end tesis edit 8 mei 2010

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010



    A. Background

    The strategic role of agriculture sector, among others, namely to produce food for the

    entire population of Indonesia.Fulfillment of the food needs to be done because food is a

    basic human need and the rights of every man. Therefore, the effort to fulfill their food

    needs must be conducted in a fair and equitable for the entire population of Indonesia

    (Sawit, 2!. "fforts must continue to fulfill their food needs done. #ccording to $%S

    data, the amount of Indonesian citi&en in 2 had reached more than 2 million by

    growth at speeds higher than '), and number average rice consumption was '*+

    g-person-year. This case is uneasy challenge nowadays, basic food of Indonesian still

    depends on rice. Indonesian food can weaen it and causes difficulty in endurance

    providing of rice.

    /omestic food problem can not be separated from the problem of rice and wheat.

    #lthough in some areas, residents are still consuming alternative to dried food, rice, corn,

    sago or sweet potatoes, but the facts show that wheat is more adaptive and adoption than

    domestic food. This phenomenon is not 0ust for the upper and middle classes, but the lower

    rans were already accustomed to eating noodles, snacs, bread or cae that all wheat1

    based (Sad0ad, 2!.

    earning from the fact described above, the technology of flour mi3ture (flour

    composite! appears as a driver of diversification prospective enough food. This approach is

    of course not as simple as one might imagine, but still requires various studies. For

    e3ample, mi3ing the ingredients to bring the material consequences of changes in the

    character and quality changes in food products. 4ultural preferences and eating a very

    diverse region is authori&ed as a reference in the form of a diversified food.

    5iewed from the resource potential of the region, Indonesia6s natural resources have

    the potential availability of food that varies from one area to another, good food sources of

    carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Food sources of carbohydrates are

    usually derived from cereals, tubers, and fruits. /iversification of food (food

    diversification! is an e3it which is currently considered the most rational to solve the

    fulfillment of food (especially carbohydrates!. Through the arrangement of a diet that is

    not dependent on one food source, allowing the community can set their own food choices,

    food security raise their families, resulting in increased national food security.

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    The most serious challenges for parables tiwul populari&e the struggle against the

    current, the public perception is already a 7negative7 over tiwul. Tiwul considered as food

    poor. Tiwul grain shape and a less interesting and varied, sometimes an obstacle for young

    people, particularly in consuming tiwul. If young people prefer caes, pi&&as, biscuits, or

    brownis, then it should diversification tiwul grain shape also becomes an important aspect

    to sociali&e again tiwul order to compete with products that are popular young man. 8ne

    alternative that we can do them is changing the loo tiwul ayu become more soft, not hard

    when cold conditions, tasty and easily e3pressed.

    4anna starch can also be processed into dodol. /odol is a snac food that has long

    endurance because it has a high sugar content, which has been popular in the community

    and preferred by consumers. %rocessing dodol canna be e3pected to increase the

    preference will be local roots, which can decrease dependence on wheat and rice.

    Through a strategy of strengthening the potential of local food, panganpun prone

    areas could overcome the problem and are able to create food security. 9ith food

    consumption varied, nutritious, and balanced, the quality of public health will be

    increasingly better. The impact of carbohydrate consumption of non1rice based on local

    resources per capita were raised, so that will achieve food sovereignty.

    B. AIMS

    The processing of :anyong (Canna edulis ;err! become

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    A. Food Endurance

    Food endurance is a condition where food requirement has been fulfilled of amount

    and quality availability of food which is enough for all of citi&en and ability of every

    family to fulfill their needed in food (AA ?o.-'BB+!. "nough availability of food not

    guarantee has enough food at home. So, food distribution fluency up to housing area,

    physical capability and economic are the important things.

    #bout CC,+) of the people who live in the villages, their food necessities are fulfilled

    by local production. Troubles of food production will mae lacing of food although it can

    fulfill from the other area, it uncertain to reach, because failed production of people

    addition will be more conducive for decrease of the nature source quality and improvement

    of poverty. 9ithout trial to mae food production optimally, food endurance community at

    that area tends to be weaer.

    %overty is similar with food an3iety. It caused of there is still a trouble in food

    availability hasnDt enough and there isnDt any variety of consumption food. It is a result of

    the society who still thins that there is 0ust rice or wheat as a source of carbohydrate.

    #ccording to the data from department of agricultural in 2C, consumption of rice and

    what in Indonesia still high enough itDs about 2EE.*B-day and 2*.B-day.

    In 'BBB amount of the poor people reach up to @E,@ million persons and about +,+)

    live in the village. This sensitive community is the problem lacing food in the dry season,

    because they usually have area which has margin fertile. 9hen productions of the staple

    food stop, they generally handle by using the tuber lie cassava, batata, blac radish etc as

    a source of carbohydrate in the daily food consumption.

    The role of tubers in the poor areas is very significant to defend food endurance

    community. So that to achieve the improvement production and product quality of tubers

    will help food problem in those areas.

    B. Food Diveri!ica"ion

    Ap to now our depending on wheat flour is high enough, even thought it had been a

    staple food beside rice almost all of the business of food lie noodles, snac, bread depend

    of wheat, so the rising price of the wheat for small and big trader is influence seriously for

    the business activity. #ccording to ;ompas (2E! in the beginning of anuary 2E,

    P a g e |3

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    wheat flour price is higher. It has over grow up twice a month, first about Gp.'C*. per

    sac (content 2C ;g! become Gp.'CE. per sac, then grow again become Gp.'+.

    per sac, up to now it becomes Gp.2. per sac.

    It also happens for rice dependent on the community to rice mae perception that

    another carbohydrate source beside rice is still inferior for the community, it impressed

    that it is oldies. The e3pensive of the rice price at this time because of low rice stoc as the

    result of plantation decline, disasters, while the community necessities of rice is higher

    because amount of the people growth up. This condition can mae in balancing about

    preparation and requires so the price of rice grow up. This, cost of consumption for family

    become higher.

    Focus on a ind food material doesnDt support the agricultural in Indonesia. #stawan

    (2B! said that the 9iseman of food is suitable to correct, and itDs the time for us to

    change to the varieties of food. Food diversification held to graded up food endurance by

    attend to power sources, the institution and local cultural (%% +E-22! food diversification

    can be done by graded it up, developing technical food processing and product, community

    reali&ed to consume food by balancing nutrition.

