efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy in …...study protocol open access efficacy of...

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Efficacy of Acceptance and CommitmentTherapy in Daily Life (ACT-DL) in earlypsychosis: study protocol for a multi-centrerandomized controlled trialUlrich Reininghaus1,2,3* , Annelie Klippel2,4†, Henrietta Steinhart2,4†, Thomas Vaessen2,4†, Martine van Nierop4,Wolfgang Viechtbauer2, Tim Batink2, Zuzana Kasanova4, Evelyne van Aubel4, Ruud van Winkel5, Machteld Marcelis2,Therese van Amelsvoort2, Mark van der Gaag6, Lieuwe de Haan7 and Inez Myin-Germeys4


Background: Psychotic experiences, social functioning and general psychopathology are important targets for earlyintervention in individuals with Ultra-High-Risk state (UHR) and a first-episode psychosis (FEP). Acceptance andCommitment Therapy (ACT) is a promising, next-generation Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that aims tomodify these targets, but evidence on sustainable change and its underlying mechanisms in individuals’ daily livesremains limited. The aim of the INTERACT study is to investigate the efficacy of a novel ecological momentaryintervention, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Daily Life (ACT-DL) in a multi-centre randomised controlledtrial of individuals with UHR or FEP.

Methods/design: In a multi-centre randomised controlled trial, individuals aged 16–65 years with UHR or FEP will berandomly allocated to ACT-DL in addition to treatment as usual (TAU) as the experimental condition or a controlcondition of TAU only, which will include – for the entire study period – access to routine mental health care and, whereapplicable, CBT for psychosis (CBTp). Outcomes will be assessed at baseline (i.e. before randomisation), post-intervention(i.e. after the 8-week intervention period), and 6-month and 12-month follow-ups (i.e. 6 and 12months after completingthe intervention period) by blinded assessors. The primary outcome will be distress associated with psychotic experiences,while secondary outcomes will include (momentary) psychotic experiences, social functioning and psychopathology.Process measures to assess putative mechanisms of change will include psychological flexibility, stress sensitivity andreward experiences. In addition, acceptability, treatment adherence and treatment fidelity of ACT-DL will be assessed.

Discussion: The current study is the first to test the efficacy of ACT-DL in individuals with UHR and FEP. If this trialdemonstrates the efficacy of ACT-DL, it has the potential to significantly advance the treatment of people with UHR andFEP and, more generally, provides initial support for implementing mHealth interventions in mental health services.

Trial registration: Netherlands Trial Register, ID: NTR4252. Registered on 26 September 2013.

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

* Correspondence: ulrich.reininghaus@zi-mannheim.deThomas Vaessen, Annelie Klippel, and Henrietta Steinhart contributed as jointsecond authors.1Department of Public Mental Health, Central Institute of Mental Health,Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany2Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, School for Mental Health andNeuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The NetherlandsFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Reininghaus et al. Trials (2019) 20:769 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-019-3912-4

BackgroundThe state of Ultra-High-Risk (UHR) (also known as an At-Risk Mental State (ARMS) or High-Risk (HR) state) [1, 2] isassociated with an increased risk of developing a first-episode psychosis (FEP), with meta-analytic evidence sug-gesting that conversion to FEP is most likely to occurwithin 2 years (risk estimate, 29%; 95% CI, 23–36) and toplateau from the third year after presentation to mentalhealth services (risk estimate, 36% after 3 years, approxi-mately 35% after 10 years) [3, 4]. This has been taken tosuggest that the UHR state is temporally and phenomeno-logically continuous with FEP [5], together reflecting theearly stages of psychotic disorder [1, 2, 5–7]. Further, socialfunctioning of UHR individuals, who do neither convert topsychosis nor remit, has been reported to be lower than inhealthy controls and remarkably similar to those who con-vert to psychosis [8]. It has been argued that providing anavenue for help in individuals with UHR is important to re-duce distress associated with psychotic experiences and im-paired functioning to prevent deterioration and persistenceprior to the onset of full-blown psychotic symptoms [9].While sustained periods of remission occur after the firstonset of a psychotic disorder [10], persisting psychoticsymptoms are associated with significant levels of distress[11, 12] and poor long-term functioning and social out-comes have been reported for the majority of FEP individ-uals [10, 13], who face a marked mortality gap comparedwith the general population [14].A number of psychological mechanisms have been

