english 11 - loudoun county public schools...vocab quiz – unit one: chapter 1 journal puritan...

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English 11 September 17

4th Block

Agenda - 9/27/2013

►Library – SSR Books (15 minutes) ►Collect Vocab Packets ►Supply Check! ►Vocab Quiz – Unit One: Chapter 1 ►Journal ►Puritan Literature Intro Guided Notes

►Puritan Simulation ►Homework: Have a fantastic evening!

Writing Prompt – Quirky Traditions 9/27/2013 A tradition is a special ritual shared by a

group of people. Families and groups of friends practice traditions throughout the year. These traditions might have to do with holidays, celebrations, food, the season, or quirky family practices that have been passed down from generation to generation. Is there a tradition that you share with your family or friends? Describe it.

PURITAN LITERATURE Exploration and Colonization of the New World

Native American Lit. Overview Harmony with Nature Animals, plants, ancestors all seen as alive, aware, and part of a

spiritual whole

Creation Myths (Lord Sun’s Bride) Explains how the world began

Trickster Tales (How Coyote Stole Fire) Explains how the world got to be the way it is today

Exploration of the New World ►Christopher Columbus (1492): landed on a tiny island in

the Caribbean ►Columbus calls the people living there “Indians” because

he thought he was in the East Indies ►Columbus accidentally finds North and South America

while trying to find a shortcut to China and India

“Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford “Of Plymouth Plantation” is about his group of

Pilgrims and their arrival at Cape Cod led by William Bradford himself. Half of his company dies from illness during the first winter due to lack of food, lack of warm shelter, and unfriendly encounters with the Native Americans. In the spring, the company meets a Native American who speaks English well named Squanto. Squanto teaches them how to fish, plant food, and how to survive. The Pilgrims make a peace treaty with Massasoit, the chief of a tribe. The story ends with the Pilgrims harvesting their own crops and writing home with lots of good news about the New World. This is the story of the first Thanksgiving.

A New PoPulAtioN

People immigrated to the New World with many different backgrounds

Slaves: Africans brought to the New World to be used as workers on future plantations that settlers would need to survive. The first slave ship to sail across the ocean is named “The Desire”

Others: Merchants, explorers, and other people seeking freedom from England and the English government (Monarchy)

Puritans: a group of people who separated themselves from the Church of England and came to the New World to find religious freedom from England

Puritan Beliefs Human beings are inherently evil and so must struggle

to overcome their sinful nature. Personal salvation depends solely on the grace of God,

not on individual effort. The Bible is the supreme authority on earth.

Puritan Themes Didactic Writings (intended to teach, particularly

in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive)/Instructional Sermons/Speeches

Everything is based around religion The individual has no power, society has power


Key Vocabulary


Definition Example

A direct comparison of two unlike things

It’s raining cats and dogs outside.


Simile Example

A comparison of two things using like or as

She is as beautiful as a rose.


Definition Example indirect or brief references to well-known characters or events

Describing someone as a "Romeo" makes an allusion to the famous young lover in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.


Definition Example Exaggeration often used for emphasis

I had so much homework, I needed a pickup truck to carry all my books home!

A Puritan Simulation…

Rules You must report on your neighbors… If they smile If they laugh If they are doing anything with their cell

phone/ipod/calculator/make up/hair/chapstick/etc.

If they are working on homework in class If they talk to a neighbor If their eyes are not on the board If they talk **Anything other than eyes up front and silent**

You must report on your neighbors immediately!!!

The more you report, the more you earn.

To Begin Everyone starts with 100

points. The number of points you get will determine the following: Your social class Your reputation in the

community Your standing in the


If you are a boy…

If you are wearing… Shorts minus 10


If you are a boy…

If you are wearing…. Pants to the

ankles, add 5 points

If you have holes

in your pants… Minus 10 points

If you are a boy… If you are

wearing…. Short sleeves Tank/sleeveless

shirt Jersey Other Minus 15 points

If you are a boy…

If you have a beard… Add 20 points

If you are a boy…

If you do not have a beard…minus 15

If you are a girl… If you are

wearing…. Skirt Dress Leggings Other… Minus 25


If you are a girl… If you are wearing… Skirt to the ankle Plus 30 points Pants to the ankle Plus 20 points If your pants are

ripped Minus 25 points

If you are a girl…. If you are wearing a shirt that is long-sleeved

and up to the neck…. Add 20 points

If you are a girl…

If you are wearing a shirt…. Short sleeve Tank or sleeveless Other Minus 15 points

If you are a boy… If your hair is…. Shaggy Colored (highlights

or dye) Shaved Long Minus 18 points

If you are a boy…

If your hair is… Neatly trimmed

behind ears and neck

Add 10 points

If you are a girl… If your hair is… Highlighted Shaved Short Curly Minus 15 points

If you are a girl… If your hair is… Hair in neat pony

tail or bun Add 10 points


If your desk… Has papers all

over Food and drink Minus 30 points

Everyone… If your desk is neat and

organized… Add 20 points

All…. If you have not reported on a neighbor

during this activity…. Minus 50 points

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