    8ne of the food diversification efforts is improvement of using tubers. Tubers lie

    balata, yam and blac radish are still low using in the community, so it necessary to

    transfer processing technology to be asylum our flour which has good quality, and

    processing technology become food diversification with better quality nutritious and has

    higher sale. Asing of flour from tuber whish it will able to minimali&e using of wheat flour

    that itDs still as an important material up to now, and able to support the food endurance

    community in Indonesia beside rice.

    $eside it is good for health, food diversification consumption by using varieties of

    local foods. ItDs also good for food stabilities in one area caused of a lot of inds so itDs

    possible for the community to possesD food alternative beside rice. In order the rice price

    doesnDt grow up. There are still another lie corn, cassava, and other tubers that can use to

    fulfill necessities of calorie. It is good for government financial it is not important to

    import rice from another country, so it is good for devise of our country.

    C. #an$ong %Canna Edulis&err'

    :anyong (Canna edulis ;err! plants are considerable potential as a source of

    carbohydrate, and rightly developed. The result can be used to diversify the menu of the

    people, also has an important aspect as the basic materials industry. :anyong (Canna

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    edulis;err! is a herbaceous plant originating from South #merica. Ghi&oma or when

    already mature tuber can be eaten with the process it first, or to be taen patinya. Tubers at

    harvest, is dependent from the area where planted. In the lowlands can be harvested at age

    +1E months, while in areas with rain throughout the year, a longer harvest time, ie at the

    age of 'C1'E months.

    Family 4annaceae canna plants including plants remain green throughout his life.

    Height of .B1'.E meters. 4anna in alays often called laos laos ambe or ecca, in the

    Sunda region is ganyal and canna, imbong, nyidra, canna senitra in ava and adura

    midro6m in called banyong or ayong. The appearance of :anyong (Canna edulis;err!

    plants are shown in Figure ' and 2.

    Figure (. #an$ong )*an" Figure +. #an$ong %Canna'

    In some place in 4entral ava, canna that grows wild in these marginal lands will be

    harvested during the dry season, milled are wet, then taen to be deposited to starch

    factory. $ut the intensity of canna as a source of carbohydrate utili&ation is still very

    limited. 4anna tubers consumed to meet energy needs due to high carbohydrate (inga,


    4anna tuber carbohydrate content is higher than the potato, because there are in the

    canna starch which is a ma0or food reserve in plants. This compound is actually a mi3ture

    of two polysaccharides> ('! amylose, the molecule of amylose is composed of * to *C

    units of glucose, about 2) of the starch is amylose, (2! #mylopectin, the molecule

    consists of to ' thousand units of glucose (;urnia, 2@!. The composition of

    nutrients in ' mg canna tubers is water C g, protein ', g, ,' g fat, 22,+ g

    carbohydrate, 2' mg calcium, phosphorus mg, iron 2 mg, ' mg of vitamin $'

    P a g e |5

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    (ingga, 'BE+!. #ccording to /ep. ;es. GI (2'!, canna nutrient content and other tubers

    can be seen in Table ' below>

    Ta,*e (. S"arc- Con"en" o! Tu,er Nu"ri"ion

    No Food







    C. -$dra"e








    Vi" B


    Vi" C


    '. Sweet 4assava C ', ,' 22,+ 2' 2, ,' '

    2. 4assava +* ',2 ,* *@, ** @ , ,+ *

    *. %otatoes E 2, ,' 'B,' '' C+ , ,'' '

    @. :anyong flour '@ , ,2 EC,2 E 22 ',C ,B '

    C. 4assava


    B ',' ,C EE,2 E@ '2C ', ,@

    +. %otatoes


    '* ,* ,' EC,+ 2' * ,C ,@

    Source> Food 4omposition /ata, /ep. ;es. GI (2'

    4anna tubers we eat to satisfy energy needs. 4anna carbohydrate content is high,

    equivalent to the other tubers, same as cassava, but carbohydrates and canna tubers was

    lower when compared with potatoes flour, as well as the minerals calcium, phosphorus and

    iron. 4anna thus very suitable when used for food instead of rice diversity.

    Tubers usually contain many chemical compounds derived from secondary

    metabolism such as alaloids, glycosides, saponins, essential oils, resins, sugars and

    organic acids. 4anna tubers contain easily digested starches were appro3imately 22.+) of

    reducing sugars and sucrose and '.@2) ($$1$iogen, 2'!.

    Asefulness of canna plants for life is a lot, not only for human food elengapi but

    also for animal feed. "ven the rest of creation can be e3ploited by human canna that is for

    fuel and compost. Joung tubers can be eaten with a way to burn or boil it first and

    sometimes even cooed, being a parent to tae the flour. 8ther usability is usability side,

    for e3ample, leaves and stems for fodder.

    D. #an$ong %Canna edulis &err' F*our

    The processing of semi1finished products is one way of preserving the harvest,

    especially for high water1yield commodities, such as tubers and fruits. #nother advantage

    of the processing of semi1finished products, namely as a fle3ible raw material for further

    processing industry, safe in the distribution and also saves space and storage costs. This

    technology includes the technique of shredded- chips- granule- grits, flour1maing

    techniques, and separation or e3traction techniques (9idowati, 2*!.

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    Flour is one of the alternative forms of semi1finished products are recommended,

    because it is more resistant stored, easily blended (made of composite!, enriched in

    nutrients (unfortified!, was formed, and cooed to faster1paced demands of modern life

    practical (9inarno, 2!. Flour1maing procedure is very diverse, differentiated

    according to the nature and chemical components of food. $ut in broad outline can be

    grouped into two> the first food that is easy to be brown when peeled and second food

    ingredient that is not easy being brown.

    In general, tubers and fruits easy to browning after peels. This is due to o3idation by

    o3igen in air, forming a browning reaction by the influence of en&ymes contained in these

    foodstuffs (en&ymatic browning!. $rowning is the reaction between en&yme, o3ygen and

    a compound of phenol cataly&ed by polyphenol o3idase.

    To avoid the formation of brown color on food made of flour which will be

    conducted with as little as possible to prevent contact between the material and the air that

    has been peeled by immersing in a salt solution *) and inactivating en&yme in the

    blanching process. (9idowati and /amard0ati, 2'!.

