eel3135: homework #4 solutions problem 1: for each of the ...€¦ · solution: linearity: for each...

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EEL3135: Homework #4 Solutions

Problem 1:For each of the systems below, determine whether or not the system is (1) linear, (2) time-invariant, and (3) causal:

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)

Solution: Linearity: For each difference equation above, we compute and in Figure 1 below; if the two outcomes are equal, the system is linear; if not, the system is not linear.

Part (a):

, (S-1)






Since the results in equations (S-2) and (S-5) are the same, system (a) is linear.

Part (b):

, (S-6)


y n[ ] x n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos= y n[ ] x n[ ]=

y n[ ] x n[ ] x n 5–[ ]–= y n[ ] 2x n 2–[ ] x n 1+[ ]+=

y n[ ] x n[ ]= y n[ ] 3x n 2–[ ] n+=

w n[ ] y n[ ]



x1 n[ ]




x2 n[ ]

x1 n[ ]

x2 n[ ]


βx n[ ]

w n[ ]

y n[ ]

y2 n[ ]

y1 n[ ]

Figure 1

y1 n[ ] x1 n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos= y2 n[ ] x2 n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos=

w n[ ] αy1 n[ ] βy2 n[ ]+ αx1 n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos βx2 n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos+= =

x n[ ] αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+=

y n[ ] x n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+( ) 0.4πn( )cos= =

y n[ ] αx1 n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos βx2 n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos+=

y1 n[ ] x1 n[ ] x1 n 5–[ ]–= y2 n[ ] x2 n[ ] x2 n 5–[ ]–=

w n[ ] αy1 n[ ] βy2 n[ ]+ α x1 n[ ] x1 n 5–[ ]–( ) β x2 n[ ] x2 n 5–[ ]–( )+= =

- 1 -





Since the results in equations (S-7) and (S-10) are the same, system (b) is linear.

Part (c):

, (S-11)





Since the results in equations (S-12) and (S-14) are the same, system (c) is linear.

Part (d):

, (S-15)





Since the results in equations (S-16) and (S-18) are not equal, system (d) is nonlinear.

Part (e):

, (S-19)






Since the results in equations (S-20) and (S-23) are the same, system (e) is linear.

Part (f):

, (S-24)

x n[ ] αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+=

y n[ ] x n[ ] x n 5–[ ]– αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+( ) αx1 n 5–[ ] βx2 n 5–[ ]+( )–= =

y n[ ] α x1 n[ ] x1 n 5–[ ]–( ) β x2 n[ ] x2 n 5–[ ]–( )+=

y1 n[ ] x1 n[ ]= y2 n[ ] x2 n[ ]=

w n[ ] αy1 n[ ] βy2 n[ ]+ αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+= =

x n[ ] αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+=

y n[ ] x n[ ] αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+= =

y1 n[ ] x1 n[ ]= y2 n[ ] x2 n[ ]=

w n[ ] αy1 n[ ] βy2 n[ ]+ α x1 n[ ] β x2 n[ ]+= =

x n[ ] αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+=

y n[ ] x n[ ] αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+= =

y1 n[ ] 2x1 n 2–[ ] x1 n 1+[ ]+= y2 n[ ] 2x2 n 2–[ ] x2 n 1+[ ]+=

w n[ ] αy1 n[ ] βy2 n[ ]+ α 2x1 n 2–[ ] x1 n 1+[ ]+( ) β 2x2 n 2–[ ] x2 n 1+[ ]+( )+= =

x n[ ] αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+=

y n[ ] 2x n 2–[ ] x n 1+[ ]+ 2 αx1 n 2–[ ] βx2 n 2–[ ]+( ) αx1 n 1+[ ] βx2 n 1+[ ]+ += =

y n[ ] α 2x1 n 2–[ ] x1 n 1+[ ]+( ) β 2x2 n 2–[ ] x2 n 1+[ ]+( )+=

y1 n[ ] 3x1 n 2–[ ] n+= y2 n[ ] 3x2 n 2–[ ] n+=

- 2 -







Since the results in equations (S-26) and (S-29) are not equal, system (f) is nonlinear.

Solution: Time-invariance: For each difference equation above, we compute and in Figure 2 below; if the two outcomes are equal, the system is time-invariant; if not, the system is time-variant.

Part (a):



Since the results in equations (S-30) and (S-31) are not equal, system (a) is time-variant.

Part (b):



Since the results in equations (S-32) and (S-33) are the same, system (b) is time-invariant.

Part (c):



Since the results in equations (S-34) and (S-35) are not equal, system (c) is time-variant.

Part (d):

, (S-36)

Since the results in (S-36) are equal, system (d) is time-invariant.

w n[ ] αy1 n[ ] βy2 n[ ]+ α 3x1 n 2–[ ] n+( ) β 3x2 n 2–[ ] n+( )+= =

w n[ ] 3 α β+( )x1 n 2–[ ] α β+( ) n+=

x n[ ] αx1 n[ ] βx2 n[ ]+=

y n[ ] 3x n 2–[ ] n+ 3 αx1 n 2–[ ] βx2 n 2–[ ]+( ) n+= =

y n[ ] 3 α β+( )x1 n 2–[ ] n+=

w n[ ] y n n0–[ ]


time delaysystem

time delay

x n[ ]

x n n0–[ ]

y n[ ] y n n0–[ ]

w n[ ]

Figure 2

w n[ ] x n n0–[ ] 0.4πn( )cos=

y n n0–[ ] x n n0–[ ] 0.4π n n0–( )( )cos=

w n[ ] x n n0–[ ] x n n0– 5–[ ]–=

y n n0–[ ] x n n0–[ ] x n n0– 5–[ ]–=

w n[ ] x1 n n0–[ ]=

y n n0–[ ] x n n0–[ ]=

w n[ ] x n n0–[ ]= y n n0–[ ] x n n0–[ ]=

- 3 -

Part (e):



Since the results in equations (S-37) and (S-38) are the same, system (e) is time-invariant.

