effective words need great presentation

Post on 07-Sep-2014






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There's no point creating amazing copy if you don't present your words well. Here are some quick tips.


Effective words need great presentation.

By Splash Copywriters


Take it from a copywriter…

… there’s no point coming up with the perfect words if they’re going to be presented poorly.

Especially in business.

It’s sloppy and you’ll just butcher the delivery.

You may even do more harm than good.


… if you want customers to read your messages, present your words well.


Fonts are clothes for your words, so choose them wisely.

You wouldn’t go to a dinner party and throw on any old rags, so why do the same with your business copy?

The size of the fonts.

If you open up a random book, you can sense if it’s going to be an easy read without absorbing a word.

So make sure the reader doesn’t have to squint or work hard to read what you’ve got to say.

Break down all barriers.

Copy for the digital generation.

People only scan the words on websites, they don’t read copy from start to finish.

Do you know what % of words are actually read on a typical page of a website?

Just 20%.


… break up copy with headlines.

And don’t be afraid of white space.

White space is appealing to the eye and, in terms of web pages, will make your words stand out even more.

That means...

… that the ‘return’ key is your friend.

Use it to break up large paragraphs of text into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Do that and your readers’ journey through your copy will be smoother and quicker.

Splash Copywriters are experienced, creative copywriters who have written for some of the UK’s biggest companies.

We know how to write words that work, so if you think we can help you in any way, get in touch.

Call Matt on 07812 581 297 or take a look at our website:


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