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Post on 28-Jan-2015






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General Notes 1. In order to follow the guide, simply start at the first step (1.) and do as it says. When complete, click the box to the left of the number to check it, indicating that you have completed this step. Afterwards, move onto the next step (in this case, it would be 2.) and repeat the process. 2. In order to follow the directions, you must know a few commands and aspects of the game. First, you need to know how to use the Mini-Map. This is the circle (either on the top or bottom of your UI), with a mini circular map. You need to use this map to tell which direction you are headed (North, South, East or West). Next, you need to know how to use the map. There are two ways to access the map, either by pressing ‘M’ or ‘N’ (the default key maps). Pressing ‘M’ will bring up a new window of the map. Pressing ‘N’ will bring up a see-through window of the map onto your screen. Once you have the map up, you can add locations by holding ‘Ctrl’ and Right-Clicking on a spot on the map; this will create a location (a blue ‘X’) at that spot. Lastly, with Aion, you collect items on the ground, loot corpses, and talk to NPCs by Right-Clicking on them. 3. As you play through the game at any stage, there will be items that will drop that start quests. Since these are on the rare side and it is not efficient to farm them, it is to your judgment whether or not to complete them. These quests will usually not be included in the guide. 4. This guide is meant to be just that, a guide. It is made relatively vague in order to help you understand it more easily. As a general rule, when the guide is vague, hit ‘M’ or ‘N’ (the default key maps) to view the map and look for a blue or yellow arrow. This will indicate where an NPC’s location is if the guide does not give you a specific location. This can be used when turning a quest in to find a specific NPC. 5. For the Locations on the Map, use the provided map for each region to show you where that specific location is. Follow the map legend in order to understand what the different indicators on the map mean. 6. As you complete each step, make sure to check in the box. Also, when closing the document, make sure to remember which step you were on for the next time that you play. If you skip a step, remember which step you skipped so that you can go back to it at a later time. 7. Lastly, it is highly suggested to read our free Miscellaneous Guides at the bottom of the linked page, which cover all sorts of topics in Aion, here. You will definitely benefit from reading these if you are new to the game. This leveling guide is strictly for leveling. If you are new to Aion, it will greatly help you with sticking to this guide if you read our other guides, especially our Beginner’s Guide.

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The Following is the Color Code for the Guide Blue = Friendly NPC Red = Enemy NPC Green = Gathered Pink = Looted Purple = Named Location on Map Bold & Underlined = Location on the Map Bold = Ability Yellow Highlight = Accept Quest Green Highlight = Turn in Quest Cyan Highlight = Update Quest Underlined = Compass Direction Before you get started, it should be stated again that this guide is merely a guide. At many points of your journey through Aion there will be instances where the guide may not be the easiest/best route for you to take. This can be due to many factors, such as that all classes are not the same, you may be duo’ing instead of solo’ing, a specific area might be overcrowded, etc. It is absolutely to your discretion to level however you please. If you feel that completing a quest that is not included in the guide may be more beneficial to your character because of the reward, then feel free to complete that quest. If you feel that grinding in a different area than suggested would be faster for your class, then feel free to do so. Or if a quest is too difficult for your class to complete, save it for a higher level or find other players to help you. Also, it is up to you to manage your character’s gear and funds. This means that you should be selling items and buying items on the Trade Broker at all times. Whenever you are nearby the Trade Broker, take a few minutes to check for gear upgrades or put your loot onto the Broker to make some kinah. This guide is strictly a leveling guide and does not include methods of earning kinah; so that is up to you. The best general methods of earning a decent amount of kinah is to disenchant unsellable armor and sell the Enchantment Stones, always loot the miscellaneous items to sell to merchants, and sell non-usable greens and refining stones on the Broker. Doing all of these should keep you moderately wealthy. Another important guideline is to always be sure to keep enough kinah available to purchase your next set of skill manuals. It would not be good at all to be unable to afford them once you can use them. At higher levels, these become very expensive, so keep a decent stockpile of kinah available once you are getting close to another set of skills. It isn’t a bad idea to always check how much your next set of manuals cost before you reach that level. Lastly, always keep return scrolls in stock. The beginning part of the guide will remind you to purchase them, but the later parts will not. Plus, you most likely will use some even when the guide does not say to do so. It is always a good idea to keep at least 3 return scrolls of any place you’ve been to at all times and at least 1 return scroll for places you haven’t been yet. The best place to purchase return scrolls is at the General Goods Merchant in your faction’s main city.

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Poeta (1-10)

Map for Poeta (Elyos Levels 1-10)

The best method of utilizing this guide is to print this page to use as a reference. Whenever you are on a step that has a location (the numbers on the map coincide with the step), simply take a

look at your printed out map. This avoids you from having to constantly scroll through the document.

Map Legend (In more detail): Red Steps = Kill something at this location Blue Steps = Update a quest at this location Green Steps = Gather or Right-Click something at this location Purple Steps = Named location Yellow Steps = Group quest location White Steps = Grinding location

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1. Travel North-East and go to Elpas. Accept the quest, “Sleeping on the Job” 2. Travel North and go to Mires. Turn in the quest, “Sleeping on the Job” Accept the follow up quest, “Kerubar Hunt” 3. Travel slightly North-West and kill 3 Striped Kerubs. Also, begin collecting Aria. Continue gathering Aria as you travel through Poeta until you have a skill level of fifteen. Also, keep 10 Aria as it is used in a later quest.


4. Return to Mires. Turn in the quest, “Kerubar Hunt” Accept the follow up quest, “Grain Thieves”

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5. Travel slightly West to the 3 huts with a small wooden fence around them. Collect 4 Kerub Grain Sacks by the huts.

Kerub Grain Sack

6. Return East and go to Mires. Turn in the quest, “Grain Thieves” Accept the follow up quest, “Reporting to Polinia” 7. Travel North to Step 7. Go to Kales. Accept the quest, “The Snuffler Headache” 8. Travel slightly North-West to the closest farm patch. Kill Grain Snufflers to collect 4 Long Snuffler Tails. 9. Return South-East and go to Kales (Step 7). Turn in the quest, “The Snuffler Headache” Accept the follow up quest, “Helping Kales” 10. Travel North-East to Step 10, Akarios Village. Bind at the Obelisk to your left. 11. Travel East and go to Minalinerk. Accept the quest, “Abandoned Goods” 12. Go to Uno, next to Minalinerk. Turn in the quest, “Helping Kales” Accept the quest, “Uno’s Ingredients”

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13. Travel North-West and go to Polinia. Turn in the quest, “Reporting to Polinia” Accept the quest, “Collecting Aria” Turn in the quest, “Collecting Aria” (If you have 10 Aria, if not, turn this quest in once you do) 14. Go to Kalio, next to Polinia. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Kalio’s Call” 15. Go to your class trainer. They are scattered around Akarios Village. Purchase your skill manuals for Level 3. Once you purchase them, you must Right-Click each skill manual from your inventory in order to learn them. Then hit the ‘K’ key to bring up your Skills Window. Find your new abilities, Left-Click and hold, and drag them onto your Quickbar. Turn in the quest, “A New Skill” 16. Find the Weapons Merchant, Amus, and purchase a Raider’s Sword if you are a Warrior, a Raider’s Dagger if you are a Scout, a Raider’s Mace if you are a Priest, or a Raider’s Spellbook if you are a Mage. Go to the Armor Merchant, Mune, and purchase a Raider’s Shield if you are a Warrior. It would also be a good idea to go to the General Goods Merchant, Minalinerk, and purchase a few Minor Life Elixirs for all classes and a few Minor Elixirs of Mana if you are a Priest or Mage. If you have enough kinah left, purchase as many Minor Power Shards as you can if you are a Warrior, Scout, or Priest. You equip Power Shards like a normal item and then hit the ‘B’ key to activate them. From this point on, it is a good idea to keep the above items in stock, as they will reduce your amount of deaths and reduce the amount of time it takes you to gain levels. Also, keep plenty of Bandages in stock until you are Level 10. 17. Travel North-West from Akarios Village to Cliona Lake. Travel to Step 17 and go to Muranes. Update the Campaign quest, “The Kerub Threat” 18. Travel North-West into Cliona Lake. Kill Pinkbeak Airons to collect 6 Airon Meats.

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19. Travel West to Step 19, Ager’s Farm. Collect 5 Wines from Wine Barrels and kill 5 Small Horn Kerubs.

Wine Barrel

20. Travel East and return to Muranes (Step 17). Update the Campaign quest, “The Kerub Threat” 21. Travel West and return to Ager’s Farm (Step 19). Kill Big Foot Kerubar to collect 5 Kerubar’s Fangs. Big Foot Kerubars are located a little further West of the location. 22. Travel North-East from Ager’s Farm to Step 22. Go to Feira. Accept the quest, “To Fish in Peace” 23. Kill 5 Brownbristle Brax around the area. 24. Travel West to Step 24. Kill 5 Rakeclaw Slinks. 25. Travel East and return to Feira (Step 22). Turn in the quest, “To Fish in Peace” 26. Travel South-East and return to Muranes (Step 17). Update the Campaign quest, “The Kerub Threat” 27. Finish collecting 10 Aria if you haven't yet and complete Step 13. 28. Travel South-East to the guard tower at the North-West edge of Akarios Village. Go to Melampus. Accept the quest, “A Book for Namus”

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29. Travel South-East to Akarios Village. Go to Kalio. Turn in the Campaign quest, “The Kerub Threat” 30. Travel South-East and go to Uno. Turn in the quest, “Uno’s Ingredients” 31. Go to Minalinerk, next to Uno. Turn in the quest, “Abandoned Goods” 32. Enter the Swords and Boards Shop. Go to Mune. Accept the quest, “Pernos’ Robe” 33. Go to your class trainer. Purchase your skill manuals for Level 5. 34. Travel North from Akarios Village to Step 34. Go to Pranoa. Accept the quest, “Light up the Night” 35. Travel North-East to Step 35. Go to Ampeis. Update the Campaign quest, “Request of the Elim” Accept the quest, “Mushroom Thieves” 36. Go to Forest Protector Noah, next to Ampeis. Update the Campaign quest, “Request of the Elim” 37. Go to Namus, next to Forest Protector Noah. Turn in the quest, “A Book for Namus” Accept the quest, “Insomnia Medicine” Accept the quest, “The Elim’s Message” 38. Travel slightly North and kill Everglade Sylphens to collect 5 Sylphen Wings. Also, kill Adult Sparkies to collect 6 Sparky’s Luciferins. 39. Travel slightly East and kill Grove Abex to collect 5 Abex Skins. Also, kill 8 Shortbristle Bellepig.

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40. Travel East to Step 40. Go to the Sleeping Elder and Right-Click it. Then go slightly further East and do the same to that Sleeping Elder.