Part (f):



Since the results in equations (S-39) and (S-40) are not equal, system (f) is time-variant.

Solution: Causality: For each difference equation, we determine whether the system output is zero prior to any input to the system; if so, the system is causal; if not the system is noncausal.

System (a) is causal (by inspection).

System (b) is causal (by inspection).

System (c) is noncausal. Consider, for example an input ; the corresponding output is then given by:

. (S-41)

System (d) is causal (by inspection).

System (e) is noncausal. Consider, for example an input ; the corresponding output is then given by:

. (S-42)

System (f) is noncausal, because is nonzero for all , even with zero input. That is, if ,

, . (S-43)

The table below summarizes the solutions for problem 1:

System Linear? Time-invariant? Causal?

yes no yes

yes yes yes

yes no no

no yes yes

yes yes no

no no no

w n[ ] 2x n n0 2––[ ] x n n0 1+–[ ]+=

y n n0–[ ] 2x n n0 2––[ ] x n n0 1+–[ ]+=

w n[ ] 3x n n0– 2–[ ] n+=

y n n0–[ ] 3x n n0– 2–[ ] n n0–( )+=

x n[ ] δ n 2–[ ]=

y n[ ] δ n 2+[ ] δ n 2–[ ]+=

x n[ ] δ n[ ]=

h n[ ] δ n 2–[ ] δ n 1+[ ]+=

y n[ ] n x n[ ] 0=

y n[ ] n= ∞– n ∞< <

y n[ ] x n[ ] 0.4πn( )cos=

y n[ ] x n[ ] x n 5–[ ]–=

y n[ ] x n[ ]=

y n[ ] x n[ ]=

y n[ ] 2x n 2–[ ] x n 1+[ ]+=

y n[ ] 3x n 2–[ ] n+=

- 4 -

Problem 2:Assume the impulse response of an LTI system is given below:


(a) Give the difference equation for this LTI system.

(b) Compute the output for an input of:


using the convolution operator for the range of where (set up a table similar to one of the two tables in the notes).

(c) Verify your answer in part (b) by direct substitution into the difference equation for part (a).


Part (a): We start with equation (2-1) and make the following substitutions: and . Therefore, the difference equation of the LTI system is given by,


Part (b): The table below illustrates the convolution procedure for this problem, identical to the method discussed in the lecture notes (Table 2). It indicates all nonzero values of .

Part (c): Below we verify our results above by direct substitution into the difference equation (S-44):













-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 2 0 0 4 -1 6

1 0 0 2 0 -3

4 2 0 0 4 -1 6

8 4 0 0 8 -2 12

-12 -6 0 0 -12 3 -18

4 2 0 8 8 -13 0 8 -2 0 3 -18

h n[ ]

h n[ ] δ n 1+[ ] 2δ n 2–[ ] 3δ n 4–[ ]–+=

y n[ ]

x n[ ] 4δ n[ ] 2δ n 1–[ ] 4δ n 4–[ ] δ n 5–[ ]– 6δ n 6–[ ]+ + +=

n y n[ ] 0≠

δ n[ ] x n[ ]⇔ h n[ ] y n[ ]⇔

y n[ ] x n 1+[ ] 2x n 2–[ ] 3x n 4–[ ]–+=

y n[ ]


x n[ ]

h n[ ]

h 1–[ ]x n 1+[ ]

h 2[ ]x n 2–[ ]

h 4[ ]x n 4–[ ]

y n[ ]

y 1–[ ] x 0[ ] 2x 3–[ ] 3x 5–[ ]–+ 4= =

y 0[ ] x 1[ ] 2x 2–[ ] 3x 4–[ ]–+ 2= =

y 1[ ] x 2[ ] 2x 1–[ ] 3x 3–[ ]–+ 0= =

y 2[ ] x 3[ ] 2x 0[ ] 3x 2–[ ]–+ 8= =

y 3[ ] x 4[ ] 2x 1[ ] 3x 1–[ ]–+ 8= =

y 4[ ] x 5[ ] 2x 2[ ] 3x 0[ ]–+ 13–= =

y 5[ ] x 6[ ] 2x 3[ ] 3x 1[ ]–+ 0= =

y 6[ ] x 7[ ] 2x 4[ ] 3x 2[ ]–+ 8= =

y 7[ ] x 8[ ] 2x 5[ ] 3x 3[ ]–+ 2–= =

y 8[ ] x 9[ ] 2x 6[ ] 3x 4[ ]–+ 0= =

y 9[ ] x 10[ ] 2x 7[ ] 3x 5[ ]–+ 3= =

y 10[ ] x 11[ ] 2x 8[ ] 3x 6[ ]–+ 18–= =

- 5 -

Problem 3:Assume that the response of an LTI system to the input ,


is given by,

. (3-2)

For this system, compute the output to the following input:

. (3-3)

Solution: Since we are not given the impulse response of this LTI system, we must try to express as a linear combination of weighted and time-shifted ; then the output will be the same linear combination of weighted and time-shifted . First let us write down the following three expressions:




Note that if we add equations (S-57) through (S-59) we get closer to :


Multiplying equation (S-60) by five, we get in terms of :

. (S-61)

Since the system is linear and time-invariant (LTI), the output corresponding to is therefore given by,



