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    Biomed. Mater. 3 (2008) 034002 (15pp) doi:10.1088/1748-6041/3/3/034002

    Electrospun nanofiber scaffolds:engineering soft tissuesS G Kumbar1, R James2, S P Nukavarapu1 and C T Laurencin1,2,3

    1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Virginia, VA 22908, USA2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, VA 22908, USA3 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, VA 22904, USA

    E-mail: laurencin@virginia.edu

    Received 2 August 2007Accepted for publication 1 October 2007Published 8 August 2008Online at stacks.iop.org/BMM/3/034002

    AbstractElectrospinning has emerged to be a simple, elegant and scalable technique to fabricatepolymeric nanofibers. Pure polymers as well as blends and composites of both natural andsynthetics have been successfully electrospun into nanofiber matrices. Physiochemicalproperties of nanofiber matrices can be controlled by manipulating electrospinning parametersto meet the requirements of a specific application. Such efforts include the fabrication of fibermatrices containing nanofibers, microfibers, combination of nano–microfibers and alsodifferent fiber orientation/alignments. Polymeric nanofiber matrices have been extensivelyinvestigated for diversified uses such as filtration, barrier fabrics, wipes, personal care,biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Recently electrospun nanofiber matrices havegained a lot of attention, and are being explored as scaffolds in tissue engineering due to theirproperties that can modulate cellular behavior. Electrospun nanofiber matrices showmorphological similarities to the natural extra-cellular matrix (ECM), characterized byultrafine continuous fibers, high surface-to-volume ratio, high porosity and variable pore-sizedistribution. Efforts have been made to modify nanofiber surfaces with several bioactivemolecules to provide cells with the necessary chemical cues and a more in vivo likeenvironment. The current paper provides an overlook on such efforts in designing nanofibermatrices as scaffolds in the regeneration of various soft tissues including skin, blood vessel,tendon/ligament, cardiac patch, nerve and skeletal muscle.

    (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

    1. Introduction

    Nanotechnology is a new technological endeavor thatcombines the study, control, manipulation and assembly ofmultifarious nanoscale components into materials, systemsand devices to serve human interest and needs (Berne2004). This emerging field has potential applications inmany sectors of the global economy including consumerproducts, health care, transportation, energy and agriculture.Nanotechnology has revolutionized many branches of sciencesuch as surface microscopy, silicon fabrication, biochemistry,molecular biology, physical chemistry and computationalengineering. Nanotechnology deals with natural and artificialstructures on the nanometer scale, i.e., in the range from

    1 µm down to 1 nm. Nanodimensions impart unusualproperties as compared to conventional macro sized and bulkmaterials. Some of these unusual properties exhibited bynano structures include an extraordinarily high surface area tovolume ratio, tunable optical emission and super paramagneticbehavior, which can be successfully exploited for a varietyof health care applications ranging from drug deliveryto biosensors. Several nano-sized materials or structuressuch as nanotubes, nanowires, nanocrystals, nanorods,nanocomposites, nanospheres and nanofibers received greatdeal of interest for various high technology applications (Fanget al 2005, Huang et al 2003, Kumbar et al 2008, Nalwa2000, Nukavarapu et al 2008, Peppas et al 2007). Severalnanoparticle-based products are available for biomedical and

    1748-6041/08/034002+15$30.00 1 © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK


  • Biomed. Mater. 3 (2008) 034002 S G Kumbar et al

    Figure 1. Graph showing research articles published in recent years using electrospun nanofibers. These numbers were based on theSci-Finder Scholar search using the keywords electrostatic spinning, electrospinning and nanofibers. This graph clearly demonstrates thesurging interest in nanofibers and related applications.

    cosmetic applications including antimicrobials, bio-magneticseparations, bio-detection/labeling, drug/MRI contrast agentsdelivery, orthopaedics/implants, sunscreens and coatings(Fang et al 2005, Huang et al 2003, Kumbar et al 2008, Nalwa2000, Nukavarapu et al 2008, Peppas et al 2007).

    Nanofibers are being explored for a variety of applicationsand research in this area is rapidly expanding. A literaturesurvey for nanofibers based on a Sci-Finder Scholar searchin the past five years is presented in figure 1 and it clearlydemonstrates the surging interest in nanofibers. Nanofibershave proven their potential applications in the field of filtration,sensors, military protective clothing, photovoltaic devices,liquid-crystal display (LCD), ultra-light weight space craftmaterials, super-efficient and functional catalysts and varietyof biomedical and cosmetic applications (Burger et al 2006,Chew et al 2006, Chiu et al 2005, Huang et al 2003, Kumbaret al 2006, Laurencin and Nair 2004, Liao et al 2006). Inbiomedical applications, nanofibers have been used as carriersfor drug/therapeutic agent delivery, wound dressing materialsand as porous three dimensional scaffolds for engineeringvarious tissues such as skin, blood vessels, nerve, tendon,bone and cartilage (Burger et al 2006, Chew et al 2006, Chiuet al 2005, Huang et al 2003, Kumbar et al 2006, Laurencinand Nair 2004, Liao et al 2006).

    Generally fibers with diameters less than 1 µm are termedas nanofibers. Nanofibers provide a connection between thenano and the macroscopic objects. Nanofibers due to theirextremely high surface to mass ratio possess several novelproperties such as low density, high pore volume, variable poresize and exceptional mechanical properties. These remarkableproperties of nanofibers have led to the development ofseveral non-woven applications. A current research emphasisis to develop nanofibers from a wide range of polymers andcharacterize them (Burger et al 2006, Chew et al 2006, Chiuet al 2005, Huang et al 2003, Kumbar et al 2006, Laurencinand Nair 2004, Liao et al 2006).

    2. Electrospinning: fabrication of nanofibermatrices

    Nanofibers are fabricated using a variety of fabricationtechniques namely drawing (Nain et al 2006), template

    synthesis (Tao and Desai 2007), temperature-induced phaseseparation (Liu et al 2005), molecular self-assembly(Paramonov et al 2006) and electrospinning (Hohman et al2001a, 2001b, Reneker et al 2000, Yarin et al 2001a, 2001b).Among these, electrospinning appears to be a veryreasonable technique to fabricate polymeric nanofibersfrom a variety of polymer solutions and melts (Ward2001). ‘Electrospinning’ or ‘electrostatic spinning’ are twocommonly used terminologies for this process, and in thispaper, we use the more popular term electrospinning tomaintain uniformity in the text. Electrospinning technique hasseveral advantages over other nanofiber fabrication techniqueslisted in table 1. This process is simple, elegant, reproducible,continuous and scalable. It is possible to fabricate fibers in thediameter range of ∼3 nm–6 µm and several meters in lengthusing the same experimental set-up.

