enersight capstone overview

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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Capstone Overview!Sean Nesdoly and Stephen Van Son!!

! The first major project that we have accomplished in our academic career was completed as part of our Advanced Placement Computer Science course over the duration of two high school semesters in 2013-2014. Under the guidance of both Mr. Buckley and Mr. Cheng, we were able to construct a piece of software that models a petroleum development project that consists of a particular oil field and all of its relative components. The software produced was able to pull data from the Enersight servers through a web service connection and display them in a graphical user interface. Within the main section of our program we created various methods that allowed the user to manipulate the data and subsequently display that data within a table. The user could select the current project and version that they were working on, as well as select the opportunities, or oil wells, that they would like to view or manipulate. The data for each opportunity was then displayed within a table, and the user could manipulate that data through the various text fields and selection boxes above. Functionality was added for the user to export the data within the table to text file and spreadsheet formats. The user is able to create a login session, pull data from the servers, logout, and then create a new login session, all seamlessly. !!! In conclusion, this project gave us a new perspective on the development of software for industrial purposes. We learned all sorts of tricks and methodologies for creating large scale programs that benefit the end user. We experienced what it is like to develop software in a collaborative environment with versioning control, and how to plan out and iteratively develop a complex program. Every step in the development of this project was beneficial to our understanding of computer science and the software development process. ! !!


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