. (S-64)

x n[ ]

x n[ ] δ n[ ] δ n 1–[ ]–=

y n[ ] δ n[ ] δ n 1–[ ]– 2δ n 3–[ ]+=

y2 n[ ]

x2 n[ ] 5δ n[ ] 5δ n 3–[ ]–=

x2 n[ ]x n[ ] y2 n[ ]

y n[ ]

x n[ ] δ n[ ] δ n 1–[ ]–=

x n 1–[ ] δ n 1–[ ] δ n 2–[ ]–=

x n 2–[ ] δ n 2–[ ] δ n 3–[ ]–=

x2 n[ ]

x n[ ] x n 1–[ ] x n 2–[ ]+ + δ n[ ] δ n 3–[ ]–=

x2 n[ ] x n[ ]

x2 n[ ] 5 x n[ ] x n 1–[ ] x n 2–[ ]+ +( ) 5x n[ ] 5x n 1–[ ] 5x n 2–[ ]+ += =

y2 n[ ] x2 n[ ]

y2 n[ ] 5y n[ ] 5y n 1–[ ] 5y n 2–[ ]+ +=

y2 n[ ] 5 δ n[ ] δ n 1–[ ]– 2δ n 3–[ ]+( ) 5 δ n 1–[ ] δ n 2–[ ]– 2δ n 4–[ ]+( ) + +=

5 δ n 2–[ ] δ n 3–[ ]– 2δ n 5–[ ]+( )

y2 n[ ] 5δ n[ ] 5δ n 3–[ ] 10δ n 4–[ ] 10δ n 5–[ ]+ + +=

- 6 -

Problem 4:Assume that the response of an LTI system to the input (discrete-time unit step) is given by,

. (4-1)

(a) For this system, compute the output to the following input:


(b) Derive the impulse response for this system.

(c) Give the difference equation for this system.


Part (a): Similar to problem 3, for an LTI system,



. (S-66)

Simplifying equation (S-66), we get:


. (S-68)

Part (b): Note that:


so that is given by,



. (S-72)

Part (c): We start with equation (S-72) and make the following substitutions:



Therefore, the difference equation of the system is given by,

. (S-75)

x n[ ] u n[ ]=

y n[ ] δ n[ ] 2δ n 1–[ ] δ n 2–[ ]–+=

y2 n[ ]

x2 n[ ] 3u n[ ] 2u n 4–[ ]–=

h n[ ]

x2 n[ ] 3x n[ ] 2x n 4–[ ]–=

y2 n[ ] 3y n[ ] 2y n 4–[ ]–=

y2 n[ ] 3 δ n[ ] 2δ n 1–[ ] δ n 2–[ ]–+( ) 2 δ n 4–[ ] 2δ n 5–[ ] δ n 6–[ ]–+( )–=

y2 n[ ] 3δ n[ ] 6δ n 1–[ ] 3δ n 2–[ ]– 2δ n 4–[ ]– 4δ n 5–[ ]– 2δ n 6–[ ]+ +=

δ n[ ] u n[ ] u n 1–[ ]– x n[ ] x n 1–[ ]–= =

h n[ ]

h n[ ] y n[ ] y n 1–[ ]–=

h n[ ] δ n[ ] 2δ n 1–[ ] δ n 2–[ ]–+( ) δ n 1–[ ] 2δ n 2–[ ] δ n 3–[ ]–+( )–=

h n[ ] δ n[ ] δ n 1–[ ] 3δ n 2–[ ]– δ n 3–[ ]+ +=

δ n[ ] x n[ ]⇔

h n[ ] y n[ ]⇔

y n[ ] x n[ ] x n 1–[ ] 3x n 2–[ ]– x n 3–[ ]+ +=

- 7 -

Problem 5:

Assume an LTI system of the following form:


with impulse response,


(a) Give numeric values for and , .

(b) Compute , , for input given by,



Part (a): We start with equation (5-2) and make the following substitutions: and . Therefore, the difference equation of the system is given by,


Comparing equations (5-1).and (S-76), we get the following values:

, , , , and . (S-77)

Part (b): We can use convolution or direct substitution. Below, I choose direct substitution into difference equation (S-76):



Note that since the input is periodic with discrete-time period two, we need not compute any additional output values, since:

and , . (S-80)

In summary:

. (S-81)

y n[ ] bkx n k–[ ]k 0=



h n[ ] 3δ n[ ] 7δ n 1–[ ] 13δ n 2–[ ] 9δ n 3–[ ] 5δ n 4–[ ]+ + + +=

M bk k 0 … M, ,{ }∈

y n[ ] n∀ x n[ ]

x n[ ]01

=n even=n odd=

δ n[ ] x n[ ]⇔ h n[ ] y n[ ]⇔

y n[ ] 3x n[ ] 7x n 1–[ ] 13x n 2–[ ] 9x n 3–[ ] 5x n 4–[ ]+ + + +=

b0 3= b1 7= b2 13= b3 9= b4 5= M 4=

y 0[ ] 3x 0[ ] 7x 1–[ ] 13x 2–[ ] 9x 3–[ ] 5x 4–[ ]+ + + += 3 0( ) 7 1( ) 13 0( ) 9 1( ) 5 0( )+ + + += 16=

y 1[ ] 3x 1[ ] 7x 0[ ] 13x 1–[ ] 9x 2–[ ] 5x 3–[ ]+ + + += 3 1( ) 7 0( ) 13 1( ) 9 0( ) 5 1( )+ + + += 21=

x n[ ]

y 2n[ ] y 0[ ] 16= = y 2n 1+[ ] y 1[ ] 21= = n∀

y n[ ]1621

=n even=n odd=

- 8 -

Problem 6:For each part below, give an expression for . When applicable, assume , ; also, denotes the discrete-time unit step function, and * denotes the convolution operator.


Solution: From the definition of convolution:

, (S-82)

. (S-83)

Note that in equation (S-82) above, we could change the limits in the summation to , because for , and for .


Solution: From the definition of convolution:

, (S-84)

. (S-85)

Note that in equation (S-84) above, we could change the limits in the summation to , because for (by problem statement), and for .


Solution: Let us denote . Then,

. (S-86)

That is, convolution with does not affect the original signal. Applying the commutative property to the answer for part (b):

. (S-87)

Combining the results for (S-86) and (S-87):

. (S-88)

(d) , .

