end-to-end reliability: mission critical facilities data ... · dialogue among industry...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Data Center of Tomorrow

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WHAT IS 7x24EXCHANGE?7x24 Exchange is the leadingknowledge exchange for those whodesign, build, operate and maintainmission critical enterprise informationinfrastructures. We are a not-for-profitorganization seeking to promotedialogue among industry professionalsto address the many challenges facingowners and operators of these facilities.In addition to the ever present challengeof maintaining and improving end-to-end reliability, addressing the challengesof energy efficiency and sustainabilityand the potential for increasedregulatory oversight have become amajor focus of our membership.

The organization was founded on theassumption that professionals involvedwith data center uptime and operationalissues often work in isolation whendealing with strategic, technical,budgetary, regulatory and career issues.This often results in expensive, timeconsuming, and, sometimes, painful trialand error efforts. 7x24 Exchangemembers work together to advance thestate-of-the-art by sharing bestpractices, lessons learned, and evolvingstrategies to address the challenges ofinfrastructure reliability and industryleading energy efficiency. Armed withthis information members are enabled toproactively communicate, to technicalpeers, non-technical team members,clients and corporate management, thesolutions necessary to drive operationalefficiency and protect their companies’information lifelines.

THE GOAL OF7x24 EXCHANGECONFERENCESThe field of mission critical operationscontinues to evolve. Before its foundingin 1989 as the Uninterruptible Uptime

Users Group, learning how to deal withreliability and operational issues largelyresulted from individual trial and error.Continuing this random rate of reliabilityimprovement increasingly restricts thepotential productivity of the large andrapidly growing investments incomputer and communicationinfrastructure. Adding to the challengehas been the rapid growth in energydemand and the ever increasing cost ofenergy. With 7x24 operations now morecommon, how much higher willavailability requirements be in fiveyears? How much will these facilitiescost to operate? How will environmentaland regulatory concerns impactoperations? How can cost effective,reliable responses be assured?Addressing, and, hopefully, answeringthese and related strategic questions,7x24 Exchange conferences providestimulating discussion forums.Collectively, we know much about thefuture options and alternatives available.With 7x24 Exchange, that knowledgecan be shared. All program elements aimto increase the reliability and availabilityof an enterprise’s informationinfrastructure by presenting casestudies, new ideas, techniques,equipment, and tools. Open dialoguebetween attendees and presenters isencouraged throughout. Further, byinvolving the many specialists from endusers to service providers to equipmentmanufacturers in both formal andinformal sessions, the experience isrewarding and enjoyable for all. Thisconference is designed for anyoneinvolved with 7x24 infrastructures – IT,data center, disaster recovery andnetwork/telecommunication managers;computer technologists; facility orbuilding managers, supervisors andengineers. Vendors, consultants, oranyone concerned with uninterruptedaccess to critical information also willfind the conference of value. Attendeesand their organizations benefit from theconference because proactive plans andcooperation from diverse corporatefunctions are needed to improvereliability. By promoting a dialogue and

clarifying the synergies amongfunctions, past conferences haveenabled teams of attendees from agiven organization to bettercommunicate the critical importance ofa proactive approach to continuousuptime. Attendees are also able toparticipate in breakout sessions andnetwork with other professionals insimilar companies/industries with likeproblems. Conference attendees benefitin three ways: professional developmentand advancement; increased recognitionof their function’s importance; andexposure to new ideas, contacts andresources. CEU credits are also available.

First-time attendees often discover thatmany companies face similar, if notidentical, technical and organizationalchallenges in their quest for higheravailability levels. 7x24 Exchangeconferences provide insights into what isbeing planned and executed by othersto mitigate or eliminate downtime risks.Recommended changes can then bejustified, both on their practical meritsand in the context of business cases thathave been successful elsewhere.

