enbe final project report

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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STUDENT ID: 0319444

TUTOR: Ms Renee


1. My Research: The Town3

1.1What is a town?1.2Brief History of a town1.3What makes a town?1.4What makes a good town?1.5How a town is built?

2. Ancient Town Case Study: Carthage, Tunisia5

2.1Brief History:2.2What makes it a town?2.3Conclusion about this town2.4What elements can I use for my new future town?

3. Present Town Case Study: Stratford Upon Avon, England

63.1Brief History:3.2What makes it a town?3.3Conclusion about this town3.4What elements can I use for my new future town?


4. Future Town Case Study: Seaside, Florida8

4.1Brief History:4.2What makes it a town?4.3Conclusion about this town4.4What elements can I use for my new future town?

5. My Town 95.1Setting of my town5.2Why I named it Fishville?5.3Elements I learned from my case studies:5.4What kind of town will I focus on?5.5What resort town should usually have?5.6What am I aiming for?5.7Zoning of my town5.8Transportation of my town:5.9Plan Massing of my town:

6. References17


My Research: The Town1.1 What is a town?:

A town is an area consist of a combination of housing and other facilities. It is also a community, smaller than a city, bigger than a neighbourhood. And it is where people live, do their activities and work.

1.2 Brief History of a town:

Every town is created in many different ways based on their history no matter what kind of place they come from. Mostly, a town is created due to an impact affected on a community.

However, below this paragraph shows a basic way of how a town is created.

A town is created through a hierarchy of a built environment. It all starts from a room to a house to a neighbourhood then it creates a town. The reason for this is the population in the area is increasing which people need more resources. It is created as a neighbourhood surrounded with facilities ( like: shops, schools, clinics and etc…)

Some towns grow organically, as more and more people gather, it forms a town. But some towns are planned from day 1 (beginning), slot the new into the old.

1.3 What makes a town?

A town must provide social and economic benefits to the locals. It should be a place where it has commercial activities for people to work on. The place should have shops around the markets. It consists of main roads and other smaller roads connected to the main street. It must have important public buildings around the town centre such as police station, town halls, government buildings. It has residential houses, farmlands, a main road that cut across the town centre, radiating from the town centre.

A town should also consist of a town centre and a town or market square. In a shopping perspective, there will be too many shops built around, a town centre is built as a small piece of land. It’s built to give comfort for shoppers by giving them a safe space for them to move on.

1.4 What makes a good town?


To make a good town, it must be an excellent place for people to live. It is where people can live, work and travel comfortably there. People can be able to have their own privacy in their homes and use the town’s transportation.

A town must be accessible for people to live in. People from overseas, other regions, urban and local places can able to enter this area. They must also be able to know the distance, time and safety of this town in order to get there.

The area should have a good appearance. For example, once they visit the town, they will smell, hear and see the area around. When people enter this area, the environment should be suitable for them to experience it especially through their senses. They must be comfortable with the environment.

The town must have space standards. It must have certain spaces that can be fit and used for other specific purposes. Purposes such as housing for people to live in, education like schools or universities, shops, clubs and etc… People should be able to use those spaces to their own social benefits.

The place needs to have topography that is effective. People can be able to use certain types of topography especially the areas’ soil to their benefits for environmental, economic and social uses. The topography should have specific types of sizes and shapes that can be useable. For instance, people can use the soil for economic benefits like creating farmlands or use hills for creating beautiful sceneries. Also for the environment, the area must have certain types of topography that can prevent the town from being flooded. As for social uses, an example would be a steep land where people can use it a soccer field to play sports.

The town should have incompatible uses that should be separated. Naturally, a town usually have spaces where people can make noises or cause pollutions in area. These parts must be separated in order to maintain the area’s environment such as like placing pubs on other locations rather than near residential areas.

It must be a place where it can create an economy. People can able to work and earn money there through jobs.

1.5 How a town is built?


A town can be built in two different ways. It can be built naturally or can be created by using town planning methods.

Based on the hierarchy of a built environment, an area can be turned into a town when it becomes popular. By gaining attention, more people will come and stay there, which more resources will be built there.

Town planning is a decision of what a town should look like before it is built. A planned or modern town is planned by government authorities, town planner or engaged developer. Authorities control development of town, they are also in charge of making it sustainable and liberal.

