iolh.limoofy... ..,henlllo ....lOmaryfornud<nlto(N....oriOlUni...... 'yofN•..,(o"DdI"""lOh_ ......,korfl.~ond&obo:beforeoecU.. _.ror llat .. pe.hapolho_dlm"..u.... of ... rwo ....Gobel'o...__

T__ .. too ......Uy .... __~ .. 7UO

... "'.:lOl:Io_...,..I-.QtlrDptll .. bc • ......,.- ......__ lor.N"..,......_thtl .. Ir.............., .... ..._

J ......... Ilro_~_ ..hohlwe ..... UUO

:~~~~=.1""oo-open- "'alita_IS

",:~n~~Iy,II1II yeu'ls..-o-. 1IItd

She pllllu.UICI from Iloly 1l...tnfMtI)' HfC;h Sdtool .."th_nn_~.CeaInt>tl)'ScIooltonhlp,._II_·'

_yar""'d1""""H<>","......-....port--S-..S·..··._ ...,. __ ...,..~a..r_10_ __. ",.... _.__ "'.S,.J_..~)'_ .._ •• 0''''' lil:>rarr

"'..... C.nll.... b_IOIr..... 'U_.........c_'"

and the snow queen

~-~~the chairman,

,.... La.'" lks..-. of t.'lIril'o< .1.... 1... ~i11....... of "- __••11 • ,.rtldpM" .. III~·•.... C '70 &0. F""-Y tG lk .,.. EiP'_,.~ -*e.dlo ,...... _of............ ,...... rn.. 10""" SI._tG.,.l.M ud dI. _ , ......eWed I" .....p 11I10 •'iPd' ...

lite s--I 01 ,... heir", are ."...,Inll,. ,h. lop __ ... ill

............... of'... anl S I_ 2-. hlerL•••

............. lad.. of , op _ ... perforlllt'r.S.oF..... lhe_ndlo'.le lnd" 10 II.. Indi!. "hind Ih_ I.o.u Ihe ..,IWoed perfoo-..o.... _pel.I.... S...... oltbo'8(:lfir

'eler La••ad Ib Sound '~ific h.... Ih... mu8e:ol ....k col.I'll for Ih... durinl C....InI .. lbo,. pia, Frida,.. febnluy 6th indI. Thomool C'ltre, Sliurd., lhe 71h fo,lbo Sno. Q_ JaIl.die 'dI ... Itt .. lor Ih......perfo'_ buhn II I'" ......Vllt. Coo" a_ in otkIitiotllo •~ of I.... 0•• Suntl.,....1.1....I....~ofS_._..7.

John Hammond: Detroit.... ..-.. ~ fto I0~

.. dIIIt ..., ~ 'I.. 1l-.._ "- _ 1...

....., .... --.. 11 ...-. .-..,..... ,....._ -- ........ , --.. _0.---B__ hi.- 10". __ 0' w1Iidt he .

~tiIJoIIl: f_oo lo.B ................ takn".._ '"........,.... trI-.Io...,. .....,.c 1ICIl". H ,...•.............. I" N tntIII ....,... IlIo_L~ IIiI,.,_.. CUrteaOt.....-_.

fI,... ...IIO ..... JOOd ,.,.... ...neec..1y....... ..-, _ ~B_.. FrWo.,.•... JCI tI dt.A C C Tkhta_o,"......., _Il _ II C oflke.Al dtll of llIe C c_.., lib 10.. -r- _ ~ .. IM ,-........ or ,-C " .. ...., ..,. •••II_IM....... DIG IVIIVJODYTTm


CUIl.... lbetedt.... IDtllcprolelliouljOllnllll."lIdIoId.~.""'1n

otII)' 10 ... eIlOlIp cm!il c.dI fOfIfJllIR.._

""dll\inillnUoM are Inoclkted•• lhe)'Ilhollld be, for 10.... of Wbat'lwro",wtthtlleKlldOJlIl)', but the flll.d'lIwntal f1Iw IItbatreaiedllCllloul.cootrolil ....db)'.... tnwed faadl)' wbo dlroroicaI)'........""ortI'*'fortllnoudwbolllD""pw __ oIa"'aIooutteM:llila ....."tll"llleUf.II_oI~.....a.-IOIM: __ iftM

........,. II ..... 10 to.......,.-"'wiIIll"'-,*ol~....... 1"-01 ....... 11.111_wlllielll loG far -*- tllil ~---"'11._wIIkIl.~

_bIII)'_.... lIt_.II1O"" ........

..,..... wIIIM .. belkaitml ..___*)1' Up 10 a poUoI.....

• ...... wriItaI .. I ... "OtriaIUSciOJlIIr;., ..OlOiloI"...... ~.1IIIIiIIII..oI~;EldI&cuJl)'__

IIIouWbe .lIowed lodec:i. for,""""wbell.. "" ....... to ... j\lldtDdo.l.beltloilililpulllio:lti.-."tIadlilll.OfIoOlL If ... to dnoIII.IlIloIIIIItidpCll'tio-.oIutt_to--'ud~IiIiI~IoM""'........ IUMcierotl)'toaoable .. lO ....IliI r-.:Il CInf..,. .. _ .......... lIIeco_ .. f ~1IIe....... to ~._....,.tiIIII p.bIioMdalll'ldW...... olpllllCl'l. .. tlllllllIc a....MiIII_biMIioIIto u. ..~ emae- oIt.. wwt0101 '

-lwOlIW ~pI'O .II_I I_DOtIln." ~"...,... _ywilLLelU._wlllols_tiIII)'irfotMdinr_dI bI .pprailed.t COJnaiIIlatInU.... leIl.II....t.facutlycolllmll... inchar. of prolllOl_ rpcad IDIIII Ii_........... aad .... fort........... wbal"'''-tIIttIII~·..

