empr may 2014

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News & Politics



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EuroMaidan PR

What is EuroMaidan PR?

EuroMaidan PR is a volunteer initiative that started during the early stages of

Maidan in late 2013. It was established as the information tool of Maidan to ensure a

steady stream of timely, relevant and unbiased information about what was

happening in Ukraine.


Russian propaganda

There is only one truth. All its variations are a lie.

EuroMaidan PR is completely volunteer run

We are a group of 200+ volunteers from around the world, growing every week.

We are from Ukraine, United States, Russia, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, Belarus, France, Canada … And we’re in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Poltava, Luhansk, Lviv, St. Petersburg, Minsk,

London, Stockholm, Nice, Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec, Washington, Ohio, Virginia, Manhattan, Indiana, Houston, and many more

other cities around the globe.

The translation initiative consists of fluid and open teams of volunteers who search, translate, edit, proofread and publish.

Platforms of EuroMaidan PR

• Facebook

• Twitter

• YouTube

• Instagram

• Blog


• a steady stream of news, commentary, and personal accounts on the situation in


• more than 20,000 followers as of May 1

• 10 languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Czech,

Swedish, Russian



• almost 33,000 followers and nearly 14,000 tweets

• diligent and methodical round-the-clock effort

• 2,000 followers just before the Crimean crisis to nearly 15 times as much - in three

weeks alone



• almost 4,000 subscribers

• more than 4,000 000 views

• videos requested by key TV networks worldwide

EuroMaidan PR blog

• up to 52,000 views every day

• reaching a global audience with a daily stream of news and analysis on Ukraine in several languages - English, German,

Polish and French. Our posts are read all over the world

• visitors of our blog come from over 150 countries, with our top 5 being USA, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Poland

• 706 regular subscribers, who receive our posts directly in their inbox as soon as they are published; these include journalists, diplomats, politicians, business leaders, and

NGOs from around the world

EuroMaidan PR blog

News search

In searching for news, we strive to stay focused on those areas where we bring real value-added: on news items that have not been reported widely in the

international press and those that are unlikely to be picked up outside Ukraine.

There is literally an endless stream of news that could and perhaps should be disseminated broadly beyond Ukraine, but even though we have a wide group of

volunteers, we need to focus on areas where we can make a real difference - where we have a “competitive advantage” so to speak.

The international press isn’t always going to pick up what is really happening on the ground; it tends to focus on the big picture and the biggest news. Our goal is to

supplement what is already being published outside Ukraine with the details, stories, and personal accounts that bring the current events to life, that dispel

popular misconceptions and propaganda, and that provide an essential context for an understanding of Ukraine.

Translation process

Our translations typically fall into one of three groups: news, analysis or commentary, and personal accounts. We also translate

anything that we believe should be shared with the rest of the world - from YouTube subtitles to Facebook posts to infographics.

If in doubt, post it to our translation page (“Translation Fans Unite”) and ask for feedback.

We have tended to translate, until now, mostly from Ukrainian into English, but with the Crimean crisis, we’ve found it increasingly important to also translate directly from Russian. Our team of

translators and volunteers can cover all bases, and we have experts in various fields, including defense, economics and law, so if it’s

published and important, we’ll do our best to get it done!

Our readers

Our readers

Our news have been liked, shared, retweeted and quotedby The New York Times, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, CNN, BBC, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal, Kyivpost, Financial

Times, Agence France-Presse, The Globe, GettyImages, Hromadske.TV, Agency Press Media, Polish Embassy,

Polish Radio, uacrisis, the European Movement, BuzzFeed, Martin Schulz, The Hill, The Guardian, UNICEF Ukraine,

Associated Press, NATO, U.S. Mission to OSCE, EU External Action, Media Diplomat and many more.


• diaspora – help to Maidan’s victims (Heaven’s Hundred)

• development of social networking for the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

• Euromaidan SOS, Crimea SOS, Babylon 13, AntiRUP


Слава Україні!

Daria SipiginaEuroMaidan PR

May 2014






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