eng 72 83 r week 10 day 1 march 24 2014

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English 72 (83R)Week 11, Day 1March 24, 2014Professor E. Buchanan

Please turn in your homework Fact & Opinion Activity Vocabulary

Please pick up one of the following: Sentences News article Connotative Meanings Handout

Agenda More Inferences and Fact & Opinion Connotation and Denotation

Inferences & Fact & Opinion

What is the speaker inferring in this cartoon?

What is being inferred in this cartoon?

What is the dog inferring?

In ReviewAn inference isAn educated guess or prediction about something unknown based on available facts or information.

How to make inferences Be sure to understand the literal

meaning. Notice details Add up the facts Look at the writer’s choice of words Understand the writer’s purpose Be sure your inference is supportable

Fact & OpinionEach person has picked up a

sentence.Read the sentence out loud

and indicate whether it is a fact or an opinion,

How do you know if something is a fact? A fact is a statement that can be


What are some ways to prove that something is a fact?

Historical evidence, documentation

Inference/Fact & Opinion Activity Each group is going to read an article

from a news website. Read the article and write a summary

about it. In the summary, determine what the

author is inferring, along with deciding what parts of the article are a fact, and which parts are fiction. Underline facts, and circle or highlight opinions.

Review Fact & Opinion Homework

Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences

Write the one you have been assigned.

Connotation & Detonation

Denotative MeaningsDenotative meanings are

standard dictionary definitions.

They tell us what the words name.

Connotative meanings

Connotative meanings are the feelings or other associations that accompany a word.

Connotative MeaningsFor example, the denotative

meaning of brother is a male sibling. However, what else can it mean?

What does Hollywood mean? Hollywood’ connotes such things as

glitz, glamour, tinsel, celebrity, and dreams of stardom.

In the same time, the name ‘Hollywood’ denotes an area of Los Angeles, worldwide known as the center of the American movie industry.

Which works has the more positive connotation Tipsy or drunk? Bold or brash? Cheap or frugal? Assertive or argumentative? Untidy or sloppy Job or chore?

Let’s Practice

For Wednesday Literature Circle 6

Choose a passage (2+sentences) from the book that stood out to you. Why did this passage stand out?

Connotative Meanings activity.

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