.... , ow. ",ew il tlll.t .-I)'faaatl)'......lco-m- .........tlleJlO_tolMltelldo~ud

..... llllal,.....-._Iletallllll.TIIe~""'_too..........~ .. cerIaiII~If)'..beticfttlllal ....... _ .....a.--oIt11e.,.'f/lalf..--..tllelOCieC)'a 0lIf0IIry_.......... IoIfcII)'toIH! IIIIal lUcile" aIloollid re.-.~bII.""'.t~IeIdl..Te_udU)'NIIIltilIdol~_.... ."

Comment by Bill Bilbop

fOfltnurelDcertIUI-."emorill. =os- r.... .o:a.XlIlIC

tla .... UlltructOf, *t_.......1profellor. __.prol"~.iUld

profellOf.Indnacton alld leetunn nol ..

leIlllre.'lleirappoilil ......II h yqn tile)' flllfil ......,req'*"-"h aft PI'O~led to IP-raM. of t'w __

a-lfla-rfN)'_ ........ rro.lkU-Ik)'JcUeodtllet-lt)o.

~,..,,--..........two~ noir __ IDI)' lie.-.. r-ye.s, boll if_ 11 ed ...... _.-I)'1llI)' ..__~.

"-ill" ,...,-. .. appoiUeoI~ fa' • ..u-. 01 dine~.tlteaun: tIIiI)'wII ... 11t.. aft... UOI ~.n.~..,.

..t-....,...,-.I_ ...

.... 1..... )'.... (11UI, ...

.II ..biIK1tot... depad_ ·1dlIcnl:kIlL) The aJltlOi*__ 01 flIII

,,",f_.bo_.lIllpl/llll*_The ..... ola-n.~.added•

"lllIOtadoi!o;iltonlolletak_.I/rIIItI)'Ot1lIIOtiouIy... tkllidtlle .....ylllc........."c:oaId .........y_tro.afaalll)' __ .rtl"'_~

_ ...... Jltlll ..... _AlOt


nc".,....oll..-r. ... .-yfaeIIIy _1Dben", bOJo;o •


.. llhocIIIiIrIillco aboItlioa.O"pIO NIItaIoff aoticiI ..p *u.tnnirJ u. o.c:-Iler.....ole-.-....

"Look Ilow f"" _.... ...PI'OlDOled, II !low tile)' IdUne tell-.Aatde (rolDtllc y of pbl)"Uilitcool 011 .:amP\ll, of IlOI bec:o.....collbOftIIiaI ("ObMqlllo_ toMalarfkllll)'iI ••eatllllp."allllftril:t••lDlIer of 0 1)' IIBvecoaamitlotlold_-) ~OII

tllc ....yupltnowsllclllltopu to"'etl.ADd 10 ....bliltlJOII to*'I-a.. Tcac:lIiaa Pd otIln cv-.:a:w'llI IIlId".1I beeo•• d~~_.

-a-oidlilpnf_ tIIc~.....,.ror.-dl.I .,....riIPd __ UM.e wtIo Iir;" to .-II

...............II-..L-"'To ... tIIe.. wiDl... II.......·.uoI


product of Trudeau and his technocrats

1t".M~""·.I«PY/~""~ ... wiIl1I.P"'"7"".f"""U.··0'-&-1«rJ 0,..... "yfllld .....11 ... II -..tkaI abcNI

...., of "UN PJOl'_ aft ::e1lC=~f~I~~:by tile I_lire prooedllrel. Il\IIdeinncry.pan_tlllltf......

...... 1...I.depan....,nl ...adlh.ft hallIllI"dyqll.UfK.ltoIllOlwllklltorell'-:relionIr)'power.ndbe. h• .,...forrelenUon.

....... o.I......... ailel'll....d1 He il one of tile pll.iJc.opbyIn_aitleelmllertlull depan_t'l lWO P'Il.D.. (Dr. "J.

~_IIdo.leadI ... Laql"ord.'.OI_I.. II_oIt.....depau.e.1 .e.ben '1'110 lIa..-e,..WiIIled.tteWlwoy-.oIt1:1ldli111n~Ilef_"""'1O"UNt_........

byflllld"''''_toIdlllaltlle__ 1liI~_"'~_...........'-rw: .. witIlI.dndioIIl"depart__ to~.lIoe'_.

-1 .....' .. _ .............,.~IleIA'id ~widltIIe

..USE..... I_a COKUMd ..,.. I ..... __

...-.."Ra)'fiddOll~..,:6fk:~ ..

'I'OIIIdlill:eto_ .....-W,"I wouldli;e lo_re-orpalzationol

departlllllatl in MKh • WI)' lbat tbedDcilion ..r4IntC1lrrlcWWllaRlDIGeby all d.p.rllD_ _ben an4upper"""- 1wouldli1.eto_u.e .••-.til; ,..-.

-n.n_Ile~""1O~a""""'''''''__ (''................ altIIe n..........~ Ile ~

V~ IIid tIIe"',",,",WNlMd_ ..IliIW~(e--_I IJIPOAM_ _... ,...".... lIaI ___."




E et"~ oe l'C1ud",g MtrTl(,of••1 Studentsl kxlIlfor &he Dlsi lNrto:et ..... It'IOPP'ftI few yourdoth... ,*"•...-.u - you'd ,.... • 10%DISCOUNT &'I The B.'

