enable pervasive healthcare through continuous remote...

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Enable Pervasive Healthcare through ContinuousRemote Health Monitoring

Xiaohui Liang∗, Xu Li†, Mrinmoy Barua∗, Le Chen∗, Rongxing Lu∗,Xuemin (Sherman) Shen∗, and Henry Y. Luo‡

∗Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada†INRIA, Lille - Nord Europe, France, ‡Care in Motion, Canada

Email:{x27liang, mbarua, rxlu, xshen}@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca, xu.li@inria.fr,chenle0213@gmail.com, henryhongluo@hotmail.com

Abstract—In this article, we introduce a novel Remote HealthMonitoring (RHM) system to enable high-quality pervasivehealthcare services to users with low delivery delay and reducedcosts. We define the RHM architecture and summarize the designconsiderations. We then present a promising commercializedsolution, ViiCare, with system infrastructures and supportingtechniques. We also discuss future research challenges for imple-menting RHM systems.


Ever advancing science and technology are gradually chang-ing our way of living and prolonging our life span while weare enjoying the amenities of modern society. Since the start ofthis new century, the proportion of seniors has been increasingmore rapidly than any other age groups. According to [1], theoverall median age in the world rose from 23.9 in 1950 to26.8 in 2000, and is predicated to reach 37.8 in 2050. Manycountries in Asia and Europe will face an even worse situationsoon, where the largest age group will be 65+ and the averageage will be around 50 [2]. Global aging demands an increasedfocus on preparing a pervasive healthcare system capable ofcaring for seniors, and improving their health, well-being andindependence in their later life.

The health issues related to the aging population are multi-fold. One of the most serious health risks among seniors over65 is falling down, which is the leading cause of death forthis age group. Among those who survive a fall, many willsuffer hip fractures. Even with timely and successful surgery,40% of those hospitalized for hip fracture still cannot returnto independent living, and 20% will die within a year [3].If smart fall detection and reporting systems were deployed,almost 80% of the falls could be identified and first-aid wouldbe provided directly to the fallen seniors. The sooner they arehelped, the less likely they will suffer long-term disabilities.

Chronic medical conditions place millions more seniorsat risk. Cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, diminishedhearing and eyesight, Parkinsons, etc. all leave seniors vulner-able to helplessness at home. Medical reports [4] indicate that133 million people live with chronic medical conditions. Thatnumber is projected to increase by more than 1% per yearby 2030, resulting in an estimated chronically ill populationof 171 million. According to the American Heart Association,chronic heart failure alone costs the US economy over 33.7

billion dollars a year, of which 16 billion are due to re-hospitalization, while 42% of the re-hospitalizations werepreventable by adequate patient monitoring, instruction andeducation outside hospital [5].

Recent advances in ubiquitous computing technologies in-cluding body sensors and wireless communications have re-vealed the possibility of providing Remote Health Monitoring(RHM) to patients at high risk of falls and with chronic dis-eases. The body sensors deployed in, on, or around the humanbody are able to measure the fundamental health parameters ina situation where large-sized and standard medical examina-tion equipments are not available; the pervasive use of mobilephones and the ubiquity of WiFi connection enable medicalinformatics to overcome the time and location barriers. RHMsystems offer long-term, real-time individualized medical mea-sures and continuous health data collection. They provide aunique opportunity to shift healthcare tasks from a tradition-al clinical environment to a pervasive user-centered setting.They allow users to reduce healthcare expenses through moreefficient use of clinical resources and earlier detection ofmedical conditions, which in turn drastically trims governmenthealth budget. By fully utilizing advanced biomedical sensingtechnologies and wireless communications, RHM systemsindeed hold the promise to provide an effective solution tothe healthcare crisis.

In this article, we envision a three-tier RHM architectureand discuss the system design considerations. Among manyexisting in-market RHM products, ViiCare (invented by CareIn Motion (CIM), www.cim120.com.cn) complies with ourproposed system architecture and has potential in being widelyadopted and deployed. We thus spend some space introducingViiCare. Finally, we conclude the article by discussing openresearch problems for implementing future RHM systems andbriefing some preliminary solutions.