proposed by current aetiological models that may con-tribute across different phenomenological and temporalstages to the development of psychosis [15–20]. Onemechanism that has been repeatedly suggested to playan important role is behavioural sensitisation, which hasbeen posited to amplify the stress response in individualswith increased genetic and/or socio-environmental risk,such that they experience a greater response to evenminor stressors and daily hassles, which, in turn, con-tributes to pushing them along a pathway to psychosisover time [21]. At the behavioural level, the most com-monly used marker of this underlying process of behav-ioural sensitisation is stress sensitivity, characterised bystronger negative emotional reactions to minor stressorsin daily life [22, 23]. Previous research suggests thatemotional reactivity to minor stressful events, activities,and social situations is increased in individuals withUHR [23, 24] and FEP [23]. At the same time, it hasbeen shown that deficits in reward experience are linkedto motivational impairments in psychosis [25, 26].Developing and evaluating interventions that directly

modify these putative mechanisms in daily life to reducethe intensity of psychotic experiences at an early stage isa promising strategy for preventing transition to, andimproving outcomes of, psychosis [23, 27–29]. Building

on recent advances in the field of mobile Health(mHealth) interventions [30], we have recently proposedan ecological interventionist causal model approach fortargeting psychological mechanisms in daily life [29].This approach draws on ecological momentary interven-tions (EMIs) (as proposed by our own group [28, 29]and others [31]), which deliver real-time psychologicalinterventions in daily life, thereby, enabling individualsto access interventions that are tailored to what a personneeds in a given moment and context, with the goal ofproducing changes in mechanisms that lead to sustain-able change in intended outcomes under real-world con-ditions [29].While the initial evidence suggests that psychological

interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT) may be efficacious in reducing transition rates inindividuals with UHR, there is still only a small numberof methodologically robust studies to investigate thisissue, and evidence on sustainable change in relation todistress associated with symptoms, social functioning aswell as the above-mentioned psychological mechanismsremains very limited [32–34]. Recently, there has beenincreasing interest in Acceptance and CommitmentTherapy (ACT), which is a next-generation CBT target-ing the relationship of individuals with their feelings andthoughts rather than their content, with the overarchinggoal of enhancing individuals’ psychological flexibility[35, 36]. ACT aims to train individuals in core psycho-logical processes of acceptance (e.g. of unpleasant,stressful feelings and thoughts), non-judgemental con-tact with the present moment, values, committed action,self as context, and cognitive defusion [35, 37–39].While ACT components targeting acceptance are likelyto be effective in attenuating stress sensitivity, ACTcomponents targeting commitment (values, committedaction) are likely to enhance reward-related motivatedaction. There is good evidence on the feasibility and ac-ceptability of ACT in people with psychosis [40, 41]. Ini-tial evidence further suggests that ACT may reducehospital re-admission rates, psychotic and affectivesymptoms, social impairment, and distress associatedwith hallucinations in this population [42–45]. Whilesome studies have reported an effect of ACT onhypothesised mechanisms (such as experiential avoid-ance or belief flexibility about symptoms) [39, 40, 44], arecent RCT in people with persisting psychotic symp-toms did not find an effect on targeted mechanisms,calling for improved investigation of psychological pro-cesses underlying change in distress and other outcomes[45]. Further, our understanding of whether, and if sohow, therapeutic effects translate into individuals’ dailylives remains very limited.Delivering ACT and evaluating its effects on putative

mechanisms in daily life based on principles of EMIs is,

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therefore, both timely and eminently important. Ac-ceptance and Commitment Therapy in Daily Life(ACT-DL) has recently been developed for enhancingthe therapeutic effects of ACT under real-world condi-tions [28–30, 46]. ACT may be particularly amenable tobe implemented as an EMI, as it emphasises the con-text in which a behavior occurs as well as the functionof this behavior in a given context [46]. In a recentlycompleted pilot study to evaluate the acceptability andclinical feasibility of ACT-DL in a heterogeneous clin-ical sample of patients with mental disorder, very goodcompletion rates, use of exercises, and positive user ex-perience were found [47], but there is no robust, trial-based evidence on its effects in the early stages ofpsychosis.Against this background, the aim of the current study

is to investigate the efficacy of ACT-DL in a multi-centre randomised controlled trial of patients with UHRor FEP (INTERACT). The manualised ACT-DL inter-vention will be administered to UHR and FEP patientsin addition to treatment as usual (TAU) (experimentalcondition) and compared to a control condition of TAUonly, which will be standard mental health care includ-ing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for psychosis (CBTp)where applicable. Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Test the efficacy of ACT-DL on reducing distressassociated with psychotic experiences at post-intervention, 6-month and 12-month follow-ups(primary outcome)