    $esides immersion with 2) ?a4l was also added to the immersion of vitamin 4

    (ascorbic acid!, which has a function as an antio3idant that helps prevent the occurrence of

    browning reactions (en&ymatic browning!. The use of ascorbic acid as an ingredient of

    immersion also has no negative effect on the quality of flour produced.

    4onstraints in the manufacture of the canna is a brown color when processed into

    flour. To avoid the formation of brown flour is produced, earned as little as possible the

    contact between the material with air. To reduce of browning reaction, the peeled fruit

    soaing in water, and blancing process to deactivate the en&yme. The steaming process

    depend on material quantity, from '12 seconds. 4ondition of 4anna also contribute

    significantly to the color of the flour produced. 4anna tubers that produce canna young

    white chocolate, and the mature tuber more white flour color.

    E. #an$ong F*our Diveri!ica"ion

    E.( #an$ong Ti0u* A$u

    ocal food is actually a form of wealth our culinary culture. /iversity was

    formed on the basis of availability of raw materials and local needs, maing it a high

    level of compatibility with community needs for energy for the body. %acage foods

    that contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavoring and coloring agent

    can harm our health. 5arious diseases such as cancer, autism, plaques lungs, coughing,

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    and tooth decay is a bit of food consumption due to pacaging. Therefore, typically

    these degenerative diseases suffered by many people who live in urban areas.

    8ne alternative is the use of canna tubers are processed into flour or starch,

    maing it easier for applications into the food product. Types of local food that

    supports food security include tiwul. Tiwul made from cassava flour, cassava is dried.

    For rural people, especially in ava, dried cassava is a food reserve in time of famine,

    when the price of rice is not affordable. The dried 4anna tubers have a high

    carbohydrate content such as cassava. Since the canna has characteristics pulveri&ed,

    made into flour, then steamed into tiwul as a substitute for rice. similar to cassava, then

    it can be processed into tiwul.

    /0uwardi #nton (2E! recogni&es that the most serious challenges for parables

    tiwul populari&e the struggle against the current, ie the public perception is already a

    7negative7 over tiwul. Tiwul precepted as food poor, caused the perform of product is

    not varied, and obstacle for young people to consume of tiwul. The young people more

    lie caes, pi&&as, biscuits, or brownis, then it should diversificated tiwul appearance is

    important aspect to sociali&e again tiwul, order to compete with products that are

    popular for young man. 8ne alternative that we can do them, is changing the

    appearance tiwul to become tiwul ayu more soft, not hard in cold conditions, tasty and

    easily e3pressed.

    E.+ Dodo* #an$ong

    /odol is a food product made from a mi3ture of glutinous rice flour, sugar and

    coconut mil which is boiled in such a way that it becomes thic and oily, are not

    closely and if it has been cool to be solid, soft and can be sliced (ohard0o and

    Susmad0i oel, 'BB! .

    #s a result of product processing, the dodol properties is determined by theprocess, the type of material used and the mi3ture of primary materials in the form of

    sticy rice flour, sugar, and coconut sticy rice. The flour serves as advocates. The

    main te3ture of porridge dodol. Sugar as the giver of sweetness and helps shape the

    clay te3ture and elastis. Santan dodol more oil is a component supporting the formation

    of te3ture and savory flavor of the resulting dodol.

    The type of dodol porridge varies depend on the mi3ture used in the manufacture.

    The mi3ing process is usually in the form of food, such as cassava tape or sticy tape,

    can also be the fruit that can enhance the aroma of porridge dodol.

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    /odol productsD including semi1moist food or water content within the food is,

    foods that have a moisture content that is not too high and not too low, durable in

    storage, has a water content of about 'C1C percent and water activities (#w! less than

    .B as guaranteed level of durability (%riyanto, 'BEE!. #ccording to Hollis et al in

    /esrosier ('B!, semi1moist food is food that dehydrate part and had higher levels of

    dissolved solids is sufficient so that enough water remaining bound to inhibit the

    growth of bacteria, fungi, and yeast.

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    A. Idea and Conce)"

    4anna tubers processing ideas into tiwul dodol ayu and canna tubers originated from

    the availability of which has not been optimally utili&ed as food. 4anna tubers are the

    types that are able to live the marginal area, easily cultivated and has been rarely utili&ed

    as a food ingredient, even regarded as weeds. 4anna tubers have a low glycemic level that

    is equal to @2 and high in fiber, so that potential as an alternative food diet for diabetics


    :anyong tiwul ayu and dodol product is selection based on several aspects including>

    '. Technical #spects

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    H4 *), 2.C) ?a8H, pH paper universal, school uff reagent, H2S8@ 2C), *)

    %otassium Iodides, ?a2S28*.' ?, and ') starch indicator.

    The tools used for the manufacture of products including food processor,

    steamer, mi3er, stove, bowl, pan, filter cloth, sieves E mess, and a hand mi3er.

    B.+ rocedure

    a. Intermediate product

    1) 4anna tubers cleaned, blanching by soaing the tuber into hot water for 2 minutes

    to mae easy pealing,

    2) %eal canna tuber (ganyong!, wash it using flow water

    *! 4ut and slice pealed canna tuber (ganyong! using food processor or slicer * K C


    @! %ut it into salt *) solution for 'C minutes, drain, put it again into ascorbic acid 2

    ppm for ' minutes.

    C! 9ash soiled canna tuber (ganyong! to remove salt and acid, drain it.

    6) Tubers are dried using a cabinet dryer C1+ hours at a temperature CC 1 +o4. 9hen

    drying with sun drying time depends on the weather. 8n the bright air, drying time

    of about '12 days.

    ! :rind dried canna tuber (ganyong! sieve it by sieve E mess.

    E! %ac into plastic, put the label.

    b. :anyong Tiwul #yu %roduction

    1) 4anna (ganyong! flour B grams (+)!

    2) 9heat flour + grams (@)!

    3) "gg ' point

    4) ' grams of brown sugarC! 4oconut filtrate (santan!

    6) * grams sugar

    7) 2 grams of salt

    8) Fanili ' gram

    9) 9ater ''C ml

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    %rocedure aing of :anyong Tiwul #yu

    1) "ggs, ovalet, salt, brown sugar (liquid! are mi3ed with low speed until froth is


    2) #dded canna and wheat flour and water little by little while mi3ing carried out

    until blended.