We envision a typical RHM system with an architecture ofthree tiers (domains): body area domain, communication andnetworking domain and service domain, as illustrated in Fig.1. In the following, we explain in detail on the components andthe functional role of each domain as well as the interactionamong them.

Communication andnetworking domain Service domain3G/GPRS/GSM/WiFiInternet

Body area domainambient sensorsbodysensors

bodysensors environmentalconditions bodysensors RHM serverFig. 1. RHM Architecture. Users are wearing monitoring sensors which send data to the personal server (e.g., a mobile phone). Then, through any wirelessconnections, the data are streamed through an internet gateway and the RHM servers, to a remote medical doctor’s site for real-time diagnosis, to a medicaldatabase for record keeping, or to the corresponding emergency contacts for emergency services.

The body area domain is defined by a number of wirelessbody area networks (WBANs), each corresponding to a user.A WBAN is composed of a few sensors and a gateway.The sensors are classified into two groups: body sensors andambient sensors. The body sensors are the essential parts of theWBAN. They are placed in, on, or around a user’s body forcontinuously monitoring the user’s physiological conditionssuch as heart rate and body temperature. The ambient sensorsare optional. They are deployed in the surroundings of auser and monitor the environmental conditions of the user’sbody such as air temperature, humidity, and brightness. Asthe user is moving, the ambient sensor set may change. Thedata provided by the ambient sensors are important. When,coupled with users’ physiological conditions measured by thebody sensors, they give valuable supplementary informationfor medical diagnose and treatment. All the sensors includingbody sensors and ambient sensors interconnect through multi-hop wireless links and transmit sensory data to the gateway,which can be any pre-defined portable device such as mobilephone or PDA held by the user. The gateway combinesvarious types of sensory data, and report them through thecommunication and networking domain to an online RHMserver in the service domain, and when necessary, to nearbyhandset holders too.

The major functionality of the communication and net-working domain is to bridge the body area domain and theservice domain. Advanced wireless communications technolo-gies such as Cellular 3G, WiFi and WiMAX. link WBANgateways to the Internet and enables efficient mutual datacommunication between the WBANs in the body area domainand an online RHM server in the service domain. With theonline server as a data sink, health-related information canbe easily accessed by users themselves or authorized partieswhenever they have connection to the Internet. This domainalso serves as a platform of local information dissemination.WBAN gateways and nearby handheld devices spontaneouslyform a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) in emergency

situations like falls and heart stroke. They use this network todistribute calls for help in the vicinity of their correspondingusers, in the hope that there are nearby healthcare workers whoare able to provide immediate first-aid. It can be imagined thatthe ad hoc networking function may save precious lives in thecase that the healthcare professional dispatched by the RHMserver in the service domain is too far from the emergencylocation and cannot arrive in time. However, this functionalityshould be activated according to customized configuration, inorder to respect user privacy concern.

In the service domain, a trusted authority maintains anonline RHM server that is responsible for receiving, recordingand analyzing user health-related information. This server isa virtual component. It can be realized by multiple physicalservers that are not necessarily located at the same place. Ifthe RHM server identifies that a user is experiencing healthdeterioration, it will recommend a healthcare specialist to theuser through the communication and networking domain; if itdetects that a user is in an emergency, it will trigger an imme-diate procedure (e.g., informing the emergency contact and/orfirst-aid center, or dispatching a healthcare worker directly) tosave the user’s life. By automatic cross-patient analysis, theserver learns an accurate and comprehensive picture about theeffects (including healing effect and side effect) of the medicaltreatments taken by the monitored patients. It is therefore ableto present valuable feedback to new patients who are taking thesame medicine or treatment. Depending on need, it may alsoperiodically advice governmental health agencies about theoverall health conditions in the region that it is monitoring sothat an appropriate number of local healthcare resources can bemaintained. Other value-added services may be implementedin this domain too, for example, to response user questionsabout system setup and maintenance, health news and productsinformation dissemination, etc.