2. Test the efficacy of ACT-DL on reducing (moment-ary) psychotic experiences, psychopathology, andimproving social functioning (secondary outcomes),as well as on reducing stress sensitivity and enhan-cing reward experience and psychological flexibility(process measures to assess mechanisms of change)at post-intervention, 6-month, and 12-monthfollow-ups

3. Examine, consistent with established credibilitycriteria [48], the effects of ACT-DL in UHR com-pared with FEP individuals in a priori planned sub-group analyses

4. Assess the acceptability, treatment adherence andtreatment fidelity of ACT-DL in UHR and FEPpatients

Methods/designStudy designIn a multi-centre randomised controlled trial, individ-uals aged 16–65 years with UHR or FEP will berandomly allocated to ACT-DL in addition to TAU asthe experimental condition or a control condition ofTAU only, which will include routine mental healthcare and, where applicable, CBTp. Participants will be

recruited from mental health services in theNetherlands and Flanders, Belgium. Outcomes will beassessed at baseline (i.e. before randomisation), post-intervention (i.e. after the 8-week intervention period),and 6-month and 12-month follow-ups (i.e. 6 and 12months after completing the intervention period) byblinded assessors (see Figs. 1 and 2, and Additional file1 in Supplementary information). Randomisation willbe conducted by an independent researcher through acomputer-generated sequence. All outcomes will beassessed and all statistical analyses will be conductedblind to treatment allocation.

ParticipantsThe study will aim to recruit 150 participants with UHR orFEP from secondary mental health services at clinical sitesof five centres: (1) Amsterdam (Academic Medical Centre,Arkin Basis GGZ), (2) The Hague (Parnassia/PsyQ), (3)Maastricht/Eindhoven (Mondriaan, Virenze, GGZE) (all inthe Netherlands), (4) Flemish-Brabant (Leuven (UPC KULeuven), Antwerp (VDIP), Diest (Sint-Annendael), Mortsel(PCM)), and (5) East/West Flanders (Brugge (OLV), Melle(Karus), Sint Niklaas (VDIP)) (all in Belgium). Individualsreceiving care from these secondary mental health serviceswill be approached by a clinician of these services, who willprovide initial information about the study. Individuals,who are interested to take part in the study, will be askedfor their consent to be approached by a member of the re-search team to learn more about the study. If the potentialparticipant agrees, they will be fully informed about thestudy in a face-to-face session or on the phone by a re-searcher and, after 1 week, asked for written informed con-sent. Full eligibility assessment will be conducted by theresearcher once participants have provided written in-formed consent, which can be withdrawn at any time with-out any negative consequences for participants. Participantswill be rewarded financially for complete participation, andtravel expenses will be fully reimbursed.

Inclusion criteriaThe inclusion criteria are as follows: (1) aged 16–65years; (2) an UHR (without prior use of antipsychoticmedication) or FEP (onset within last 3 years) as assessedby the Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk MentalState (CAARMS) [1] and Nottingham Onset Schedule(NOS) [49]; (3) sufficient command of the Dutch lan-guage to follow instructions for assessment of outcomesand receiving the intervention; and (4) ability to providewritten informed consent.

Exclusion criteriaThe exclusion criteria are as follows: (1) a primarydiagnosis of alcohol/substance abuse and dependence,assessed with the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric

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Interview (MINI) [50]; and (2) severe endocrine, car-diovascular or brain disease.

InterventionsControl condition: treatment as usual (TAU)Participants allocated to the treatment as usual (TAU)control condition will continue to receive all the treat-ment they received prior to the start of the study. Thiswill include good standard care delivered according tolocal and national service guidelines and protocols bytheir general practitioner, psychiatrist and other mem-bers of the mental health care team. Standard mentalhealth care will include CBTp at some sites, which willbe assessed together with other service contacts using aservice-use checklist to monitor variation in the delivery

of mental health services and allow for planned sub-group analysis.

