empirical and molecular formulas part 2: calculations using percent composition

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Empirical and Molecular Formulas

Part 2: Calculations using percent composition


Chemical formulas that have ...

the lowest whole number ratio of atoms in the compound are empirical formulas.

the total number of atoms in the compound are molecular formulas.


If we know the chemical formula of a compound, then we can find the percent composition of each of the atoms in the compound.

We use the molar mass of the compound and the average atomic masses of the atoms in the compound.

percent composition = ×100%

atomic mass of atomsmolar mass of


Finding the Empirical FormulaIf we know the percent composition of a compound, then we can find the empirical formula of the compound.

First, we assume that we have 100 g of the compound and find the mass of each atom in the compound.

Second, we find the number of mols of each atom.

Third, we find the lowest whole number ratio of mols.

Finding the Empirical Formula

For example, we have a compound with 52.2% C, 13.1% H, and 34.7% O.

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 52.2 g C, 13.1 g H, and 34.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

52.2 g

nC =


= 12.0 g/mol

=4.35 mol

Finding the Empirical Formula

For example, we have a compound with 52.2% C, 13.1% H, and 34.7% O.

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 52.2 g C, 13.1 g H, and 34.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

13.1 g

nC =

4.35 mol

34.7 g52.2 g

Finding the Empirical Formula

For example, we have a compound with 52.2% C, 13.1% H, and 34.7% O.

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 52.2 g C, 13.1 g H, and 34.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

13.1 g

nC =

4.35 mol

34.7 g52.2 g

nH =


= 1.01 g/mol

=13.0 mol

Finding the Empirical Formula

For example, we have a compound with 52.2% C, 13.1% H, and 34.7% O.

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 52.2 g C, 13.1 g H, and 34.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

13.1 g

nC =

4.35 mol

34.7 g52.2 g

nH =

13.0 mol

Finding the Empirical Formula

For example, we have a compound with 52.2% C, 13.1% H, and 34.7% O.

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 52.2 g C, 13.1 g H, and 34.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

13.1 g

nC =

4.35 mol

34.7 g52.2 g

nH =

13.0 mol

nO =


= 16.0 g/mol

=2.17 mol

Finding the Empirical Formula

For example, we have a compound with 52.2% C, 13.1% H, and 34.7% O.

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 52.2 g C, 13.1 g H, and 34.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

13.1 g

nC =

4.35 mol

34.7 g52.2 g

nH =

13.0 mol

nO =

2.17 mol

nOnO2.17 mol

Finding the Empirical Formula

For example, we have a compound with 52.2% C, 13.1% H, and 34.7% O.

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 52.2 g C, 13.1 g H, and 34.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

13.1 g

nC =

4.35 mol

34.7 g52.2 g

nH =

13.0 mol

nO =

2.17 molStep 3: Find the lowest whole number ratio of

mols*Remember, the element with the lowest number of mols goes in the denominator.

nC4.35 mol

nH13.0 mol

2.17 mol


= =21 = =



This gives an empirical formula of:


2 6

Finding the Empirical Formula

For example, we have a compound with 44.9% K, 18.4% S, and 36.7% O.

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 44.9 g K, 18.4 g S, and 36.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

44.9 g

nK =


= 39.1 g/mol

=1.15 mol

Finding the Empirical Formula

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 44.9 g K, 18.4 g S, and 36.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

18.4 g

nK =

1.15 mol

36.7 g44.9 g

For example, we have a compound with 44.9% K, 18.4% S, and 36.7% O.

Finding the Empirical Formula

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 44.9 g K, 18.4 g S, and 36.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

18.4 g

nK =

1.15 mol

nS =


= 32.1 g/mol

=0.573 mol

For example, we have a compound with 44.9% K, 18.4% S, and 36.7% O.

Finding the Empirical Formula

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 44.9 g K, 18.4 g S, and 36.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atomnK =

1.15 mol

nS =

0.573 mol

For example, we have a compound with 44.9% K, 18.4% S, and 36.7% O.

Finding the Empirical Formula

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 44.9 g K, 18.4 g S, and 36.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atomnK =

1.15 mol

36.7 g

nS =

0.573 mol

nO =


= 16.0 g/mol

=2.29 mol

For example, we have a compound with 44.9% K, 18.4% S, and 36.7% O.

Finding the Empirical Formula

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 44.9 g K, 18.7 g S, and 36.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atomnC =

4.35 mol

nH =

13.0 mol

nO =

2.29 mol

For example, we have a compound with 44.9% K, 18.4% S, and 36.7% O.



nK =

1.15 mol

nO =

2.29 mol

nS =

0.573 mol

nS0.573 mol

nK1.15 mol

nOnO2.29 mol

Finding the Empirical Formula

Step 1: Assume 100 g of compound➙ 44.9 g K, 18.7 g S, and 36.7 g O

Step 2: Find the number of moles of each atom

Step 3: Find the lowest whole number ratio of mols*Remember, the element with the lowest number of mols

goes in the denominator.


= =21 = =

1This gives an empirical formula of:


For example, we have a compound with 44.9% K, 18.4% S, and 36.7% O.

nS0.573 mol




There is a three step process to finding the empirical mass of a compound when we know the percent composition.

First, we assume that we have 100 g of the compound and find the mass of each atom in the compound.

Second, we find the number of mols of each atom.

Third, we find the lowest whole number ratio of mols.

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