Sleeping Elder

41. Travel West and return to Forest Protector Noah (Step 41). Update the Campaign quest, “Request of the Elim” 42. Go to Ampeis, next to Forest Protector Noah. Turn in the quest, “Mushroom Thieves” 43. Travel West to Feira (Step 22). Update the quest, “The Elim’s Message” 44. Travel South-West to Pranoa (Step 34). Turn in the quest, “Light up the Night” 45. Use your Return Ability. 46. Travel East to Uno. Update the quest, “Insomnia Medicine” (Choose Soup) 47. Enter the Swords and Boards Shop. Go to Mune. Turn in the quest, “Pernos’ Robe” 48. Exit the Swords and Boards Shop and travel North-East to Baevrunerk. Accept the quest, “Ancient Cube”

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49. Travel North-West to Polinia. Accept the quest, “Polinia’s Ointment” 50. Enter the Chapel and go to Asteros. Turn in the quest, “The Elim’s Message” 51. Go to your class trainer. Purchase your skill manuals for Level 7. 52. Exit the Chapel and travel North. Go to Kustanon, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Melponeh’s Campsite. 53. Go to Melponeh. Turn in the quest, “Polinia’s Ointment” 54. Go to Tula. Update the Campaign quest, “Neutralizing Odium” Accept the quest, “Thinning out Worgs” 55. Go to Oz. Update the Campaign quest, “Illegal Logging” Accept the quest, “Oz’s Prayer Beads” 56. Travel South-East to Step 56. Kill Dukaki Woodcutters and Dukaki Lumberjacks to collect 6 Kobold Axes. 57. Travel South-West to Step 57. Kill 9 Gray Worgs. 58. Travel West and return to Namus (Step 35). Turn in the quest, “Insomnia Medicine” Accept the follow up quest, “A Taste of Namus’ Medicine” 59. Go to Forest Protector Noah, next to Namus. Update the Campaign quest, “Request of the Elim” 60. Travel East to Step 60. Go to Daminu (big tree). Update the Campaign quest, “Request of the Elim” (You will be teleported) 61. Go to Belpartan. Update the Campaign quest, “Request of the Elim” (You will automatically Fly to another area and then be teleported back to Daminu) 62. Go to Daminu. Update the Campaign quest, “Request of the Elim”

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63. Use your Return Ability. 64. Go to Kalio. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Request of the Elim” ***You have acquired your 1st title, Tree-Hugger. Go to your Profile window and then the Title tab to view and select it*** 65. Go to Kustanon, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Melponeh’s Campsite. 66. Go to Lonian. Turn in the quest, “A Taste of Namus’ Medicine” 67. Go to Tula. Turn in the quest, “Thinning out Worgs” Accept the follow up quest, “Tula’s Music Box” 68. If you are Level 7 go to Melponeh. If not, kill mobs around the area until you are. Accept the quest, “Mushroom Research” 69. Travel North-West to Step 69. On the way, kill Fearless Fungies to collect Mushroom Hearts and Elder Sparkies to collect Oz’s Prayer Beads. Go to Pernos. Accept the quest, “Where’s Tutty?” 70. Continue killing Fearless Fungies and Elder Sparkies around the area until you have collected 5 Mushroom Hearts and 3 Oz’s Prayer Beads. 71. Travel East into Kabarah Strip Mine to Step 71. Begin collecting Iron Ore, you need 7.

Iron Ore

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72. Travel East a small distance until you see a ramp to your left. Travel up the ramp to Tutty, here. Stand directly on Tutty to update the quest.


73. Travel East to Step 73. Collect the Ancient Cube.

Ancient Cube

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74. Travel South-East to Step 74. Right-Click the Cauldron of Kobold.

Cauldron of Kobold

75. Travel West and exit Kabarah Strip Mine. Go to Pernos (Step 69). Turn in the quest, “Where’s Tutty?” Accept the follow up quest, “Avenging Tutty” Update the Campaign quest, “Neutralizing Odium” 76. Follow the path to the North of Pernos. Kill Shade Fungen to collect 3 Mushroom Spores. 77. Return to Pernos. Update the Campaign quest, “Neutralizing Odium” 78. Travel South-East to Melponeh’s Campsite. Go to Oz. Update the Campaign quest, “Illegal Logging” Turn in the quest, “Oz’s Prayer Beads” 79. Go to Melponeh. Turn in the quest, “Mushroom Research” 80. Travel North-East into Kabarah Strip Mine to the Cauldron of Kobold (Step 74). Right-Click it. Then travel North-West to Tutty and kill the Dukaki Brawlers and Dukaki Smackers in the area to collect 5 Kobold’s Spoons. Before you leave, kill 3 Tursin Outlaws and finish killing Dukaki to complete the quest, “Illegal Logging”. 81. Travel West and return to Pernos (Step 69). Turn in the quest, “Avenging Tutty” ***You have acquired the title, Animal Lover***

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82. Travel South-East to Melponeh’s Campsite. Go to Oz. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Illegal Logging” 83. Go to Tula. Update the Campaign quest, “Neutralizing Odium” 84. Use your Return Ability. 85. Enter the Swords and Boards Shop. Go to Mune. Accept the quest, “Delivering Pernos’ Robe” 86. Exit the Swords and Boards Shop and go to Baevrunerk. Turn in the quest, “Ancient Cube” 87. Go to Kalio. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Neutralizing Odium” Update the Campaign quest, “Barring the Gate” 88. Go to your class trainer. Purchase your skill manuals for Level 9. 89. Go to Kustanon, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Melponeh’s Campsite. 90. Go to Oz. Update the Campaign quest, “Barring the Gate” 91. Travel South-East to Step 91. Enter the cave and kill Scar the Alpha Worg to collect Scar’s Fang. 92. Travel North-West to Pernos (Step 69). Update the Campaign quest, “Barring the Gate” Turn in the quest, “Delivering Pernos’ Robe” (Choose Scar’s Fang) 93. Travel West to Step 93. Go to Poa. Update the Campaign quest, “Barring the Gate” Turn in the quest, “Tula’s Music Box” Accept the quest, “Suspicious Ore” Accept the quest, “Scouting Timolia Mine” 94. Continue West to Timolia Mine. Begin killing Tursin Loudmouths to collect Engine Parts until you are Level 9. 95. Travel East and return to Pernos (Step 69). Update the Campaign quest, “Ascension”

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96. Use your Return Ability. 97. Travel North-West to Step 97. Right-Click Pernos’ Potion Bottle in your inventory. 98. Travel West and go to Daminu (Step 60). Update the Campaign quest, “Ascension” 99. Travel North and go to Pernos (Step 69). Update the Campaign quest, “Ascension” (You will be teleported) 100. Go to Belpartan. Update the Campaign quest, “Ascension” (You will automatically Fly to another area) 101. When you land. Defend yourself against the ambush. 102. Go to Pernos. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Ascension” (This is where you choose your sub-class. You can never change this, so be sure of your decision) 103. Return to Pernos. Update the Campaign quest, “A Ceremony in Sanctum” (Choose to teleport to Sanctum) 104. Travel South to Leah. Update the Campaign quest, “A Ceremony in Sanctum” 105. Travel South to Valendir. Accept the quest, “A Song of Praise” 106. Travel East to the Lyceum. Go to Jucleas. Update the Campaign quest, “A Ceremony in Sanctum” 107. Go to your class trainer. Purchase your skill manuals for Level 10. Turn in the Campaign quest, “A Ceremony in Sanctum” Accept the follow up Campaign quest, “Dispatch to Verteron” 108. Exit the Lyceum and travel North-West to the Teleporter. Go to Polyidus. Update the Campaign quest, “Dispatch to Verteron” Update the quest, “A Song of Praise” 109. Purchase a Teleport to Poeta. 110. Go to Kustanon. Purchase a Flight to Melponeh’s Campsite.

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111. Travel North-West to Step 111. Enter Timolia Mine. Collect 6 Suspicious Ore from Suspicious Boxes. Kill Tursin Loudmouths to collect 5 Engine Parts. As you travel through the mine, go to Ino (who is near the entrance behind bars, can’t miss them). Update the Campaign quest, “Barring the Gate”

Suspicious Box

112. Travel deep inside Timolia Mine until you reach the large open cavern. Once you do, turn left and travel to the Green Power Generator. Right-Click to shut it down. Turn around 180 degrees and go to the Blue Power Generator on the opposite side. Right-Click to shut it down. Travel up the ramp to the second floor of the cavern and find the Violet Power Generator in the center of the floor in front of the Abyss Gate. Kill the named (if he is up) and Right-Click to shut it down. Then Right-Click on the Abyss Gate to destroy it.

Green, Blue, and Violet Power Generators

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113. Exit Timolia Mine and return to Poa (Step 93). Turn in the quest, “Suspicious Ore” Turn in the quest, “Scouting Timolia Mine” 114. Use your Return Ability. 115. Go to Kalio. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Barring the Gate” ***You have acquired the title, Poeta’s Protector*** 116. Go to Daines, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Verteron.

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Verteron and Eltnen (10-20)

Map for Verteron (Elyos Levels 10-20)

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Map of Eltnen (Elyos Levels 10-20)

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Grind Spots Solo Grinding Spots 1. Level 15-18: (XP1) Kill Tainted Swamp Slimes Good for all classes 2. Level 16-19: (XP2 and South) Kill Tempest Spirits and Frost Wind Spirits repeating the quest, “Dampening Spirits”, given by Anontrite at Step 154 Good for high DPS and kiting classes 3. Level 16-19: (XP3) Kill Ancient Elysean Spirits or Contaminated Plumas, depending on the time Good for lower DPS classes 4. Level 18-20: (XP4) Kill Grove Vespines Good for all classes Group Grinding Spots 1. Level 15-18: Kill in Tursin Garrison at G1 2. Level 17-20: Kill in Tursin Garrison at G2 3. Level 18-20: Kill in Tursin Garrison at G5

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Group Quests Recommended Level to Complete: Level 18 “Held Sacred” Collect 5 Sacred Images of Kaisiniel by killing Krall around the area of G1 Go to Lunax “Mark of Vengeance” Go to Spatalos Collect 50 Krall Marks by killing Krall around the area of G2 Go to Spatalos ***You have acquired the title, Krall Hunter*** “Flying Reconnaissance” Go to Estino Travel to G3 and Right-Click the Transformation Potion from your inventory Go to Spatalos Go to Meteina Kill a Tursin Loudmouth Boss to below 50% and pull it to Meteina Go to Meteina Destroy 3 Tursin Tribal Flags South of G3

Tursin Tribal Flag

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Right-Click the Flint from your inventory at G2

Totem Pole

Kill Ziloota the Seer at G4 Go to Spatalos “Krall Desecration” Go to Lunax Kill 5 Veteran Tursin Smackstoppers around the area of G2 Go to Lunax “Sealing the Abyss Gate” Go to Spatalos Destroy the Abyss Gate South of G5 Go to Spatalos ***You have acquired the title, Verteron’s Warrior*** “A Foolish Gamble” Go to Perinens

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Collect 8 Krall Weapons from Krall Supply Boxes in the area south of G3

Krall Supply Box

Go to Estino “Culling Krall” Go to Meteina Kill 10 Veteran Tursin Crackers and 10 Veteran Tursin Loudmouths at G3 Go to Meteina

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Recommended Level to Complete: Level 19 “Krall Conspiracy” Go to Spatalos Collect 1 Necklace Studded with Odium by killing Tursin Loudmouth Chiefs at G2 Go to Spatalos “Reducing Tursin Strength” Go to Spatalos Travel to G5 Kill 9 Crack Tursin Trackers at G2 Go to Spatalos

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1. Travel to Verteron if you are not there already. Then travel South-West from the teleport in to Anaka. Accept the quest, “Polluted Fountainhead” 2. Go to the Obelisk, South of the Fountain at the center of Verteron Citadel. Bind yourself. 3. Enter the Chapel South-West of the Obelisk. Go to Selene. Turn in the quest, “A Song of Praise” 4. Exit the Chapel and travel South-East to William, who is outside of the Headquarters South of the Fountain. Accept the quest, “Lobnite Hunt” 5. Enter the Headquarters. Go to Spatalos. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Summons to the Citadel” 6. Go to Hyacinte, next to Spatalos. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Dispatch to Verteron” Accept the quest, “Undelivered Armor” 7. Exit the Headquarters and go to Spiros, who roams around the Fountain. Update the Campaign quest, “Masked Loiterers” Accept the quest, “Ancient Lobnite Fossil” 8. Travel East of the Fountain into the Broker. Go to Gaurinerk. Update the quest, “Undelivered Armor” 9. Exit the Broker and travel North-West to the Swords and Boards Shop. Go to Nadaelo. Turn in the quest, “Undelivered Armor” Accept the follow up quest, “An Honest Merchant” 10. Go to Ivis, next to Nadaelo. Accept the quest, “Decorative Weapons” 11. Exit the Swords and Boards Shop and travel to the North-East Entrance of Verteron Citadel. Go to Kairon. Update the Campaign quest, “Danger From Above” 12. Look up directly above Verteron Citadel and notice the large floating rock. Spread your Wings (default is ‘Page Up’) and Fly up to the platform underneath of that large floating rock. Go to Hynops. Update the Campaign quest, “Danger From Above”

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13. Now look around the platform and notice a bunch of floating Abyss Fragments. Fly again and destroy 3 of these. 14. Fly down to the ground and travel to the North-East Entrance of Verteron Citadel. Go to Kairon. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Danger From Above” 15. Exit Verteron Citadel and Fly directly North-East to just underneath the large mushroom attached to the hill at Step 15. Collect the Ancient Lobnite Fossil from the Fossil.