Experimental condition: ACT-DL + TAUParticipants allocated to the experimental condition willreceive ACT-DL with trained clinicians within an 8-week period in addition to TAU, which will consist of allthe treatment that they received prior to the start of thestudy and include all the input from their general practi-tioner, psychiatrist, and other members of the mentalhealth care team that they would receive if they did notparticipate in the study, with the exception of manua-lised CBTp. The intervention can be discontinued byparticipants at any time upon request without any nega-tive consequences.

Fig. 1 Anticipated study flowchart

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The manualised ACT-DL intervention consists of eightACT training sessions (including one session for psychoe-ducation) administered face-to-face by a trained clinician(i.e. psychologists having received a 5-day training inACT-DL and receiving fortnightly supervision sessions forthe purposes of the trial), each for around 45–60min, andan ACT-based EMI, which participants will receive follow-ing randomisation to the experimental condition [46],over an 8-week intervention period. The latter will be ad-ministered through a smartphone-based app (i.e. the Psy-Mate™ app) to allow participants to apply the skills thatthey have been trained into their daily lives [28–30]. Thefirst six face-to-face ACT sessions are based on a modifiedversion of ACT for people with psychosis [35, 43, 44, 51]and aim to enhance participants’ psychological flexibilityby training them in six core components: creative hope-lessness, acceptance, cognitive defusion, self as contextand contact with the present moment, values, and com-mitted action [46, 52]. In the last session, all six compo-nents will be integrated and reviewed.The ACT-based EMI will train participants in applying

the ACT techniques and skills from the sessions to theirdaily life through exercises and metaphors focussing onthe six ACT components without involvement of thetrained clinician on at least three consecutive days perweek following (from session 2) each face-to-face ses-sion. On each of these days, participants receive promptson the app at eight semi-random moments, asking themto complete a brief questionnaire on their current mood,psychotic experiences and activities, with the goal of in-creasing awareness of their current psychological state.Participants are then offered either an ACT exercise ormetaphor training them in the ACT component coveredin the face-to-face session. After participants are trainedin each ACT component separately, the EMI is extendedto cover the full range of components in order to trainparticipants to flexibly adopt ACT skills and techniquesdepending on the context. In addition, participants areasked to apply skills and techniques in situations whenthey are most needed (e.g. at times of distress associatedwith psychotic experiences, during challenging activitiesor situations). After completion of the interventionperiod, participants will no longer have access to theapp. Please see Steinhart et al. [46] for a more detailedaccount of the ACT-DL intervention.

OutcomesFollowing written informed consent and full eligibilityassessment, all eligible patients will be assessed on alloutcomes before randomisation (‘baseline’), after the 8-week intervention period (‘post-intervention’), and aftera 6-month and 12-month follow-up periods (‘follow-up’)by blinded assessors (see Fig. 1). Secondary outcomesand process measures using the Experience Sampling

Fig. 2 Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for InterventionalTrials (SPIRIT) Figure

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Method (ESM) will be assessed at baseline, post-intervention, and 6-month follow-up.

Primary outcomesThe primary outcome of the study is distress associatedwith psychotic experiences measured with the mean dis-tress score of the CAARMS positive symptom subscale(range 0–100) [1]. The CAARMS is a semi-structuredinterview, which is sensitive to change [33] and shows ahigh reliability [53].

Secondary outcomesThe secondary outcomes of the study are global and so-cial functioning, (momentary) psychotic experiences,and psychopathology. Measures to assesses secondaryoutcomes will include the Global Assessment of Func-tioning (GAF) [54] scale, the Social and OccupationalFunctioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) [55], and the So-cial Functioning Scale (SFS) [56] to assess global and so-cial functioning. In addition, the Experience SamplingMethod (ESM), a structured, random time-samplingdiary technique will be used to measure activities andsocial contacts ten times per day over a period of sixconsecutive days using an established ESM data collec-tion protocol on a smartphone-based app (the PsyMate™app) [22–24, 57–60] in order to assess momentary socialfunctioning [61]. Secondary outcome measures will fur-ther include the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS)[62] and the Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS) [63]to cover the full range of psychotic experiences and psy-chopathology as well as the CAARMS and Positive andNegative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) [64] for a-prioriplanned subgroup analyses in UHR and FEP partici-pants. Also, psychopathology will be assessed in daily lifewith ESM (including momentary psychotic experiencesand momentary negative affect).

