eli 2014 blog post opening

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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Anand, what did you learn at ELI?

Anand (“On-In”) Khurma | @akhurma

Great question…well that’s pretty easy. I tweeted mucho during the Educause Learning Initiative using #ELI14 so I’ll share my thefts…steals…or takeaways in the blog post below…but if I had to sum up ELI in 3 sentences click on the next slide button to continue…but first I’ll ask you to identify 3 #edtech topics on your radar before proceeding…

“Well, everyone says [_____1_____] is about to transform teaching and learning. I think we should seriously consider starting a pilot in [_____2_____]. I heard some horror stories about [_____3_____]. Sure glad we didn’t hop on that bandwagon!”

Anand, what did you learn at ELI?

“Well, everyone say [_____1_____] is about to transform teaching and learning. I think we should seriously consider starting a pilot in [_____2_____]. I heard some horror stories about [_____3_____]. Sure glad we didn’t hope on that bandwagon!”

I’m sure you figured it out…but just in case…insert your first #edtech topic into blank 1…the next into blank 2…you get the drift #madlibs

If you’ve gotten this far through the slideshare…I should give props to Cara for the idea for this blog ice breaker…

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