emfl annual report 2018 · its final destination. the coil will be built into its cryostat and...

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EMFL Annual Report 2018

EMFL Annual Report 2018


EMFL Annual Report 2018

European Magnetic Field Laboratory

Annual report2018


EMFL Annual Report 2018Contact


Council Prof. Roland Sauerbrey (HZDR, chair, until June 8, 2018) Prof. Han van Krieken (RU/FOM, chair, from June 8, 2018) Dr. Emmanuelle Lacaze (CNRS) Prof. Amalia Patanè (University of Nottingham)

Board of Directors Prof. Jochen Wosnitza (HLD, Chair) Dr. Geert Rikken (LNCMI) Prof. Nigel Hussey (HFML, until August 31, 2018) Prof. Peter Christianen (HFML, from September 1, 2018)

Executive Manager Dr. Martin van Breukelen

Postal Address Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Brussels Office Rue du Trône 98 1050 Ixelles, Brussels Belgium

Website www.emfl.eu

Facilities High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML) Toernooiveld 7 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden (HLD) Bautzner Landstr. 400 01328 Dresden, Germany

Laboratoire National de Champs Magnétiques Intenses at Grenoble (LNCMI-G) 25 rue des Martyrs, B.P. 166 38042 Grenoble cedex 9, France

Laboratoire National de Champs Magnétiques Intenses at Toulouse (LNCMI-T) 143 avenue de Rangueil 31400 Toulouse, France


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Members


Radboud University NijmegenComeniuslaan 46525 HP Nijmegen, The Netherlandsand Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research

Institutes (NWO-I) Van Vollenhovenlaan 659

3527 JP Utrecht, The Netherlands

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 3 Rue Michel Ange, Paris, France Parent organisation LNCMI Grenoble and Toulouse

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V.Bautzner Landstr. 40001328 Dresden, Germany

University of Nottingham University ParkNottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom


EMFL Annual Report 2018Contact

ContentsForeword 5

Mission 6

Developments 2018 7

Scientific Highlights 12

Organisational structure 20

User Access 22

Publications 24

Contact details 36

Hybrid part (© Gideon Laureijs, Radboud University)


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Foreword

Foreword Dear Reader,

In this fourth annual report of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory, we are happy to report once more a number of excellent scientific highlights and important developments. During the last year, Peter Christianen has become the new director of HFML and we are pleased to have him in the EMFL Board of Directors team. At the same time, we thank his predecessor Nigel Hussey for his excellent work during the last five years in helping to establish EMFL as a world-known distributed large-scale facility having Landmark status on the ESFRI list of European research infrastructures. Nigel will continue his scientific work at the HFML.

In 2018, the request for magnet time has increased once more to a new record number of 361 proposals. This increasing demand shows the need for the sophisticated high-magnetic-field infrastructure provided by EMFL. The research performed in our facilities has resulted in more than 170 peer-reviewed publications, many of which appeared in highly ranked journals.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank all our staff and users of the EMFL facilities for making this possible.

Jochen Wosnitza

Chairman EMFL Director HLD

Sample mounting (© Gideon Laureijs, Radboud University)


EMFL Annual Report 2018Mission

MissionThe EMFL develops and operates world class high magnetic field facilities, to use them for

excellent research by in-house and external users

High magnetic fields are one of the most powerful tools available to scientists for the study, the modification and the control of the state of matter.

The European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) was founded in 2015 and awarded the Landmark status in March 2016 during the ESFRI Roadmap presentation in Amsterdam. EMFL provides the highest possible fields (both continuous and pulsed) for its researchers. The EMFL is dedicated to unite, coordinate and reinforce the four existing European high magnetic field facilities – the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Germany), the Laboratoires National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses in Grenoble and Toulouse (France), and the High Field Magnet Laboratory in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) – within a single body as a world-leading infrastructure.

The missions of the EMFL are:

• to develop, construct and operate world-class high-field magnets

• to perform excellent research in very high magnetic fields

• to act as a European user facility for the scientists of the participating countries and for other scientists

• to act as the European centre of excellence for different magnetic-field-based material characterisation techniques in very high fields

(© Gideon Laureijs, Radboud University)Capacitor bank (© HLD, HZDR)


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Developments 2018

Developments 2018Superconducting coil for HFML's 45 Tesla hybrid magnet In the beginning of March 2018, a major milestone in the development of the 45 T hybrid magnet at HFML in Nijmegen has been achieved with the completion of the superconducting coil for the outsert magnet. The building process of the coil, with an outer diameter of 1.2 meter, a height of 1 meter and a weight of 7.5 tons, started in 2012 with the manufacturing in the USA of 225 km of high-current density superconducting Nb3Sn strands with a diameter of 0.8 mm. Together with high-purity copper strands produced in Finland, these wires were assembled, cabled, inserted into special stainless-steel tubes and compacted into 2.5 km of rectangular shaped Cable-in-Conduit conductor, all done by 3 different Italian companies.

Early 2015, 5 conductor lengths were shipped to our colleagues from the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee (FL, USA) who are capable of processing such large coils. The coil-manufacturing process, which took more than 2.5 years, comprised coil winding, section and lead joint processing, reaction heat treatment at 640 °C, vacuum impregnation with epoxy resin, connection of the tubing required to guide the flow of cryogenic coolant to and from the coil and finally the installation of voltage taps for quench protection.

Shipping the cold mass from Tallahassee to Nijmegen was the last but certainly not the least step towards its final destination. The coil will be built into its cryostat and integrated in the electrical, electronic and cryogenic hybrid magnet system in the coming year. After completion of the insert magnet the commissioning of the 45 T hybrid is scheduled at the end of 2019.

Figure: The superconducting coil is made out of 3 types of Nb3Sn/Cu Cable-in-Conduit conductor (typical size 3 x 1.5 cm)

The NHMFL team with the finished coil. (courtesy NHMFL)

The completed outsert coil’s cold mass reached its destination at HFML in Nijmegen. (courtesy HFML)


EMFL Annual Report 2018Developments 2018

23rd International conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics The 23rd International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics (HMF-23) was held in Toulouse, France from 22 to 27 July 2018 as a satellite conference to the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-2018, Montpellier, France).

The programme consisted of invited and contributed lectures and posters, that led to stimulating discussions and interactions between the participants.

The scope of this conference covered traditional and new topics on fundamental and applied semiconductor physics and related subject areas where high magnetic fields play a crucial role (e.g. quantum spin Hall effect and quantum anomalous Hall effect).

EMFL Summer school: science in high magnetic fields The EMFL school for young researchers such as Master students, PhD's and postdoc researchers was dedicated to recent advances in science in high magnetic fields. From 26 - 30 September it was held in Arles, France.Renowned scientists gave tutorial lectures on different areas such as semiconductor physics, low-dimensional materials and nano-scaled objects, strongly correlated electron systems, magnetism, superconductivity, molecular systems, high magnetic field technology and new high-field experimental techniques. Participants were selected among young scientists, based on their motivation, curriculum vitae and abstract submission. They had the possibility to present their own work.


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Developments 2018

6th EMFL user meeting in Nijmegen The 6th EMFL User Meeting took place on June 21st, 2018 in Nijmegen. Over 60 users of the European Magnet Laboratories shared developments, scientific results, and exchanged ideas on high-field research. Prof. Nigel Hussey, director of HFML, welcomed the participants. During the day users presented results of their research and the facility developments at EMFL. There was a poster session, a tour around the HFML and FELIX laboratories and of course the yearly EMFL prize was awarded. There was a lively and enthusiastic atmosphere. All and all it was a successful day. Prof. Jochen Wosnitza, chair of the EMFL Board of Directors: “This user meeting was first of all well organized. And there was a lot of diversity in the scientific talks. They were all interesting and inspiring. I think the user meetings are getting better every year!”

Artem Mishchenko takes home EMFL Award 2018 During the EMFL User Meeting in Nijmegen, the yearly EMFL prize was awarded. This time Dr. Artem Mishchenko, EPSRC Research Fellow in the Condensed Matter Physics Group of the University of Manchester, had the honor to receive the prize. Jochen Wosnitza handed over the award. Artem Mishchenko received the award for his groundbreaking discoveries using EMFL facilities. He is working on graphene and other related 2D materials and used the EMFL labs in Grenoble and Nijmegen intensively and extremely successfully. In particular, using advanced magneto-transport and magneto-capacitance techniques, he demonstrated how high magnetic fields can be beneficial for uncovering and manipulating spectacular physical phenomena in 2D materials. Since 2009, the EMFL members award annually the EMFL prize for exceptional achievements in science done in high magnetic fields.

EMFL user committee meeting The EMFL User Committee meeting was held as part of the annual EMFL User Meeting. Five of the nine members of the User Committee (R. Stern, M. Doerr, A. Arora, S. Tozer, V. Skumryev) and a number of users attended the meeting with Prof. Stern chairing the committee. The meeting was followed by a discussion with the Board of Directors of EMFL and the user community. Several matters were discussed and recommendations were made to the Board of Directors, as outlined below.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Developments 2018

With the user community of EMFL steadily growing, the new User Committee repeats their request for a renewed, much stronger mandate to represent the interests of the high-field users better. To allow users a more effective facility use and to advise the Directors on all issues affecting users of the facilities the User Committee needs access to more detailed information about the weaknesses and plans at the laboratories and, in particular, on informative user feedback, infrastructure improvements such as probe development (e.g. transport probes), new capabilities (e.g. FIB, high pressure, dilution-refrigerator temperatures, etc.), and available magnets and magnet construction schedules.

User feedback Following earlier recommendations of the User Committee, the EMFL has in use an online user feedback form for all the laboratories of the EMFL. This year this has resulted in a large number (20) of users providing feedback and comments on their experience at the installations of the EMFL, which is still only a small fraction of the total number of users/visitors. To further improve the amount and quality of feedback forms, the User Committee has requested: a. all EMFL facilities to stimulate users to provide constructive feedback to the User Committee b. to implement a feedback-request procedure with reminders within the next 6 months c. to make the comment fields mandatory, since plain grades give only very rough feedback d. to send the feedback form out automatically toward the end of the user’s magnet time so that any issues are fresh in their mind e. A revised and improved feedback form should include additional questions centered on scheduling experiments with the local contacts and assignment of magnet time

Other open issues There were open data strategy and online safety regulations and trainings addressed. To attract new users and help them to design their experiment, an even better overview of the “instrumentation highlights” of the labs should be available. There is a need for part-week test experiments and/or for testing new perspective samples in advance of full proposals. The user community is also concerned about a shortage of “workhorse” equipment and magnets. Having not only backup workhorse magnets, but fully built up magnet cells in the event of failure would make the best of the users time. It would also be useful to have dedicated magnets for some experimental methods.

The User Committee acknowledged the Board of Directors for arranging an excellent user workshop where both users and representatives of the EMFL reported on recent developments of high-magnetic-field infrastructures/equipment, THz spectroscopy in high magnetic fields, NMR in pulsed magnets, and research in topical areas ranging from topological phosphides to halide perovskites and novel material systems of fundamental and technological interest. The user community received this rich program very well.

EMFL Days in Arles, France The fourth edition of the EMFL Days was organized in Arles, in France in the first days of October. About 140 EMFL staff members gathered in the south of France. The aim of the meeting was to continue to learn more about each other’s work at the different sites, exchange ideas, and define a common strategy for the future of EMFL. This included scientific work, but as well work on technological and administrative aspects. The EMFL Days started on Monday afternoon with an opening and welcome by Jochen Wosnitza. The directors of the three laboratories - Peter Christianen (HFML), Geert Rikken (LNCMI), and Jochen Wosnitza (HLD) - presented the current state and future plans of their facilities. The session leaders presented their


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Developments 2018

ideas on the program, goals, and objectives of their workgroups. This year, the workgroups covered the topics: i) Magnets and facilities development, ii) Instrumentation, iii) Administration / hosting users / communication, and iv) Science. Exchange of information and discussions started Tuesday morning during the two first sessions of the workgroups. Discussions continued during the poster session organized after lunch on Tuesday. The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to an informal visit of Arles. Wednesday morning, the groups

continued their work during the two last sessions and defined their vision of a common strategy for EMFL. The morning ended with the wrap up plenary meeting during which the outcome of the different sessions was shared.