Besides higher authorities, town councils approve towns. For an empty land, the town council would evaluate the design that is designed by the town planner and decide whether it is for the greater good for the people. They comment on form and type of development.

2.Ancient Town Case Study: Carthage, Tunisia

2.1 Brief


Carthage known as Carthago is located at the African north coast. It is one of the most famous historic towns of the Roman Empire. It was founded by the Phoenicians at 9th Century B.C. at the Gulf of Tunis. It was built during the 6th century, which it grew into a trading empire. The civilisation cover most of the Mediterranean which it occupied the Roman territories.

Carthage was a town of mixed different cultures such as Phoenico-Punic, Roman, Paleochristian and Arab. This was due to the fact that it became a famous trading port as it’s known for building for strong ships. As centuries pass by, it started to build more components such as the Punic ports, amphitheatre, circus, residential areas, basilicas, Antonin baths and an acropolis of Byrsa.


As for now, the remains of this town are still preserved and under protection.

2.2 What makes it a town?

Carthage has known to be a famous town as it’s known for its Roman design. It’s structural architecture and town planning was influenced from the Romans, making Carthage was one of the well known Roman towns. It helps the town to create a testimony of the Punic history, representing the town’s culture

Besides, having it cultural impact, it is also known to have a large number of residential and commercial areas. This builts up the place which increase its development as more people will come and stay there even working there as well.

It also have a big port where ships are built, as well as the best place for trading ships to stop by. This builds up the town’s economy by becoming a trading centre of the Mediterranean sea.

2.3 Conclusion about this town

Carthage develops rapidly through its environment. Since the town became a famous port for overseas ships to stop by, it helps the area to build up its economy. Not only through this main factor, but due to its historical background, Carthage has built up its cultural environment. This attracts people to come by and rest.

2.4 What elements can I use for my new future town?

From learning this case study, I will make a marina for my town to create more transportation through boats. People living in my town can also make money by trading fish using fishing boats at the marina.

3.Present Town Case Study: Stratford-upon-Avon, England


3.1 Brief History

It all started back at 1196, there was a Bishop of Worcester named John de Coutances who decided to build a town. He started to build it by creating a town plan on a grid system and made a few businesses. While doing this, he became the first landlord of the new town, naming it Stratford upon Avon based on the Roman road and the river Avon. Later on, the town became a market town as it held a weekly market as ordered by King Richard I and it attracted a lot of merchants to come and trade. Not only that, the town also became a good place for industrial purposes as a lot of different types of craftsmen (bakers, brewers, blacksmiths, carpenters and etc….) work there.

As centuries pass by, the town become more developed as its population increases, creating more educational and religious communities. Not only that, it has also started to form its own governance

Until the 19th Century, a lot of major improvements have occurred upon the town. A canal was opened in 1816 along with a railway at 1859. This made it easier for tourists to come and visit the town.

Now it became a cultural town to visit due to the fact that it is the home of a famous writer, William Shakespeare. As always, it still retains as a market town which markets are held there every week like its tradition.

3.2 What makes it a town?

Stratford upon Avon has a town centre along with a town hall, main streets and government buildings. It consist of a community. It has many facilities including shops, tourist attractions. It has a lot of industrial areas due to the fact that it’s trade centre and merchants always come there to make businesses.

3.3 Conclusion about the town

Based on this present town, it is shown that it can be developed by creating industries and businesses. It helps the town to grow as the government of the place can earn money to improve facilities including transportation and the welfare of the town.


Not only does the industry have impacted the growth of the town but its cultural impact as well. This builds up the tourism of a town which makes it become more famous therefore it increases the population and its development as well.

3.4 What elements can I use for my new future town?

From learning through this present town, I will put some commercial buildings surrounding the square. Therefore people can be able to access the shops easily and they will have a space where they can meet and hangout.

4. Future Town Case Study: Seaside, Florida

4.1 Brief History

This town was built and started from scratch.

It all started with a man named J.S. Smolian who have always felt a strong connection with a part of the Gulf Coast. He learned that the beaches’ environment is beautiful, consisting of white sand and turquoise water. From seeing that his family loves to come there often, he decided to buy an 80 acre land of it at 1946. Recognising that the land has no development due to its large amount of wild plants, J.S. decided to create a summer camp. However the idea didn’t turn out well as the plan of it never materialised.