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16. Fly down to the ground below the Fossil. Roam around Verteron Swamp to the South-West and kill 10 Swamp Slinks, 10 Brownbeak Airons, and 11 Spiral Lobnites. Also, kill Sharphorn Starcrabs to collect 6 Starcrab Carapaces. While you kill, look out for Paksigue, a large red crab that roams Verteron Swamp. He is a Level 13 named that does not drop loot. If he attacks you, quickly Fly up high into the air. Also, keep a look out for Gaione, who also roams Verteron Swamp. He is in the form of a pig. If you see him, go to him. Accept the quest, “Guardian Tog”


17. Travel to Step 17. From here, kill 1 Lephar Revolutionary, either a Laborer or a Spy.

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18. Then travel slightly North by the coast. Work your way to the West as you collect 5 Crystal Fragments, kill Swamp Starturtles to collect 5 Starturtle Shells, and kill 9 Mud Potcrabs, which are on land.

Crystal Fragment

19. Before you move onto the next area of Verteron, be sure to find Gaione, who roams the Verteron Swamp. Turn in the quest, “Guardian Tog” 20. Return to Verteron Citadel. Go to Perinens, who guards the North-East Entrance. Accept the quest, “A Mother’s Worry” 21. Go to Manos, who is just South of the North-East Entrance. Accept the quest, “A Father’s Letter” 22. Go to Anaka, who is North of the Fountain. Turn in the quest, “Polluted Fountainhead” 23. Enter the Swords and Boards Shop. Go to Ivis. Turn in the quest, “Decorative Weapons” 24. Exit the Swords and Boards Shop and go to Spiros, who roams around the Fountain. Turn in the quest, “Ancient Lobnite Fossil” Update the Campaign quest, “Masked Loiterers” 25. Go to William, who is outside of the Headquarters South of the Fountain. Turn in the quest, “Lobnite Hunt”

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26. Enter the Headquarters. Go to Hyacinte. Turn in the quest, “An Honest Merchant” 27. Exit Verteron Citadel and travel North to Step 17. Kill Laborers and Spies to collect 5 Lepharist Symbols. 28. Return to Verteron Citadel and go to Spiros, who roams around the Fountain. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Masked Loiterers” 29. Enter the General Store, South-East of the Fountain. Purchase 2 Verteron Citadel Return Scrolls. 30. Exit the General Store and enter the Grocery to the West of the Fountain. Purchase 1 Verteron Pepper from the Materials Tab. 31. Exit the Grocery. If you are not Level 12 yet, then grind to Level 12. Then return to Verteron Citadel and go to William, South of the Fountain. Accept the quest, “Supplies for the Watch” 32. Exit Verteron Citadel traveling North-East to Step 32. Go to Gano. Turn in the quest, “A Mother’s Worry” Accept the quest, “Abandoned Scarecrow” 33. Go to Ondanius, next to Gano. Accept the quest, “The Forest Outlaw” 34. Travel South-East to Step 34. Kill 9 Starving Worgs and 5 Violent Worgs by Step 34. If you do not kill the Violent Worgs this far South-East, you will not get credit towards the quest. 35. Travel North-West and return to Ondanius (Step 32). Turn in the quest, “The Forest Outlaw” 36. Go to Gano, next to Ondanius. Accept the quest, “Delicate Mandrake” 37. Travel East to Tolbas Village. Travel to the North-East end of Tolbas Village and go to Krodis. Turn in the quest, “Delicate Mandrake” 38. Travel South-West to Leto, who is in front of the Chapel. Update the Campaign quest, “Odium in the Dukaki Settlement” Update the Campaign quest, “Frillneck Hunt” 39. Go to the Obelisk, next to Leto. Bind yourself.

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40. Travel South to Abolos. Update the Campaign quest, “Hunting Lepharist Revolutionaries” Turn in the quest, “Supplies for the Watch” 41. Travel South-East to the South end of Tolbas Village to Nemia. Accept the quest, “Odella Recipe” 42. Go to Eradis, next to Nemia. Update the quest, “Odella Recipe” Turn in the quest, “Odella Recipe” Accept the follow up quest, “Feeding Hianu” 43. Travel North to Qydro. Turn in the quest, “A Father’s Letter” Accept the follow up quest, “Belbua is Missing” 44. Exit Tolbas Village and travel West to Step 44 to Belbua’s Farm. Go to Nola. Turn in the quest, “Abandoned Scarecrow” Accept the quest, “Nola’s Request” Accept the quest, “Pumpkin Season” 45. Collect 7 Pumpkins surrounding Nola. Then kill 10 Thieves and 15 Peons in Belbua’s Farm. Continue killing Thieves and Peons until you collect Belbua’s Diary.


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46. Return to Nola. Turn in the quest, “Nola’s Request” Accept the follow up quest, “Belbua’s Treasure” ***You have acquired the title, Straw for Brains*** 47. Travel North-East to Step 47. Go behind the shed to the Wine Barrel. Turn in the quest, “Belbua’s Treasure”

Wine Barrel

48. Travel East to Tolbas Village. Go to Abolos, South of the Chapel. Update the Campaign quest, “Hunting Lepharist Revolutionaries” 49. Travel South-East to Eradis. Turn in the quest, “Pumpkin Season” 50. Travel North to Qydro. Turn in the quest, “Belbua is Missing”

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51. Exit Tolbas Village and travel North-West to Step 51. Kill the Thief that roams from the house to the dock. Then kill the Peon in front of the house. Then kill Cavil inside the house. He is a named and is more difficult than other mobs. Use your special abilities to defeat him. Enter the house and collect the Suspicious Document hanging on the South-West wall. Right-Click The Bandit’s Letter to: Accept the quest, “The Writing on the Wall”

Suspicious Document

52. Travel South-East and return to Tolbas Village. Go to Abolos, South of the Chapel. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Hunting Lepharist Revolutionaries” Accept the quest, “Retrieving Supplies” 53. Go to Beris, who roams the main path of Tolbas Village. Accept the quest, “An Unwanted Dagger” 54. Go to Maniparas in the South-West end of Tolbas Village. Accept the quest, “The Potion Maker’s Mistake” 55. Travel South-West to the South end of Tolbas Forest. Follow this path to Step 55 at Geolus Campsite. Go to Geolus. Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” Turn in the quest, “The Potion Maker’s Mistake” 56. Travel South-East to Step 56. Go to Lepios. Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” 57. Travel North-West along the path and return to Geolus (Step 55). Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution”

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58. Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. 59. Enter the Headquarters. Go to Spatalos. Turn in the quest, “The Writing on the Wall” 60. Exit the Headquarters and go to the Swords and Boards Shop. Go to Ivis. Turn in the quest, “An Unwanted Dagger” 61. Go to Urakron, the Teleporter, West of the North-East Entrance to Verteron Citadel. Purchase a Teleport to Sanctum. 62. Travel South-West to the Teleport Statute outside the Hall of Prosperity. Use it to Teleport to the Library of the Sages. Enter the Library of the Sages and go to Dimos (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” 63. Exit the Library of the Sages and travel North to the Protectors’ Hall. You will have to take the elevator from the Artisan’s Hall up to the top where the Protectors’ Hall is located. Go to Jumentis (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” 64. Find your class trainer in the Protectors’ Hall. Purchase your skill manuals for Level 13 and Level 16 (if you can afford it, this will save lots of time later on). 65. Exit the Protectors’ Hall through the elevator and travel East to Quintus (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” 66. Travel South-West to the Teleport Statue outside the Library of the Sages. Use it to Teleport to Elyos Square. Travel East and enter the Lyceum. Go to Hygea (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” 67. Use your Return Ability.

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68. Exit Tolbas Village and travel North-East into the Dukaki Mine and then North-West to Step 68. Kill 9 Dukaki Miners and collect 7 Stolen Items from Tolbas Village. Here are three (One, Two, and Three) that I found the easiest to collect until I had 7.

Stolen Items from Tolbas Village

First and Second Stolen Items from Tolbas Village

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Second and Third Stolen Items from Tolbas Village

69. If you can, use your Return Ability. If not, exit Dukaki Mine and return to Tolbas Village. 70. Go to Leto, who is in front of the Chapel. Update the Campaign quest, “Odium in the Dukaki Settlement” 71. Go to Abolos, South of the Chapel. Turn in the quest, “Retrieving Supplies” 72. Travel South-West from Tolbas Village to Step 72. Kill 7 Rakeclaw Frillnecks. 73. Travel North-East and return to Tolbas Village. Go to Leto, who is in front of the Chapel. Update the Campaign quest, “Frillneck Hunt” 74. Travel South-West and return to Geolus (Step 55). Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” 75. Go to Illos, next to Geolus. Accept the quest, “Collecting Poison Sacs” 76. Travel North-West down the hill to Hianu. Turn in the quest, “Feeding Hianu” Accept the quest, “A Special Omelet” 77. Go to Lostes, next to Hianu. Accept the quest, “Lostes, the Braggart”

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78. Travel North-West and kill Leaf Plumas to collect 5 Pluma’s Claws and kill Wild Striped Togs to collect 7 Tog Tails. 79. Travel to Step 79. Search the bottom of trees for Frillneck Eggs. The trees will be guarded by a Frillneck Mother and a Frillneck Hatchling. Collect 6 Frillneck Eggs.

Frillneck Eggs

80. Travel South-East and return to Hianu’s Camp. Go to Lostes. Turn in the quest, “Lostes, the Braggart” 81. Travel East into the Frillneck Woods at Step 81. Kill 12 Giant Rakeclaw Frillnecks. Travel to the North-East end of the Frillneck Woods and kill Tiny Arachnas to collect 1 Arachna Poison Sac. 82. Travel West and return to Illos (Step 55). Turn in the quest, “Collecting Poison Sacs” 83. Use your Return Ability. 84. Go to Leto. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Frillneck Hunt” Update the Campaign quest, “Trandila’s Eggs” 85. Enter the Chapel. Go to Santenius. Accept the quest, “Stolen Village Seal” 86. Exit the Chapel and go to Naia, who roams around the village. Accept the quest, “Stolen Jewelry”

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87. Travel to the South-West end of Tolbas Village. Go to Eradis. Turn in the quest, “A Special Omelet” 88. Travel North-East to Hanontus. Accept the quest, “Gift to a Pilgrim” 89. Travel North-West to Cannon. Accept the quest, “Missing Poppy” 90. Exit Tolbas Village, travel North, and return to Step 68. Right-Click the Item Stack. Update the quest, “Stolen Village Seal”

Item Stack

91. Go to Gaphyrk, North-East of the Item Stack. Turn in the quest, “Stolen Village Seal” Accept the follow up quest, “Gaphyrk’s Love” 92. Kill the Dukaki Tracker that roams up the hill to Gaphyrk’s cage. Travel East to the bottom of the hill where Mimiti is. Attack her and coax her up the hill to Gaphyrk’s cage. Hit her every 20 meters or so to keep her chasing you, but do not kill her. Once she reaches the cage, a cut-scene will occur. Go to Gaphyrk. Turn in the quest, “Gaphyrk’s Love” Accept the follow up quest, “Village Seal Found” 93. Go back to the Item Stack and Right-Click it. Update the quest, “Village Seal Found”

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94. Exit Tolbas Village and travel North-East to Step 94 inside the Dukaki Settlement. Kill Tursin Bigmouths to collect 1 Bell Strike Rod. 95. Travel North-East to Step 95. Right-Click the Dukaki Alarm. Overseer Barbarti will spawn and instantly attack you. Kill her and collect the Odium Solvent. Then run to the top of the cliff where three massive cauldrons are (South of the Dukaki Alarm). Right-Click and use the Odium Solvent.

