embedded mp3 player article

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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http://gpluseo.com Adding audio to any website is relatively easy and inexpensive to do. With the potential for satisfied, happier customers and the possibility for increased sales, it only makes sense that serious business owners add an embedded MP3 player to their websites.


Use an Embedded MP3 Player on Your Website for Optimum Results

The Internet is a great place to promote your

business and interact with potential customers.

Unfortunately, it lacks one crucial element that can

make or break even the most skilled marketing

expert; a human connection. It is no secret that

people are using the Internet more and more these

days to buy the things they need, and to research

products and services they desire.

It is also no secret that competition is fierce for these potential customers. The Internet makes it easy for consumers to get what they need at a good price, so it is important that business owners go above and beyond to stand apart from the competition and be memorable.

The Advantages of Using an Embedded MP3 Player on Your Website

The fastest way to add a human touch to your

website is to use an embedded MP3 player. Adding

audio to your website this way adds a personal

touch that lets your customers know that there is an

actual person behind the products you sell.

The addition of audio on your website will help increase sales and make you appear more credible. Keep in mind that the more personalized you make your message, the more credible you will be to your potential customers.

Use Audio Testimonials for Even Greater Credibility

With an embedded MP3 player, you can add audio

testimonials from previous customers to add

credibility to your products. People love to hear

experiences from others before they buy a new

product or service.

If you have someone giving their honest opinion on your website through and audio file, chances are, potential customers are going to be more apt to buy from you as well. Again, the human connection draws potential customers in and helps build trust between you and your customers.

An Embed Audio Player Makes Your Page Easier to Remember

Before the Internet became such a huge part of

everyday life, and people began getting

bombarded with written text, the written word was

sufficient in advertising. These days, consumers

have become desensitized to the written word,

often opting to scan or even bypass long passages

of text. For this reason, it is very important that a

website combine several forms of media to be


Only a small percentage of people will remember what they have read once they leave a website. If audio is added, there is a better chance that those same people will remember what they have heard once they leave. Since most people do not buy anything on their first visit to a website, making them remember your content is crucial. Going the extra mile by adding audio may make all the difference.

Embed MP3 Player to Look More Professional

In today’s Internet market, it is very important to appear professional to potential customers. Consumers are more likely to buy from a website that looks professional rather than one that looks amateurish. By adding an embed MP3 player to your website, you automatically make it appear professional which could result in more sales for you. Adding audio to any website is relatively easy and inexpensive to do. With the potential for satisfied, happier customers and the possibility for increased sales, it only makes sense that serious business owners add an embedded MP3 player to their websites.

Amazing isn’t it, how a small green block can get your attention while you are carefully trying to read every word. At first I imagine you didn’t pay much attention. Did you finally get inquisitive and try clicking the arrow?That’s not unusual. What it demonstrates is how the human mind does ‘pay attention’Audio on your website gets your Customers attention and puts them one click away from taking action.

Go on..give it a click... if you have not already!

and visit my youtube video for more details


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