ekg self study guide

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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  • Sample EKG #1. Determine rate, rhythm, diagnosis, axis

  • Interpretation EKG#1Rate: approx 75/minRhythm: Baseline sinus rhythm, P:QRS is 1:1Axis: PhysiologicInjury: ST elevation is present in the anterior, septal, and literal leads. Massive ST segment elevation is present in V2-V6, with moderate ST elevation that obscures visualization of the QRS complex in lead one. Changes are consistent with LCA occlusion. Other: R wave progression is difficult to determine secondary to the pathological ST-T changes. No evidence of chamber enlargement or hypertrophy.

  • Sample EKG#2

  • Interpretation EKG#2The EKG reveals an atrial flutter at a rate of approx 100 per minute. The QRS complexes are narrow and reveal a physiological axis. There is evidence of a premature ventricular complex, readily identifiable in the lateral chest leads. No evidence of ischemia or infarction. No evidence of R or L bundle branch block. Atrial flutter is conducted at approx 3:1. (3 flutter waves to one QRS).

  • Sample EKG#3

  • Interpretation EKG#3The EKG reveals an irregularly irregular rhythm suggestive of atrial fibrillation. The rate is variable, with a controlled or slow ventricular response. The axis is physiologic. ST-T changes suggestive of ischemia/injury are present in leads II, III, and aVF. ST elevation of >1mm in limb leads is indicative of a possible inferior wall myocardial infarction. Reciprocal changes are seen in leads one and aVL. Early R wave progression.

  • EKG #4

  • Interpretation of EKG #4: This EKG reveals a baseline sinus rhythm. Rate cannot be determined definitively. The QRS is wide; V1 reveals an RSR pattern consistent with a right bundle branch block. The axis is physiologic but is not easy to determine because of ST elevation present in leads III and aVF (inferior wall). Other abnormal T changes are seen (T wave inversion) in leads V1-V4. ST segment depression is present in the lateral chest leads as well. No evidence of chamber enlargement. ST elevation in III and aVF with reciprocal depression in I and aVL may be consistent with an inferior wall MI (RCA lesion.)

  • EKG #5

  • Interpretation of EKG#5: Baseline sinus rhythm. Rate appears normal (60-100) Axis is physiologic No evidence of block or conduction abnormality There is widespread ST segment elevation in all leads GLOBAL ST elevation is consistent with pericarditis

  • EKG #6

  • EKG #6 Interpretation: EKG #6 reveals a baseline sinus rhythm. Rate approximately 80 bpm Axis is physiologic Complexes in V5 greater than 35 mm suggest LVH ST segment depression in leads V4-V6 in the setting of LVH is suggestive of a, strain pattern. No evidence of bundle brnach block ST segment depression in inferior chest leads

  • EKG #7

  • EKG #7 Interpretation:Baseline sinus rhythm. Rate of approx 80/min Axis is physiologic No evidence of ventricular hypertrophy, but RAH is possible due to P wave in lead II >0.5 mm. Possible RBBB because of RSR in V1 and QRS >0.10 Note pathologic Q waves in II, III, aVF Pathologic Q waves are >0.04s or >1/3 the height of the R wave. Changes consistent with inferior wall myocardial infarction (old, possibly transmural). R wave progression preserved.

  • EKG #8

  • Interpretation of EKG #8:Baseline sinus rhythm, rate approx 80. Right axis deviation, as evidenced by a primarily negative complex in lead I. Possible RAH due to large lead II P wave Possible RVH due to R>S in V1 Note pervasive strain pattern due to RVH evidenced in precordial leads. The presence of RAD plus the R>S in V1 is suggestive of RVH.

  • Any drug toxicity? EKG#8

  • EKG Interpretation #8: Though the picture has poor resolution, it is clear that the lateral leads reveal a pattern of digoxin toxicity. Even though rate is impossible to determine, the cored-out and depressed ST segments in the lateral precordial leads suggest digoxin toxicity. Furthermore, the irregular R to R intervals hint at a baseline rhythm of atrial fibrillation. Many patients take digoxin for chronic atrial fibrillation. Moderate left axis deviation.

  • EKG #9

  • EKG #9: This rhythm strip reveals a profound bradycardia. There is no relationship between the atria (P waves) and QRS complexes. This is consistent with complete A-V dissociation, or third degree heart block. This rhythm frequently requires emergent pacing.

  • EKG #10

  • EKG #10 Interpretation: This EKG reveals a baseline sinus rhythm (ps are difficult to discern.) The rhythm is a sinus tachycardia at approximately 100 per minute. Massive ST segment elevation is present in leads II, III, and aVF. Reciprocal changes (depression) in leads I and aVL. Note that the precordial chest leads (v4R to V6R) are placed on the right side of the chest. ST segment in a right-sided EKG likely indicates an inferior wall MI that involves the RIGHT ventricle. Be careful when giving these patients NTG. Administration of nitrates, due to the alteration of venous preload, can precipitate hypotension. Treat these MIs with fluid first. The axis is physiologic, no evidence of chamber enlargement. R wave progression is not of value in this EKG because of the right sided chest leads.

  • Final Rhythm Review

  • Rhythm interpretation: -The first strip reveals a prolonged PR interval, with 1:1 conduction. This rhythm is a first degree A/V block.-The second strip is a 4:1 (or 3:1) atrial flutter.-The third rhythm strip reveals the typical atrial fibrillation. Note the fibrillatory baseline with irregular R to R intervals.

  • Chamber enlargement review:

    Name that hypertrophy?a) RVH b) LVH c) RAH d) LAH

  • The EKG findings are consistent with: RVHCriteria for right ventricular hypertrophy include: -Tall R wave in lead V1 (R>S) -qR pattern in V1 -Right axis deviation -T wave inversion in right to mid precordial leads possible -Commonly due to ASD! -The pattern of T wave inversion is called, strainand is consistent with repolarization problems in hypertrophied muscle.

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