emperor's new groove fanfic

Post on 30-Nov-2015






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Yzma's dream adventure.


Yzma inThe scary KuzcoY: Ahh. What a lovely dayK: But not for youuuuuuu Yzmaaaaaaaa!Y:How come you, emperor Kuzco is wearing a tattered outfit and chains? Why are you covered in flour?K: I am not covered in flour.Y: Then I suppose you are a ghost thenK: Actually I am!Y:YAGH! (not)K: Why aren't you running away?Y: Because I am not scared of you!Kr: Anybody want lunch?Y: Kronk! What did I tell you about coming onto the set during filming?Kr: I.I..should make lunch for the crewmen afterwords?(Yzma kicks kronk out of the set)Y: Now as I was saying "Ghost Emperor Kuzco" I am not scared of you!(K sticks his hand down his throat and pulls out a mushy ball of red meat from his leg)Y: YAGHHHH!(Yzma wakes up)Y: Whew. Just a dream.Kr: Not quite-(you see a huge chunk of red flesh in his hand)Y:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!(Yzma Runs Away)Kr: I was just saying that the rare meat we were serving at the banquet tonight is a little spoiled. Oh well. To be prepared for tonight, I must eat heartily at lunch to practice.

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