Looking back, the EMFL Days are definitely ideal for exchanging information between the EMFL staff, whether to discuss the development of a project and its opportunities or to stimulate ideas by creating stronger bonds and intensified dialogue between the staff as well as by getting to know each other better. Indeed, the EMFL Days 2018 has been a very successful and fruitful meeting.

Professor dr. Peter Christianen new director of HFML From the first of September HFML has a new director: Prof. Dr. Peter Christianen (1966). He is the successor of Prof. Dr. Nigel Hussey, who has led the lab successfully for the last five years during a period of rapid growth. With new roadmap funding, the production of magnet hours and number of projects has been doubled. Peter Christianen is professor for Soft Condensed Matter & Nanomaterials in High Magnetic Fields. He has longstanding experience in the experimental investigation of hard and soft condensed matter in strong magnetic fields at HFML, mainly using optical techniques. “I am very excited about my appointment as HFML director in this crucial period. We are constructing new magnets and together with the FELIX Laboratory we can now offer a genuinely unique experimental infrastructure that makes groundbreaking research in numerous research areas possible. I enjoyed the EMFL days in Arles, experiencing the enthusiasm of all participants and I aim to actively stimulate the collaboration between the EMFL facilities”.

Nigel Hussey will continue his work at HFML as group leader of Correlated Electron Systems in High Magnetic Fields at the Radboud University.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Scientific Highlights

Scientific HighlightsExperimental observation of Bethe strings

In his seminal work entitled “Eigenwerte und Eigenfunktionen der linearen Atomkette” (eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a linear chain of atoms), published in 1931 in “Zeitschrift für Physik”, Hans Bethe succeeded in finding an exact solution to the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg model, and predicted the existence of bound states of two magnons in this model. The method that Bethe introduced was later further developed theoretically, and in general bound states of n magnons (string of length n; n is an integer) were predicted for the spin-chain model. Today, the so-called Bethe ansatz is an important mathematical tool of statistical physics.

The lack of suitable one-dimensional materials and appropriate experimental methods has made experimental verification of the many-body string states so far impossible. Impressive progress in material synthesis on one hand and the development of optical spectroscopy in the terahertz frequency range in very high magnetic fields on the other hand have now made this experimental detection possible for the first time.

In a first step, SrCo2V2O8 crystals were synthesized and characterized at the Helmholtz-Zentrum in Berlin and at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory in the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. These crystals, in which the cobalt ions form a one-dimensional Heisenberg-Ising spin chain with spin S = 1/2, were then studied with terahertz spectroscopy in the University of Augsburg and the High Field Magnet Laboratory of the Radboud University in Nijmegen in a wide magnetic field range up to 30 T. By comparing to theory results obtained by scientists from the University of California at San Diego with the Bethe ansatz, length-2 and length-3 string states (Figure) were finally identified in the terahertz spectra of SrCo2V2O8. Bethe’s result is important not only in the field of quantum magnetism but also more broadly in the study of cold atoms and in string theory. Hence, the identification of the string states will shed light on the study of complex many-body systems in general.

Reference Wang, Z., J. Wu, W. Yang, A. K. Bera, D. Kamenskyi, A. T. M. Nazmul Islam, S. Xu, J. M. Law, B. Lake, C. Wu, and A. Loidl (2018), Experimental observation of Bethe strings, Nature, 554, 219-223.

Figure: (a) Illustration of ferromagnetically-aligned spins of the cobalt ions in SrCo2V2O8 compared to a spin chain with (b) two or (c) three-string excitations.


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Scientific Highlights

Interplay between field quantization and Bloch states in graphene superlattices

Using high magnetic fields, the Bloch states in two-dimensional graphene superlattices can be influenced in a way that adding fractions of flux quanta into a superlattice unit cell lead to hightemperature quantum oscillations in its resistance. This phenomenon can be explained by the recurrence of straight trajectories of the Bloch states whenever a fraction p/q of flux quanta threads through a unit cell yielding a self-similar fractal electronic spectra around this points which can then be interpreted as an effective zero magnetic field.

Researchers from the University of Manchester have now extended the parameter range of this so-called Brown-Zack oscillations [1,2] to higher electron concentrations and higher magnetic fields (30 T) available at HFML Nijmegen. This has allowed the observation of a fractal pattern in the conductance originating from high-order magnetic Bloch states (p > 1) which agrees well with band-structure calculations (Figure). Although predicted more than half a century ago, it was only possible now to observe and model these intriguing electronic states convincingly.

[1] E. Brown, Bloch electrons in a uniform magnetic field, Phys. Rev. 133, A1038 (1964); J. Zak, Magnetic translation group. Phys. Rev. 134, A1602 (1964). [2] R. Krishna Kumar et al., High-temperature quantum oscillations caused by recurring Bloch states in graphene superlattices. Science 357, 181 (2017).

Reference Krishna Kumar, R., A. Mishchenko, X. Chen, S. Pezzini, G. H. Auton, L. A. Ponomarenko, U. Zeitler, L. Eaves, V. I. Fal’ko, and A. K. Geim (2018), High-order fractal states in graphene superlattices, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(20), 5135-5139.

Figure: High-order magnetic Bloch states in a graphene superlattice: The conductivity σxx as a function of the inverse magnetic field expressed in units of ϕ0/ϕ up to 30 T (left end). The recurring maxima at ϕ/ϕ0 = p/q can be interpreted as fractal Bloch states in an effective zero magnetic field. In order to emphasize weaker features, the inset shows the same data on a logarithmic vertical scale with the same horizontal axes.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Scientific Highlights

High magnetic fields probe multi-exciton states in organic materials

Intermolecular coupling plays a key role in charge transport and excited-state dynamics in organic systems. A key example of the influence of intermolecular interactions is the process of singlet fission, which involves the production of two triplet excitons on neighboring molecules from excitation of a singlet exciton on one molecule. This intermolecular pair-production process has the potential to boost the efficiency of photovoltaics beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit and has been used to produce photovoltaics with external quantum efficiency above 100% [D. L. Dexter, J. Lumin. 18, 779 (1979); D. N. Congreve et al., Science 340, 334 (2013)]. A key challenge in the field of singlet fission has been to quantify the strength of intermolecular spin coupling.

To address this question, we have applied pulsed (up to 68 T) and static (up to 30 T) magnetic fields to induce avoided spin-level crossings, which allows us to measure the exchange interaction between triplet excitons in an organic semiconductor. At magnetic fields where bright and dark pair-states mix, the excited-state emission diminishes, yielding an optical signature of the spin-level structure. Using a canonical singlet-fission molecule we extract distinct exchange values ranging from 0.4-5.0 meV (Figure). This variation in spin-spin coupling arises from the intrinsic variation in pair conformation in this material. We have further shown that the sensitivity of the exchange interaction can be used to distinguish the optical signatures of distinct pair sites. This method for quantitatively probing excitonic spin interactions presents an opportunity for understanding the role of molecular conformation in spin coupling and paves the way for molecular design of excitonic interactions in optoelectronic and spintronic devices.

Reference Bayliss, S. L., L. R. Weiss, A. Mitioglu, K. Galkowski, Z. Yang, K. Yunusofa, A. Surrente, K. J. Thorley, J. Behrends, R. Bittl, J. E. Anthony, A. Rao, R. H. Friend, P. Plochocka, P. C. M. Christianen, N. C. Greenham, and A. D. Chepelianskii (2018), Site-selective measurement of coupled spin pairs in an organic semiconductor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(20), 5077-5082.

Figure: Optical signatures of strongly coupled triplet pairs in high magnetic fields. (A) Photoluminescence-detected spin level anticrossings from triplet pairs in TIPS-tetracene. (B) TIPS-tetracene crystal structure.




EMFL Annual Report 2018 Scientific Highlights

Electronic phases in high magnetic fields - competition between a Laughlin liquid and a Wigner solid

Electrons are one of the fundamental constituents of solids, responsible for most of the important phenomena and applications in condensed-matter physics. Therefore, understanding, controlling, and manipulating electronic properties is still one of the great challenges of condensed-matter research. An ideal testbed for this endeavour are high-quality two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) subject to high magnetic fields. The competition between kinetic energy and the electron-electron action drives the 2DES through different gaseous, liquid, and solid phases, which can be controlled by temperature and magnetic field.

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science and the University of Tokyo have now observed and explained all these phases in the 2DES of a MgZnO/ZnO heterojunction with exceptional quality. In collaboration with HFML-EMFL scientists they have performed state-of-the-art electronic magneto-transport experiments at very low temperatures down to 60 mK and high magnetic fields up to 33 T, which allowed the direct observation of a sequence of several liquid-solid transitions in a 2DES.

More specifically, as illustrated in the Figure, they have observed the competition between two opposing correlated phases in a 2DES over an unprecedentedly large parameter range: a Laughlin liquid (Figure 1b, leading to a fractional quantum Hall effect of so-called composite fermions) and a Wigner solid (Figure 1c). This is without a doubt a significant step forward in our understanding of interactiondriven electronic phases in solids. More generally, the knowledge gained with this research is useful for future technological developments on innovative correlation-based quantum computation devices.

Reference Maryenko, D., A. McCollam, J. Falson, Y. Kozuka, J. Bruin, U. Zeitler, and M. Kawasaki (2018), Composite fermion liquid to Wigner solid transition in the lowest Landau level of zinc oxide, Nature Communications, 9, 4356.

Figure 1: (Courtesy of Mari Ishida, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Japan). The different phases of 2D electrons in MnZnO/ZnO. (a) Free, weekly interacting, electron gas at zero magnetic field. The quantization of these electrons into Landau levels leads to the observation of an integer quantum Hall effect. (b) Composite fermion (CF) gas consisting of electrons in high magnetic fields with two magnetic flux quanta attached to them. These particles are responsible for the observation of a fractional quantum Hall effect described by a Laughlin liquid. (c) Wigner solid of electrons in high magnetic fields. The competition of kinetic and potential energy makes it favourable for electrons to arrange in a solid phase, a so-called Wigner solid, rather than a free electron gas. (d) Coexistence of a CF liquid and a Wigner solid in the quantum limit of 2D electrons in MnZnO/ZnO.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Scientific Highlights

40-Tesla pulsed magnet for neutron differaction

A 40-T pulsed magnet for single crystal elastic neutron scattering, featuring an unprecedented high duty cycle, now offers new opportunities to investigate magnetic systems down to 2 K at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble (France). This unique experimental setup results from a 4-year collaborative work between the LNCMI-Toulouse, the CEA-Grenoble, and the ILL.

The magnet produces a horizontal field in a bi-conical geometry, ±15° upstream and ±30° downstream of the sample. Using a 1.15 MJ transportable generator installed on the triple-axis spectrometer IN22, magnetic-field pulses of 100 ms duration are generated, with a rise time of 23 ms and a rate of 7 pulses per hour at 40 T.

Since 2014, this magnet has already generated more than 5000 field pulses, with 70% of them at more than 30 T. They have allowed to investigate various magnetic systems such as heavy-fermion materials and quantum spin systems. This equipment is available to ILL users through a scientific collaboration with the LNCMI.

Reference Duc, F., X. Tonon, J. Billette, B. Rollet, W. Knafo, F. Bourdarot, J. Béard, F. Mantegazza, B. Longuet, J. E. Lorenzo, E. Lelièvre-Berna, P. Frings, and L.-P. Regnault (2018), 40-Tesla pulsed-field cryomagnet for single crystal neutron diffraction, Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(5), 053905.

Figure 1: Overview of the bottom of the cryomagnet. The coil is immersed in liquid nitrogen. The sample is under vacuum and fixed at the end of a cold finger. This finger is cooled down using a flow of helium.

Figure 2: IN22 triple-axis spectrometer equipped with the mobile pulsed-magnet system consisting of the mobile 1.15 MJ pulsedfield generator and the 40-tesla cryomagnet.


