eis media pack

Post on 29-Sep-2015






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Eis Media Pack


  • MEDIA PACK 2015

    The IFA Guide to Tax eff ic ient Invest ing

  • Launching January 2015, EIS Magazine (and .com) will bring fresh new insight on the growing market of alternative investments.

    Alternative investment schemes have been popular for many years and with the range of investment offers becoming ever more diversified, EIS Magazines aim is to demystify the concepts and bring transparency to an ever growing and more crowded market.

    Focusing on investments in EIS, SEIS, VCT and IHT, EIS Magazine will provide advisers with a host of information, enabling them to make the correct client investment decisions.Featuring regulatory leadership and insight from the EISA, Specialist Tax advice, accountancy expertise, fund profiles and investment case studies, EIS Magazine will also cover research reviews on alternative investments offers, providing independent, objective and incisive insight.

    Bridging the gap between Product Providers, Advisors and Investors, EIS Magazine provides clarity and independent research on all the main types of alternative investment available. Published 6 issues per annum, EIS Magazine will be distributed to 6000+ investment specialist IFAs, DFMs and HNW sophisticated investors.

    Launching January and published bi-monthly, EIS Magazine will also alert investors to current funds, schemes and deadlines.

    MEDIA PACK 2015

  • Issue Deadline Advert Mailing

    January January 14th 2015 16th January 2015

    February 30th January 6th February

    March 27th February 6th March

    April 27th March 3rd April

    May 1st May 8th May

    June 29th May 5th June

    July 26th June 3rd July

    September 4th September 11th Sept

    October 2nd October 9th October

    November 30th October 6th November

    January 2016 January 15th 2016 22nd January 2016

    DPS 6,900

    Junior Page 2,250

    Quarter Page 1,100

    Half Page 1,950

    Full Page 3,750

    RAtE CARDGuaranteed positions are subject to a 25% increase. Inserts 250 per thousand (weight dependant, please discuss exact requirements for an individual quote). Agency Commission 10%. Creative advertising rates available on request. All prices exclusive of VAT.

    Please see www.eismagazine.com for acceptance of advertising terms and conditions.

    EIS MAgAzInE EDItoRIAl 2015In addition of course to our regular Fund Manager Interviews, News, FCA updates and other Financial reports

  • oPEn oFFERS

    SEIS EIS VCT OEIC IHT BIRInvestment Key:

    Description to go here - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat .

    Company Name And Title Goes Here

    Open: 00/00/2000

    Amount to be Raised: 0000.00

    Close: 00/00/2000

    T. 01473 123456E. contact@youremail.co.uk




    This is our print and online featured directory, calling attention to some of the key tax efficient investment offerings available to IFAs. It is an opportunity for our suppliers to highlight and bring their open offer to the attention of our readers

    150 (+VAt) provides two months coverage in the magazine and online. This equates to cost effective marketing of available schemes, giving: logo, details of the offer, salient facts, size, amount to be raised, c.100 words of description and full contact details/web address where advisers can receive full information.

    Our open offers section will become a useful resource, enabling IFAs to have a regular update on the latest open offers at a glance.

  • Richard Morris E: richard.morris@ifamagazine.com T: 0208 144 4010 / 07718 589058

    Simon BrochE: simon.broch@ifamagazine.com T: 0208 892 3534 / 07720 056 761

    Alex SullivanE: alex.sullivan@ifamagazine.com T: 0117 908 9686 / 07974 708771

    Technical assistance E: markus.milligan@ifamagazine.com

    EIS Magazine is published by Clifton Media Lab.

    All advertising is subject to terms and conditions for acceptance.

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