enchantment (chapters 1-10) excerpt

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  • 7/27/2019 Enchantment (Chapters 1-10) Excerpt



  • 7/27/2019 Enchantment (Chapters 1-10) Excerpt



  • 7/27/2019 Enchantment (Chapters 1-10) Excerpt





  • 7/27/2019 Enchantment (Chapters 1-10) Excerpt




    Copyright 2012 by Kaitlyn Hooley

    Self-publishing support of lulu.com

    All rights reserved. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any

    similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. To

    extent any real names of individuals, locations, or organizations are included in this book, they

    are used fictitiously and not intended to be taken otherwise.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Cover design by Kaitlyn Hooley

    Book edited by Mindie Hooley



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  • 7/27/2019 Enchantment (Chapters 1-10) Excerpt



    For my family and boyfriend, Ian.

    Who have all given me the enchantmentthat I need in my life.

    I love you all.

  • 7/27/2019 Enchantment (Chapters 1-10) Excerpt




    HE WHISTLING WIND broke through the trees in the dark night, the fragmented,

    broken road stretching on for miles. Shadows cornered every dark alley, exposing Death

    itself, a caution to anyone who crossed its path.It was early nineteenth-century Brazil, and the evening was chilled, prickling ice down

    the backs of those who were brave enough to walk the streets alone at that time of dusk.

    Chancellor rounded the corner of the alley, expecting to be greeted by the shadowed man

    who had contacted him earlier. The meeting is unavoidable, he had said with abstemious order.

    His midnight hair hung low to his shoulders, his muscular frame poised and ready forwhoeverorwhatevermay lurk out from beneath the secret crevices of the haunting alley. A

    tremor broke through his body, his shadowy eyes squinting as they examined the path beforehim.

    It shant be long now, Chancellor thought precariously, his strong hands clenching into

    fists at his sides, hugging his dark coat to his body. The cold did not bother him in the slightest,

    but the constant feeling of vulnerability crept down his backside and ended at the souls of hismoccasin covered feet.

    He waited.

    The air dispelled around him, and tension cornered his thoughts, forcing him to look

    forward at the brick wall that lay in front of him as the pressure nearly shattered his skull.

    Chancellor knew not to expect a voice to be spoken out loud into the evening, having neverheard the shadowed mans voice spoken outwardly other than a mere thought processed into his

    immortal mind. Chancellor listened for the sign of a murmur in his head, but nothing came atfirst. Several moments, filled with paranoia and hushed stillness, passed before the first glimpse

    of a husky whisper uncovered itself and was heard.

    I propose you have succeeded in my wishes. Do not fail me now.


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    Chancellor swallowed hard and looked around him, his eyes soon focusing on the

    silhouette in front of him, stepping to lean casually against the wall on the stone foundation

    before him, arms crossed and face hidden under a shadow of a cape.

    I have retrieved the name of the girl, mlord. Fate has told me that she shall be calledNo names, the shadow spoke, gruffly cutting Chancellors words midsentence. His voice

    was calm, mysteriousnonchalant. Chancellor could sense that this man had a way of hiding histhoughts from those around him, even to those who had the opportunity to read what he sowanted to hide.

    Before Chancellor could even begin to question the man with authority, the dark lord

    before him lowered the cape over his eyes, as he so often did, his face a black figure in the night,throwing off any words Chancellor was about to create in any form of sentence. He remained

    silent, waiting patiently and torturously while his chest tightened with natural bound fear.

    She shall be born unto the king before Arawn, two centuries henceforth. Her skin shall

    be as fare as the snow which falls from the sky, her eyes electric with the sky that brushes theheavens. Her hair shall be as dark as the earth beneath our feet, shining under the afternoon

    light in her beauty and warmth. The courage within her shall be strong, but that shant be a

    problem. Without the knowledge of whom she is, she shall prevail increasingly so until the timeof her seventeenth year. No amount of faith will be able to protect her from what lies ahead in

    her future.

    The mans form shifted slightly to the left with interest, a gesture that Chancellor had

    long ago recognized as satisfaction. Chancellor had succeeded and he let out a relieved breath.His feet halted in the hyperventilating shaking which had taken shape earlier, and now lay at rest

    thankfully against the terrain beneath him.

    Well done, Chancellor. The girl shall be destroyed once I get my hands on her.The darklord stopped speaking, and Chancellor could sense the feel of a shadowy grip against his shirt,

    balling it into a fist. Chancellor gulped, leaning away as far as he dared from the man before him

    without dishonoring the black lords presence.

    Do not disappointment me in your next mission, the man warned, the dark mist clutchinghis torso tighter and breathing over his face in claustrophobic folds. There is something you shall

    do for me.

    Chancellor waited with growing unease, afraid of what was about to come next.Travel far beyond the horizon and find her. And once you do

    The shadow lords voice cut off and a shady envelop wrapped around Chancellors full

    frame, lifting him off of the ground perilously high, a low hiss escaping the mans throat sheerthroat.

    Kill her.

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    ooo, good news, my best friend Jackie said in her high soprano voice, stressing the

    first word as she sat down on my biology desk. Her full name was Jacqueline, but Ihad known her long enough to know that if I ever called her by her true name, Id

    be a glutton for punishment. She had adopted the nickname Jackie in fourth grade

    when we met in Miss Heinrichs class during an art assignment on a partnered state report.I looked up expectantly at her from my biology notes, noticing that there were hardly

    any students in the classroom yet. Over half of the class habitually waited until the last minute to

    make it to class, refusing to leave their peers until absolutely necessary.Jackie had tried for a new look this year, her natural long blond hair cut short to hershoulders in a pixie style and dyed jet black. She had claimed to me in the beginning of our

    junior year that she was trying to go for the whole Chick-Goth style, but she and I both knew

    that her plan hadnt followed through, as today she was wearing her light blue sundress,complimenting her fare skin and bright cobalt eyes under thick rings of heavy eyeliner.

    Everyone is talking about the new guy in school. All of the girls say on a chart of one-

    to-ten, hes an eleven.I think hed be perfect for you!Same old Jackie. She had been trying to set me up with someone since our freshmen year,

    almost three years ago. Claiming I never dated, I always disappointed her when I turned down

    one of her plans to set me up on one of her, quote, surely-to-be-successfulblind dates. Even

    though it ticked her off, and her persistence and tenacious attitude were naturally provoking, Istill turned down every one of her offers, assuring her that I was fine. I did not need someone to

    complete my life, as Jackie so often insisted that I did. I still loved her anyway, even after all of

    her constant nagging and childlike tantrums.

    Thats great, I said, my voice clearly revealing to her that I wasnt indeed interested inthe slightest. It was the same retort I always gave her, and I saw her face fall just out of my view.


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    Come on, Claire. Hes absolutely perfect, and since none of the guys at this school have

    ever held any interest to you for whatever reason you have going on in your right mind, I

    thoughtThanks, but nothanks. Seriously. Im perfectly fine on my own and I dont need

    anybody, I told her, throwing her a look that told her I was done with this ludicrous

    conversation. I guiltily hated to see her so disappointed, but I was acknowledged with the factthat from past experiences that she would be just fine.I tucked a lock of my naturally slightly curled dark brunette hair behind my ear and shut

    my textbook just a little too roughly.

    But Jackie was cut off from the sound of Mr. Martins voice echoing throughout theclassroom, announcing for everyone to take their seats. Jackie reluctantly scooted off the edge of

    the thick charcoal table and shot me a look saying this conversation was without a doubt not

    even close to being over. I gave her the most innocent expression I could come up with and

    turned towards the front of the classroom with an exhalation of gratitude.Mr. Martin was wearing his typical formal plaid shirt and tie as well as black slacks that I

    opinionated as being a tad too short for his long legs. His thick rimmed glasses sat on the base of

    his nose, his thinning brown hair combed back into a style much too ancient for this era from hisreceding hairline.

    Scribbled on the chalkboard was a portrait of some type of cell that I couldnt identify.

    Biology had never been my strongest subject, but I wasnt horrible at it either. I was just grateful

    I wasnt failing completely and would have enough credits to graduate.The fluorescent lights above cascaded shadows on the white wall parallel to where we

    sat, announcing the arrival of a late student. All side conversation in the classroom died down as

    they observed the stranger, shifting ever so slightly in their uncomfortably cheap seats to get abetter view of our visitor. It was not like any of Mr. Martins students to be tardy to his class, and

    I noted with indistinct curiosity that he did not looklike any standard past student that had

    attended Mr. Martins period either.