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Scientific Highlights

A multicaloric cooling cycle that exploits thermal hysteresis

The giant magnetocaloric effect, in which large thermal changes are induced in a material on the application of a magnetic field, can be used for refrigeration applications. However, commercial uptake is limited. Researchers from Barcelona, Darmstadt, and the HLD proposed an approach to magnetic cooling that rejects the conventional idea that the hysteresis inherent in magnetostructural phase-change materials must be minimized to maximize the reversible magnetocaloric effect. Instead, they introduced a second stimulus, uniaxial stress, so that the hysteresis can be exploited rather than avoided.

The working principle of such a device is schematically illustrated in Figure 1. This cycle allows to lock-in the ferromagnetic phase as the magnetizing field is removed, which allows one to drastically reduce the volume of the magnetic field source and, therefore, the amount of expensive Nd–Fe–B permanent magnets needed for a magnetic refrigerator.

In order to assess the suitability of multicaloric materials, direct measurements of the adiabatic temperature change in pulsed-field experiments are crucial. Varying the magnetic-field strength of the pulse between 1 and 50 T furthermore helps to deepen the understanding of time-dependent effects of the first-order transition in the materials needed for exploiting the hysteresis cycle. This could lead to an enhanced usage of

the giant magnetocaloric effect in commercial applications. The technical feasibility of this hysteresis-positive approach is demonstrated using Ni–Mn–In Heusler alloys in pulsed magnetic fields and under uniaxial load (Figure 2).

Reference Gottschall, T., A. Gràcia-Condal, M. Fries, A. Taubel, L. Pfeuffer, L. Mañosa, A. Planes, K. P. Skokov, and O. Gutfleisch (2018), A multicaloric cooling cycle that exploits thermal hysteresis, Nature Materials, 17(10), 929-934.

Figure 2: Experimental demonstration of a hysteresis cycle in Ni– Mn–In. As the stress is applied the temperature of the material increases, but this is reversed when the material is unloaded. A short magnetic field pulse then results in an irreversible cooling effect. After the pulse, the material slowly relaxes back to the temperature of the surroundings.

Figure 1: schematic of a cooling device that could exploit the thermal hysteresis of multicaloric materials.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Scientific Highlights

Planckian dissipation in high-Tc superconductors

Measuring the electrical resistance of a new material is often the first experiment that researchers do, but also often the last to be understood. Nevertheless, the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance gives essential information on the ground state of materials. Whereas in usual metals the resistance exhibits a T2 dependence at low temperature, some compounds called quantum materials show a linear temperature dependence of their resistance. This is the case for the cuprates where such a linear dependence hasbeen observed in a wide range of doping, corresponding to a phase called “strange metal”. Strong electronic interactions are certainly at the origin of this phenomenon, but no consensual explanation has been found to date.

To address this issue, a group of EMFL-T and Canadian researchers have measured the resistivity of thin films of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ in magnetic fields up to 60 Tesla. The latter weakens the superconductivity significantly and reveals the underlying properties of the material. It was observed that the electrical resistivity remains linear down to very low temperatures. This result shows first of all the universal character of this remarkable behavior over a wide temperature range (Figure 1). In addition, a quantitative analysis of the linear term of the resistivity in several cuprate families has revealed a universal mechanism called Planckian dissipation, a consequence of quantum physics which says that the minimum time to dissipate energy is given by the Heisenberg uncertainty (Figure 2). This limit implies that the electron scattering rate ℏ/τ is simply given by kBT. This behavior appears at the same doping level as the superconductivity, which suggests that the mechanism at the origin of the Planckian dissipation is also at the origin of the electronic interaction giving rise to high-temperature superconductivity.

This mechanism is certainly the consequence of a new quantum state of matter in these materials. A similar mechanism, called minimal viscosity, is also encountered in the quark-gluon plasma and the most recent theoretical developments, called holography, are at the boundary between strongly correlated electron systems, string theory, black-hole physics, and the theory of quantum information. Progress in these latter disciplines could therefore directly benefit the understanding of systems where electronic correlations are strong, such as the cuprates.

Reference Legros, A., S. Benhabib, W. Tabis, F. Laliberté, M. Dion, M. Lizaire, B. Vignolle, D. Vignolles, H. Raffy, Z. Z. Li, P. Auban-Senzier, N. Doiron-Leyraud, P. Fournier, D. Colson, L. Taillefer, and C. Proust (2018), Universal T-linear resistivity and Planckian dissipation in overdoped cuprates, Nature Physics 15, 142.

Figure 1: Experimentally observed temperature dependence of the resistivity of different cuprate superconductors, submitted to high magnetic fields.

Figure 2: Experimental versus predicted slope of the linear temperature dependence of the resistivity of different superconductors. The solid line corresponds to a slope of unity.


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Scientific Highlights

A Drosophila for Weyl physics: GdPtBi

In 1929, Hermann Weyl discovered that massless spin-1/2 particles are solutions of the Dirac equation. After many decades, these Weyl particles were finally experimentally revealed in 2015 in simple semimetallic materials such as TaAs. Weyl fermions are low-energy quasiparticle excitations in the vicinity of the unavoidable touching points of a valence band and a conduction band: these materials are “Weyl semimetals”. These touching points always come in pairs with opposite chiralities (right and left) and, moreover, act as large fictitious magnetic fields, so-called Berry fields, for electronic charge carriers.

A group of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, in collaboration with the Technische Universität Dresden, the high magnetic field laboratories HLD in Dresden and HMFL in Nijmegen, and the PSI Switzerland have performed magneto-transport experiments at low temperatures and high magnetic fields up to 70 T. The observations directly indicate Weyl-fermion-mediated transport properties in GdPtBi and NdPtBi, two members of the Heusler family. The key properties are an extremely large chiral-anomaly effect due to pumping of Weyl fermions between pairs of Weyl points and a large anomalous Hall effect due to a non-zero Berry curvature. The temperature dependence of these two observations follow a similar trend (Figure), thereby revealing their common origin in Weyl fermions. Moreover, this study reveals that there is a crucial role of magnetism in creating Weyl fermions via exchange splitting of bands.

Reference Shekhar, C., N. Kumar, V. Grinenko, S. Singh, R. Sarkar, H. Luetkens, S.-C. Wu, Y. Zhang, A. C. Komarek, E. Kampert, Y. Skourski, J. Wosnitza, W. Schnelle, A. McCollam, U. Zeitler, J. Kübler, B. Yan, H.-H. Klauss, S. S. P. Parkin, and C. Felser (2018), Anomalous Hall effect in Weyl semimetal half-Heusler compounds RPtBi (R = Gd and Nd), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(37), 9140-9144.

Figure: Evolution of Weyl points (left) evidencing Weyl fermions and measured anomalous Hall effect and chiral-anomaly effect in GdPtBi (right).


EMFL Annual Report 2018Organisational structure

Organisational structureEMFL’s objective, without profit aim, is to unite world-class high magnetic field facilities and to make them available for excellent research by users. More specifically, EMFL is responsible for the management of access, networking and coordination activities of the high-field facilities in Europe.

CouncilThe Council is the highest governing body of EMFL and consists of the EMFL Member representatives. The council does: • appoint and dismiss the Directors and approve the candidacy of

the executive manager, • admit and dismiss EMFL Members,• approve the progress report, annual accounts and the budget

presented by the Board of Directors, • amend the Statutes and approve the vision, mission and definition

of values of the Association, • discuss and develop strategic, scientific and technical plans of the


The Council exists of: Roland Sauerbrey (HZDR, chair, until June 8, 2018) Han van Krieken (RU/NWO, chair, from June 8, 2018) Emmanuelle Lacaze (CNRS) Amalia Patanè (University of Nottingham)

Board of Directors The board of directors, composed of the laboratory directors, where needed seconded by an executive manager has the following tasks: • define the vision and mission, • execute the strategic operation, • prepare the budget, the annual accounts and the progress report.

The Board of Directors exists of:Jochen Wosnitza (HLD, chair)Geert Rikken (LNCMI) Nigel Hussey (HFML, until August 31, 2018)Peter Christianen (HFML, from September 1, 2018)


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Organisational structure

Selection CommitteeThe task of the EMFL selection committee is to ensure that from the proposed experiments only those that are of excellent scientific quality and clearly benefit from the access to a high-field facility are performed in the EMFL facilities.

The Selection Committee evaluates the scientific proposals on the following three criteria:• scientific quality and originality of the proposal; • necessity for the use of the infrastructure; • track record and past performance of the user group.

Xavier Chaud LNCMI-G Applied SuperconductorsJens Hänisch KIT Applied SuperconductorsAndries den Ouden HFML Applied SuperconductorsToomas Rõõm NICPB MagnetismMathias Doerr IFP MagnetismYuri Skourski HLD MagnetismUli Zeitler HFML MagnetismTony Carrington Univ. Bristol Metals and SuperconductorsMark Kartsovnik WMI Metals and SuperconductorsAlix McCollam HFML Metals and SuperconductorsIlya Sheikin LNCMI-G Metals and SuperconductorsDuncan Maude LNCMI-T SemiconductorsAmalia Patanè Univ. Nottingham SemiconductorsMarek Potemski LNCMI-G SemiconductorsSteffen Wiedmann HFML SemiconductorsYves Fautrelle INP Grenoble Soft Matter and MagnetoscienceHans Engelkamp HFML Soft Matter and MagnetoscienceSimon Hall Univ. Bristol Soft Matter and Magnetoscience

User CommitteeIn order to represent the interests of the high-field user community, members (all external to the infrastructures) are elected for a period of three years by the user community during the annual User Meeting. The chairman of the User Committee will report to the Board of Directors on behalf of the users. During the User Meetings the User Committee will report to the users and collect the feedback.

Raivo Stern (Chair) NICPB, Tallinn NMR/ESRAshish Arora University of Münster (Magneto)-optics of 2D semiconductorsMathias Doerr TU Dresden MagnetismKarel Prokes Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin MagnetismCarsten Putzke Univ. Bristol Metals/SuperconductorsAntonio Polimeni Sapienza Università di Roma Optics/SemiconductorsAlexandre Pourret IMAPEC-PHELIQS-INAC CEA Magnetism/SuperconductivityVassil Skumryev ICREA, Barcelona Magnetism/Magnetic materialsStan Tozer NHMFL Magnetism/Superconductivity


EMFL Annual Report 2018User Access

User AccessThe 19th and 20th call for proposals closed in May and November, resulting in 361 applications from 30 different countries in total. The Selection Committee (see page 21) has evaluated the proposals, covering the five types of scientific topics:

• Metals and Superconductors• Magnetism• Semiconductors• Soft Matter and Magnetoscience• Applied Superconductivity

The EMFL facility in Grenoble has supplied much less magnet hours than usual because a major upgrade of the power supply is in progress. In Grenoble >1000 hours have been used for testing the installation and the upgrade of their powersupply.

The mobile pulses requested at LNCMI via EMFL at other large scale research infrastructures (ESRF, ILL, ...) are included as well. Access to this can be gained also via the proposal submission procedure of ILL, ESRF etc.

Pulsed facilities

DC facilities






Distribution by facilitiesNumber of applications



LNCMI-T mobile









0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000



Hours requested

Hours accepted

Hours generated








0 2000 4000 6000 8000



Pulses requested

Pulses accepted

Pulses generated

Pulses generated- Mobile


EMFL Annual Report 2018 User Access

Evaluation of applications

Projects are classified in three categories:A (excellent proposal to be performed in any case),B (should be carried out but each facility has some freedom considering other constraints),C (inadequate proposal or one that does not need any of the four unique high magnetic field laboratories).

In the B category, the ranking + or - serves as a recommendation to the facility. This freedom within the B category is necessary to allow the facilities to consider other aspects such as for instance available capacity and equipment necessary for a successful project. Besides of ranking the proposals the Committee recommends on the number of accepted magnet hours or number of pulses.