The design of RHM systems encounters many researchissues. They must be resolved in order for RHM systems toenter their maturity, realize their anticipated functionalities andeventually be widely adopted and deployed. Below we classifythese issues as operational concerns and technical concerns,and summarize the key RHM system design considerationsunder this classification.

A. Operational concerns

Worker-friendly: RHM systems usually require direct in-volvement of healthcare workers, but there are insufficientincentives for healthcare workers to adopt the emerging RHMtechnologies. They may complain about not being used toreading electronic records, not getting paid for reviewingRHM data, not being able to check the validity of data ornot having effective tools to interact with remotely-monitoredusers. Therefore, RHM systems must be easy to use by currenthealthcare workers and provide necessary tools for them tocarry out their healthcare duties.

User-friendly: Existing RHM systems are often designedfor one-time physical examination rather than long-term mon-itoring. They have to be initialized each time when used, andtheir initialization involves setting up multiple system param-eters, a non-trivial process that usually cannot be finished bya novice. In addition, the key components of these systemsare normally large in size, weighty and not comfortable orconvenient to wear. Patients are inclined to reject the devices atthe first trial. Hence, operability and comfort (non-disturbance)are important factors for RHM systems to be accepted.

Automation: RHM systems often require users to take theirown measurements and send them to the data center. Thus, auser with a chronic disease such as congestive heart failure(CHF) or Alzheimer must be able to comply with the routinesand protocols specific to particular RHM devices. Users mayhave difficulty to remember or master sophisticated routinesand protocols due to age or health problems. Therefore,minimal user involvement and maximal automation duringhealth monitoring are necessary.

B. Technical concerns

Reliability: Sensors are capability-limited weak devices.They may produce false information in response to envi-ronmental and hardware dynamics. Wireless communicationchannels are error-prone due to interference and path fading,and multi-hop routing paths are not stable because of body mo-bility. Inaccurate information and faulty/delayed informationtransmission can be misleading, resulting in wrong diagnosis,unnecessary monetary cost, and even loss of lives. There is nodoubt that the realization of an RHM system requires reliablesensing and communication.

Efficiency: The major components of an RHM system areWBANs with limited power supply. The algorithms embeddedin WBAN nodes must be highly efficient so as to enablelong-term monitoring and continuous data collection. As thesenodes are operating in, on, or around the human body, they


Onyx 9500




Carescape V100

Fig. 2. RHM products

must minimize the generation of electromagnetic radiation, byreducing power usage (for computing and transmission), inorder not to cause damage to human tissue. Indeed, energyefficiency is a critical factor to transform RHM systems fromlab prototypes to real-life applications.

Security and Privacy: The pervasive use of wireless tech-niques and the dynamic (varying and potentially unknownambient sensor sets) of WBANs make it easy for maliciousadversaries to launch security attacks, for example, to compro-mise/paralyze body sensors and WBAN gateways. As RHMsystems are designed to assist in medical treatment, securityvulnerabilities render the entire system unreliable, eventuallyputting user lives at risk. Health-related information is highlyprivacy-sensitive [7]; users will not allow unauthorized accessto their personal data.


While RHM technologies are incomplete, there are alreadymany RHM products in the market. Table I gives a compari-son of popular RHM products. Carescape, Onyx, SenseWear,LifeShirt, Lifeline, and ViiCare are respectively the productsof General Electric, Nonin, BodyMedia, VivoMetrics, Philipsand CIM. Among these products, ViiCare stands out forits user-friendly industrial design, integrated sensing, richfunctionalities and advanced system architecture.

Figure 2 shows how ViiCare looks compared with a fewother typical RHM products. The competitor systems relyon separate sensors for only a few health measures and arecharacterized by bulky and weighty designs that discourageusers from wearing them for long-term monitoring. In contrast,ViiCare uses a single sensing device, coupled with advancedbiological analysis techniques, to provide an impressive “all-in-one” feature, i.e., measuring a wide range of physiologicalconditions. As illustrated in Fig. 3, it is small, lightweight, andcan be conveniently worn on the pinna of the ear (the earlobe)without much disturbance to users’ daily activities.

