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Electron Cloud Work P kPackage

M Pi iM. Pivi Damping Rings EDR Kick-Off Meeting

Daresbury United KingdomDaresbury, United Kingdom 5-7 November 2007

5 November, 2007 DR - Kick Off Meeting 1

Work done for the Reference Design Report (RDR)

• The electron cloud develops quickly as photons (or electrons ionized) striking the vacuum chamber wall knock out electrons that are then accelerated by the beam, gain energy, and strike the chamber again, producing more electronselectrons.

• The peak secondary electron yield (SEY) of typical vacuum chamber materials is >1.5 even after surface treatment, leading to amplification of the cascade.

• Once the cloud is present, coupling between the electrons d th i l ti b i l b h (h dand the circulating beam can cause a single-bunch (head-

tail) instability and incoherent tune spreads that may lead to increased emittance, beam oscillations, or even beam , ,losses.

5 November, 2007 2DR - Kick Off Meeting

Work done for the RDR

• Because the electron cloud is difficult to suppress in the dipole and wiggler regions of the ring, this is where its effects are expected to be most severe.

• A large synchrotron tune is beneficial, as it raises the threshold for the electron cloud head tail driven instabilitythreshold for the electron cloud head-tail driven instability. Single-bunch instability simulations for the 6.7 km damping ring lattice show that the instability sets in above p g g yan average cloud density of 1.4e11 e/m3, where an incoherent emittance growth is observed

5 November, 2007 3DR - Kick Off Meeting

Work done for the RDR

K Ohmi KEK

E i h f i l b h i bili d i b l l d

K. Ohmi KEK

Emittance growth from single-bunch instability driven by electron cloud in the 6.7 km positron ring (electron cloud densities in e/m3 are indicated). Instability threshold set tolerances on maximum allowed SEY.


) y

Work done for the RDR• Tune shifts on the order of 0.01 are expected near

threshold.• Simulations indicate that a peak secondary electron yield

of 1.2 results in a cloud density close to the instability thresholdthreshold.

• Based on this, the aim of ongoing experimental studies is to obtain a surface secondary electron yield of 1.1.to obtain a surface secondary electron yield of 1.1.

• Simulations also indicate that techniques such as grooves in the chamber walls or clearing electrodes, besides coating, will be effective at suppressing the development of an electron cloud.

5 November, 2007 5DR - Kick Off Meeting

Work done for the RDR


Buildup of the electron cloud and the suppression effect of clearing electrodes in an arc bend of the 6.7 km ring.

5 November, 2007 6DR - Kick Off Meeting

g g

Work done for the RDR

• A clearing electrode bias potential of +100 V is sufficient g pto suppress the average (and central) cloud density by more than two orders of magnitude.

• Techniques such as triangular or rectangular fins or clearing electrodes need further R&D studies and a full demonstration before being adopted.demonstration before being adopted.

• Nonetheless, mitigation techniques appear to be sufficient to adopt a single 6.7 km ring as the baseline design for the positron damping ring.

5 November, 2007 7DR - Kick Off Meeting

Overview of the work related to the ILC Damping Ri RDR d EDR f ll b i I i iRing RDR and EDR, from collaborating Institutions

received slides from colleagues in charge of either RDR and EDR phases’ work packages

5 November, 2007 8DR - Kick Off Meeting

Electron Cloud Workshops: 2007

Two workshops this year:• Electron Cloud Clearing ECL2 Workshop CERN March 07• Electron Cloud Clearing ECL2 Workshop, CERN, March 07• ECLOUD07 Workshop, Daegu Korea, June 07

• DR R&D meeting at KEK, 18-20, December– Electron cloud– Fast injection/extraction kickers– Impedance and impedance effects– Impedance and impedance effects


Mitigations and Simulations R&D: Frank Zimmermann

• ECL2 workshop on technological countermeasures against e-cloud including proceedings as EUROTeV report (Caspers Scandalecloud including proceedings as EUROTeV report (Caspers, Scandale, Schulte, Zimmermann)