    Electrospinning is aided by the application of high electricpotentials of few kV magnitudes to a pendant droplet ofpolymer solution/melt from a syringe or capillary tube aspresented in figure 2. In brief, a polymer jet is ejected fromthe surface of a charged polymer solution when the appliedelectric potential overcomes the surface tension. The ejectedjet under the influence of applied electrical field travels rapidlyto the collector and collects in the form of non-woven web asthe jet dries. Before reaching the collector the jet undergoesa series of electrically driven bending instabilities (Hohmanet al 2001a, 2001b, Reneker et al 2000, Yarin et al 2001a,2001b) that results in a series of looping and spiraling motions.In an effort to minimize the instability due to the repulsiveelectrostatic forces, the jet elongates to undergo large amountsof plastic stretching that consequently leads to a significantreduction in its diameter and results in ultra-thin fibers. Withlow viscosity polymer solutions, the ejected jet may breakdown into droplets and result in electrospray (Kumbar et al2007a). Therefore, a suitable polymer concentration isessential to fabricate nanofibers without any beads or beads-on-a string appearance. For instance, increase in viscosityor polymer concentration results in fiber diameter increase.By changing polymer concentration alone it is possible tofabricate the fiber diameters in the range of few nm to severalmicrometers while keeping other electrospinning parametersat a constant.


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    Figure 2. Schematics of electrospinning setup: a high electric potential of a few kV is applied to the pendent polymer droplet/melts and apolymer jet is ejected from the charged polymer solution. The polymer jet undergoes a series of bending and stretching instabilities thatcauses large amounts of plastic stretching, resulting in ultra-thin fibers. Based on the type of collector/target and its motion it is possible toalign nanofibers. (A) Stationary collectors (grounded conductive substrate) result in random nanofibers. Rotating targets such as (B) arotating drum and (C) wheel-like bobbin or metal frame result in fiber alignment and fabrication of tubular nanofiber scaffolds. (D) Exampleof a split electrode consists of two conductive substrates separated by a void gap that results in the deposition of aligned nanofibers across.

    Table 1. Comparison of different nanofiber fabrication techniques: advantages and disadvantages.

    Fabrication technique Advantages Disadvantages

    Drawing • Simple equipment • Discontinuous process• Not scalable• No control on fiber dimensions

    Template synthesis • Continuous process • Not scalable• Fiber dimensions can be variedusing different templates.

    Temperature-induced • Simple equipment • Limited to specific polymersphase separation • Convenient to process • Not scalable

    • Mechanical properties of the fiber • No control on fiber dimensionsmatrices can be varied by changingthe polymer composition.

    Molecular self- • Only smaller nanofibers of few nm • Complex processassembly in diameter and few microns in length • Not scalable

    can be fabricated. • No control on fiber dimensionsElectrospinning • Simple instrument • Jet instability

    • Continuous process • Toxic solvents• Cost effective compared to other • Packaging, shipping, handlingexisting methods• Scalable• Ability to fabricate fiber diametersFew nm to several microns.

    Various parameters that potentially affect electrospinninginclude polymer molecular weight, polymer solutionproperties, applied electrical potential, polymer solution flowrate, distance between spinneret and collector (workingdistance), motion of the grounded target and ambientparameters (temperature, humidity and air velocity).Nanofiber diameter, surface morphology, mechanicalproperties, porosity and pore-size distribution greatly dependon these parameters selected for electrospinning. Variouspolymers of both synthetic and natural origin have beensuccessfully electrospun into nanofiber matrices (Burger et al

    2006, Chew et al 2006, Chiu et al 2005, Huang et al 2003,Kumbar et al 2006, Laurencin and Nair 2004, Liao et al 2006).Most of the nanofiber fabrication techniques systematicallyvaried polymer viscosity, applied voltage, working distanceor flow rate one at a time while keeping the other parametersconstant in an effort to optimize electrospun nanofibers withdesired physiochemical properties (Burger et al 2006, Chewet al 2006, Chiu et al 2005, Huang et al 2003, Kumbar et al2006, Laurencin and Nair 2004, Liao et al 2006). Amongthese parameters, polymer solution concentration/viscosity,conductivity, applied electrical potential and the effect


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    Figure 3. SEM micrographs of PLAGA fiber matrices electrospun at various polymer solution concentrations while using constant spinningparameters at an applied voltage of 20 kV cm−1, a flow rate of 2 mL h−1 and ambient parameters. Increasing polymer concentration(0.15–0.3 g mL−1) implies an increase in polymer viscosity, resulted in decrease of bead density and concentration 0.25 g mL−1 resulted inbead-free nanofibers and fiber diameter increased beyond that concentration. Reprinted with permission form © 2004 Wiley Periodicals,Inc. (Katti et al 2004).

    (A) (B)

    (C) (D)

    Figure 4. SEM micrographs of PLAGA fiber matrices electrospun at various polymer solution concentrations while using constant spinningparameters at an applied voltage of 20 kV cm−1, a flow rate of 2 mL h−1 and ambient parameters. Where (A) nanofibers (0.22 g mL−1),(B) microfibers (0.42 g mL−1), (C) and (D) were produced by co-spinning of two different concentrations: (C) nanofibers (0.22 g mL−1)–microfibers (0.32 g mL−1) and (D) nanofibers (0.22 g mL−1)–microfibers (0.42 g mL−1).

    of target geometry/motion that essentially determines thenanofiber morphology and physical properties will bediscussed.

