end of the world war 1-25

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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Hidden from the sight of the strange men who invaded my home, I hid

behind the pillar at the front of the government center, hoping that nobody saw

me, I was 5 years old, long black hair, that even then, was sleek and shinny, that

ended to my slim, even now hips. I was whimpering to myself, my dark dark green

eyes, hidden behind my quickly blinking eyelids.

I hid, the white pillar, keeping me out of sight, as my tall, slim mother, with

long blonde hair, ending to her knees, and gray eyes, that I swear could see you

anywhere. I hid better, turning sideways, as their light whispers were not easy to

hear, I look at the building in the distance, the Salt Lake Art Museum, and I look at

it, as though only a five year old could, curiosity taking over, I peak over my

shoulder, my mom luckily was looking in the other direction, thinking I was so

safety hidden inside the building, as I made way to the art place, I grinned at the

people around me, they looked at me, as if I were some foreign alien, my grin slid

down my face, and I quickened my feet to the place. Please just let me make it! I

silently prayed.

I walk inside, the man at the desk, looked strict, and harsh, his eyes looked

exactly black, his shoulder length blonde hair, pulled back into a tight tight pony

tail, his face pinched as if, he couldn't smile, and the grimace stuck to his face. I

walk up to him, in my best lady bug dress, colored exactly as a lady bug, with

black and red polka dots, on a belt on the upper part of my chest.

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“Hi, I'm Aliana Demure Gracias, but my parents say I shouldn't be Demure,

because I talk way too much, but I ignore them, and do you know why I ignore

them...?” Without waiting for his answer, I continue to blabber on. “Because, my

parents like to sugar coat my life, like what I'm trying to say is, when I sing, they

say it was wonderful, but I know I can't sing! It's a bunch of blubber....” I try to

continue, but he stops me mid-sentence.

“Missy, where are your parents.” I pause, his voice, is so scary so creepy,

that I cower in fear.

“Goodbye.” I mutter, walking straight out, before he could reply, I was

running back to my mommy, I finally got to her.

5 years later.

I wake sweat pouring over me, my face soaked with the stuff, I realized I had

cried out in my sleep, but Tay, is too tired to even wake himself up, we're twins,

but sometimes I know, I'm the more gentle one, the one who when mom was put

in the hospital, made sure her garden didn't die, and that at a certain point, I

would bring them in, we had fresh produce, when we could, but how often did a

garden grow to a harvest. Slowly, I could tell when they were.

But this particular night, I felt the wind whip through the walls, the thin veil

unable to block it out, and 1 thin blanket, that tried to keep me warm, so I folded

my blanket twice, but still I shivered, the thoughts of why I was sweating, never

coming to me, so I just lay there, wondering what happened.

 That day at school, I just burst out crying randomly, but I didn't understand

why, I sat on a squishy seat in the corner, my teacher's reading corner, the thing

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was that I didn't know why. But a few hours into school, my father came in and

talked to my teacher, I was excused from school, and I found out.

My mother had died.

OneBarricades blocked every corner of every street. Men that searched you car,

and even you wallet or purse. Soldiers would drive by, and everyone would will

them to continue driving along the rode, hoping they don't stop at their house,

don't take their loved ones. And every time, they would stop, I would go inside,

and bake a cake, or take a newly baked, cooling pie, or even cookies, that were in

the oven. The families, would be crying when I got to them, but they were

grateful, that I had just thought even of them.

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I stayed home most days, not minding the loneliness it brought when pa and

 Tay went out to town. I always wrote lists, for them to buy for me, I hadn't been to

school since I was about 10, after my mother died, I never returned back to

school. There is no one in town I talk to, so life gets pretty lonely.


I kneel in the dirt, and mud, my face covered in sweat, the garden,

unfortunately needed tending, so I took the job, to my own account, ever since

the passing of my mother. I am now 16, and I should explain something.

Our soldiers, fight everywhere, I live on a farm, somewhere in the remains of 

America, the houses so spread apart. But although, America, was much larger,

Canada, or whatever you called it, and Mexico, nope it's all America. We've taken

a lot of empty space, but it's not like we have any say in the matter, we are just

here to repopulate, and fight in the war. The war, of course, is The End Of The

World War. That's what we call it. We all believe that's exactly what it is, the world

is the end, soon to be.

I kneel my long black hair, still ending to my overly slim hips, has been

pulled up into a bun, that ends to my shoulders, often it's in this style, because

often, I am working in the garden. Tay and my father, are inside, they hardly ever

come out now, I'm the only one who ever tends to the garden or the cow. Inside, I

make cheese, my own makeup, food, and I even cook all the time. My stuff to

create makeup and cheese is in one room. The same place my father has the

utensil to trim wood into different things, we need so desperately. What we need

is a sheep, but they are much too expensive sometimes. But like now, my father,

has been working his hands to the bones to try and make exquisite furniture for

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the trade for a soon to be sheep, soon. Next time I walk into town, I hope they do

have the nicest sheep’s, and tools available, because honestly, how shall I make

blankets without them?! Or, even clothes! I can't trade for them all the time!

Heavens no!

 The strawberries, seem good enough to harvest, but, unfortunately, I know

the blueberries, are not. The orange tree, and apple tree, don't seem ready, but I

pull off one to test it, opening it with my pocket knife, the leafy, perfect green all

around me, always brings a somewhat smile to my face.

If you look to my left, there is a two story blue shingled house and roof, my

right, green trees so far, who wants to calculate it. Let me be the first to tell you,

Utah has changed a lot, since your time. Which seems hopeless, but believe me, it

is not so hopeless, when you think about the way it used to be. I've only seen

pictures though.

As I put the apple into the trash can at the front of my house, and go back

to bend down to pull some more strawberries into my basket, the trucks begin to

roll by. The jeeps that are a cameo color, roll by. Military cars. No one pays a bit of 

attention to me, but suddenly I am addressed, by a man, with cropped short hair,

and blue eyes, as deep as the sea. His hair is brown, more like milk chocolate

though. He's tan, and in the same cameo, only a more deeper colored, than the

cars, greens, of all sorts, and some browns.

He's go perfect white teeth, and a dangerously wide smile. But he directs

those eyes at me.

“So, is Tay home?” He asks, his smile widening, when I pause, startled at

how... hot?.... he is.

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“Um... yeah, are y'all here for him, or my father?” I ask, my eyes knotted

into a tight glare.

“I honestly don't know, Aliana, I mean they force me here, and act like I

don't deserve to know about the people who let me stay with them, after....” He

pauses, his face becomes closed off.

“How do you know who I am?! And what do you mean?!” I ask severely.

“Aliana Demure Gracias, I'm surprised you don't recognize Tay's best

friend!” he exclaims, than continues in a lighter more calm voice. “You of all

people, you're gone for a year, and suddenly no one knows you.”

I pause, before I say this, because suddenly those eyes, seem too familiar.

“You're either Jayson, or Rex.” but... “ I never met Rex, which would make your

eyes seem unfamiliar, but that doesn't explain how you know who I am..” I

continue, but he cuts me off.

“Alia, you always think too much, of course I'm Jayson, nice to see you too!”

he snaps, then turns.

“Jay! How have you been?!” I stand, untimely in rags, a long light blue

dress, with an old white apron over. He just looks at me for a few seconds, as I

walk up, and hug him over the brown fence, with one line at the top, and one on

each side, around our yard.

“You smell like berries, Alia.” he says, lightly.

“Um, thanks, I think.”

he smiles, the leans under the fence, and walks straight up to me, for a real

hug, not one of the half crap ones. Then it hits me, not really, but I remember

seeing the General walk up to our porch, I remember fearing for everyone, (us all

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being either 15, 16, or 45.) me and Tay were sixteen at the time, and I remember,

 Jay, just walking out the door, maybe not ever seeing him again.

Now I hug him tightly feeling the wet tears in my eyes, spill over, down my

face and onto my shoulder. “Alia,” He whispers. “I really don't know you have to

be strong, remember, that whatever happens, if it's Tay, or your Dad, I would

always take a bullet for any of you.”

I pull back, and whisper a sound, that is strangely similar to a no. I mean

this is the deal of a lifetime, but Jayson, is still my brother in some ways, Tay's

best friend, 3 years ago, at the start of the war, his parents were killed in the first

round of bombing, so he moved in with us, slowly, places faded with nothingness

because of the rounds of bombs that appeared to be never ending. When they

did, we all prayed thankfully, that we hadn't died, until the government began


He laughs, suddenly breaking me from my thoughts. And wipes my tears

away softly. Suddenly, self consciously, I take notice, of all the soldiers, standing

or sitting in trucks on guard, and notice, how they all look at the basket with

hunger. So I hand a few to Jayson, and walk around handing them out, taking

notice, of the faint thank yous, that fill the air.

 They eat, while talking, and I notice the General, inside, talking to my

father, um, more like arguing with my father. So I wave goodbye, and step inside.

“You are not fit to be a General!” my dad, was saying, I stomp the mud off of 

my boots onto the rug by the door. And silently I close the door. I take in the

following scene.