    3) "ntered into the pan and performed by steaming for 2 minutes until cooed.

    4) Sliced according to taste and served with grated coconut

    c. /odol :anyong %roduction

    '! grams of canna starch

    2! grams glutinous rice flour

    *! '+ grams of brown sugar

    @! * grams sugar

    C! C ml thic coconut mil

    +! /ilute 2 ml coconut mil

    ! %andan 2 lb

    E! grams of salt

    %rocedure aing of /odol :anyong

    '! 4oconut filtrate (santan! is heat C ml with pandan leaves until anil formed

    (oil apart!.

    2! #dd flour mi3ture gsnyong affairs flour that has been dissolved in liquid mil.

    *! /o stirring over low heat until the dough is smooth (not sticy!

    @! et cool in pan dodol

    C! %ac dodol into plastic, and put the label.

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    Tiwul #yu1maing procedures and dodol ganyong can be seen in Figure * below.

    '. 44% 1' > %ealing and 9ashing

    Ha&ard > icrobiology > microorganism (bacteria, mold, yeast!

    %hysic > dust, stem, leaves

    2. 44% 12 > Ginsing and draining

    Ha&ard > 4hemical > en&yme, o3alate acid

    %hysic > dust, stem, leaves

    *. 44% 12 > %acing

    Ha&ard > %hysic > mosture, o3ygen

    P a g e |13

    Pealing and Washing

    Ganyong Tubber

    Size reduction (3 mm)

    NaCl 3%

    Unusable part

    Ganyong Flour (Queensland)

    CCP - 1

    CCP -

    Soa!ing (1" menit)

    Soa!ing (1# menit)

    $insing and raining

    r&ing (cabinet dr&er "" ' #oC " *am)

    Sie+ing (,# mess)

    Figure 2. #an$ong (Canna edulis Kerr) F*our Making

    lanching (into the boling .ater) 1 minutes

    /scorbic acids ## ppm



    CCP - 3Pac!ing (plastic P #2 mm)

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    P a g e |14

    Pealing and rimming


    Dodol ganyong


    /dding gula


    Figure 3. roceing in Making Dodo* #an$ong




    5etan 6lour 7 8an&ong 6lour

    Coconut *uice


    iluting .ith santan8rating





    0i9ing into homogen (1" menit)


    8ula pasir

    8ula merah


    Ganyong Tiwul Ayu

    6illing (:o&ang)

    Steaming (# menit)

    Figure 4. roceing in Making #an$ong Ti0u* A$u


    Composite 6lour

    8an&ong 6lour #% dan Wheat ;#%

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    C. Co" Ana*$i

    4ost analysis is done to now how mush profit or suffer we got. 4alculation of cost

    analysis can be seen in below.

    a. Making o! #an$ong F*our

    The assumption of drying process of the maing of ganyong flour is using natural

    drying (sun shine!. The soaing average thatDs produced in the maing of ganyong flour is

    2) (2 g! of flour. The calculation of cost analysis can be seen in the Table 2 below>

    Ta,e* +. To"a* Co" o! #an$ong F*our rocee

    Ma"eria* Uni" rice %R)'

    :anyong tuber ' g C

    oose of materials C) ,2 g '

    ?a4l *) .* g 2

    #scorbic #cid 2 ppm .2 g C

    9orer salary ' g '

    Total cost 5.677

    #ssumed Income per process. %roduct price is Gp. +,- g of :anyong flour

    I% L amount of production unit 3 price

    L 2 3 + L Gp. '2.,1

    G-4 Gatio L total income - total cost

    L '2 - +E

    L ',+ (if G-4 M ', we will get profit!

    ,. Making o! #an$ong Ti0u* A$u

    Gesults of the feasibility of maing the calculation canna tiwul ayu are shown in the

    Table * below.

    Ta,*e 2. Varia,*e Co" roduc"ion o! #an$ong Ti0u* A$u

    Ma"eria* Uni" rice 8kg %R)' rice %R)':anyong flour B g + C@

    Terigu '*C g + E'

    "ggs 2 butir ' 2

    %alm sugar ' g ' '

    Sugar * g B 2

    %acage and label Scp ' '

    5ariable 4ost 35+7

    P a g e |15

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    Ta,*e 4. To"a* Fi9 Co" roduc"ion o! #an$ong Ti0u* A$u

    &ind o! "oo* A/oun"rice



    age %$ear'


    co" 8 $ear

    Fi9 co"


    ;acep- processor ' C ' 2.C) 'E.C

    :as stove ' 2C 2 2.C) *'2Steamer ' 'C 2 2.C) 'E.C

    9ashbasin 2 C ' 2.C) '2C

    4utting bord ' 2C 1 1

    Filter ' C 1 1

    ;nife ' 'C ' 2.C) *.C

    Total of fi3 cost 2'+2

    '. oose of materials 2,C) L 2,C) 3 *CB L Gp. EB.C,

    2. inimum standard salary of worer ' person per day is Gp.2.,. ' worer is

    assumed able to produce C product, so worer salary is Gp. 2++,+ - product.

    *. Income per process. %roduct price is Gp. C,- product

    /ari 22C gr raw material menghasilan 2' product

    I% L amount of production unit 3 price

    L 2' 3 C L Gp. '.C,

    C. Total cost per process

    T4% L Fi3 4ost N 5ariable 4ost N oose of materials N 9orer

    L 2'+2 N C+2 N EB,C N 2++,+ L Gp. E.'*EE.*C,

    +. %rofit

    % L Income K Total of %roduction 4ost

    L 'C K E'*E,*C L 2*+'.+C

    . 4ost per Anit (4%A!

    4%A L total production cost -amount of production unit

    L E'*E,*C - 2' L*E.C@

    E. G-4 Gatio

    G-4 Gatio L total income - total cost

    L 'C - E'*E,*C

    L ',2B (if G-4 M ', we will get profit!

    B. $"% (rupiah!

    $"% L fi3 cost - (' K (variable cost-income!