    The boy idled in the doorway, his faint smile cocky as he stood with a backpack slunglazily over one shoulder. He had a built, athletic body that screamed having spent hours at the

    gym multiple times a week, and his short midnight hair was tousled from what looked like

    constantly running his hands through it. A fresh and careless just out of bed look.His eyes found mine and halted there, watching me with a small glimpse of

    inquisitiveness and amusement, his eyes guarded of full emotion, shielding his thoughts. I looked

    down at my notebook and refused to let my blue eyes wander up again, the image of midnightblack eyes piercing through me with danger playing prominently in front of my vision. A dark

    aura penetrated from his soul that stretched out and threatened to envelop me with its sinister

    caress, sending a chill down my spine. I could only conjure up the fact that this was the student

    Jackie had been babbling about earlier as she jumped for joy in her seat a few rows behind me.She was not so quietly trying to catch my attention with determined stage whispers that I


    The classroom was dead silent except for the sound of someones obnoxious pen

    clicking. Everyone around me stared at the new stranger like he was going to pull a gun on themin any moment and demand cooperation. Many girls held looks of desire, while many boys held

    the looks of animosity. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and looked up at the boy again through

    long lashes, his black as night eyes scanning the biology room before once again landing on mewith mischievous amusement.

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    I raised my eyebrows quizzically.

    The biology classroom was not very big compared to most of the classrooms at

    Hawthorne High. The walls were plastered with various posters of human life and bone structure.The flooring was about as old as the school, the black and white checkered tile faded and scuffed

    from a plethora of footprints skidding across it in past years. There were three porcelain sinks in

    the back left, extra microscopes and test tubes scattered along the granite countertops. The roomseated approximately thirty-five students, at most.I crossed my ankles and looked over to Mr. Martin, who had welcomingly started

    introducing our new student to the class with just a touch of wariness.

    Class, this is Aaron Safford. I advise you all make him feel welcome here, seeing that hehas come at apeculiartime during the school year. Something in Mr. Martins voice caught at

    the word peculiar when his middle-aged eyes shifted unsteadily to the right in Aarons

    direction. Mr. Safford, why dont you have a seat next toah, Miss Allen.

    My insides shifted at the sound of my last name as it was spoken from Mr. Martinsageing lips.Anybody but me, my thoughts murmured with desperation as I clutched my number

    two pencil with tight fingers.

    I unwillingly looked up as Aaron Safford casually strode over to my biology desk, oneaway from being caught in the front left side of the classroom. Jackie was sitting two rows back,

    and I knew she would have something to say about my newbiologypartner once class was

    finished and we entered our lunch period.

    I was so looking forward to that conversation.Aaron plopped down into the seat beside me, the hard gray chair scraping delicately

    against the tile floor when he scooted it out. His long legs stretched out in front of him, hanging

    casually underneath the table. I noticed how remarkably tall he was as he lounged back in hischair, his arms folded across his hard chest. He had to be around 62. By the way he sat, I could

    tell Aaron would not be participating in anything this classor Mr. Martinhad to offer.

    Noticing my eyes had been idling on him much longer than sanely necessary, I looked away,

    noting that the left side of his mouth had turned up into a small smirk of what looked likehilarityand undisputed confidence.

    I sighed at the humiliation of it all.

    Mr. Martin instructed us to open our biology textbooks to the third chapter of section 5Band to place the small sheer slide he had positioned onto each desk underneath our microscopes

    to thoroughly examine for the class period. Aaron continued to sit with his arms folded across his

    fitted black t-shirt, his eyes skeptically showing Mr. Martin that it was not in his best interest todo so. Mr. Martin did not complain, but seemed faintly frightened as he turned away from

    Aarons intimidating stare to scribble something on the board.

    It seemed that I was going to be working solo on this assignment, which was absolutely

    fine with me. I could tell by the way Aaron presented himself that if he were to help, it would notmake any difference than if I were to work alone.

    I reached for the microscope, Aaron examining my every move as I tried to keep a steady

    hand under his watchful eye and not look in his direction. I slid the glass slide under the lens and

    connected my eye to the hole, scribbling down a note onto the paper in front of me. This was alab I had become familiar with from the chapter I had independently read last night, crossed

    legged on my bed.

    Plant cell, I recalled, scratching the answer onto the line provided.

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    Animal cell, a voice corrected, startling me as I nearly dropped my pencil with a

    stifled clank. I looked to my right at Aaron, who was smirking faintly at me, his eyes unsafe. He

    nodded his head down towards my paper, his eyes never leaving mine. You might want tocheck your answer again.

    My eyes narrowed, my face clearly showing frustration as I listened to the faint accent in

    his voice. An accent unrecognizable. And you might want to do your own assignment. Youcant possibly know that, you didnt even check. And I doubt your knowledge on these resourcescan be any better than mine, seeing as you havent been studying with us this week.

    Aarons grin deepened, visibly enjoying my annoyance. I wasnt about to give him the

    satisfaction. Dont have to, he said with a lazy, indifferent shrug of his broad shoulders.I gripped my pencil tighter. What did he mean he didnt have to check? There was no

    possible way he could know the answer off the top of his head.

    I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked sideways at him, his half-smile never leaving

    his boastful face. I fought against the sudden urge to check again, just to see if he was right, but Iwas not going to doubt my theory in front of him as a sign of weakness, for fear he might be


    Believe what you want, I said, moving towards the microscopes eyepiece again,adjusting the dial on the side. But Im sticking with my answer. Unlike you, I know what Im

    doing. At least I hoped I knew.

    Aaron gave me another small shrug and turned towards the front of the classroom, his

    chest vibrating in a small movement that showed he was clearly laughing at me. A small strip ofred colored my cheeks and I focused more adequately on the work in front of me, hiding my

    paper behind the left side of the microscope. This was going to be a long hour, I could already

    tell by the way Aaron watched me and refused to pitch in an answer of his own after our smalldispute. He hadnt spoken since then, and for that I was grateful. For him to tell me I was wrong

    was just something that I would not be dealing with. I knew there was no use in approaching Mr.

    Martin regarding the situation, seeing that there were no other seats available in the classroom in

    which he could sit, and everyone had already grown accustomed to their current partners, muchto my luck and enjoyment.

    This left me alone with Aaron Safford as my biology partner for the rest of the school

    year.Once I finished the worksheet, I glanced at the clock hanging above the chalkboard, the

    time reading 2:30. Fifteen more minutes and I would be put out of my misery and on my way to

    the library with Jackie. It had taken a lot of persistence on my part to drag Jackie along with me,seeing as whenever we were partnered up in English that she didnt particularly like

    participatingin the project

    Pencils down and pass your papers forward, Mr. Martin announced, motioning his

    hand in a small movement as students gathered their assignments together and passed them northtowards him.

    I secretly looked over at Aarons paper and my eyes widened in visible astonishment.

    Instead of the blank paper I had expected to see, each line was filled with perfect script, giving a

    distinct answer for every question listed. It made my time and effort into my paper look veryslacking and muddled. Aaron handed me his paper and I gaped at the assignment, not once ever

    seeing him check the microscope or so much as lift a hand to record a thorough answer.

    How My question caught in my throat. I wasnt exactly sure what to say. How didhis paper get done so quickly? When did he work on it without my noticing?

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    Ive done the lab, Aaron answered simply, shrugging one shoulder as he placed his

    assignment in my hand. I numbly gripped the paper between my fingertips, the action

    involuntary and mechanical. Aaron was hiding something; I could tell from the mischievousspark beneath his eternal guarded expression. I shook the thought and passed his paper forward,

    moving the microscope back into place.

    I didnt even see you work on the paper. How on earth did you get it done so quickly?I demanded, refusing to gaze at him. If I did, I was certain whatever I had to say would cut itselfshort from hesitation by just a mere glance from him. All coherent thought would be at a total


    Mr. Martin shuffled the papers in his hands and precisely aligned the corners beforeplacing them in the midpoint of his rectangular desk just as the final bell sounded as a jubilant

    release to all students.

    I let out a small moan of relief and gathered up my belongings before shoving them into

    my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder hurriedly. Jackie was quick to get to my side, hersupplies already packed, undoubtedly having been tucked away the whole time we had been in

    class. It would not shock me, knowing her.

    The vulnerability in Jackies eyes, exposing anxiety and wonder, as well as impatience,was undeniably comical. I could physically imagine her bouncing up and down in her place,

    beseeching her way to some form of answer to how the class went with my new biology partner.

    Her mouth was turned up at the corners, threatening a marathon of questions that I had no way of

    getting out of. I adjusted the band of my khaki schoolbag on my shoulder and started trudgingtowards the exit of the room.

    I stole a glance back at my table, trying to figure out what was keeping Aaron so long

    from departing class. Wonder struck me as I rechecked my vision repeatedly and firmly focusedon his vacant chair that had been left in its original position away from the charcoal biology

    table, seemingly untouched.

    He was already gone.

    Aaron Safford.Quite the name, huh? I sure know theres nothingsafeabout him, Jackie

    giggled as we huddled over our notebooks, seated at one of the librarys back computer rooms. I

    swiped a few eraser shavings from my paper with the back of my hand and raised an eyebrow at

    Jackie as she continued, her blue eyes gleaming, completely oblivious to my physical response.And did you see the way his arms flexed when he adjusted his backpack on his shoulder

    after class? She pulled out a compact mirror from her purse, brushing her hands over her cheeksas she closely examined her reflection and stung her tongue out at what she saw.

