emma - fire

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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And Smoke

Oxidize: to turn an element into an oxide; or to combine it with oxygen

Thermal trigger: something to start a fire

Vaporize: to be turned into vapor

Fire is made up of gas so hot that it gives off heat and light.

Fire is mainly composed of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapor.

Chemicals that oxidize and release heat create fire.

In order for a flame to burn, it needs a thermal trigger, material to burn, and oxygen.

The color depends on material and heat.

Wood gives off yellow or orange because of sodium and calcium content.

Gas gives off blue flame. Copper gives off green.

The main portion of smoke is water vapor

Other ingredients in smoke are carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and organic compounds

Smoke is a carbon byproduct of fire.

Whenever something is burned it produces carbon, which is given off as smoke.

Wax melts, vaporizes and is absorbed by the wick which keeps the flame alive.

Available ingredients, low boiling point, and the fact that it’s a solid at room temperature make wax the perfect material for candles.

"Chemical Composition." Demand Media. 2007. 28 January 2009 <answerbag.com/q_view/14569>.

"Discover." Askepedia Inc. 2008. 28 January 2009 <askepedia.com/q_w02zzzwxv0>.

"What is Fire?." Readers Digest. 2008. 28 January 2009 <readersdigest.com.au/discovery-channel-mag/everyday-questions-answered/article62421-3.html?orderCommentsBy=0&commentPageIndex=0>.

"Why are Candles Made of Wax?." blogspot.com. 2007. 28 January 2009 <askbrian.blogsopt.com/2007/04/why-are-candles-made-of-wax.html>.

"Why is Fire Orange and Yellow?." yahoo.com. 2007. 28 January 2009 <answers.yahoo.com/wuestions/index;_ylt=agluashmr_yhBOZ_utTZwW8jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=1006033020278>.

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