Information about the proposal application procedure can be found at https://emfl.eu/apply-for-magnet-time/

Germany 98

France 71

United Kingdom39

Netherlands 26

Czech Republic 12

Poland 12

Russia 12

Japan 10

United States 10Switzerland 8

Canada 6Singapore 6

South Korea 6Greece 5China 4

India 4Italy 4

Slovenia 4Austria 3

Brazil 3Spain 3

Taiwan 3Denmark 2Hungary 2 Ireland 2Norway 2

Belgium 1Croatia 1

Hong Kong 1Sweden 1

Distribution by countriesNumber of proposals (counting the affiliation of the main applicant)


EMFL Annual Report 2018Publications

PublicationsArticles 20181. Agrestini, S., C. Y. Kuo, K. Chen, Y. Utsumi, D. Mikhailova, A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm, T. Förster, A. Matsumoto,

T. Takayama, H. Takagi, M. W. Haverkort, Z. Hu, and L. H. Tjeng (2018), Probing the Jeff = 0 ground state and the Van Vleck paramagnetism of the Ir5+ ions in layered Sr2Co0.5Ir0.5O4, Physical Review B, 97(21), 214436.

2. Almulhem, N. K., M. E. Stebliy, A. Nogaret, J.-C. Portal, H. E. Beere, and D. A. Ritchie (2018), Photovoltage detection of Damon-Eshbach and dipolar edge spin waves of nanomagnets with two-dimensional electron gas system, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57(9, 2), 09TF01.

3. Anand, V. K., L. Opherden, J. Xu, D. T. Adroja, A. D. Hillier, P. K. Biswas, T. Herrmannsdörfer, M. Uhlarz, J. Hornung, J. Wosnitza, E. Canévet, and B. Lake (2018), Evidence for a dynamical ground state in the frustrated pyrohafnate Tb2Hf2O7, Physical Review B, 97(9), 094402.

4. Andreev, A. V., D. I. Gorbunov, J. Šebek, and D. S. Neznakhin (2018), Influence of Co on the magnetism of HoFe5Al7, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 731, 135-142.

5. Andreev, A. V., J. Šebek, K. Shirasaki, S. Daniš, D. I. Gorbunov, T. Yamamura, J. Vejpravová, L. Havela, and F. R. de Boer (2018), Transition from itinerant metamagnetism to ferromagnetism in UCo1-xOsxAl solid solutions, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536, 558-563.

6. Andreev, A. V., Y. Skourski, D. I. Gorbunov, and K. Prokeš (2018), High-field study of UCo2Si2: Magnetostriction at metamagnetic transition and influence of Fe substitution, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536, 567-571.

7. Arora, A., T. Deilmann, P. Marauhn, M. Drueppel, R. Schneider, M. R. Molas, D. Vaclavkova, S. M. de Vasconcellos, M. Rohlfing, M. Potemski, and R. Bratschitsch (2018), Valley-contrasting optics of interlayer excitons in Mo- and W-based bulk transition metal dichalcogenides, Nanoscale, 10(33), 15571-15577.

8. Arora, A., M. Koperski, A. Slobodeniuk, K. Nogajewski, R. Schmidt, R. Schneider, M. R. Molas, S. M. de Vasconcellos, R. Bratschitsch, and M. Potemski (2018), Zeeman spectroscopy of excitons and hybridization of electronic states in few-layer WSe2 , MoSe2 and MoTe2, 2D Materials(1).

9. Artyukhin, S., D. Fishman, C. Faugeras, M. Potemski, A. Revcolevschi, M. Mostovoy, and P. H. M. van Loosdrecht (2018), Magneto-absorption spectra of hydrogen-like yellow exciton series in cuprous oxide: excitons in strong magnetic fields, Scientific Reports, 8, 7818.

10. Audouard, A., and J.-Y. Fortin (2018), Does Fourier analysis yield reliable amplitudes of quantum oscillations?, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 83(3), 30201.

11. Aujogue, K., A. Potherat, B. Sreenivasan, and F. Debray (2018), Experimental study of the convection in a rotating tangent cylinder, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 843, 355-381.

12. Averkiev, N. S., I. B. Bersuker, V. V. Gudkov, I. V. Zhevstovskikh, M. N. Sarychev, S. Zherlitsyn, S. Yasin, Y. V. Korostelin, and V. T. Surikov (2018), Jahn-Teller effect problems via ultrasonic experiments. Application to the impurity crystal CdSe:Cr, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1148, 012008.

13. Avronsart, J., C. Berriaud, X. Chaud, C. Hilaire, M. Kazazi, D. Nardelli, and M. Tropeano (2018), Measurements on Critical Current and Bending Strain Tolerance for Ex Situ MgB2 Wires and Tapes Under High Field up to 8 T, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(3), 6200305.

14. Baker, N. T., A. Potherat, L. Davoust, and F. Debray (2018), Inverse and Direct Energy Cascades in Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence at Low Magnetic Reynolds Number, Physical Review Letters, 120(22), 224502.

15. Baranowski, M., L. Janicki, M. Gladysiewicz, M. Welna, M. Latkowska, J. Misiewicz, L. Marona, D. Schiavon, P. Perlin, and R. Kudrawiec (2018), Direct evidence of photoluminescence broadening


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Publications

enhancement by local electric field fluctuations in polar InGaN/GaN quantum wells, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57(2), 020305.

16. Baranowski, M., J. M. Urban, N. Zhang, A. Surrente, D. K. Maude, Z. Andaji-Garmaroudi, S. D. Stranks, and P. Plochocka (2018), Static and Dynamic Disorder in Triple-Cation Hybrid Perovskites, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(30), 17473-17480.

17. Battesti, R., J. Beard, S. Böser, N. Bruyant, D. Budker, S. A. Crooker, E. J. Daw, V. V. Flambaum, T. Inada, I. G. Irastorza, F. Karbstein, D. L. Kim, M. G. Kozlov, Z. Melhem, A. Phipps, P. Pugnat, G. Rikken, C. Rizzo, M. Schott, Y. K. Semertzidis, H. H. J. ten Kate, and G. Zavattini (2018), High magnetic fields for fundamental physics, Physics Reports, 765-766, 1-39.

18. Bayliss, S. L., L. R. Weiss, A. Mitioglu, K. Galkowski, Z. Yang, K. Yunusofa, A. Surrente, K. J. Thorley, J. Behrends, R. Bittl, J. E. Anthony, A. Rao, R. H. Friend, P. Plochocka, P. C. M. Christianen, N. C. Greenham, and A. D. Chepelianskii (2018), Site-selective measurement of coupled spin pairs in an organic semiconductor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(20), 5077-5082.

19. Béard, J., J. Billette, N. Ferreira, P. Frings, J. Lagarrigue, F. Lecouturier, and J. Nicolin (2018), Design and Tests of the 100-T Triple Coil at LNCMI, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(3), 1-5.

20. Benkel, T., X. Jacolin, B. Rozier, X. Chaud, A. Badel, T. Lecrevisse, P. Fazilleau, and P. Tixador (2018), Characterization of HTS Insulated Coil for High Field Insert up to 19 T, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(3), 4601905.

21. Bhuiyan, M. A., Z. R. Kudrynskyi, D. Mazumder, J. D. G. Greener, O. Makarovsky, C. J. Mellor, E. E. Vdovin, B. A. Piot, I. I. Lobanova, Z. D. Kovalyuk, M. Nazarova, A. Mishchenko, K. S. Novoselov, Y. Cao, L. Eaves, G. Yusa, and A. Patanè (2018), Photoquantum Hall Effect and Light-Induced Charge Transfer at the Interface of Graphene/InSe Heterostructures, Advanced Functional Materials(0), 1805491.

22. Bovkun, L. S., A. V. Ikonnikov, V. Y. Aleshkin, S. S. Krishtopenko, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretski, M. Potemski, B. A. Piot, M. Orlita, and V. I. Gavrilenko (2018), Polarization-sensitive Fourier spectroscopy of HgTe quantum wells, JETP Letters, 108(5), 352.

23. Bovkun, L. S., K. V. Maremyanin, A. V. Ikonnikov, K. E. Spirin, V. Y. Aleshkin, M. Potemski, B. A. Piot, M. Orlita, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretskii, and V. I. Gavrilenko (2018), Magnetooptics of HgTe/CdTe Quantum Wells with Giant Rashba Splitting in Magnetic Fields up to 34 T, Semiconductors, 52, 1386.

24. Brodu, A., M. V. Ballottin, J. Buhot, E. J. van Harten, D. Dupont, A. La Porta, P. T. Prins, M. D. Tessier, M. A. M. Versteegh, V. Zwiller, S. Bals, Z. Hens, F. T. Rabouw, P. C. M. Christianen, C. De Mello Donega, and D. Vanmaekelbergh (2018), Exciton Fine Structure and Lattice Dynamics in InP/ZnSe Core/Shell Quantum Dots, ACS Photonics, 5, 3353 - 3362.

25. Brunt, D., G. Balakrishnan, D. A. Mayoh, M. R. Lees, D. Gorbunov, N. Qureshi, and O. A. Petrenko (2018), Magnetisation process in the rare earth tetraborides, NdB4 and HoB4, Scientific Reports, 8(1), 232.

26. Bu, F., X. Xue, J. Wang, H. Kou, C. Li, P. Zhang, E. Beaugnon, and J. Li (2018), Effect of strong static magnetic field on the microstructure and transformation temperature of Co-Ni-Al ferromagnetic shape memory alloy, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29, 19491.

27. Bunting, P. C., M. Atanasov, E. Damgaard-Moller, M. Perfetti, I. Crassee, M. Orlita, J. Overgaard, J. van Slageren, F. Neese, and J. R. Long (2018), A linear cobalt(II) complex with maximal orbital angular momentum from a non-Aufbau ground state, Science, 362, 6421.

28. Busch, M., O. Chiatti, S. Pezzini, S. Wiedmann, J. Sánchez-Barriga, O. Rader, L. V. Yashina, and S. F. Fischer (2018), High-temperature quantum oscillations of the Hall resistance in bulk Bi2Se3, Scientific Reports, 8, 485.

29. Bush, A. A., N. Buettgen, A. A. Gippius, M. Horvatić, M. Jeong, W. Kraetschmer, V. I. Marchenko, Y. A. Sakhratov, and L. E. Svistov (2018), Exotic phases of frustrated antiferromagnet LiCu2O2, Physical Review B, 97(5), 054428.

30. Camargo, B. C., and W. Escoffier (2018), Taming the magnetoresistance anomaly in graphite, Carbon,


EMFL Annual Report 2018Publications

139, 210 - 215.

31. Chattopadhyay, S., V. Simonet, V. Skumryev, A. A. Mukhin, V. Y. Ivanov, M. I. Aroyo, D. Z. Dimitrov, M. Gospodinov, and E. Ressouche (2018), Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of hexagonal multiferroic YbMnO3 under a magnetic field, Physical Review B, 98(13), 134413.

32. Ciceron, J., A. Badel, P. Tixador, R. Pasquet, and F. Forest (2018), Test in Strong Background Field of a Modular Element of a REBCO 1 MJ High Energy Density SMES, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(4), 1-5.

33. Corfdir, P., H. Li, O. Marquardt, G. Gao, M. R. Molas, J. K. Zettler, D. van Treeck, T. Flissikowski, M. Potemski, C. Draxl, A. Trampert, S. Fernandez-Garrido, H. T. Grahn, and O. Brandt (2018), Crystal-Phase Quantum Wires: One-Dimensional Heterostructures with Atomically Flat Interfaces, Nano Letters, 18(1), 247-254.

34. Costes, J.-P., G. Novitchi, V. Vieru, L. F. Chibotaru, C. Duhayon, L. Vendier, J.-P. Majoral, and W. Wernsdorfer (2018), Effects of the Exchange Coupling on Dynamic Properties in a Series of CoGdCo Complexes, Inorg. Chem 58(1),756-768.