ViiCare complies with our proposed RHM system architec-ture, in that it allows long term storage and ubiquitous accessto health-related data and flexible emergency handling. Otherproducts are merely uncommunicative terminal devices (thusin a 1-tier structure) and do not have these functionalities.In Tab. I, Lifeline and ViiCare are marked to have a 2.5-tierstructure because they partially implement the communicationand network domain: they do not support ad hoc networking


Products Carescape Onyx SenseWear LifeShirt Lifeline ViiCare


System architecture 1-tier 1-tier 1-tier 1-tier 2.5-tier 2.5-tierPhysical dimension large small small large small small

Wearable (vs. portable) X X X X XAutomatic (vs. manual) X X X X

Real-time (vs. post proc.) X X X X XWork in motion (vs. at home) X X X X X

Continuous monitoring X X X XIntegrated biomedical sensing X

Sensing capabilities

Heart Rate X X X XBlood Pressure X X X

Body Temperature X X X XRespiration Rate/Pulse X X

SpO2/Peak Flow X X XActivity/energy X X XSleep Quality X X

Location/Environment/Posture X X X


Automatic Emergency Warning X X XLong-term Health Trend X X

CHF/Arrhythmia X X X XCOPD/Asthma X XHypertension X XSleep Apnea X X

Fall Detection X X XMedication/life style X


Blood spectrum Health data


Heart Rate



photoelectricity sensor



Fig. 3. Wearable device – ViiCare

among local communication devices for emergency informa-tion dissemination and nearby first-aid lookup.

ViiCare consists of three main components: a ViiCare sens-ing device and a mobile phone (gateway) that are connectedthrough Bluetooth in the body area domain, and a ViiCareserver in the service domain. These components are connectedthrough wireless technologies and the Internet. Below weintroduce these components individually. As we will show,although the development of ViiCare is currently incompletewith respect to our proposed system architecture and envi-sioned functionalities, as a promising RHM solution it can bereadily extended to completion.

A. Body area domain

In this domain, each WBAN is composed of a single ViiCaredevice and a mobile phone. The ViiCare is a wearable multi-function sensing device. As shown in Fig. 3, it can be clampedonto a user’s ear. It senses the user’s blood spectrum by a

photoelectricity sensor located on the clamp. The sensor isattached to the earlobe for two reasons. First, this body partis relatively static when the user is moving; second, the bloodspectrum detected via the earlobe is stable and accurate as thedistance between earlobe and heart is constant or varies onlyslightly. Based on variation of the strength of the photoelectric-ity measured, an intelligent Digital Signal Processor embeddedin the ViiCare device extracts multiple health parameters fromthe detected analog signal of blood spectrum. This integratedsensing technique distinguishes ViiCare from other RHMproducts that measure different physiological conditions withdifferent types of sensors. With other seamlessly-embeddedsensors, the ViiCare device also detects the user’s motion,environmental temperature, etc.

Both the ViiCare device and the mobile phone are equippedwith Bluetooth technology, enabling mutual data communica-tion. In real time, the ViiCare device transmits its sensory datato the mobile phone. To save energy, it does not send the rawdata but the data difference. The mobile phone is programmedwith alarming and reporting algorithms. The alarming algo-rithm considers a user’s adaptive body posture and cognitiveinjured body region so as to detect falls. Since different peoplehave different living habits, the manifestations of postures willdiffer as well. The alarming algorithm adaptively analyzesthe detected parameters and determines the level of injuryto provide relevant data to medical personnel for rescue andtreatment. Through the reporting algorithm, the mobile phone

Fig. 4. Dynamic list of instant medical conditions

Fig. 5. Long-term medical conditions

sends the detected falls and other sensory data received fromthe ViiCare device to the service domain.