WHAT IS ATUTORIALSESSION?7x24 Exchange has been offeringtutorial sessions for many years. Thesetutorials are designed to deliver value toa broad range of participants. Whetheryour need is advanced training on aspecific topic of the day or a refreshercourse on fundamental concepts, thereis a tutorial that will meet your need.Almost all of 7x24 Exchange generalsession presentations are gearedtowards those with an advancedunderstanding of the concepts that willbe presented. The tutorials are intendedto complement the Monday throughWednesday general sessionpresentations and help each attendeedeepen their level of comprehension.


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11:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.Registration

1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.UL 3223 Data Center Certification ProgramThis will be a panel discussion providing an overview of the newUL 3223 data center certification program launched in Q1, 2018.The panel will discuss unique requirements of UL 3223 and theprocess for the award. QTS is the first to be awarded UL 3223.Nabon Marisco of QTS will discuss some of the challenges thecompany went through to achieve the award. Paul Schlattmanof ESD Consulting and Neil Lakomiak of UL will discuss the UL3223 standards, the team and the overall benefits of theprogram for Cloud and Colocation providers.

NEIL LAKOMIAKBusiness Development and Director Building Life Safety TechnologyUL LLC

NABON MARISCORegional Vice President, OperationsQTS

PAUL SCHLATTMANSenior Vice PresidentEnvironmental Systems Design

3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.Student Session: Data Center 101In today’s data center industry, there’s a high demand forqualified, trained professionals. With the ever-changingInternet of Things (IoT), the IT and Facilities functions continueto converge, creating an increasing demand for skilledindividuals to operate and maintain data centers. Manycompanies are currently seeking candidates with multiple skillsin electrical, mechanical, computer science, application, cloudand network engineering expertise. Data Center 101 is designedto educate students about the happenings inside a data centerand illustrate future opportunities. Students will learn about thevarious types of data centers, technology trends, networks,data center planning, industry standards, cooling, power,partnership and a sustainable future. Join us to meet datacenter professionals, become involved in the mentoringprogram and advance your career in the data center industry!Data Center 101 is aligned with 7x24 Exchange’s commitment toSTEM education.

TIM CAMPBELL, P.E.Associate PartnerSyska Hennessy Group

DENNIS CRONINCEOResilient Solutions


MARTIN GOLLWITZERRegional Practice Leader, Critical FacilitiesGensler

MICHAEL SWETZVice President, Enterprise Technology ServicesState Street Bank

6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.Welcome ReceptionSPONSORED IN PART BY:

Join us for a reception with open bar and buffet dinneraccompanied by music. This is an excellent opportunity todialogue with conference presenters, meet new people,network, welcome first-time attendees, renew oldacquaintances, and meet the board members.

In keeping with its commitment to social responsibility, Chairman & CEO, BobCassiliano presented the Fall Conference keynote speaker, Robbie Bach, witha $5,000 donation on his behalf to The Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

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Questions? Call 646-486-3818



7:00 A.M. – 8:00 A.M.Registration & BreakfastCheck in, pick up your name badge, conference materials andenjoy a hot buffet breakfast.

8:00 A.M. – 8:30 A.M.Welcome and Opening RemarksBob Cassiliano, 7x24 Exchange chairman, will open theconference, provide an overview, review meeting logistics andaddress general housekeeping items.

8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.Conference Keynote: Leading the Way, InspiringGo Getters and Game ChangersIn order to lead, you have to inspire people to want to follow.A true leader knows that leadership extends beyond self. Fromthe arenas of professional sports to the boardrooms of majorcompanies, Molly shares what drives top leaders and how theyinspire collective success.

MOLLY FLETCHERFormer Sports Agent, Consultant & Author

9:30 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.Refreshment Break

10:00 A.M. – 10:15 A.M.2018 Platinum Heart Award PresentationLeadership Logic Consulting and the Allied Testing &Commissioning Council will present 7x24 ExchangeInternational and its Board of Directors with the prestigious2018 Platinum Heart Award, specifically for the delivery ofinnovative national conferences to the Data Center and MissionCritical Operations Industry! The award is given in recognitionof individuals and organizations whose contributions,innovations, and passion positively impact and support theinformation technology and mission critical operationsindustries.

