elgin academy prd support pack 2

Post on 11-May-2015






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A presentation to help raise PRD profile and support staff who are engaging with the PRD process. Thanks to Guch Dillon from Elgin Academy for sharing


Add tutor names if not from the school

We will all have done something today/yesterday that worked – something that made a difference to the learning of one of our pupils. What was it and how did you know?

Thinking time – two minutes Sweep share - five minutes




Time keeper


Keeper of the sweets

Number of staff x at least 35 hours = how much change in the learning experience of our pupils?

The answer has got to be BIG and we have got to know for certain that it is big.

To highlight manageable approaches to self-evaluation and impact evaluation in the context of individual CPD Plans

To explore the breadth of possible CPD activities beyond courses

To introduce Moray’s model of the “four stages” of CPD

To make it easier to complete self-evaluation pro-forma and to build a CPD plan at the time of PR&D

Your job today is to help these colleagues identify their individual CPD needs, help them plan appropriate development activities and advise them on how to evaluate the impact of their CPD so that they can be clear by the end of the year what difference their work on this has made for their pupils

Select your two virtual buddies for the workshop – be nice and take turns!

Explain why you chose them – 30 seconds each – no more/no less

Why CPD?

Teaching profession for the 21stC :

“teachers shall have an ongoing commitment to maintain their professional standards through an agreed programme of continuing professional development”

Teacher skill is what counts!

“We know that it is the commitment and skill of individual teachers which makes the biggest difference to children’s progress and achievement.”

HMIE: Learning together: improving teaching, improving learning (2009)

Map of the workshop

Identifying personal development needs/focus through evidence based reflection and self-evaluation

The range of professional development activities

Strategies for evaluating the impact of your individual professional development activities on learners

Workshop notes organised to reflect the three parts

PP slide handout

HMIE: Learning together – improving teaching, improving learning (CPD)

HMIE: Learning together – opening up the learning (evaluating the impact of teaching on the learners)

Scot Gov: Towards a professional development strategy for CfE

Local position paper: “Embedding change through professional development”

Section one:

Identifying personal development needs/ focus through evidence based reflection and self-evaluation

“The SFR...identifies professional reflection and self-evaluation as integral to good professional practice.”

“Registered teachers take responsibility for their professional learning and development.”

The Standard for Full Registration

“Factors which can improve the effectiveness of CPD include...

clarity about the purpose of the CPD, with the aims and the activities well-matched to identified need”

HMIE: Learning together: improving teaching, improving learning (2009)

“The process of establishing priorities for development is more effective when it is based on a clear picture of current practice, drawn from a range of possible sources of evidence.”

HMIE: Learning together: improving teaching, improving learning (2009)

CPD Supermarket

Aim: to embed change in our practice and a year may not be enough

hence Moray’s “four stage” approach.....

1. Becoming aware

2. Becoming engaged

3. Integrating into practice

4. Innovating & creating

Four stages of CPD

1. Becoming aware

2. Becoming engaged

3. Integrating into practice

4. Innovating & creating

Four stages of CPD

Stage 1:

Becoming engaged:

•at an early stage of knowledge/understanding; new ideas/approaches not yet being used in practice

1. Becoming aware

2. Becoming engaged

3. Integrating into practice

4. Innovating & creating

Four stages of CPD

Stage 2:

Becoming engaged –

building a more in depth knowledge and understanding; beginning to experiment with new ideas/approaches; building new skills

1. Becoming aware

2. Becoming engaged

3. Integrating into practice

4. Innovating & creating

Four stages of CPD

Stage 3:

Integrating into practice –

•new approaches/ideas now commonly used and making a difference

1. Becoming aware

2. Becoming engaged

3. Integrating into practice

4. Innovating & creating

Four stages of CPD

Stage 4:

Innovating and creating –

•principles fully embraced; new approaches developed and embedded within the context of own practice; using new knowledge and skills in a wider role

Stage 1: Becoming engaged: at an early stage of knowledge/understanding; new ideas/approaches not yet being used in practice

Stage 2: Becoming engaged – building a more in depth knowledge and understanding; beginning to experiment with new ideas/approaches; building new skills

Stage 3: Integrating into practice – new approaches/ideas now commonly used and making a difference

Stage 4: Innovating and creating – principles fully embraced; new approaches developed and embedded within the context of own practice; using new knowledge and skills in a wider role

Section two:

The range of professional development activities

Courses ......

• “The impact of these depends upon how well they meet teachers’ identified needs and extend their knowledge, understanding and skills, and upon teachers applying what they have learned and passing this learning to colleagues in a structured way.”

Now see CPD as more of a balance between different types of activities?

“Teachers are undertaking an increasingly varied range of CPD activities, with a greater emphasis on locally planned and organised activities”


Some ideas:

See workshop notes – section 3

Individual reading: 5 minutes

The key question:

What will best help me to achieve the outcomes that I have set for my chosen focus?


Select one or two scenarios

Work in pairs

If you were supporting Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms X’s CPD planning, help him/her decide on two or three development activities that would be appropriate to achieve his/her development aim

Time: 10 minutes

Individual needs

Stage/department improvement plan

School improvement plan

Authority / national priorities

Section three:

Strategies for ensuring and evaluating the impact of our individual professional development activities learners

“The effectiveness of professional development lies in its impact on learners’ experiences and in improvements in the outcomes of their learning.”

HMIE: Learning together: improving teaching, improving learning (2009)

The theory: Guskey’s levels of evaluation

1. Participants’ reaction √√2. Participants’ learning √√3. Organisational support √4. Participants’ use of new

knowledge / learning √5. Student learning outcomes X

“Most evaluation relies on immediate impressions of a CPD event or the implementation of teaching approaches derived from CPD activities. .. The gathering of evidence of the impact of CPD on pupils’ learning, achievement, development is less common.”

HMIE: Learning together: improving teaching, improving learning (2009)

“...there is a need to evaluate more consistently the medium- and longer-term impact of professional development activities in terms of children’s progress and achievement.”

HMIE: Learning together: improving teaching, improving learning (2009)

“The effectiveness of authority or cluster initiatives is generally better evaluated than other types of in-house and individualised CPD.”

HMIE: Learning together: improving teaching, improving learning (2009)

HMIE: Recent publication on CPD

Clarity about the aims of the CPD at the planning stage

Clarity about the intended outcomes for the learners

And by considering at this planning stage what evaluation strategies would best

gauge that impact for you.

This is best thought about in terms of summative and formative assessment?

Why are we using formative assessment strategies (Assessment for Learning) with our pupils?

Ongoing evaluation allows ongoing changes

... But ongoing must be manageable!

Most evaluation of our practice and changes to it through our CPD is naturally generating

Re-enter the triangle – we have already

identified many everyday evaluative strategies


Using one of your scenarios, decide on one or two strategies that would allow manageable evaluation of impact on learners

Refer to the evaluation triangle on your table and “Workshop notes” section 3

Follow with a series of slides pertinent to the individual school’s PR&D plans/approach and reference them to parts of the workshop and/or workshop notes

Or next year use as first part of training for revised PR&D followed by “procedural” training


Mr Bean the Maths teacher.doc

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