Currently the ViiCare device can communicate with themobile phone through a single wireless link. In this case,more sensing devices may be placed on the human body andincluded into the body domain for measuring more healthparameters. Then, multi-hop routing algorithms need to beembedded in these devices for reporting their sensory datato the mobile phone. This extension is straightforward.

B. Communication and networking domain

ViiCare relies on mobile telecommunication network tech-nology to transfer data between the body area domain andthe service domain. However, it currently does not support adhoc networking among local communication devices. Thus,ViiCare users will not be able to disseminate their emergencycalls to nearby people for immediate first aid. Hence, weconsider that the ViiCare system has a 2.5-tier, rather than3-tier, structure. But nevertheless, the extension to a full 3-tierstructure can be extended by allowing ad hoc networking [14]to the mobile phone (WBAN gateway).

C. Service domain

The service domain contains a ViiCare server that is imple-mented by various high-performance workstations with largestorage and powerful communication devices. These worksta-tions not only receive and store users’ electronic health recordsbut also offer a secure web service and emergency call centerfunctions. Users and healthcare professionals may access theViiCare server through the web service anywhere, anytime.After logging onto the server, device users are allowed to readtheir own data, while healthcare professionals can read onlythe data authorized by those users. A user may obtain twodata health reports. One is a dynamic list of instant medicalconditions, as illustrated in Fig. 4. It displays multiple healthparameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, SpO2, togetherwith the reference standards in real-time. Even without muchmedical knowledge, users can be aware of their own healthstatus by simply comparing the data with the reference values.The other report is a long-term medical condition graph, asshown in Fig. 5, which indicates the variation tendency ofusers’ medical conditions. Under doctors’ supervision, userscan change their living and eating habits to regulate theparameters before further deterioration. Using the web asa communication platform and being assisted by long-termmedical records, online consultation and diagnosis becomespossible. Additionally, the call center informs users’ emergen-cy contacts about their health conditions by automatic textmessaging or phone calls in pre-defined danger situations.It also answers users’ questions regarding system setup andmaintenance.


There are many research challenges for implementing RHMsystems, most of which, like efficient routing in mobile ad hocnetworks and data secure storage, are critical but commonin other types of systems. Below we mainly pinpoint uniqueresearch challenges specific to RHM systems.

A. Device Advancement

Advances in nanotechnology and micromechanical devices,combined with the emerging demand for advanced RHMsystems, are driving the development of new and more effec-tive sensors. Novel sensor specializations for environmentalcondition monitoring, physiological monitoring, interactingwith various objects, and physical exercising are desired. Forexample, diabetics need to do blood test everyday (using aneedle) in order to continuously monitor and control theirblood sugar levels. Their blood has to be sampled frequentlyresulting in unbearable pain to diabetics. Many biomedicalresearchers and RHM companies (e.g., CIM) are dedicated todeveloping a smart sensor that is able to measure the bloodsugar without incurring physiological pain. Such developmentrequires great research efforts and large monetary investments.

Small size, light weight and integrated-function are desir-able for sensor design. The sensor design of ViiCare complieswith these requirements and thus provides user comfortable-ness. To develop smaller-sized, lighter-weighted, and more

sensing functions integrated sensors is always promising butchallenging. Moreover, battery design needs to be advancedalong the sensor development. The battery issues include usersafety, low-cost, low-radiation, and environmental friendly. Anew type of battery using zinc-air fuel is introduced in [8],for example. Continuos research efforts are needed in order tomake the the prototype technologies practical.