 Tay stands at the kitchen table, his hands gripping the back of a chair, as he

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bends over the mahogany colored cushioned chair, he looks depressed, his blonde

hair, short, and his blue eyes, full of hate. He looks at me, and instant sympathy in

his eyes, Dad, I standing, right in the General's face, his face looking terrifying. He

is arguing still, and I hear the words, “She's my daughter, you shouldn't even take

my son! These are my kids, and if you take anyone, take me.” after a while, the

full impact of what he says, is like a slap in the face. She's my daughter. Which

suddenly I realized, this man, was gonna take both me, and Tay.

Instantly, I throw myself at the man, who looks at me, like wow, what the

hell was that?! A fly?

He smiles slightly. “Aliana Demure Gracias, at last.” he says in a booming

voice, his big brown eyes, and barely any silver hair, he has on a similar cameo

shirt and pants, with a badge, that states “General Kray Kilka”. And a whole bunch

of other badges that I'm sure it even matters to state all of them.

Suddenly my father says in a small voice. “i love you, Aliana.” the hugs me,

and Tay does the same, and I hear I'm being sent to war, when I mention Tay or

my dad, I'm told, alone.

 Then I'm sitting next to a still Jayson, who mutters an apology and how he

didn't know, and if he had, he would have avoided it.

 Then we reach a training center, called Kray's Military Preparatory.


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At first, the stabbing feeling of the need to cry, hits me like a slap in the

face. So carefully, I walk away from the trucks when we make it, hiding my tears.

Like the pro at that I am. I make sure I'm clear, and walk back to the campus,

noticing the men pulling the weapons, and ammo, out of the truck beds.

Calmly I walk into the two front glass doors, and immediately search for a

main house, or even a head office. Who knows where I'm suppose to go?! I

wander around for awhile, until a large poster catches my eyes, and lists the room

assignments. Small magnetic names sit magnified to the right rooms.

 Aliana Gracias, room 2132.

the horror of how many people live here, still learning shocked me, the

numbers go from 1 to 5454. Without thinking, I instantly take off into one

direction, which the halls, are like an ordinary high school, half of the wall a

strange brick, and the bottom half red carpet, just like on the floor. The ceiling is

more of an eggnog white, interesting, but ugly. It's exactly like a high school, only

this isn't the school wing, this is the rooming part. I don't know where we learn,

but this is where we sleep, eat, and I hope we potty somewhere private!

I walk along the all, realizing too late I started at the hall that just happens

to be hall number 1. chanting the number 2132, in my head, I continue down the

hall, take a detour hall, and end up at the number 4300, which pretty much

means I have a long walk to the cafeteria I saw when I walked in, at the front of 

the building.

It smells like chalk, and dry-erase marker, a terrible smell that wafts up.

When I finally make it to the room, I find out we have roommates, and I am

no exception. When I enter the room- unlocked!!- I see a small petite girl, who

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looks like a total snob there, with middle of her back chocolate brown hair, and

her eyes look like milk chocolate. I close the door, she looks up, her pale face,

with rosy cheeks, and small pink headphone buds, with pink wires dangling from

her ears, a smile forms on her face.

“Hola, como estas? Me Llama Fate, y tu?” her smile stays planted on her

face, her hand outstretched, her caramel colored skin perfectly tan, that's when I

hear the song “Blow” by Ke$ha, and immediately glare at her. What angle is she

going for?

“Obviously you are American, or speak Spanish, so don't even try and trick

me, Fate, I will not stand for that.” I mutter harshly.

“Oh, well act over, ha ha, I was just kidding, nah, I am American, but

anyway, my name really is Fate, is that the one word you caught?” she acts, her

voice losing the slight accent it had before.

“No, my mother, was Spanish, I learned from her.” I reply.

“Was? And you are?”

“I am Aliana, and yes was.” I don't elaborate, and she probably realizes I

wont, so she flops back down onto the bed, and looks at me with a new complete


 The room is small, like a dorm room, but perfect for me, with posters on one

side of the wall, and pictures photographs, on the dresser and night table, make-

up, notebooks, school books, and something that vaguely looks familiar, but on

the other side, there is nothing on the walls, nothing on the dresser, or night

table. But on the bed, are blank white sheets, I pull in the small bag I quickly

packed, and quickly thank the lord, for reminding me blankets, which are

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multicolored polka dots.

“What's you favorite color?” Fate presses on, I realize I've probably missed

half our conversation, but haven't noticed until now.

“Um, blueberries.” I laugh a tiny bit. “Pink, actually, but more like the pink of 

a sunset.” I mutter to her, remembering I honestly don't care enough for a full


“Mine is gold, because, I am a champion in my own way, well not just my

own way, I have a boyfriend, who his way says all, so I made him agree, with

kisses, he'll do anything.” she continues on the story of the champion bull crap,

then explodes into a conversation with herself about clowns, then she says, “I'm

from Kansas, where are you from?”

“Ablisha, Utah.” so you see there is not a place called Ablisha Utah your

time, but now days, we have expanded, you probably wont know even a fourth of 

the cities.

“OH MY HECK! Gorgeous, I heard the moose roam in Utah!”

“er. No actually never seen a moose in my life. And I love nature, I'd run to

it, with the proper supplies, but I don't have anything, and I'm just gonna wait

until this damn war is over.”

She hisses after a few seconds, as there is a knock at the door. “Yes?” she


 The door bursts open, Jayson, why didn't I guess that?! He walks straight in!

“What if one of us would have been butt naked?!” I ask, sharply, he's got a

huge smile on his face. As he shouldn't.

“I'd have loved it!” he yells, then pulls me into a awkward hug. But the he

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everyday, you will do the training course, without punishment, but in 2 days, you

will be punished, and expect it! Now you will also, not eat dinner, unless you have

recorded, your starting times.

“Now any questions? Or comments, nah, good!” people had raised their

hands, but General Habit, didn't even give them a second glance. I look around,

everyone, is staring forward, I wonder when we are suppose to train, but nobody

moves. “Okay then, follow me.”

We begin a jog, just to keep somewhat up, to actually stay less than a foot

behind him, you have to sprint as fast as you can, whoever starts walking, gets

too far behind, and then we don't see them til we are finished with 4 miles, and

have gone in a circle. After a few minutes, they all have gone through the woods,

worried, unable to find the building any other way.

General Habit, makes them rerun it, and we all have to start the training

course, while he guides them, and guides them, and guides them, how many

times I lost count, he then yells they will have to stay awake, until the stop

walking, and finish, both, the run, and the course. Other people, who rank higher

than us, show us the training course.

A hike up the hill, later, we hit a course, that requires, a high one rope climb,

that has knots several feet apart, but require, higher jumps just to make it. Rings,

that you have to swing and leap. Only to not be guaranteed to grab the next one.

 Then you have to climb down, a climbing wall, with only the promise of a rope to

save your life, then you have to climb under a barbed wire, where attendants yell

at you, an make you redo it a lot of times, and then some days, you do that


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When I go to my room, and fall on my bed, backwards, and think about how

much my feet hurt, how my face hurts, it hurts to breathe. So I lay there, trying to

continue inhaling and exhaling. But soon Fate walks in, her face isn't even red!

“Oh my heaven, thought someone was dieing in here!” she exclaims and

throws her jacket onto her bed. I glare at her for a few seconds. Then just sigh, in

response. “take a cold bath, with the smelly salts in there, I don't care, but it'll


“er. Thanks, what about you?!”

“I went through that last year, so I'm used to it. I'm 17, when I was sent

here, I was 15, I've been trapped here for two years, hurry, in about an hour,

we've got, first gun control, then war studies, perfect plans, and physical assault.”

“Weren't we just in physical assault?!” she laughs, and I join in, but my

breath catches, and the time is ticking.

 The bath helps, and I stand, staring at the awful cameo outfits we'll wear

until, well until the war ends, or we die, even then, we'll be dead in the same

clothing anyway. I lift up the hem of one of them, to see the tag under. Medium,

because I almost realize they expect that to fit us. But I'm more like a small. But

honestly, who cares, cuz we'll all be in a small soon with that work out.

Fate, is out of the room, but slips in, while I'm in an undershirt and undies,

and then goes straight into the bathroom, without further comment, and takes a

shower, and freshens up, after I've gotten dressed. She leads me to Gun Control, a

class where we will learn our “Calling” that's what they say as we walk in, but I

quickly become distracted, as they explain the history of guns.

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 The day goes that way, long and boring, Physical Assault, I learn is where

you hit people with the butts of guns, or whatever you have with you, while you

are right there, as a joke, the teacher, starts slapping a guy. She's nice. I like

Physical Assault, the only class that promises to be fun, and not hurt us. Until we

go into “trails”, which we will learn how to knock someone else out in our squad.

 Then the note came, I opened it, and noticed the fancy wax closer,definitely made me

know this was to be official government business, but when I opened it, it was from France,

the enemy.

Dear Aliana Demure Gracias,

You back down, or everyone you know is killed. Don't take too much time to


Love, General Hald,

British commander.


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 This isn't happening, I fall back onto my bed, dizzy wondering when I'll let

my imagination calm me, but I can't, and my breath becomes quicker and quicker.