10:15 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.Four Secrets of Retention – Leadership Techniquesto Hold Mindshare in a Transitional WorldToday, retention is more a matter of attention, of capturing themindshare of your leaders for the brief time that they are withyou. For however loyal and engaged your leaders are, so tooare the 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 people in your organization whoare being led by them. Fran will share the techniques thathelped him retain highly marketable technology employeesthroughout a 30 year highly successful technology career.


11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.Twenty Years of Data Center Reliability AnalysisMTech has conducted over 100 studies using Fault Tree Analysisto calculate the reliability of data centers. All studies wereperformed as described in IEEE Std 3006.7-2013 - IEEERecommended Practice for Determining the Reliability of 7x24Continuous Power Systems in Industrial and CommercialFacilities. The presentation will review and summarize theresults of those 20 years of studies. The 7x24 industry hasevolved rapidly over the past 2 decades. This presentation willidentify common questions and weaknesses, trends intechnology, design, and customer goals, and recurringproblems. The rich output of a fault tree analysis study includesmuch more than the summary metrics of the probability offailure, reliability, availability, and unavailability of data centers.We will describe the process MTech has developed to performthe studies and present representative results.

STEVE FAIRFAXPresidentMTechnology

12:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.Lunch and Networking

12:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.End User Xchange ForumDesigned to encourage in-depth discussion and debate on thelatest challenges in data center planning, design and operation,topics will include: trends in infrastructure design resiliency,energy efficient design and operational practices, capacityplanning and management, and the day-to-day challenges inmanaging data center operations. The moderator will guide thediscussion with the use of PowerPoint slides and handouts;however, the real star of this session will be you, the end user!Bring your appetites, but more importantly, be ready to engageyour peers in an exciting interactive discussion on the latestchallenges of our industry. Don’t forget those business cards asthis will be a great opportunity to meet your peers in the industry!

Moderator:DAVID SCHIRMACHERPresident, Reset Advisors, LLC andPresident, 7x24 Exchange InternationalFall Conference Technology Advancements Panel


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1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.Panel: Fostering the Next Generation of TalentAs we look at fostering the next generation of talent, we wantto ensure we are harnessing all available resources for greatergrowth and innovation and that we are diminishing the powerof unconscious bias from important business decisions. It is welldocumented that diversity has a direct and positive impact onan organization’s financial performance. According toMcKinsey, diversity increases economic performance up to twotimes for profitability and stock valuation of companies withgender-diverse management teams generate 40% higheroperating margins. Further, organizations in the top quartile forracial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have positivefinancial returns and organizations with the highest rate ofracial diversity brought in nearly 15 times more sales revenue.With this in mind let us learn how our panelists are helping theirorganizations foster the next generation of talent.

Moderator:JULI IERULLIMarketing Communications Manager, Large Power Systems – Industry Solutions, Caterpillar and Marketing Director, Vendor Representative7x24 Exchange International

Panelists:TAMARA BUDECVP, Implementation ServicesDigital Realty

RANDI JOHNSONData Center Facilities Operations ManagerFacebook

NANCY NOVAKVP of ConstructionCompass Datacenters

JAMES SWENSENGlobal Facilities Operations DirectorFacebook

2:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.7x24 Exchange Traditional Create Your OwnSundae Break

3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. Concurrent Breakout SessionsBreakout A: Chip-to-Atmosphere – The Future ofData Center CoolingDon’t just reject heat, put it to use. Discover how to addressheat at the source by harnessing its energy and employing itas an integral part of the entire data center coolinginfrastructure. The potential of performance enhancementsalong with the efficiency gains and footprint reductions will beoutlined. The presenter will discuss how scalable such solutionscan be in a stand-alone configuration, within Micro-DC’s, as anelement of modular DC structures or fully integrated as part oflarge-scale deployments.