U !fO'IM~iOnc:.d1







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Madam rd like to give you your moneybut the Campusbank architect made aslight error in wicket design.

=-~c::::''''''VIaltyour C8mpusbank~ Banko'Mont1eaI--­BRANCH of Bof M• 314 ELIZABETH AVENUE WEST

w~ IIIoIcbI we'll be lIliff~mlllbil.eetull ..-ntt.OIII""''' __ foryoouGdipI.SoOllwilbtllllrtlylh_MdmetnandrhylllCTo ItNp you lIaWY_lI1I 0/. tloc ti-.

Illl1lotartecloff_.fta-'11w-._oft... I.... Ib.Jte4lo.woolIo.n.C1IIclil:tkcLoaodINtuuabtucy...5.YI M ..S...·.lhe _ for lI1I the WUN boY"!"

HeUlYJIeclba"l;Ip loC"MERAJoIUN,W~uo:elkllIJlllO'l.... tsanal_)'ldollll.lie loot PKturCII of bn tile...,1kIIoultbc)' wenl 10 tbc flWfy air.

Slarintood ...iIIdoworItan<hDlUl-....lllit~.1'JI'I'IOUS no.. fO'!dtno...... bellvtifal••1)'. aduIlItulI ..... dIk'-01-. )'OWI'~lIIo/.tbe........

u ......·-PbIlI....pbyb)'BilCoodlaI

Quality portraiture at prices less than half those atother professional studios in St. John's.

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Golden Foods


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REGULAR SALE24.75 111.1514.60 11.1i1544.50 27.60

78.95 49.5032.86 24.507.95 4.1i15

HOCkEV EQUIPMENT'5pr.bCl"RRVICMlplnll 8.1615epnllooc:Qy.... 4..36 3.353 pr. W...... DunnSenlorHodteyG..".. 4.003pr.W......... Du"n ..... hadceyGJoo.- 25.20 16.1610"-1 ...._ 7.00 4.50

11.50 12.16 8Mi15pr.L8d.. ,...... ...hI 11.16 12..1610pr.C.C.M.Men·lhadcey .... DMi 23.50

CLOTHING~...... jadtftl 30..25 16.9520~1Mtar"""("- 1.75 US75Ad'oMI:oc:~ 1.36 .N1s..ISouII 21.00 14.J15


2pr.Tyrol*lbooti1pr.RIIk_*lbootl3pr.G.... Skibaall3pr.SkI"'"

I. trlI offerrd 10 all .......r S1udeu.u..2. ScudmUINy lfP!er JorlJl)' __r(>f __

l. who !!'pUr aft npected 10 .ttend repalady4 StlldcaU _ npe.;led to ..ablr I)'m ,1(",£ for


~Dmc:e~ • .ubeheklbl(;.JJaacl~ljmtlyIIlItlIblefool_ .... be rcqlllred


Tunday.IOOOA.M Te_Sporu'l\iedDea4ay.IOooA.M TQdlSporu

T\Il:SIIb.y.1l OOAlot Fulk.SquaruDdWrooaDaDOI'Thu.n4ay.IOOOAJ,( Fulk.Squan:aadWroomDMx::e

M£moml Phys. Ed. burr. WJ1l be' &ltd co know that.....omm..... .. flOC lIM only 5port III -:Iueh msl""lionald.a.aesarebc'"loITereclTO.,·aIOldoftha

a_.i1IbeoITerecl.followJ·(AI rOf mtlII .nd .omen)

lobMby.IO.OOANThurtGay.II;OOANThul1llby.IO,OOA MWeclnnday.IOOOA.MMoll4ay.lOOP-N

Classes offered


In lh~ fonll mnule of lui 0""l1n4;,. in this fid<!. TheSohuday afternoon', b...... rtlN.ll"'C"I'er...... diffe,tnlpme. tile lIeNOr 8eoI.bllU Weft dory. ",t ...uaoticllblysloppyecIled out by. IHOIll ArJaltli Ind ,tDen1ly d.PpolDlu,..Sab:I...mby.~o(61 Aftet tile p_. a>acb Ed61. ""ib 15KCOndlkft 10 play. BroWllecomllM'llled, ~Wtplaye4I d Ibe ICOR toed. Cary II .. ble bI*etball If oW'C11lll'l:hiU'lp.-intotbemi641e «f._b80101b''''''Ioo<I .. ,1•• inttrorpled by tile s.k, .aI. we woWd Ill...... by. 101Uld Bill GraYCf ..u 120-fooc .m" One oborou. r.lIit i1111le

'''III''''~ 001_ ..we.. nu.h. orr._ .... ""''''oot..- Gary......... tbe p_ for lUI lellD. 0..,..18.. r.aiun to conlnbul'

Allkbalf ••y IlWkia tbe .......1CUIJy 10 the ICOnaI­prne. tM ",on: had beell n On.tdllll 4.' _ II IJI ,n31 for ..e.....w. Ibd..y '0 IIIoc 1M rnt Il.oIf, ud IJI lbe KCOIldseeond blf. ~""". the _ked ..ponl,.4~.dele............ A"nt.. I... a_ RdlTfU Deaa Roop &ad BiDbad; from I 10 dcllO!: 10 C-eIJ' "'led • lola! of 35<:><IlICOt'e I.... BeoU b)2 n (auk '" Ule PllK. 19 tofor I_ lui!. We-...L n.o lleodIub tc:ored

"'ay _ Ln froal of IIIe oaI1of20r.. tbro.. foruA.fIUll.. ... boll Cadn UDPf'"RYl S'I' • ..,... TKGrea_. wtoolClOl'Cd2lpolJlII on lite oth... llInd.wereTaua_es Ly_ CIu......Dd OIly 19 for Z9 (~~ ..... Ly....