At 1978, J.S. passed the 80 acre land to his grandson, Robert Davis. Robert also have the same vision as his grandfather so he decided to create his own plan of making this land into a town.

At 1981, the town was finished constructing and opened.

The town became one of the most popular tourist attractions to stay and visit in Florida.


4.2 What makes it a town?

It has a town centre along with shops, restaurants, residential areas, offices and walking distances. The area also have pedestrian streets and town squares. It has tourist attractions like Grayton Beach State Park and Topsail Hill Preserve State Park that provides activities for tourists. Seaside has hotels for tourists.

The houses in this town have Florida cracker architecture. They have wood frame houses with big porches. These houses have windows that open and give ventilation from the sea breezes for us to feel. The roofs are wide to provide shade and protection from the Florida sun and summer rains.

The town is known for its “New Urbanism” design concept. This design concept provides empathy on walkable neighbourhoods, along with neighbourhoods and a large range of residential commercials uses.

Besides this, it also have a good and oceanside community for us to feel about it.

4.3 Conclusion about the town

It is shown that a coastal town can be developed from scratch. While being placed near the sea, it creates a very beautiful environment for the town which attracts tourists. This enables the community to earn more through tourism, building up the place’s economy. Not only does the town’s environment help its economy but it provides a soothing place for people to live. It’s also more sustainable as there is less transportation occurring by creating more footpaths.

4.4 What elements can I use for my new town?

From learning this town, I decided to learn about their ‘New Urbanism’ concept and apply similar elements from it. By doing so, I will create more greenery to make the town more eco friendly and add some urbanism designs to it,

5. My Town: Fishville5.1 Setting of my town: On land near the sea

I chose this setting because I felt it is easier for me to research a town that has this environment. It enables me to create more ideas for my new town using this atmosphere.


5.2 Why I named it Fishville?

I used this name because since it has this setting, it will be a perfect place for fishing and for people to experience the coast.

5.3 Elements I learned from my case studies:

Comparison of my case studies:


- They have a lot of commercial areas and residential areas.- They attract people through tourism and environments.- They are set near the water based areas.- Carthage and Seaside have the same settings of a sea.- Stratford Upon Avon and Seaside have a town centre- Carthage and Stratford Upon Avon are trading centres.


Carthage Stratford Upon Avon Seaside It has a port

where ships from many overseas drop by to stop.

It consist of Roman architecture that represents the town’s culture.

It is set near a large lake called Avon.

It has a traditional market square.

It consist of old English architectural buildings.

It has a smaller community.

It has more pedestrian paths.

It consist of Florida cracker architectural buildings.

5.4 What kind of town will I focus on?

A resort town. I wanted to do this because since it sets near the seaside, it can help the town to build up its economy through its tourism and beautiful environment. By doing so, my town will consist of more residential areas along with beaches that will attract people to come and stay. It also add to its beautiful appearance which makes its environment more peaceful and comfortable.

5.5 What resort town should usually have?


For a town that sets near the sea, I would definitely want to include resorts, beaches and a marina.

5.6 What am I aiming for?

In this project, I am aiming to make my town more sustainable, eco friendly and beautiful. With this way, it will make people take inspiration of my town’s sustainability which they may apply to their future projects. As this might happen, people will decide to make their lands cleaner and less polluted. Therefore we might create a better future to our planet, where we won’t have to disrupt the environment further.

5.7 Zoning of my town

IMAGE: Drawing of m zoning

Below this section consist of a list of buildings that will be added onto each zone along with my reasons for it.

Residential: Houses

I decided to add more residential so people might come there and stay if they want to visit the town again. It satisfies them as they can reach the coast and beaches.

Design concepts of the housing:


IMAGE: Conceptual sketches of the housing

The housing at the left side of town will have one storey which are cheaper for people to afford.

As for the right side of town, the housing will have two storeys for people who might have families to live in.

Recreational: Pocket Parks (Left and right)

IMAGE: Conceptual sketches of the pocket parks


To add some recreation for my town, I made pocket parks at the centres of the residential areas. I did this so residents especially families can enjoy themselves on a space to spend their family time. It also helps them to experience another different type of environment for them to enjoy.