    Only you would notice something as ridiculousat that, I said, my thoughts wandering

    back to Aaron. What made him so different then all of the other students? There was somethingjust out of my reach that I felt like I was not seeingsomething I could hardly grasp that was

    over the boundary line of my vision. I sighed and gripped my number two pencil with frustration,

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    disliking the way Jackie spoke of Aaron Safford. He was all I had heard about since we had

    arrived at the Hawthorne Public Library, thirty minutes ago, and all I would hear about on the

    way back home. I had heard more information and insights about him than I would have wantedor preferred in the short time I had been with Jackie that afternoon.

    You cannot tell me you didnt find yourself looking over at himjust a little. Babe, its

    fate. Heaven has given you Aaron as your biology partnerand youre shoving him back at themlike hes a soggy sponge; dull, grubbyand just gross! Jackie complained, clearlymisunderstanding the obvious conclusion of the matter.

    More like a mistake from Hell, I muttered from above my paper. I watched as Jackies

    face flinched, stricken with ample shock, and I hurried on. Look, can we not talk about Aaron?We have a report to type up and, unlikeyou, some people cant afford to fail this class.

    Jackie finger combed through her jet black hair, eyeing me doubtfully as if I had two

    heads instead of one. I justly didnt understand what she found so compelling and extravagant

    about Aaron Safford. The way she spoke about him made him sound soenthralling. The wholematter was just leaving me utterly disarrayed and agitated.

    Jackie folded her hands in front of her. Youre my best friend, and I want you to be

    happy. But I just dontgetyou. Youre giving up Aaron Safford for She paused and reachedfor the literature book sprawled out in front of me and pointed to the title. This showed just how

    much she paid attention in school. Anne Frank. Honestlyand Im not going to deny itthere

    are so many things patronizingly wrong with this situation that cryplain and boring! You need

    to learn how to liven up a bit! This was one of those times when I wished with everything in mybeing that Jackie would just drop the conversation before it could turn intowell, this.

    I breathed deeply in and out, focusing on the rhythm there instead of the sensational

    pounding in my accelerating heart. With my seventeenthbirthday tomorrow, and Jackiesconstant dazing off to numerous points of conversation topics, I had a strong feeling that this

    report was not going to be completed anytime soon. I let out a breath and shut my literature

    book, tucking the notes I had written into my backpack. Having Jackie sit down in front of a

    table full of homework had never been her scene, and her being there now was about as close toa true miracle as you could get.

    I checked my phone and a small ringing informed me that I had two missed calls from

    my mother, Gwendolyn. Being the kind of foster mother that she was, having raised me since Iwas only a few months old, she was the type of woman who I expected a call or text message

    from every hour due to her apprehensive personality, give or take. She was always working and

    hardly ever home, so her persistent texts and phone calls were not a bit of a surprise. I justprayed in my heart that my absence of responding to her hourly check-ins would not

    inconvenience her to do anything irrational or melodramatic involving the local police or fire


    Whatyou need is to set aside all of this work you have and stay over at my placetonight. I will not accept nofor an answer. Well pop some popcorn, do our nails, and it will all

    help you to get your mind off things. This is yourbirthday weekend. Make it memorable, Jackie

    insisted, following me to my silver Volkswagen in the parking garage, wedged between a white

    Miata and the curb. I pulled the keys out my pocket and jumped into the drivers seat, hardlybothering to comprehend or listen to a word Jackie said.

    And thats when I saw him, thirty feet away, his midnight eyes and tousled black hair

    reflecting my imagine in the rearview mirror, sitting behind the wheel of a jet-black Sedan.It wasAaron.

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    ut are you absolutelysure it wasAaron? Like, one-hundred percent positive?

    Jackie asked as we drove towards her house, my hands gripping the steering

    wheel, anchoring me to my sanity as I stared at the unoccupied road ahead. I hadnever been so positive in my life. There was no mistaking what I saw, and what I

    did see in the reflection of my mirror wasAaron. I wasnt going to deny it no matter what

    anyone believed.One-hundred percentpositive. Mistaking a face like Aarons was definitely uncommon,

    and I would be able to recognize his face anywhere. It was the kind of face a male model would

    kill for and, as much as I hated to admit it, nobody could compare to Aarons athletic build,

    meltingly dangerous heat-filled midnight eyes, and self-assured grin that turned even thesturdiest girls weak at the knees. The whole verity and realization made me sick as my eyes

    pinched at the corners with this newfound establishment.Whoa. What do you think he was doing there? I mean, no offense to him, but he doesnt

    seem like the kind of guy who would be hanging out in the oldest part of downtown Hawthorne

    near the library, she pointed out.

    I shrugged one shoulder indifferently and kept my eyes focused on the road, refusing to

    let Aarons image once again play itself in front of my eyes, annoyingly taunting me. I couldntallow myself to fall for him, for fear of being crushed by the pointy, jagged rocks below the cliff

    I hung on. My grip on the steering wheel lessened as I pulled into Jackies driveway, breathing a

    sigh of relief as I cut the engine of my gray BMW 2005 Volkswagen and turned to look at her.

    Something in Jackies smirk and the gleam of mischief in her cobalt eyes had me questioning hersanity as I leaned back from fear.



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    Do you think Aaron may have been following you? she asked, that same light shining

    in her eyes growing more pronounced at the thought about it. Like the thought was in no sense

    creepy.Followingme? Why would you even think that, Jackie? It was official. My best friend

    had completely lost it. No part of me wanted to even consider her words, because honestly, they

    did not even make a bit of sense. Aaron could be titled as a lot of things, butstalkerwasincontrovertibly the lowest of them all that I would ever have branded him as.She shrugged her dainty shoulders and unbuckled her seatbelt, rotating her body towards

    me as her expression ignited. Something in her eyes had died down, but the mysterious glint of

    excitement was firmly still there for me to visibly see from three feet away. Think about it. Hewas in the same place at the same time as you, andhe was already staring at you in your

    rearview mirror by the time you actually lookedand saw him. Heaven knows the guy would

    never be caught deadat the library, nor would he ever be hanging out in Downtown Hawthorne.

    That part of our town is just way to uncultivated and oldto be the first place a guy likeAaronSaffordwould even think of going! Jackie kept track of each statement, marking them off on

    her petite fingers. If I knew my best friend as well as I thought I did, then I certainly knew that

    she would have treasured the thought of Aaron stalking anybody she knewespeciallymyself.

    Of course it almost stunned me to see Aaron there as much as it did Jackie.


    But the way Jackie droned on and on about Aaron left my chest tightening, my stomachuneasy, and bile rising to the pit of my throat. I could tell she was not going to give up on this

    argument of a conversation effortlessly or at any time soon, no matter how many times I begged

    her to drop it. The whole idea of seeing Aaron sitting there in his car, meeting my gaze in myrearview mirror, and leaving a minute after we pulled out of the parking garage after having sat

    there doing nothing for the time that he had, was just way too bizarre and conspicuous for her.

    Evidentially, it shocked me too.

    More than it should have.

    Jackie skipped to the kitchen and rummaged through each cabinet, her fingers running

    along the edge of the top cabinet and pulling down a package of Movie Theater ButteredPopcorn. I made a face at her choice of sustenance and wandered to the living room, settling on

    to the cushioned, maroon couch and switching on the small television set that sat behind a large

    coffee table in a country style home. There was a large window overlooking their small

    backyarda quaint patch of yellow grass and a flowerless gardenwith very few familypictures on the walls and a sheer lemon yellow curtain. The house was very bare on most normal


    You want some coffee? Jackie called from the kitchen over the popping that came fromthe microwave oven. The crashing sound of opening and closing doors sounded, having once a

    long time ago caused me to jump at the unexpected sounds radiating from her teeny kitchen. But

    now you could surly call this my second home, I had been here so often.

    Since when do you drink coffee? I asked, glancing quizzically towards the kitchendoorway as the clock on the wall ticked leisurely above an old recliner.

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    Since my erratic, work-a-holic, crazed mother started waking me up at night and early in

    the mornings from her insane work schedule. Those small times between shifts when shes not at

    the factory are probably the only moment I actually see her and she believes we need ourmother-daughter bonding time even in the wee hours of the night and morning. Jackie rolled

    her eyes and plopped down into the brown recliner, sipping her coffee as she pointed at the

    television. Turn to channel thirty-one. I hearTitanic is previewing tonight, and I am notmissingLeonardo Dicaprio over talking about my lunatic mother.I eyed her but obeyed, silently laughing at her peculiar request. You hate Titanic. Why

    are you wanting to watch it if every time you freak out? You throw a fit whenever you watch

    Rose attempt to rescue Jack from that flooding basement, for fear shell whack his hands clearoff with that axe. You know whats coming!