~r.:.=:::~~:.. Ladies drop CJONwas NJk£ RaSdy.~ lluft N£-.a! Vanity' <:apt1lmll 3 2.•1I...dIG 1Ia, •• I1idd .......d •••_~II"'r r_ roWld h~inIMSI record for 2 p<>Ulf" •II from I'" foal_f",.IOlal John.• l.MiIs.....etball~ Tndetleo~laItwil._ ~

?l 11 PO*Ma. Briaa k.-,ll .. SalurdaY • tIIo:y wllippal Helm O'Leary IN VlollDwtd w.~ 13..... t:d 00)1; S9 44 al lhe Tort:.y with 14 pooau., aDdMurphy alld Gerry Gaatac Recreatll>IIIJCeala NUlla .dded ......dlaDo:ecl up 11 eedo-. TM __.. fIX IIIe 6dal<hll& Howdl aad Viet! IAIler

TH ...... N-'tI I.. dw&piom: pO'C Uaml. pafm 4 ~ lbe .... ..• ... ~~ c:'lp~~=~.:: u40.f~~=Z"O~: ~:::. 16 tad IS

I.".ua.'" be'iq: pul"ularly .lIIllat£' I.and] .who.,., VanityIed24-1.


~ == "........._.,-ou_edlll<h(e,rooriaI



Bil F.... led tlIoc SI. F.XYictoryWllbf".. ......Kt.e,­0J.a ILad Ihree, Pd ..,_La....... Joe Laaclnp'. andGerry Ripdlc: addaI t"" aoab wen: added by Junhyetle. hi ..c(;ly RodN~IOIIand""... ("O'tKd .

Roa Kelly K:ORd 1M :NIly.... for"e-w.•liIOtrailedl-O.fter 1M rlnlpenodPd 10

t IfIEl' lise lKosod. Goabc".YllC BaII ...U Rpbo;c4 by F.edl'ettm after 1""0 penods.

..~1DOf>II had tlM:ir IInndedpUyen Ila"k 011 bul ild>dtheIDlillleaoodulhey ...m:lIplJI_....redbythopo...ctluJX-ascn.

St. F.X. led S 0 .fler Ihefirsl perJod.lbere"'as nOIConnlJrI Ihe second .•nd the X·men.dded fOil, mor~ in Ille IhudFinal shol,,,,ere 43 22fo.SIF.X.. for I seri"" lolal of119-45.

Payelle tcOI"Cd thnJe fOab Ihe X-men. John Md...eenand fraser .dded IWO each .nd~':JPn .nd u .....~ a1JO

nln: ~Iy d .• ,od .. Ill h r"ell"OOnallcd40 ';'l.ln I_-.0IlII baIf. Holy C"roA~II po,nt1ll1. rownouad Ibr5"etDortIIIa badwttll6pot.... <)flbrirown. and a1thoup H,>l) Cr..~lId~d .. , ou'uor.-, IIIeJcatltlllr.sll18f<ll'Ihellalflt-e:'IIy_'I~

Tbc RD>I" A.nduIp sIlow"e-mal sa r.... pbce ""IllI'OIDU- Fil:I4ilIIII Pd Holy cr.....,ticdfor...,.,nd_1l14cadl..but 8DCC Fid4ilIIIslu.a I'"p""" kft 10 play IlpUId I....lor Holy <.-n. and ~--.!.Illey are I'" only leans .,111 a~IO"-,,ldll ... kat""'L

In (",un bUketbal~1PC'nb,W~___

t.b 011 G....... at W-.att--' _ a4S ...Ilik c.

Wedne....y. FcbnIarJ 4.1TOI"baythckot1l"aplayKolyCr.- .. a key _diIlOIIIlCCf.

I I_rd eilbthpuRIIIIDC Io-Iea......... lWOpomu ....... llftMUlllftnllyofM~n...-ho"-HflYC.._lllIwod,S1 F.X.. IIIUD"hU<: IIawea to 2 record and ..... tied.. ,ttl SI. Wuy. lorflnl~.

.lAHUARY 30. 1910

St. Francis X.avi~r clobber ~thi~tic supporterBeothuks twice In hockey BWRLElkCLRDY

f Ilbelvnlbe.",BII!f&lofnDo:a.lIllbeNationalll,d;nfor Fn'ay mpl' p_ I'" Lequtpllplbf_lftcul:pme,dhasfOUftdalllllurairival.Uw

&01 ...ere "'IIMIII I" Tor_o ~hpk Leah.

~arv.: GJb== ~~k:=y I -'II ~~~.,:~=~~Ia~.::~::::: :::P9t~e: ~'q-=Wolhams.. "'ho "~"'lIfand«l by ~pluc.uyloTuroMotluntoaayotller~HLCiIY.tMllorm. rh<lumlladonly I! 1M ~ iIaportaac bctOl wllidl wtlJ wntnbule 10 tbepbycn and panI)r IS a raull of BuffUct.Toronlo rlYa!r).Ilo",noer.1l' Iba fa~~ thai P'wlclllmiado-;lila!. Ihey ...eft _raa../y ~IN=oadlaadacoeral-.erofdloEBufWolnllChiae.