Dukaki Alarm

96. Jump off of the cliff to the South and Glide to Step 96. Kill Dukaki Bruisers to collect Naia’s Bracelect, kill Dukaki Watchers to collect Naia’s Necklace, and kill Kobold Cooks to collect Naia’s Ring. 97. You should see Poppy, a porgus (pig). Go to Poppy. Update the quest, “Missing Poppy” 98. Escort Poppy South-West back to Cannon in Tolbas Village. Cannon is West when you cross the bridge and enter Tolbas Village. Poppy moves very slow and you must do the same. If you outrun him he will despawn and you will have to go back and escort him again. I strongly recommend not Gliding at all while escorting. Turn in the quest, “Missing Poppy” 99. Travel West to Leto. Update the Campaign quest, “Odium in the Dukaki Settlement” 100. Enter the Chapel. Go to Santenius. Turn in the quest, “Village Seal Found”

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101. Exit the Chapel and go to Naia, who roams around Tolbas Village. Turn in the quest, “Stolen Jewelry” 102. Exit Tolbas Village and travel South-East to Lepios (Step 56). Accept the quest, “Contaminated Samples” 103. Travel into the Frillneck Woods and collect 10 Contaminated Fluid Samples by killing Giant Rakeclaw Frillnecks, Glade Plumas or Venemous Arachnas. Also, search the Frillneck Woods for Trandila and kill it. It is a harder mob than normal and will require all of your class’ tricks, your DP Skill, and maybe potions. 104. Return to Lepios (Step 56). Turn in the quest, “Contaminated Samples” 105. Use your Return Ability. 106. Go to Leto. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Trandila’s Eggs” 107. Go to Abolos, South of the Chapel. Accept the quest, “Lightningfoot Tuka” 108. Exit Tolbas Village and travel North to Step 108. Stand parallel to the path and face North-West. Every few minutes, a kobold named Lightningfoot Tuka comes running down the path in your direction. Your job is to kill him. The difficult part is that he runs continuously and will not stop. Once you see him, use everything you can to root, snare, and kill him. 109. Return to Abolos in Tolbas Village. Turn in the quest, “Lightningfoot Tuka” ***You have acquired the title, Bottled Lightning*** 110. Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. Go to the General Store and purchase 5 more Verteron Citadel Return Scrolls. 111. Enter the Headquarters. Go to Spatalos. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Odium in the Dukaki Settlement” Update the Campaign quest, “A Nest of Lepharists” 112. Exit the Headquarters. Go to Mairon, who is West of the Fountain. Accept the quest, “An Antidote for Roseino” 113. Go to Enia, next to Mairon. Accept the quest, “Alteno’s Wedding Ring”

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114. Exit Verteron Citadel and travel West to Step 114. Collect Alteno’s Wedding Ring from the Jewel Box.

Jewel Box

115. Travel East and return to Verteron Citadel. Go to Alteno next to the North-East Entrance. Turn in the quest, “Alteno’s Wedding Ring” 116. Exit Verteron Citadel and travel North-East to Tolbas Village. Exit Tolbas Village and travel North-East along the path through the Dukaki Mine to Step 116 at the Zumion Ruins. To the South-West you should notice a Headless Stone Statue. Right-Click it. Accept the quest, “Headless Stone Statue”

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117. Travel slightly East into the other water pit and collect the Head of Stone Statue.

Head of Stone Statue

118. Return to the Headless Stone Statue. Turn in the quest, “Headless Stone Statue” 119. Travel South along the path through the Zumion Canyon to Step 119. Go to Anasia. Turn in the quest, “Gift to a Pilgrim” Accept the quest, “Soporific Mushroom” 120. Go to Dronoa, next to Anasia. Accept the quest, “Pilgrim in Trouble”

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121. Travel East and then South along the path and back killing Mountain Abex and Ferocious Condors. Collect 3 Abex Hind Legs and 5 Condor Breast Meats. Also, collect 5 Soporific Mushrooms from inside the cave.

Soporific Mushrooms

122. Return to Anasia (Step 119). Turn in the quest, “Soporific Mushroom” 123. Go to Dronoa. Turn in the quest, “Pilgrim in Trouble” 124. Travel South through the Zumion Canyon to Step 124 in the Contaminated Swamp. Go to Roseino. Turn in the quest, “An Antidote for Roseino” Accept the quest, “Ribbit Blood” 125. Travel just North-East and kill Mud Ribbits to collect 5 Ribbit Bloods. 126. Return to Roseino (Step 124). Turn in the quest, “Ribbit Blood” 127. Grind to Level 16. 128. Go to Roseino (Step 124). Accept the quest, “Slaying Slimes” Accept the quest, “Swamp Plant Samples”

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129. Go to Meliodas, next to Roseino. Accept the quest, “Violent Plumas” Accept the quest, “Mysterious Stones” 130. If you were able to purchase your skill manuals for Level 16 earlier, then continue on. If not, Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll, go to the General Store and purchase a replacement Verteron Citadel Return Scroll, exit the General Store and purchase a Teleport to Sanctum, travel South-East and enter the Lyceum, and go to your class trainer and purchase your skill manuals for Level 16. Then use your Return Ability and travel back to Roseino (Step 124). 131. Jump off the cliff to the North of Roseino and Glide down below. Kill 12 Tainted Swamp Slimes and collect 7 Swamp Plant Roots. Beware of Poisonous Bubblegut. Once you have cleared a decent area around the lake, you can attempt to kill it. The strategy to use to defeat it will depend on which class you are playing. But basically, use everything physically possible to defeat it. Most of the time, it will have an incredibly annoying buff that decreases all damage it takes by a ton. You can remove this, but it is only temporary. You have two potions called Slime Immunity Medicines. You must be very close to Poisonous Bubblegut for this to strip its buff. If you do strip the buff, go all out before it recasts it. However you can, defeat it. Afterwards, Kato will spawn by its corpse. If you run out of Slime Immunity Medicines, return to Geolus and he will give you 2 more.

Swamp Plant Roots

132. Go to Kato. Update the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” 133. Return to Roseino (Step 124). Turn in the quest, “Slaying Slimes” Turn in the quest, “Swamp Plant Samples”

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134. Travel South to Step 134 at Pilgrim’s Respite. Go to Ibion. Accept the quest, “Kalgolem’s Essence” 135. Exit Pilgrim’s Respite and travel East through Altamia Ridge. If it is night time in game, you will have to wait until day time to kill the Contaminated Plumas. If it is day time in game, wander all over Altamia Ridge to kill 9 Contaminated Plumas, kill Broken Rock Kalgolems to collect 8 Kalgolem’s Essences, and collect 7 Mysterious Stone fragments. Go to Eninte at Step 135. If it is night time, kill Broken Rock Kalgolems to collect 8 Kalgolem’s Essences, collect 7 Mysterious Stone fragments and then kill Ancient Elysean Spirits until it is day time and you can do the other two tasks. Accept the quest, “Eninte’s Request”

Mysterious Stone Fragment

136. Travel South-West back to Pilgrim’s Respite (Step 134). Go to Ibion. Turn in the quest, “Kalgolem’s Essence” 137. Go to Vascus. Turn in the quest, “Mysterious Stones” 138. Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. 139. Enter the Headquarters. Go to Spatalos. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Source of the Pollution” 140. Exit the Headquarters. Go to William outside of the Headquarters. Accept the quest, ”Arachna Antidote” 141. Go to Urakron, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Sanctum.

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142. Travel South-West to Thersites (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Eninte’s Request” Accept the follow up quest, “Eninte” 143. Use your Return Ability. 144. Travel South to Illos (Step 55). Update the quest, “Arachna Antidote” 145. Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. 146. Go to Mirdiena, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Pilgrim’s Respite. 147. Travel North-East to Roseino (Step 124). Turn in the quest, “Arachna Antidote” 148. Go to Meliodas. Turn in the quest, “Violent Plumas” 149. Travel South-West and return to Pilgrim’s Respite (Step 134). On the way, grind to Level 17. 150. Go to Ibion. Accept the quest, “Dispelling Ancient Spirits” 151. Go to Vascus. Accept the quest, “Tribute to the Temple” 152. Exit Pilgrim’s Respite to the North-East into the Altamia Ridge. Kill things until it turns to night time. Kill 10 Ancient Elysean Spirits. Go to Step 135 and kill Eninte. 153. Travel South-West and return to Pilgrim’s Respite (Step 134). Go to Ibion. Turn in the quest, “Dispelling Ancient Spirits” 154. Exit Pilgrim’s Respite and travel South-West along the path to the Holy Ground of Miraju. As you pass through the blue gate, look to the South-West and notice a building on top of the giant tree in the center of the lake. Fly to Step 154 at the Ardus Shrine. Go to Lunax (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Held Sacred” Turn in the quest, “Tribute to the Temple” 155. Go to Anontrite. Accept the quest, “Dampening Spirits”

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156. Grind to Level 18. 157. Once 18, travel to the Ardus Shrine (Step 154). Go to Lunax. Accept the quest, “Unquiet Spirits” 158. Go to Morai. Accept the quest, “Message from Morai” 159. Go to Cerios. Accept the quest, “Investigating Wind Spirits” 160. Fly down to the ground directly below you into the water. Kill 6 Aqueous Spirits. 161. Fly back up to Lunax (Step 154). Turn in the quest, “Unquiet Spirits” 162. Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. 163. Enter the Chapel and go to Selene. Accept the quest, “An Urgent Letter” 164. Exit the Chapel and enter the Headquarters. Go to Hyacinte. Turn in the quest, “Investigating Wind Spirits” 165. Exit the Headquarters and go to Mirdiena, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Verteron Aetheric Field Observatory. 166. Travel slightly North-East to Phorcys. Accept the quest, “Flotsam” 167. Travel slightly North-East to Gen. Accept the quest, “Saving the Snappers” 168. Travel East to the Obelisk and bind yourself. Continue East to Notos. Turn in the quest, “Message from Morai” 169. Go to Zephyros, next to Notos. Accept the quest, “Potcrab, the Headache” 170. Enter the Observatory and go to Khidia at the top. Turn in the quest, “An Urgent Letter” Accept the quest, “Shipwreck Revolutionaries” Update the Campaign quest, “A Nest of Lepharists” (Be sure to do this last!)

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171. You will be turned into a parrot. Exit the Observatory and travel North-West to Step 171. Travel up the rocks and ramps to the boat. Then travel inside the boat and down the stairs into the Captain’s Room. After the cut-scene, run away from the boat until the Lepharist Revolutionaries stop chasing you. 172. Travel South-East to Step 172. Collect 1 Lepharists’ Orders by killing Shipwrecked Crewmember. Then kill Sand Potcrabs to collect 7 Sharp Pincers, kill 12 Sea Starturtles, and destroy 12 Abandoned Cargoes. In some (in my case all but 2) Abandoned Cargoes, a monster will be hiding and will attack, in others the box will simply just be destroyed by dealing 1 damage. 173. Travel South-East and return to the Observatory. Go to Phorcys. Turn in the quest, “Flotsam” 174. Travel slightly North-East to Gen. Turn in the quest, “Saving the Snappers” 175. Travel East to Zephyros. Turn in the quest, “Potcrab, the Headache” 176. Enter the Observatory and go to Khidia at the top. Update the Campaign quest, “A Nest of Lepharists” Turn in the quest, “Shipwreck Revolutionaries” 177. Grind to level 19. 178. Once Level 19, wait until it is day time and use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. If it is not daytime yet, keep grinding until it is. 179. Enter the Headquarters. Go to Spatalos. Accept the quest, “Verteron Reinforcements” 180. Exit the Headquarters and go to Stone, who is in front of the Fountain. Accept the quest, “Numonerk’s Demand Note” 181. Travel North-East to Supervisor Numonerk. Update the quest, “Numonerk’s Demand Note” 182. Go to Urakron, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Sanctum. 183. Travel South-West to Thersites (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Eninte”

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184. Travel South-East and take the elevator to the Protectors’ Hall. Go to your class trainer. Purchase your skill manuals for Level 19. Go to the second floor. Go to Lavirintos. Update the quest, “Verteron Reinforcements” 185. Take the elevator down and exit the Protectors’ Hall. Travel South into the Library of the Sages. Travel South-West to Xenophon. Update the quest, “Verteron Reinforcements” 186. Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. 187. Enter the Headquarters and go to Spatalos. Turn in the quest, “Verteron Reinforcements” 188. Use your Return Ability. 189. Travel West to Une. Turn in the quest, “Numonerk’s Demand Note” Accept the follow up quest, “Lepharist Treasure Box” 190. Travel North-West back to the Shipwreck (Step 171). Board and enter the boat. Clear your way to the Captain’s Room and kill Captain Kinsgreen to collect Kinsgreen’s Orders. He is guarded by two Shipwreck Deck Hands and is relatively difficult by himself. The best way to defeat him is to either go all out on him, loot, and run away; or attempt to split him from the other two and kill him alone. However you can, kill him. Once you kill him and clear his room, collect the two Lepharist Treasure Boxes in there. Wait for the first to respawn and collect it again. Then exit the boat and travel South-East back to the Observatory.