• Studies with clearing electrodes and e-cloud detector in the PS g(Mahner,Kroyer, Caspers)

• Development of enamel based clearing electrodes (Caspers, Kroyer + German industry)German industry)

• Investigations of TiN coating schemes (Chiggiato et al)

E i l di f l d b ild d l d i bili i• Experimental studies of e-cloud build up and e-cloud instabilities in the SPS in particular concerning the energy+beam-size dependence of the instability (Rumolo, Shaposhnikova)dependence of the instability ( , p )

• Completion of "Faktor2" code (Bruns)


Mitigations and Simulations R&D: Frank Zimmermann

• Studies on e-cloud suppression by slotted chamber and grooves (Bruns)

• Progress in modelling the incoherent e-cloud effect for a dipole field: (Franchetti)

• PAC07 paper on incoherent e-cloud effects with numerous authors from all around the world

• Preparation for mitigation techniques tests in the SPS (Arduini, Shaposhnikova)


Mitigations and Simulations R&D: Frank Zimmermann


Limitation for the SPS (LHC): Frank Zimmermann


Code development: Christine Celata


Estimated grooves reduction: Christine Celata


Plans for EDR: Christine Celata


RF transmission measurements: J. Byrd, S. De Santis

17De Santis, Byrd, Caspers, Krasnykh, Kroyer, Pivi and Sonnad submitting to Phys. Rev. Lett.

SEY measurements in KEKB: Yusuke Suetsugu


SEY measurements in KEKB: Yusuke Suetsugu


Mitigation, new installation in KEKB wiggler: Yusuke Suetsugu


SEY measurements in arc section: Yusuke Suetsugu


Test Facilities: Proposal to use KEKB for ILC, K. Ohmi


Test Facilities: Proposal to use KEKB for ILC, K. Ohmi


Test Facilities: Proposal to use KEKB for ILC.X-ray monitors: J. Flanagan


Development build-up code: Rainer Wanzenberg


Plans for measurements in DAΦNE: Roberto Cimino


Need to characterize Photoemission in DR parameters range: R. Cimino, O. Malyshev


Simulations of Electron Cloud Build Up in the DAΦNE Wiggler: Susanna Guiducci


Simulations of Electron Cloud Build Up in the DAΦNE Wiggler: Susanna Guiducci

29T. Demma, ECLOUD (CERN), Frascati

Propose to use Synergia code to model e-cloud: Panagiotis Spentzouris


Test Facilities, CesrTA: Mark Palmer


Test Facilities, CesrTA: Mark Palmer


Test Facilities, CesrTA: Mark Palmer


Proposal to develop code for electron cloud build-up: Louis Emery

• New postdoc started few months ago at Argonne. Didn't do work on ILC yet, but he is developing further his e-cloud program.– In the expression of interest ANL suggested his

contribution 0 25 FTEcontribution 0.25 FTE.


R&D work on mitigation techniques: Mauro PiviR&D work on mitigation techniques: Mauro PiviR&D work on mitigation techniques: Mauro PiviR&D work on mitigation techniques: Mauro Pivi

• Installed 5 chambers in PEP-II straight, in January 2007:2007:

– A chamber station that allows the insertion of samples directly into beam line and measure the reduction of thedirectly into beam line and measure the reduction of the SEY due to beam conditioning

– 4 Grooved and Smooth chambers installed to measure performance in PEP-II beam environment

• Experimental results obtained for sample surfaces p pexposed to PEP-II (and similarly at KEK) beam line: SEY decreases stably to ~0.9 for TiN surfaces.y

– Working to fully characterize the conditioning of various materials in beam lines

DR - Kick Off Meeting 35

Groove chambers in PEPGroove chambers in PEP--II: Mauro PiviII: Mauro PiviGroove chambers in PEPGroove chambers in PEP--II: Mauro PiviII: Mauro Pivi

Performances in PEP-II beam environment. Straight field free regions.