    L 2'+2 - ((' K (C+2-'C!! L Gp. @+@B.@+

    P a g e |16

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    c. Making o! Dodo* #an$ong

    4ost analysis is done to now how mush profit or suffer we got. 4alculation of cost

    analysis can be seen in table below

    Ta,*e 3. Varia,*e Co" roduc"ion o! Dodo* #an$ong

    Ma"eria* Uni" rice 8kg %R)' rice %R)'

    :anyong flour * g + 'E

    $eras etan flour * g ' *

    %alm sugar I+ g ' '+

    ;elapa '+ 2C @

    Sugar * g B 2

    :aram * gr 2C C

    %andan * lb C 'C

    5ariable 4ost 22C

    Ta,*e 5. Fi9 Co" roduc"ion o! Dodo* #an$ong

    &ind o! "oo* A/oun"rice



    age %$ear'


    co" 8 $ear

    Fi9 co"


    Food processor ' * C 2.C) 'C

    :as stove ' 2C 2 2.C) *'2

    %an ' C ' 2.C) 'E.C

    9ashbasin 2 C ' 2.C) '2C

    4utting board ' 2C 1 1

    Filter ' C 1 1

    ;nife ' 'C ' 2.C) *.C

    Total of fi3 cost 2'+2

    '. oose of materials 2,C) L 2,C) 3 *CB L Gp. EB.C,

    2. inimum standard salary of worer ' person per day is Gp.2.,. C worer is

    assumed able to produce 2@ g of dodol, ' worer is able to produce @,E g of dodol so

    worer salary is Gp. @'++,+ - g of dodol

    *. /alam ' hari mampu berprodusi raw material + g dan menghasilan 2@ g dodol.

    @. Income per process. %roduct price is Gp. 'E,- g

    I% L amount of production unit 3 price

    L 2@ 3 'E L Gp.@*2.,

    C. Total cost per process

    T4% L Fi3 4ost N 5ariable 4ost N oose of materials N 9orer

    L 2'+2 N 22CN EB.C, N @'++,+ L Gp.2E.*++E,@2

    P a g e |17

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    +. %rofit

    % L Income K Total of %roduction 4ost

    L @*2.K2E*++E,@2L '@E**',CE

    . 4ost per Anit (4%A!

    4%A L total production cost -amount of production unit

    L 2E*++E,@2- 2@ L''E'B,C'

    E. G-4 Gatio

    G-4 Gatio L total income - total cost

    L @*2.-2E*++E,@2

    L ',C2 (if G-4 M ', we will get profit!

    B. $"% (rupiah!

    $"% L fi3 cost - (' K (variable cost-income!

    L 2'+2 - ((' K (22C-@*2!! L Gp.+*B,''

    '. $"% unit

    $"% L fi3 cost - (price-unit 1 variable cost- unit!

    L 2'+2 - (('EK (22C-2@!! L

    P a g e |18

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010



    A. In"er/edia"e roduc"8ur bodies need many of basic food elements as the essential substances. 9e need

    carbohydrate, fat, protein, water, mineral, vitamin, organic acid and roughage. These

    elements are very useful to live, grow and also to reproduce. These elements must be

    provided in adequate amount. So, we must consume enough food which provides the

    source of basic food elements. :anyong flour carbohydrate E K EC,C) (/ep;es GI, 2'!

    so it is potential to be the hope of carbohydrate source to be developed as alternative food

    to substitute rice and for the diet for the people who suffer diabetes mellitus because it has

    low glysemic inde3 (@2)!.

    4anna also contains oligosaccharide type F8S (Fructose 8ligo saccharide! and :8S

    (:alatose oligosaccharide! are useful as a prebiotic which can provide positive effects on

    health. From various studies that have been done, it is nown that the carbohydrate type

    oligosaccharide can be used as a substrate for the probiotic (prebiotic!. %rebiotic including

    functional foods that can effect body functions that have a positive effect on healt.

    8ligosaccharide can be divided into two inds of the oligosaccharide that can be digested

    and oligosaccharide that can not be digested. :enerally oligosaccharide that can not be

    digested is prebiotic. The prebiotic oligosaccharides, such as rafinosa, stahiosa, :8S,

    F8S, inulin, and several types of peptides from human proteins can not be digested so as

    to achieve and support the growth of intestinal bacteria in the intestines of non1

    pathogeni. 9hile bacterial pathogens do not lie this type of nutrition so that eventually

    non1pathogeni bacteria dominate the population. %rebiotic which can not be absorbed has

    a mild la3ative effect that reduces the ris of constipation. %rebiotic fibers that form will

    be fermented by bacteria that produce substances such as short fatty acids (Short 4hain

    Fatty> S4F#!, which is useful as a source of food for the intestine, especially the large

    intestine. 8ligosaccharide also participate in creating an acid environment in the gut and

    bind harmful substances such as ammonia, which if allowed to enrich the harmful bacteria.

    The process of maing

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    Ta,*e :. Reu*" o! In"er/edia"e roduc"

    No ara/e"er S"andard ;' Reu*"








    8doroisture 4ontent ()!

    Starch 4ontent ()!

    Gendement ()!

    Specific of tuber

    4lean white

    Specific of tubera3 '*

    in C



    9hite and litlle yellow

    Specific of tuberE,



    O! Source S?I '12BB1'BB2

    The result of processing ganyong (canna! into flour produce neutral taste, white and

    little brown, special flavors of tuber. #ccording to S?I '12BB1'BB2 about the condition

    of flour, that the appearance of the flour must be clear white, while the composite flour

    from the canna tuber is white and little brown. It is because generally in the process of

    maing the flour whitening is done using natrium bisulfate or ascorbic acid. The

    appearance of ganyong flour can be seen in Figure +.

    Figure 5. A))earance o! #an$ong F*our

    Figure 5. A))earance o! #an$ong %Canna' F*our

    The brown color in the composite flour is produced from the color of the real tuber

    that is reddish brown and also because of the reaction of aillard that happened in the

    drying process. 9inarno ('BB! stated that the aillards that happened. In the reaction is

    the reaction between reduction sugars with free amino acid that will produce brownish

    melanoidin essence. ingga ('BE+! nown that ganyong tuber contains protein ',) and

    P a g e |20

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    carbohydrate 22,+), so it cause the broen happened aillard reaction in high

    temperature in the drying process.