JOERG DESLERPresidentStulz Air Technology Systems

Breakout B: Paradigm Shift in Data Center DesignsToday’s hyperscale facilities continue to place efforts on designmodels involving common elements such as diesel enginegenerators and traditional UPS systems. These elements areoften designed to provide extended off-grid runtime, reachinga point of diminishing returns. The presenters will discuss newbattery storage technology for data centers and the applicationof incorporating the technology for backup power and powerconditioning into hyperscale facilities. Integration of the batterystorage system technology will be discussed on a technical levelas well as the associated design challenges and schedule drivers.


JAKE MILLANSenior Project Development ManagerTesla

Breakout C: Optical Trends in the Data CenterThis presentation discusses data center optical trends,including updates on emerging technologies, as well asEthernet and Fibre Channel standards activities. Attendees willunderstand what is driving transmission electronics andstandards to evolve, and what is making optical connectivitythe dominant media in the data center. They will also learnmore about data that shows why OM3 / OM4 fiber is theprimary optical connectivity, and how it supports easymigration to 10G/40G/100G data rates.

DOUG COLEMANManager, Technology StandardsCorning Optical Communications

4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.7x24 Exchange Women in Mission CriticalOperations (WiMCO) Networking EventAs the leading knowledge exchange in the mission criticalspace, 7x24 Exchange recognized the importance of increasingthe engagement and participation of women in the industrywhich led to the development of WiMCO. The committeefocuses on recruiting women into the organization, supportingWiMCO initiatives at a Chapter level and providing leadershipopportunities through the community. Join us for an interactivenetworking session and engage with your peers in the industry.

Moderator:JULI IERULLIMarketing Communications Manager, Large Power Systems – Industry Solutions, Caterpillar and Marketing Director, Vendor Representative7x24 Exchange International

Fall Conference speakers sharing knowledge with attendees

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Questions? Call 646-486-3818



7:00 A.M. – 8:30 A.M.Breakfast & Registration

8:30 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.Opening RemarksBob Cassiliano will review day one highlights, recognize theconference Corporate Leadership Program sponsors and givea 7x24 Exchange update.

9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.Keynote: #blockchainPart of what is considered the “programmable economy,”blockchain is the core technology that is used for verificationand recording of cryptocurrencies transactions, such as bitcoinand few thousands more “altcoins.” The interest in theblockchain technology is way beyond digital currency, but forits potential to provide the platform for the “next internet,” forapplications such as signing contracts, authentication, realestate registries, etc. The distributed ledger, that is blockchain,is able to keep all transactions in blocks linkedcryptographically one to the other. The presentation willdiscuss the directions of the technology, it will present a fewuse cases and it will debate some related security concerns.

KFIR L. GODRICHManaging DirectorGlobal Head of Technology and Enterprise ServicesBlackRock

10:00 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.Refreshment Break

10:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.Delivering at Scale: The Changing Role of ValueChain in the Data CenterFueled by cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, videostreaming, & mobile applications, the hyperscale data centerhas become a foundational component in data center networkarchitectures. As the hyperscale market continues itsunprecedented growth, the data center construction industryhas needed to evolve to meet the deployment needs. Thispresentation will highlight how the roles of the value chain,including construction managers, electrical contractors, andconsulting engineers, have adapted to the new hyperscalelandscape. The panelists will explore the historic role of thevalue chain, the drivers of this role change, and the projectedevolution in data center construction.