    Electrospinning system parameters namely polymerand polymer solution properties play a significant role incontrolling the fiber diameter and structural morphology. Forinstance, Laurencin and coworkers dissolved poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLAGA, Mw = 56 000) in a solvent mixtureof tetrahydrofuran (THF): dimethylformamide (DMF) (3:1)to obtain concentration ranges 0.1–0.3 g mL−1 and were

    electrospun while keeping the electrical potential constant at1 kV cm−1 (Katti et al 2004). Polymer concentration of 0.1,0.15 and 2 g mL−1 resulted in bead-fiber structures; howeverbead density decreased with increasing polymer concentration(viscosity). Polymer concentrations beyond 0.25 g mL−1

    resulted in bead-free nanofibers as shown in figure 3.Ongoing studies in the Laurencin laboratories have

    successfully demonstrated the feasibility of developingnano, micro and, nano–microfibers simply by varyingthe polymer concentration/viscosity while keeping other


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    (A) (B) (C)

    Figure 5. SEM micrographs of PEO nanofibers electrospun at a polymer concentration of 7 wt% while varying the electrospinning voltagesfrom 5.5 to 9 kV. Where (A) an applied voltage of 5.5 kV, a droplet of solution, remains suspended at the end of the syringe needle, and thefiber jet originates from a cone at the bottom of the droplet results in bead-free nanofibers. (B) At 7 kV the jet originates from the liquidsurface within the syringe tip and results in beaded nanofibers. (C) At 9 kV, the jet appears to be initiating directly from the tip with noexternally visible droplet or cone and results in the formation of greater number of beads. Reprinted with permission form Copyright© 2001 Elsevier Ltd. (Deitzel et al 2001).

    parameters constant as shown in figure 4. Authors have alsodemonstrated electrospraying using less viscous PLAGAsolutions to coat various biomedical implants (Kumbar et al2007a). Similar observations were made for many otherpolymer systems and these studies indicate the existence ofoptimal polymer concentration (viscosity) for electrospinning(Burger et al 2006, Chew et al 2006, Chiu et al 2005, Huanget al 2003, Kumbar et al 2006, Laurencin and Nair 2004, Liaoet al 2006).

    Polymer solution conductivity also plays an importantrole in electrospinning and determines nanofiber morphologyand fiber diameter. Functional groups on polymer backbone,solvents used and presence of ionic species in the solutionsystem determine the conductivity of polymer solution.Conducting polymer solutions carries more electrical chargeand generates stronger repulsive forces on the polymer jet, andthus polymer solutions with ionic salts resulted in bead-freeuniform fibers while a pure polymer—solvent systems—hadmany beads with fibers (Kim et al 2005).

    Process parameters such as electrical potential, flow rate,working distance ambient parameters and motion of the targetalso play a vital role in dictating the fiber diameter, structuremorphology and fiber alignment. Polymer properties andapplied electrical potentials have pronounced an effect onpolymer jet initiation and mode of jet instability, whicheffectively produces changes in the fiber morphology. Appliedelectrical potential during electrospinning directly translatesinto electrospinning current and results in different modes ofjet initiation and instabilities (Shin et al 2001). An increasein applied electrical potential causes an increase in spinningcurrent, and hence a corresponding increase in the mass flowrate from the capillary tip to the grounded collector when allother variables (polymer solution conductivity and flow rate)are held constant (Deitzel et al 2001). For instance, in apolyethylene oxide/water system where the applied electricalpotential was increased from 5.5 kV to 9 kV, an increasein spinning current was observed, and the fiber morphologychanged from defect-free fibers to a highly beaded structure(Deitzel et al 2001). Figure 5 presents the various modes of jetinitiation and morphology of the nanofibers at various appliedelectrical potentials (Deitzel et al 2001). For different polymer

    systems these process parameters need to be considered toobtain defect-free uniform nanofibers and several studies havebeen reported that indicate the importance of these parameters(Burger et al 2006, Chew et al 2006, Chiu et al 2005, Huanget al 2003, Kumbar et al 2006, Laurencin and Nair 2004, Liaoet al 2006).

    During electrospinning electrostatic forces such as strongexternal field, the collector type and charges exerted byadjacent fibers mainly control the motion of fibers ejectedfrom the polymer jet. Nanofiber deposition can be done ona stationery (a piece of grounded conductive substrate) targetor a rotating target such as a rotating drum, wheel-like bobbinor metal frame (Theron et al 2001, Bhattacharyya et al 2006,Katti et al 2004, Zhang et al 2007). Often randomly orientednanofiber deposition was possible with stationary target due tothe non-preferential direction for electrostatic forces (Hohmanet al 2001a, 2001b, Reneker et al 2000, Yarin et al 2001a,2001b). When a rotating target replaced a stationary target, itwas possible to align nanofibers more or less parallel to eachother (Theron et al 2001, Bhattacharyya et al 2006, Zhang et al2007). With a rotating drum collector the linear rotating speedserves as a fiber take-up device, and when the rotational speedmatches the evaporated jet depositions, the fibers are taken upon the cylindrical surface in a circumferential manner resultingin a fair alignment (Theron et al 2001, Bhattacharyya et al2006, Zhang et al 2007). In the case of the wheel-like bobbincollector, charge accumulation on the tip-like edges attractsfibers continuously, which winds up on the bobbin edge of therotating wheel (Theron et al 2001). Several other attemptsto align nanofibers made use of frame collectors (Daltonet al 2005, Fridrikh et al 2003, Li et al 2004), and patternedelectrodes (Li et al 2005) that essentially provide preferentialdirection for electrostatic forces controlling the motion of thefibers.

    3. Mechanical properties of electrospun nanofibermatrices

    Nanofiber matrices need to possess adequate mechanicalproperties to be effective in any application. A widerange of polymers of both natural and synthetic origin,


  • Biomed. Mater. 3 (2008) 034002 S G Kumbar et al

    alone or in combination has been successfully electrospuninto nanofiber matrices using different fabrication conditionsand parameters. Nanofiber alignments, fabrication of core-shell nanofibers, hollow nanofibers and combinations ofnanofibers of different polymers (co-spinning) have alsobeen fabricated by altering the electrospinning equipment.Electrospun nanofiber matrices due to their high surface areaand tiny pores possess a wide range of mechanical propertieswhich is entirely different from original bulk materials.Mechanical properties of fiber matrices depend on thechemical composition, fabrication procedure, fiber diameterand their alignment. Knowledge of strain–stress behaviorof nanofiber matrices gives an understanding about theirperformance in the desired application under dynamic stress.For instance, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate)(PHBV) nanofiber matrices with a specific surface area140 m2 g−1 and 70% porosity showed Young’s modulus 350 ±30 MPa, tensile strength 8.6 ± 0.8 MPa and elongation at break19.5 ± 1.5. While PHBV cast films showed Young’s modulus3190 ± 300 MPa, tensile strength 31 ± 3 and elongationat break 3.2 ± 0.5 (Kwon et al 2007). Fiber alignmentin nanofiber matrices significantly improves the mechanicalproperties. For instance, poly(ε-caprolactone) non-alignednanofiber matrices had a tensile modulus of 2.1 ± 0.4 MPa.Fiber alignment was more pronounced when the mandrel speedwas increased from 4.0 to 8.0 m s−1 and the resulting nanofibersshowed tensile moduli 7.2 ± 0.6 and 11.6 ± 3.1, respectively(Li et al 2007). Co-spinning of PLAGA and chitosan wasachieved using dual power sources and nanofiber matrices withchitosan were cross linked with glutaraldehyde vapors (Duanet al 2007). PLAGA-chitosan nanofiber matrices showedimproved mechanical properties than their parent polymersalone. PLAGA and chitosan nanofiber matrices showed atensile strength of 2.5 MPa and 1.25 MPa, Young’s modulusof 2.5 MPa and 40 MPa, and the percentage elongationof 42% and 3%, respectively. While co-spun PLAGA-chitosan nanofiber matrices showed a tensile strength of1.3 MPa, Young’s modulus of 110 MPa and the percentageelongation of 50% that are intermediate to the parent polymernanofiber matrices (Duan et al 2007). Appropriate choice ofpolymer, suitable fabrication approach, varying fiber diametercomposition, aligning fibers and nanofiber cross-linking aresome of the currently used strategies to alter the mechanicalproperties of the nanofiber meshes. Such efforts can producemechanical properties to meet the requirements of the tissuethat they seek to regenerate.