    Yeah, Jackie responded, ushering for me to turn up the movie. But I love Jack

    Dawson. I swear the guys a freaking artist! she exclaimed with a dramatic sigh.

    Perhaps Jackie was crazyboy crazybut it was one of the things I loved about her andhad come to accept in our friendship. You dorealize Leonardo Dicaprio didnt actually draw

    those pictures you saw in Titanic, right? It was all premade for the movie so that they could

    better develop and express the character of Jack Dawson.Whatever. Im just saying the guy can wear a tux. She giggled and waved her hand in

    the air as a dismissal for the conversation. But enough about Leo. What kind of girl do you

    think Aaron Safford goes for? Does he like the hard, gothic type? The overly dramatic, theatrical

    drama queen? Or maybe the girly, breathy, soft-spoken type? I can totally do all of the above, butthe last option bugs the crap out of me, so Id rather pass.

    What? I demanded, gaping at her as she pondered those options.

    Youre right. Im thinking more of the clingy, drop to your knees whenever he walks inthe room type. I mean, did you see the way he was looking at you? Its like he was undressing

    you with his eyes and just waiting for you to give in to him. And his smile is so seductive, I just

    about melted. Someone needed to get up there and pop that boys eyes back into their sockets

    Jackie! I complained, pressing a hand to my forehead. She had completely lost it! Mybest friend was totally and completely insane. I shook my head. What on earth was she even

    thinking about Aaron Safford paying any form or type of attention to me? It just didnt add up.

    The fact obviously wasnt true. It couldnt be.Dont get me wrong, babe, youre definitely not the type of girl who would fall to her

    knees for some guy. The complete opposite, in fact. Remind me to take you birthday shopping

    tomorrow for a new wardrobe and teach you some socialismI put my hand up, my eyes begging her to stop, my head throbbing. I had been having a

    headache on and off since that morning, but I feared Jackie was only making it worst.

    Particularly from all of thisAaron talk. I had had enough of it, and dreaded the idea that the talk

    would never go away, especially from the girls at school. He was practically a celebrity. It wouldtake a miracle if the news about him died in a month. Nothing like this ever happened in


    I honestly dontcare about Aaron Safford. I dont know his type, nor do I want to know.

    I hardly know the guy! If you want to go for him, by all means, go. But from what Ive seen theguys a jerk and you could do so much better, I said in a rush, frustration creeping into my

    voice. Jackie eyed me, visibly appalled at my words as she clutched her coffee mug in her hands,

    her blue eyes wide from both my words and the unnecessary caffeine in her veins.

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    Silence passed between us, the only noise radiating through the room caused by the

    screaming ofTitanicpassengers and the ticking of the wall clock about Jackies head. I

    immediately felt horrible for bursting at her like that, my anger and impatience once againgetting the best of me. I would just have to get used to all of the Aaron talk now if I was ever

    going to survive junior year to any amount of succession.

    I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to apologize, when everything around mestarted tobuzz? My head snapped up at I looked at Jackie, who watching my face with strangesuspicion. Like I had gone crazy and she was seeing two heads instead of one.

    Do you feel that? I asked her, staring at her face, masked with an expression that

    clearly entitled me as insane. The buzz in my veins grew louder and more forceful, piercing myeras as my head throbbed with pain. I gripped the sides of my head, bending over as the

    excruciating pain overtook my mind and caused me to collapse onto the floor. I suddenly felt the

    urge to be sick, nausea rolling over uneasily in the pit of my stomach, over and over. I swallowed

    back the bile in my throat and clenched my fists against my head, my eyes pinching tightertogether, straining my vision.

    The sparking sound of electricity fired through my ears, light bulbs exploding and sparks

    flying around the room. I wanted so desperately to pry my eyes open wider, to make sure Jackiewas okay in the midst of the small fire that had come from the flying sparks, but found the pain

    too endearing to even open my eyes for a split second.

    Jackies voice was distant in my ears, her words echoing strangely in my brain as I held

    my breath, praying for the pain to go away, if by some sudden miracle. It felt as though fire waslicking my insides, setting my libs on a rampaging burn and fount for the cool surface of escape

    and relief. The pain was too much to bear

    My breath came in shallow gasps, tears forming in the corners of my eyes, the fluid hoton my icy skin as Jackies voice faded in the background and I started to give into the fire in my

    head and in my ligaments. Anything to get me away from the suffering and unbearable heat that

    flooded through me. An escape.

    I stopped, relief flooding thought me as Jackies voice sounded nearer, clearer, and thefire started to subside and flee my limp body, leaving a still sensation in its wake as my eyes

    slowly cracked open to full view. Jackie was leaning over me, shouting my name right into my

    face, making my head abundantly hurt. I looked to the carpet, half expecting to see a trail ofsparks and orange dim flames around us, but was deftly surprised to find only Jackies spilled

    coffee stain and mug and an otherwise clean carpet around the black mess. I glanced around at

    the television, lamps, outletsnothing. Everything was the same as it had been when I arrivedthirty minutes ago.


    I slowly looked at her and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I blinked twice as an

    image shot across my vision of Jackie, laughing at the mall as she stood talking to anunidentifiable man. A boyfriend? I shook my head. That was unquestionable. Jackie did not have

    a boyfriend, or anything close to that. I had never seen this man before, or anyone remotely close

    to resembling him.

    So then why did I feel the image was so familiar and vivid that I had to have seen itsomewhere before?

    Claire Adams! Jackie tried again, completely unaware of what had just happened.

    Come to think of it, I wasnt completely sure either. What happened to all of the flames andsparks? Where had the picture come from?

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    And why did I feel it was sofamiliar?

    Justgive me a sec, Jack, I requested once I found my voice deep within the base of

    my swelled throat. My heart was thumping a complicated dance long and hard in my tight chest,throat dry and constricted as I swallowed once, all trace of nausea gone left with a sore and

    aching burn.

    What the heck happened? Jackie persisted, bringing me to my feet as my eyes focusedon the furniture and living space around me, sluggishly one at a time. I thought you were havinga seizure of something, you were shaking so badly!

    My eyes widened in wonder as I recalled my past experience within the last few minutes.

    I was? I brought a hand to my forehead.Talk about adding a little drama to the moment. Leonardo Dicaprio was just about to

    Enough about freaking Leonardo Dicaprio,please! I choked, coughing at the roughness

    of my voice as I sat back down on the couch and brought a hand up to my chest. The movie had

    ended, I presumed, for Jackie had muted the television and was moving to sit next to me.Sorry. Im just a little shaken. I thought something terrible was happening to you and so

    I panicked. Gwen is expecting a call from you, Jackie added as a matter-of-fact, apology thick

    in her soprano voice as her expression turned sheepish. Sorry, she said again.I let out a quiet groan and reached for the cell phone I kept in my jeans pocket, the

    memory of Jackie ever moving to call anybody vacant as I sent Gwendolyn a quick text,

    dreading the sound of her worried voice if I were to call her right now.

    Im fine. Just a headache. You know how I am. Jackie overreacted. Staying at her placetonight. Be home tomorrow morning around ten. Love you, I texted out before moving to my top


    I stopped dead in my tracks, my thumbs pausing over the little circle in between each ofthe arrow keys on my Blackberry. My eyes widened, surprised to see the computerized print

    typed visibly before me.

    Aaron Safford.

    Again, sorry about that, Jackie apologized, not at all noticing my pause as she quicklytacked on, But you couldnt blame me for worrying or panicking about you or

    Its fine, I said through unmoving lips, cutting her off as I glanced at the wall clock, the

    time reading an hour until midnight. I think Im going to try to sleep now. Im just tired. Ill bebetter by tomorrow morning. Im pretty sure its just from all of the stress of school and biology

    lab I stopped and stood up mechanically, shoving my phone deep into myjeans pocket as I

    walked down the hall with robotic steps.Love sick, I heard Jackie sing in her high-pitched voice lovingly from the living room

    before she turned up the volume on the television, seemingly trying to avoid the coffee stain left

    on the brown carpet.

    Normally I would have jokingly shouted at her to shut up or something practical andpredictable, but I just kept moving towards Jackies room at the end of the hall. Even though the

    situation was utterly ridiculous, there was just no way.

    I couldnt be falling for Aaron


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    fter a good half an hour of contemplating whether or not to call Aarons number, I

    shut my phone off with a contemplative breath and eventually fell asleep. I woke

    at around six oclockthat morning, the throbbing in my head back to its pervious

    slow beating deep within my skull. I looked around the room, taking in mysurroundings as I contemplated for a moment where I was. I blinked my emerald eyes a few

    times, waiting for the moment when the vanity dresser in Jackies room would settle into just one

    concrete image.I lay curled on the tan carpet, a single wool shawl wrapped around me as I sat up and

    smoothed my hair. Jackie was nowhere to be seen. My only guess was that she had fallen asleep

    to watching reruns of Kevin Bacon inFootloose, as she so often did every night. Sure enough I

    could hear the theme song booming from the television as I raved Jackies closet, as weceremoniously did when one of us stayed unexpectedly at the others house. Besides, if was my

    birthday. It was the least she could do.