GREG BOTTEONVice President Mission Critical / Mechanical-Electrical ServicesWhiting-Turner Contracting Company

ADDAM FRIEDLManaging PrincipalkW Mission Critical Engineering

NATHAN HAZELWOODDirector of Strategic ProcurementQTS

FRANK NASHSenior Director of SalesSchneider Electric

JUSTIN TINOCOVice PresidentRosendin Electric

11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.Designed to Cure: St Jude’s Mission to Change theWorldJames McMurry will provide an overview of the amazing workof St. Jude, their approach to and the impact of research,statistics, latest technology, and their relentless pursuit of cures.He will talk about the importance and challenges of havingtheir own facility and what he expects this facility to do for thenext 50 years. Presenters will discuss the facility design, MEPand Architectural, and its tie-in to the campus and the masterplan for the future.

RICH DONALDSONAssociate PartnerSyska Hennessy Group

GREG LACOURPrincipalGensler

JAMES MCMURRYDirector of Operations and Research ComputingSt. Jude Children’s Hospital

12:30 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.Lunch and NetworkingFall Conference Attendees Networking

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2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.The Importance of the Edge in the Delivery of ITEdge computing is ready for dramatic growth in 2018. Whilevarious types of edge devices have been around for years, theywere mostly relegated to ancillary or communicationsaggregation functions, with the vast majority of ‘realcomputing’ still being conducted in large centralized datacenters. In 2018, that is all changing. Distributed computing andcloud-type services are now being fully deployed at the edge,requiring this new boundary to exhibit the same mission criticalcharacteristics that were previously found only in centralizeddata centers. IT departments need to expand their definitionof a data center to include reliable computing at the edge. Thissession will explore the ways in which IT Departments will beable to embrace the edge without incurring many of the sametraditional risks associated with remote infrastructures.

MATT THOENESenior Vice President of Global ServicesUptime Institute

3:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.Refreshment Break

3:30 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. Concurrent Breakout SessionsBreakout A: Tomorrow’s Edge – Supporting RealTime Information at the EdgeIn this presentation, we’ll address the opportunities andchallenges of an edge-to-core data center strategy and providea roadmap for implementing this strategy. We’ll review thetrends driving the growth at the edge and the implications ofthis growth to core and edge facilities alike. We’ll also providebest practices for edge deployment and management, rangingfrom single rack locations to freestanding data centers. Inaddition, we’ll review emerging technologies that can be usedto remotely monitor and manage edge locations, includingusing IoT technology to holistically manage infrastructure inremote locations.

PAT QUIRKVice President & General ManagerVertiv

Breakout B: Digital Transformation andModernizing of Data CentersData Centers have come a long way from the old mainframecomputer rooms of the past. Today’s data centers showcasethe latest advances in software-defined storage andnetworking, artificial intelligence, modular and scalablehardware, and virtualized and containerized applications. Wewill show how today’s physical infrastructure has evolved tokeep up with these technology advancements. We willhighlight what can be done to keep data centers highlyavailable and operating at peak performance by implementinga rigorous process of assessing, “fixing the basics,” optimizing,and driving automation/control. This process will illustrate howtraditional data centers of the past can become smart datacenters of the future.

RUSSELL SENESACDirector of Data Center Strategy DevelopmentSchneider Electric

Breakout C: Data Center Cooling – Then, Now, and FutureData center cooling systems have varied widely over the years,yet the goal was always the same: keeping the facility runningsmoothly by preventing the internal equipment fromoverheating. Today’s data centers are ranked not just onreliability, but also on efficiency and cost effectiveness – andthe means of cooling the data center is one of the biggestenergy and cost factors. As designs keep moving forward wecan see how cooling solutions and strategies have evolved andwhere they seem to be headed into the future. This discussionwill review the iterative design steps that have been taken inthe past to see how cooling strategies have improved, and thenforecast the next phases we may see in the near and perhapsnot-so-near future.


Keynote speaker, Carrie Goetz, delivers a presentation on metrics

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Special Thanks To Our Partners That Made This Event Possible


Get ready for some movie making fun… Our first stop includes three different locations inUniversal CityWalk™ at Universal Orlando Resort™. Enjoy three themed rooms and ahuge dance floor at the groove™ nightclub, strike out your hunger with classic hot dogsfrom some of the nation’s most famous ballparks at the Hot Dog Hall of Fame®, and headsouth of the border for a taste of Mexico City at Antojitos Authentic Mexican Food™.