Educational: School

I add the school near the residential area on the right to make it accessible. Families who are living in that area nearby can be able to drop their children off at the school easily. With the cultural buildings nearby, students from the school can also take a short trip to these building for educational purposes.

Cultural: Tourist centre, Small Arts centre and Community centre

Since this is a resort town, I put these buildings near the town square for tourists to visit them nearby. It helps them to get to know the town more as it is at the opposite of the town hall.

Governmental: Town Hall

To make the area a town, I made the town hall placed closer to the square and at the centre of the area. People including other higher authorities can see it clearly and access it.

Commercial: Shops and a hotel


IMAGE: Perspective Drawing and sketch of the commercial building

Based on Stratford Upon Avon, I decided to build the commercial buildings and surround them around the square. Tourists and people will be able to know where they can access the shops. These buildings will make the square more popular and as the best place for citizens to meet together.

Town square:

IMAGE: Conceptual Sketch of the town square along with commercial buildings and a town hall.

I placed the town square near beach to make the environment beautiful. Citizens will be able to access and see the beach easily. Not only that, it creates more public spaces besides the coast for them to gather around. I added the lake on this square to create an attractive atmosphere for shoppers to hang out.


I made the services near the residential areas for everyone to access them. In case if there is an emergency nearby, it will be easier for them to go there in need.



I decided to make a Marina to add more transportation. With this way, tourists can be able to travel to the town using private boats. Not only that, it helps the town to build up its economy by creating a fishing industry. The town’s citizens will be able to earn jobs by becoming fishermen to trade and sell fish.

5.8 Transportation of my town: For this town’s transportation, I have added roads for people to drive around the town. Even for people who are coming to visit the place can drive all the way to the place by accessing the roads.

This area also have a marina for tourists and people to travel to the town through private boats.

5.9 Plan of my town:

This is a coloured detailed plan of my town. I put a lot of trees in my town to make it eco friendly. I also make black and grey garden paths within the commercial, services, residential and cultural buildings for people to walk. Therefore it makes the town square more accessible for people to go to rather than driving all the way there.

5.10 Plan Massing of my town:

These images below contains a sketch of a plan massing of my town and 3D digital image of it using Sketchup. I did this massing to provide an understanding and a feel of my town may look like. It doesn’t show the town completely, it shows the town square the buildings surrounding it and other buildings nearby.



The Town:

What is a town?

ENBE Lecture: Shelter for inhabitation. 25th September 2014.

Brief history of a town:

About.com. (2014). Genealogy of a town. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://genealogy.about.com/od/history_research/tp/local_history.htm


Moreton Bay Regional Council. (2014). Town Planning. [webpage]. Retrieved from https://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/general.aspx?id=2242

What makes a town?

Municiple Council of Penang Island. (2014). Town planning and development. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://www.mppp.gov.my/en/perancangan-pembangunan

What makes a good town and how a town is built?

Keeble, L. (1983). Town Planning Made Plain. New York. United States.

Case Study: Ancient Town:

UNESCO World Heritage Centre. (2014). Archaeological site of Carthage. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/37

Encyclopedia Britannia. (2014). Kart-hadasht (ancient city, Tunisia). [webapge]. Retrieved from http://global.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/97373/Carthage

Case Study: Present Town

Tim Lambert. (n.d.). A history of Stratford Upon Avon. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://www.localhistories.org/stratford.html

Visit Stratford Upon Avon. (2014). Official Website for Visit Stratford Upon Avon. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://www.visitstratforduponavon.co.uk/

Quinsolve. (2000). Stratford-upon-Avon 800th Anniversary Guide. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://www.stratford-upon-avon.co.uk/soa800.htm#800yrst&c

Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council. (2014). Town Hall History. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://www.stratforduponavontowncouncil.com/content/town-hall-history

Case Study: Future Town

Seaside. (n.d.). History- Seaside, Florida. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://www.seasidefl.com/history/


Seaside. (n.d.) About Seaside|Seaside Florida. [webpage]. Retrieved from http://www.seasidefl.com/about-seaside/

Florida Backroads Travel. (n.d.). Seaside Florida. Retrieved from: http://www.florida-backroads-travel.com/seaside-florida.html

Peter Katz. (1994). The New Urbanism Toward an Architecture of Community. United States.


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