 Tay, and Pa?! But why! I'm nobody, at least I was nobody two seconds ago,

suddenly I become somebody special, at least the General of the British does.

I stand, and take the note to the first councilor of Preparatory, that's all we

call it, Kray's Preparatory Academy, just seems too long our stay here is much

shorter. So I don't worry, and just go with the crowd.

I walk into Sam's office, and see the look on his face, he's got large bushy

brown eyebrows, big black eyes, and darker black hair, that is cute into a buzz

cut. He looks as if nothing would make him more happy than a bunch of “brats”

graduating. With a look of pure distaste, he says “Please state your business of 

being here.”

With out a word, I hand him the note, at which he glares, than nods. “You've

become something of major importance than, your fate, is the fate of many. Tell

me, how old are you?”

“16.” I reply, without further comment, or explanation.

“Well, quite young to be picked for this bull shit. Tell me, have you ever met

this general?”

“Nope, never been farther than my school, or here before.”

“That puts a damper in the situation at hand, because honestly, you've

never had to worry about deaths like this before. I'll contact the President,

immediately. For now, I'll keep this as proof that this happened, and to see if it's

true.” he pauses, scanning it. “'bye then.”

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I sit at an empty table, feeling like my heads about to explode with new

information, and even the stress. Somehow, I hope the letter will be found fake,

that way the weight is lifted right off my back. But unfortunately, I D.N.A test

comes in true, and I instantly feel the tears come to my eyes. After a few days,

the training gets harder and harder, and my stress goes up, until soon, I'm so

stressed I freak out, and end up snapping at Fate, who leaves the room, and

doesn't return that night.

Until the day that people tell us we have a chance to go to, so I enlist myself 

for the training day event, that will determine our skill, and our chances. So

eventually, I start to relax, and Fate returns, laughing, Jaxson in tow.

 That's when the gunshots in the distance, are clearly heard.

FiveI immediately bolt, and Fate just stands there, a look of pure hate on her

face, as I pick up the warning. I dart to the gun compartment, and pick one up,

then thinking about it, I grab like 16, passing them out as I run, handing them out

as quick as I can, making sure everybody knows there is gunfire, when I make it to

the gunfire.

 The scene before me, makes me hesitate, and I end up reading myself to

run, noticing the fact that everyone is shooting, or lying dead, few were just

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I look around feeling the rain instantly hit me, and swish the blood that's

everywhere around. Suddenly I see an arm, and lose everything I've ever eaten.

Looking at a man that's close to me, he advances forward, kneels down, and I

know he's about to shoot, I try to remember everything I've learned in 3 days, and

the only time dad took me hunting. But nothing comes back to me. I study the

gun for a second, trying to wrack up everything in my brain I know about it, I've

never actually shot a gun, so when I pulled back the loader thing, I notice no

bullets, remove them from my pocket, and load the gun, as best as I can

remember. I start shivering, trying to relax, but the man, already let a bullet fly,

and have to jump to try and dodge the bullet. But I'm not quick enough, and the

pain ultimately fills my arm. And I drop one of the bullets I was trying to load, and

then end up, leaving it, as I lift up the gun, pull back the what's its, and pull the

trigger, the boom, instantly shocks me, and I fly backwards into the air.

Slamming straight into the Preparatory wall, I become dizzy, knowing that

my head hit hard. I sit for a few seconds trying to pull myself back up, takes

ultimately more effort, than I had plan, and end up, falling back down in a daze.

Someone runs up, and squeezes my wrist, and puts their fingers on my

neck, I think I'm getting chocked, but then I realize the person is a medic. And is

trying to make sure I'm okay.

I make a noise between, a grunt, and a scream, trying to say I'm fine, he

looks at me, and pulls out a needle, and some blue thread. I look at it, feeling like

my head was about to explode trying to think about this.

What is he doing! What come on think. But I can't focus, and suddenly, my

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arm feels something like a sharp stab, and the guy is mouthing something, but I

don't make sense of anything, and slowly I feel myself close my eyes, but then am

shaken, and try to yell at them, but the pain in my arm, is so intense, I flinch.

“What's going on?!” I howl out, feeling myself stand up, as if in a dream.

And suddenly I hear the gunfire, and see the body parts, and blood, and the rain,

the rain is everywhere.

I'm soaked, with blood and rain. And my head instantly hurts. Trying to pick

up the gun, I realize if I could grab it, my arm wouldn't be able to hold it, now

stitched up, on both sides. The fear hits me. The bullet went straight through, but

I have full function of my arm.

“They added a confuser bolt, that's why suddenly you can't focus, that and

you hit your head pretty hard. I gotta go, plenty of dieing, and injured, take care,

bye.” then he's gone, and I think about the fact that I never did get a good look at

his face, but his voice seemed familiar.

I pick up the gun, noting that I actually could, and shoot at the nearest man,

in different colors, who falls, without even knowing who shot him. And suddenly,

somebody else is there, and they show me how to shoot a gun in five seconds, by

shooting off people by themselves. And suddenly I'm someone to be aware of.

A man with a machine gun, makes me his target, and I don't even halter,

 just let the bullets ring out, and dodge, duck, and dive, to avoid the shots, I get

shot in the leg, and become dizzy, but make sure I finish him off before, I can

really hobble to a medic, I find one, but end up crashing, slamming head first into

the wall.

I fall to the ground feeling the sticky warm goo on my forehead, then the

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darkness, as it takes over my world.


What a party last night, now I've got a mega hangover, which I've never had

in my life, so I suppose it was a hangover.

But when I wake, the ceiling, looks as if it is falling, so quickly I roll,

slamming straight into the ground of the completely sterile Preparatory hospital, I

sit there for a few seconds, trying to calm myself, I attempt to sit up, but the room

spins, and I have to sit back down.

 To my left there, are injured, a broken leg or arm, bleeding, shot, but still


When I finally stand up, with help from the bed, the pain in my leg, is noted.

But I continue forward anyway. And end up, stumbling several times, when a

nurse rushes up, I just wave her away, and then across the hall I see the critical

patients, some already lay dead, their eyes forever staring at the ceiling.

I choke, and run as fast as I can down the hall, not waiting to know my

condition, not waiting for someone to come in and tell me how brave I am.

Because that wasn't bravery, that was stupidity.

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So I finally get to my room, where there isn't even Fate's stuff in here,

carefully I go to the front office, and find out she's been moved, and asked for me

to visit her when I could. So I take a few minutes, to rearrange the stuff in my

room, take a deep breath, and walk to her room.

She looks at me from her seat on the bed, and tells me to sit. I look at her

for a few moments.

“Good to see you. My name isn't Fate, I'm 18 years old, my name is

Norabeth, I am a British soldier, who the highest General promised a family. And

this is such that I no longer, have to wait.” she reaches under her pillow, as I

slowly edge towards the door, and her smile is so cruel, that I know somethings


Finally the door, I open it, and notice the sharp blade in her hand, someone

stops me from leaving the room, I smack straight into them. A tall dude, with a

beard mustache, silver eyes, and no hair on his head. I scream as loud as I can,

kick out as hard as I can, and immediately I feel the harshness of the moment,

and soon, I realize escape wont be easy, as the man, quickly pins my arms behind

my back, I kick out, until, with the other hand, restrains my feet.

“NO!” I hiss, twisting trying to get myself free.

“and I've been hired to kill you, Aliana Demure Gracias.” she gets close, now

i see what she had. A knife.

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Slowly, Fate was coming closer, and I was squirming, trying to get free,

trying to make the huge man let go of me. No such luck, so I immediately, thought

of it, then bite as hard as I could into the man's hand, he yelped, and let go of my

arms, when I spun his arm behind his back, my legs still hooked, but finally he let

go of my feet, and I kicked him to the side, Fate was screaming her head off,

having been run into by the huge man, and stabbed her other hand. She yelped,

as she began to pull it out, I didn't see the rest, just opened the door, and ran

down the hall to the front office, where there was chaos, people littered the halls,

the newest hall finally making it in.

What a sight I must have been, blood running down my hands, and ankles,

that's how tight the grip had been, and running through the halls, in a hospital

gown. They all stood, some crying, waiting for their room assignments.

As I got closer to the office, it became more claustrophobic, as I shoved

through, shouting excuse me, and pushing people out of my way. It eventually

came to the fact that I was pushed to one wall, the people looking at me like I was

crazy. Who knows, maybe I am. I stood pressed against the wall for a few seconds,

my back hurting from the pain, my stomach, taking the full effects of the bullet


I look around me, at the stricken faces, mine a grimace, I eventually fell,

noting that I was totally not fully healed.

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“Alia?!” I hear, among the voices the sounding familiar, as I double over, and

hit the ground, the full effects of the bullets, everywhere.

“Tay?! No Tay! Go home find Dad, save yourself!” I yell, my voice high

pitched, and grieving.

“Aliana, where are you.” I shiver, noticing he actually can't find me, I

manage to get in a crawl position, towards the office, had 2 report Fate, before

she sees Tay. Go. Go. GO! But I can't get far enough and people, are panicking, as

I hear gunfire, and the man's high pitched voice.

“Everybody. Shut the Hell up!” I flinch, and crawl faster. “One of the people

here, is a traitor.” Tay, now says nothing, and everyone has fallen silent.