~-';::::::"1:"::~"" bombc:d by IllCir h.-u ta.h11oollcb The Ilatnd uw eDlb bel_a 1lll1ach and Jlbpk Leaf

dIoESO;lft",uonlyl1laadltot ~StaJfOfdS.)'IlM:illIOlKm.AfIEl'ateayear.,._.II-l_Rportalbytllocd.ady COKIl and pMral of lbe Leafs dial fQtwedpopen). Pulups. .."ucatml: of IllnD.~lIble arl...eall .Uh S.ythe, 1.bd1 _1M play _. 1M b"l rI,al I_ DKaelllOlllOUlly find J- ......Ie. alter tIM LcafI -..X--"OIItsboc the BeoIbW..76 ebaia.oledbyloltc. .. 1IItYCl:l'·,pbyons.-no Sm)'tlle bt_plac:ell tlIocbilo_for tlIoc Leafs'.mom.-

n.y... oa lasiIclI. Oftr'lo:IotJqtlle fact IUt PIIadl.IOI tlIoc LeafsJIIID tile pUyo"" t.l: _a w;u tlIoc_l_ tW _..-Ilyfk>wodenaIUlIIlec:ea..

AlDOdlllDstnllOaofl..tadl'lltaad1D&isIT_to_u.I~ fUllIft c. ~Hockey Nt&bt ill ea-da~ a wuplc of_Ills qu.11l Ibis lealure. all tIM: boots _tIy wntt£ll abcMolNHL Ilode,- wac ......yecL TIley iKtuded boob by or aboodRod Gilbert. SlUI .. ikita, FOdEl' H~..1t Mid _J' otkn- Vet)~ICIK>W by Ih at.lIOt. lIowrrer. _ ImIK:IIa·. _11ypubWotd boot "Hockey I•• BaI1k." SlIlCIy JIObody _ ......1*"",up 10bel'nelllalltwuleftolfbyaa~l.

I 'OUIld 'I IDleratIDI lhal 1lll1ach', book wu written IDcoll.bonllOn ... ,111 .....1.. -lloctey ~.II ill Caalda M eDle.Scotl VO",,&- OII~ • rqular ...._hlor 011 ldenled plDCllaad alJOOd<Ullll. V,,,..... ballMd from WplOplUDuler ....AMI Illat lhe 1962 $1.000.000 deal fot Frult ..ahodidl .farn.

Voun,·llnn~IIl-lIodeyll'.IlaIUeMilprolKMlDCCd.l..f'd.IM flnt hM"fIM.hoIe book lOIlIlIb'et) IIRICh blr.e.'xoll VOU"Ilmlenu.lI My'. Ho-day III tllelUmlDt. of 19f>l1.....'C'~c4 a l~lIe. f,om Siafford Smytlle who _. lIIillioIlaue.nd.1lbathftlt ... prnodenlofTorOlltO"aplcLeals.H

~.-e .., ...-rlllen. of ~Oll". after Smythe wa, lemporanlyokpowd • prcaiJe"l of I.... Lear... Ite II.. sin"e been 'C1Mtlled.


bool<".crItlCl.molSmylbe.bllltlluelllDOrelolbebooklluon"en.&Il••plst'IO.. mIllJOIIIJR.

~'" leaf fin•. ",I>c'lIerlhey like orhlle Imbch.lheboo/l;".mil,'. II ..~.. ...,...,unh or Ille Ileal pllyoff dri~e in 19591nd oftllct f"",. St.nJey ('IIPS In IheWltJCI,I<"'-clI asofyun ",hen Iheleaf d,Jn·lfiretoo",ell

II ""II be urr~mcly 'nt~lesI1ll110 SCe hnw Imlach SCU Ill' Ihetum ,n Buffalo. Noled for h.. p1l'fe,ence for older pl.yen, IIIay t,y 10 lind. 101 of .el~..ns for Ihe tum. or he mlYItO fll' • "Vollth movement"' "m,la! 10 Ihe one he started WJththe Tu",nlo d~fen,'e corps Jut ye••.

It "'I' Jill pn:fere..,e fo.olde. playen IhatltOt Imlach into.

IS ~:~~~~~:~ f~~~~::t~~; ~oi:f~~:~~~'J:;~'~~~~:r:~~:,;i~~~~:~t~: ~:~~~~. I~~d;~:~~~~~~~::t tll:'~~~~': G<'~~ ~'= .~~'::~,::,:~~ ~~'::~o~":r ~=~I~ ~":~y-;::::~I

,n I"" drat! • few ye.n .... G••nted. Sa",,~huk lIe1ped win.SIInleyCIqI lur lhemln 1961.bul they "ollJd stJRIIKIOIKO"of ("l..,nn' calJbu no", lobacl< up Bruc:eGamble.

Prob.lbly I,nlah', ...ontlnokw••• n.e--for-.t ...o ....p""lhtlleN<w York RaJIICn in I~ ... be:a Ihe Leah Irlded Bob Nn1II.DICk Duff. lor.... B,own. BIIICotluos, Ind Rod Se.ilinl ror AndyBalltple lAd ()oil M<"~nDe)',

Anol"'" trid. thai Ippe.n to hue lOne h.ywue as lar U lbeLeaf'areco_ned •• thebtaone.,lhDetroilillI961 ...he..Ille leah ...e liP FranJr. "ahoYlio:h. Garry U.....r. PeteSlemlowsti. IIId Carl BR...a- for Norm VII....... Royd Smith,.ad P.... lI~nd...- W1\i&e Ul1JIWI and Itelldcno.ll lolalled 62pili lao! y... tbiry ..e lioIstI d_aIIy IhiI ...... Tht IWO ofIhoml."etblr ...IlIls.ilh • .:o.-binedlohlof/llIIt9 ...11.!Il..dJoor!kh.Iolwa-IIIOI. 20 U..."b. 21 aadSle....u""*-i 14for. toul of SS ..dBn:.a ... bealoncoflbeleq:ue........1effect......fa,;e_