35. Crassee, I., E. Martino, C. C. Homes, O. Caha, J. Novak, P. Tueckmantel, M. Hakl, A. Nateprov, E. Arushanov, Q. D. Gibson, R. J. Cava, S. M. Koohpayeh, K. E. Arpino, T. M. McQueen, M. Orlita, and A. Akrap (2018), Nonuniform carrier density in Cd3As2 evidenced by optical spectroscopy, Physical Review B, 97(12), 125204.

36. Cyr-Choiniere, O., R. Daou, F. Laliberte, C. Collignon, S. Badoux, D. LeBoeuf, J. Chang, B. J. Ramshaw, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, R. Liang, J. Q. Yan, J. G. Cheng, J. S. Zhou, J. B. Goodenough, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, N. Doiron-Leyraud, and L. Taillefer (2018), Pseudogap temperature T* of cuprate superconductors from the Nernst effect, Physical Review B, 97(6), 064502.

37. Cyr-Choiniere, O., D. LeBoeuf, S. Badoux, S. Dufour-Beausejour, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, R. Liang, D. Graf, N. Doiron-Leyraud, and L. Taillefer (2018), Sensitivity of Tc to pressure and magnetic field in the cuprate superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy: Evidence of charge-order suppression by pressure, Physical Review B, 98(6), 064513.

38. da Silva Neto, E. H., M. Minola, B. Yu, W. Tabis, M. Bluschke, D. Unruh, H. Suzuki, Y. Li, G. Yu, D. Betto, K. Kummer, F. Yakhou, N. B. Brookes, M. Le Tacon, M. Greven, B. Keimer, and A. Damascelli (2018), Coupling between dynamic magnetic and charge-order correlations in the cuprate superconductor Nd2-xCexCuO4, Physical Review B, 98, 161114.

39. Desrat, W., S. S. Krishtopenko, B. A. Piot, M. Orlita, C. Consejo, S. Ruffenach, W. Knap, A. Nateprov, E. Arushanov, and F. Teppe (2018), Band splitting in Cd3As2 measured by magnetotransport, Physical Review B, 97(24), 245203.

40. Desrat, W., M. Moret, O. Briot, T.-H. Ngo, B. A. Piot, B. Jabakhanji, and B. Gil (2018), Superconducting Ga/GaSe layers grown by van der Waals epitaxy, Materials Research Express, 5(4), 045901.

41. Deutsch, M., W. Peng, P. Foury-Leylekian, V. Balédent, S. Chattopadhyay, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, T. C. Hansen, A. Forget, D. Colson, M. Greenblatt, M. B. Lepetit, S. Petit, and I. Mirebeau (2018), Pressure-induced commensurate order in TbMn2O5 and DyMn2O5: Influence of rare-earth anisotropy and 3d-4 f exchange, Physical Review B, 98(2), 024408.

42. Devi, P., M. Ghorbani Zavareh, C. S. Mejía, K. Hofmann, B. Albert, C. Felser, M. Nicklas, and S. Singh (2018), Reversible adiabatic temperature change in the shape memory Heusler alloy NiMn0.8Ga: An effect of structural compatibility, Physical Review Materials, 2(12), 122401.

43. Dias, F. T., V. N. Vieira, C. P. Oliveira, D. L. Silva, F. Mesquita, J. R. Lima, F. Wolff-Fabris, E. Kampert, and P. Pureur (2018), Gaussian and critical scalings in the magnetoconductivity fluctuations of Y3Ba5Cu8O18 superconductor, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 32(32), 1850360.

44. Diop, L. V. B., M. D. Kuz’min, K. P. Skokov, Y. Skourski, and O. Gutfleisch (2018), Origin of field-induced discontinuous phase transitions in Nd2Fe17, Physical Review B, 97(5), 054406.


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Publications

45. Do, S.-H., W. J. Lee, S. Lee, Y. S. Choi, K. J. Lee, D. I. Gorbunov, J. Wosnitza, B. J. Suh, and K.-Y. Choi (2018), Short-range quasistatic order and critical spin correlations in α-Ru1−xIrxCl3, Physical Review B, 98(1), 014407.

46. Döntgen, J., J. Rudolph, T. Gottschall, O. Gutfleisch, and D. Hägele (2018), Millisecond Dynamics of the Magnetocaloric Effect in a First- and Second-Order Phase Transition Material, Energy Technology, 6(8), 1470-1477.

47. Duc, F., X. Tonon, J. Billette, B. Rollet, W. Knafo, F. Bourdarot, J. Béard, F. Mantegazza, B. Longuet, J. E. Lorenzo, E. Lelièvre-Berna, P. Frings, and L.-P. Regnault (2018), 40-Tesla pulsed-field cryomagnet for single crystal neutron diffraction, Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(5), 053905.

48. Faugeras, C., M. Orlita, and M. Potemski (2018), Raman scattering of graphene-based systems in high magnetic fields, Journal Of Raman Spectroscopy, 49(1, SI), 146-156.

49. Fauqué, B., X. Yang, W. Tabis, M. Shen, Z. Zhu, C. Proust, Y. Fuseya, and K. Behnia (2018), Magnetoresistance of semimetals: The case of antimony, Phys. Rev. Materials, 2, 114201.

50. Fazilleau, P., B. Borgnic, X. Chaud, F. Debray, T. Lecrevisse, and J.-B. Song (2018), Metal-as-insulation sub-scale prototype tests under a high background magnetic field, Superconductor Science And Technology, 31(9), 095003.

51. Finkelstein, L. D., A. V. Efremov, M. A. Korotin, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, N. V. Mushnikov, I. S. Zhidkov, A. I. Kukharenko, S. O. Cholakh, and E. Z. Kurmaev (2018), XPS spectra, electronic structure, and magnetic properties of RFe5Al7 intermetallics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 733, 82-90.

52. Gäumann, G., I. Crassee, N. Numan, M. Tamagnone, J. R. Mosig, J.-M. Poumirol, J.-P. Wolf, and T. Feurer (2018), Nonlinear THz spectroscopy and simulation of gated graphene, Journal of Physics Communications, 2(6), 065016.

53. Gorbunov, D. I., A. V. Andreev, D. S. Neznakhin, M. S. Henriques, J. Šebek, Y. Skourski, S. Daniš, and J. Wosnitza (2018), Magnetic properties of DyFe5−xCoxAl7: Suppression of exchange interactions and magnetocrystalline anisotropy by Co substitution, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 741, 715-722.

54. Gorbunov, D. I., M. S. Henriques, N. Qureshi, B. Ouladdiaf, C. S. Mejía, J. Gronemann, A. V. Andreev, V. Petříček, E. L. Green, and J. Wosnitza (2018), Spontaneous and field-induced magnetic phase transitions in Dy2Co3Al9: Effects of exchange frustration, Physical Review Materials, 2(8), 084406.

55. Gorbunov, D. I., T. Nomura, I. Ishii, M. S. Henriques, A. V. Andreev, M. Doerr, T. Stöter, T. Suzuki, S. Zherlitsyn, and J. Wosnitza (2018), Crystal-field effects in the kagome antiferromagnet Ho3Ru4Al12, Physical Review B, 97(18), 184412.

56. Gottschall, T., A. Gràcia-Condal, M. Fries, A. Taubel, L. Pfeuffer, L. Mañosa, A. Planes, K. P. Skokov, and O. Gutfleisch (2018), A multicaloric cooling cycle that exploits thermal hysteresis, Nature Materials, 17(10), 929-934.

57. Gudkov, V. V., I. B. Bersuker, I. V. Zhevstovskikh, M. N. Sarychev, S. Zherlitsyn, S. Yasin, and Y. V. Korostelin (2018), Magnetoacoustic Relaxation by Cr2-+ Jahn–Teller Centers Revealed from Elastic Moduli, physica status solidi (a), 215(24), 1800586.

58. Guo, T., J. Li, J. Wang, W. Y. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Luo, H. Kou, and E. Beaugnon (2018), Microstructure and properties of bulk Al0.5CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy by cold rolling and subsequent annealing, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, 729, 141-148.

59. Hakl, M., S. Tchoumakov, I. Crassee, A. Akrap, B. A. Piot, C. Faugeras, G. Martinez, A. Nateprov, E. Arushanov, F. Teppe, R. Sankar, W.-l. Lee, J. Debray, O. Caha, J. Novak, M. O. Goerbig, M. Potemski, and M. Orlita (2018), Energy scale of Dirac electrons in Cd3As2, Physical Review B, 97(11), 115206.

60. Hartman, M. T., R. Battesti, and C. Rizzo (2018), Status of the Vacuum Birefringence Search at BMV, paper presented at 2018 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), July.

61. He, Y., J. Li, J. Wang, and E. Beaugnon (2018), Transition from hypereutectic to hypoeutectic for rapid solidification in an undercooled Co-B alloy, Journal of Crystal Growth, 499, 98-105.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Publications

62. Henck, H., J. Avila, Z. Ben Aziza, D. Pierucci, J. Baima, B. Pamuk, J. Chaste, D. Utt, M. Bartos, K. Nogajewski, B. A. Piot, M. Orlita, M. Potemski, M. Calandra, M. C. Asensio, F. Mauri, C. Faugeras, and A. Ouerghi (2018), Flat electronic bands in long sequences of rhombohedral-stacked graphene, Physical Review B, 97(24), 245421.

63. Henriques, M. S., D. I. Gorbunov, A. V. Andreev, X. Fabrèges, A. Gukasov, M. Uhlarz, V. Petříček, B. Ouladdiaf, and J. Wosnitza (2018), Complex magnetic order in the kagome ferromagnet Pr3Ru4Al12, Physical Review B, 97(1), 014431.

64. Hussey, N. E., J. Buhot, and S. Licciardello (2018), A tale of two metals: contrasting criticalities in the pnictides and hole-doped cuprates, Reports of Progress in Physics, 81, 052501.

65. Ishii, I., T. Mizuno, K. Takezawa, S. Kumano, Y. Kawamoto, T. Suzuki, D. I. Gorbunov, M. S. Henriques, and A. V. Andreev (2018), Magnetic-field-induced quadrupolar ordering and the crystal electric field effect in the distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet Dy3Ru4Al12, Physical Review B, 97(23), 235130.

66. Jakubczyk, T., K. Nogajewski, M. R. Molas, M. Bartos, W. Langbein, M. Potemski, and J. Kasprzak (2018), Impact of environment on dynamics of exciton complexes in a WS2 monolayer, 2D Materials, 5(3), 031007.

67. Kačmarčík, J., I. Vinograd, B. Michon, A. Rydh, A. Demuer, R. Zhou, H. Mayaffre, R. Liang, W. N. Hardy, D. A. Bonn, N. Doiron-Leyraud, L. Taillefer, M.-H. Julien, C. Marcenat, and T. Klein (2018), Unusual Interplay between Superconductivity and Field-Induced Charge Order in YBa2Cu3Oy, Physical Review Letters, 121, 167002.

68. Karpenkov, D. Y., K. P. Skokov, M. B. Lyakhova, I. A. Radulov, T. Faske, Y. Skourski, and O. Gutfleisch (2018), Intrinsic magnetic properties of hydrided and non-hydrided Nd5Fe17 single crystals, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 741, 1012-1020.

69. Keshavarz, M., S. Wiedmann, H. Yuan, E. Debroye, M. Roeffaers, and J. Hofkens (2018), Light- and Temperature-Modulated Magneto-Transport in Organic−Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskites, ACS Energy Letters, 3, 39 - 45.

70. Kim, H., S. Park, R. Okuyama, K. Kyhm, M. Eto, R. A. Taylor, G. Nogues, L. S. Dang, M. Potemski, K. Je, J. Kim, J. Kyhm, and J. Song (2018), Light Controlled Optical Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations in a Single Quantum Ring, Nano Letters, 18(10), 6188-6194.

71. Klein, Y., M. Casula, D. Santos-Cottin, A. Audouard, D. Vignolles, G. Fève, V. Freulon, B. Plaçais, M. Verseils, H. Yang, L. Paulatto, and A. Gauzzi (2018), Importance of nonlocal electron correlation in the BaNiS2 semimetal from quantum oscillations studies, Physical Review B, 97, 075140.