Solution: From part (a),


so that,

. (S-90)

y n[ ] x n[ ] 0= n 0< u n[ ]

y n[ ] u n[ ] * u n[ ]=

y n[ ] u k[ ]u n k–[ ]k ∞–=

∑ u k[ ]u n k–[ ]k 0=


∑ 1k 0=


∑ n 1+( )= = = = n 0≥

y n[ ] n 1+( )u n[ ]=

k 0 1 … n, , ,{ }∈u k[ ] 0= k 0< u n k–[ ] 0= k n>

y n[ ] x n[ ] * u n[ ]=

y n[ ] x k[ ]u n k–[ ]k ∞–=

∑ x k[ ]u n k–[ ]k 0=


∑ x k[ ]k 0=


∑= = = n 0≥

y n[ ] x k[ ]k 0=


u n[ ]=

k 0 1 … n, , ,{ }∈x k[ ] 0= k 0< u n k–[ ] 0= k n>

y n[ ] u n[ ] * x n[ ] * δ n[ ]=

y' n[ ] u n[ ] * x n[ ]=

y n[ ] y' n[ ] * δ n[ ] y' k[ ]δ n k–[ ]k ∞–=

∑ y' n[ ]= = =

δ n[ ]

y' n[ ] u n[ ] * x n[ ] x n[ ] * u n[ ] x k[ ]k 0=


u n[ ]= = =

y n[ ] y' n[ ] x k[ ]k 0=


u n[ ]= =

y n[ ] anu n[ ] * u n[ ]= a 1<

u n[ ] * u n[ ] n 1+( )u n[ ]=

y n[ ] an n 1+( )u n[ ]=

- 9 -

Problem 7:(a) Compute the impulse response for a filter with frequency response , as illustrated in Figure 3

below, using the inverse DTFT integral. Simplify your answer as much as possible.










(b) Using L’Hopital’s rule, simplify the formula for a general filter , derived in the notes, for , where,



h n[ ] H ejθ( )

H ejθ( )



π– πFigure 3



2– 21

h n[ ] 12π------ H ejθ( )ejnθ θd



h n[ ] 12π------ 2ejnθ θd


2–∫ 3ejnθ θd


1–∫ 3ejnθ θd


2∫ 2ejnθ θd


π∫+ + +=

h n[ ] 12π------ 2ejnθ


θ π–=

θ 2–=3ejnθ


θ 2–=

θ 1–=3ejnθ


θ 1=

θ 2=2ejnθ


θ 2=

θ π=

+ + +=

h n[ ] 12π------ 2e j2n–

jn--------------- 2e jπn–


3e jn–

jn------------ 3e j2n–



jn------------- 3ejn



jn------------- 2ej2n


+ + +=

h n[ ] 12π------ ej2n e j2n––


3ejn 3e jn––jn

----------------------------- – 2ejπn 2e jπn––



h n[ ] 1πn------ ej2n e j2n––


3 ejn e jn––j2

---------------------- – 2 ejπn e jπn––



h n[ ] 1πn------ 2n( )sin 3 n( )sin– 2 πn( )sin+[ ]=

h n[ ] 2n( )sin 3 n( )sin–πn

-------------------------------------------- 2δ n[ ]+=

hg n[ ] ∆ 0→

hg n[ ] 1 a–( )n θc1

∆–( )( )cos n θc2∆+( )( )cos nθc1

( )cos– nθc2( )cos–+

n2π∆------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- δ n[ ]+=

- 10 -




(c) Explain how you can use your result in part (b) to derive the impulse response for part (a), without explicit computation of the inverse DTFT integral.

Solution: We can define as the composition of three filters with the following values:





where denotes the DTFT of . In the discrete-time domain, equation (S-105) is given by,

. (S-106)

Note that the impulse responses in equation (S-106) are given by,

for (S-107)


for (S-109)


for (S-111)


hg n[ ]∆ 0→lim 1 a–( ) ∆d

d n θc1∆–( )( )cos n θc2

∆+( )( )cos nθc1( )cos– nθc2

( )cos–+{ }

∆dd n2π∆{ }

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------∆ 0→lim=

δ n[ ]+

hg n[ ]∆ 0→lim 1 a–( )

n n θc1∆–( )( )sin n n θc2

∆+( )( )sin–


∆ 0→lim δ n[ ]+=

hg n[ ]∆ 0→lim 1 a–( )

nθc1( )sin nθc2

( )sin–

nπ----------------------------------------------------- δ n[ ]+=

h n[ ]

H ejθ( )

H1 ejθ( ) Hg ejθ( )a 0= θc1

, 0= θc2, 1= ∆, 0=


H2 ejθ( ) Hg ejθ( )a 3= θc1

, 1= θc2, 2= ∆, 0=


H3 ejθ( ) Hg ejθ( )a 2= θc1

, 2= θc2, π= ∆, 0=


H ejθ( ) H1 ejθ( )H2 ejθ( )H3 ejθ( )=

Hg ejθ( ) hg n[ ]

h n[ ] h1 n[ ] * h2 n[ ] * h3 n[ ]=

h1 n[ ] hg n[ ]∆ 0→lim 1 a–( )

nθc1( )sin nθc2

( )sin–

nπ----------------------------------------------------- δ n[ ]+= = a 0= θc1

, 0= θc2, 1=

h1 n[ ] n( )sin–nπ

------------------- δ n[ ]+=

h2 n[ ] hg n[ ]∆ 0→lim 1 a–( )

nθc1( )sin nθc2

( )sin–

nπ----------------------------------------------------- δ n[ ]+= = a 3= θc1

, 1= θc2, 2=

h2 n[ ] 2 2n( )sin n( )sin–nπ

----------------------------------------- δ n[ ]+=

h3 n[ ] hg n[ ]∆ 0→lim 1 a–( )

nθc1( )sin nθc2

( )sin–

nπ----------------------------------------------------- δ n[ ]+= = a 2= θc1

, 2= θc2, π=

h3 n[ ] nπ( )sin 2n( )sin–nπ

-------------------------------------------- δ n[ ]+=

- 11 -

Problem 8:Given an IIR filter defined by the difference equation:


(a) Determine the transfer function for this system.





