election 2011 platforms

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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election 2011 canada....party platforms


  • 1. Election 2011
    Party Platforms

2. What is a Platform
a list of the actions which a political party supports in order to appeal to the general public for the purpose of having said party's candidates voted into office.
This often takes the form of a list of support for, or opposition to, controversial topics.
Individual topics are often called planks of the platform.
3. For those of you who are suspicious of politicians
4. Conservative Platform
The Here for Canada plan focuses on five key priorities:
Creating jobs through training, trade and low taxes.
Supporting families through our Family Tax Cut and more support for seniors and caregivers.
Eliminating the deficit by 2014-2015 by controlling spending and cutting waste.
5. Conservative Platform
Making our streets safe through new laws to protect children and the elderly.
Standing on guard for Canada by investing in the development of Canadas North, cracking down on human smuggling and strengthening the Canadian Armed Forces.
6. Conservative Platform Video
7. Liberal vs Conservatives
8. Liberal Platform
Our platform in this election has one overriding objective: to make equal opportunity a reality for every Canadian, whether you live in a big city, a small town, a remote community, a farm or a fishing village.
We will invest in quality, affordable child care for every young family that needs it.
We will help every family with the costs of college or university, so your kids can be ready for the jobs of tomorrow.
We will help families take time off from work to look after sick loved ones at home.
9. Liberal Platform
Well strengthen universally accessible health care for all, and build on the Canada Pension Plan so everyone can retire in security and dignity.
Well also have a new tax credit to help with the up-front costs of renovations to make your home more energy-efficient.
Finally, since opportunities for Canadians are now global, we will promote Canadian success overseas and stand up for the proud ideal that a citizen of Canada is truly a citizen of the world.
10. Video of Michael Ignatief
11. 12. NDP Platform
The New Democrat plan is focused on improving your
health services
rewarding the job creators
strengthening your pension
making your life a little more affordable.
Specific promises
13. NDP releases platform
14. 15. Green Party Platform
Smart Economy Green Jobs, Fair Global Trade, Healthy Industry, Cut Wasteful subsidies
Strong Communities Help for married couples and families, Help for local governments, Respect and Support our elders
True Democracy reform voting system, access to information, ensure citizenship that is equal, global action for global problems, peaceful solution in Afghanistan, make poverty history
More details
16. Video of Elizabeth May
17. The Bloc Quebecois
1. The primary goal of the Bloc Quebecois is an independent Quebec.
2. The Bloc Quebecois intend to create an independent health care system, run byQuebec . They promise to maintain universal health care.
3. The majority of Bloc Quebecois MPs are in favour of allowing same-sex couples to marry. The Bloc Quebecois have promised to allow a free vote in Parliament on the issue.
4. The Bloc Quebecois has suggested that the Canadian military be devoted to peacekeeping missions.5. The Bloc Quebecois favours decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana.6. The Bloc Quebecois sees the rehabilitation of young offenders as a priority.7. The Bloc Quebecois favours maintaining the Gun Registry.8. The main goal of the Bloc Quebecois is to promote sovereignty and create a country called Quebec.
18. Bloc Quebecois
9. The Bloc Quebecois proposes that Quebec should recover millions of dollars paid in taxes to Ottawa because the two levels of government have resulted in the duplication of many services.
10. The Bloc supports economic growth while practicing environmental responsibility. They would ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
11. Education is a priority for the Bloc Quebecois. They would lobby Ottawa to increase transfers for post-secondary education.
12.The Bloc wants the federal government to make fiscal transfers to Quebec so the province can implement and maintain parental-leave and compassionate-leave programs and low-cost daycare systems.
19. A Bloc Ad
20. World View of our election

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