Afterward 7x24 Exchange will be escorted to Universal’s Islands of Adventure™ wherewe’ve reserved Skull Island: Reign of Kong™ and Jurassic Park™ just for you. All nightlong, you’ll have unlimited access to amazing rides and attractions. You’ll escape thejaws of a hungry T. rex, explore the earth’s primordial past, embark on a colossal ridefor your life, and more.

Jurassic Park TM Universal Studios/Amblin. Hot Dog Hall of Fame is a registered trademark of Creative Attractions, LLC. Universal elements and all related indicia TM & © 2018 Universal Studios. All rights reserved.

It’s an entire evening of excitement—and it’s all yours!

7:00PM – 11:00PM



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8:30 A.M. – 8:45 A.M.Opening RemarksBob Cassiliano will review highlights from day two and addresshousekeeping items of interest.

8:45 A.M. – 9:45 A.M.Keynote: The Coming of Age of Data Centers BuiltUsing Stock Components: Intelligent Self-Sensing,Self-Regulating Data CentersLarge data center operators such as Google, eBay, Microsoftand others have the ability and resources to optimize allaspects of their data center, including reliability, availability andenergy efficiency. These operators are able to unify control andmanagement aspects at all levels and boundaries in the datacenter starting with customized server designs to coolingsystems to sensing, overall control, and power distribution andto the service classes offered. However, there is a largepercentage of data centers that use commercial, off-the-shelf(COTS) components for their data center and come up withspecific management techniques that may not be at theleading edge. This panel discussion focuses on emergingtechniques for bringing these COTS-implemented data centersup to the agility, reliability and efficiency levels that represent21st-century practices. The panel also aims to initiate adiscussion on enabling technologies, design and operationalguidelines for COTS-based data centers. The panelists will haveshort presentations and will be asked to address the pros andcons of requiring data centers to be run by intrinsicallyintelligent operating systems utilizing controls, distributedsensing and self-learning algorithms.

Moderator:BAHGAT SAMMAKIACenter Director, Center for Energy-Smart ElectronicSystems (ES2) and Vice-President for Research,Binghamton University

Panelists:DEREJE AGONAFERJenkins Garrett ProfessorSite Director, NSF IUCRC Center in Energy Efficient SystemsDirector, Electronics, MEMS & NanoelectronicsSystems Packaging CenterUniversity of Texas, Arlington

KANAD GHOSEBU Site Director, ES2 and Professor of Computer ScienceBinghamton University

ROGER SCHMIDTIBM Fellow Emeritus, Traugott DistinguishedProfessor, Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringDept., (Retired IBM Chief Engineer for Data CenterEnergy Efficiency), Syracuse University

MARK SEYMOURCTOFuture Facilities

9:45 A.M. – 10:15 A.M.Refreshment Break

10:15 A.M. – 11:15 A.M.Blockchain for the Data Center AEC IndustryBlockchain oriented technologies have initiated a new digitalera, which those who know technology have compared to thevery beginnings of the Internet. The Blockchain is beingheralded as the second generation of the world web. The firstgeneration collected wisdom and connected information on ourplanet, and the next, in the use of Blockchain, adds consistency,transparency, and truth. This session explores the impact oflegitimacy crises, unknown accountability, erroneous or profit-centric expert opinion, and the need to use intermediaries forthe validation of identity, actual value or project performance.Attendees will consider that the end is very near for the wrongthinking and misunderstandings that have arisen from theinfluential data center tier rating systems, uptime styleavailability ratings, and the myth of Five 9’s infrastructureresiliency. From definitions to analysis of impacts, attendeeswill gain valuable insight into improved forward-thinking datacenter strategies, and how design and construction efficiencieswill be affected.