    The change of the color into brownish product also can be caused by the reaction of

    en&ymatic browning. Those involve en&yme polyphenolase with o3ygen. In the maing

    elephant foot yam flour, the reaction of browning en&ymatic is minimali&ed by soaing the

    tuber cut as soon as possible in the ?a4l solution *) and ascorbic acid 2 ppm. $eside

    reduce the contact of material with o3ygen, the soaing into ?a4l solution *) aimed to

    dismiss the itchy taste because of the alium o3alate in the ganyong tuber mucus in the

    process of dissection. 9hile the soaing into ascorbic acid 2 ppm is aimed to flour

    treatment agent.

    Flour treatment agent is added ingredients consisting of flour bleach and

    dyes. $leach is an additive that can speed up the ripening process the flour, while the

    ridge is a food additive that can ripen to improve the quality of heat process of flour.

    $leach and dyes are used to o3idi&e the carotenoid compounds so that the flour into white

    flour, which accelerate the ripening process easier and can improve dough handling

    properties of baing bread. In use, bleach and flour bund needs to be controlled because if

    e3cessive doses can damage the tocopherol or vitamin " as much as C1B). 9hitening

    can give negative effects to the body so that the flour treatment agent is added in the form

    of ascorbic acid. #scorbic acid functions as an antio3idant that can inhibit the process of

    o3idation (en&ymatic browning! than flour produced colors become brighter and has a

    better appearance. In addition the use of ascorbic acid is not harmful for the body and can

    increase antio3idant in the flour.

    B. Ana*$i o! Moi"ure Con"en"

    This is a measurement of the water weight lost by evaporation using thermogravy

    methods. It is frequently used to calculate moisture content that is considered it usuallygive accurate result. $ut it should be born in mind that is figure obtained may not a true

    measure of water content (moisture content! in the sample. For e3ample lie spices that

    contain of volatile oil is also lost at drying temperature such as ' 4, in other hands some

    food only a proportion of the water is lost at the drying temperature. The remainder (often

    referred as bound water that is difficult to remove!. The proportion of free water lost was

    increase if the temperature of the oven was raised. $ut in the materials which have contain

    a lot of sugar it advisable to use a lower drying temperature (4! or apply vacuum

    P a g e |21

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    because there are decomposition that liely to occur as a melting. The lost of weight water

    may accord various factors. These factors are>

    The si&e of these particle

    9eight of the sample used

    Type of dish

    Temperature variations in the oven from shelf to shelf

    8ven which have internal fans give more consistent result and increased rate of

    drying. The moisture content achieve if the weighing of several times were constant. oist

    flour with a moisture content in e3cess of about '*) is very easy to attac by

    microorganism, mites, and, insect. The apparatus of moisture content analysis are vacuum

    ovens, infra1red heater, than drying oven such method may give result over ') higher thanthose obtained using the normal method. So moisture content of ganyong (canna! flour can

    measured by thermo gravy method.

    The analysis result of the quality of ganyong flour now that the water disposal in

    flour is E,) (wb!. If compared with S?I '12BB1'BB2 in Table , the quality standard of

    ganyong flour have fulfilled conditioned of the qualification criteria. 9ith the water

    disposal E,), will increase the eeping and to mae it easier to apply into the food

    product process.

    C. Ana*$i o! S"arc- Con"en"

    :anyong flour contains many of carbohydrate. # ind of carbohydrate is starch.

    Starch content can be calculated by uff Schoorl method. In this method, starch is

    calculated as reduced sugar. This sugar canDt reduce alalis copper because the functional

    cluster is closed by glucosidal bond in atom 4' and 2 (sucrose! and atom 4' and @

    (maltose! (9inarno, 'BB!.

    In order to mae this sugar reduces alalis copper, it must be changed into

    monosaccharide sugar (aldosa - etosa!, that be done by inversion process or hydrolysis by

    adding H4l *) solution. This hydrolysis process can be fastened by reflu3 heating or in

    water bath. Hydrolysis process can be detected, if a few sample solution is added by uff

    Schoorl reagent, it will raise bric red precipitate.

    #fter finishing hydrolysis process, sample solution must be neutrali&ed by ?a8H

    @C) solution, so that in sugar determination, there are not alalis copper that react by H4l

    and form 4u4l2. Furthermore, sugar content can be determined as same as determining of

    sugar before inversion.

    P a g e |22

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    4'2H228''N H8H 4+H'28+N 4+H'28+

    Sucrose glucose - fructose

    This sugar has character which can reduce alalis copper solution of uff Schoorl

    reagent, forms 4u28 which precipitates (bric red! and alanoat acid (gluconat!.

    $ecause of uff Schoorl reagent adding that more of standard, the residue of alalis copper

    is reduced by ;I 2) salt in acid condition (H2S8@ 2+,C)!, so it can release I2.

    4u(8H!2(residue!N H2S8@ 4uS8@N 2H28

    4uS8@N 2 ;I 4uI2 N ;2S8@

    2 4uI2 2 4uI N I2


    4u(8H!2 (residue! 4u8 N H28

    4u8 N H2S8@ 4uS8@N H28

    4uS8@N 2 ;I 4uI2 N ;2S8@

    2 4uI2 2 4uI N I2

    Furthermore, if released I2is titrated by ?a2S28*,'? solution, it will be o3idi&ed and

    forms ?a2S@8+ and 2 ?aI.

    I2 N 2 ?a2S28* 2 ?aI N ?a2S@8+

    In this titration starch indicator is used which is added after most of I 2 has been

    bounded by ?a2S28*, titration is continued until blue color has lost (if it is added starch, it

    wonDt be blue!. Sugar that be reduced by alalis copper can be nown by doing blan

    analysis, sample is changed by aquadest in sample treatment. In this treatment, all of

    alalis copper of uff Schoorl reagent are reduced by ;I 2), so that ?a2S28* ,'? which

    P a g e |23


    Glucose Gluconat


  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    is needed for blan titration decreased by sample titration is identical to alalis copper that

    is reduced by sugar.

    Starch content can be determine by determining difference of ?a2S28* ,' ? which is

    needed between blan and sample titration, loo at the table of number of sucrose.

    Therefore, Starch content can be calculated by formula>


    ) xfactorthinningxsamplemg


    B,)) xsugarstarch =

    The result of quality analysis canna flour ;nown That the disposal amylum That

    E+) is higher standard S?I series '12BB1'BB2 (min C)!. The result showed that

    ganyong (canna! flour is in conformity with S?I standard of flour. :anyong (canna!

    feasible to produce and diversified into products process. 9ith the starch contents until

    E+), ganyong can become the alternative carbohydrate source to substitute rice and wheat.