    4. Electrospun nanofiber matrices as tissueengineering scaffolds

    It is clear from the literature that nanotopographicalfeatures significantly alter cell behavior. Nanotopographicalfeatures namely pores, ridges, groves, fibers, nodes andcombinations of these features influenced cellular adhesion(Glass-Brudzinski et al 2002), morphology (Karuri et al 2004,Vitte et al 2004), proliferation (Dalby et al 2002), endocytoticactivity (Dalby et al 2002), motility (Chen et al 1997) and geneexpression (Chou et al 1998, Glass-Brudzinski et al 2002) of

    various cell types. Various nanotopographical features havebeen created and used as new generation tissue engineeringscaffolds and biomedical implant surfaces (Kumbar et al2008). Basement membranes are unique extra-cellularmatrices that support cell adhesion and provide an environmentfor the cells to interact with the surroundings. The ECM iscomposed of specific proteins, several functional groups, andgrowth factor reservoirs along with many tropic agents thatare responsible for cellular function. Several cellular activitiessuch as adhesion, proliferation, migration, differentiation andcell shape are influenced by the ECM in which the cellsreside (Adams 2001, Chiquet 1999, Streuli 1999, Watt 1986).The ECM is principally composed of hierarchically arrangedcollagen, laminin, other fibrils and proteoglycans in a complextopography in the nanometer range. The basement urotheliummembranes of rhesus macaque have topographical features innanodimensions characterized by a height of 178 ± 57 nm,interpore distance of 127 ± 54 nm, fiber diameters of52 ± 28 nm and pore diameters of 82 ± 49 nm (Abramset al 2000, 2003). Electrospun nanofiber matrices showmorphological similarities to the natural ECM, characterizedby ultrafine continuous fibers, high surface-to-volume ratio,high porosity and variable pore-size distribution similar to thedimensions of basement membranes. Nanofiber matrices astissue engineering scaffolds need to have interconnected highlyporous structures to facilitate cellular migration and transportof nutrients, and metabolic wastes to allow the formation ofnew tissue. Electrospun nanofiber matrices present a dynamicsystem in which the pore size and shape can change whencompared to other rigid porous structures. Laurencin andcoworkers using mercury porosimetry determined PLAGAnanofibers to have a 91.63% porosity, a total pore volumeof 9.69 mL g−1, total pore area of 23.54 m2 g−1 and apore diameter ranging from 2 to 465 µm (Li et al 2002).The remarkable nanotopographic features of the nanofibermatrices provide cells the necessary physical cues similarto the nanotopographical features of a natural basementmembrane. Polymeric nanofiber matrices can also act ascarriers for a variety of bioactive agents including antibiotics,antifungal, antimicrobial, proteins (enzymes, DNA, etc),anticancer and other valued drugs (Kumbar et al 2006). Core-shell nanofibers have been successfully designed to releasethe desired bioactive agents at therapeutic concentrationsin both a spatial and temporal pattern (Jiang et al 2005).Recently Jayasinghe et al have successfully demonstratedthe feasibility of encapsulating living cells within core-shellmicrofiber matrices (Jayasinghe et al 2006, 2007) Thesemicrofiber matrices obtained via cell electrospinning showedsignificant numbers of viable cells over long periods of time.Thus, nanofiber matrices encapsulated with suitable growthfactors, cells or bioactive agents have a great potential foruse in tissue regeneration by providing cells with necessaryphysical and chemical cues. In this paper we will make aneffort to summarize the efforts made by several researchersto regenerate various soft tissues such as skin, blood vessel,tendon/ligament and nerve using electrospun nanofibers.


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    4.1. Electrospun nanofiber skin grafts

    Tissue engineering has emerged as an alternative treatment totraditional autografts and allografts for excessive skin loss.Such an approach involves scaffolds, cells and biologicalfactors alone or in combination (MacNeil 2007). Electrospunnanofiber scaffolds due to their high surface area-to-volumeratio provide more surface for cell attachment compared toother structures from the same material. In addition, nanofiberscaffolds are extensively used as wound dressings since theyprotect the wound area from the loss of fluid and proteins,aid in removal of exudates, inhibit exogenous microorganisminvasion, improve appearance and have excellent anti-adhesionproperties (Khil et al 2003, Zhang et al 2005a, Zong et al2004). Polyurethane nanofiber matrices used as wounddressing materials in a rat skin defect model showed increasedrate of epithelialization with well-organized dermis whichprovided good support for wound healing (Khil et al 2003).PLAGA nanofiber matrices in a rat model showed an excellentanti-adhesion effect and prevented complete cecal adhesions(Zong et al 2004). Several polymers of both natural andsynthetic origins, alone or in combination, were successfullyelectrospun into nanofiber scaffolds, and evaluated as dermalsubstitutes with cells.