I stand finally, using someone next to me, to help myself up, she helps me

up, and smiles at me, leading me to the front office. I nod thank you, when she

sets me into a chair, and talks to the man behind the desk, warning him about the

gunfire. The lady nods at her, and she smiles, and walks out, her hand on the door


“Thank you,” I manage.

She nods, smiling, and suddenly, more gunfire, rings out, and everyone,

panics, and starts running, the alarm sounds as the gun cabinet is opened.

“Aliana Gracias, come with me, we must hide you!” the desk lady tells me,

and starts to walk back into the back of the office.

“I can't I need a doctor.” she walks back, and helps me up, the bullet

wounds hurt so bad, that I collapse, and soon I can't see a thing.

For the first time in my life, I passed out.

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I wake, wondering why my alarm clock is on, it hasn't been on since I was 8,

since I went to school. I throw my hand out, and suddenly the crashing sound,

wakes me from my dreams, I look on the ground, and see the vase, I have just

knocked over, flowers everywhere, and water trailing. Suddenly I realize I don't

feel the pain, I was shot, Tay is here...

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I look around wondering where I am. Then I notice the music, has stopped,

and someone in blue scrubs runs up to me, he's got white blond hair, blue eyes

that shimmer, but he's also old looking.

A doctor, or a nurse.

He stoops down, and picks up the glass on the floor, puts the flowers on the

night stand. I quickly apologize, but he just I waves the apology away. He gets up,

and nods to me, then his voice is almost bell sounding.

“Ms. Gracias, you were out for a quiet a while, stuck on sedatives, and

you've been out for a week.” he doesn't mention I skipped out of the hospital,

before I passed out just continues. “It's been a week of living in critical condition,

and finally I think we've finally managed, to get straight to the problems. No

concussion, luckily, your leg, You'll have to be on crutches for a few days, that will

be major pain in the butt for you. No injury from being shot in the stomach.

Luckily, and you'll be out of the hospital, by tomorrow, for now just take it easy,

and don't try to leave, because I will make sure that there are major pains if you

do. Nothing to hold you up on anything. So stay put, and your brother is here to

see you.”

“let him in to see me.” was my short reply. I didn't reply to anything. Other

than Tay being here. “And my father?!”

“Not allowed on the Prep's grounds, I'm sad to say but we'll contact him at

once, and send you back home to visit him, and Tay has volunteered to take your

place, so it wont be visiting at all.”

I look at him for a few minutes, and shake my head. “Nope, I volunteer, to

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volunteer, send him home with word I'm fine, I don't need crutches, get me into

war A.S.A.P!”

With a look of pure terror on his face. He walks from the room, and calls on

someone. I hear whispered voices, and realize this is my only chance to get up,

and make a break to leave. But instead, I pause, by the door to listen, hearing the

now arguing voice, they suddenly stop, and I realize the doctor is coming back

this way.

I've just barely bolted to my bed, when the doctor turns the corner, and

doesn't say a word, but is grumbling to himself. That's when I know.

“I'm going to war.” I whisper, excited.

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I look over, the man smiles, and slowly I watch him rot, and immediately

wake myself up, from my own screaming that echoes off the walls of the hospital.

I look around, blinking myself awake, feeling as though the whole world, has never

felt as bad as this, my headaches and I feel as though I've never truly felt the pain

of misery well up before.

But suddenly Jayson, storms in, and ignores the doctor's complaints “Hey

Shortie!” he says as he sits at the back of my bed. “I heard you died!” he

continues chuckling. “Pretty dramatic, seeing you suddenly fall in the front office,

 Tay flipped out, Alia!” he tells me with a small smile on his face, his eyes, those

blue eyes, I fall into, I look deep into, seeing the undeniable humor in them,

makes me feel like all the pain is not there.

I look at them now, seeing myself, deep within them, suddenly them seem

close, and I wonder faintly who bent forward first, but suddenly, I feel the kiss on

my lips, and it feels like my lips are sent on fire, but in a good way, I way, I wont

ever forget.

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He looks at me and smiles, but I quickly change the subject. “No, we can't

 Tay, will forever hate both of us!” I say harshly, my face, has become closed, he

 just nods, the awkward silence, I notice first, then I tell him about the fight. And

suddenly I stop mid-sentence, because Tay has walked up, and said the fateful


“Would you just kiss already?!” He asks, walking closer, and hugging me,

and sitting on the other side of the bed. Jay, just laughs, and it's obvious he's

blushing, because he tries to hide his face.

“Too late!” calls Jay, Tay smiles.

 Tay looks at me, and gives me an incredulous look. “Oh my goodness, what

a slut Alia!” he tells me, and just laughs, I stand on my own, and nod for them to

get walking.

 Jay, and Tay, also had an admittance to war, so we had a week to get out

and fight our buns off. So we just sit talking most of the time. We never talk of 

Fate, just the fact that soon, we will be out fighting 'til the finish.

Suddenly, the week is up, and we board the hummers, that I came here on,

and we make it to the Forensic Center. The first camp we'll be stationed at while

the rest, who have already been fighting, rest up, or their injuries are treated.

 The camp is small, and there are very few tents, stationed all around. There

are thousands of us, but they put Me, Tay, and Jay all into the same tent, which is

lucky for me, because when nobody I know is near, the nightmares rebound.

After a few days stuck at the camp, me and Jayson, take a walk, and are

talking, in the forest, when the sounds of gunfire, are so distinct, I don't even

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question it. And then a wanderer, crashes my world, as Jay falls to the ground.

 TenAt first impulse I feel like running, and the sweat begins, to run down my

face, because I can't the pain, hits me instantly, and I fall against a tree, trying to

get something to stable me, but nothing is there, and the trees scrape my arms,

and my legs. I feel the pain, and see the small very many cuts on my legs, arms,

and even I can feel the blood well up on my left cheek.

I let myself fall, seeing Jayson finally, I look at him, and feel tears starting to

glisten in my eyes. I look around for a few seconds, feeling like my head with blow

if I don't soon get someone over here now.

I start screaming, and soon, sense actually comes back, and I stand, and

kneel by Jayson, see if he's been injured, by placing two fingers, on his neck, to

check his pulse, he's alive, I see the grimace on his face, as he opens his eyes.

“Alia, run, s...sa....sav....save yourself, Alia, run!” he whispers. I shake my

head. Feeling the tears spill over.

“Jay, I could never, I love you too much.” I whisper, the tears landing either

on his clothing, or on the green grass, that is everywhere, in the small clearing we

stopped at for a picnic, the basket long forgotten.

“i love you too, that's why you need to leave Alia, please for me. I would

rather die knowing you were safe.”

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“yeah, and if you die, I will wander around, and I may just kill myself, you

can't leave me!!” his hand strokes my cheek, and I tilt my head towards his hand,

feeling my face, relax, hoping that if he dies I may die with him.

But suddenly, the boots stomp in, and I'm hoping I get my wish, before Tay's

voice reaches me. “Alia! Finally...” He's seen him, and the dropping tears. “Quick,

help me pick him up, help me, be careful now!” I hear him say.

“Love you.” I whisper.

“Love you too, forever, and always.” He whispers back, a hint of a smile on

his face.

“Forever and Always,” then they carry him away, and I'm left expected to


Well walking alone, about 20 feet behind, my thoughts swirl. Suddenly it hits

me.. nothing really does, but soon I know.

As soon as we make it back to the base, I set up the hologram program, and

make sure it is set to a certain person, the second he appears, I am taken aback

by how normal he looks, large blue protruding eyes, are instantly what I look at,

but he's got golden brown hair, and doesn't look threatening.

“Ah, Aliana, at last we meet! Not in person, what's the point of your

interrupting my meeting?”

“I'm sure you know, General Halt.....”

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“Is this about the letter, because, dear one, it explained itself.” he tells me,

drinking a beer colored shot glass. “and anyway, I'm pretty sure my adoptive

daughter, explained it even better. So anyway, please explain.”

“Oh shut up, my father would have been one thing, even Tay I would

understand, suddenly I have a boyfriend, and you plot something to kill him! Oh

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for heaven's sake! Please just leave me alone, I'm all ready sick of you, and I don't

even know you!!” I say harshly. He's the type of person I will never like.

“I can't.” was his short reply.

“Why not?!”

“Cuz, this was.... I'm not gonna spill until you leave the war... and think of 

your father all alone at your house.... easy target!”

I look at him, a sharp glare on my face, he just grins. “Point taken?”

“Never. I will never let you take over my life, I'm gonna kill you you stupid

 jerk!” I know my face is bright red from the anger, and I know it seems stupid, but

I need to get my anger out, and he's the source of my anger, so it's basically time

to kill.

I lash out, my hand, flying across the hologram, and quickly landing gently

by my side, as the hologram disappears.

I'm standing in the hospital tent, arguing with the doctor, everything thing is

green, and looks like a bungalow, on a small green bedside table, is a set of 

medical equipment, guess what color?! GREEN!

“He's unconscious,” he tells me, and I almost punch him in the face, but

restrain myself long enough. “He's in a different ward anyway.”