Lepharist Treasure Box

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191. Go to Une. Turn in the quest, “Lepharist Treasure Box” Accept the follow up quest, “A Secret Delivery” 192. Enter the Observatory and go to Khidia at the top. Update the Campaign quest, “A Nest of Lepharists” 193. Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. 194. Enter the Headquarters. Go to Spatalos. Turn in the Campaign quest, “A Nest of Lepharists” 195. Exit the Headquarters and go to Supervisor Numonerk (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “A Secret Delivery” 196. Go to Urakron, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Eltnen. 197. Go to Onesimus. Accept the quest, “A Teleportation Experiment” 198. Travel North-East and enter the Fortress. Go to Prorite. Accept the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 199. Travel South-East and enter the Swords and Boards Shop. Go to Krato. Update the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 200. Exit the Swords and Boards Shop and go to Hebestis. Update the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 201. Travel to second floor and go to Benos. Update the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 202. Travel North-East and go to Telemachus. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Orders from Telemachus” Turn in the quest, “Orders from Telemachus” 203. Go to Aurelius, next to Telemachus. Update the Campaign quest, “The Manduri’s Secret” 204. Travel South-West and go to Diokles. Update the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 205. Go to the Obelisk and bind yourself.

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206. Travel North-East and go to Sonirim. Update the quest, “A Teleportation Experiment” (Pick any of the 3 and be teleported to Morheim) 207. Use your Return Ability. 208. Return to Sonirim. Turn in the quest, “A Teleportation Experiment” 209. Enter the Chapel and go to Gaia. Accept the quest, “Violent Pluma” 210. Go to Clio, next to Gaia. Accept the quest, “The Manduri Problem” 211. Travel to first floor. Go to Tuskeos. Update the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 212. Travel North-West and enter the Apothecary. Go to Girrinerk. Update the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 213. Exit the Apothecary and exit the Fortress. Travel North-West to the Grocery and General Store. Go to Shaoranyerk. Update the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 214. Exit the Grocery and General Store and travel South-East to the Broker. Go to Arnesonerk. Turn in the quest, “A Secret Delivery” Update the quest, “Prorite’s Money” 215. Exit the Broker and travel North-West to the Fortress. Enter and go to Prorite. Turn in the quest, “Prorite’s Money” ***You have acquired the title, Patient*** 216. Exit the Fortress and Fly down from Eltnen Fortress to the ground directly below. Go to Phomona at Step 216. Update the Campaign quest, “A Ruler’s Duty” Turn in the quest, “The Manduri Problem” 217. Go to Zelaka, next to Phonoma. Accept the quest, “An Elim out Of Water” 218. Kill Crimsontail Plumas to collect 9 Pluma Tail Feathers.

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219. Fly up to Eltnen Fortress. Enter the Fortress and travel to the second floor. Go to Gaia. Turn in the quest, “Violent Pluma” Accept the follow up quest, “Nature’s Balance” 220. Fly down from Eltnen Fortress to the ground and travel North to Step 220. Go to Lano. Accept the quest, “Bait and Switch” 221. Roam around Eltnen Fortress and kill 10 Armored Sparkles, kill Web Crasaurs to collect 5 Crasaur Fins, and kill Hooked Sylphens to collect 3 Sylphen Tails. 222. Return to Lano (Step 220). Turn in the quest, “Bait and Switch” 223. Fly up to Eltnen Fortress. Enter the Fortress and travel to the second floor. Enter the Chapel and go to Gaia. Turn in the quest, “Nature’s Balance” 224. Exit the Fortress and Fly down to the ground. Travel West to Step 224. Go to Demro. Update the Campaign quest, “A Ruler’s Duty” 225. Go to Virdi, next to Demro. Update the quest, “An Elim out Of Water” 226. Grind to Level 20 227. Travel East and return to Eltnen Fortress. Fly up and go to Onesimus, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Sanctum. 228. Travel South-East and enter the Lyceum. Go to Jucleas (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness”

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229. Exit the Lyceum and travel South-West to the Airship Dock. Wait for the flying boat. Board it and travel on it to the Outer Dock. Get off of the flying boat and travel East. Enter the Dionysia Tavern. Go to Ludina (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness”

Airship Dock

230. Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. 231. Go to Mirdiena, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Pilgrim’s Respite. Travel South-East to Alrunta (blue arrow on map) at the Holy Ground of Miraju. Turn in the quest, “An Elim out Of Water” 232. Fly up to the Ardus Shrine. Go to Morai (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness” (You will be teleported) 233. Go to Icaronix. Update the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness” (You will automatically Fly to another area)

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234. Right-Click Icaronix’ Box in front of you. Go to Ecus. Update the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness” 235. You will receive a Stigma Stone in your inventory and your Stigma Tab will automatically open. Left-Click and drag the Stigma Stone into one of the two darker squares in the Stigma Tab and click ‘Ok’. You have just equipped a Stigma Stone. Now open your Skills Window and at the very bottom of the Active Tab will be your Stigma Skill. You can place this on your Quickbar to use. 236. Go to Ecus. Update the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness” (You will ambushed. Defend yourself and then you will be teleported) 237. Go to Morai. Update the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness” 238. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 239. Exit the Fortress and go to Onesimus, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Sanctum. 240. Travel South-East to the Teleport Statue in front of the Hall of Prosperity. Purchase a Teleport to the Library of the Sages. Travel North and take the elevator to the Protectors’ Hall. Go to the second floor. Go to Lavirintos. Update the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness” 241. Go to the first floor and go to Orphe. Turn in the Campaign quest, “A Sliver of Darkness” 242. In order to equip a Stigma Stone, you must do it through a Stigma Master. Talk to them to Equip or Remove a Stigma Stone. The price is Stigma Shards.

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Eltnen and Theobomos (20-25)

Map of Eltnen (Elyos Levels 20-25)

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Map of Theobomos (Elyos Levels 20-25)

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Grind Spots Solo Grinding Spots 1. Level 20-22: (XP1) Kill Grove Vespines Good for all classes 2. Level 22-25: (XP2) Kill Desert Crestliches They are non aggressive and do not assist each other, but run away if you get too close to them before engaging. Use a ranged ability to attack them first. Also, there is a set of 3 roaming Desert Crestliches that spawn West of the location against the cliff. Make sure to kill them each time as soon as they spawn. As you kill one, the other 2 will wait until that one is dead. Quickly recover and then engage another causing the last one to wait. Finally, kill the last one. It is an easy way to get 3 of them without moving at all. After they are dead, kill the 3 others around the location until the roaming 3 spawn again. Good for all classes 3. Level 23-25: (XP3) Kill Snapping Spiners Pick one set and kill all 3 and then kill the other set of 3 after. Once all 6 are dead, you should have about 30 seconds to rest before they begin respawning. Attempt to time your resting after all 6 are dead so that you can spend the 30 seconds resting instead of simply waiting. Good for all classes

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Group Quests Recommended Level for Completion: Level 19 “Chasing a Criminal” (Given by Lityerses South of the Dionysia Tavern in Sanctum) Go to Amus inside the Swords and Boards Shop at Akarios Village in Poeta Go to Jenel at the Verteron Observatory in Verteron Go to Crios at the Meniherk Excavation Union Camp in Theobomos

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Recommended Level for Completion: Level 23 “Wicked Thief Kelaino” (Given by Crios after “Chasing a Criminal”) Go to Gojirunerk Go to Hecuba Go to Crios “A Cursed Thief” (Given by Crios after “Wicked Thief Kelaino”) Collect Kelaino’s Necklace by killing Weeping Kelaino at G1 Go to Crios “Wanted: Fork Ear Rokes” (Given by the Wanted Sign at the Meniherk Excavation Union Camp in Theobomos) Collect Roks’ Necklace by killing Fork Ear Rokes at G2 Go to Crios “Wanted: Black Widow” (Given by the Wanted Sign at the Meniherk Excavation Union Camp in Theobomos) Collect Sinis’ Hair by killing Sinis the Black Widow at G3 Go to Crios “Eliminating a Suspect” (Given by Yadamonerk after “Relics Left Behind”) Kill Hamerun the Leech at G4 Go to Yadamonerk

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Spy Quests You can infiltrate Asmodae by using the Rifts below located in Eltnen. Asmodae is obviously Asmodian territory, so be prepared to face some PvP situations if you opt to complete these quests.

Map for Eltnen’s Rifts

Map for Morheim’s Spy Quests (Elyos Levels 20-25)

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Recommended Level for Completion: Level 22 “Plant Poison Antidote” (Given by Celestine at Step 12 in Eltnen) Collect 1 Poison Sting of Vespine by killing Queen Vespine

Locations for Queen Vespine

Collect 3 Purple Membranes by killing Mud Ribbits (Use Verteron Fortress Return Scroll and purchase a Flight to Pilgrim’s Shelter)

Location for Mud Ribbits

Go to Celestine

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“Celestine’s Antidote” (Given by Celestine at Step 12 in Eltnen) Collect 3 Arachna Poison Glands by killing Shade Arachnas at S1 Go to Celestine “A Teleportation Adventure” (Given by Onesimus in Eltnen Fortress) Go to Sonirim Collect 3 Earth Essences by killing Moss Spirits at Step 10 in Eltnen Go to Sonirim (Choose any place) Go to Sonirim

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1. Travel to Eltnen if you are not there already. 2. Go to Tran, next to the Teleporter. Accept the quest, “A Package for Crios” 3. Enter the fortress and go to Ferenna. Accept the quest, “Ferenna’s Test” 4. Travel to the second floor and enter the Chapel. Go to Diomedes (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Sataloca’s Heart” 5. Exit the Chapel and travel to the first floor. Take the elevator from inside the fortress to the ground below. Go to Archelaos. Accept the quest, “Stolen Goods” 6. Go to Androkles, next to Archelaos. Accept the quest, “The Frillneck Threat” Accept the quest, “Cleansing the Forest” 7. Travel South to Step 7 and go to Phomona. Accept the quest, “Seeds of Restoration” 8. Collect 10 Lipinium Crystals by killing any of the mobs surrounding Eltnen Fortress. 9. Exit Eltnen Fortress and travel West to XPSpot1. Kill 7 Grove Vespines. 10. Travel West to Step 10. Kill 7 Moss Spirits to the West of the location. Then kill 11 Hissing Frillnecks to the South of the location. 11. Travel South to Step 11. Collect 1 Jewel Ring by killing Manduri Gatherers and 1 Clothing Package by killing Manduri Hunters. Continue killing Manduri Gatherers and Manduri Hunters until you have killed a total of 6. 12. Travel South-East to Step 12 and go to Iandeus. Turn in the quest, “Seeds of Restoration” Accept the follow up quest, “A Germ of Hope”

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13. Travel slightly South-West to the Fertile Soil and Right-Click it.