JAMES MCCARTHYDirector, Solutions EngineeringM+W Group

11:15 A.M. – 12:15 P.M.Case Study for Use of Micro Data CentersThis case study examines how self-contained, rack-based,micro data centers have been deployed in lieu of traditionalenterprise constructed IT facilities for distributed computingsites. These sites include both single room environments andon-premise DR environments. The presentation will show howthe use of micro data centers grew from a custom designedtargeted use to a flexible, modular solution that can meet aglobal standardization and be deployed in variousenvironments. The implications of global provisioning will beexplored along with lessons learned and the challenges facedin deploying this non-traditional system.

DANIEL BOYCEGlobal Manager, IT Room SupportGlaxoSmithKline


12:15 P.M.Conference Adjourns

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1. Conference RegistrationComplete a Conference Registration Form for each participant online or mail orfax a copy of the Conference Registration Form on the next page to:

7x24 Exchange

322 Eighth Avenue, Suite 702, New York, NY 10001Phone: 646-486-3818 | Fax: 212-645-1147www.7x24exchange.org

To guarantee early bird rate, registrations must be received by May 11th

2. Hotel Reservations

To take advantage of 7x24 Exchange’s special rates at the Hilton OrlandoBonnet Creek or the Waldorf Astoria, make a reservation online by visitingwww.7x24exchange.org or by calling Hilton Reservations directly at1-888-353-2013.

The 7x24 group rate at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek is $199/night for asingle or double plus tax and an optional $22/day resort fee. Please refer togroup code HEXI when making reservations at the Hilton.

The 7x24 group rate at the Waldorf Astoria is $229/night for a single or doubleplus tax and an optional $30/day resort fee. Please refer to group code WEXIwhen making reservations at the Waldorf.

Check in is at 4:00pm and Check out is at 11:00am (both hotels)

Please Note: Room reservations are available on a first come, space-availablebasis. Space permitting, this block will be available until May 2nd, 2018.Register for the conference and make your hotel reservations early, as this blockwill likely sell out. Previous 7x24 Exchange conference room blocks have soldout. 7x24 Exchange is not responsible for matching rates or finding additionalrooms once this block is sold out. 7x24 Exchange makes every effort to reservethe appropriate number of room nights for attendees. In the event of a sellout7x24 Exchange will recommend nearby accommodations.

VENDOR/CONSULTANTPOLICIES & PROCEDURESInformation TablesAll vendors and consultants are encouraged to participate in7x24 Exchange.

However, the group is primarily driven by user interest. Tablesare provided at the conference for the distribution of productliterature, educational material and other useful information at nocost. Display signs are not permitted on literature tables. Overtselling at 7x24 Exchange meetings and the use of 7x24Exchange membership lists for direct selling are prohibited.

Hospitality SuitesHospitality suites/demo rooms are permitted on Monday, June 4th between the hours of 6:30PM and 10:30PM. Allhospitality suite hosts must be a Silver Partner or above of the7x24 Exchange Corporate Leadership Program (CLP). In order tobe recognized by 7x24 Exchange vendors must complete a suiteregistration form.

As always, hosting a hospitality suite gives vendors direct accessto the conference attendees and provides the opportunity topromote products and services in an enjoyable relaxedenvironment.

If you are interested in hosting a suite on Monday, June 4th pleasecontact Brandon Dolci at 646-486-3818 x108 before May 2nd.



MONDAYJUNE 4th10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.Enjoy a day of leisure at some of Orlando’s finestindoor and outdoor shopping malls.Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek

Waldorf Astoria


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Data Center of Tomorrow


SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.UL 3223 Data Center Certification Program n Yes n No

SUNDAY 6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.Sunday Evening’s Welcome Reception n Yes n NoIf yes, do you plan to bring a guest? n Yes n No

Name of guest:A guest is a spouse/significant other or an adult child (18 and over) who is not in an industryrelated occupation. Co-workers or associates in the industry may not use the guest registrationcategory and are required to submit a separate registration form. Only one guest is permitted foreach paid registration. Guests are invited to attend the Welcome Reception, Monday MorningKeynote, Spouse/Guest Tour, Tuesday Sponsored Event and Wednesday Morning Breakfast.