72. Klopotowski, L., N. Czechowski, A. A. Mitioglu, C. Backes, D. K. Maude, and P. Plochocka (2018), Long-lived photoluminescence polarization of localized excitons in liquid exfoliated monolayer enriched WS2, Nanotechnology, 29(33), 335703.

73. Klotz, J., K. Götze, E. L. Green, A. Demuer, H. Shishido, T. Ishida, H. Harima, J. Wosnitza, and I. Sheikin (2018), Fermi-surface topology of the heavy-fermion system Ce2PtIn8, Physical Review B, 97(16), 165120.

74. Klotz, J., K. Götze, I. Sheikin, T. Förster, D. Graf, J. H. Park, E. S. Choi, R. Hu, C. Petrovic, J. Wosnitza, and E. L. Green (2018), Fermi surface reconstruction and dimensional topology change in Nd-doped CeCoIn5, Physical Review B, 98(8), 081105.

75. Knafo, W., D. Aoki, G. W. Scheerer, F. Duc, F. Bourdarot, K. Kuwahara, H. Nojiri, L.-P. Regnault, and J. Flouquet (2018), URu2Si2 under intense magnetic fields: From hidden order to spin-density wave, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536, 457 - 460.

76. Kobak, J., A. Bogucki, T. Smolenski, M. Papaj, M. Koperski, M. Potemski, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, and W. Pacuski (2018), Direct determination of the zero-field splitting for a single Co2+ ion embedded in a CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot, Physical Review B, 97(4), 045305.

77. Komissarova, T. A., E. Kampert, J. Law, V. N. Jmerik, P. Paturi, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and S. V. Ivanov (2018), Electrical properties of surface and interface layers of the N- and In-polar undoped and Mg-


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Publications

doped InN layers grown by PA MBE, Applied Physics Letters, 112(2), 022104.

78. Koperski, M., M. R. Molas, A. Arora, K. Nogajewski, M. Bartos, J. Wyzula, D. Vaclavkova, P. Kossacki, and M. Potemski (2018), Orbital, spin and valley contributions to Zeeman splitting of excitonic resonances in MoSe2,WSe2 and WS2 Monolayers, 2D Materials, 6(1), 015001.

79. Koperski, M., K. Nogajewski, and M. Potemski (2018), Single photon emitters in boron nitride: More than a supplementary material, Optics Communications, 411, 158-165.

80. Kostyuchenko, N. V., I. S. Tereshina, D. I. Gorbunov, E. A. Tereshina-Chitrova, A. V. Andreev, M. Doerr, G. A. Politova, and A. K. Zvezdin (2018), Features of magnetization behavior in the rare-earth intermetallic compound (Nd0.5Ho0.5)2Fe14B, Intermetallics, 98, 139-142.

81. Kowalczyk, P., F. Hippert, N. Bernier, C. Mocuta, C. Sabbione, W. Batista-Pessoa, and P. Noe (2018), Impact of Stoichiometry on the Structure of van der Waals Layered GeTe/Sb2Te3 Superlattices Used in Interfacial Phase-Change Memory (iPCM) Devices, Small, 14(24), 1704514.

82. Krieg, J., R. Giraud, H. Funke, J. Dufouleur, W. Escoffier, C. Trautmann, and M. E. Toimil-Molares (2018), Magnetotransport measurements on Bi2Te3 nanowires electrodeposited in etched ion-track membranes, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.

83. Krishna Kumar, R., A. Mishchenko, X. Chen, S. Pezzini, G. H. Auton, L. A. Ponomarenko, U. Zeitler, L. Eaves, V. I. Fal’ko, and A. K. Geim (2018), High-order fractal states in graphene superlattices, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(20), 5135-5139.

84. Krizman, G., B. A. Assaf, M. Orlita, T. Phuphachong, G. Bauer, G. Springholz, G. Bastard, R. Ferreira, L. A. de Vaulchier, and Y. Guldnerl (2018), Avoided level crossing at the magnetic field induced topological phase transition due to spin-orbital mixing, Physical Review B, 98(16), 161202.

85. Kumar, V., S. Shova, V. Maurel, G. Novitchi, and C. Train (2018), Crystallographic Insights into the Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Oxoverdazyl Radicals Functionalized by Benzoic Acid, European Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry(3-4, SI), 517-524.

86. Lahoubi, M. (2018), Magnetic study of the low temperature anomalies in the magnetodielectric terbium iron garnet, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536, 96 - 101.

87. Laliberté, F., M. Frachet, S. Benhabib, B. Borgnic, T. Loew, J. Porras, M. Le Tacon, B. Keimer, S. R. Wiedmann, C. Proust, and D. LeBoeuf (2018), High field charge order across the phase diagram of YBa2Cu3Oy, NJP Quantum Materials, 3, 11.

88. Le Quang, T., K. Nogajewski, M. Potemski, M. T. Dau, M. Jamet, P. Mallet, and J.-Y. Veuillen (2018), Band-bending induced by charged defects and edges of atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide films, 2D Materials, 5(3), 035034.

89. Lecrevisse, T., A. Badel, T. Benkel, X. Chaud, P. Fazilleau, and P. Tixador (2018), Metal-as-insulation variant of no-insulation HTS winding technique: pancake tests under high background magnetic field and high current at 4.2K, Superconductor Science And Technology, 31(5), 055008.

90. Legros, A., S. Benhabib, W. Tabis, F. Laliberté, M. Dion, M. Lizaire, B. Vignolle, D. Vignolles, H. Raffy, Z. Z. Li, P. Auban-Senzier, N. Doiron-Leyraud, P. Fournier, D. Colson, L. Taillefer, and C. Proust (2018), Universal T-linear resistivity and Planckian dissipation in overdoped cuprates, Nature Physics, 15 142.

91. Li, J., N. H. Le, K. L. Litvinenko, S. K. Clowes, H. Engelkamp, S. G. Pavlov, H.-W. Hübers, V. B. Shuman, L. M. Portsel, A. N. Lodygin, Y. A. Astrov, N. V. Abrosimov, C. R. Pidgeon, A. Fisher, Z. Zeng, Y. M. Niquet, and B. N. Murdin (2018), Radii of Rydberg states of isolated silicon donors, Physical Review B, 98, 085423.

92. Lu, J. M., O. Zheliuk, Q. H. Chen, I. Leermakers, N. E. Hussey, U. Zeitler, and J. T. Ye (2018), Full superconducting dome of strong Ising protection in gated monolayer WS2, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(14), 3551-3556.

93. Mahon, T., E. Gaudin, B. Vignolle, G. Ballon, B. Chevalier, and S. Tencé (2018), R2Co3-xSix (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) and R2Ni3-xSix (R = Gd-Er), new series of La2Ni3-type phases, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 737, 377 - 386.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Publications

94. Manca, N., D. J. Groenendijk, I. Pallecchi, C. Autieri, L. M. K. Tang, F. Telesio, G. Mattoni, A. McCollam, S. Picozzi, and A. D. Caviglia (2018), Balanced electron-hole transport in spin-orbit semimetal SrIrO3 heterostructures, Physical Review B, 97, 081105.

95. Mansouri, S., S. Jandl, M. Balli, P. Fournier, A. A. Mukhin, V. Y. Ivanov, A. Balbashov, and M. Orlita (2018), Study of crystal-field excitations and infrared active phonons in TbMnO3, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, 30(17), 175602.

96. Mansouri, S., S. Jandl, M. Balli, P. Fournier, B. Roberge, M. Orlita, I. A. Zobkalo, S. N. Barilo, and S. V. Shiryaev (2018), Probing the role of Nd3+ ions in the weak multiferroic character of NdMn2O5 by optical spectroscopies, Physical Review B, 98, 205119.

97. Maryenko, D., A. McCollam, J. Falson, Y. Kozuka, J. Bruin, U. Zeitler, and M. Kawasaki (2018), Composite fermion liquid to Wigner solid transition in the lowest Landau level of zinc oxide, nature Communications, 9, 4356.

98. Meinero, M., F. Caglieris, G. Lamura, I. Pallecchi, A. Jost, U. Zeitler, S. Ishida, H. Eisaki, and M. Putti (2018), Unusual thermoelectric properties of BaFe2As2 in high magnetic fields, Physical Review B, 98, 155116.

99. Mejía, C. S., A. K. Nayak, C. Felser, and M. Nicklas (2018), Pressure-tuning of the magnetic properties of the Heusler compound Mn 2PtGa, Journal of Applied Physics, 124(17), 173901.

100. Mingalieva, L. V., R. T. Galeev, A. A. Sukhanov, V. K. Voronkova, I. K. Budnikova, and G. Novitchi (2018), Features of Exchange Interaction Between Cr3+ Ions in Compounds [Fe(phen)3)][Cr2(OH)(Ac)(nta)2]. 6,25H2O and [Fe(bpy)3][Cr2(OH)(Ac)(nta)2]. 8H2O, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 49(1), 61-69.

101. Mitioglu, A., J. Buhot, M. V. Ballottin, S. Anghel, K. Sushkevich, L. Kulyuk, and P. C. M. Christianen (2018), Observation of bright exciton splitting in strained WSe2 monolayers, Physical Review B, 98, 235429.

102. Nachawaty, A., M. Yang, S. Nanot, D. Kazazis, R. Yakimova, W. Escoffier, and B. Jouault (2018), Large nonlocality in macroscopic Hall bars made of epitaxial graphene, Physical Review B, 98, 045403.

103. Nagler, P., M. V. Ballottin, A. A. Mitioglu, M. V. Durnev, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Chernikov, C. Schüller, M. M. Glazov, P. C. M. Christianen, and T. Korn (2018), Zeeman Splitting and Inverted Polarization of Biexciton Emission in Monolayer WS2, Physical Review Letters, 121, 057402.

104. Neznakhin, D. S., G. A. Politova, L. A. Ivanov, A. S. Volegov, D. I. Gorbunov, I. S. Tereshina, and N. V. Kudrevatykh (2018), Low-Temperature Magnetic Hysteresis in Nd(Pr)-Fe-B Nanostructured Alloys with Nd2Fe14B Type Main Phase Composition, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 386, 125-130.

105. Nicolini, A., R. Galavotti, A.-L. Barra, M. Borsari, M. Caleffi, G. Luo, G. Novitchi, K. Park, A. Ranieri, L. Rigamonti, F. Roncaglia, C. Train, and A. Cornia (2018), Filling the Gap in Extended Metal Atom Chains: Ferromagnetic Interactions in a Tetrairon(II) String Supported by Oligo-alpha-pyridylamido Ligands, Inorganic Chemistry, 57(9), 5438-5448.

106. Nishijima, G., K. Osamura, T. Nagaishi, T. Fukushima, Y. Iijima, T. Koizumi, Y. Zhang, M. Breschi, X. Chaud, H.-S. Shin, and T. Kiss (2018), International Round Robin Test for Critical Current Measurement of RE-Ba-Cu-O Superconducting Tapes, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(4), 6601205.

107. Noé, P., and F. Hippert (2018), In book - Phase Change Memory: Chapter - Structure and Properties of Chalcogenide Materials for PCM, 125-179.

108. Okazaki, A. K., S. Wiedmann, S. Pezzini, M. L. Peres, P. H. O. Rappl, and E. Abramof (2018), Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations in topological crystalline insulator SnTe(111) epitaxial films, Physical Review B, 98, 195136.

109. Opherden, L., T. Bilitewski, J. Hornung, T. Herrmannsdörfer, A. Samartzis, A. T. M. N. Islam, V. K. Anand, B. Lake, R. Moessner, and J. Wosnitza (2018), Inverted hysteresis and negative remanence in a homogeneous antiferromagnet, Physical Review B, 98(18), 180403.

110. Orlova, A., H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M. Dupont, S. Capponi, N. Laflorencie, A. Paduan-Filho, and M. Horvatić (2018), Detection of a Disorder-Induced Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Quantum Spin Material


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Publications

at High Magnetic Fields, Physical Review Letters, 121, 177202.