“You mean bungalow right, I hope there is no color conduct in there!” I cry

harshly, I can't help it, seeing General Halt, has pissed me off worse.

“You can't see him!”

“WHY NOT?!” I ask harshly, my voice snapping on an all new level.

“Because, he's in a different ward!” He says, his voice hiked up a few

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volumes. And I soon know this will be an all new piss off. Because I'm so sick of 

hospitals, that I tell, him, some choice words, that I know, later I'll probably regret.

 Then suddenly, I turn and storm out to the other wards, deciding to start

where the doctor didn't tell me about. So I went left. He followed behind me,

whens suddenly I saw the sign.

But the horror is replaced, because when I finally make it to him, I feel like

my heart has literally stopped.

“Jayson, It's all my fault!” I weep. “It should have been me, I love you! I love

you I love you!” I continue to repeat. “In the critical ward, even, I still love you!”

Because that's where he was, in critical condition.

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I hear the sound of the sirens, in the distance, as I walk out seeing his

unconscious face every time I closed my eyes. I walk deep into the woods, taking

a small pistol this time, and let my screams flood the entire place, letting my high

pitched scream shake the trees around me. The greenery, made the scene look so

peaceful. I let it all out, using some very creative cuss words, that I felt were quiet

appropriate. But soon I know they were not, because suddenly soldiers appear in

between the trees, and my breakdown, become fairly notable gossip.

I yell louder not that they are here, screaming that I wish I was never in this

situation. That I'd never been caught like this. Why me?! Why now?! Why was I

the one stuck on this decision?! I suddenly collapsed, losing my voice, I cover my

ears with my hands, and refuse to remove them, because their boots are making

way to much noise, and they are bugging my peaceful forest.

 That's when I fall asleep.

When I wake, the warm body close to me provides me with utter comfort, so

I scoot closer, hoping them pull me even closer, my subconscious wakes me fully,

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and I see Jay's sleeping face, he looks peaceful asleep, his face deprived of the

lines he's been getting form stress, his hair is almost a sandy color, and I run my

fingers through his hair, and peck him on the cheek.

Him being so close, made me feel like this was the best morning in the

world, and by far it was!

But suddenly I pushed away, startling him. “I love you Jay, but, I can't date

you anymore, I'm putting everyone I love at stack! Understand!”

“Alia, I don't need...”

“I don't care what you say, I love you, but I can't o this, fighting a battle of 

my own, and bringing you into my threats, I'm sorry. And I will always miss you...”

the tears are flowing out of his eyes, as I get up and leave, not wanting him to see

the tears, knowing I can never take back what I said.

Soon I'm sent to go marching with a group of men, leaving behind Tay, and

 Jayson, and sending a letter to explain to dad, leaving one for Tay, knowing I can

never redo what has been done, my life, has suddenly turned into my worst


I've just lost the lost of my life, and my brother, and my father.

 This is the worst week of my life.


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Suddenly a battle plan, that I have no idea, what he just said, only the

people I have to follow. Jasmine, Arnold, Kate, Lizzy, Jeff, and Mike. Sure I don't

know them, but they don't even look at me, or look at each other. We're all on the

same team, but at the same time, we are enemies.

Suddenly, I hear the first people shout, about... hun pen?! Suddenly, it hits

me, Gunmen! I run into the nearest trees as so many people are doing, prepare

my gun, and see the men, it's a cloudy day, and foggy, and pretty funny to watch

them materialize out of nowhere, my fascination runs away, as I notice the

scenery, so green, and rich, and full colors, I am mesmerized by it just for a

second. Because the greenery I am in, offers no cover at all, and I am pretty much


Until I remember camouflage, and thank it for all of it's great and holiness.

But then I realize that the shooting has not begun, but end up shooting

anyway. Everyone apparently follows my lead, and the first row of men have fallen

to the ground, when a sick feeling hits my stomach. And I want to pass out, as

more men materialize from the fog, I don't see anyone else, with their hand

cupped over their mouths ready to puke, but what do I know?! I'm 16, and

everyone else here is at least 20.

So I stand taller, and continue shooting, until I watch Kate get shot, and the

sick feeling inside of me, breaks open, and I realize I may faint again, or lose all

that I have eaten, so I run out, and prepare myself to take a bullet, running up to

Kate, to conceal her, if she's alive. I notice her gasping breaths but a little bit

farther away, and realize, it's not or never, and I have to get a medic's attention,

so I brace myself, and start dragging her to the greenery.

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But suddenly, I'm shot, and I feel like I did that one time in paintball, with

 Tay, raise your hand in the air. This isn't paintball, so I brace myself for the

readiness of an injured arm, and dragging a person into a cameo area. When I

finally do make it, I've been shot in the arm, but don't feel it.

She grabs my hand, her blue eyes, full of the fear I've often seen. Unless

she's died her hair, her eyebrows say her hair is a glossy black color, she's pale,

probably from her stomach wound. “Thank you. I'm forever in your debt.” she

whispers, suddenly I am calling for a medic, willing one to come, I can't stand the

thought of someone dieing, then suddenly my adrenaline rush dies, and the full

effect of the pain in my arm, is double as if was of the dizzying bullets.

Finally a man runs up, and I tell him to tend to her first, as I take position,

and begin shooting, hoping I can finally take out a few people, boom! Booooom!

Boooom! I hear as I hear the cannons, and have to wonder who still uses cannons

anymore, but my thoughts are turned, as the cannon splits the trees.

It misses, luckily, but I almost just killed two people, I dart out, trying to

make it into the fog, so I can take out a few cannon people. But suddenly, I hear

the calls of fall back and retreat, so suddenly we press forward, and begin to take

out who we can.

I fall to the ground, grinning about a great victory, an just happy I got to live

to see it, a medic runs up, and starts sewing up my arm.

I've never been more thankful in my life.

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While walking with everyone else, no one actually says anything about the

bodies that surround the floor. I should be thankful for that, I feel a little nauseous

myself. I suck in my breath, being sure to not breath up any smoke that started up

around 3/4s through. But the scene is what really puts me on edge, corpses lay on

the ground, their stricken faces glaring at me, as I walk by. The ground looks as

though it was watered by blood.

Immediately I feel like I need to upchuck on a woodchuck. But I don't,

instead I trudge forward, maybe I shouldn't look at them, but something, or

somehow, I can't look anywhere but at them, every time I do, I flinch.

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We walk back to the newer camp I've been posted at, still the same

qualities, nothing has changed much. But there is no Tayler or Jayson, to actually

be there for me. So usually I lie in my tent, is total seclusion, trying to work up the

courage to actually talk to someone, but all I manage is to freak myself out at the

larger than life spiders that inhabit this place.

Suddenly I pull myself up, and walk to the hologram room, just to see if the

General would answer this time, he does, luckily, and I'm glad to give him a piece

of my mind.

“are you happy now?!” I ask harshly, “i gave up everything, you may as well

have killed me in the last battle!”

“Oh, Alia, don't be so harsh, it was in your best interest.” Suddenly his using

my nickname ticks me off, and I explode.


BEST INTEREST, I DON'T THINK SOOOOO!” I say overly harsh, but I can't help it, if 

this were in person, I would rip his head off!.

I glare for a few seconds at the hologram. “yes, young lady, believe it or not,

maybe not your interest, but I know something you don't know, and I could kill

them all, one twitch of my finger, and they are all dead, everyone you have ever

met, cared about. But I can't.”

“Can't why?!” I ask, suddenly curious.

“The president.. I've told you enough already, I wont let the secrets bleed

out of me, like scaly frogs, no I will not.”

“Explain.” I demand, but when he just shakes his head, I yell it louder.

“EXPLAIN!” I hiss harshly, my face, obviously showing my harshness of the day. |

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look around, and see the room, I'm in, it's like a school computer lab, the walls

painted a dull white, and row upon row of computers. Unoccupied.

He just looks sadly at me, then changes the subject, “I can't without the

correct orders.”

“No, you are not getting away with that.” I tell him, harshly.

“Yes. Yes I am, I hope you are truly happy with yourself.” he says, “because,

what I'm about to tell you, will ruin your life.”

“No, it wont, you ruined my life.” I replied bitterly.

“No, not on my own command, because the President of France... is

someone who knows you.......”

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I have to let this settle on me, before I finally do explode, again throwing

something through the hologram, this time, a potted plant, that was off to the

side. I'm screaming, and then suddenly I fly out the door, only to hear people

entering the room, with a taping device, and only the sounds of General Halt, are


I just storm straight into my tent, not bothering to listen to anything anyone

says, so I lay down on the bed, and let my thoughts drift off. Someone I know?!

Who and when, and why?! Why are they doing this to me then! I wonder who it 

is?! I need answers, that's what I need!

Looking up, I notice the soldiers, standing in the doorway of the tent, staring

straight at me. I look, and smile easily.

I've followed them back into the computer compartment, where several

soldiers in cameo, are huddled, and talk in small voices, I am directed to sit down

at one of the computers, and told to hush up, and put the headphones on. So I do.

I can't see any of the soldiers, they all have their helmets on, and all seem

handsome, but I can't judge them with half their faces hidden.