Process measuresProcess measures to assess putative mechanisms ofchange will include ESM measures of minor stressors,negative affect, pleasantness of events, and positive affectto assess stress sensitivity (operationalised as an increasein negative affect in response to minor stressors) and re-ward experience (operationalised as an increase in posi-tive affect in response to pleasant events) at baseline,post-intervention, and 6-month (and – for non-ESMmeasures – 12-month) follow-up [22–24, 57–60]. Psy-chological flexibility operationalised as the six core ACTcompetences (see above) will be measured using the Ac-ceptance and Action Questionnaire [65, 66], the FiveFacet Mindfulness Questionnaire [67], the FlexibilityIndex Test [68], and the ESM. Cognitive flexibility willbe measured using the PSYRATS to assess belief flexibil-ity [69], the beads task to assess reasoning bias [70], and

experimental Experience Sampling Methodology (eESM)task for measuring liberal acceptance bias [71]. Inaddition, the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale(TEPS) [72] will be used to assess anticipatory and con-summatory pleasure and, more broadly, reward experi-ence. The therapeutic alliance will be assessed using theWorking Alliance Inventory [73, 74] and will involveclinician and patient ratings. In addition, the app-basedEMI of ACT-DL will provide detailed process measuresof mood, psychotic experiences and activities in the ex-perimental condition.

Acceptability, treatment adherence and treatment fidelityAcceptability of ACT-DL will be assessed at post-intervention through a questionnaire asking participantsto evaluate ease of use, accessibility and comprehensive-ness of various components of the intervention. Theapp-based EMI of ACT-DL will further provide detaileddata on treatment adherence to ACT-DL (e.g. numberof exercises completed per week). Treatment fidelity willbe rated based on a random selection of audio tapes ofthree training sessions recorded by clinicians deliveringACT-DL using an ACT-DL adherence checklist coveringall core ACT and EMI components [46].

Other measuresOther measures will assess socio-demographic charac-teristics, alcohol/substance use (Composite InternationalDiagnostic Interview [75], MINI [50]), current and pastmedication use, and IQ (Dutch Adult Reading Test [76])as potential confounders that may be associated withprimary and secondary outcomes. Service use will beassessed using a therapy classification checklist. Also,personality (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire [77]),trait anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory [78]), depres-sion (Beck Depression Inventory-II [79]), psychotic expe-riences (Prodromal Questionnaire Long Version [80]),attachment (Psychosis Attachment Measure [81]), andchildhood trauma (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire[82]) will be assessed.

Sample sizePrevious studies suggest that third-wave CBT [40, 83, 84],including ACT [40, 44], may yield reductions in psychoticexperiences of moderate to large effect size. Consistentwith previous research [44], the power calculation is basedon the primary outcome of a reduction in distress associ-ated with psychotic experiences of moderate effect size(i.e. in line with Gaudiano and Herbert [44]) measuredwith the CAARMS. Power simulation in R indicates that asample size of n = 150 participants (75 experimental, 75control condition) will be sufficient to test our primary hy-pothesis of the effect of condition (ACT-DL + TAU vs.TAU) on distress associated with psychotic experiences at

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all three time points (i.e. post-intervention, 6-month and12-month follow-ups), which will be tested using anomnibus test of no difference between the two conditionsat all three time points against the two-sided alternativehypothesis that there is a difference at one (or more) ofthe three follow-up time points, while controlling for base-line distress associated with psychotic experiences. Specif-ically, we expect an attrition rate of 31%, resulting in a lossto follow-up of 23 individuals per condition on average.Hence, we will recruit a total sample of n = 150 partici-pants (75 per arm) at baseline to the study, which allowsfor a 31% attrition rate and leaves n = 104 participants todetect a medium effect size of d = 0.5 at (at least) one ofthe post-intervention and follow-up time points, with apower of 0.92 when testing at alpha = 0.05. Power simula-tion further indicates that a sample of 150 participants,will be sufficient to detect a large effect size (Cohen’s d =0.8) at p < 0.05 for the difference in the effect of conditionon distress associated with psychotic experiences betweenFEP and UHR with a power of 0.75 at post-interventionand follow-up in a-priori planned subgroup analysis, whileallowing, again, for a 31% attrition rate (notably, given thepower calculation expected this attrition rate to be con-stant at all three time points and not to increase – as is ex-pected – over time (see Fig. 1), power was under-estimated for this secondary analysis). Hence, this samplesize will allow us to test the secondary hypothesis whetherthere is a clinically meaningful difference (of large effectsize) between FEP and UHR that would be relevant to beconsidered in the implementation of ACT-DL in routinecare for these patient groups.