MONDAY 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.Guest/Spouse Shopping Shuttle n Yes n No

MONDAY 3:00 P.M. CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONSA: Chip-to-Atmosphere – The Future of Data Center Cooling n Yes n NoB: Paradigm Shift in Data Center Designs n Yes n NoC: Optical Trends in the Data Center n Yes n No


Supporting Real Time Information at the Edge n Yes n NoB: Digital Transformation and Modernizing of Data Centers n Yes n NoC: Data Center Cooling – Then, Now, and Future n Yes n No

TUESDAY 7:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.Sponsored Event: An Evening at Universal Orlando ResortTM n Yes n NoIf yes, do you plan to bring a guest? n Yes n No

Name of guest: (Please refer to guest policy above)

Do you wish to receive membership information? n Yes n No

The conference registration fee covers conference sessions and activities, handout materials ormobile app, Welcome Reception, Sponsored Event, lunches and breakfasts on Monday, Tuesdayand Wednesday. Participants are responsible for all other expenses, including guest meals,transportation and hotel accommodations. The dress code is business casual. Cancellationsreceived by May 11th will be refunded, less a $200 handling fee. There will be no refunds after May 11th. However, substitutions of company participants may be made at any time.

All applications for registration are subject to review by 7x24 Exchange for accuracy andcompleteness prior to being accepted. We may contact you for further information.



(Informal Name/Nickname for badge)




City State Zip

Phone Fax


CONFERENCE FEES:Early Bird Discount After

VENDOR through MAY 11th MAY 11thMember: $1,900 $2,200Non-member: $2,200 $2,500An individual that sells or distributes products and/or services.

CONSULTANTMember: $1,700 $2,000Non-member: $2,000 $2,300An individual that provides professional advice or consulting services for a fee.

END USERMember: $1,400 $1,600Non-member: $1,600 $1,900An individual that operates or maintains mission critical technology and enterprise informationinfrastructures for internal use.

* An individual that can be considered as an End User or a Vendor will be classified as aVendor.

* An individual that can be considered as an End User or a Consultant will be classified asa Consultant.

We reserve the right to modify the registration fee without notice if incorrect fee is selected.

CONFERENCE BOOK OR MOBILE APP?In an effort to become paperless, 7x24 Exchange is offering attendees the option of receivingprinted materials in the traditional format of a bound conference book or the use of our mobileapp which will be available on all mobile devices and tablets. Due to print deadlines, themobile app will be the only option for attendees registering after May 11th.

If nothing is selected the Mobile App will be the default choice.(Please check one)

n I would like to receive the traditional conference book

n I will use the Mobile App

PAYMENT METHOD:n Check enclosed

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Data Center of Tomorrow

322 Eighth Avenue, Suite 702New York, NY 10001






Register online today at www.7x24exchange.orgQuestions? Call 646-486-3818

DIRECTORS AND OFFICERSChairman & CEO ROBERT J. CASSILIANO Business Information Services, Inc.

President DAVID SCHIRMACHER Reset Advisors, LLC

Vice President CYRUS J. IZZO, P.E. Syska Hennessy Group

Marketing Director, Vendor Representative JULI IERULLI Caterpillar

Director, Chapter Representative MICHAEL SITEMAN INAP

STAFFDirector, Chapter & Member Relations

KATHLEEN A. DOLCI 646-486-3818 x103

Senior Director of ConferencesBRANDON A. DOLCI, CMP 646-486-3818 x108

Programs Director & Editor, 7x24 Exchange MagazineTARA OEHLMANN, ED.M. 646-486-3818 x104







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