I look around, shocked that I am not the only one, the General of the U.S.A,

sits next to me, after a while, he nods hello, but then turns his attention to the

computer screen, and tells me to log in as so.

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“Name: talk about cancel. Password: sea dolphin.” he tells me, his voice

gruff, and harsh.

“Thanks.” I mummer back, instantly realizing this may just cancel the war. A

war council?! Me included, oh pu-lease! This ain’t a council, y'all are nuts if you

believe that. If it's a cancellation, I became excited, and could barely breathe.

I log on, and sit there for a few minutes, as General Halt's face fills my

screen, and I almost scream in anticipation. Please let it be about saving

everyone! Please, please, please.

His voice, fills my ears. “And I want to apologize to Aliana Demure Gracias, a

very dedicated young woman, who even through threats fought battles, like no

other, she was strong, and I hope she eventually sees this. And next to Jaxson... I

mean Jayson Gray, because of my actions, to try and kill him. I will be forever

sorry for my command. And a special thanks to Trevor Strong, for shooting him.

“Just kidding.” I flinch, about ready to jump up and leave, but notice that a

lot more people have tuned into this broadcast. Kate is sitting towards the back,

crutches lying on the floor, she smiles, and I know, I was the one who saved her

life. “So anyway, I will move on, the threat on Aliana Demure Gracias, has been

lifted. The cover over her thrown off, and the credit, given where it is finally due.

Please make arrangements to have her and her boyfriend back together.”

“I don't need his help!” I hear my voice ring out. “I was fine on my own,”

everyone is practically glaring at me, and I feel like hell has hit. “Well, I thought

you should all know the truth, I was managing.”

“Ya, broke your boyfriend's heart after you shot him!” somebody shouts out.

“And you're the accomplish, that nobody knows about.” He laughs, and everyone

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 joins in. “Nah, I'm just kidding, but that's what some people think, watch your

back, Gracias.”

I roll my eyes at him, and sit back down.

 The speech continues, and then suddenly a woman's voice is shouting at

him. “Now I release her from the threat. Repeat it you idiot.” she pauses, a voice I

know all too well. “Conclude it right! Conclude it right! You dummy!” suddenly I

am up, and sprinting back to the comfort of the tent, feeling myself as in a dream,

letting the tears fall from my eyes, and hear my own whimpering, echoing off the

walls all around.

It's night, so I can't see anything, and decide to try and walk it off, also

benefiting from also hiding from the soldiers, or the General.

So as I am walking, my thoughts swirl, wondering how it is possible,

wondering why, and if so am I right. I don't know if I am, but I'm pretty certain.

So as I finally make it to a clearing I sit down, noting the fact that I've

always had my best break downs in clearings, so finally after leaning up against a

tree, I let myself know.

 The voice, belonged to my mother.

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I shake, my skin crawling. Feeling the tears burn in my eyes. Oh the shame!

I don't get up, but I can hear people looking for me, but I don't reply, don't speak

out, and my mind wanders to Tay, has he noticed, if yes, how much has he


I stand finally, and immediately go to a council room, telling them to take

me where I can find Tay, and Jayson, I need them, at the moment, and Tay needs


I hear my own voice, as if in a dream. “How far can I run!” I ask. “Not far, I

need my brother, and my boyfriend, Jayson. So send me back, eventually I'll be

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ready to be back. I promise.” I tell them....

When I wake up after falling asleep the second I board the plan, my eyes

immediately close, and I had let myself fall into a stupor. Suddenly though, I do

wake, and see that the sky is such a blue, it's the perfect color for the sky blue I

know. The plane, is a normal plane. I can't describe, because my vision has

become fuzzy around the edges, but what I can see, the chairs are white, but beat

up, harshly.

I'll have to check into the hospital soon if my vision doesn't clear in the

least. Suddenly, I see the men, parachutes over their shoulders, and soon I realize

I'm in the middle of an airtime assault. I sit up, further, making the chair adjust,

and focus on some of the men, who think I'm just slightly stupid.

I stare at them like I can't believe it, suddenly an alarm goes off, the door

opens, and one by one men disappear, I lean over the window, seeing the

parachutes in all colors, its truly an amazing sight.

I sucked in my breath and made myself focus on breathing and only

breathing, until I could make sure my height phobia was long gone. Please let it

be gone! I willed myself, feeling the horror alive and true.

I hated my phobias and fears, there's quite a list of them. But I wont bore

you with my story.

Finally we landed, the plane touching down on the ground, and me running

off, into the smothering 4 person group hug. The way things were suppose to be,

 Jayson, Tay, and Pa.

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I have never been happier, but I can't help but feeling something nag at my


I'm crying, they are crying, and suddenly, I let the tears out, I haven't cried

in so long, it feels amazingly good to cry, to let it all out, to let the world know I

still feel the hurt, the pain, the drowsiness. And finally let myself relax, in the hug,

the embrace, what I've been waiting for, finally me and Jayson can date. All these

years hoping I had the courage and the strength to kiss him. To tell Tay and Pa,

everything was gonna be alright, was hard, because nothing would ever be the


Especially when a fourth set of arms wraps around me.

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I flinch away, ready to run back to the plane if necessary. But it's not my

Mother, no, it's worse. Someone I never wanted to see ever.


I almost claw her eyes out, but several people are restraining my hands

behind my back, as I struggle to move forward, but suddenly I realize, they aren't

gonna release me. Suddenly she smiles, and says the words I just may kill her for.

“Aliana, I come with a message from your mother. She says she loves you,

and will be by to visit soon, don't count on trying to get away, she will find you,

and she will make sure you don't hate her. She's not my mother. So I'll tell you one

thing.” she moves close, with 1 finger up, I look at the finger. Course, her middle

finger. “I'm too tempted to kill you right now, Bitch!”

I struggle, kicking out with my back foot, when suddenly the hold on my arm

is released, and I strike out, my hands wrapping around her throat, hearing the

chocked noises come out of her mouth, I feel some sort of satisfaction about it.

But suddenly my voice comes out, the venom surprising me, I didn't realize I

had said it, because, it just slipped out. “Do you know how many people I've killed

because of people like you?! HUH?! DO YA?! Do you don't I have so much blood on

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my hands, that there is not enough repentance in the world to be forgiven. It's

your fault Fate Hope Cinder!” I yell harshly, suddenly, I'm pulled back. And Fate

falls to the ground, winding her hands around her neck.

She gets up and runs, towards a private jet, I would run after her, but

 Jayson, is holding me up by the waist, tell me she's not worth my trouble, we both

know she is, but I've screamed myself dry the last 24 hours.

Suddenly I realize the implications of her message, my mother?! I realize

this too late, and then I find the 3 male faces looking at me, filled with grief,

hardships, guilt, and so much pain, I drop my eyes, and lay my plan on them

thick, telling them, that it was time to get to a safety bunker, which lead to an

argument, and Tay, decided he would go clothes shopping. Alone.


 As I was in town, the cobblestone streets, were polished before the

war, now lay smacked with gravel, dirt, grime, and even in some places, the deep

red color of blood. The implications of this, only made me want to gag, and at 

least try and catch my breath. As I walked out of the store, after spending 350$ to

get clothes for all of us, I heard the shouts, and cries, and last the gun fire.

I sprint out, not realizing I had the knifes, until I was positioning myself to

throw them. The scene in front of me, was filled with gore like no other. Children

lie dead, on the playground, from the crazy man, in a ski-mask, shooting bullets

like crazy, the blood dripped like rain off of the tallest points, I saw children

huddled behind the slide, then I saw the holes in the slides, and the blood flowing

out. I almost yelled, but didn't want to give my position away.

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Hiding behind a For Sale sign, I threw the first one at the violent man, who

 yelled, as it hit him in the arm. I realized he was drunk. Very. And had to rethink.

Without killing him, how do I settle him down?!

Shooting numbers had increased since the start of the brewing of the war.

 And many people had already fallen victim, at the hand of these people.

I pulled back another knife, and watched it hit him in the leg, running now,

to get better position on the man, I released another, and heard the impact of it,

against the wall behind.

I walked even more forward, and felt the pain in my leg shock the world,

looking down, I noticed the blood, looking like a firework, then I noticed the hole

in my leg, and had to release the next one now or never.

The same time I released, I fired, then watched, as the knife, cut deep into

his stomach.

Then everything became in slow motion, I didn't move. As I heard the sirens

approaching, I saw the bullet enter, before I felt it bury deep into my stomach,

and an extreme pain cast itself. And suddenly, I no longer saw anything. But 


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 The hospital is crowded, like I've never seen it. At first, I thought this was

 just a coincidence, talk of leaving then a shooting. But after thinking about it for a

little while, I realized I would never leave Tay here, alone. So it stopped us from

leaving. So I thought about it, with strong thoughts, like my, I get some creative

thinking, then I realize we can't leave, well we can, but I wont.

Mom set this up. I think, knowing so clearly that it's true.

I go under people's arms, bleeding or not, I don't care, Tay is all that

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matters, I've got to see to it, that he is OK. So I take off faster, managing to get to

the front desk.

“Tayler Gracias?!” I ask, panting, because it hurts so much to breath.