111. Pereira, L. C. d. J., J. T. Coutinho, M. Perfetti, J. J. Baldovi, M. A. Antunes, P. Hallmen, H. Bamberger, I. Crasse, M. Orlita, M. Almeida, and J. van Slageren (2018), Spectroscopic Determination of the Electronic Structure of a Uranium Single-Ion Magnet, Chemistry - A European Journal.

112. Pezzini, S., M. R. van Delft, L. M. Schoop, B. V. Lotsch, A. Carrington, M. I. Katsnelson, N. E. Hussey, and S. Wiedmann (2018), Unconventional mass enhancement around the Dirac nodal loop in ZrSiS, Nature Physics, 14, 178-183.

113. Politova, G. A., I. S. Tereshina, D. I. Gorbunov, M. A. Paukov, A. V. Andreev, R. M. Grechishkin, and K. Rogacki (2018), Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of single crystal (Nd0.5Pr0.5)2Fe14B, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 751, 283-288.

114. Pugnat, P., R. Barbier, C. Berriaud, R. Berthier, T. Boujet, F. Debray, P. Fazilleau, P. Graffin, P. Hanoux, B. Hervieu, F. Molinie, H. Neyrial, M. Pelloux, C. Peroni, R. Pfister, Y. Queinec, L. Ronayette, and B. Vincent (2018), Progress in the Construction of the 43 T Hybrid Magnet at LNCMI-Grenoble, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(3), 4300907.

115. Pugnat, P., T. Boujet, T. Disparti, P. Hanoux, C. Peroni, R. Pfister, M. Pissard, L. Ronayette, and J.-M. Tudela (2018), In-House Industrial Production of the Superconducting Conductor for the 43 T Hybrid Magnet of LNCMI-Grenoble, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(4), 4301005.

116. Putzke, C., J. Ayres, J. Buhot, S. Licciardello, N. E. Hussey, S. Friedmann, and A. Carrington (2018), Charge order and superconductivity in underdoped YBa2Cu3O7-δ under pressure, Physical Review Letters, 120, 117002.

117. Rauch, D., N. Steinki, W. Knafo, C. Pfleiderer, W. J. Duncan, F. M. Grosche, and S. Süllow (2018), High magnetic field behavior of NbFe2, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536, 510 - 511.

118. Rizzo, F., A. Augieri, A. Kursumovic, M. Bianchetti, L. Opherden, M. Sieger, R. Hühne, J. Hänisch, A. Meledin, G. Van Tendeloo, J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, and G. Celentano (2018), Pushing the limits of applicability of REBCO coated conductor films through fine chemical tuning and nanoengineering of inclusions, Nanoscale, 10(17), 8187-8195.

119. Romanova, T. A., D. A. Knyazev, Z. Wang, A. V. Sadakov, and V. A. Prudkoglyad (2018), Transport properties of Cu-doped bismuth selenide single crystals at high magnetic fields up to 60 Tesla: Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations and π-Berry phase, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536, 43-47.

120. Rossi, L., J. W. Gerritsen, L. Nelemans, A. A. Khajetoorians, and B. Bryant (2018), An ultra-compact low temperature scanning probe microscope for magnetic fields above 30 T, Review of Scientific Instruments, 89, 113706.

121. Rumyantsev, V. V., L. S. Bovkun, A. M. Kadykov, M. A. Fadeev, A. A. Dubinov, V. Y. Aleshkin, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky, B. Piot, M. Orlita, M. Potemski, F. Teppe, S. V. Morozov, and V. I. Gavrilenko (2018), Magnetooptical Studies and Stimulated Emission in Narrow Gap HgTe/CdHgTe Structures in the Very Long Wavelength Infrared Range, Semiconductors, 52(4), 436-441.

122. Saleem, A., P. A. Kobielska, K. Harms, M. G. Katskogianni, R. Telford, G. Novitchi, and S. Nayak (2018), Transition metal complexes of a versatile polyalkoxy oxazolidine-based ligand derived from in situ cyclization, Dalton Transactions, 47(17), 6156-6165.

123. Saúl, A., N. Gauthier, R. M. Askari, M. Côté, T. Maris, C. Reber, A. Lannes, D. Luneau, M. Nicklas, J. M. Law, E. L. Green, J. Wosnitza, A. D. Bianchi, and A. Feiguin (2018), Unconventional field induced phases in a quantum magnet formed by free radical tetramers, Physical Review B, 97(6), 064414

124. Scheibel, F., T. Gottschall, A. Taubel, M. Fries, K. P. Skokov, A. Terwey, W. Keune, K. Ollefs, H. Wende, M. Farle, M. Acet, O. Gutfleisch, and M. E. Gruner (2018), Hysteresis Design of Magnetocaloric Materials—From Basic Mechanisms to Applications, Energy Technology, 6(8), 1397-1428.

125. Schneider-Muntau, H. J., G. Aubert, Y. Eyssa, C. Trophime, B. Vincent, and P. Pugnat (2018), Ultimate Forces of the Grenoble Hybrid Magnet, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(3), 4900506.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Publications

126. Shekhar, C., N. Kumar, V. Grinenko, S. Singh, R. Sarkar, H. Luetkens, S.-C. Wu, Y. Zhang, A. C. Komarek, E. Kampert, Y. Skourski, J. Wosnitza, W. Schnelle, A. McCollam, U. Zeitler, J. Kübler, B. Yan, H.-H. Klauss, S. S. P. Parkin, and C. Felser (2018), Anomalous Hall effect in Weyl semimetal half-Heusler compounds RPtBi (R = Gd and Nd), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(37), 9140-9144.

127. Shen, B., E. Emmanouilidou, X. Deng, A. McCollam, J. Xing, G. Kotliar, A. I. Coldea, and N. Ni (2018), Significant change in the electronic behavior associated with structural distortions in monocrystalline SrAg4As2, Physical Review B 98, 235130.

128. Shingo, Y., K. Yuya, Y. Kohei, T. Yoshinobu, M. Kohei, S. Yuta, H. Rei, F. Masami, O. Daiki, O. Shigeki, T. Tadashi, T. Kensuke, Y. Makina, H. Yasuyuki, Y. Susumu, K. Masato, W. Hiroki, K. Takeshi, I. Satoshi, S. Shik, and M. Iwao (2018), Femtosecond resonant magneto-optical Kerr effect measurement on an ultrathin magnetic film in a soft X-ray free electron laser, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57(9S2), 09TD02.

129. Shornikova, E., L. Biadala, D. R. Yakovlev, V. F. Sapega, Y. G. Kusrayev, A. A. Mitioglu, M. V. Ballottin, P. C. M. Christianen, V. V. Belykh, M. V. Kochiev, N. N. Sibeldin, A. A. Golovatenko, A. A. Rodina, N. A. Gippius, M. Nasilowski, A. Kuntzmann, Y. Jiang, M. Nasilowski, B. Dubertret, and M. Bayer (2018), Addressing the exciton fine structure in colloidal nanocrystals: the case of CdSe nanoplatelets, Nanoscale, 10, 646 - 656.

130. Shornikova, E. V., L. Biadala, D. R. Yakovlev, D. H. Feng, V. F. Sapega, N. Flipo, A. A. Golovatenko, M. A. Semina, A. V. Rodina, A. A. Mitioglu, M. V. Ballottin, P. C. M. Christianen, Y. G. Kusrayev, M. Nasilowski, B. Dubertet, and M. Bayer (2018), Electron and Hole gFactors and Spin Dynamics of Negatively Charged Excitons in CdSe/CdS Colloidal Nanoplatelets with Thick Shells, Nano Letters, 18, 373–380.

131. Solea, A. B., T. Wohlhauser, P. Abbasi, Y. Mongbanziama, A. Crochet, K. M. Fromm, G. Novitchi, C. Train, M. Pilkington, and O. Mamula (2018), Versatile synthesis of chiral 6-oxoverdazyl radical ligands - new building blocks for multifunctional molecule-based magnets, Dalton Transactions, 47(14), 4785-4789.

132. Stranks, S. D., and P. Plochocka (2018), The influence of the Rashba effect, Nature Materials, 17(5), 381-382.

133. Sulc, M., P. Pugnat, R. Ballou, G. Deferne, J. Hosek, S. Kunc, and A. Siemko (2018), OSQAR chameleon afterglow search experiment, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 11, 065.

134. Surrente, A., L. Klopotowski, N. Zhang, M. Baranowski, A. Mitioglu, M. V. Ballottin, P. C. M. Christianen, D. Dumcenco, Y. C. Kung, D. K. Maude, A. Kis, and P. Plochocka (2018), Intervalley Scattering of Interlayer Excitons in a MoS2/MoSe2/MoS2 Heterostructure in High Magnetic Field, Nano Letters, 18, 3994-4000.

135. Suzuki, T., T. Mizuno, K. Takezawa, S. Kamikawa, A. V. Andreev, D. I. Gorbunov, M. S. Henriques, and I. Ishii (2018), Elastic moduli of the distorted Kagome-lattice ferromagnet Nd3Ru4Al12, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536, 18-20.

136. Szymanski, D., R. Zach, W. Chajec, R. Duraj, J. Tobola, M. Guillot, S. Haj-Khlifa, and D. Fruchart (2018), Magnetization, high pressure, and magnetocaloric studies of MnRuxRh1-xAs (x=0.05, 0.1): Experimental and theoretical approaches, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 776, 59-70.

137. Tereshina, I. S., N. V. Kostyuchenko, E. A. Tereshina-Chitrova, Y. Skourski, M. Doerr, I. A. Pelevin, A. K. Zvezdin, M. Paukov, L. Havela, and H. Drulis (2018), ThMn12-type phases for magnets with low rare-earth content: Crystal-field analysis of the full magnetization process, Scientific Reports, 8(1), 3595.

138. Tereshina, I. S., A. P. Pyatakov, E. A. Tereshina-Chitrova, D. I. Gorbunov, Y. Skourski, J. M. Law, M. A. Paukov, L. Havela, M. Doerr, A. K. Zvezdin, and A. V. Andreev (2018), Probing the exchange coupling in the complex modified Ho-Fe-B compounds by high-field magnetization measurements, AIP Advances, 8(12), 125223.

139. Tereshina, I. S., E. A. Tereshina-Chitrova, I. A. Pelevin, M. Doerr, J. M. Law, V. N. Verbetski, and A. A. Salamova (2018), High-Field Magnetization Study of R2Fe17N2 (R = Ho and Er) Nitrides, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 190(5), 236-243.

140. Thuillier, T., D. Bondoux, J. Angot, M. Baylac, E. Froidefond, J. Jacob, T. Lamy, A. Leduc, P. Sole, F. Debray, C. Trophime, V. Skalyga, and I. Izotov (2018), Prospect for a 60 GHz multicharged ECR ion source, Review


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Publications

of Scientific Instruments, 89(5), 052302.

141. Tokunaga, Y., D. Aoki, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M.-H. Julien, C. Berthier, M. Horvatić, H. Sakai, T. Hattori, S. Kambe, and S. Araki (2018), Field-induced reentrant superconductivity driven by quantum tricritical fluctuations in URhGe, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 536, 122-124.

142. Toth-Katona, T., V. Gdovinova, N. Tomasovicova, N. Eber, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jurikova, V. Zavisova, M. Timko, X. Chaud, and P. Kopcansky (2018), Tuning the phase transition temperature of ferronematics with a magnetic field, Soft Matter, 14(9), 1647-1658.

143. Urban, J., M. Baranowskki, A. Kuc, L. Klopotowski, A. Surrente, Y. Ma, D. R. Wlodarczyk, A. Suchocki, D. Ovchinnikov, T. Heine, D. K. Maude, A. Kis, and P. Plochocka (2018), Non equilibrium anisotropic excitons in atomically thin ReS2, 2D Materials, 6, 015012.

144. Urcelay-Olabarria, I., E. Ressouche, V. Y. Ivanov, V. Skumryev, Z. Wang, Y. Skourski, A. M. Balbashov, Y. F. Popov, G. P. Vorob’ev, N. Qureshi, J. L. García-Muñoz, and A. A. Mukhin (2018), Influence of the magnetic field on the stability of the multiferroic conical spin arrangement of Mn0.80Co0.20WO4, Physical Review B, 98(13), 134430.