    After having slipped into the shower in her bedroom and dried myself off, I slid on agreen casual dress that reached the middle of my thigh, black leggings, and my own pair of

    yesterdays black flats. Jackies feet were just a size too small for me.

    I exited her room with a jacket hung over my arm and grudgingly popped a piece of gum

    in my mouth from the previous days jeans pocket, seeing as though it was all I had from anykind of personal dental hygiene.

    My nose shriveled in disgust at the outcome of the situation.

    After adjusting my marginally curled hair in the bathroom mirror, due to the verdict thatthere was never anything I could do about the wavy style, and reapplying my minimal makeup, I

    found Jackie sitting in the living room dressed in a turquoise tank top and mini skirt. Her hairand makeup were already down as she sipped what I hoped was water instead of a substitute for

    last nights coffee incident, and gave me a cheery morning smile.


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    Mornin. That outfit looks absolutely fantastic on you, if I do say so myself. Seriously, it

    compliments your hair and complexionsomuch better than mine.

    I couldnt help but laugh. I did a little curtsy with a smile and jerked my right thumbtowards the front door. Told Gwen Id be home by ten. I have to stop by and eatthe surprise

    birthday breakfast she makes for me every year and then I should be good to go for the rest of the

    day if she isnt too busy. We always do lunch.Jackie feigned mock disappointment with a scoff. Gwendolyn Adams. Probably thecraziest woman I know. Such the over protector. Dont get mewrong; I love herbut the

    woman needs to take a chill pill. Jackie took another sip of her and mug and settled onto the

    couch, murmuring to herself with raised eyebrows, Or, like, four.I fixed my best false apologetic mask and reached for my keys that lay on her kitchen

    counter. Meet me at my house at around two?

    She gave me a dramatic sigh but put on an award winning smile and stood up to give me

    a hug. She was probably about half a head shorter than I was, given she was wearing heels.Jackie had to be the smallest person I knew.

    Its a date. But if you dont show up on time, Im leaving you and your sorry birthday

    butt to spend it alone.

    I merely eyed the pedestrians and vehicles around me as I hurried on the road, anxious toforget what had happened at Jackies and to get as far away from the memories as possible.

    What hadhappened? Surely it wasnt all a figment of my imagination like I had wanted

    to believe. Jackie had witnessed what had happened, too. And the thought left shivers down my

    spine along with an agonizing stabbing pain in the back of my head. With my right hand stillclutching the steering wheel, I reached a hand up to the piercing spot and pushed hard on the

    tender area. It felt like I was not only suffering from a major concussion, but I could also feel the

    blood popping repeatedly over and over again in my head. Tears blurred my vision as I rubbedmy hair over the throbbing spot harder, pulling over to the side of the road and putting the

    vehicle in park.I gulped in large lung-fills of air and clutched my head. I had suffered penetrating

    headaches and migraines before, but never one like this. Never one sounbearable.

    My body shook and I glanced at the radio clock. I had about an hour before I had to be

    home, having told Gwen that I would have to run a few errands first before my arrival home.

    Truthfully, I had just wanted to be alone. The experience at Jackies had shaken me up a bit toomuch for ideal comfort.

    My back tingled and for a moment I felt an eerie sensationone that you feel when you

    are being watched. I stirred in the leather seat and unclasped the seatbelt around me, suddenly

    feeling claustrophobic, before the sound of a door opening startled me to nearly bang my head onthe ceiling. That wouldnt have helped anything in this situation

    It was much too foggy to see much of anything. I let out a quiet whimper, the pain in my

    head pushed to side for the time being. When a hand reached across the passengers seat andgrasped my arm in a gentle but unbreakable hold, my mouth clamped shut, the pain in my head

    completely gone. Extinguished from my mind like a breeze has swept through there.

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    I moaned gently and slowly turned my head sideways to peer at him, meeting his torso

    through tear stained eyes. I sniffed and my forehead creased.

    Claire, look at me. I need you to look at me, Claire. Everythings going to be okay,Aaron promised, leaning towards me as he pushed the cushion away and scooted closer to my

    limp form over the steering wheel. Breathe deeply. Look at me.

    I obeyed his instructions, sucking in large breaths of air as I slowly and deliberately methis midnight eyes. They were probing, drawing me in as I lost sense of thought. Aaron set his legon top of mine and put his hand on my cheek, brushing all of my tears away as he stared into my

    vibrant green eyes. I could not read the emotion behind them, for his face was guarded.

    And then the strangest thing happened. The pain slowly and leisurely began to decapitatefrom my numb mind as his hands moved over my cheeks and I gazed into his gorgeous,

    dangerous eyes. The black orbs calmed me, leaving me dazed and frozen, but whole. A feeling of

    peace that I hadnt felt in a long time but also adrenaline coursed through my veins. My heart

    sped and just when I thought it was going to leap out of my chest and give out for good, the painevaporated and it returned to its original moderate and steady pace. My back hunched over as I

    rested in my chair, breathing deeply and tearing my eyes from his with as much force as I could

    muster.Better? he asked, removing his hands and scooting back into his chair far from me.

    I nodded solemnly, my mind racing at full speed ahead. A small line of perspiration lay

    on his forehead as he casually wiped it away and ran a hand through his dark hair. He did not say

    anything for a moment, just stared at the compartment in front of him, until he finally tensed andstood on alert.

    Highway patrol. Aaron turned to look out the back window of the vehicle, but at first I

    saw nothing until the sound of a motorcycle engine sounded and a fast moving officer appearedthrough the thin layer of cold, dense morning fog.

    How did you? But that was all I could get out before Aarons cunning voice cut me


    Didnt you see him coming? he questioned, raising an eyebrow as if I were crazy. Hewas right there a few feet away.

    Must have been the fog, I murmured, knowing I had not seen anything and it was not

    because of our towns continual foggy climate. I quietly groaned and reached for my wallet as Irolled down the window. Never in my life had I gotten a traffic ticket, and the first one I received

    had to be on my birthday! With a sigh I peered up at the officer, his mouth set into an unhappy

    line as we conversed about my awareness of sitting in a no-parking zone and myunderstanding not to do it again. His chin had a thick layer of stubble and he had a rather hawk-

    like nose that was just a little too big to evenly proportion the rest of his middle-aged hard face.

    Just because youre alone out here in the open doesnt give you any free all-access

    pass, he informed me, rubbing his bald head once he removed his hat. He was an older manwho seemed to take his job to an over-the-top serious level. Probably a new officer on parole.

    I blinked and looked at him quizzically.

    Alone? I asked. I turned to look at the passenger seat and, sure enough, Aaron wasnt

    there. My eyebrows furrowed. But that was impossible. I hadnt even heard a car door open orclose. Its not like there was any loud commotion that would permit me to otherwise. And surely

    I would be able to spot him walking away from ourarea now. There hadnt been any surrounding

    vehicles within our mile range

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    Get home safe, Miss. No more trouble, he warned me as he hopped onto his motor

    vehicle and sped off, leaving a trail of fog and me alone and confused about everything that was

    happening since Aaron Safford came to town.

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    he outside of my house was perfectly cared for, the grass greencrisp and evenly

    trimmed. There was a row of multi-colored gardenias, tulips and roses planted inthe flower bed in front of our small porch, varying in colors from red to blue and

    purple to yellow. I remembered the first thought I had when I got here, seven years

    ago: Either this woman really loved gardening or she had a serious case of O.C.D.I set my keys down on the kitchen countertop as I hung my gray purse on the stairwell

    post. Everything was quiet, which was natural in our home. Gwendolyn enjoying keeping a

    pleasant and uplifting atmosphere and was very high maintenance, always worrying about the

    little things. She would often fret about if that was the reason her late ex-husband left her foranother woman, quietly and quickly without ever hinting he was going to do so or revealing the

    hidden affair. Gwen had been so alone that she had decided to adopt, which is where I came into

    the picture, sixteen years ago.

    I took a deep breath, still antsy about the scene at Jackies house and the traffic ticket. Ihad decided on my drive home that I would not tell Gwen about either occurrence. Both would

    just result into more than just mere casualties with her.