“Room 234, good luck getting to the elevators at the end of the hall. 3rd

floor.” a lady that looks similar to a librarian, with cook cap looking glasses, and

silver hair, in a bun, and strange blue misty eyes.

“End of the hall. Really?!” I ask, my voice rising in distress, this will take

hours, even to shove through

I finally make it to the elevator, and hit three, and manage not to cry until I

am safely in there. Making sure no one sees my distress or tears. I have too many

lives at stake... being a lieutenant and all. But I hope I can manage well, so here's

how it happen...

It had been a long day, just yesterday, waiting in distress for Tay to get

back. Distress seems to be the perfect description lately, so I was pacing in my

old room, at Kray's Prep. As I was going onto another round of obnoxious pacing,

there was a soft knock at the door, hoping it was news about Tay, or even Jayson

or Pa, here to talk to me, I opened it immediately, and saw the eyes of Kray


“Aliana, great to see you, how are things?!” he asks barging into the small

clean room, and sitting in a white fluffy chair in a corner.

“Um... good, and for you?” I ask cautiously and slowly, afraid this will be a

round of lectures about how this is military duty, and that Pa and Tay's shared

room, will be evacuated immediately, I would sharply reply to this that even my

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room, and also Jayson's will be unoccupied soon, but he just grins, and folds his

hands in his lap.

“How's about I say good, and we move on. Your current status is a normal

plain Jane soldier, so I am promoting you to lieutenant. And that is to take effect

immediately, your brother and father, are allowed to say, and all that bull shit I

don't want to talk about, such as your wasteland of feelings, now you will be

second in command, with a Major caring more for the squad, you ought to meet

him, he's a great guy!”

“Wait?! Slow down, this is moving way too fast, I'm 16! for crying out loud,

not old enough to be a... a.. lieutenant! Obviously!” I say harshly.

“Yes you may be 16, but with the battles you've fought in, the pain and

everything, graduating early, you're the next best fit to run this squad.” he says,

not even a bit worried I may say no again.

“Okay, but who's on the squad.”

“A bunch of people you don't know, all just ranked soldiers, other than the

Major, oh, and your lover, Jayson.”

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I start, shocked that he would even suggest he was my “Lover”, boyfriends

and lovers, are way different things! Then I regain my voice, and tell him the

words of such defiance, it's too much for me. “You better not let him fight, cuz

you'll have to find yourself a new life!” I yell back.

I'm in the elevator, curled up into a ball in the far left corner, when I hear

the click, and see I've gone up to the 45th floor, far past Tay's floor.

But I can't seem to move or anything paralyzed. He must know, Jayson, he

must know, or doesn't know it's me. But he'll find out I'll be second to running his

squad, he must know, if not I may have to tell him, or he'll find out. But, I just

can't, he's always been there for me, enough to die for me. So now, it's my turn to

risk my life for him.

So I eventually stand, wiping the tears from my eyes, stand as tall as I can,

and hit the number three, hoping that when I get there, suddenly everything will

be alright.

I make it to the third four, and am lost in thought, and start wandering down

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the halls, hoping to distract myself, when I think about how bad I look, so I walk to

the bathroom for girls I see, apply a layer of blush, add some eye shadow, and

liner, so that the redness is at the least dimmed down.

I can't wait to see Tay, I've been so excited, then depressed lately, that

things can't possibly get worse, when I see the small piece of paper, half sticking

out of my purse, my favorite rainbow colored small back, that I take everywhere

pulling it out, I read the words, at first, without comprehending. Then I realize, and

understanding hits me.

Dear Aliana,

My sweet daughter, we got off on the wrong foot, and I'm sorry, it's

not exactly my fault, know that I love you, and I always. I will explain everything,

the moment my plane lands, you'll be the first one I will seek.

Because you may understand.

I've always gonna be your Mother, something you can't deny, which is

irrelevant, because I faked my own death, but Sweetie, it was for a good cause,

and I am now wiling you to understand, understand, my love will always be there,

whether you are asleep or awake.

I've got a lot to explain, so I hope to see you soon, but until then, don't trust 

the Major, the General, or Jayson. I will explain. I promise. Now run to Tay's room,

it's only a matter of time before... before.

But I can't tell you just go, Lia, I don't have the opportunity to explain, so

 please understand, you are both my light, and my world, and I can't see losing

either of you...

Someone is after you, so run! Go my sweet girl!

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I flinch, knowing that she's lying but some part of me wonders. As I wander

into the hall.

 The noises around me, finally register, and I hear the beeps, of someone

dieing, and the doctors, as they rush into room 234.

 Tay's room.


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I run to the room, seeing the doctors, surrounding the limp figure on the

bed, makes me instantly want to cry, this is Tay we're talking about, my only

brother, and my twin.

But suddenly I knew that something was up. I couldn't feel the small probe

of his mind. Somehow we had a connection, I could just tell when Tay was awake,

and wondering, because if I tried hard enough, my thoughts could lead me to him.

I don't know how or why........ I just could.

I look in, walking forward, then taking off a run as I see the knife they've just

taken out is drenched in blood, and instantly, my panic hits, and I try and shove

through, but a nurse, and looks me in the eyes. “He's fine, go sit in the waiting

room, I will personally come and get you.”

“But, Tay!” I say, when I finally regain my voice.

“Is stabilized, so go, I'll be there soon!”

“If he dies?”

“It was all my fault, just please we can't save him, with someone freaking

out in the room.” she tells me, her eyes aren't gray, but a deep silver, with long

blonde hair, that's in a tight high ponytail. She's pale, but I don't see that, I see

her as more of a hero to me.

Upon request, I sit in the waiting room, my phone clamped in my hand, Pa,

and Jayson, not answering when I tried to call both of them. I haven't been

allowed a phone in so long, this one is a light pink, with small engraved flowers on

the back, not a cover. But it is a slide up phone, with the internet on it. So I get

onto a website about stabs, and instantly regret it, when I see the wounds, that

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haven't healed entirely.

I soon am pacing, waiting for the small nurse to come in, when my phone

starts to vibrate, so I hit send, and answer.

“Pa?!” I ask, waiting for him to reply.

“Lia, don't scare me with your childish stories. Come on whats really going

on?!” he asks, his voice telling me, no joking.

“Tay, is in the hospital, I'm here and suddenly, his heart beat machine thing,

started beeping, and doctors and nurses began running in there! Pa, Tay may die,

I need you to come.”

“I'll be there immediately, relax, this is Tay, since when has he let himself 

slip away, or leave our house without a mental goodbye to you. Relax, again I'll be

there as soon as possible.”

I'm back to pacing, just as the same nurse comes out with a smile on her

face. “see, we do a better job, without your help, no offense, but Tay is not

awake, I've got good news, and bad news. Which one first?”


“His condition, has become 50 times better, and we managed to stabilized

him. And the bad news....

“He's locked in a coma, it's lucky we got to him on time. And guessing you

are Aliana, this note was on the bedside table. It's nice to meet you, and good

luck with everything, you should probably be on your way home, nobody can see

him, except for caring nurses, such as me, or doctors, so I'm sorry.”

“Thanks,” I mummer as I take the note, the writing on the front is too

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familiar. .. that Bitchy Slut!

Dear Alia,

I didn't want to, no I had to, a president has to keep her rank up. But I've

got some advice for you, listen to my advice, I'm much smarter than I may seem,

and if you want any chance of living, then I'd listen to me, if I was you.

For sure, babe.

So anyway, I'm sure you know, a coma, stabbed. And also the fact that I'm

watching. Always have, always will, because be ready, because forever, I may 

sneak up at you, and see you sometime, bloody.

Not dead. Bloody.

I've nearly killed my own kin, such as Tay, but you, I'm at least giving you a


Love ya!


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With the new threat in my hands, I step back, trying to process. Mom did

this! I look around me, wondering if she looked any different, she's now 1 evil

bitch since I've seen her last.

But I don't really care, because all I'm wondering is which one is she. Where

is she. I know she's probably watching me right now.

And I don't know it.

I quickly take off at a run, trying to get to Tay, make sure that I never have

to watch a bloody knife removed, or I even take it out personally. But when I make

it to the room, I realize the door is locked, and access is unavailable, I see from a

sign off to the side.

But I feel like sitting outside the door, to make sure Mom doesn't come,

even though I don't know who she is. I can't take any chances.

 The nice nurse, enters, nodding at me, with a smile, then walks into the

room, the quickly shuts it behind her. But I don't say anything, just bang my head

against the wall I am sitting up against.

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People file in and out of the hall, no one even glancing at me more than

once. But I don't care.

 Tay is in there, and I've nothing to say about his safe being. Because of the

fact that my mom is running somewhere around this very hospital, stops the

hunger from coming, stops me from wanting to get up and move around.

I sit there for what seems like hours, a male nurse, hands me a tray, with

orange juice and chicken with mashed potatoes, hospital food is disgusting, and I

all I wanna do is leave here, and be out on the battle field, where my troubles

disintegrate from my mind, but all I think about is my mother, somewhere near,

and how she could be watching me, could have been watching me in the

bathroom, without me even knowing there was someone else in the bathroom. No

 Tay has payed for my still girly ways.