III all of ImIad!'s u.lIn ae 11M by lilly means. Ite robbe4DoIlOII bUod III 1%0 .beII II"' tbnl Rea.._ for RCli"dIy. fot the ...1_-. "ely ~Il-IICOIIllIIw

teaf madline .1Iik Reall_ IlCYa _de 1M 1fW~ He aIIoDPJII'dSpnncrldd·.Ed.... Shof~U1._llIaltalMkdBtllCeGaItlM:! lbe Leafs' sai'nllna ror 1M .... IWO-''' Toronto.A_ha ftlmple 011 bnIIlaallmladl ..lp ... Ihe ODIO UI .1Uc1lI'" La.h F'l AhA Shnley. wlw> lUt.queally starTed OCI IIIeT_ookfm<e for ycan. for hm ....-.-.

OlI"i(>llJly IrnIado ... .,..amoVCI .. well.llad ...... t ...J'UlSlaoToI'OllIO. hll'llbeafo-,fOlSlaffordS.ytlletollllameI......,. u- for I. Leafs' _I P....1. If lben. OM t.....«rtaaa JllllhallrnJacllw.n·1 lobllaefortbeidiotil:sUI,JI_of 1M lear f..m qsle. for MU 101lOtIIias-

Anyway ... Smytb.. lmbdl n~Uy lfrouW ..... tlliap-=, IIIlaffalo lIIId I_nlO""'" tk 1910-11 ~,.,.


Both MUN teams in firstMemorial J_ 1IcotIlIlJIoflbeu'lUbIIlllI"OIIt>llIM-.cI1IttO"~llofl:Ollrt

lint pIao;e III UIc. load JlInior 11M"1D p", M~""'" I....ltbIJI Ic:aI\M' laIC Fnday pouIl 1"0 ahead oIllu1y Crr-.IIiIld alMy lJ'O<uloced Guardl C are thud with 10poulis.

:9.1 UIc. Memon.ttyaa. Fod4Ia. f...-tll wil.Il 8 .ndII lll~ nn,,,, lUI'" Tradal .. lIN~ .'lh .."".ua.llIl~, III. Bcolhllb Ed ".y I. 1111 \Icaaorial

•• forfinl"""laIC _ ..a. "eea-day.ty AItIId by defeat". WIlli 19 ..... foDowed ""

("TW56l S4atTorbay. Gary Cl_ctLiIIaDdMt.Rlddy1a1k1_P_oaFnday ... Uh 11 .ad II POIIIU

TOllY Reardon led lbe l'IlIfIlCttonIty. B... MoUollC)' kd, ..til 11 palab...1lk Hdy l'_ wilh 19 po Pd

bT"Pdlll'.,...~ hdlHwky .aMrlllciplcadLJI.. Oo<*.Cf .........'"19 -:1.. WaYM "nora ......-aI 10 hia miG --.d fIIIace UI tIM:.. IS po&ab ""'I""'CtIYdy fOf lsldrwidual~noccwstIIl10

ptUtL J..s Huney wlIo bad..... JIOUII'.I__ p-.

.... ""110 I IlotIl playenu..lwop_kftlOp!ay.

MC-WSiarteOfasrJlllbrfvty ..._.ofUlc.~'"led 22 "aflC\' IOIllUlIiIes. ThereaailIdEl'oftM flnlb.alfw..

1Sea In actiost IIeft II Mtmoril!', vanity Mfn', V*Yb" Teull(nat') ill a Ieape pmt at 1M YMCA, The lnm place4 aecond 10• 'Y' i111D1 Wftktncf, YMCA In.iblional Tournament; ho~er.• lop two IQrns in Ihsll loumarMnl M'C elil;ible for lilt ptO\'illCialcb.piolllhipl. til il'l off 10 Comer Brook litis -aend for lhe••'Ieam(.nd lilt ladia'IOO)to pu.-lhe lilYtnoart:.

the straight truth . . . as it were/lIemorial UIl"nsIty'l cl:I_ clllll, lTe')' ilw:1I. I "'OlIn, outlide w.. I p_bllc wooden .trodllre of I kDOW not lO"emmenl rental llnit thai was occupied and paid 1«

JetltlelllUl·... orpAlulion, Uld I do.....lowll TOfOlllO whll. (Miler than .. clelcribed. I 1m linaware of IoCtlial by ei&bl Ilippitla.hippo. etUb"91d an wotlcrlltPwf. woru and ~1tJ., MltpOCtilll thlt I~ ellenl of SIloJt of OQlIli aad boots, RO!I, alfqdy !uP ...

ABd _"" ..._ben of !be cb_ d,.b - .......' by ~mK deO'dopmalt 'lid prod.\>ctiYity addl .. p tOI bil <:ombination of wiDe Uld IllAlJIWIIlI., COIQ~.their owa Id..u.o. _ l1Bd tbe.-eheo.-.m. it ..itll f.1 UfO. Tbe: proble.... UI my SiPlabon, _ pn-rily 10. dell ill the buelDClll wben: boIb 1M bonk IIId IiIIIbe ..notd4.dUcuud<:.1I ••ocWaIe"'Y~.witll lbebuiJdin&f\lllot~ .->JliD&l\ipfJieIwbo pipe-"'boe:iJla~1doclilledtheJlipt ........ taIl"I~" tJo..;.p........ IR Iac*iaa 18 .otmltioll, cc.knl 10 wait for tile IlUt, Illy lint imp..- 011 dQ. full of IIlq\IUI

Roecru prtlI6dontoliMdte.dub"lthInI (lfJ:ilIItiI; fJUt,~lt, Uld IOh)' llw be be.llloCid_.buIDII1'.. _ to .....yar _ III wure, .....tI .....til:. _11_ lillked iJlIO I _ eo_..... IIl. re...... or tTy.