Randomisation and blindingParticipants will be randomised at a 50:50 ratio to theexperimental or control condition at the level of the in-dividual participant by an independent researcherthrough a computer-generated sequence following in-formed consent, full eligibility assessment, and assess-ment of all outcome measures. Block randomisationwill be carried out in blocks of six participants, withstratification for the five centres (Amsterdam, TheHague, Maastricht/Eindhoven, Flemish-Brabant, East/West Flanders) and two groups of UHR and FEP(expecting a 50:50 ratio of UHR and FEP to be includedin the sample). The researchers will be blind to the al-location of participants to the experimental and controlgroup of the study. There will be a contact person forany questions regarding the procedure that is not in-volved in any testing to allow researchers to be blindtowards the allocation of participants when assessingoutcomes. Any breaks in blindness will be documentedand another researcher will be allocated to completethe next set of assessments where possible.

Assessment of safetyWe will monitor and record any serious adverse eventsthroughout the entire study period. These are any seriousuntoward incidents that result in death, persistent or sig-nificant disability or incapacity, require (extension of) hos-pitalisation or are life-threatening. Serious adverse eventsare not expected to occur as a result of the intervention.All serious adverse events will be reported to the accre-dited Medical Ethics Review Committees (MERC). If thereare concerns about unexpectedly high rates of serious ad-verse events, this will be investigated further in interimanalyses and if this yields any safety or ethical concernsthe Trial Management Committee will terminate the trialprematurely.

Statistical analysisThe investigators will access the final trial dataset to testthe primary hypothesis of a reduction in distress associ-ated with psychotic experiences measured with theCAARMS using a linear regression model with distressat all three time points (i.e. post-intervention, 6-monthand 12-month follow-ups) as the dependent variable anddistress at baseline, condition (ACT-DL + TAU vs.TAU), time (as a three-level factor), centre (as a five-level factor), the baseline × time interaction, and thecondition × time interaction as independent variables,according to the intention-to-treat principle. Within-subject clustering of repeated measures will be takeninto account by allowing residuals within subjects to becorrelated with a completely unstructured variance-covariance matrix.The model will be fitted using restricted maximum

likelihood estimation using Stata 15 [85]. This will allowfor the use of all available data under the assumptionthat data is missing at random and if all variables associ-ated with missing values are included in the model [86,87]. Hence, bias due to attrition over time, due to differ-ence between groups, or as a function of baseline dis-tress is already mitigated by the model. Potential biasdue to missing outcomes will be assessed in descriptiveanalyses of baseline characteristics stratified by missingdata for the primary outcome and condition as follows:(a) experimental condition with no missing primary out-come at post-intervention time point, (b) experimentalcondition with missing primary outcome at post-intervention time point, (c) control condition with nomissing primary outcome at post-intervention timepoint, and (d) control condition with missing primaryoutcome at post-intervention time point [88, 89].The main effect of condition will be tested via an

omnibus test of no difference between the two condi-tions at all three time points (Wald-type test with df = 3and alpha = .05). Should the omnibus test be statisticallysignificant, then the three time-specific contrasts will be

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examined to determine at which time points significantdifferences are present (each tested at alpha = .05). Sec-ondary hypotheses and analyses of process measures toassess putative mechanisms of change will be tested fol-lowing the same steps. Given that block randomisationwill be carried out in blocks of six participants, withstratification for centre and group, all analyses will in-clude centre and group as covariate, even though thereis little reason to expect noteworthy clustering of out-comes by centre.In addition, multilevel mediation analysis will be used