Fertile Soil

14. Travel slightly North-East and return to Iandeus (Step 12). Turn in the quest, “A Germ of Hope” Accept the follow up quest, “Hopeful Delivery” 15. Use your Return Ability. 16. Enter the Headquarters and go to Aureluis (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “The Manduri’s Secret” 17. Exit the Headquarters and travel to the first floor. Go to Ferenna (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Ferenna’s Test” 18. Take the elevator from inside the fortress to the ground below. Go to Archelaos. Update the Campaign quest, “The Manduri’s Secret” Turn in the quest, “Stolen Goods” Accept the follow up quest, “Wily Kundu” 19. Go to Androkles, next to Archelaos. Turn in the quest, “The Frillneck Threat” Turn in the quest, “Cleansing the Forest” 20. Travel South-West to Phomona (Step 7). Turn in the quest, “Hopeful Delivery”

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21. Travel West and exit Eltnen Fortress and then travel South-East to Step 21. Right-Click the Paper Glider. Update the Campaign quest, “The Manduri’s Secret”

Paper Glider

22. Directly to the East of the Paper Glider is Wily Kundu inside a destroyed building. Kill Wily Kundu. 23. Directly to the North-West of Wily Kundu is a small building. Clear the Manduri Fighter inside the building and then go to Melginie. Before you update the quest, make sure that you are ready; upon updating you will have to escort. Update the Campaign quest, “The Manduri’s Secret” 24. Escort Melginie outside of the Manduri fort and travel North-West to Celestine (Step 12). Update the Campaign quest, “The Manduri’s Secret” 25. Travel North-East and return to Eltnen Fortress. Go to Archelaos (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Wily Kundu” 26. Take the elevator up into the fortress. Then travel to the second floor and enter the Headquarters. Go to Aurelius. Turn in the Campaign quest, “The Manduri’s Secret” 27. Grind to Level 21. 28. Use your Return Ability.

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29. Enter the Headquarters and go to Valerius. Update the Campaign quest, “Disappearing Aether” 30. Exit Eltnen Fortress traveling West. Then travel South-East and go to Celestine (Step 12). Accept the quest, “Preservering Forest Soil” 31. Go to Iandeus, next to Celestine. Accept the quest, “Violent Frillneck” Accept the quest, “The Manduri Polluters” 32. Roam around the area (Manduri Forest) and kill 5 Stoneskull Monitors, 12 Piercing Vespines, and 7 Sawtooth Frillnecks. They are all basically found randomly scattered throughout. For killing the Stoneskull Monitors, kill the 2 behind Celestine and Iandeus repeatedly, as the rest of them are far North in the Putrid Mire. 33. Travel to Step 21. Kill 6 Manduri Looters and 6 Manduri Fighters. 34. Travel West and return to Celestine (Step 12). Turn in the quest, “Preservering Forest Soil” 35. Go to Iandeus, next to Celestine. Turn in the quest, “Violent Frillneck” Turn in the quest, “The Manduri Polluters” 36. Use your Return Ability. 37. Exit the fortress and go to Onesimus, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Theobomos. 38. Go directly South to Crios. Turn in the quest, “A Package for Crios” 39. Go to Gogirunerk, next to Crios. Accept the quest, “Pests Among the Vegetables” 40. Travel directly West and go to Yadamonerk. Accept the quest, “Unearthing the Truth” 41. Go to Guruminerk, next to Yadamonerk. Update the quest, “Unearthing the Truth” 42. Travel directly South and go to Ankises. Accept the quest, “Agrint Afire”

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43. Travel North and go to Lianminerk (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “Unearthing the Truth” 44. Travel South and go to Tiesansanerk (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “Unearthing the Truth” 45. Travel directly North and go to Yadamonerk. Turn in the quest, “Unearthing the Truth” Accept the follow up quest, “Kerubar Interference” 46. Travel North and go to Lianminerk. Accept the quest, “Relics Left Behind” 47. Travel South and exit Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp. Then travel West to Step 47. Kill 11 Stinking Clodworms along the path to the West. 48. Travel South to Step 48 and kill 7 Wasteland Gorgons. 49. Travel East to Step 49. Collect 7 Ancient Relics. They come in the form of pottery and columns. Also, kill 5 Kerubar Workers and 7 Kerubian Bandits. Be careful, as they will call for help at low health. Kill each one away from the others.

Ancient Relics

50. Travel South to Step 50 and go to Tartagan. Update the quest, “Agrint Afire”

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51. Travel North and return to Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp and go to Ankises (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Agrint Afire” 52. Go to Yadamonerk (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Kerubar Interference” Accept the follow up quest, “The Shugo Fugitive” 53. Travel North and go to Lianminerk (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Relics Left Behind” 54. Travel West and go to Hecuba (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “The Shugo Fugitive” 55. Travel South-East and go to Gogirunerk (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Pests Among the Vegetables” 56. Exit Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp and travel South-West to Step 56. Right-Click Shugo’s Corpse. Update the quest, “The Shugo Fugitive”

Shugo’s Corpse

57. Travel North-East and return to Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp. Go to Yadamonerk (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “The Shugo Fugitive” 58. Use your Return Ability.

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59. Grind to Level 22. 60. Use your Return Ability. 61. Exit the fortress and go to Onesimus, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Sanctum. 62. Travel South-East and enter the Lyceum. Go to your class trainer and purchase your skill manuals for Level 22. 63. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 64. Exit Eltnen Fortress and travel South-West to Celestine (Step 12). Accept the quest, “Dirty Chindu” 65. Travel East to Step 65 and kill Dirty Chindu. He roams through the pathway there; just wait for him to come around. 66. Travel West and return to Celestine (Step 12). Turn in the quest, “Dirty Chindu” 67. Travel North-West to Demro (Step 67). Accept the quest, “Revenge of the Elim” 68. Go to Virdi, next to Demro. Accept the quest, “Scourge of the Elim” 69. Travel just North to Step 69 and collect 10 Kerubian Horns by killing Kerubian Gatherers and Kerubian Fighters. 70. Roam around the Putrid Mire and kill 10 Swamp Slimes. 71. Travel South and return to Demro (Step 67). Turn in the quest, “Revenge of the Elim” 72. Go to Virdi, next to Demro. Turn in the quest, “Scourge of the Elim” Accept the follow up quest, “Plague of the Elim” 73. Travel North and roam the Putrid Mire to kill 10 Marshland Mudthorns. 74. Travel South and return to Virdi (Step 67). Turn in the quest, “Plague of the Elim”

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75. Travel North-West to Step 75. Right-Click the Jewel Box. Accept the quest, “Lost Jewel Box”

Jewel Box

76. Go to Lodas. Update the Campaign quest, “A Ruler’s Duty” Update the quest, “Lost Jewel Box” Accept the quest, “Kurin Hunt” 77. Travel North to Step 77 and kill 12 Wasteland Kurins. 78. Travel North-East to Step 78 and collect the Kerubian Bucket.

Kerubian Bucket

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79. Travel slightly North-West to Step 79 and Right-Click the Kerubian Bucket from your inventory while in front of the waterfall. 80. Travel South-West and return to Lodas (Step 75). Update the Campaign quest, “A Ruler’s Duty” Turn in the quest, “Kurin Hunt” Accept the follow up quest, “The Elim Tragedy” 81. Travel North to Step 77 and kill 13 Dried Gnarls. You can find them scattered around the desert. 82. Return to Lodas (Step 75). Turn in the quest, “The Elim Tragedy” 83. Travel North-West to Step 83 and go to Kimeia. Before you update the quest, be sure that you are ready to mass murder drakes in 3 minutes. As soon you update the quest, you will have 3 minutes to kill as many Acheron Drakes as you can. Use food, potions, scrolls, your DP ability, and anything else you can. The Acheron Drakes are harder than normal mobs and the more you kill at least 3. Update the Campaign quest, “Sataloca’s Heart” 84. After the 3 minutes, return to Kimeia (Step 83). Update the Campaign quest, “Sataloca’s Heart” 85. Travel South-East and go to Demro (Step 67). Update the Campaign quest, “A Ruler’s Duty” 86. Travel South-West to Step 86. Go to Lakaias. Update the Campaign quest, “Disappearing Aether” 87. Go to Justachys, inside of the small building. Turn in the quest, “Lost Jewel Box” 88. Go to the Obelisk. Bind yourself.

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89. Travel South-West to Step 89 and Right-Click the Destroyed Artifact.

Destroyed Artifact

90. Travel North-East and return to Lakaias (Step 86). Update the Campaign quest, “Disappearing Aether” 91. Travel slightly South-West and collect 5 Revolutionary Symbols by killing Ancient Caryatids. 92. Travel North-East and return to Lakaias (Step 86). Update the Campaign quest, “Disappearing Aether” 93. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 94. Enter the Chapel and go to Diomedes. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Sataloca’s Heart” 95. Exit the Chapel and enter the Headquarters. Go to Valerius. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Disappearing Aether” 96. Exit the fortress and travel North-West into the Grocery and General Store. Purchase 3 Eltnen Fortress Return Scrolls from the General Goods Merchant. 97. Exit the Grocery and General Store and Fly down to the ground. Then go to Phomona (Step 7). Turn in the Campaign quest, “A Ruler’s Duty” 98. Grind to Level 23.

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99. Travel North-East to Lodas (Step 75). Accept the quest, “A Feast for Phomona” 100. Travel North to Step 100. Collect 4 Kurin Feet by killing Reckless Kurins. 101. Travel South to Step 101. Roam around and collect 4 Basilisk Fins by killing Mottled Basilisks. 102. Travel North-East and return to Lodas (Step 75). Turn in the quest, “A Feast for Phomona” 103. Go to Harumonerk (He is either at Step 75 or Step 141 depending on the time of day). Accept the quest, “Harumonerk’s Request” Accept the quest, “Balaur Bones” 104. Travel West to Step 104. Collect 1 Dragon’s Skull, 3 Dragon’s Ribs, and 2 Dragon’s Leg Bones. They are scattered close to the location.

Dragon’s Skull, Ribs, and Leg Bone

105. Return to Harumonerk (He is either at Step 75 or Step 141 depending on the time of day). Turn in the quest, “Balaur Bones” 106. Use your Return Ability. 107. Go to Herodes. Update the quest, “Harumonerk’s Request” Accept the quest, “Killing Crestliches”

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108. Travel North-West to Step 108 and kill 7 Redthroat Crestliches. 109. Travel West to XPSpot2 and kill 14 Desert Crestliches. 110. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 111. Exit the fortress and go to Onesimus, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Theobomos. 112. Travel West and go to Chaurinrinerk. Accept the quest, “A Hair-Raising Sound” 113. Travel South and go to Yadamonerk. Accept the quest, “A Clue Left by the Dead” 114. Travel South-East and go to Talos by the tree. Accept the quest, “Preparing a New Site” 115. Exit Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp and travel South to Tartagan (Step 50). Accept the quest, “Suffering Elim” 116. Travel South to Step 116 and kill 11 Flame Basilisks. 117. Return to Tartagan (Step 50). Turn in the quest, “Suffering Elim” Accept the follow up quest, “Free from Suffering” 118. Roam the area to the South of Tartagan and collect 20 Seeds of Life by killing Thin Branch Agrints and Burnt Branch Rotrons. 119. Return to Tartagan (Step 50). Turn in the quest, “Free from Suffering” 120. Travel West to Step 120. Roam around the location and kill 11 Wounded Ghosts. They are invisible until they attack you; so basically run around aimlessly until you hear the attack noise and then stop and kill them. 121. Travel West to Step 121 and collect 1 The Rest of the Letter by killing Kerubar Loot Grabber and Kerubian Sentinels. 122. Travel North-West to Step 122 and kill 11 Avaricious Zombies. 123. Return to Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp and go to Talos (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Preparing a New Site”

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124. Travel West and go to Yadamonerk (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “A Clue Left by the Dead” 125. Travel North-West and go to Hecuba (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “A Clue Left by the Dead” 126. Return to Yadamonerk. Turn in the quest, “A Clue Left by the Dead” 127. Use your Return Ability. 128. Go to Herodes. Turn in the quest, “Killing Crestliches” 129. Grind to Level 24. 130. Travel North-West and go to Harumonerk (He is either at Step 75 or Step 141 depending on the time of day). Accept the quest, “A Lepharist Box” 131. Travel South-East and go to Demro (Step 67). Accept the quest, “Helping Memnes” 132. Travel South and go to Novan (Step 86). Accept the quest, “Spiner Pincers” 133. Travel West to Step 133. Roam South and then back North through the ravine and collect 15 Plump Pincers by killing Snapping Spiner.