Successfully measured electron signal in Groove chambers much lower than Smooth (flat) chambers. All chambers with TiN coating.

DR - Kick Off Meeting 36

( ) g

Mitigations tests, new installation: Mauro Pivi

• Verify efficiency of mitigation techniques in dipoles.

Ongoing installation of a new chicane in PEP II with ILC DR type• Ongoing installation of a new chicane in PEP-II with ILC DR-type bends, to test chambers with coatings and chambers with grooves

PEP-II e+ beam line

E-cloud diagnostics

ILC DR-type bends

Layout new chicane installation in PEP II LER PEP II chamber with triangular grooves


Layout new chicane installation in PEP-II LER PEP-II chamber with triangular grooves

Estimation of groove efficiency in magnetic fields: Lanfa Wang


R&D work plans for the EDR

• Presently, the R&D plan is inclusive.– For example, WP 7 (Electron Cloud) lists 45 potential p , ( ) p

investigators. Not all these investigators are likely to get funding for their activities.

C di ti d li i ti f d li ti h ld• Coordination and elimination of duplication should happen by communication and agreement.– The specific tasks identified in the R&D plan should– The specific tasks identified in the R&D plan should

form a focus for the discussions that need to take place.• The Work Package Coordinator should play a role in g y

ensuring that the necessary discussion happen, and happen constructively.– Difficult decisions may be needed, but holding

collaborations together is essential. We need to work positively with each other to achieve the R&D goals.

39DR - Kick Off Meeting

Working Package 7 (e-cloud)CERNFritz CaspersDaniel SchulteFrank Zimmermann Cockcroft Institute

LANLBob MacekLBNLJohn ByrdChristine Celata

PotentialCockcroft InstituteOleg MalyshevRon ReidAndy WolskiCornelli i d

Christine CelataStefano de SantisArt MolvikGregg PennMarco Venturini

i l

InvestigatorsJim CrittendenMark PalmerDESYRainer WanzenbergFNAL

Miguel FurmanKiran SonnadMike ZismanPALEun-San Kim

Panagiotis SpentzourisINFN-LNFDavid AlesiniRoberto CiminoAlberto Clozza

Rostock UniversityAleksander MarkovikGisela PoplauSLACKarl BaneIn transition from previous Alberto Clozza

Pantaleo RaimondiKEKJohn FlanaganHitoshi FukumaK i hi K

Karl BaneBob KirbyAlexander KrasnykhMauro PiviTor RaubenheimerT M ki i

In transition from previous RDR structure…

Ken-ichi KanazawaKazuhito OhmiKyo ShibataYusuke SuetsuguShigiri Kato

Tom MarkiewiczJohn SeemanLanfa Wang

40DR - Kick Off Meeting


DR Work Packages

X = “Expression of Interest” for the EDR phase41

X = Expression of Interest for the EDR phase

FY07-FY10, WP 7 (e-cloud)WBS Objective Priority Characterize electron-cloud build-up Very High

2 2 3 2 Develop electron-cloud suppression techniques Very High2.2.3.2 Develop electron cloud suppression techniques Very High Develop modelling tools for electron-cloud instabilities Very High Determine electron-cloud instability thresholds Very High

St ff ff t (FTE) T l t US$10k/FTE (US$k)WBS 2007 2008 2009 2010 2.0 2.0

WBS 2007 2008 2009 2010 20 20

Staff effort (FTE) Travel, at US$10k/FTE (US$k) 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 30 30 20 20 15 15

WBS 2007 2008 2009 2010

2 2 3 1 0 0

M&S (US$k)(WBS enumeration during previous S3 phase) 0 0 730 920 0 0

2 2 3 4 0 0

42DR - Kick Off Meeting 0 0

WP 7 (e-cloud)

Achieving the objective of developing suppression techniques for the electron cloud will involve the following tasks:

1. Study coating techniques, test the conditioning in situ in PEP-II, KEKB, SPS and CesrTA.

2. Test clearing electrode concepts by installing chambers with clearing electrodes in existing machines and in magnetic field regions inelectrodes in existing machines and in magnetic field regions in KEKB, SPS, CesrTA and HCX (LBNL). Characterize the impedance, the generation of higher order modes, and the power deposited in the electrodes.