B. Communications

To achieve energy-efficient communications is critical toRHM systems. A memory unit integrated into a wearabledevice can be used to store sensory data locally when a propercommunication channel cannot be established with the gate-way; with a memory unit integrated, an adaptive schedulingscheme becomes possible, prolonging the WBAN lifetime byenabling dynamic sleep-time based on traffic priority, usermobility, and surrounding interferences. In [9], an adaptivelisten and sleep mechanism is proposed to reduce energyconsumption. The mechanism builds up a tree structure amongbody sensors to guarantee collision free access to the wirelessmedium and to route data towards the WBAN gateway.In [10], energy management mechanism is explored and adynamic power control scheme that performs adaptive bodyposture inference for optimal power assignments is presented.In [11,15], body posture information is utilized to assist anindividual body sensor in choosing direct-relay, single-relay, ormulti-relay communication. The above-mentioned techniques(adaptive listen and sleep, dynamic power control, and cooper-ative relay) can be adopted to improve energy efficiency. Sincethe heterogeneous traffic from sensors is considered in currentresearch, it is still challenging to design an energy-efficientprotocol to schedule the traffic with different transmissionrates, priority levels and delay bounds.

C. Security and Privacy

Reliable RHM systems must ensure that the availabilityof health data in electronic form adheres to the same levelsof privacy and disclosure policy as applicable to present-daypaper-based patient records, which are accessible only fromthe physicians’ offices. Instead of storing health data locally,the recent advancement of cloud computing allows RHMsystems to store all or selective health data at the cloud storageand ensures availability with reduced capital and operationalexpenditures. In cloud design, data is stored on multiple third-parties’ servers where the storage can be administrated ondemand. Migrating health data into the cloud offers enormousconvenience to healthcare service providers, since they do nothave to worry about the complexities of direct hardware man-agement. Nevertheless, user privacy preservation and properaccess control of health data are growing concerns due to thedirect human involvement. Contextual patient-centric accesspolicy may be adopted. The policy will classify the roles ofusers and assign privacy levels to user’s health data basedon data-sensitivity. [12] presents potential solutions to im-plement patient self-controlled access policy. Different accessprivileges are defined to data requesters based on their roles,

and assign attribute sets to these groups of data requesters.Only the authorized users are able to have secure access tothe encrypted health data. The future research problem couldbe how to modify the access policy of encrypted health data.For a large volume of stored health data, simply repeatingthe encryption with updated access policy is inefficient. A re-encryption algorithm enabling users to easily modify the self-controllable access policies with slight computational overheadis highly desired.

RHM systems can provide fast emergency services and real-time access of health data to the users who are in emergencysituations. Future RHM systems should be integrated withlocal first-aid searching services. This type of services betterserves users in a remote location where the central emergencymedical services (EMS) cannot be delivered effectively. Inpractice, International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)allows users to directly transmit the emergency data to aremote hospital via wireless channels so that the hospital couldfind a physician near to the emergency location to provideemergency care. In this case, user privacy concerns mustbe reconsidered; users might require to leak partial privateinformation in order to receive fast and high-quality EMS.[13] proposes a decentralized emergency response system witha privacy-preserving emergency call scheme (PEC), whereuser’s security and privacy requirements are both attained. PECguarantees the fastest emergency services, user self-control andfine-grained access of health data, and resistance to maliciousattacks such as identity theft attack, emergency forgery attack.Before implementing PEC into RHM systems, many practicalissues have to be discussed. First, RHM systems need to confir-m user self-defined emergency conditions and the emergencymeasures in advance. Users will be charged for correspondingservices. Second, RHM systems must be intelligent enoughto read the collected health data, i.e., to differentiate thesignals of a life-threatening situation from those of a normalvariation due to the constant change of activities. Otherwise,such a proactive local first-aid searching service triggeredby inaccurate decision will cause great amount of labor andmedical resource in vain.


In this article, we have introduced a new Remote HealthMonitoring (RHM) system which provides pervasive andcontinuous healthcare to users. We have envisioned an RHMarchitecture with three domains, body area domain, commu-nication and networking domain, and service domain. To-wards each domain, we have investigated some operationaland research concerns for implementation. We have alsosurveyed the RHM products in the market and comparedtheir characteristics in multiple aspects. Among these products,ViiCare has been demonstrated as a typical example whichcomplies with the proposed RHM architecture. Finally, wehave enumerated several remaining research challenges relatedto device advancement, communications, and security andprivacy.


This research has been supported by a research grantfrom the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council(NSERC), and Care In Motion, Canada.


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