    D. #an$ong %Canna' Ti0u* A$u

    :anyong (4anna! has a high carbohydrate content such as cassava. Since the canna

    has characteristics similar to cassava, the canna can be processed into tiwul. The most

    serious challenges for parables tiwul populari&e the struggle against the current, ie the

    public perception is already a 7negative7 over tiwul. Tiwul considered as food poor. Tiwul

    grain shape and a less interesting and varied, sometimes an obstacle for young people,

    particularly in consuming tiwul. If young people prefer the cae, pi&&a, biscuits, or

    brownis, then it should diversificated tiwul grain shape also becomes an important aspect

    to sociali&e again tiwul order to compete with products that are popular young man.

    8ne alternative that we can do them is changing the loo tiwul ayu become more soft,

    not hard when cold conditions, tasty and easily e3pressed. Tiwul appearance of cannabulbs traditionally processed and modification process becomes tiwul ayu are shown in

    Figure below.

    P a g e |24

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    Figure :a. Tradi"iona* Ti0u* Figure :,. #an$ong %Canna' Ti0u* A$u

    Ta,*e 6. T-e Reu*" o! Ti0u* A$u roduc"

    No ara/e"er Ti0u* #an$ong Tradiiona* #an$ong Ti0u* A$u










    Specific tuber was detected

    $rown, hard in cold condition

    Is not accepted child


    Specific tuber not detected

    ittle brown, soft

    #ccepted child

    /ata above shows that modifying tiwul process can compete and get the optimal

    benefit, such as odor, appearance and th elevel of consume preference. $y modifying the

    processing becomes tiwul ayu and enrich the nutritional value of products, will improve

    the image of low1grade food tiwul as being modern, prestigious and nutritious. Treatment

    in the form of food divesifiasi tiwul will enhance and facilitate distribution to the public.

    %roduct potential as an alternative to carbohydrate food (rice and wheat! and can be used

    to a diet for diabetics millitus because his value is low enough that is equal to @2.

    :anyong flour has brown white color so the product has the same color with the

    flour, which is brown and depend on contribute the supply of palm sugar. $ut, this case

    can be made as a specific character of tuber processing product and also as an advance of

    ganyong tiwul ayu. 9e donDt use synthetic coloring, so the product is naturally made. 8ur

    communities lie consuming natural food, so they will try to consume tiwul ayu because it

    doesnDt use food coloring.

    P a g e |25

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    E. Dodo* #an$ong %Canna'

    /odol is a ind food products which have the nature rather wet flour made from

    glutinous rice, sugar, coconut mil, which has a sweet, savory and sweet (Suyanti, 2@!.

    The good of dodol criteria is measured through two aspects> the sub0ective and laboratory

    tests. 8rganoleptic test to now the criteria in terms of both, such as the color, taste, flavor

    and te3ture. 9hile the laboratory test to determine of dodol nutrient. /odol ganyong

    appearance shown in Figure E.

    Figure 6. Dodo* #an$ong


  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    te3ture of porridge dodol. Sugar as the giver of sweetness and helps shape the clay te3ture

    and elastis. Santan dodol more oil is a component supporting the formation of te3ture and

    savory flavor of the resulting dodol.

    /odol productsD including semi1moist food or water content within the food is,

    foods that have a moisture content that is not too high and not too low, durable in storage,

    has a water content of about 'C1C percent and water activities (#w! less than .B as

    guaranteed level of durability. #ccording to Hollis et al in /esrosier ('B!, semi1moist

    food is food that dehydrate part and had higher levels of dissolved solids is sufficient so

    that enough water remaining bound to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and yeast.

    %acage is a material which is used to pac something as a container that can give

    protection suitable with the aims. The basic function of pacaging is to pacage and

    protect product from damages, so that it will be easier to be saved, distributed and


    /odol ganyong is pacaged by plastics as primary pac and carton as secondary

    pac. Asing of plastic as primary pac is caused plastic has characteristic that is resistant

    to water and boil, so that it can protect product and eep it at dry condition. 4arton is used

    as secondary pac to protect product from mechanic and physical damage. %acage of non

    wheat noodle can be seen in Figure B.


  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010



    A. Conc*uion

    Food endurance is a condition where food requirement has been fulfilled of amount

    and quality and reached by all community safely, fair and evenly. It requires autonomy of

    food. :anyong is an alternative food as carbohydrate source which is suitable to substitute

    rice and wheat.

    # culture of consuming flour which is built can be continued by developing of many

    inds of local flour. It can decrease import amount of flour in Indonesia. :anyong flour

    has E+ ) of starch and E, ) of water (wb!. $y processing it into many inds of product

    such as flour, it can mae easier application into the other product, increase availability

    raw material and shelf life.

    %rocessing of ganyong flour into tiwul ayu and dodol can decrease depending on

    wheat flour up to C1E), through diversification and substitution. Tiwul ayu and dodol

    (canna! which was produced can fulfill standard specification of tiwul ayu and dodol

    (canna! such as taste, colour, andappearance. 9e donDt use any synthetic coloring, so we

    get brown tiwul ayu and dodol (canna!. It can support distribution because our

    communities prefer natural food to synthetic food.aing Tiwul ayu and dodol (canna! is a good prospect. It has $"% value in and G-4

    ratio in. This effort is hoped has act in increasing income of farmer in village, opening new

    0ob opportunities and increasing national food endurance in Indonesia.

    B. Sugge"ion

    '. 9e need to continue processing to increase the quality both of ganyong flour and

    another diversificate product by modification of processing.

    2. 9e need to do ne3t observation to repair characteristic of tiwul ayu which was

    produced, such as modified into instanitation process.

    P a g e |28

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    #ntarlina, S. S., et al. 'BB. Iden"i!ikai &andungan a"i> 1CN> dan ro"ein &*on?

    &*on U,i &a$u. Prosiding Simposium Pemuliaan Tanaman III, 'BBC, ember. Hal2'*12'B.

    $adan %usat Statisti. 2. S"a"i"ik Indoneia Ta-un +777. $iro Statisti Indonesia,


    . 2@. S"a"i"ica* =ear Book o! Indoneia+774. $adan %usat

    Statisti, aarta, Indonesia.