    Claire? I didnt hear you get in.Gwendolyn appeared in a pair of silk black sweats and a white tank top, her midnight,

    ravenous curls in a bun on top of her head. There wasnt a trace of makeup on her face, Gwen

    believing makeup to be a sin since most was tested from and on animals. This is why I kept myeyeliner, smoky eye shadow, and mascara light. I didnt want to give the poor woman a heart


    She was naturally beautiful with her heart shaped face and almond shaped and colored

    eyes, that she did not need makeup. Her face was blemish free all the time. Many envied her,

    including me.When I only answered with a shrug, Gwen came over to wrap me in a tight embrace. She

    smelt like green tea and mint leaves, a few of her loose strands of stray curls tickling my cheekas she pulled away. I dug my hand into my pocket and pushed the traffic ticket down farther. I

    knew she was not going to see the ticket through my pocket with x-ray vision or anything

    Gwendolyn just had a very keen eyes and suspicious, watchful approach about paying attention

    to the little things in life.


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    Happy birthday, she smiled, squeezing my shoulders and holding me at arms length to

    get a good look at me. The pressure in my head throbbed over the pulsing blood in my ears that

    had made a continual presence since I had fled from Jackies house.Thanks, Mom.It always hurt her feelings when I didnt call herMom. And she had

    raised me since I was three years old, so she was practically like a mother to me in the finer

    sense. She made her way past me into the kitchen, pressing the answering machine button as shespoke. What do you plan on doing today? I was thinking we could do lunch.

    Lunch sounds good, I quickly said, nearly cutting her off on the last syllable. I mentally

    kicked myself for being so jumpy and jittery as Gwendolyn raised an eyebrow at me.Everything okay?

    Were fine. I meanIm fine. I paused, shut my eyes, and rethought over what I was

    going to say next. I have to go. Lunch at noon?

    But before Gwen could even answer I was out of the room, clutching my head as the painworked its way farther into my skull and down to the base of my neck and I sped down the hall.

    I rummaged through the drawers of my dresser, trying to decide on an outfit to where on

    my lunch outing with Gwendolyn, but I may as well decide on going in a clown suit for all of the

    progress I was making. I sat down on my bed and breathed a heady sigh, pressing a palm to myforehead. I had taken my temperature earliera normal 98.6, as it had always beenbut the heat

    in my forehead burning against my hand was infuriating me and driving me towards sweltering


    I decided on a small black dressseeing as Gwendolyn and I went to the sameornamental restaurant every year for my birthdayand a white slip cover up. What was wrong

    with me? It was like my mind had shot somewhere deep into outer space.

    I paused, the black fabric in one hand, the copper hanger it had once been on in the other.My eyebrows furrowed as I thought back to my temperature, wondering when it had been the

    last time I had ever gotten a fever or anything above your average human temperature. I could

    not remember there ever being a time that I was sick,period. And that truly confused andfrightened me.

    I slipped the dress over my head in a daze and checked my reflection in the full length

    mirror in front of me. My face was a little flushed and my eyes looked swollen from a restless

    night of only dozing off once or twice. My hair rested in waves down my back, due to its naturalformation that I had been born with. My hair was always a plus when I was running late

    somewhere and never had time to do anything to it. I ran a hand over my pink cheek and

    examined my green eyes, leaning closer to the mirror until my nose nearly brushed the chill hard

    surface. My long black lashes touched my eyebrows as I widened them to examine the pupils.Had they always been thisdilated?


    I jumped, bumping my already aching forehead against the mirror as I rubbed it withfrustration. I grimaced at the prickles of heat and pain that swelled there, worse than before

    thanks to my most recent ungainly injury.

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    What are you doing? Our reservation is at twelve. We should be leaving now.

    Gwendolyn looked at me with confusion and a hint of laughter in her large almond eyes, tilting

    her head to the side as she stepped closer to me and cradled my cheek in her hand. Whathappened to your forehead? she asked, running her petite hand over the throbbing spot. My

    whole body was flushed with an oppressive temperature, and her cold fingers felt nice against the

    tender area.Nothing, I assured her, although it came out as more of a question. I had been askingmyself that same question since yesterday after Jackie and I left the library. I gently turned from

    her gaze and touch as I kept my steps steady over to my bed and grabbed my purse. I reached for

    the peach lip gloss I kept in the inner compartment and dizzily rubbed some over my lower lip,trying to keep my hand from compulsorily shaking.

    Its really hot, she pressed, moving to my side at once and forcing me to look at her. It

    feels like you may be running a fever. Did you take your temperature?

    Yes, Gwendolyn, I snapped as I moved past her to the mirror, flinching at both the tonein my voice and my reference to her. I didnt normally call her Gwendolyn unless I was nervous

    or angry with her, and the ferocity in my voice frightened me. This in both cases never happened.

    I sighed and steadied my expression as I looked up at her hurt and doe like eyes, wide andinnocent.

    My stomach knotted with guilt. Im sorry. Im just having an off day. On my birthday,

    no less. I forced a small grin to lighten up the moment, but the movement felt stiff and robotic

    as I clutched my purse and moved back to her side, gently touching her arm. Im sorry, I saidagain.

    Gwendolyn sighed, but I could tell she was still worried. Being the over protective type

    was an understatement in place to branding her as.Touching my cheek, she forced a smile of her own and moved over to my bedroom door.

    She turned back to me and cocked her head to the side. Are you sure youre alright, hon?

    I nodded for reassurance, though my head spun. Im fine. Ill meet you at the car, okay?

    I just have to grab a couple things. I just need time to gather myself before Im expected tospend a couple of hours in public under your watchful eye.

    Without another word Gwen left, leaving me to grab my cover up and straighten myself

    out as I took one last look in the mirror. My forehead was still a bit rosy, but there was nothing Icould do about that except put a little makeup on it and pray that I wouldnt do something

    demeaning like faint by the time I made it to Gwendolyns BMW in the driveway.

    The restaurant was extravagantly beautiful. Crystal chandeliers showered light over each

    linen-clothed table, cascading a golden halo over each guest sitting at tables and chattering away

    over their expensive meals. There was definitely a reason Gwendolyn and I only came here oncea year for my birthdayexpenses being one of the top reasons. The walls sang lines of various

    poetry in all different stylesfrom Shakespeare to T.S. Elliotas we followed a waitress to our

    reserved table in the back corner, my black heels nearly sinking through the plush carpet as westopped and sat down in cushioned green seats.

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    I had to admit, the place looked better than I remembered it beingmore than a hotel

    than a four-star restaurant. A place where you would bring a date or an important colleague over

    a prestigious business meeting.Order anything you want, Gwen smiled over her menu as she took a sip of her water.

    Today isyourday.

    I laughed at her words. They were the same two sentences she presented me with everyyear we came here, since my freshman year. And I always predictably got the same thingcreamy mushroom ravioli and warm croissant rolls with a lemon water. I grudgingly had to

    admit that I was not one for changenot since Gwen had adopted me.

    When I was old enough for her to tell me about how I ended up living with herI wasdevastated, without questionI had decided I never wanted change again. Never. Not over even

    the simplest things. Change frightened me. The fact that I had had a mother who had

    unknowingly and inexplicably given me up at the age of three terrified and saddened me to great

    amount, and abandonment was not something I ever truly wanted to ever face. I could deal withliving with my adopted mother and not knowing who my real parents were. I had been doing it

    my whole life.

    It was just the petrifying thought of ever losing Gwendolyn that I had the hardest timewith.

    We were greeted by a young waitressa petite redhead with doe-brown eyes and

    porcelain skinsoon after our arrival and were immediately tended to as she rushed to process

    our orders and arrive twenty-minutes later. The service always left me awestruck.So, Gwen smiled, picking her fork up and setting her tablecloth napkin in her lap.

    Hows school? Are you and Jackie getting along fine?

    I threw a quizzical glance her way, her eyes looking down at the caesar salad in front ofher as she shifted its contents with her fork under my unprepared stare. Yes. Why, did

    something happen? I speared a ravioli and popped it in my mouth, my stomach feeling nauseous

    and rickety. I could not disappoint her after she went to so much trouble bringing me here,

    though. If only my vision would settle so I would only see one Gwendolyn when I looked at herinstead of three.

    Her mother called. Said that you werent feeling well and that you had a horrible

    migraine. Why didnt you tell me when I asked you how you were earlier? Are you feelingalright?

    Im fine, Mom, I assured her, making a mental note to thank Jackie later for the trouble

    she has caused. Gwendolyn didnt press the situation further, and for that I was grateful. Foronce in my life, I was grateful that she was not around enough to pry into my life when I needed

    my personal freedom.

    I wasnt surprised to come home to find Jackie tying balloons on the flag of our mailbox,waving excitedly as she pointed to the bright blue balloon and gave me a thumbs up. I sighed and

    put a hand to my forehead, feeling another headache coming on as Gwendolyn opened her door

    and greeted Jackie cheerfully.Jackie! How great to see you. You let yourself in, I presume? Gwendolyn winked as

    she walked up the porch steps to find the door left ajar. Let herselfin? It sounded like Jackie had

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    let half of the city into our home. Decorations were scattered across the cement as she stepped

    around the streamers and glitter she had laid out.