War could never change how much of a girly girl I am

 The only people that look at me, are the male nurse, who stands for the

fifteen minutes I eat, making sure, every bite is put into my mouth, chewed and

swallowed, with a small thank you, and a nod, he takes the tray and walks away. I

watch his blonde head leave, still seeing, the laugh lines, the tan skin, the

muscular build, and sea blue eyes. The other person, is the nice nurse, whom

looks about 45, now that I think about it, old, but not beaten down. She nods at

me occasionally, as she enters and exits the room.

Nobody asks why I'm still sitting here, in my cameo war clothing, that I only

ever switch out for a new clean pair.

Because of the war, my life has changed harshly, making me want to bite

my tongue, scream my head off, and punch any opposing people.

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But when I hear the voices down the hall, saying the name Tayler, I have to

go and listen, so when I get closer, I hear the nice nurses voice, and I voice, I have

no idea who it is. They're talking in hushed voices.

 That's when the nurses voice, takes a harsh turn, and I begin to recognize it.

 Then confirming my thoughts, the male voice says the words..

“Jasmine Trist Gracias, that's your name, right?!”

“Yes, yes that's me.”

 Twenty-Two Target found, bitchy nurse, who seems nice at first... then is a freaking bitch

in the end, be sure to take her down first, maybe violent, course she is, she

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stabbed Tay.

I look around, and feel like my world has finally hit it's climax, and at any

moment, Mother would know, and come out and stab me. But somehow, it doesn't

seem like she would. She warned me...

But after wracking my brain I realize she warned me not to do anything

drastic. And then I would live, but I instantly, stand, and grab a needle as I walk

up to her, my hand testing it, looking at it, hoping its more than a sedative. But I

realize it probably isn't, but at least I can knock her out long enough to.. long

enough to, what am I gonna do exactly, stab her over and over again with the

needle, take down the man of... who knows what size, just to be caught, and then

have my attempt be in vain.

Never would I!

I'm no killing.

But lately, it seems as though I am, because.. through everything, I kind of 

am, I've shot to kill, not to injure, so it is making it though its true, I'm a killer. But

it's for the good of my country. So is it for them, and I've felt my whole share of 


Now I'm thinking to myself about my sins, what have I come to?!

A wreck!

A Cheat!

Some may say, the daughter of France's Finest. I have to disagree.

Who am I?!

I almost immediately, have stood up, and am walking to Dad's car, and

telling him to drive me back, I don't want to be here, so drive me back.

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He just looks at me, stunned for a moment, then nods, and soon I'm at

Kray's everything, moaning, and groaning, because I haven't moved for so long.

I'm literally as thankful as I can get, when I'm back laying on my bed at

Kray's Dad's promise of calling me if anything exciting happens still on my mind. I

don't move, knowing that soon the Major, will be here, to hand me my new outfit,

then force me to some battle, I have no say in fighting. But I will fight with justice

and liberty, prepared to take on the world.

Not the whole world, just the French for now.

Soon I'm dressed in a whole different cameo, and sitting in the back of a

 jeep, exactly like the ones that took me to Kray's. We're headed for Washington

District of Columbia. Or so I've been told.

“Capitol before.” someone with a thick Spanish accent tells me, I can't see

anyone, but their hands and their lips, this guy is pale, with thin lips, by the way.

“Oh, really. Before the bombings.” it's not a question, but my reply.

“No, before what landed us into the bombings, World War IV.” he replies,

and everyone sits in thought for a few moments.

“Oh, so it's Washington D.C. I was wondering what was really going on here.

OK, that makes a lot more sense!” says a girl with full lips, and tan skin.

“Whoa, seriously. That's freaking crazy Evie!” cries a man, who has stubble

on his chin, and a full blown mustache. Major Tran

“Yes, that we're going to Washington D.C.!!” She says happily.

“No, that you've listened to a word one your professors says.” States Major

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 Tran, without guilt. If looks could kill! But everyone else just laughs, including me.

I don't know Evie, but it was just perfect timing.

We're all holding guns in our laps, crouched down, some have them sling

over their shoulders. And I don't know where we are, but it just seems like a bunch

of trees, looking closer at the scenery, it's not Utah. I wonder the whole rest of 

the ride before we stop at a barren field.

“Soldiers, this is D.C. This is where we have to scope out, lieutenant, take all

but our five specially trained men, and keep them 30 feet behind, no incident, to

both parts of our squad!” Calls Major Tran, fun times over, time to kill some asses

out there.

After about 10 minutes of a slow, crouched down tread, they appear, the

plant hats, I decide to call them.

“préparer le feu, préparer le feu! » I hear them call out.

I realize what they are saying, my mother used to be a full Spanish woman,

because instantly, I know what they are saying. “prepare for fire, prepare for fire!”

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When the bullets began to zoom, I immediately started sending people to

the woods who were with me, screaming at them to go, get out, now.

I was shooting, and the 10 people ahead were too, anyone who was with

me, I had to send forward, get them out of here, save them. Some wanted to stop,

but disobeying commands, was too much of an offense, to do. I watched people

fall, until the odds were overwhelming, and had to run.

When I hit the dense scenery, I wasn't sure what to expect, not this

certainly! Because many people, had carried the wounded in, and were in the

process of trying to heal them. It just goes to show ya, that people are people, no

matter what situation, no one is exactly evil. But suddenly I realize, how many

have been lost, wounded, injured or missing, or... or even dead. Including the

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I look around me, at the squad of men, and woman, and some even some

siblings, cousins, or even relatives.

After a quick survey of the area, I decide we need to get to Washington D.C.

But something tells me, no one is gonna help me. Because now, now I am the

squad leader. I wonder if I should go back and report the death of Major Tran.

Suddenly I realize walking there we would have no chance whatsoever. The

injured that we have rescued, are whimpering. But if we stay here, we'll probably


I eventually just decided to stay, to rest for a while, and dip into the

emergency kits, all concealed in our clothes, that no one thought we would ever

use. But we ended up using it.

We're so far out that the sounds of the wounded don't reach us, but the

sounds of gunfire do. I'm wondering how 10 people, and whoever stayed behind,

have managed to last for about four hours.

But the image I see in my head, instantly makes my food from my

emergency kit, reappear.

After a while, we here cars on the street, that must not be far away. I

wonder if we've been reported as dead....

If we have I've just hurt many people, because they don't expect me to

come back. But I couldn't worry about that now, I didn't know where we were and

how to transport about 50 people to a place I have no idea how to get back there.

I glance slowly at the people who sit next to the wounded, first aid kits in

tow, they begin to fully work on them, someone sits on the other side trying to

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feed them.

 The gore and pain before me, seems to want to kill me.

 Just like my own family.

I've just woken up, from a twig snapping, and snap my head over to the

side, and see that a short and slim woman has walked over to a groaning injured.

 That's when a group of people begin into a jog towards our clearing.

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Immediately I'm on my feet, preparing to take down the enemy, and make

sure they don't harm us. But suddenly we're having a stare off. My squad has our

guns raised, and them as well. We're prepared to fire. But I hope neither of us will

anytime soon. Really.

But I know one of us will draw the first fire, and the others will respond as

well. Since I realize I am the head of us now, I take it to myself, to make sure we

all have some say in the matter.

“Speak English!” I demand, while the tallest mutters some French crap I

don't even want to decode.

“Je ne parle pas anglais! “ I don't speak English I realize he is saying.

“Who does?! Speak now, or I will personally kill you.” I spit out between my


“I do.” comes a soft melodic voice, that belongs to a male. He's got beautiful

ash blonde hair, and silver looking eyes. “No one else does. I know some.”

“Sounds more than some.” I reply back, knowing, my face has taken a do

not cross type face. “Who are you.”

“You know who we are!” he says harshly.

“I want to hear you say it.” I throw back, then say the words that I will

forever regret. “Now, lay down your guns, and walk away!” I hiss harshly. Knowing

that it didn't work so well in American history, but hoping that my squad would

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know what I'm doing. “Now, we will surround you, if anyone steps out of line, then

we will murder all of you. If you so much as think about disobeying us, you'll get

much more than a P.O.W camp.” they all spit at us when is say.

P.O.W camps, are the harshest camps in the world of wars. Prisoner of war

camps, are where we deposit the prisoners, and harshly feed them, and even

some play with them like cat and mouse. So inferring P.O.W camps, they instantly

know the stakes, that or torture.

“Lieutenant?” I hear one of the people from my squad say. “We can't send

them to torture.”

“We can, they have valuable information, somewhere, locked far into the

deepest pits of their minds. They can keep that safe, or they can be sent to P.O.W

camps, because I have not excuse, I don't know what they know. They as far as

we know, know nothing about their own commander. That and we have no idea

what effect they can have on civilization.

After a quick look around at them, I notice how blank the faces look, how not

even an ounce of terror has hit any of their faces. But the one that knows English,

he heard the exchange, and is slowly walking back.

 They follow my directions, but don't back up, that's when I know something

is up, I'm about to walk forward, and talk to them, when they all nod.

I know better, and quickly scream for a retreat.

We're running all in different directions all trying to get away When I notice

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