145. Vaclavkova, D., J. Wyzula, K. Nogajewski, M. Bartos, A. O. Slobodeniuk, C. Faugeras, M. Potemski, and M. R. Molas (2018), Singlet and triplet trions in WS2 monolayer encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride, Nanotechnology, 29(32), 325705.

146. Vališka, M., H. Saito, T. Yanagisawa, C. Tabata, H. Amitsuka, K. Uhlířová, J. Prokleška, P. Proschek, J. Valenta, M. Míšek, D. I. Gorbunov, J. Wosnitza, and V. Sechovský (2018), Magnetoelastic phenomena in antiferromagnetic uranium intermetallics: The UAu2Si2 case, Physical Review B, 98(17), 174439.

147. van Delft, M. R., S. Pezzini, T. Khouri, C. S. A. Müller, M. Breitkreiz, L. M. Schoop, A. Carrington, N. E. Hussey, and S. Wiedmann (2018), Electron-Hole Tunneling Revealed by Quantum Oscillations in the Nodal-Line Semimetal HfSiS, Physical Review Letters, 121, 256602.

148. Vigneau, F., Z. Zeng, W. Escoffier, P. Caroff, R. Leturcq, Y.-M. Niquet, B. Raquet, and M. Goiran (2018), Anisotropic transport properties of quasiballistic InAs nanowires under high magnetic field, Physical Review B, 97, 125308.

149. Wang, J., J. Li, J. Wang, F. Bu, H. Kou, C. Li, P. Zhang, and E. Beaugnon (2018), Effect of Solidification on Microstructure and Properties of FeCoNi(AlSi)0.2 High-Entropy Alloy Under Strong Static Magnetic Field, Entropy, 20(4), 275.

150. Wang, Z., T. Lorenz, D. I. Gorbunov, P. T. Cong, Y. Kohama, S. Niesen, O. Breunig, J. Engelmayer, A. Herman, J. Wu, K. Kindo, J. Wosnitza, S. Zherlitsyn, and A. Loidl (2018), Quantum Criticality of an Ising-like Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Chain in a Transverse Magnetic Field, Physical Review Letters, 120(20), 207205.

151. Wang, Z., J. Wu, W. Yang, A. K. Bera, D. Kamenskyi, A. T. M. Nazmul Islam, S. Xu, J. M. Law, B. Lake, C. Wu, and A. Loidl (2018), Experimental observation of Bethe strings, Nature, 554, 219-223.

152. Waske, A., M. E. Gruner, T. Gottschall, and O. Gutfleisch (2018), Magnetocaloric materials for refrigeration near room temperature, MRS Bulletin, 43(4), 269-273.

153. Wijnen, F. J. P., A. Engels, N. E. Hussey, A. den Ouden, J. A. A. J. Perenboom, J. van Velsen, and C. A. Wulffers (2018), A novel clamping method for resistive magnets, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(3), 4902304.

154. Wosnitza, J. (2018), Spatially Nonuniform Superconductivity in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Charge-Transfer Salts, Crystals, 8(5), 183.

155. Yahia, G., F. Damay, S. Chattopadhyay, V. Balédent, W. Peng, S. W. Kim, M. Greenblatt, M. B. Lepetit, and P. Foury-Leylekian (2018), Experimental evidence for the microscopic mechanism of the unusual spin-induced electric polarization in GdMn2O5, Physical Review B, 97(8), 085128.

156. Yakushev, M. V., A. V. Mudryi, C. Faugeras, and R. W. Martin (2018), A Magneto-Reflectivity Study of CuGaSe2 Single Crystals, physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters(0), 1800374.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Publications

157. Yamamoto, S., Y. Kubota, K. Yamamoto, Y. Takahashi, K. Maruyama, Y. Suzuki, R. Hobara, M. Fujisawa, D. Oshima, S. Owada, T. Togashi, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, Y. Hirata, S. Yamamoto, M. Kotsugi, H. Wadati, T. Kato, S. Iwata, S. Shin, and I. Matsuda (2018), Femtosecond resonant magneto-optical Kerr effect measurement on an ultrathin magnetic film in a soft X-ray free electron laser, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57(9S2), 09TD02.

158. Yamamoto, S., T. Omi, H. Akai, Y. Kubota, Y. Takahashi, Y. Suzuki, Y. Hirata, K. Yamamoto, R. Yukawa, K. Horiba, H. Yumoto, T. Koyama, H. Ohashi, S. Owada, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, E. Shigemasa, S. Yamamoto, M. Kotsugi, H. Wadati, H. Kumigashira, T. Arima, S. Shin, and I. Matsuda (2018), Element Selectivity in Second-Harmonic Generation of GaFeO3 by a Soft-X-Ray Free-Electron Laser, Physical Review Letters, 120(22), 223902.

159. Yanagisawa, T., S. Mombetsu, H. Hidaka, H. Amitsuka, P. T. Cong, S. Yasin, S. Zherlitsyn, J. Wosnitza, K. Huang, N. Kanchanavatee, M. Janoschek, M. B. Maple, and D. Aoki (2018), Search for multipolar instability in URu2Si2 studied by ultrasonic measurements under pulsed magnetic field, Physical Review B, 97(15), 155137.

160. Zeitler, U. (2018), De geschiedenis van grafeen, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 8, 12 - 13.

161. Zhang, N., A. Surrente, M. Baranowski, D. Dumcenco, Y.-C. Kung, D. K. Maude, A. Kis, and P. Plochocka (2018), Impact of photodoping on inter- and intralayer exciton emission in a MoS2/MoSe2/MoS2 heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters, 113(6), 062107.

162. Zhang, N., A. Surrente, M. Baranowski, D. K. Maude, P. Gant, A. Castellanos-Gomez, and P. Plochocka (2018), Moire Intralayer Excitons in a MoSe2/MoS2 Heterostructure, Nano Letters, 18, 7651.

163. Zhang, Y., J. Li, J. Wang, W. Y. Wang, H. Kou, and E. Beaugnon (2018), Temperature dependent deformation mechanisms of Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, starting from serrated flow behavior, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 757, 39-43.

164. Zhang, Z. T., D. Dmytriieva, S. Molatta, J. Wosnitza, S. Khim, S. Gass, A. U. B. Wolter, S. Wurmehl, H. J. Grafe, and H. Kühne (2018), Increasing stripe-type fluctuations in AFe2As2 (A = K, Rb, Cs) superconductors probed by 75As NMR spectroscopy, Physical Review B, 97(11), 115110.

165. Zheng, T., Y. Zhong, L. Dong, B. Zhou, Z. Ren, F. Debray, and E. Beaugnon (2018), Orientation of Magnetized MnBi in a Strong Static Magnetic Field, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science, 49A(6), 1981-1985.

166. Zheng, T., Y. Zhong, J. Wang, Z. Ren, W. Ren, Z. Lei, F. Debray, E. Beaugnon, and X. Wei (2018), Droplet Evolution and Refinement During Liquid-Liquid Decomposition of Zn-6 Wt Pct Bi Immiscible Alloy Under High Static Magnetic Fields, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science, 49A(8), 3333-3345.

167. Zheng, T., B. Zhou, J. Wang, S. Shuai, Y. Zhong, W. Ren, Z. Ren, F. Debray, and E. Beaugnon (2018), Compression properties enhancement of Al-Cu alloy solidified under a 29 T high static magnetic field, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, 733, 170-178.

168. Zheng, W., R. Schönemann, N. Aryal, Q. Zhou, D. Rhodes, Y. C. Chiu, K. W. Chen, E. Kampert, T. Förster, T. J. Martin, G. T. McCandless, J. Y. Chan, E. Manousakis, and L. Balicas (2018), Detailed study of the Fermi surfaces of the type-II Dirac semimetallic candidates XTe2 (X = Pd, Pt), Physical Review B, 97(23), 235154.

169. Zhou, W., C. Q. Xu, B. Li, R. Sankar, F. M. Zhang, B. Qian, C. Cao, J. H. Dai, J. Lu, W. X. Jiang, D. Qian, and X. Xu (2018), Kondo behavior and metamagnetic phase transition in the heavy-fermion compound CeBi2, Physical Review B, 97, 195120.

170. Zipfel, J., J. Holler, A. A. Mitioglu, M. V. Ballottin, P. Nagler, A. V. Stier, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, S. A. Crooker, P. C. M. Christianen, T. Korn, and A. Chernikov (2018), Spatial extent of the excited exciton states inWS2 monolayers from diamagnetic shifts, Physical Review B, 98, 075438.

171. Zvyagin, A. A., K. Kutko, D. Kamenskyi, A. V. Penschanskii, S. Poperezhai, and N. M. Nesterenko (2018), Observation of spontaneous ferriquadrupolar order in KDy(MoO4)2, Physical Review B, 98, 064406.


EMFL Annual Report 2018 Publications

Thesis defences 2018• Benkel, T., Contribution to the design and realization of a HTS insert to obtain high magnetic field.

Doctorat de l’Université Grenoble Alpes.

• Bovkun, L., Investigation of the band structure of quantum wells based on gapless and narrow-band semiconductors HgTe and InAs. Doctorat de l’Universit´e Grenoble Alpes /Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod.

• Hamann, S., Investigation of quantum criticality in Ce-, Yb- and U-based compounds by means of thermodynamic and transport properties. HLD, Dresden.

• Khouri, T., Magnetoresistance effects in topological and conventional systems. Radboud University, Nijmegen.

• Lucas, S., Untersuchung stark korrelierter Elektronensysteme an neuartigen quantenkritischen Punkten. HLD, Dreden.

• Molatta, S., Magnetometrische Untersuchungen neuartiger Supraleiter. HLD, Dresden.

• Mukkatu Omanakuttan, A., Tuning ground states in the localised CePd2As2 and the itinerant AFe4X2 (A=Lu, Y, Zr; X=Si, Ge) magnets using external pressure. HLD, Dresden.

• Opherden, L., Magnetometrische Untersuchungen neuartiger Supraleiter. HLD, Dresden.

• Raba, M., Etudes de FeSe et CePt2In7 sous conditions extrêmes. Doctorat de l’Universit´e Grenoble Alpes.

• Vinograd, I., Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of competing orders in cuprate superconductors.Doctorat de l’Universit´e Grenoble Alpes / Laboratoire d’Excellence LANEF.

• Yang, M., High magnetic field studies of 2DEG in graphene on SiC and at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. Doctorat de l’Université Toulouse III - INSA.

• Yang, Z., Investigation of the excitonic properties of hybrid and fully inorganic perovskite using magneto-spectroscopy. Doctorat de l’Université Toulouse III - INSA.


EMFL Annual Report 2018Contact details

Contact detailsEMFL

Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Brussels Office, Rue du Trône 98

1050, Elsene, Brussels Belgium

Tel +31-24-3653005 Fax +31-24-3652440

e-mail: emfl@science.ru.nlwww.emfl.eu

High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML)Toernooiveld 7

6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Laboratoire National de Champs Magnétiques Intenses at Grenoble (LNCMI-G)25 rue des Martyrs, B.P. 166

38042 Grenoble cedex 9, France

Laboratoire National de Champs Magnétiques Intenses at Toulouse (LNCMI-T)143 avenue de Rangueil31400 Toulouse, France

Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden (HLD) Bautzner Landstr. 400

01328 Dresden, Germany


The EMFL develops and operates world class high magnetic field facilities, to use them for excellent research by in-house

and external users

Publisher: European Magnetic Field Laboratory AISBL Responsible for the content: Jochen Wosnitza (j.wosnitza@hzdr.de), Geert Rikken (geert.rikken@lncmi.cnrs.fr), Peter Christianen (peter.christianen@ru.nl), Martin van Breukelen (martin.vanbreukelen@ru.nl) Editor: Martin van Breukelen

Photo’s: Victor Claessen, Gideon Laureijs, HLD, LNCMI, HFML

Published May 2019

EMFL Annual Report 2018 Contact details


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