-.lar 101Da1 f10Wft dlid.-..t be .... ...,,,, 1M lDtibty Uld uoa 01 UlQr way of life. the Alter.fewpuf"'(llAlIknludilreq",""l~

...... _. -.w'f_e WI tIM PftIllIlNICI ......., Mpat.. New YIW'I Eft ball. na'" ... plaDDed for Daft~ .........n aad co......... dIoc ..~...y_.1a-. UiIlIllQ&Idoalbelir.Ulfloor. didJI·lfeduyttDAa.Alilllappened.bewodalll."

"",,,I"ff tJoe Gelee_'" WUlna" _II.... Illlbewc.lfllllymIlOed.'"1beBohe_E_bulJ." _t.- ......... -aylo ....elwudfllilllltJl.a..,elI off_. eUlObt If ..~ KlCCNlAI of tile tt.e pI)'.1 tbeautIaWeoffaed. ... .llDmeLSD.t S2. As for me. I <:a_IO lbe DDKI_ lMllben_toe.lif'" peotR ud .......y of We. The 111....1 bli or • womall .. _ lIade.:bttd pnce. WIld Dtt.., -O_Ihin& pndw abo..1 • JI'OUP or )'Oq pCICIIIiI"1..11t...... il w~. aid he would like 10 buy • WOIllllll. the COll..-lJOII rtltik IIliIIoIb .u1lDl .mw>d ~YI"& bo..., ...

IY ROGER LANGEN ClIme 10 .til .brupt cad. Perhapa he 1wI heell hluffon... roo..r..u or ~e. nus ill DOl 10 uy I"'. I woo'!D~ lhe hohday period. my frimd Dtt.., and I. Shortly .ftu,' p.le. bloDd prl stepped ,nlO Ihe pif;llIre llIt.;nbe 10lhe -.1-..1 ricw luell by lbe .lItlocldlill

1Ia'fUII completed • Fudlm, fi"" cLays .1 (h_ in weantlS IIOlblnl bllt • Ilirt tllal _ Just 1oD.J eoolllh. 111 .Ihis Pl'O"UlCC. bIlt I do q'-lOn tbe ....1..., 01 •MontrCli (the North Amen.:.n IntercoDepale'l wh"h H(,Iwner, she WII IIOt lIItended 10 CiIlT)' ...... t lhe Kti.rily.For the two holl11 tllal I lit ltone....tillS Ilninl1lly wOll rml prue in the .mlteur dnoilion) tn~lOn taken lip by Dave, IlRd .,..,n lefl, Ie-Vlnl me conversatIon f1IV'OI""d around Mar_," whether II *uhopped. Imn to Toronlo in plll'SLlit of relaxation .nd wilh Ihe disiinCI Imp.emon of neurotiu.m .nd Plia."'t, hich or low ande, where Ihere "'II mo.e .vmhle,how.CC1lpenlion. While thue, my brolher, Ron,' 'blpp",,' In 110110 mention.n IInrlfllahed &Iasa of milk. aood it male'" you fed. There WII a100 qwle I bit atIplle of ltimadf (he !'Clocb the label bccIllIC of the Soon .f1u, IOmewhat chqlined, we Itepped ......Ilide. &i&&J.m" It .... Iar,ely • Ielf-indulFllt, KmI......<:alqory dfocI), tRlted .. to. brief to\l.r or Rochdale, lIld<ed in I IlIn&I1ll or cold frah lit, .nd headed for clullered by the iMubalntili oonnlllll<.>llll b6ib-Yorkoille,lAd. reallift-.ar1WUU1party.FOrlJx.ol Yorl<'rille, othnwile knOW'll _ the V.illqe. Ooce lbe l'erbapa ..ebmeaJWl&lealchallCfilaJItllatlalooWd .....YOll who an: llIIII:ertlilo. b1ppilea an:~ b1ppielDOCCloftheCuI4illlEut.ilaeeDlllolunloat apocledfromlUda.yDU.DJ&fOIIPorpeDl)l .Ir ••• y·eyed, weUd-bearded, I1p,y-l.rhd.MUclIor'II~IY_ ..,rroIllISloIS.plIW"1'Mtinc. poI-takiJlL freHonnc, Bo~JIlI N~ I -at>OId tul I ~IY _~ I..:IICf, .. tloelopkwd,llJllI.iated _OOllVtnItitIIpoeuUlllnpboatlloll... ro-d.badt. .... pat.,Or.1 dotIwl&boullq_lDdcotrec lll.illf~••bouI ..._I... otJocrlillul.-UIIl to_lealttltat·.tbest~pe.. --amc.1 ....._, pert of tloe __ ndieDce. I _ bJ' 80_