    Collagen nanofibers play a dominant role in maintainingthe biological and structural integrity of various tissuesand organs, including bone, skin, tendon, blood vesselsand cartilage. Glutaraldehyde cross-linked collagen typeI nanofibers in the diameter range of 100–1200 nmshowed tensile strengths of 11.44 ± 1.20 MPa close toseveral commercially available wound care products such asBeschitin R© (15.89 ± 0.63 MPa) and Resolut R© LT (11.72 MPa)(Rho et al 2006). Cross linking collagen nanofibers resulted indecrease of porosity from 89% to 71%. Relatively, less humankeratinocytes and fibroblasts adhesion was observed on thesecross-linked collagen nanofibers than the nanofiber matricestreated with type I collagen or laminin. Such an effect might bedue to electrospinning collagen with a fluorinated solvent, andglutaraldehyde cross linking resulting in structural changes.However, coating these nanofiber matrices with ECM proteins,primarily collagen type I provided bioactivity and resulted inbest in vitro performance. Collagen coated nanofiber matricesshowed faster early-stage healing compared to the controlgroup (cotton gauze) in full thickness wounds in a rat model.Blended nanofibers of collagen and polycaprolactone (PCL)supported growth, proliferation and migration of fibroblastsinside the matrices (Venugopal and Ramakrishna 2005).Surface modification of PCL nanofiber matrices with collagenwas achieved using a dip coating method and by a core-shellnanofiber fabrication technique. Core-shell nanofibers hada collagen shell and PCL as the wrapped core. Collagencoating showed linearly increasing fibroblast density withtime as compared to PCL nanofibers (Zhang et al 2005b).Collagen-PCL core-shell nanofibers had comparatively highercell density than the nanofibers coated by dip coating,presumably due to the uniform collagen coating on the core-shell structures. Fibroblast adhesion was lower on alignedcollagen nanofibers but showed higher proliferation when

    compared with the random collagen nanofibers (Zhong et al2006).

    Electrospun silk fibroin (SF) nanofibers with diameters inthe range of 30–120 nm showed 76.1% porosity (Kim et al2003, Min et al 2004, 2006). These SF nanofiber matriceswere treated with water vapor and methanol to providestructural stability and improve their mechanical properties.For instance, mechanical properties of SF untreated nanofibersshowed a tensile modulus of 17.7 ± 6.8 MPa, while treatmentwith water vapor and methanol showed a tensile modulus of30.4 ± 4.4 and 104.3 ± 13.7 MPa, respectively (Min et al2006). Water vapor treatment provided a way to controlconformational changes of SF nanofiber and these matricessupported the adhesion and spreading of normal humankeratinocytes and fibroblasts (Min et al 2004, 2006). Thehighly porous chemically treated SF nanofiber matrices withhigh surface area, wide range of pore size distribution andimproved mechanical properties are highly attractive as wounddressing materials and for skin regeneration applications (Kimet al 2003, Min et al 2004, 2006). Chitin/SF blend nanofibersat a blend composition of 75% chitin and 25% SF showedhighest attachment and spreading for human keratinocytes andfibroblasts (Park et al 2006).

    Electrospun chitin nanofibers and commercially availablechitin microfibers having fiber diameters of 163 nm and8.77 µm, showed fiber-size-dependent cell behavior. Chitinnanofibers showed a relatively higher attachment andspreading behavior of normal human keratinocytes andfibroblasts. Collagen type I coating further improved theefficacy of the nanofiber mats to promote cell attachmentand proliferation. Chitin nanofibers completely degradedwithin 28 days into rat subcutaneous implantation without anyinflammatory response (Noh et al 2006). Such an observedphenomenon may be due to the high surface area of nanofiberscompared to microfibers (Noh et al 2006).

    PLAGA-dextran electrospun nanofibers supportedfibroblast attachment, proliferation, migration and extra-cellular matrix deposition within the nanostructures aspresented in figure 6. Fibroblasts migrated into these three-dimensional structures and organized into dense multi-layeredstructures resembled dermal architecture (Pan et al 2006).

    Nanofibers of poly(p-dioxanone-co-L-lactide)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) with average diameters of 380 nm,median pore size 8 µm, porosity >80% and mechanicalstrength 1.4 MPa supported fibroblast adhesion, proliferationand maintained phenotypic shape and guided growth alongthe nanofiber orientation (Bhattarai et al 2004). In an effortto develop a fibroblast-populated three-dimensional dermalanalogue; blends of PCL/gelatin were electrospun onto apolyurethane dressing (Tegaderm, 3M Medical) (Chong et al2007). The significant number of fibroblasts adheredand proliferated on both the sides of the construct andshows great potential in the treatment of dermal woundsthrough layered application. The surface-modified polyamidenanofibers coated with ECM proteins namely fibronectin,collagen I and laminin-1 supported primary mouse embryonicfibroblasts adhesion and proliferation better than tissue culturepolystyrene (TCPS) protein-coated surfaces (Ahmed et al


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    (A) (B)

    (C ) (D)

    Figure 6. (A) SEM micrograph where fibroblasts present a well-spread morphology after three days of culture. (B) Optical micrographshowing fibroblasts distribution throughout the nanofiber scaffolds after one day culture where samples were stained with crystal violet.(C) and (D) optical micrographs showing deposition of collagen (Sirius Red staining) and elastin (Verhoeff’s solution) staining. Reprintedwith permission form Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. (Pan et al 2006).

    2007). Co-culture of keratinocytes, fibroblasts and endothelialcells on polystyrene nanofiber scaffolds resulted in scaffoldspopulated with viable cells, even under serum-free conditions(Ahmed et al 2007). Fibroblasts may provide supportiveenvironment for keratinocyte and endothelial cell viabilityunder serum-free conditions. Cells presented native spatialthree-dimensional organization where keratinocytes formed acontinuous ‘epidermal’ layer at the upper air-facing surface,while fibroblasts and endothelial cells occupied the centraland lower regions (Ahmed et al 2007). Electrospunpolyamide nanofibers were surface modified by coating withECM proteins namely fibronectin, collagen I and laminin-1, and they supported primary mouse embryonic fibroblastsadhesion and proliferation better than the TCPS-protein-coated surfaces (Sun et al 2005). Nanofiber matrices providea necessary 3D structure similar to natural ECM and resultin better cell performance than 2D substrates. Laurencinand coworkers fabricated electrospun PLAGA fiber matricesin the diameter range of 150–225, 200–300, 250–467, 500–900, 600–1200, 2500–3000 and 3250–6000 nm and studiedhuman skin fibroblast behavior in an effort to optimizethe fiber diameter to produce skin grafts (Kumbar et al2007). Fibroblasts showed fiber-size-dependent proliferationbehavior and showed highest proliferation on scaffolds witha fiber diameter in the range of 600–1200 nm. Theseobservations may be a combined effect of surface area,surface roughness, porosity and protein binding ability ofthe scaffolds. Collagen type III expression also showedfiber diameter dependence on its expression similar to theobserved proliferation trend (Kumbar et al 2007c). Nanofibermatrices with suitable mechanical properties, degradation

    profile, porosity, 3D architecture, necessary chemical cuesand increased fibroblast and related cells response is requiredto produce skin substitutes.