3. Test “groove” concepts by installing chambers with grooved or finned surfaces in existing machines including bend and wigglerfinned surfaces in existing machines, including bend and wiggler sections in PEP-II, KEKB, SPS and CesrTA. Characterize the impedance and HOMs.

43DR - Kick Off Meeting

Example: WP 7 (e-cloud)

• Objective: Develop electron-cloud suppression techniques:Potential Investigators on these tasks will be:

David AlesiniFritz CaspersAlexander KrasnykhBob MacekBob MacekArt MolvikCho NgMark PalmerMauro PiviYusuke SuetsuguLanfa Wang

A total effort of 3 FTE per year for two years will be required WorkA total effort of 3 FTE per year for two years will be required. Work includes mainly experimental studies with support of simulations.An M&S budget of $730k in 2007, and $920k in 2008 is required.Work is ongoing. The goal is to complete all three tasks by the end of 2008 as input for the Engineering Design Report (EDR).

44DR - Kick Off Meeting

Example: WP 7 (e-cloud)

The required input includes:– Experimental data from machines including CesrTA, PEP-II,

KEKB, SPS and LHC. Data should include detailed comparison of electron cloud density in sections with mitigation techniques compared with the electron cloud d it i ti ith t iti ti t h idensity in sections without mitigating techniques.

The deliverables will include:The deliverables will include:– Technical specifications for techniques to be used to suppress

build-up of electron cloud in the positron damping ring, consistent with aperture and impedance requirementsconsistent with aperture and impedance requirements.

– Guidance for the design of the vacuum chamber material and geometry (Objective, and for the technical designs for principal vacuum chamber components (Objective 3 1 1 2)principal vacuum chamber components (Objective

45DR - Kick Off Meeting

WP 7 (e-cloud)

ILC DR Challenge: 2 pm vertical emittance

If the electron cloud density is not reduced below the threshold level for beam instabilities, then the positron damping ring will be unable to provide a beam meeting the specifications for beamunable to provide a beam meeting the specifications for beam quality, stability and intensity; this will have a potentially significant impact on the luminosity of the ILC.

46DR - Kick Off Meeting

Test Facilities: CesrTA

• Cesr-c is a wiggler-dominated electron-positron collider.• The proposed development of CESR into CesrTA would allow a

unique opportunity for electron cloud studies at a dedicated test facility, operating in a parameter regime directly relevant for the ILC damping rings.p g g– Requires relocation of wigglers to allow tuning for low natural

emittance; upgrade of instrumentation for tuning for low vertical emittance; installation of instrumented test chambersvertical emittance; installation of instrumented test chambers in wigglers.

• A range of other important studies will also be possible (e.g. low emittance tuning development of instrumentation for fastlow-emittance tuning, development of instrumentation for fast beam-size measurements of ultra-low emittance beams).

• Presently, funding agencies are evaluating the proposal.

47DR - Kick Off Meeting

Test Facilities: KEKB

• Electron cloud effects have already been studied extensively at KEKB, but not in the same low-emittance parameter regime in

hi h th d i i ill twhich the damping rings will operate.• Solenoid fields in the straight sections have been effective at

suppressing electron cloud effects in the B factories; but recent interest in a SuperB factory motivates further research.

• Tests of grooved and coated chamber surfaces for suppressing e-cloud are already underway at PEP-II, but studies of suppression y y , pptechniques in wigglers with low emittance beams will require other facilities. Clearing electrode tests are planned at KEKB.

• KEKB LER could be tuned for ~ 1 nm emittance by reducing theKEKB LER could be tuned for 1 nm emittance by reducing the energy from 3.5 GeV to 2.3 GeV.

