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Post on 20-Jan-2015






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Advertising and Public Relations

To be reported by:Emmanny Berbano

Chapter Objectives

1. Define Advertising2. Identify the four features of advertisements3. Enumerate the types of advertising4. Know the different formats used in

advertisements5. Know how to develop a media strategy6. Understand the role of publicity as a tool of

public relations


Persuasive message carried by a non-personal medium and paid for by an identified sponsor.


4 features of Advertisement

1. Verbal, and/visual message

2. Sponsor who is identified

3. Delivery through one or more media

4. Payment by the sponsor to the media carrying the message

Types of Advertising1. Consumer Advertising or Business-to-

business advertising

2. Product/Service or Institutional/Corporatea. Product/ Service-It focuses on a particular product or brand.

Product/Service is subdivided into:

*Direct Action- Seeks a quick response like an ad urging the reader to send or call immediately for a free sample.

*Indirect Action- Designed to stimulate demand over a longer period of time. Most TV ads are of this type.

b. Institutional/Corporate-Aims to create a good attitude, build goodwill, and present information about the advertiser’s business.

Two Forms a. Customer Service- e.g

Caltex describes the level of personal service available.

b. Public Service Advertising- Designed to improve the quality of life and show that the advertiser is responsible member of the community.

3. Primary-demand advertising or selective-demand advertisinga. Primary-demand

advertising- Designed to stimulate

demand for a generic category.

b. Selective-demand advertising- Intended to stimulate demand for individual brands.

Developing an Advertising Campaign

• This is consists of all the tasks involved in transforming a theme into a coordinated advertising program to accomplish a specific goal for a product or brand.

Steps to follow before designing an advertising campaign

1. Identify the target audience

2. Establish an over-all promotional objectives

3. Determine an over-all promotional theme

Defining Objectives

Four broad communication goals expected by advertisers:

Specific Advertising Objectives

*Encourage current user to increase consumption

*Generate more sales leads

*Increasing brand awareness

*Creating and maintaining a brand image

*Supporting personal selling efforts

Provides framework for creative strategy and media selection

Establishing a Budget

• Once marketing communications budget has been established


• It will be allocated among the various activities that makes up the overall marketing communications program.


Creating a Message

Individual Advertisements accomplish two things:

1. Get and hold the attention of the intended audience

2. Influence that audience in the desired way

Most Common approach to catch attention….

• Present material in an unexpected manner

If the ad succeeds then the advertiser has a few seconds to send a message

Two elements of the message

1. Appeal

- Central Idea of an advertising message

- Tells the potential buyers what the products offers and why the product should be appealing to them.

2. Execution- Combining, in a

convincing and compatible way the feature or device that gets attention with the appeal which can be executed in a variety of ways.

Execution Format

-How an advertisement says something

Types of major advertising formats:

1. Storyline Format-Gives a history of or tells a

story about the product

2. Product Uses and problem solutions

-Discuss a product’s uses, attributes, benefits or availability.

3. Slice of life-dramatizes a typical

setting in which people use the product being advertised.4. Demonstration

-Illustrates product features or proves some advertised claim. 5. Lifestyle

-Combines scenes intended to reflect a particular target market’s lifestyle

6. Testimonials-Show a person, usually

show business or sport figure that endorses the product advertised. Spokesperson urges the audience directly to buy the product.7. Still life

-portrays the product in a visually attractive setting.

8. Association-Concentrates on an

analogy or other relationships to convey a message.9. Montage

-Blends a number of situations, demonstrations and other visual effects into one commercial

10. Jingles-Musical verses with

“memory value”

Creating an ad involves….

1. Copy-Written or

spoken material in an ad. Includes the headline, coupons, advertiser's identification and the main body of the message.

2. Illustration-Powerful feature

for visual ads and should make best use of the space.3. Layout

-Physical arrangement of all the elements in an advertisement.


Two factors in developing a media strategy:

1. Media which will efficiently get the message to the desired audience

2. Scheduling of these media so as to not bore people with much repetition of the message or make them forget it.

Media*Direct Marketing media (Mail advertising)

- It has been in existence for more than a century and modern computer can personalize direct-response advertising message to an individual. *Interactive media (Internet advertising)

General Factors that influence Media Choice:

• Objectives of the advertisement- Purpose and goal

• Audience Coverage– Reachable by the medium

• Requirements of the message- Medium should fit the message

• Time and location of buying decision– Medium should reach when and where the customers are about

to make the buying decisions• Media cost

– Cost of the medium should be considered

Characteristics of the Major Media

1. Newspapers-They are flexible

and timely2. TV

-Most versatile and rapidly changing of all media.

3. Direct Mail-Most personal and

selective of all the media.

4. Radio-It is relatively low

cot and reaches far and wide.

5. Magazines- Excellent medium

when high-quality printing and color desired in an advertisement.

6. Out-of-home advertising

-Includes billboard, posters, bus ads and new electronic digital billboards.

7. Specialty Advertising- Item of

merchandise imprinted with the advertiser’s name, message, or log and is given free.

8. Emerging Media-These are lesser-

known media used in conjunction with better-known media

9. Infomercials- Lengthy TV ads

that run up to 60mins that combines info with entertainment and promotion.

10. Place-Based Media-Ads placed where

people are.

11.Video and CD-ROMs-Advertisers place

their ads to reach video watchers in video rentals.

12. World Wide Web- Companies have

had Web pages created to reach their target market.


• Media Schedule or Media plan– Time schedule identifying the exact media to be

used and the dates when the ads are to appear.– Selecting specific media such as magazines

requires to consider:*Reach- No. of people exposed to an ad in a given medium.*Frequency- No. of times an individual is expected to be exposed to an advertiser’s message.


• This is a management tool designed to favorably influence attitudes towards and organization, its products and its policies.

• Purpose is to manage publicity and maintain positive organizational image and to provide public with info.


• This is any communication about an organization, its products or policies through the medium that is not paid for by the organization.

Forms of Publicity

1. Press Conference-Creates goodwill and

positive corporate image results between the organization and the public

2. Appearances-Talk shows often

invite guests who promote their books, recordings, concerts and movies

3. Event Sponsorships- Sponsorship of events and activities on

charitable institutions.

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