    $adan ;etahanan %angan, 2, &e,i@akan er"anian $ang Mendukung

    enge/,angan angan Loka* Ber,ai Non Bera Menu@u &e"a-anan angan

    Naiona*, /epartemen %ertanian, aarta

    $udi Sutomo. 2B. U/,i Su0egSe,agai Ba-an angan A*"erna"i! enggan"i Terigu.

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    /idah ?ur Faridah. 2E. U/,i Su0eg> A*"erna"i! angan aien Dia,e"e. FaultasTenologi %ertanian. Institut %ertanian $ogor (I%$!

    Fennema, 8.G. 'BEC. Food C-e/i"r$. arcell /eer, Inc, ?ew Jor and $asel.BB'


    :illberg, . 'BE. In!*uence o! E*ec"ro*$"ie on T-e So*u,i*i"$ o! Ra)eeed ro"ein

    Io*a"e.Journal of Food Science. 5olume @*> '2'B1'22@.

    Indriyanto, 2C. Bioki/ia. %enerbit #lumni, $andung.

    ingga, %. 2. Ber"ana/ U/,i?u/,ian. %enebar Swadaya, aarta. hal. 2E'

    urdi0ati :ard0ito. 2B. Revi"a*iai eran Ba-an angan okok Loka* Da*a/

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    P a g e |30

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010



    P a g e |31

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    A))endi9 (. S"andard O)era"ion rocedure in Making #an$ong F*our

    No Ac"ivi"$ Condi"ion Succe!u* Cri"eria

    ' Sorting and


    There are ganyong,

    balance and nife

    4hoose material which has

    characteristic such as fresh,clean and ripe

    2 $lanching There are blanching



  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    No Ac"ivi"ie Condi"ion8 "oo* and

    /a"eria* )rovided

    Cri"eria o! co/)*e"ed ac"ivi"ie

    and no accident and tools disturbance.

    9or site ept clean

    2 Hydrolysis Geflu3 apparatus,heating stove, H4l *),

    measuring cylinder,

    iodine solution .'?

    Sample in an "rlenmeyer is added by H4l*) C ml using measuring pipette. Set in

    the reflu3 apparatus and hydroly&e for *

    hours or blue color disappears by adding

    drops of iodine solution

    * ?eutrali&ation easuring pipette,

    ?oah 2.C), dropping

    pipette, pH universal

    paper, measuring flas

    2C ml and hydrolysate

    Hydrolisate is taen into measuring flas

    2C ml add drop be drop ?a 8H solution

    until pH of mi3ture is at 2, add distilled

    water for bringing up to the mar. /uring

    woring , accident should not be

    happening, all the tools are still in a

    normal function, wor site ept clean and


    @ Gedo3 ' ?eutral hydrolisate,

    reflu3 apparatus,

    heating tool, measuring

    pipette, rubber bulb,

    luff school reagent

    Sample is pipette ' ml into reflu3 flas

    or "rlenmeyer carefully using rubber

    bulb, add luff school reagent 2C ml. heat

    in reflu3 for ' min. without any

    precipitation of 4u8. #fter heating, cool

    the flas or "rlenmeyer completely

    through flowing water. /uring woring,

    accident should not be happening, all the

    tools are still in a normal function, worsite ept clean and tidy

    C Gedo3 2 easuring cylinder,

    sample, H2S8@2C)

    and ;I 21*)

    4ooled sample is added by H2S8@2C)

    and ;I 21*) 2C ml using measuring

    pipette. The color of sample will be

    brownish yellow

    + Sample titration Titration apparatus,

    starch indicator '),

    ?a2S28* .' ?, and


    Sample is titrated carefully with ?a2S28*.' ? solution until the point of cream

    yellow in color. #d starch indicator ')

    and titration continued accurately and

    precisely until blue color 0ust disappears.

    Gecord the volume of titration $lan titration Titration apparatus,

    starch indicator '),

    ?a2S28*.' ?

    $lan treatment is similar to the sample

    treatment, but e3cluding the sample

    solution. It is prepared as no @a above,

    and finally also titrated as no C above.

    E 4alculation of

    sugar content

    %ortfolio forms, table of

    luff school, calculator

    Sugar content is determined by a formula>

    Sugar ()! L (mg invert sugar R factor of

    dilution R'!- weight of sample in mg.

    sugar content is e3pressed in * decimals

    B 4alculation of



    /ata of sugar content,


    4arbohydrate content is determined by a


    4arbohydrate ()! L sugar ()! R .B

    ' Geporting %ortfolio form /ata is observed at every stage of process

    P a g e |34

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    No Ac"ivi"ie Condi"ion8 "oo* and

    /a"eria* )rovided

    Cri"eria o! co/)*e"ed ac"ivi"ie

    and put on the available portfolio forms.

    Geport is then prepared using the data

    A))endi9 4. Making o! #an$ong %Canna edulis &err) F*our

    P a g e |35

    as!in" "an#on" $lanc!in" 15 second

    %ealin" and as!in" &i'e (eduction 3

    &oa*in" +it! ,aCl and asco(bic



    G(indin" Sie+ing (,# mess)

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    A))endi9 3. Moi"ure Ana*$i

    P a g e |36

    2. ei"!in" saple

    3. -(#in" 4. Coolin" in -esicato(

    6. Get constant +ei"!t

    1. Constant containe(s

    5. Coolin" in -esicato(

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    A))endi9 5. S"arc- Ana*$i

    P a g e |37

    1. &aple %(epa(ation 2. H#d(ol#sis o( 3 !ou(s

    3. ,eut(ali'e 4. /edox

    5. it(ation and c!ec* +it!

    a#lu indicato(

    6. nd o tit(ation

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    A))endi9 :. Dodo* #an$ong roceing

    P a g e |38

    1. %(epa(in" and +ei"!in" 2. Coconut ext(act

    3. ixin"

    4. Heatin"

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    A))endi9 6. #an$ong Ti0u* A$u roceing

    P a g e |39

    5. nd %(ocessin" 6. %ac*in"

    1. %(epa(in" and +ei"!in" 2. ixin"1

    3. %(epa(in" o pal su"a( 4. ixin"2 and steain" o( 20

    5. Gan#on" i+ul A#u

  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010



  • 8/13/2019 End Tesis Edit 8 Mei 2010


    L E,B')

    ) starch L ) sugar 3 ,B


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