    Dont I always? Jackie grinned and looked over at me, still in the passengers seat ofthe VW Rabbit, too frightened to get out and face my possible doom. I shriveled my nose in

    worry as Jackie skipped over and threw the door open. It had taken everything in me to not reach

    over and slide the lock down for fear of being sorely attackedcornered without fair escape.What is this? I demanded as I was pulled from the car and onto my feet. My head spun.Music was blaring inside as Gwen scurried out of the house and shouted a quick goodbye over

    the music and her wish for me to have a good time. I shot her a pleading look of desperation,

    but she did not seem to catch it. Or she plainly ignored it. Either way, she was just as quick to getout of their as I wanted to leave.

    Your party, silly! Jackie exclaimed, as if the explanation were totally obvious. Obvious

    was an understatement. The music was loud enough to make your ears bleed if you were even

    within seeing distance of my house, and streamers and lights were attached to the window silland porch railing, twisting up into a bow as a light was placed every two feet in synchronization.

    I cringed at the scene before me, the smell of overlapping perfumes and cologne filling

    my nose as I hesitantly stepped into the family room. It was weird to feel so out of place in myown home, but that is exactly what was going on. I did not know half of the people here and I

    was pretty sure that Jackie didnt either. Half of the city had to have populated my house in just a

    matter of two hours.

    It should have been comforting and somewhat reassuring to my confidence that so manystrangers would show up to my party, but it held the most extreme opposite effect on my immune

    system. While I observed the multi-colored balloons that had levitated to the ceiling and the

    various snack good items and punch sprawled across a food table I had not even known weowned, I scanned the room for a familiar faceanybody that would take this horrid headache

    away and make me feel more at home and ease.

    I was about to take another step in the entrance to the party before me, but I found my

    arm being yanked from its socket in the direction of my bedroom as I strived to regain mythrown-off footing.

    I glared at the back of Jackies head as she locked the door behind us and sat me in front

    of the vanity mirror for observation. My appearance was the least of my worries.Why did you?

    Shhh, Jackie shushed me with an idle hand in the air as she picked up a brush and

    began to run it along each strand of my hair. The outfit is cute, but the hair needs work. As faras makeup goeswell, we can touch if up so youre presentable to your peers.

    I gaped at Jackie in baffled shock as she moved behind me to work on the back sections

    of my tangled brunette waves. Who gave you the permission to critic my appearance?

    Me, of course, Jackie responded as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. Ilooked at her in the short square-length mirror, watching her glide the brush down my hair in

    graceful precision. Her usual pixie style was in soft little waves at the very tips, framing her

    porcelain heart-shaped face. She was wearing a satin red dress and stiletto heels. Definitely not a

    Jackie Original, but approvable for anybody to view.Once Jackie was done touching up my makeupgiving me a soft, smoky eye and light

    baby pink lipsshe clapped her hands with glee and pushed me towards the door, hardly giving

    me a chance to see my reflection in the mirror at the supposed masterpiece she had created.

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    Cant I at least grab some Tylenol from the cabinet in the bathroom if you expect me to

    go out there and face that blaring uproar you call music? I begged as I clutched the side of my

    face.Ill get it. Yougo mingle and Ill meet you by the refreshments in a few. Go! she

    ordered as I was shoved out the doors, my mind running at a hundred miles per hour. When did

    she get to be so bossy? I was just about to protest before she closed my door and I unwillinglyturned around.Only to be met by a pair of smoldering midnight eyes.

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    y eyes would have automatically flitted away from the fiery heat of Aarons

    midnight eyes, but the grasp that they held on my own electric green eyes was

    unbreakable to the point of no return. I was in complete bliss as I staggered tofind myself again. Rediscovering who I was as an amused smirk filled Aarons

    lips and eyes, the emotion and trance gone, replaced with annoyance and bitter frustration

    towards the person in front of me. Why did his simplest gaze towards me make my heartfleetingly race inside my chest towards explosive heart failure?

    I ran a hand through my hair, only to remember Jackies efforts earlier at keeping my hair

    perfectly at bay, and blew out an exasperated sigh. Aaron cocked his head to the side, waiting for

    me to say something, I presumed, but no words came to mind that could support this situation. I

    was caught in the place between running away and standing my ground, just to show Aaron thathis presence did not intimidate me and that I was certainly not afraid of his blazing midnight

    eyes or perfect tousled black hair that always seemed to be wild and untamable to flawlessness.Or his wicked white grin that only showed itself when I had truly amused him, which was quite

    often if I admitted it to myself.

    It was not fair.I looked down the hallway, remembering Jackies words and searching for an escape

    from the tense atmosphere that had coasted amongst us, the anxiety daring me to make the next

    move, or any move at all in my given state.

    What are you doing here? That was the best I could come up with in a situation likethis, and I mentally kicked myself. Being around Aaron, I was always at a loss for words.Normally I would have conjured up something clever to say to prove a point, but never with


    No. Aaron was a completely different story when it came to my right sanity.I was invited by your lovely friend Jackie. Remind me to thank her later. Aarons

    forever-present smirk was there as his eyes measured me slowly up and down, causing my knees

    to shake from underneath me and my throat to involuntarily swallow down a nonexistent lump.Although there was something different in his sinister eyes as they skimmed back up to my face

    and remained there for much longer than necessary. A touch of wariness perhaps?


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    Jackieinvited you? I asked, unable to believe this statement. Jackie was a lot of things,

    but never cruel. The girl would just not take a hint when I said I was not interested. But even I

    knew the true fact behind the lie. I was very interested. And this fact frightened me as I took astep back, realizing then and there just how close Aaron and I were standing across from each

    other, a mere few inches away. Much too close for casual conversation with a guy you just met

    twenty-four hours ago.Why wouldnt she? She made it a veryinsightful detail that you wanted me here.Aaron winked, causing my breath to stagger as he grinned and followed me down the never-

    ending hall without invitation. It was almost as if he himself had heard my faltering breathing

    and sputtering heart as I stumbled down towards the refreshment table like Jackie had earlierinstructed of me to do so. I was split in two, one side of me begging the heavens that Aaron

    would leave me alone, and the other praying he would never leave my side.

    This was going to be a long and eventful night.

    I leaned up against the railing that divided the family room and recreational room andblew out a breath, observing the chattering students, the balloons and decorationsanythingbut

    Aarons scorching gaze on my face. His hand was dangerously close, a measly inch away from

    my own, causing me to look over at him with a raised curious eyebrow. Before I could eventhink to come up with a smart remark, I was greeted in a tight embrace by someone I hadnt even

    gotten the chance to glimpse at, let alone gather a word to retort.

    Claire!Happy birthday! I recognized the voice at once to be Alexa Thomas, a very

    well-known personage in the halls of Hawthorne High and the town itself. Alexa and I had neverparticularly gotten along, ever since the fifth grade when she knowingly and good-naturedly

    told everyone that I was an antisocial, making my life a living hell ever since.

    Alexa, I said, plastering a smile on my face that felt as fake as hers exposed itself to be.When on the inside all I wanted to do was go find a place to throw up. Alexas strawberry blond

    hair was in loose curls down her back, her vibrant blue eyes wide and childlike, covered in inky

    makeup as she adjusted her purse. The scent of some sort of rosy perfume filled the atmosphere

    around us as she turned to look at Aaron, giving him a deathly smile that she used on all of hervictims. He was doomed. I could imagine Aaron was the only reason Alexa had come over to see

    me in the first place, although I was not sure why she had showed up to my party at all and who

    had invited her in the first place.Jackie was just not making this night any easier!

    Hi, Im Alexa, she said, batting her eyes in a way that made me willingly turn my head

    the other way. I reasoned with myself over and over that I was notjealous, just feeling on edgebecause it wasAlexa. If it had been anyone else flirting with Aaron I would have felt just fine

    Aaron slightly nodded his head with a small seductive smile and I saw him look at me out

    of the corner of his eye. I rolled my eyes, mistaking it for a look in the other direction. Of all the

    nerve for him to behave in such a way just to see my reaction. Typical boy behavior.Alexa, waiting for Aaron to offer her a name, looked towards me with flawless wide blue

    eyes and said, So, I see youve met our Claire. We all just love her, dont we? she grinned, still

    eyeing me with a tomblike look that made me stagger back a step.

    She smirked.Jesse is looking for you. Said that he needed help with something important, I tried to

    say without too much defiance. Jesse Thomas was Alexas older brother, with light brown hair

    and the same effervescent blue eyes. Although Alexa and I both knew that there would never bea reason for Jesse to willingly talk to me, she shot me a dangerous glance and touched Aarons

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    shoulder gently, her forever present model grin set perfectly in place on her sickeningly gorgeous


    You call me if you ever want to someone to show you around Hawthorne. My dad ownsevery insurance company known to man here. So you can imagine how I get around, she smiled

    as she slipped him her number and bounced off, her curls staying perfectly in place as her hips

    swayed and she disappeared around the corner. I suppressed a sigh of relief and unwillingly metAarons shadowy eyes, which were watching me intently, waiting for me to explain something Iwas not sure he wanted to hear.

