effective search via google

Post on 17-May-2015






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Everyone uses Google daily, but smart people work differently. Learn the tricks that only a handful (~4%) of people use, and save your time and energy while searching over Google :)


How to use

Effective Search Techniques

Basic Search

• Well… everyone knows this!

Google Instant

• Results appear dynamically as we type.

Some Points

• Every word matters. All the words that you type in the search box are used by Google.

• The search is case-insensitive i.e. Google does not find any difference between CAPITAL and capital.

• Generally, punctuations or special characters like ~!@#$(){}[]\ are ignored.

Some Tips• Most searches do not require advanced options. Just

type-in what you want.

• Use the words that you think are most likely to appear on the page.

• Use descriptive words. The accuracy of results depends on the uniqueness of the description.

• Use as fewer words as possible. A combination of many words may limit your search results.

DEMOBasic Search

Advanced Search

• Phrase search ("")• Search within a specific website (site:)• Terms you want to exclude (-)• Fill in the blanks (*)• Search exactly as is (+)• The OR operator

Phrase search

• For searching a phrase, put the words between “ “

• Google will consider the EXACT words in EXACT order without any change.

• You may miss important results, though!

DEMOPhrase Search

Search within a specific website

• You can get search results from a specific website rather than the entire web.

• Use the sequence: [keyword] site:[website]

DEMOSearch within a specific website

Terms you want to exclude

• You can exclude search terms using the –

• Example usage: [keyword1] –[keyword2]

• This will return all the pages containing the keyword1 but not containing keyword2.

DEMOTerms you want to exclude

Fill in the blanks

• You can use the * to let Google fill in the blank.

• Google will replace * by a well-known term related to your search query.

• Usage: [keyword1] * [keyword2]

DEMOFill in the blanks

Search exactly “as-is”

• Google sometimes substitutes a keyword in the query to maximize the accuracy of the search-results.

• However, if you want Google to do an as-is search without modification of keywords, you can use the + operator.

DEMOSearch exactly “as-is”

The OR operator

• Google will display results that contain ALL of the keywords you submit.

• By using OR, you can ask Google to give results with either keyword.

• Usage: [keyword1] OR [keyword2]

DEMOThe OR operator


• intitle:• inurl:• intext:• link:• cache:• filetype:• related:• info:

Thank You

Kaushal Bhavsarkaushal@pratikar.com


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