• For the next two years, the priority for KEKB will be to continue to provide luminosity for BELLE However there may be some limitedprovide luminosity for BELLE. However, there may be some limited opportunity for electron cloud studies for ILC in that time, if the operational (power) costs of the machine are provided.

48DR - Kick Off Meeting

Other Test Facilities

• DAΦNE– electron cloud– fast injection/extraction kickers

• PEP-II– electron cloud

• SPS and LHC– electron cloud

49DR - Kick Off Meeting

R&D work plans for the EDRFrom “Damping Rings EDPhase Gantt Links” document


Milestones to ILC EDRThe goal is to complete the following tasks by early 2010 as input for the Engineering Design Report (EDR)

o Test coating techniques and determine conditioning effectiveness in existing accelerator beam lines

o Characterize the efficiency of conditioning on TiN coatings witho Characterize the efficiency of conditioning on TiN coatings with respect to NEG coatings.

o Characterize thin-film coating durability after long term exposure ino Characterize thin film coating durability after long term exposure in an operating accelerator beam line: analyze PEP-II TiN-chambers after ~10 years operation.

o Need to experimentally characterize Photoemission in ILC DR parameters range to estimate initial seed of electrons

Ch t i th l t l d b ild b i l ti do Characterize the electron cloud build-up by simulations and measurements in existing accelerators

o Characterize the electron cloud in wigglers and quadrupoles

5 November, 2007 DR - Kick Off Meeting 51

o Characterize the electron cloud in wigglers and quadrupoles

Milestones to EDRo Characterize the electron cloud instability by measurements in existing

facilities possibly also at CesrTA or KEKB operating at ultra-low emittances

o Characterize the ILC DR electron cloud instability by simulations

Evaluate the need for Additional Mitigation techniques (besides coating):

o Test clearing electrodes in magnetic field regions including wigglers at KEKBo Test clearing electrodes in magnetic field regions including wigglers at KEKB and CESR and dipoles at PEP-II and SPS

o Test triangular groove or slots in magnetic field regions including wigglers and di l PEP II KEKB d SPSdipoles PEP-II, KEKB and SPS

o Characterize the impedance and HOMs of mitigation techniques

o Use of antechambers

Recommendation of mitigation techniques to prevent the electron cloud in the ILC damping ring as input for the EDR

5 November, 2007 DR - Kick Off Meeting 52

ILC damping ring as input for the EDR

Additional slides


ILC DR simulations historyILC DR simulations historyILC DR simulations historyILC DR simulations history

2006 simulation

R&D simulation coordinators (2005-2006): K. Ohmi, M. Pivi, F. Zimmermann

2006 simulation campaign

Instability Threshold (blue bar) and Ring average cloudd it

PAC New Mexico, 2007 54

density.Simulation campaign: 1) need detailed build-up simulations with SEY~1, and 2) more accurate photoelectric yield input parameters from experiment (see Cimino &

Simulation Efforts on ILCBuild-up codeI t bilit d

• KEK: PEI and PEHTS K. OhmiInstability code


• LBNL: POSINST M Furman• LBNL: POSINST M. Furman, WARP/POSINST J. L. Vay et lal.


• CERN: ECLOUD, FAKTOR2, HEAD-TAIL & (TAIL- HEAD) F. Zimmermann, D. Sh lt E B d tt G R l

Modeling tools for electron-cloudModeling tools for electron cloudinstabilities

Collaboration between theUniversity of Rostock: A. Markovik, G. Pöplau, U. van Rienenandand DESY: R. Wanzenbergwith recent contributionsfrom K. Ohmi during his visit at DESY in Aug. 2007g g

Achievements:1) Poisson solver to calculate space charge fields2) Test of particle tracking routines

The collaboration will end in 2008

We can not make a commitment for a contribution from the collaboration tothe Engineering Design Phase of the ILC

Work in KEKB: Yusuke Suesugu, KEK


Plans for measurements: Suetsugu, KEK


Fermilab: Panagiotis


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