    What? I demanded, uncomfortable from the way that he was staring at me and leaning

    towards me. His hand was precariously close to mine again, but for whatever reason, I could notmove away this time. His closeness sent adrenaline straight to my heart, but then also calmed me

    and left me at peace. Just being in his charming and alluring presence left me feeling safe and

    protected from whatever the world had to throw my way.

    Nice excuse for getting Alexa away. However, you dont seem the type to get easilyjealous. Aaron grinned, causing my heart to skip a beat once again as he moved in closer to

    murmur in my ear, Are you easily frightened, Claire?

    I gulped and maneuvered a step back, fighting to keep my hands from shaking and mybreathing calm as I looked away towards the wall in front of me, his breath warm and hot on my

    neck, lips brushing against my exposed skin as he spoke words only for me to hear.

    I made the mistake of looking at him, facing my fear and confronting him directly, his

    face achingly close. I took another step back to distance our bodies and my eyebrows creasedinto a tight eleven above my eyes. You know something. What did you do today in my car?

    You did something that made the pain in my headache go away, and I want to know what. What

    was the point in waiting it out any longer? The topic would have to be spoken of eventually, andI was eighty-nine percent sure he had everything to do with what I was feeling.

    Aaron shook his head and chuckled in spite of himself, the laugh disincentive and

    without a trace of humor as he looked convincingly into my power-driven green eyes, filled with

    persuasion that had me questioning my theory. You honestly think it was me that took the painaway? You do realize how insane that sounds, right?

    My head whipped back and forth, sure of my words as I crossed my arms over my chest.

    I knowit was you. What are you hiding, Aaron Safford?This is probably not what you wantto hear, but Im telling you anywayyoure wasting

    your time. So whatevertheory it is that you have going through your mind, just drop it. Because

    its not getting you anywhere and is just leading you off on a wild scam that isnt going toanswer any of your pointless questions, alright? With that he turned his back to me, strutting

    down the hall as teenagers around us stared in soundless curiosity of our intense conversation.

    But I wasnt about to let the conversation die. Not again. He had easily gotten away last

    time with the police officer showing up; I was not going to let him have an easy out to leave mypresence and bury whatever it was that he was choosing not to share with me at this given time.

    Whether he had something to share or not, I knew he somewhat had something to do with the

    unspoken mystery that had occurred in the Volkswagen earlier this afternoon, and I was going to

    find out what it was.Even if it killed me.

    Hold on! I called, following in close behind him as he walked down the hall into a

    secluded area. I grabbed his arm, something that was either a victory on my part or a horridmistake that would get us both into unknown lethal trouble.

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    My head suddenly snapped back, the blood popping over and over in my ears as I fell to

    my knees and clutched the sides of my neck, just below my earlobe. A piercing sound was

    ringing in my ears, lighting my eardrums and skull on fire as I clenched my teeth in writing pain.My body started to shake, every nerve and muscle in my system completely out of my control

    and grasp. Never in my life had I experienced such pain.

    Tears were starting to fill my eyes as I glanced up at Aaron, his expression filled withhidden horror behind his incessantly existent mask. My jaw dropped as I gasped involuntarily,my heart squeezing in my chest at the expression on his face as I wrapped my arms around my

    torso and clutched my elbows tightly and firmly to hold myself together.

    Aaron was quick to kneel down by my side, making a careful note not to touch me againas he gazed his shadowy night eyes deep into mine and the pain started to cease. I slowly felt the

    blood rising back to my ice cold fingertips, the motions within my control again as the bursting

    in my head halted and my mind was back at tranquil ease.

    I shook my head slowly, frightened at what I had just witnessed, but not completely inshock either from my previous personal experiences with him as I glanced into his sweltering

    eyes, perilously near my own but yet not close enough.

    What are you? I mouthed, unable to find my voice. His face was close to mine as aspark of fear briefly brushed across his perfect camouflaged features. He brushed a strong hand

    across the strands of hair resting on his forehead, and I resisted the urge to reach my hand up and

    help him complete the task. His eyes were gazing into mine, biting his lip earnestly as he shook

    his head.Im so sorry, he murmured, gently resting his hand in the crook of my neck as my

    equilibrium gently spun. I clamped my fists together, holding on to reality as I gazed deep into

    his dim eyes, my sense of anything gently slipping away as I felt my body lower into his armsand he cradled my head in his lap, a tear gliding down my flushed cheek. I thought I heard him

    comfortingly whisper something more, but anything and everything was quickly gone as my

    heavy eyes involuntarily shut tight of the unearthly boy above me and I was in complete


    I dreamt of a place far away from Hawthorne, or anywhere known to man. It was dark,

    and I couldnt see much of anything as I wandered the streets alone, the night wind biting at my

    skin, turning my nose and cheeks an early stage of red. Horse carriages galloped down the

    gravely roads, announcing passengers coming and leaving the strange, unknown barren town.Buildings aligned the sidewalks, all small and ancient with pushed in double doors and

    crevassed, withered walls that were on the verge of falling down. If not for the occasional

    emigrant passing by, I would have believed I was caught in the middle of a primeval ghost town.

    My hands clasped and unclasped themselves underneath the limited warmth of myunderarms as my feet carried me forward, unsure of where to go, but brought up with the

    knowledge of the fact that I could not stay where I was halted in the ruined outer sidewalks of

    whereverhere was.The wind gradually blew at my neck, my sun blond-brown hair tickling my skin as I

    looked down every abandoned sinister alleyway, searching for some form of life or anything that

    could be recognized as acutely familiar in the growing nightfall. I should have been more

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    frightened to be here, unknowing what the world around me had to offer, but I felt surprisingly

    serene as my legs carried me onward and ceased in the middle of the entrance to a dark alley on

    the outskirts of town.I swallowed, my conscience telling me to turn back, but another voice telling me to move

    forward. That this was where I needed to go to reach my advantaged destination point and get

    back home where I belonged.At first I saw nothing in the arbitrary passageway, until I heard a name that soundedawfully like my own whistling through the wind in melodic sound waves, pushing me forward to

    the sound so that I may further continue my trek in the shivering cold winter. There were icicles

    beneath my slippery feet, and gray mountains in the far off distance where wolves howled to oneanother in their own spoken foreign language, communicating in the quiet night. Although their

    howling brought me comfort, I had never felt so alone.

    The name shrilled again, quietly, going in one ear and out the other as I started to move

    forward towards the noise.Whos there? I called throughout the blackness, my own voice startling me in the

    inaudible silence. My heart echoed in my chest, the beats hard and heavy as I listened for any

    sign of an existing reply.Claire. I jumped back at the sound, much too loud in my ears to be real, seeing as there

    was nobody to share this nighttime with. I realized that the voice wasnt being spoken out loud

    but in my mind. I tucked my hair behind one ear with a shaky hand and tried again, my voice

    more confident than it had been earlier, now that I knew I was not alone.Who are you?

    A shadow in the near distance was the first thing that I noticed, barely a whisper of a

    figure as it stepped out onto the broken pathway before me and shared the noiseless evening withmy company.

    Arawn, the haunting voice echoed, growing closer to me as I froze in place, too idle to

    move even the slightest inch backward. Chancellor finallyfound you

    My eyebrows furrowed as the shadow drifted towards my form, circling around my waistand lifting my feet up an inch above the ground. I spread my arms out, afraid to touch anything

    that I may regret, and held my breath. Who was Arawn? What did it mean Chancellor had found

    me? Who was Chancellor? I pondered all of this before asking the final question:What do you want from me? my voice shook with that one, and for that I was regretful.

    Even in the most intimate moments, I did not want to show fear. I couldnt if I knew what was

    good for me. I swallowed as the voice continued to plunder loudly through my twisting mind, offbalance from lack of equilibrium.

    You will know in good timewas all I heard before I was knocked down onto the ground,

    my head hitting the dirt laden cement as a sharp and piercing cracking emanated from my skull, a

    hot sensation swelling underneath my head.Then I just heard silence.

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    woke up with a callous, unpleasant headache and a jabbing ache in my right side.

    Where was I? I wanted to open my eyes, desperate to answer my own unspokenquestion, but found them to unwillingly obey. I could see a red glow beneath my

    eyelids, announcing that it was sunny and effervescent wherever I was unknowingly

    being kept. I would have preferred the shadows.

    I cleared my throat, the action sore and stiff as I worked to crack my eyes open and revealmy surroundings. I felt off balance, like the world around me was spinning and I was not in my

    own skin. I was an actor in my own life, going through the motions that werent my own andtrying to piece everything together that should have naturally made sense to me. The tips offingers were numb, but I found my legs to be working properly as I tested out each muscle and

    part on my body a

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