(b) Compute the system poles.





(c) Compute for this system. Is this system BIBO-stable?

Solution: We can use the -transform pair,


so that,


The system is stable.

(d) Determine for .

Solution: Due to linearity and time invariance,



y n[ ] 12---–

y n 1–[ ] x n[ ]+=

H z( )

Y z( ) 1 2⁄–( )z 1– Y z( ) X z( )+=

1 1 2⁄( )z 1–+( )Y z( ) X z( )=

H z( ) Y z( )X z( )----------- 1

1 1 2⁄( )z 1–+-------------------------------= =

1 1 2⁄( )z 1–+ 0=

z 1 2⁄( )+ 0=

z 1 2⁄–=

h n[ ]


anu n[ ] 11 az 1––-------------------⇔

h n[ ] 1 2⁄–( )nu n[ ]=

y n[ ] x n[ ] δ n[ ] 2δ n 1–[ ]– 4δ n 4–[ ]+=

y n[ ] h n[ ] 2h n 1–[ ]– 4h n 4–[ ]+=

y n[ ] 1 2⁄–( )nu n[ ] 2 1 2⁄–( ) n 1–( )u n 1–[ ]– 4 1 2⁄–( ) n 4–( )u n 4–[ ]+=

- 12 -

Problem 9:Given an IIR filter defined by the difference equation:


(a) Determine the transfer function for this system.



(b) Compute the system poles.




Using the quadratic formula,

for (S-126)

the system poles are given by,

. (S-127)

, . (S-128)

(c) Compute for this system. Is this system BIBO-stable?

Solution: First we compute the partial fraction expansion:


where and are given by equation (S-128) above. From the lecture notes,



Plugging (S-128) into (S-130) and (S-131):



Now we can use the -transform pair,

y n[ ] 2y n 1–[ ] y n 2–[ ]– x n[ ]+=

H z( )

H z( ) 11 2z 1–– z 2–+-------------------------------------=

1 2z 1–– z 2–+ 0=

z2 2z– 1+ 0=

x b– b2 4ac–±2a

--------------------------------------= ax2 bx c+ + 0=

z 2 2 4–±2

----------------------------- 2 j 2±2

----------------------- e jπ 4⁄±= = =

r1 ejπ 4⁄= r2 e jπ 4⁄–=

h n[ ]

11 2z 1–– z 2–+-------------------------------------


1 r1z 1––---------------------


1 r2z 1––---------------------+=

r1 r2

A1 H z( ) 1 r1z 1––( )z r1=

11 r2z 1––---------------------

z r1=

11 r2r1

1––---------------------= = =

A2 H z( ) 1 r2z 1––( )z r2=

11 r1z 1––---------------------

z r2=

11 r1r2

1––---------------------= = =


1 e jπ 4⁄–( ) ejπ 4⁄( ) 1––--------------------------------------------------- 1

1 e jπ 2⁄––----------------------- 1

1 j+----------- 1

2ejπ 4⁄-------------------- 2

2-------e jπ 4⁄–= = = = =


1 ejπ 4⁄( ) e jπ 4⁄–( ) 1––--------------------------------------------------- 1

1 ej π 2⁄( )–------------------------- 1

1 j–----------- 1

2e jπ 4⁄–---------------------- 2

2-------ejπ 4⁄= = = = =


- 13 -


to compute :





. (S-139)

(d) Determine for .

Solution: Due to linearity and time-invariance,




For , equation (S-141) simplifies to:

, . (S-143)


banu n[ ] b1 az 1––-------------------⇔

h n[ ]

h n[ ] A1 r1( )nu n[ ] A2 r2( )nu n[ ]+=

h n[ ] 22

-------e jπ 4⁄– ejπ 4⁄( )nu n[ ] 22

-------ejπ 4⁄ e jπ 4⁄–( )nu n[ ]+=

h n[ ] 2 ejπ 4⁄( ) n 1–( ) e jπ 4⁄–( ) n 1–( )+2

--------------------------------------------------------------------- u n[ ]=

h n[ ] 2 ejπ 4⁄ n 1–( ) e jπ 4⁄ n 1–( )–+2

----------------------------------------------------------- u n[ ]=

h n[ ] 2 π 4n⁄ π 4⁄–( )ucos n[ ]=

y n[ ] x n[ ] δ n[ ] 3δ n 1–[ ]– 2δ n 4–[ ]+=

y n[ ] h n[ ] 3h n 1–[ ]– 2h n 4–[ ]+=

y n[ ] 2 π 4n⁄ π 4⁄–( )ucos n[ ] 3 2 π 4 n 1–( )⁄ π 4⁄–( )ucos n 1–[ ]– +=

2 2 π 4 n 4–( )⁄ π 4⁄–( )ucos n 4–[ ]

y n[ ] 2 π 4n⁄ π 4⁄–( )ucos n[ ] 3 2 π 4n⁄ π 2⁄–( )ucos n 1–[ ]– +=

2 2 π 4⁄ 3π 4⁄+( )ucos n 4–[ ]

n 4≥

y n[ ] 2 π 4n⁄( )sin= n 4≥

- 14 -

Problem 10:Determine the discrete-time signals and , respectively, corresponding to the following -transforms:

[part (a)] (10-1)

[part (b)] (10-2)

Solution: In the lecture notes, we derived the following transform pair:



, , and . (S-145)

For part (a):

, , , . (S-146)






For part (b):

, , , . (S-152)






xa n[ ] xb n[ ] z

Xa z( ) 1 z 1––

1 16---z 1–– 1

6---z 2––


Xb z( ) 1 z 1–+1 0.1z 1–– 0.72z 2––------------------------------------------------=