Baaa partial 10 Ilippiea, One apocted .... u.ual~. 1lDI~ !diIoo¥I:ndtwoiDte:retl1llCpenouIIila~tobe.ptlIIUO'eaplriellce.c:Ioo<*.-f"'ol I. Ille wlIcllcraft _po.'tor u. e ofNor..wbo_flyilJ&IticlI"'JPfillterulll~1DI........ ot.n.'- .... tl---.AlI......-,.aoy bnad.~ 1 .... lII)'acIf 10 buy witll pat .Illb_,'" FmIk, t... lIo.-leIIIkt_........ _looped 10UftlheopponUllityolplu.... CIIoooUa __ tlMpR>bk-.llaotal.l.red_ .-tdkcllll1,~ t.le ... .nandaalldltl_iI<:Itt*IDIO their~, of life or~_ oliMu wiIIl~I parlllIOM IloaIlOadlowrelllllUded _of ~lWII.. Non._~~ad~'PfICiI'"IC bdi£b ........, IIIIt~ lAd ax. The ~IIIIIiliWyllUlolllWCbyiDplMni.I"'edl'"(MloIllI doeItulhali:youCMd1"')1lIId.""" .....oppon\Ullty__• JOIllllprlwtthtbelollltr_a:pilIincO'lUlbe_a, 1CIIrorT",ouPuaillia&.llIexen::ile ..IJOUP~

W••epped. iolo Roc:bdlJe .... cIuIilIlIIiooIuDaIl at Ul. wbll lbe ......Ilion lIipif"tecI. She replie4 IObaly.1ICI Al 0"" POIllI Ile brat. lIno the 0011_00. ...Altboulh tile belhrooma In detip.ated fo,"all"lDd .utborita1rtdy: "It IJ'lIIboliul 1be rnoltuloll of the IJ1rioUlly prodaiIIIed lhat it didn't IMturw1lat __"dIU':' Roebellle IDly he .ppropriately deac:nbed • IlDinne.." . . . or beIined or did, il _ r.... with him, ... III fIIIltOM musin doa-hOIiIli. Wilbout doubt, ill chief reatllre The rewl\lIion of the ulllvene? Not brilIl f.miliar .head. Wdllhank YOII, Nonn. It _ .amelhl", of. adf.II dirt. Anyone who catulden lilil particular criticilm with the mo¥etneol or C'ridently COImiC proportiolls nor dcfeatin& peture, I'elellarlt wollld n~y conlemplale, "'ilholll e""ollndentandin,howtheuni""necouidrevoltlJlinlt Fn.nk.olllheotherharld,WII"'l)"cooLllelllllklilcriticism, Ihe prodllCU of hilliule brolher'IRlppeMlmCl itadf, let alone why, 1 ""ntllred 10. ad< whal il .... all replies and aaertiolll in m_red I)'II.b..., dilplal'ill;~ mo hIa ftIIII~ Dirt. Embedded in lhe .boul. She doclined 10 .nswer, n.ISlIlJhereyebroWito both inleIl.ilCflCe and paiN. Ulldollbfedly, lieue..-.-,Ba aIICI obdruclioC IIDOOIh f..........d PI'Ol1_ O¥er lhe illdiclle. mild AupnIC II my WlIDIwen.hle iponoce. plana for Ille IlCIr tilt,,", (10 further Ius ed\lCltiolllllfkatn, it n.ab Roc:bdale fIl1I ma:it _ the an- .lld I p..-d for III _er .boul tbe meoalio.. fru CO_IINly ooJleae iD B.C.) llIId m..,1 to CIIl)'

mda Ibo.- or lhe world. !lefOR ka'O'1D& t", w!lereuponabetl-Jsalu.ed_andthe ..bjeclhYAyUll thelllthmudt-Allbollpwedi4a'IFt40.. to_"dowa-1-U>apeclofRoQdaI£,llIbotUdaJ.l_lltio11 lhat If I dida'i k_. there ... ao hope ror -. cliIpillyed.a_ Yell' aIuIrp lIlIi&bu 110 our t~t.Irrootthepl..::e .............~cbltillctllldMIIItY see.ur.IOAy,I_.UIlIlCdbyha ....liDtdlOCI.IICI~....bout Illy ba'othu RolO aad ... 01'.-1SIMIl,o-thatWOClldclla.llea",thebullyudlabu'or retrealed lO the AKtuary Dr the _ willi. 1_ III)'IlJCiIIIu.He_aeaoDDeilt ... .....-~perllqla'"

_thc-.c_bt~do......... prele.tiowIbiloltiltM4do1iiD••~aerto'" _bo<beIw!lal_lIipp*ae ..ptlDIedto.Ra-lbalkllore-tltletbia_y,Mttowtbeydoll .... WQ&lrtyintloapec~""'__edtJUc:t·bad.. 1_"ll&l"yOll_of..,~ nueftftUll"D...- ..... I.afler~.. lbeloockq AI&Il)'nlel"'-peopk-tllqr_peopk"tlIIy_1IIlP_ of Roduille.... .-nL 'De _IVbOa, 1 the Cardaoa, y to lbe -0...... wtuI peoplc~tbenPlaetof--..t.dta~dcIiped... tree __lIIyfortloe .....ncled pmy, _wUI.pp~..... _t.berof.Ud III fift-y_, I upeclU.bataplallltJDlloftloellwirud.lllldaKipIJMd Ih"f)' or tt. lIU,.dnoad ol'lIyaperllillOlWllbtllil~oftJlia&. ..... U(ulllmwiDeome DOl fi"01ll11M 1IIrOlio&m_.d__ formably....boul _1CIiOe_._l'blo'l 0rK:e lnDok. lIOrIIIal apeech _ forbod<leo. IIlIlllly wdf:are..,~ boll~ the IIf>ODk>Pata.IIO 10,­~ - Creetln dtlptaYI _. to be hnuted 10 hoc• ...., the lAf1Pbtlul& P I)'dleckUc III.-ic made FmIk 1liiy be. aodolopC bimlelf.I0Il&10 ...U pmoUllp ..... lfIIChpt>c-.a. 00 the &fUI impoa;ibJe. We were in • MOdern, aplil-lenl (low If:ftb)

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