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134. Travel North to Step 134. Wait until the path is clear and you can run in, Right-Click A Lepharist Box and collect the Stolen Box of Lepharist.

A Lepharist Box

135. Travel South to the Refugee Camp at Step 135. Go to Ernia. Update the quest, “Harumonerk’s Request” 136. Go to Chiyorinrinerk (She is either at Step 135 or Step 136 depending on the time of day). Turn in the quest, “Harumonerk’s Request” Accept the follow up quest, “Chiyorinrinerk’s Request” 137. Use your Return Ability. 138. Go to Novan. Turn in the quest, “Spiner Pincers” 139. Travel East and go to Taera (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “Chiyorinrinerk’s Request” 140. Travel West and go to Telamone (Step 86). Update the quest, “Chiyorinrinerk’s Request” 141. Travel West to Step 141 and go to Alexis. Turn in the quest, “A Lepharist Box” 142. Go to Sandinas. Update the quest, “Chiyorinrinerk’s Request”

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143. Go to Harumonerk (He is either at Step 75 or Step 141 depending on the time of day). Turn in the quest, “Chiyorinrinerk’s Request” 144. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 145. Travel to the first floor and go to Malonimus. Update the Campaign quest, “Kaidan Prisoner” Accept the quest, “Confidential Orders” 146. Exit the fortress and go to Memnes. Update the quest, “Helping Memnes” 147. Go to Onesimus, the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Sanctum. 148. Travel South-West to the General Goods Merchant and purchase 3 Sanctum Return Scroll. Then travel North to the Teleport Statue. Teleport to the Library of the Sages. Enter the Library of the Sages and go to Coeus (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “Helping Memnes” 149. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 150. Exit the fortress and go to Memnes. Turn in the quest, “Helping Memnes” Accept the follow up quest, “Kerubian Weapons” 151. Exit Eltnen Fortress and travel North-West to Step 69. Collect 1 Kerubian Weapon by killing Kerubian Fighters. They will call for help at low health, so be cautious. 152. Use a Sanctum Return Scroll. 153. Travel West to the Teleport Statue. Teleport to the Library of the Sages. Enter the Library of the Sages and go to Coeus (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Kerubian Weapons” 154. Use your Return Ability. 155. Go to Novan. Update the quest, “Confidential Orders” 156. Go to Herodes. Turn in the quest, “Confidential Orders” 157. Grind to Level 25.

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158. Use a Sanctum Return Scroll. 159. Enter the Lyceum and go to Jucleas (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Testing your Mettle” 160. Go to your class trainer. Purchase your skill manuals for Level 25. 161. Exit the Lyceum and travel West to the Coliseum. Go to Epeios, the Arena Manager. Enter the Arena. Then travel North-West and go to Rinos. Update the Campaign quest, “Testing your Mettle” 162. Travel South-East and go to Nepis. Exit the Arena. Then travel North-East and enter the Lyceum. Go to Jucleas. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Testing your Mettle” Update the Campaign quest, “The Abyss Quiz” 163. Exit the Lyceum and travel West to the Teleport Statue. Teleport to the Library of the Sages. Enter the Library of the Sages and go to Gromoros (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “The Abyss Quiz” (Choose the first answer, then the second answer, then the third answer for the three questions) 164. Go to Nestor (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “The Abyss Quiz” (Choose the second answer, then the second answer, then the first answer for the three questions) 165. Go to Xenophon (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “The Abyss Quiz” (Choose the third answer for all three questions) 166. Go to Fuchsia (yellow arrow on map). Turn in the Campaign quest, “The Abyss Quiz” Update the Campaign quest, “Deliver on Your Promises” (Choose underground arena) 167. Exit the Library of the Sages and go to the Teleport Statue. Teleport to Elyos Square. Travel West to the Coliseum and go to Epeios. Update the Campaign quest, “Deliver on Your Promises” (You will be teleported) 168. You have 4 minutes to kill 10 Underground Arena Beasts. They are located in groups of 4 in the North, West, and East rooms of the underground arena. They hit hard, but have virtually no health. If you have an AE ability, it will be incredibly useful. Once you kill 10, you will be teleported out. 169. Go to Epeios. Update the Campaign quest, “Deliver on Your Promises”

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170. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 171. Enter the Headquarters and go to Telemachus. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Deliver on Your Promises” Update the Campaign quest, “Testing Flight Skills” 172. Exit the Headquarters, exit the fortress, and Fly to Daedalus. He is on a floating rock to the South-West. Before you update the quest, be sure to watch this video on how to Fly through the rings. Update the Campaign quest, “Testing Flight Skills” (Say “I’m ready” when you are ready to start, you will have 1 minute to Fly through all 6 checkpoints)

Completing the Quest: Testing Flight Skills http://www.kfguides.com/videos.html#acq3

173. Go to Daedalus. Update the Campaign quest, “Testing Flight Skills” 174. Fly North-East and enter the fortress. Travel to the second floor and enter the Headquarters. Go to Telemachus. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Testing Flight Skills” 175. Exit the Headquarters and travel to the first floor. Take the elevator down to the ground below. Then Fly underneath the elevator and Right-Click on the Abyss Gateway.

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Abyss and Eltnen (25-30) For most of the remaining levels, the guide will spend time in the Abyss. The reason for this is the Abyss not only offers Abyss Points, which can be spent to purchase some of the best gear in the game, but also offers a near 25% XP bonus for every mob killed there. For a leveling guide offering speed and efficiency, it is near impossible to skip the Abyss. The downside to the Abyss is that it is the central PvP zone of the game. This means you most likely will be killed quite a few times by the opposing faction as you try to level. If you do not mind this, I strongly suggest following the guide and utilizing the Abyss. There are two paths to take for the next 5 levels. One is to follow the steps and mix grinding with questing. This path will grant you with more Kinah, titles, items, and Abyss Points. The other is to purely grind. This path will probably get you to 30 a little faster, but you will lose out on some stuff, including updating and completing the Campaign quests.

Map for the Abyss (Elyos Levels 25-30)

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Map for Eltnen (Elyos Levels 25-30)

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Grind Spots Solo Grinding Spots 1. Level 25-27: (XP1) Kill Skeletons Good for meleers 2. Level 25-27: (XP2) Repeat the quest, “Immortal Soul” (Given by Deidamia) Good for kiters and high DPS classes 4. Level 26-30: (XP3) Repeat the quest, “End of the Corrupted Elim” (Given by Triminos) Good for meleers 5. Level 27-30: (XP4) Kill Ashikar Infantry Good for high DPS classes and those with good gear at this level Group Grinding Spots 1. Level 25-27: Kill Krall at XPG1 2. Level 26-30: Kill mobs at XPG2

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Group Quests Recommended Level for Completion: Level 25 Complete the Quests for the Nochsana Training Camp. The entrance to the instance is behind the fortress in the Abyss. The quests can be obtained by NPCs near the fortress. This instance is great for XP. However, it cannot be accessed once you are above Level 28 and has a very long lockout timer.

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Recommended Level for Completion: Level 29 “Kaidan Prisoner” Go to Hierni at G1 Collect 1 Sentry’s Key by killing Kaiden Sentries Go to Hierni Go to Garduga, next to Hierni Go to Mabangtah at Step 112 Go to Telemachus at Eltnen Fortress ***You have acquired the title, Mabangtah’s Envoy*** “The Four Leaders” (Given by Taera after “Kaidan Prisoner”) Choose one of the four leaders. Kamtak the Destroyer and Greatmage Teotem are most likely the easiest to get to and defeat. Kill the leader you chose inside the Kaidan Mine Missing Information “Enemy in the Kaidan Mine” (Given by Taera) Collect 5 Fighter’s Weapons by killing Mamaki Butchers and 5 Tough Fighters Weapons by killing Mamaki Brawlers inside the Kaidan Mine Missing Information “Secrets of The Temple” Collect 1 Lightning Wall Fragment by killing Venomous Amphipteres or Spying Amphipteres inside the Eracus Underground Temple Collect 1 Wave Wall Fragment by killing Crouching Eracus Gargoyles inside the Eracus Underground Temple Collect 1 Wind Wall Fragment by killing Maned Wind Spirits, Swift Sandstorm Spirits, or Strong Sandstorm Spirits inside the Eracus Underground Temple Collect 1 Fire Wall Fragment by killing Alluring Decarvias or Enticing Decarvias inside the Eracus Underground Temple Missing Information “Earning Marana’s Respect” (Given by Castor at the Golden Bough Garrison) Collect 10 Black Stones by killing Crouching Eracus Gargoyle inside the Eracus Underground Temple Go to Marana “Siren Song” (Given by Castor at the Golden Bough Garrison) Kill 5 Alluring Decarvia inside the Eracus Underground Temple Kill 3 Enticing Decarvia inside the Eracus Underground Temple Missing Information

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Spy Quests

Map for Morheim’s Spy Quests (Elyos Levels 25-30)

Recommended Level for Completion: Level 26 “Message to a Spy” (Given by Herodes) Go to Medea at S1 Go to Valerius in Eltnen Fortress “A Gift of Love” (Given by Medea at S1) Purchase 15 Theonia from the Trade Broker Go to Jinus “A Letter to Medea” (Given by Jinus in Sanctum) Go to Medea at S1 “That Old Elyos Spirit” (Given by Valerius in Eltnen Fortress) Go to Deputy Lamipedon at S2 “Respect for Deltras” (Given by Deputy Lamipedon after “That Old Elyos Spirit”) Right-Click the Aether Firecracker from your inventory at S3 Go to Valerius in Eltnen Fortress ***You have acquired the title, Eulogist***

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1. Travel to the Abyss if you are not there already. Then travel slightly North-West from the teleport in and go to Rastin (he is on the same platform as you are). Accept the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 2. Travel South-West and enter the fortress. Go to Michalis. Update the Campaign quest, “Governor’s Directive” Accept the quest, “Meeting with the Brigade General” 3. Go to Calon, next to Michalis. Update the quest, “Meeting with the Brigade General” Accept the quest, “Defeat 9th Rank Asmodian Soldiers” As you kill Asmodians and complete these quests, continue coming back to Calon, turning in your current one, and accepting the new one. These offer good XP, Abyss Points, and rewards. 4. Go to Sakmis, next to Michalis. Update the Campaign quest, “Saving Elyos Captives” Update the quest, “Meeting with the Brigade General” 5. Go to Ventus, next to Sakmis. Update the Campaign quest, “Speaking Balaur” 6. Travel to the second floor and go to the Obelisk. Bind yourself. 7. Exit the fortress and travel East to Radone (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 8. Go to Dinoes. Accept the quest, “Cursed Guardian” 9. Go to Soniksius. Accept the quest, “Reaper Expertise” 10. Travel South to Eulos (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Abyss Training” 11. Go to Nereus. Update the Campaign quest, “Saving Elyos Captives” Update the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 12. Enter the training facility to the South-West and go to Sileni. Update the Campaign quest and travel around the facility in a counter-clockwise direction, going to each NPC updating the Campaign quest. You should end at Larentia. Update the Campaign quest, “Abyss Training”

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13. Travel North-West and go to Adellian (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 14. Travel North and enter the fortress. Go to Ventus (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 15. Travel to the second floor and go to Ara. Update the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 16. Go to Magnus. Update the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 17. Travel North and go to Claudia (yellow circle on map). Turn in the Campaign quest, “Abyss Training” 18. Go to Erienne. Turn in the quest, “Meeting with the Brigade General” 19. Go to Clatanan. Update the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 20. Travel West and go to Erysiphe (blue arrow on map). Update the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness” 21. Travel North-East and go to Rastin (blue circle on map). Turn in the quest, “Rastin’s Homesickness”

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22. Fly South-East to Step 22. Before you do, make sure your Flight Meter is full and use these Rings on your trip. Rings will temporarily boost your Flight Speed and add small amounts of time to your Flight Meter if you Fly through them. You can also quickly move side-to-side passing in and out of the Rings to quickly fill your Flight Meter. Go to Labdacus. Turn in the quest, “Cursed Guardian” Accept the follow up quest, “Redeeming Ladacus”