to test indirect effects of condition on primary outcomes(distress associated with psychotic experiences) and sec-ondary outcomes (psychotic experiences, psychopath-ology, social functioning) via pathways through putativemechanisms of change (psychological flexibility, stresssensitivity, reward experience). Multilevel mediationmodels will be fitted in MPlus, Version 7 [90], to controlfor within-subject clustering of multiple time points [91,92], using the MLR estimator, which allows for the useof all available data under the assumption that data ismissing at random (if all variables associated with miss-ing values are included in the model). In a two-levelmodel, multiple time points (level 1) will be treated asnested within subjects (level 2). The total effect of condi-tion (level 2) on primary/secondary outcomes (level 1)will be apportioned into direct and indirect (or, syn-onymously, mediating) effects through putative mecha-nisms of change (level 1) using the product ofcoefficients strategy. This strategy quantifies the pointestimate of the indirect effect as the product of the coef-ficient of independent variable on mediator variable(path a) and the coefficient of mediator variable ondependent variable (path b). We will use statistical soft-ware by Selig and Preacher [93] for computing MonteCarlo confidence intervals and assessing the statisticalsignificance of indirect effects, given their advantagesover rival methods in the context of multilevel mediationmodels [93, 94].For analysis involving ESM variables, multiple ESM

observations (level 1) will be treated as nested withintime points (baseline, post-intervention, 6-monthfollow-ups) (level 2) and time points as nested withinsubjects (level 3). Consistent with established credibil-ity criteria [48], we will further test the effects ofACT-DL in UHR compared with FEP individuals ina-priori planned subgroup analyses. For subgroupanalyses comparing UHR and FEP, data on the groupvariable (UHR, FEP) will be measured prior to ran-domisation (to address the criterion that the subgroupcharacteristic is measured at baseline) to investigatewhether there is a difference in the reduction in dis-tress associated with psychotic experiences measuredwith the CAARMS of large effect size between UHR

and FEP participants (to address the criterion that theexpected difference/effect size is specified a priori)given that only a large effect size would be relevantfor implementation of ACT-DL in routine care. It willfurther be examined whether this effect is (a) consist-ent across (primary and secondary) outcomes and (b)supported by indirect evidence on putative mecha-nisms of change (psychological flexibility, stresssensitivity, reward experience). In more exploratorysensitivity analyses, we will compare ACT-DL + TAU,CBTp + TAU and TAU only to investigate whetherthe reduction in distress associated with psychotic ex-periences measured with the CAARMS will be greaterfor CBTp + TAU than TAU only as well as for ACT-DL than CBTp.

Research governanceMaastricht University is the study sponsor. The trial hasreceived a favourable ethical opinion from the MERC atMaastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC), theNetherlands (reference: NL46439.068.13) and the Univer-sity Clinic Leuven, Belgium (reference: B322201629214).Any amendments to the study protocol will be submittedto the MERC for approval and then communicated to thesponsor, funder, and centres. The protocol will also be up-dated in the clinical trial registry. Any deviations from thestudy protocol will be fully documented using a breach re-port form. The principal investigator (PI) will have overallresponsibility for the trial and will be supported by a dedi-cated research coordinator in the day-to-day managementof the trial. The PI will lead the trial coordinating centreand, together with the research coordinator, liaise closelywith the site coordinators on recruitment and consentprocedures. The Trial Management Committee will meeton a monthly basis and consist of all investigators, the re-search coordinator and site coordinators. It will be chairedby the PI and manage the day-to-day running of the study,audit the trial conduct, and oversee preparation of reportsto the MERC. The PI will permit audits, monitoring andMERC review. Data monitoring and auditing of RCTs ap-proved by MERC at MUMC is conducted by the ClinicalTrial Center Maastricht, which is independent from thestudy sponsor (i.e. Maastricht University). The handling ofthe data complies with the Dutch and Belgian PersonalData Protection Act. If a participant decides to withdrawtheir consent, all data from that participant will bedestroyed. This trial does not involve collecting biologicalspecimens for storage. Data will be handled confidentiallyand coded using a number indicating the order of entry.All materials will be securely stored in line with the Euro-pean General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), withpersonnel data stored separately from the number-codeddata. We will closely liaise with service user researcherson dissemination activities throughout the trial.