H z( )b0 b1z 1–+

1 a1z 1–– a2z 2––( )----------------------------------------------= ⇔ h n[ ] A1r1

nu n[ ] A2r2nu n[ ]+=

r1a1 a1

2 4a2+–2

------------------------------------= r2a1 a1

2 4a2++2

-------------------------------------= A1b1 b0r1+

r1 r2–----------------------= A2

b1 b0r2+r2 r1–


b0 1= b1 1–= a1 1 6⁄= a2 1 6⁄=

r11 6⁄ 1 6⁄( )2 4 6⁄+–

2------------------------------------------------------ 1 6⁄ 25 36⁄–

2------------------------------------ 1 6⁄ 5 6⁄–

2-------------------------- 1 3⁄–= = = =

r21 6⁄ 1 6⁄( )2 4 6⁄++

2------------------------------------------------------ 1 6⁄ 5 6⁄+

2-------------------------- 1 2⁄= = =

A11– 1 3⁄–

1 3⁄– 1 2⁄–------------------------------ 8 5⁄= =

A21– 1 2⁄+

1 2⁄ 1 3⁄–( )–---------------------------------- 3 5⁄–= =

xa n[ ] 8 5⁄( ) 1 3⁄–( )nu n[ ] 3 5⁄( ) 1 2⁄( )nu n[ ]–=

b0 1= b1 1= a1 0.1= a2 0.72=

r10.1 0.1( )2 4 0.72( )+–

2--------------------------------------------------------- 0.1 1.7–

2--------------------- 0.8–= = =

r20.1 0.1( )2 4 0.72( )++

2---------------------------------------------------------- 0.1 1.7+

2--------------------- 0.9= = =

A11 0.8–0.8– 0.9–

------------------------- 2 17⁄–= =

A21 0.9+

0.9 0.8–( )–----------------------------- 19 17⁄= =

xb n[ ] 2 17⁄–( ) 0.8–( )nu n[ ] 19 17⁄( ) 0.9( )nu n[ ]+=

- 15 -

Problem 11:An LTI system has the transfer function ,


The input to this system is given by,

, . (11-2)

Determine the output of the system for all .

Solution: In the lecture notes, we derived the following transform pair:



. (S-159)

This is the impulse response of an FIR filter, whose difference equation is given by,

. (S-160)

Thus, the output for the input in equation (11-2) is given by,



. (S-163)

A more general procedure, that applies to both FIR and IIR filters is to derive the solution for through the frequency response of the system:


First, the input can be broken up into three parts:



, and . (S-165)

We can write the outputs corresponding to , and :






Therefore, the total output is given by,

H z( )

H z( ) 1 3z 2–– 4z 4––=

x n[ ] 20 20δ n[ ]– 20 0.5πn π 4⁄+( )cos+= ∞– n ∞< <

y n[ ] n

δ n n0–[ ] ⇔ z n0–

h n[ ] δ n[ ] 3δ n 2–[ ]– 4δ n 4–[ ]–=

y n[ ] x n[ ] 3x n 2–[ ]– 4x n 4–[ ]–=

y n[ ]

y n[ ] 20 20δ n[ ]– 20 0.5πn π 4⁄+( )cos –+=3 20 20δ n 2–[ ]– 20 0.5π n 2–( ) π 4⁄+( )cos+[ ] –4 20 20δ n 4–[ ]– 20 0.5π n 4–( ) π 4⁄+( )cos+[ ]

y n[ ] 120– 20δ n[ ]– 60δ n 2–[ ] 80δ n 4–[ ] 20 0.5πn π 4⁄+( )cos + + + +=60 0.5πn π 4⁄+( )cos 80 0.5πn π 4⁄+( ) cos–

y n[ ] 120– 20δ n[ ]– 60δ n 2–[ ] 80δ n 4–[ ]+ +=

y n[ ]

H ejθ( ) H z( )z ejθ=

1 3e j2θ–– 4e j4θ––= =

x n[ ]

x n[ ] x1 n[ ] x2 n[ ] x3 n[ ]+ +=

x1 n[ ] 20= x2 n[ ] 20δ n[ ]–= x3 n[ ] 20 0.5πn π 4⁄+( )cos=

x1 n[ ] x2 n[ ] x3 n[ ]

H ejθ( ) θ 0= 1 3– 4– 6–= =

y1 n[ ] 20 H ejθ( ) θ 0= 0n H ejθ( )∠ θ 0=+( )cos 20 6– π( )cos 120–= = =

y2 n[ ] 20h n[ ]– 20δ n[ ]– 60δ n 2–[ ] 80δ n 4–[ ]+ += =

H ejθ( ) θ 0.5π= 1 3e jπ–– 4e j2π–– 1 3 4–+ 0= = =

y3 n[ ] 20 H ejθ( ) θ 0.5π= 0.5πn H ejθ( )∠ θ 0.5π=+( )cos 0= =

- 16 -


. (S-172)

Note that the results in equations (S-163) and (S-172) are equivalent.

y n[ ] y1 n[ ] y2 n[ ] y3 n[ ]+ +=

y n[ ] 120– 20δ n[ ]– 60δ n 2–[ ] 80δ n 4–[ ]+ +=

- 17 -

Problem 12:(a) True or False: For the discrete-time system the output for an arbitrary input is

given by , where is the impulse response of the system.

False: The system is a time-variant system.

(b) True or False: For the discrete-time system the output for an arbitrary input is given by , where is the impulse response of the system.

True. The system is an LTI system.

(c) True or False: For the discrete-time system , the frequency response of the system is given by,


False: The pole of is equal to 2; since the root lies outside the unit circle of the complex plane, the system is unstable. Therefore, equation (12-1) does not represent the frequency response of the system.

(d) True or False: For the discrete-time system , the frequency response of the system is given by,


True: The system is stable, so that is the frequency response of the system.

(e) True or False: An LTI system with frequency response , , is noncausal.



Since is nonzero for , the system is noncausal.