23. Collect 7 Wrist Protectors by killing Crushed Souls on the island. 24. Return to Labdacus. Turn in the quest, “Redeeming Ladacus” Accept the follow up quest, “Hard Bone” 25. Collect 5 Hard Bones by killing Crushed Souls on the island. 26. Return to Labdacus. Turn in the quest, “Hard Bone” Accept the follow up quest, “Dagger of Love” 27. Fly East to Step 27. Go to Lamia. Turn in the quest, “Dagger of Love” 28. Go to Deidamia. Update the quest, “Reaper Expertise” Accept the quest, “Twilight Battlefield”

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29. Go to Tienshunerk. Accept the quest, “Undead Destroyer’s Ring” Accept the quest, “Earning Some Green” 30. Travel slightly South-East to Step 30 and collect 5 Green Minerals by killing Odium Golems. 31. Travel North to Step 31 and collect 1 Ancient Ring by killing Undead Destroyers. 32. Travel to East to Step 32 and kill 7 Mind Reapers. 33. Travel South-West and return to Deidamia (Step 27). Turn in the quest, “Twilight Battlefield” 34. Go to Tienshunerk. Turn in the quest, “Undead Destroyer’s Ring” Turn in the quest, “Earning Some Green” 35. If Siel’s Eastern Fortress is controlled by the Balaur or Asmodians, then travel East to Step 35 and go to Laius. Update in the quest, “Reaper Expertise” 36. If Siel’s Western Fortress is controlled by the Balaur or Asmodians, then travel West to Step 36 and go to Chrysaor. Turn in the quest, “Reaper Expertise” 37. Use your Return Ability. 38. Exit the fortress and Fly North to Step 38. Go to Dactyl. Update the Campaign quest, “Saving Elyos Captives” 39. If the Balaur or Asmodians control the Sulfur Tree Fortress, travel South-West to Step 39. Kill the two Prison Camp Guards in front of the entrance to the prison. Then enter the prison and go to the Captured Elyos Prisoner. If the Sulfur Tree Fortress is Elyos controlled, complete this step and Step 37 after another faction takes control. Update the Campaign quest, “Saving Elyos Captives” 40. Escort Captured Elyos Prisoner to Step 40. 41. Grind to Level 26 42. Use your Return Ability. 43. Travel to the first floor and go to Michalis. Update the Campaign quest, “Fragment of Memory”

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44. Exit the fortress and go to Nereus (yellow circle on map). Turn in the Campaign quest, “Saving Elyos Captives” 45. Exit the fortress and travel North to XPSpot2. Go to Triminos. Accept the quest, “Root of the Problem” 46. Kill 15 Root Scouts around the area. 47. Return to Triminos. Turn in the quest, “Root of the Problem” 48. Grind to Level 27. 49. Travel North and go to Kenia (Step 38) Accept the quest, “Stop the Unavarun Legion” 50. Travel East to XPspot1 and kill 10 Ashikar Infantry and 5 Ashikar Churls. 51. Travel West and return to Kenia. Turn in the quest, “Stop the Unavarun Legion” 52. Grind to Level 28. 53. Use a Sanctum Return Scroll. 54. Travel West and go to the Teleport Statue outside the Hall of Prosperity. Teleport to the Library of the Sages. Travel North and take the elevator to Protectors’ Hall. Buy your skill manuals for Level 28. 55. Take the elevator down from Protectors’ Hall and then travel East to Kunberunerk (yellow arrow on map). He is only at one of the two arrows, so you may have to check both. You will have to take the Airship to reach Dionysia Tavern. Update the Campaign quest, “Speaking Balaur” (Refuse to Pay 20,000, Choose to talk to Mapirerk) 56. Travel West and go to Mapirerk (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Speaking Balaur” 57. Travel North-West to the Teleporter. Go to Polyidus. Purchase a Teleport to Poeta. 58. Go to Kustanon, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Melponeh’s Campsite. 59. Travel North-West and go to Pernos. Update the Campaign quest, “Fragment of Memory”

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60. Use your Return Ability. 61. Go to Cesilie on the Heiron Teleport platform. Accept the quest, “Centurion’s Forgetfullness” 62. Travel North to Step 62. Go to Echo, the Abyss Layer Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Western Ridge of Latesran. 63. Go to Tiberius. Update the quest, “Centurion’s Forgetfulness” 64. Travel South and go to Kuenunerk (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Speaking Balaur” 65. Use a Sanctum Return Scroll. 66. Travel South-West and go to Kunberunerk (yellow arrow on map). He’s at one of the two locations. Update the Campaign quest, “Speaking Balaur” 67. Right-Click the Balaur Language Potion from your inventory. 68. Talk to Kunberunerk. Update the Campaign quest, “Speaking Balaur” 69. Jump off the city and die. This is assuming you haven’t received any experience and are still near 0 for Level 28. This will allow you to return to the Abyss and spend 1 Kinah to heal your soul. If you do not wish to die, use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll and enter the Abyss from there. 70. Go to Ventus. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Speaking Balaur” ***You have acquired the title, Fluent in Balaur***

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71. Go to the Trade Broker and Purchase an Artifact Activation Stone. This is a crafted item via Alchemy with a skill of 199. If none are available, you will either have to get one crafted for you or wait to buy one off of the Broker. You cannot complete this step until you have an Artifact Activation Stone. Then exit the fortress and Fly North-East to Lugbug (yellow arrow on map). He is located underneath the ball of fire on an island. Getting to him will most likely require Remedies of Wind. You can Purchase these at the Apothecary. Once you are there. Update the quest. Then Right-Click the Artifact of the Inception and complete the quest. Update the Campaign quest, “Fragment of Memory”

Artifact of the Inception

72. Go to Lugbug. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Fragment of Memory” 73. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 74. Enter the Chapel and go to Gaia. Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs” 75. Exit the fortress and go to Nadeia, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Golden Bough Garrison. 76. Travel North and go to Castor. Update the Campaign quest, “Secrets of the Temple” 77. Go to Axelion. Update the Campaign quest, “Secrets of the Temple”

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78. Travel East and go to Tellarius. Accept the quest, “Killing for Castor” 79. Travel West to Step 79 and go to Demokritos. Accept the quest, “Scouting for Demokritos” 80. Go to Alexis. Accept the quest, “Killer Ksellid” 81. Go to Acaste. Accept the quest, “Eating Better” 82. Travel South-West to Step 82. Update the quest, “Scouting for Demokritos” 83. Travel East to Step 83. Kill 15 Dune Basilisks and 20 Stoneshell Ksellids. Collect 15 Ksellid Shells by killing Stoneshell Ksellids. Collect 7 Kselliki Meats by killing Desert Ksellikis. 84. Travel North to Step 84. Update the quest, “Scouting for Demokritos” 85. Travel North-West to Step 85. Update the quest, “Scouting for Demokritos” 86. Travel South and return to Demokritos (Step 79). Turn in the quest, “Scouting for Demokritos” Accept the follow up quest, “Scout Leader’s Request” 87. Go to Alexis. Turn in the quest, “Killer Ksellid” Accept the follow up quest, “Endymion the Slow” 88. Go to Acaste. Turn in the quest, “Eating Better” 89. Go to Kalitrates. Turn in the quest, “Scout Leader’s Request” Accept the follow up quest, “The Scolopen Sting” 90. Travel East to Step 90 and kill 10 Rattletail Scolopens. 91. Travel North-West to Step 91 and kill Endymion the Slow.

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92. Travel South-East and go to Alexis (Step 79). Turn in the quest, “Endymion the Slow” 93. Go to Kalitrates. Turn in the quest, “The Scolopen Sting” Accept the follow up quest, “Basilisk Purge” 94. Travel North to Step 94 and kill 7 Wasteland Basilisks. They surround the location. 95. Travel South and return to Kalitrates (Step 79). Turn in the quest, “Basilisk Purge” 96. Go to Demokritos. Accept the quest, “Reporting to Castor” 97. Travel West and go to Castor (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Killing for Castor” Turn in the quest, “Reporting to Castor” 98. Use your Return Ability. 99. Travel North and go to Dactyl (Step 38) Turn in the quest, “Centurion’s Forgetfulness” 100. Grind to Level 29. 101. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 102. Exit the fortress and go to Nadeia. Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village. 103. Travel West and go to Asclepius. Update the Campaign quest, “Something in the Water” 104. Go to Hannet. Accept the quest, “Letter to Ophelos” 105. Travel South-West to Step 105. Right-Click the Empty Water Bottle from your inventory. 106. Travel North to Step 106. Go to Ernia. Accept the quest, “Mother’s Keepsake” 107. Go to Turiel. Accept the quest, “Finding Drinking Water”

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108. Travel North-West to Step 108. Collect 1 Pink Pearl Necklace by killing Watch Patrols and collect 1 Black Pearl Earrings by killing Watch Bodyguards. 109. Enter the water and go to the fountain in the middle of the lake. Right-Click the Empty Bucket from your inventory. 110. Travel South-East and return to Ernia (Step 106). Turn in the quest, “Mother’s Keepsake” Accept the follow up quest, “Journey to Agairon” 111. Right-Click the Water Tank in the center of the Refugee Camp. Then go to Turiel. Turn in the quest, “Finding Drinking Water” Accept the follow up quest, “Thanking Mabangtah”

Water Tank

112. Travel South-West to Step 112 and go to Mabangtah. Update the quest, “Thanking Mabangtah” 113. Travel North-East and return to Turiel (Step 106). Turn in the quest, “Thanking Mabangtah” 114. Go to Teos. Update the quest, “Journey to Agairon” 115. Escort Teos South-East to Agairon Village. Go to Dellome, who is at the very entrance to the village. Turn in the quest, “Journey to Agairon”

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116. Travel North-East to Step 116 and go to Ophelos. Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs” Turn in the quest, “Letter to Ophelos” 117. Go to Esaias. Accept the quest, “Drake Hunt” Accept the quest, “Gimme Shelter” 118. Go to Leone. Accept the quest, “Armor for Pilgrims” 119. Travel slightly West and kill 8 Wasteland Drakes and 4 Fierce Drakes. Continue killing them until you collect 1 Life Bead. 120. Travel South-West to Step 120 and collect 7 Tipolid Skins by killing Wild Tipolids. 121. Travel North-East and return to Leone (Step 116). Turn in the quest, “Armor for Pilgrims” 122. Go to Esaias. Turn in the quest, “Drake Hunt” Accept the follow up quest, “Drakie Hunt” 123. Enter the fountain next to Esaias. Right-Click the Lacepin Life Stone.

Lacepin Life Stone

124. Go to Ophelos. Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs”

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125. Travel slightly West and kill 8 Wasteland Drakies. 126. Travel East and return to Esaias (Step 116). Turn in the quest, “Drakie Hunt” 127. Travel East and go to Turiel (Step 106). Turn in the quest, “Gimme Shelter” 128. Travel South-East and return to Agairon Village. Go to Tebersina, the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Golden Bough Garrison. 129. Go to Castor. Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs” 130. Go to Corybantes (yellow arrow on map). Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs” 131. Travel South and go to Step 131. Go to Heratos. Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs” 132. Travel North-East to Step 132. Right-Click the Desert Life Stone.

Desert Life Stone

133. Travel South-West and return to Heratos (Step 131). Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs” 134. Travel South-East to Step 134 and go to Sirink. Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs”

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135. Right-Click the Temple Life Stone.

Temple Life Stone

136. Go to Sirink. Update the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs” 137. Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll. 138. Enter the Chapel and go to Gaia. Turn in the Campaign quest, “Refreshing the Springs” 139. Use your Return Ability. 140. Grind to Level 30. 141. Use a Sanctum Return Scroll. 142. Travel South and go to Idomeneus (blue arrow on map). Turn in the quest, “Wings of Mastery” You can now buy and equip Wings for your character. Wings mainly are used to increase your maximum Flight Time, but also can increase your Flight Speed or other statistics depending on which you are using. When you purchase a set of Wings, you can equip them like any other item.

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