emotional intelligence-revised-format

Post on 06-Dec-2014






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Emotional Intelligence



People may not remember what you did for them or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them …………


• Peter Salovey and John Mayer: 1970-1980

• Daniel Goleman: 1995

• Topic Introduction:

• What is EI?

• What is the value in Medical field and other fields


• IQ- Academic, Analysis etc, cerebral cortex, permanent

• EQ- Emotions, Inter and Intra personal relationships, Limbic system, Developmental

Emotional Intelligence

• “ Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity of recognizing own feeling and those of others, for motivating ourselves and managing emotions well in ourselves and our relationships” – Daniel Goleman 1998

• What are some of the points in this statement?

Emotional Intelligence

• Recognizing Own feeling & others-( Self Awareness)

• Motivation- (Self Regulation)

• Managing emotions ( Self Management)

• Managing others emotions (Social Awareness) and( Relationship management)

• Recognizing and Understanding others emotions is called “………………”

Emotional Intelligence

Two competencies

• 1. Personal ( Intra and Interpersonal)

• 2. Social Competencies

Personal Competencies

• Self Regulation ( self control, Trust Hard work, innovation)

• Self Awareness: understand yourself, how much confidence in your abilities and feelings?

• Motivation: How you use your emotions to motivate and work hard through hard times to achieve your goals. ( Drive, Optimism, Commitment, Initiative)

Social Competencies

• Empathy: How sensitive you are and how you understand others, develop other’s, services orientated, Political awareness

• Social skills: communication, conflict management, Leadership, Team synergy, building bonds, change Catalyst

Neuroscience and EI

• Neocortex- Thinking Brain- study too, Hypertrophy

• Limbic System- Emotional Brain, Facilitates love, spirituality and at

• Brain stem- Survival brain

Limbic system

• Amydala ( Primary Pathway) stores emotions, low dirt road, bar fights, road rage, scared of spiders etc Discuss Amydala Hijack

• Prefrontal cortex: Second pathway, conscious ( RT PFC, LT PFC) Left is the inhibitory circuit ( Shut up)

• ( decisions, motivation, attention) cools the amydala HPA ( Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis) Hormones ( Flight, Fight Freeze)


• Basal Ganglia- stores the life wisdom of any topic

• Tells us our gut feeling, Primitive and Zero connection to verbal cortex

• Able to tune in to feeling but no verbalization

• Ethics, values, integrity

Case for AMY

• Anna- born leader, multinational, 20 years experience, works in NZ company reports to Australian company. She is confident, resilient, team player, never had a day off

• New Australian CEO appointed and she had a good relationship. One day she went for a monthly board meeting and she returned- life began to fall apart

Case for Amy

• Anxiety attack, took leave What happenend?

• Psychiatrist.NAD no psychosis etc after few sessions they found out that the colour, body shape, body language of the new CEO reminded her of HER FATHER. She had experienced physical and psychological abuse from her father.- Triggered a unconscious emotional reaction- AMY Hijack- hormones, awakening of childhood issues- fear, grief,

Amygdala Hijack

• Peaceful almond shaped organ, but sometimes triggers a hijack

• Lights up the neurological activity, and people who are under stress acute or chronic- will suffer from unexpected HIJACKS

• It influences the way we live. some keep it hot some keep it calm

Lessons in Amygdala training

• Get a grip on the Amygdala- classes, lectures studies relationships- last straw trip the Amy

• Work constructively with Amy.

• Map the Hijacks: A trigger, strong emotion, Reactive behavior ,Feelings of Regret

• Recognize the emotional baggage

• Cuddle Amy- relaxation, hug, or book, music etc

Why is it Important?

• Health workers- Life, happiness, Death, sick

• Patient Doctor Relationship ( PDR) Trust

• Influences the way patients perceive and feel about the illness and treatment, adherence to treatment

• IP communication- One of the areas of professional competencies

Why is it important?

• Empathy, Communication skills

• Doctors: Intellectual ability, IP skills, positive altruism, culturally sensitive, professional

• Decrease professional burn out, team workers

• SUCCESSFUL less litigation less complaints overall patient satisfaction

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