(f) Give the difference equation for an LTI system with transfer function :




(g) Give the difference equation for an LTI system with transfer function :






y n[ ] anx n 1–[ ]= x n[ ]y n[ ] x n[ ] * h n[ ]= h n[ ]

y n[ ] y n 1–[ ] x n 1+[ ]+=x n[ ] y n[ ] x n[ ] * h n[ ]= h n[ ]

y n[ ] 2y n 1–[ ] x n[ ]+=

H ejθ( ) 11 2e jθ––---------------------= H z( ) 1

1 2z 1––-------------------=

H z( )

y n[ ] 1 2⁄( )y n 1–[ ] x n[ ]+=

H ejθ( ) 11 1 2⁄( )e jθ––---------------------------------= H z( ) 1

1 1 2⁄( )z 1––-------------------------------=

H z( )z ejθ=

H ejθ( ) u θ 1+[ ] u θ 1–[ ]–= θ π– π,[ ]∈

h n[ ] 12π------ H ejθ( )ejnθ θd



12π------ ejnθ θd


1∫ ejn e jn––

j2nπ---------------------- n( )sin

nπ---------------= = = =

h n[ ] n 0<

H z( )

H z( ) 1 z2 3z4+ +z5


H z( ) z 5– z 3– 3z 1–+ += ⇒ h n[ ] δ n 5–[ ] δ n 3–[ ] 3δ n 1–[ ]+ +=

y n[ ] x n 5–[ ] x n 3–[ ] 3x n 1–[ ]+ +=

H z( )

H z( ) z2 1+z2 z– 1+----------------------=

H z( ) 1 z 2–+1 z 1–– z 2–+------------------------------ Y z( )

X z( )-----------= =

1 z 1–– z 2–+( )Y z( ) 1 z 2–+( )X z( )=

Y z( ) z 1– Y z( ) z 2– Y z( )– X z( ) z 2– X z( )+ +=

y n[ ] y n 1–[ ] y n 2–[ ]– x n[ ] x n 2–[ ]+ +=

- 18 -

Problem 13:(a) Give the difference equation of an LTI system with frequency response:


Hint: This problem, when approached correctly, does not involve a lot of computation.

(b) Is your answer in part (a) causal? If not, specify a difference equation for a causal LTI system with the same magnitude frequency response as in equation (13-1).


Part (a):






Part (b):

Since the system is dependent on future values of the input (i.e. , ), the system is noncausal. We can make the system causal by delaying the system output by five time units:


Systems (S-184) and (S-185) have the same magnitude frequency responses, but different phase frequency responses.

H ejθ( ) 1 2θ( )cos 5θ( )cos+ +=

H ejθ( ) 1 ej2θ e j2θ–+2

---------------------------- ej5θ e j5θ–+2

----------------------------+ +=

H ejθ( ) 1 12---ej2θ 1

2---e j2θ– 1

2---ej5θ 1

2---e j5θ–+ + + + h n[ ]e jnθ–

n ∞–=

∑= =

h n[ ] δ n[ ] 12---δ n 2+[ ] 1

2---δ n 2–[ ] 1

2---δ n 5+[ ] 1

2---δ n 5–[ ]+ + + +=

h n[ ] 12---δ n 5+[ ] 1

2---δ n 2+[ ] δ n[ ] 1

2---δ n 2–[ ] 1

2---δ n 5–[ ]+ + + +=

y n[ ] 12---x n 5+[ ] 1

2---x n 2+[ ] x n[ ] 1

2---x n 2–[ ] 1

2---x n 5–[ ]+ + + +=

x n 5+[ ] x n 2+[ ]

y n[ ] 12---x n[ ] 1

2---x n 3–[ ] x n 5–[ ] 1

2---x n 7–[ ] 1

2---x n 10–[ ]+ + + +=

- 19 -

Problem 14:Consider the following discrete-time system:


(a) Compute the transfer function of this system.

(b) Is this system stable?

(c) Give an expression for the output for the input , assuming that , .

(d) Compute the impulse response of this system.

(e) Compute the frequency response of this system.

(f) Give an expression for the output for the following input:

, . (14-2)


Part (a):


Part (b): Since the system pole is equal to , which lies inside the unit circle of the complex plane, the system is stable.

Part (c):









. (S-193)

Part (d):


Part (e):

y n[ ] 12---y n 1–[ ] 2x n[ ]+=

H z( )

y n[ ] x n[ ] u n[ ]= y n[ ] 0= n 0<

h n[ ]

H ejθ( )

y n[ ]

x n[ ] 10 5δ n 3–[ ] 2 0.5πn 1+( )sin+ += ∞– n ∞< <

H z( ) 21 1 2⁄( )z 1––-------------------------------=

1 2⁄

X z( ) U z( ) 11 z 1––----------------= =

Y z( ) H z( )X z( ) 21 1 2⁄( )z 1––( ) 1 z 1––( )

---------------------------------------------------------= =

Y z( ) 21 1 2⁄( )z 1––( ) 1 z 1––( )


1 1 2⁄( )z 1––( )------------------------------------


1 z 1––( )---------------------+= =

A1 Y z( ) 1 1 2⁄( )z 1––( ) z 1 2⁄=2

1 z 1––( )---------------------

z 1 2⁄=

21 2–------------ 2–= = = =

A2 Y z( ) 1 z 1––( ) z 1=2

1 1 2⁄( )z 1––( )------------------------------------

z 1=

21 1 2⁄( )–----------------------- 4= = = =

Y z( ) 2–1 1 2⁄( )z 1––( )

------------------------------------ 41 z 1––( )


y n[ ] 4u n[ ] 2 1 2⁄( )nu n[ ]–=

h n[ ] 2 1 2⁄( )nu n[ ]=

- 20 -


Part (f):

Let where,

, (S-196)

, and, (S-197)

. (S-198)

Then where,

, (S-199)

, and, (S-200)

. (S-201)

Note that,

so that and ; and, (S-202)

so that, (S-203)

and . (S-204)


, (S-205)

, and, (S-206)

, (S-207)


. (S-208)