    4.2. Electrospun nanofiber blood vessel grafts

    Following vascular injury, excessive extra-cellular matrixdeposition leading to a pathological condition known asintimal hyperplasia may occur. When located in large diameterblood vessels, problems such as narrowing of the lumen andthus changes in blood flow are observed. However, veryrarely does occlusion occur in large vessels. In smallerdiameter vessels, this is a severe and often fatal condition as thevessels lack room for expansion during the remodeling phase.This pathological condition is best treated by bypass graftingprocedures that use saphenous vein. Synthetic vascular grafts,such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) were investigated assmall diameter blood vessel substitutes. These grafts havegreatly reduced patency and thus high failure rates as theyfailed to mimic native graft functionality. Electrospinningtechniques have shown potential to mass produce tubularscaffolds that would meet the functional requirements of nativeblood vessels. Blood vessels are tubular-shaped structurescomposed of oriented protein fibers and integrated cells, bothsmooth muscle (SMC) and endothelial cells (EC). Nanofiber-based engineered substitutes mimic the dimension scale andthe spatial organization of the 3D ECM features of nativetissue, and may be made suitable for interaction with smoothmuscle cells and endothelial cells (Kumbar et al 2007b). Bloodvessels are composed of three distinct cellularized layers withabundant collagen and elastin. The circumferential orientation


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    of these ECM fibrils along with the aligned SMCs provides thenecessary functional strength and compliance. Bio-mimickingengineered scaffolds may improve cellular integration, andin addition must satisfy the functional parameters undermechanically active conditions (Buttafoco et al 2006, Jeonget al 2007, Stitzel et al 2006, Venugopal et al 2005).

    Aligned poly(L-lactid-co-ε-caprolactone), P(LLA-CL::75:25) nanofibrous scaffolds with an average fiber diameterof 500 nm modulate SMC’s behavior to express contractilephenotype, spindle shape, orient and migrate along thealigned nanofibers (Xu et al 2004). Thick and thin α-actinand myosin filaments are positively stained within SMCscultures on aligned nanofiber matrices as compared to the 2Dcultures on the same scaffold material. These cytoskeletonproteins are visualized parallel to the nanofiber direction.These aligned scaffolds mimic the nanoscale features, andthe oriented cell and fiber architecture found in native bloodvessels. Gelatin grafting on polyethylene terephthalate (PET)non-woven nanofibrous meshes (200–600 nm average fiberdiameter) increased the hydrohilicity of the scaffold whichenabled endothelial cells to adopt a well-spread polygonal-shaped morphology (Ma et al 2005). Surface adhesionproteins characteristically expressed by ECs, e.g. PECAM,VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 were highly expressed on gelatin-grafted non-woven nanofiber PET matrices. Increasedexpression of PECAM is indicative of a greater degree ofendothelization on this scaffold as compared to non-wovennanofiber PET matrices. PET has been extensively usedas large diameter vascular prosthesis, but has not provensuccessful in replacing smaller diameter vessels. Gelatingrafting onto PET nanofiber surface holds great potential indeveloping successful substitutes for small diameter bloodvessels (He et al 2005, 2006).

    PLA/PCL bilayered tubular scaffolds with a PCL innerlayer of randomly oriented microfibres (1.5–6 µm) and a PLAouter layer composed of oriented fibers with diameters from800 nm to 3 µm have been fabricated (Yarin et al 2001a). Theoutside is composed of concentric layers of circumferentiallyoriented PLA fibers analogous to the tunica media layer ofblood vessels. The concentric inner layers of randomlyoriented PCL fibers represent the elastic lamina and tunicaintima layers of a blood vessel. The bilayered PLA/PCLscaffolds have a maximum stress of 4.3 MPa and an elasticdeformation up to 10% strain, which is strong enough andmay provide the compliance necessary for substitute bloodvessels. Cellular attachment, spreading and proliferation areproven on this bi-layered scaffold using mouse fibroblasts andhuman venous myofibroblasts. The fibroblasts adhered andproliferated along the aligned fibrous network revealing highcellular densities on the outer layer as compared to the innerlayer over 30 days of static culture.

    Inferior vena cavas of mongrel dogs were replaced withfreeze-dried hybrid scaffolds composed of polyglycolic acid(PGA) non-woven tubular fabric and a copolymer gel ofL-lactide and ε-caprolactone P(CL/LA::50/50) seeded withvascular myofibroblasts and smooth muscle cells harvestedfrom the femoral veins of these dogs (Watanabe et al

    2001). These tissue-engineered vascular autografts remainedpatent (no stenosis and occlusions) in the animals up tosix months as investigated by angiographies. Histologicalexaminations showed dense collagen fibers, organized elasticfibers and cellular components within the graft starting atthree months post-implantation. Immunostaining revealedfactor VIII positive staining at the luminal surface of the graft,which is indicative of an endothelial cell lining that promotesantithrombogenicity. Uneven distribution of anti-SMA anddesmin beneath the endothelial lining is a positive indicator ofsmooth muscle cells within the graft.

    SMCs (rat aorta) suspended in gelatin supplementedmedia were electrosprayed concurrently with poly(esterurethane) urea (PEUU) to microintegrate cells uniformlythroughout the scaffold (100 µm thickness) (Stankus et al2006). The integrated cells exhibited spread morphology andsignificantly higher cellular proliferation under static cultureat one week timepoint as compared with TCPS. With thickerSMC integrated PEUU scaffolds (300–500 µm thickness), thescaffold interior was devoid of cells under static culture dueto diffusional limitations of nutrients, waste and oxygen. Ina perfusion bioreactor these thick scaffolds exhibited highernumbers of uniformly distributed cells throughout the scaffold.Under perfusion culture, the cells showed a well-spreadmorphology and more f-actin staining than static cultureconditions.