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DiscussionPsychotic experiences (in particular, distress associatedwith these), social functioning, and psychopathology areimportant targets for early intervention in individualswith UHR and FEP [9–13]. ACT is a promising, next-generation CBT for reducing distress associated withpsychotic experiences, social functioning and psycho-pathology, but evidence on sustainable change in indi-viduals’ daily lives, and investigations of the putativemechanisms underlying such change in distress andother outcomes, remains limited [32, 33]. Acceptanceand Commitment Therapy in Daily Life (ACT-DL) hasrecently been developed for enhancing the therapeuticeffects of ACT and achieving sustainable change in indi-viduals’ daily life [28–30, 46]. The current study is thefirst to test the efficacy of ACT-DL in a multi-centrerandomised controlled trial of patients with UHR or FEPand includes a detailed investigation of process measuresof putative mechanisms of change, acceptability, treat-ment adherence and treatment fidelity. If this trial dem-onstrates the efficacy of ACT-DL, this has the potentialto significantly advance the treatment of people withUHR and FEP and, more generally, provides initial sup-port for implementing mHealth interventions in earlyintervention services. Findings on putative mechanismsof change will, at the same time, allow us to assess im-portant criteria for establishing causality under real-world conditions [29]. Potential implementation ofACT-DL in early intervention services will be informedby detailed data on its acceptability, treatment adherenceand treatment fidelity.

Trial statusThis trial is ongoing. The trial started recruitment inNovember 2016 and recruitment and outcome assess-ment will continue until June 2020. The results will bepublished in peer-reviewed journals in 2020.

Supplementary informationSupplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-019-3912-4.

Additional file 1. Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations forInterventional Trials (SPIRIT) 2013 Checklist.

AcknowledgementsWe thank all research coordinators (Silke Apers, Nele Volbragt, WendyBeuken) and research assistants (Dieuwke Siegmann, Davinia Verhoeven,Anna de Zwart, Iris de Wit, Lore Depraetere, Tessa Biesemans, Lotte Hendriks)past and present who are involved in the INTERACT trial. We are alsoindebted to all individuals who participated in the study and were essentialfor its successful completion.

SponsorThe primary sponsor of this study is Maastricht University (PO Box 616, 6200MD Maastricht).

Role of sponsors and fundersThe study sponsor and funders played no part in study design, collection,management, analysis, and interpretation of data, writing of the report, andthe decision to submit the report for publication.

Authors’ contributionsIMG is the Principal Investigator of the ERC Consolidator Award for the study.UR is the PI of the NWO VENI grant and drafted the manuscript. IMG, UR, AK,HS, TV, MvN, WV, TB, ZK, MvdG, and LdH contributed to the design of thestudy protocol. IMG and UR have managerial responsibility of thecoordinating centre for the successful completion of the study. WV is thetrial statistician. TB provides the supervision for trial therapists. AK, HS, TV,MvN, EvA, PQ, HD, RvW, MM, TvA, MvdG, LdH, UR, and IMG are involved inthe recruitment of participants and data collection. All authors were involvedin writing and have approved the manuscript.

FundingThis work was supported by an ERC Consolidator Grant (ERC-2012-StG,project 309767—INTERACT) to IMG as well as a NWO VENI Grant (no. 451–13-022) and DFG Heisenberg professorship (no. 389624707) to UR.

Availability of data and materialsThe datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study arenot publicly available but are available from the corresponding author onreasonable request. The full protocol and statistical code will also be madeavailable upon reasonable request.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThe study has been reviewed and approved by the MERC at MaastrichtUniversity Medical Centre (MUMC), the Netherlands (reference:NL46439.068.13) and the University Clinic Leuven, Belgium (reference:B322201629214). Written consent will be obtained from each participantprior to assessment and randomisation, as detailed in the study protocol(version 12, 18 May 2018). The sponsor has an insurance, which providescover for damage to research subjects through injury or death caused bythe study and applies to the damage that becomes apparent during thestudy or within 4 years after the end of the study.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details1Department of Public Mental Health, Central Institute of Mental Health,Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.2Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, School for Mental Health andNeuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. 3ESRCCentre for Society and Mental Health and Centre for Epidemiology andPublic Health, Health Service and Population Research Department, Instituteof Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London,UK. 4Department of Neurosciences, Psychiatry Research Group, Center forContextual Psychiatry, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. 5Universitair PsychiatrischCentrum KU Leuven, Kortenberg, Belgium. 6Department of ClinicalPsychology, VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 7Department ofPsychiatry, University of Amstderdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Received: 19 November 2018 Accepted: 15 November 2019

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