effective communication skills

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLSINTRODUCTION : Owing to the fact that the term communication can never be neglected in our day to day life, that's why we want to talk about it in details and we hope at the end we will succeed in showing you how effective a good communication is in our day to day life. Our main topic for today is effective communication skills. If I may ask you all can we do away with communication? I believe the answer is no, then why not we use it at the best of it all . Now back to our main topic.

POINT ONE : let's start with the word EFFECTIVE, the word itself is an adjective one can use to express a successful desired or intended result, and the word communication.

communication : is from a Latin word called communicaio which means to share, please take note of the word Share. Furthermore I will give you at least three different definition of the word communication

1. The act of imparting or interchanging of thoughts, opinions or information by speech ,writing or signs.

2. Something imparted interchange, or transmitted.

3. Passage or an opportunity or means of passage between two places.

We strongly believe that this three point have successfully explain the term communication from all aspect of it very existence. From all the point, now we can clearly see that communication is a two way deal, always about two point or more from point A-B so with this fact we can say that communication is a two way stuff. Now the word skills.

SKILLS: one can best explain this as the ability coming from the knowledge , practice an aptitude from a person to do something so we see here that skills has nothing to do with your talent, your gift or anything that comes with you. By default, skill is something you can learn anytime, anywhere, anyhow.


Can we now say that the information one caries is what He or She is? In other words, the information you have is who you are. Is these true? At this point I will like us to join this three words together and let's make sense out of it. You will all agree with me that joining this words will give us this: a successful or a desired means of sharing information which one can learn over time irrespective of his or her abilities.

Do you know we have basically two means of communication?

The first is the Verbal means, these is by the use of words.

The Second is by the use of sign language, this is communication by means of gestures and symbols. This is commonly used by those who are hard-of-hearing and between people who have no language in common.

Now if you will permit me I will like to center this topic on humans and how best they can interact with one another, as well as with their environment.

This two means mentioned earlier are mostly associated with humans. There is a saying that action speaks louder than words, how true is these? Very true, if a father ask his son not to eat with his left hand and yet he always use his left to eat when he is together with the son, tell me what will the son do when the father is not there to stop him.

Let’s take a look at the following Bible Passages:

Proverb 21: 23 Whosoever keepeth his month and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

James 3: 2 (-12) For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in words, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.

Matthew 15: (17- ) 18 But things that which proceed out of the month come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

We tried to established a fact from the beginning of this talk that what you have inside you is who you are. Mathew 15:18 and James 3:12. It is only what you take in that you can bring out as no fountain can bring forth both Salty and Fresh Water. We should therefore be mindful of what we take in for these is surly what we will take out. Why do you think communication is very important to us? if we are to say it with numbers we can go all day on the numbers alone without mentioning the advantages. You all will agree with me that it is very vital for us to be able to communicate well with our society and everything in it for us to coexist .

What if I tell you that communication is key to our very existence !!!!!one may tend to neglect this but if all should be neglected, this should not. At all cost.


Short story

Take prayer as case study here , ever since man sinned against God, man was banished from the garden of Eden man has one only way of communicating to God that is through prayers. You see prayer is very important to Christians. A Christian with a bad prayer life is a week Christian, a Christian with a good prayer life is a good Christian. So you see, prayer is key to his Christian life. Do you all agree with me on that? and you also agree with me that prayers is an act of communication. well if yes then you have to agree that this also applies to us in our day to day's activities with one another . For us to have a stronger and healthy environment a peaceful one we have to communicate effectively with one another.

We must learn how to listen to one another. Listening is the main key part of communication. If God does not listen to your prayers why then do you pray, why waste time praying. let's take it the other way round if you don't listen to God then why pray. it can you cannot listen to what God have for you according to what you ask of him then why pray . if we don't listen to each other as a brother as a sister as a friend as father as a son and as a mother then how can we understand each other as humans and as part of the big society. what does it really mean to listen , does that mean someone who can not listen is of no good to the society and to the act of communication certainly the answer is no you have to pay attention to what the other party is saying that will take us to our next point


Understanding is something we cannot do away with; we need it as much as we need air to survive. For one to have an effective communication he must be able to understand what is been communicated to him or her. Believe me understanding is very important in communication, let’s take a look at these Scenario, you went to lamer to buy toothpaste and you actually can't find it so you decided to ask and nobody in the shop understands English and you don't know how to speak Turkish, please tell me how can you describe to anyone you need a toothpaste. Very interesting your words alone are not enough to understand you and to give you feed back. These takes Us to the next part of Effective Communication; giving Feedbacks.

Feedback: For any communication to be complete one must always get a feedback it a rule. Have you ever wonder why when you send a message your phone tells you delivered. Tell me one part of communication that you have ever witness that there was no feedback. Note, from the start we establish a fact that communication is a two way deal. So the only feedback I expect from you is I want to see the way we communicate with each other improves henceforth.

Summary for the day, for any communication to be effective, one must Listen, in other to Understand, and then give feedback.

Thank you all for your time thanks for having us here we love and appreciate you thank you once more obrigados !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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