H ejθ( ) H z( )z ejθ=

21 1 2⁄( )e jθ––---------------------------------= =

x n[ ] x1 n[ ] x2 n[ ] x3 n[ ]+ +=

x1 n[ ] 10=

x2 n[ ] 5δ n 3–[ ]=

x3 n[ ] 2 0.5πn 1+( )sin=

y n[ ] y1 n[ ] y2 n[ ] y3 n[ ]+ +=

y1 n[ ] 10 H ejθ( ) θ 0= H ejθ( )∠ θ 0=( )cos=

y2 n[ ] 5h n 3–[ ]=

y3 n[ ] 2 H ejθ( ) θ 0.5π= 0.5πn 1 H ejθ( )∠ θ 0.5π=+ +( )sin=

H ejθ( ) θ 0=2

1 1 2⁄( )–----------------------- 4= = H ejθ( ) θ 0= 4= H ejθ( )∠ θ 0= 0=

H ejθ( ) θ 0.5π=2

1 1 2⁄( )e j0.5π––--------------------------------------- 2

1 j 2⁄+------------------ 4

2 j+-----------= = =

H ejθ( ) θ 0.5π= 4 5⁄= H ejθ( )∠ θ 0.5π= 1 2⁄( )atan– 0.463648–≈=

y1 n[ ] 10 4( ) 0( )cos 40= =

y2 n[ ] 5h n 3–[ ] 10 1 2⁄( ) n 3–( )u n 3–[ ]= =

y3 n[ ] 2 4 5⁄( ) 0.5πn 0.536352+( )sin=

y n[ ] 40 10 1 2⁄( ) n 3–( )u n 3–[ ] 2 4 5⁄( ) 0.5πn 0.536352+( )sin+ +=

- 21 -

Problem 15:Consider the LTI system below:

. (15-1)

(a) Compute the frequency response for this system.

(b) Give an analytic expression for . Be sure to simplify your answer as much as possible.

(c) Give an analytic expression for . Be sure to simplify your answer as much as possible.

(d) Compute the output of this system for the following two inputs:

, (15-2)

, . (15-3)


Part (a):


Parts (b) and (c):




Part (d): From above:



y n[ ] 12---x n[ ] 1

2---x n 2–[ ]–=

H ejθ( )

H ejθ( )

H ejθ( )∠

x1 n[ ] πn( )cos= ∞– n ∞< <

x2 n[ ] πn 2⁄( )cos= ∞– n ∞< <

H ejθ( ) 12--- 1

2---e j2θ––=

H ejθ( ) e jθ– 12---ejθ 1

2---e jθ––

je jθ– ejθ e jθ––j2

---------------------- e j θ π 2⁄–( )– θ( )sin= = =

H ejθ( ) e j θ π 2⁄–( )– θ( )sin θ( )sin= =

H ejθ( )∠θ– π 2⁄+θ– π 2⁄–

=θ 0≥θ 0<

y1 n[ ] H ejθ( ) θ π= πn H ejθ( )∠ θ π=+( )cos π( )sin πn π 2⁄+( )cos 0= = =

y2 n[ ] H ejθ( ) θ π 2⁄= πn H ejθ( )∠ θ π 2⁄=+( )cos π 2⁄( )sin πn 2⁄( )cos πn 2⁄( )cos= = =

- 22 -

Problem 16:Assume that you apply the following input to an LTI system:


and observe the following output :

. (16-2)

(a) Using the -transform pair,

show that . (16-3)

(b) Compute the transfer function for this LTI system.

(c) Compute the impulse response for this LTI system.

(d) Specify the difference equation that describes this LTI system. Is this an FIR or an IIR system?

(e) For the input in equation (16-1), explain why,


does not give the output for this LTI system.

(f) Specify and . Hint: This part requires no computation.


Part (a):



Part (b):




Part (c):


Part (d): IIR system. Impulse response only goes to zero as .

Part (e): Note that equation (16-4) is true only for an infinite-length discrete-time sinusoidal input. Since the input in equation (16-1)is zero for , there will be some transient component to the output (specifically the part of the response).

Part (f): Note that the nontransient part of the output is given by for the input . Therefore,

, (S-221)

x n[ ]

x n[ ] πn 2⁄( )cos u n[ ]=

y n[ ]

y n[ ] 3 2( ) n– u n[ ] 2 πn 2⁄( )ucos n[ ]+=


anu n[ ] ⇔ 11 az 1––------------------- X z( ) 1

1 z 2–+----------------=

H z( )

h n[ ]

y n[ ] H ejθ( ) θ π 2⁄= πn 2⁄ H ejθ( ) θ π 2⁄=∠+( )cos=

H ejθ( ) θ π 2⁄= H ejθ( ) θ π 2⁄=∠

x n[ ] ejπn 2⁄ e jπn 2⁄–+( )u n[ ] ejπ 2⁄( )nu n[ ] e jπ 2⁄–( )nu n[ ]+ jnu n[ ] j–( )nu n[ ]+= = =

X z( ) 11 jz 1––------------------ 1

1 jz 1–+-------------------+ 1

1 z 2–+----------------= =

Y z( ) 31 1 2⁄( )z 1––------------------------------- 2

1 z 2–+----------------+=

H z( ) Y z( )X z( )----------- 3 1 z 2–+( )

1 1 2⁄( )z 1––------------------------------- 2+ 3

1 1 2⁄( )z 1––------------------------------- 3z 2–

1 1 2⁄( )z 1––------------------------------- 2+ += = =

h n[ ] 3 1 2⁄( )nu n[ ] 3 1 2⁄( ) n 2–( )u n 2–[ ] 2δ n[ ]+ +=

h n[ ] 3 1 2⁄( )nu n[ ] 3 1 2⁄( ) n 2–( )u n 2–[ ] 2δ n[ ]+ +=

h n[ ] n ∞→

n 0< y n[ ]3 2( ) n– u n[ ]

y n[ ] 2 πn 2⁄( )cosπn 2⁄( )cos

H ejθ( ) θ π 2⁄= 2= H ejθ( ) θ π 2⁄=∠ 0=

- 23 -

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