    PCL fiber meshes (10 µm thickness) of 250 nmaverage fiber diameter suspended on a wire ring supportsattachment and contraction of neonatal rat cardiomyocytesin vitro (Shin et al 2004). On day 3, cardiomyocytesstart to contract weakly and in an unsynchronized fashion.These contractions become stronger and synchronized astime progresses. Cardiomyocytes adhered and populatedthroughout the entire scaffold mesh, and stained positivelyfor cardiotypical proteins, i.e., actin, tropomyosin and cardiactroponin-I (Ishii et al 2005). This highly porous non-wovenPCL mesh functions as a temporary ECM that enabled the cellsto adhere, spread and proliferate. In addition, this mesh did notrestrict the contractile functions of the cardiomyocytes. Thewire ring provides passive tension that supports maturationof the beating cardiomyocytes, and may improve handlingof the construct. A functional myocardial patch withsufficient cardiac functions may be prepared by stackinga few layers of the construct that beat in a synchronizedmanner. PLAGA scaffolds of varying compositions (100 wt%PLLA, 75 wt% PLAGA (90:10) + 25 wt% PLLA, and 85 wt%PLAGA (75:25) + 15 wt% PEG-PLA) with an average fiberdiameter of 1 µm were uniaxially stretched, and supportedattachment of myocytes (Zong et al 2005). The mosthydrophobic scaffold (PLLA) was found to be most suitablefor myocyte attachment and development of the contractilemachinery typical of well-connected cardiac tissues. Cellswere visualized along the fiber direction with elongated nucleisurrounded my mature cytoskeleton (actin filaments). Thechemical composition of the scaffolds regulated its surfaceproperties and degradation rate, which regulated the cellularbehavior both morphologically and functionally as determinedby electrical activity. PLLA scaffolds have confirmed superior


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    performance as compared to PLAGA (90:10) + PLLA andPLAGA + PEG-PLA.

    4.3. Electrospun nanofiber tendon grafts

    Tendon injuries are the most common body trauma in theyoung and physically active population. Due to problems ofincomplete healing and recurrent injury, significant disabilityand dysfunction can occur. Problems, such as limitedavailability of tendon autografts, inflammatory risks ofallografts, failure of long-term tendon prosthesis and restrictedreparative potential of injured tendons, leave replacementprocedures of large defects unsatisfactory. The combinationof tendon prosthesis with an autologous cell can generate atendon tissue and thus may provide a better approach to thecurrent tendon injury problems. Tendon prosthesis currentlyused (Dacron grafts, carbon fibers, Silastic sheets) does notmeet the functional requirements of the regenerative tissue.Tissue engineering, using a biodegradable scaffold that willfunctionally support and provide stimuli to the regeneratingtissue is a novel approach (Cao et al 2002, 2006, Ouyang et al2002, 2003).

    Hybrid nano–microfibrous scaffolds composed of knittedPLAGA (90/10) covered with randomly oriented electrospunPLAGA (65:35) modulate bone-marrow-derived stromal cells(BMSCs) to exhibit a higher expression of collagen-I, decorinand biglycan (Sahoo et al 2006). Stromal cells thus retainthe potential to differentiate into tendon/ligament lineage onthis novel nano–microfibrous scaffold. The nanofibers withdiameters ranging from 300 to 900 nm covered the knittedscaffold made from 25 µm microfilaments. The hybridscaffolds had an initial load to failure of 56.3 N which fell to1.82 N by 14 days. BMSCs attached and proliferated well onthe novel scaffold forming cellular aggregates that increasedin size and fused with the adjacent ones.

    Dry non-woven chitin fabric (10 mm × 15 mm × 4 mm)has an initial load to failure of 9.4 N, which is not significantlydifferent from that under wet conditions in four weeks(Funakoshi et al 2006). However, the initial elongation undera load of 19.4% (dry conditions) is significantly lower thanthe 40.9% elongation measured at the end of four weeks ofincubation in 10% FBS supplemented DMEM. The fabricused as a rotator cuff replacement in rabbits showed denseregenerative tissue and collagen bundles along the direction offorce in four weeks. In 8–12 weeks, the chitin was absorbedand the characteristic crimp pattern of oriented collagen fibrilswas evident. At all time points there was minimal evidence ofan inflammatory response to the chitin fabric. Chitin implantspromote aggressive tissue ingrowth whereas the polylactic acidimplants have poor tissue ingrowth in a rabbit Achilles tendondefect model (Sato et al 2000). Load to the failure of thegrafted shoulder was 135.4 N which is significantly higherthan the 12.9 N measured at the control shoulder.

    4.4. Electrospun nanofiber nerve grafts

    Peripheral nerve injuries resulting from trauma, diseases ortumor surgery require grafts to bridge the proximal and distal

    nerve ends. Autografts are the current gold standard, howeveris often limited in supply, requires a prolonged surgicaltime, and can cause donor site morbidity. As an alternative,several conduit materials both natural and synthetics have beenused as a nerve graft. Several biodegradable polymers weresuccessfully electrospun into nerve grafts and tested for theirefficacy to stimulate axonal regeneration through its entirelength (Ahmed et al 2006, Bellamkonda 2006, Bini et al 2006,Corey et al 2007 Epub ahead of print, Itoh et al 2006, Patelet al 2007, Schnell et al 2007, Yang et al 2004, 2005).

    Several studies were carried out to see the effectof nanofiber diameter and alignment in terms of neuriteoutgrowth and neural stem cells (NSCs) differentiation. PLLAelectrospun nanofibers of high, intermediate and randomalignment showed varied responses to NSCs. Neurites grewradially outward from the ganglia on aligned fibers andturned to follow the fibers upon contact. Neurites on highlyaligned substrates were longer than neurites on other fibers(Corey et al 2007 Epub ahead of print). NSC’s elongationand its neurite outgrowth were in the direction of PLLAaligned nanofibers (Yang et al 2004), and the rate of NSCdifferentiation was higher on PLLA nanofibers than on PLLAmicrofibers (Yang et al 2005). Surface-modified PLLAelectrospun aligned nanofiber matrices with ECM proteins andbFGF growth factor simulate the natural ECM environmentby providing necessary physical and chemical cues (Patelet al 2007). The aligned nanofibers significantly induced theneurite outgrowth compared to randomly oriented nanofibers.Figure 7 represents the confocal images of neurites onnanofiber scaffolds oriented in the direction of alignednanofibers and more branching on random nanofibers (Patelet al 2007). Reduced neurite branching on the alignednanofiber matrices is highly encouraging in developing nervegraft substitutes.

    PLAGA nanofibers and microfibers in the form ofmicrobraided and aligned microfiber scaffolds supported theneurite outgrowth and NSCs differentiated in the directionof fiber alignment (Bini et al 2006). PCL and collagen/PCL(C/PCL 25:75 wt%) blend nanofibers both random and alignednanofiber scaffolds supported cell attachment, Schwann cellmigration and axonal regeneration (Schnell et al 2007). Glasscoverslips coated with polyamide electrospun nanofibers in thediameter range of 100–800 nm supported neuronal attachmentand neurite outgrowth in vitro (Ahmed et al 2006). Surfacemodification of these nanofibers with neuroactive peptidesderived from human tenascin-C significantly enhanced theability of the nanofibers to facilitate neuronal attachment,neurite generation and neurite extension in vitro comparedto poly-L-lysine-coated coverslips (Ahmed et al 2006). Suchan observed performance is presumably due to 3D nanofiberarchitecture and chemical cues that provide a more in vivoenvironment for neuronal growth. Blend nanofibers due tothe presence of collagen showed significantly higher cellularactivity, and neurites oriented in the direction of alignednanofibers. In another study, electrospun chitosan nanofibermesh tubes and tendon-chitosan tubes were employed forbridge grafting in the rat sciatic nerve model and autografts


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    (A) (B)

    Figure 7. (A) and (B) High-magnification confocal microscopy images of neurite morphology on (A) random and (B) aligned surfacemodified PLLA nanofibers with bFGF. Neurites oriented in the direction of aligned nanofibers while more neurite branching on randomnanofibers was seen. Reprinted with permission form Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society (Patel et al 2007).

    (A) (B) (C )

    Figure 8. Myoblast differentiation on Matrigels-coated DegraPols slides in differentiation medium (2% HS). Upper lane: C2C12 cells.Hoechststained myoblast nuclei (A), F-actin stained with rhodamine-phalloidin (B), FITC-conjugated antibody for MHC (C). Lower.C2C12 myotubes aligned preferentially along the fiber length. Reprinted with permission form Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. (Riboldiet al 2005).

    were used as control (Itoh et al 2006). Histological evaluationsafter four and eight weeks showed significantly improvedperformance for chitosan nanofiber mesh tube groups overboth the tendon-chitosan tube and the autografts (Itoh et al2006).

    4.5. Electrospun nanofiber skeletal muscle grafts

    Skeletal muscle comprises (Saxena et al 1999) approximately48% of the body mass and control voluntary movementand maintenance of the structural contours (Cronin et al2004, Riboldi et al 2005). Mature skeletal muscle tissue iscomposed of multinucleated, post-mitotic fibers that do notregenerate the following injury. Locally, quiescent populationsof myogenic progenitors exist, that will fuse with existing ordamaged myotubes to form new ones. In major injuries wherethe muscle structure is irreversibly compromised, engineeredmuscle constructs may overcome problems of muscle transfersand provide a successful replacement device for muscleregeneration.

    Non-woven PGA fiber mesh (fiber diameter 12 µm)seeded with myoblasts isolated from rat pups were implantedin the omentum of adult fisher CDF-F344 male and femalerats (Saxena et al 1999). This cell polymer constructsimmunostained positively for alpha sacromeric actin anddesmin; markers for skeletal muscle at both four and six weeks

    post-implantation. Viable myoblasts were visualized alongpartially degraded PGA fibers by H&E staining.

    Adhesion and proliferation of murine myoblast cell line(C2C12) on electrospun DegraPol (fiber diameter 10 µm)is comparable with tissue culture plastic, which is indicativeof no toxicity and excellent cell compatibility (Riboldi et al2005). In differentiation media, C2C12 cells seededon Matrigel-coated DegraPol showed the presence ofelongated, multinucleated, myosin-expressing myotubes.Immunofluorescence microscopy shows C2C12 myotubesaligned preferentially along the fiber length as visualized bystaining of F-actin and myosin heavy chains as shown infigure 8.

    C2C12 cells seeded onto a gelatin- or fibronectin-coatednon-woven electrospun PLLA fiber mesh (fiber diameter500 nm) showed disordered actin filament arrangement onrandomly oriented fiber mesh, whereas actin fibers werealigned along the fiber direction on aligned fiber meshes(Huang et al 2006). Myotubes attached and formedmultinucleated myofibers along the nanofiber directionglobally after seven days in differentiation media. The highlyorganized myotubes on the aligned mesh were significantlylonger than those on randomly oriented scaffolds and thusmimicked the longer and parallel myotubes assembly seen innative muscular tissue.


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    5. Conclusions

    Electrospun nanofiber matrices show morphological similar-ities to the natural ECM comprising of ultrafine continuousfibers, high surface area, high porosity and variable pore-sizedistribution similar to the dimensions of basement membranes.These remarkable surface properties, combined with specificsurface chemistry, provide cells a three-dimensional in vivoenvironment. Studies have clearly shown that nanofiber scaf-folds significantly alter the cell behavior and perform better asscaffold materials to regenerate various tissues.

    Efforts are being made to improve mechanical propertiesof electrospun nanofibers to match the native tissue by acombination of several polymers, fiber diameter and fiberorientation. In some studies combining natural polymers andproteins with synthetic polymers altered the surface propertiesresulting in improved cell behavior. Fiber diameter andorientation also had a significant effect on cellular response.Such changes in observed cellular behavior might be dueto the changes in surface properties such as hydrophilicity,roughness and changes in porosity and pore diameter. Suchchanges in surface properties can lead to adsorption of moreECM proteins such as vitronectin, fibronectin etc and resultin improved cell adhesion and proliferation compared to flator 2D surfaces. In addition, higher porosity and wide porediameters resulting from combination of micro–nanofibersshowed encouraging cell infiltration into the 3D construct. Allof these properties need to be considered while constructingnanofiber-based grafts for tissue regeneration.

    In general, electrospinning utilizes several fluorinatedand toxic organic solvents to dissolve polymers. Such toxicsolvents might affect the structural conformation of severalbiopolymers and proteins and result in undesired cellularresponse. A critical need exists to replace these toxic organicsolvents with aqueous based or less toxic solvents duringelectrospinning. Also more efforts need to be made to improveefficiency of nanofiber production, packing, shipping andhandling. Such efforts can further improve the efficacy ofnanofibers, and can lead to the development of commerciallyviable nanofiber technology for a variety of biomedicalapplications.


    The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the NIH(R01 EB004051 and R01 AR052536). Dr Laurencin wasthe recipient of a Presidential Faculty Fellow Award from theNational Science Foundation.


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    1. Introduction2. Electrospinning: fabrication of nanofiber matrices3. Mechanical properties of electrospun nanofiber matrices4. Electrospun nanofiber matrices as tissue engineering scaffolds4.1. Electrospun nanofiber skin grafts4.2. Electrospun nanofiber blood vessel grafts4.3. Electrospun nanofiber tendon grafts4.4. Electrospun nanofiber nerve grafts4.5. Electrospun nanofiber skeletal muscle grafts

    5. ConclusionsAcknowledgmentReferences

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